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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1859, p. 2

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The siX otla1ases i el tb ohtgb t sIha*&ie.ýLtoo6k à guay s. a et beoit qUUald te ba"odle lun& thon spInte is 'efe n d 1m4<,awhf dIsf0htd th wetvOZkus. P%ýt'eoséI r* t ab lWsesa. 1, oeld se, THE XALAY PROA. fun'eMut,«onoo4 s ths&@ 1 rloo ak out Mfgl T1~E ALAY ROA.gare ou4tf or tb.yZ.ld Ibe sevvlble iu sud 1I hus that oisol, Ibm vouldmvr1 voellug boàrdeMus u ep t bo is W ia aldo amy mmvoiuudevsd En Bt -, lua s 11W .~ ..detriLutIi Cbtisois a. boSs fred, shlé6I.beag,Om*ée , i strègJlu iUNew, boyst, idIi , yoù a i no aor vu'ove -oboyond theo vof- my . - N 51L1ASP5 ýoCOMm,1a. shat that follIowle aftov; and If I!d tliught igh4.mdando1ime dowa. -ottbl ul oftbo slnd, 1 sbouldat bayea 11'Tlss't much no(MI ytslfng bhm Il wu captain a ipmo'tum Wteltoru in he. % t tut ean't be >lped Nod Gvovorwu sdspose o4 fea Ion ocm tI. siezt $tory, 1ne wu a ubou bonzed, nov. Wossalt run, Bway and w# a&l Judga <fv youvsolves, Tot -be w ws ad.st Iw4lIsibqd but lln&boartou sof Mtha1w nw If thos. alays alto ns tisa'Il eut and mild as#ve, and bogeod ai ot la se, oosaa, llfty yeas oftage, Md fol! oftbriu. Our tbroats eloq one. 1 fancy you'd anl aytblung mom &bout it. Wben vo got lix udrentuve. Our pipas eW o.Amfllode aIr iît d s.Win louel tbe ownovsmade hlm acct thn. shi4 tIsa S6,1m13n tookb hie turn a, follow: Ion stand to It? sand dollars,~ and mad me promnisi toteach 4*1 V no oaus Mcone CU i oyemn. 44017 coum otboys&Dsnid yes; but thon hlm ,n4vlgation. 1<611 luno w fout.aud4v ber that 1 tOOk charge of the #"Yankoee"thoy - dlu't poik.men wlsk .-s ys ol eiva oul ylto~ SO isa nobleoblp, sud1 fcît-proud of hope, and surey 1 dld,'t bisàe, om, (Aor s I-u atmon* be là1tew Yvk il tbèo.barg.. W laat the- wbart dmoir «îeemy*asumore tau double u-a!. captainof the sbip Dsol Boono; Noir, Pok Slip <w oioaved s o Yryou mt tr#bli# yot 1 say thatmy'bravo foi,. sho cornenxtlV' luiov>, And Wa got tise luit lot ofdud i o lvmnat to igbt. boardl, vIn 1 ot iosenohrg toueh nu on I"f. >pin vus nov abot -a Muâ,4h&Ji1~ljIita tueog Je lIturued around and thonsstood tu ,adondh aogide Wi. j utes o ec t N k L à boyions. tourteeu yeasold, wthaà buun. nolouswocst a simavtbveez.. Ilook, Xe ic ae oNwlSe a dis on hi.eboulder.HEsIid o' trembled id about but #Iv nosoilgis Of 40Y sobbn ati4 o t, ipos -iiY, a prie t '¶ben 1 100W d4t huIs, but thoreaiu'Dtamoy brose, save asinagle bosk ofvaportte tc! ovnotsnil a wrltiug. di4bon«ety la tbataca..Uno4 bitRu bad nortbvard. Iallodtiv Ned 40rna-,,te O"' OI Oucnvotlesynogta, fgd r v8at SI'Y 07 00r 6alaosduit enougb for thoOablu AMd Pt MysàllpMi,1 fbrtbe boots la a" (a<niaisaisvaebonse, sai qqnatLty of "fSuel d bis bah curlod ovar bis o ad 11.sdhaon vire" e fMd Jqq»yî. Bat Nid ioiewodi sua 10*8 glasssadilk;nv- 4%l iJlgged for à.apavty.Thon h ro vie neto. be £omn& oo, 'î ainsigrs, itI 401yquautity of ilny, voe-M 100W 40 eearneti sud stosdly as nlm, ft sod to sys.W: JM rarudevis, %u te kWdrowersaMd 'p4eow-bolut,'sud Manfug 1 k» W"Vôt #'Wnkd od e trtb.to, im,]PM oy,1» ougàf' 6 M# llttit Plscq fuikstudqj,dPtwrMivas, 41t &bout is. s' h u lot issî vas tosoo ay4 A ,d ioëad eamnvarehou ,ada nnlg i 41WIstfi, 14 boy? i cIlJ, psaklng blevlsevon Angemoff,, f Z- id-sboi< te draisont, islnopgh to rat o ha.y It lu;gé e sM7wti yofl tO ! b.dulbim rom bhdig. 4OlaO5lm eve#ru"8of jouri4Îbt lad 01 vgnt Lego ta 0'q sit oaye ' p1 co uMuIWO sm a (i" psd b. ve&uld , o!yo ri ac i. u s l llUal.luk "'J >'se' o ad-aod1 w a test, tihe 4*. , bsim 4#: ve tW a monsMscbe oM ouv aaqnatsàç. Tbals lu bis oye. bâtît a mile, a4s a W se thiiknil v nos .OX44 tii. "th ewrit*a a on fpâa "'Ar. le aousber 'plafily. -Tsoi sens t wo yïM $if, sto«s aor a4botomb MocoC«epondl. (Re. latod ap te àa.iso t the. bond themc, th obin5 twenty Mato lu thé bost, unes In 1 <o bide ybole venisof vvitimg 'P 0<e 15p, mnd told mee Ivonld oly gosuda&11,exes.o vrtwo At the bo M da" iru trsaunPMd pn'wdhR up'thvimm is h 111% Icould bInm aIl about fitem hbavlmg -four men, onta 4sat 1. l ,boldà mois than a thîmboii. ll t lcua ft. el"W. ha noyer b. ablo <o buat thm a81011elf drav Out'vblob vili up" m,,y T,% il'13ut shat 'use 1l u bW ,m'O?,'-1 off, air,' hlporidWalk@v lamyear. uq it te selbov, and asmuit My Stý %Aale hlm Ioforo vo stmwUd. "1V.ore abi.<o 'tqy, at il ovonts,', ' st Uniuesaty aide as 1 liclnd eloi "'Ani '"0 tiat you put me te that 10 mplied. upon it. MThi eng tisa cse, my ouI>' ai b*rqs, sud that I uan do,' ho uaid. I"'Sut ol àt tiaiforce,' l ie euht'OW5a 3rat nut7 nsau's buni an 1. 01 l1ae4 tht anevor, for 1 Mv that ho blanching l, ritlug. duit; I meam a gres ans as a meant 14, andl vont mp te thse atorq .vitht 'Then you men <o deli. j businesS vrlting deal; ste, I dont- mems imi. 1 4 v ant a caâbla bol, but IiaW 'IYd spoke e. Mr whon licugit MyGa nqn5I greatna.y, basfnm Mu*1fmg. mmdL noe Arrangement for sny, bocum juit avi,#for Ivwu begnung to<o skîlodrfdUkýý a' cumbrous, Iumberiîg, ungracetol sncb a i I M 1wanted about meuail the sud the ica mighit hoar me. ' lopbsatiaop, disencissnting affalr, vWU a bis TU <iff vas ard <o flmd. At t<hostore iIl "'-ls,' hohkissed, Idont I pray yOol$houndorntb to put a pair of tionotiNo eàkod -Mr. Van Wart (m.wva u old friand aay a"y more. 0<O course ru 6ight' <hrougls. Sb Of iàlste) bout theoboy.,lRe told sus, b4 ' - egraspod bis C utlahso spoke, JeSuis1 oniff at auseîe tblng Mut i tl6ebOY's fti~r 0mu0id te be a6porWrin, hi. and 1oould ne that id$seyobailcba84od needsi lsavas S u e loi n'tt bicla ateve, butthat ho dicd abou4 <vo qpntuis and thot. vas nov »M fige la IL B; byer of ourLord 18» a cabinet ggâ er à botorop sud tise boy vas nov aovplias...thiItino vwecomu mes tis.facooof the xtant ibo oacM bine utiffity sisbeauty? Au hie uiotber halins; beau daadsom o Joa. Mays plainly, md4liialm vuid 'gsor itut Iisoow ait for the. sullenum, Theo letookmeu solde, sud mye hb& Idocst <lil 1; ir asncgbanotiur 4« ove«Ïithing la te lie doWum ogethorsd " 'If yenat tiheboyf, cptain1,11ou' fdiabolical, u;lyrbloëdylookiug vilians. -baveo overything 1< vanto ?d and 'hlm a a. ttIfl oni e'. ibois vithla tvo minutes more I « m o wbo I wibl declare tisat <ers i. no medium ila< mu,1au 0<1u, O T veriii..b.se. b00 ie.' orked tho puddles; taesthlricnu in la i.fàriitur lim, botwoeus hsndono butj] "Or cour" 1 Itool hjffp. li& Unme vU thair tectis. î bd ho Dieustand b41sis ýusles. tisi nad <hom visicisae bhously, ~ Edvard Grever, tisoagi ho sald 'tans Nid, tseir pustois, suid 1 order.d thons'té à ' but practiall. 'Lou l a ld 'i orkèbox - and ýo 'Iled' vo calied h$m. k Two days ono volley beforo tis bn gt a r!> .ou -ilrçi.1, t, a>d-tl&y inev>w , 0] adur tha$'ý- tn4 tovad mns4ont, wuvo sn"laide. wivtb acwm ot fsat vont cnt, Oui Dms CO&sr off Ssudy Kook t bfre dia, "At <is Mmntntjuit astise Pirate vas bodkin oul nsladete olkat, aud, thimble Wi nerf Fint vo sont to, Calcutta, sa dmsnvihn cbgo.sgis ol acolînfav' le <tho lmthe time you nueaaDn. bu"o A &mte sndinuy aUie 4id1, bleu-upon My chool. t tisuio'd, ad'oïvthat dl*.' perortes -throug "top te your ' MY #Mr, that Ned Grever vas.viitt me», the- vimd ladv lpd et 'instu urg fugv d &ail <hoe tr arranemenu.dit <0V45 s inobclld coudlut *,r u rm l â e,ï m bave boasmois yard. 1Qujol ns lightmis, I odeied g*tohean ttiag oI ofit', I la>. a sliim faItluItbW hoiueas AMd thon lvasaya"dsquaredasud bysioute mci <i i ~l n iùtblmg, lowmauet'é-vo bli6eb fro4fsIovetO "Il noyer vu tbe biovoboyed me probptly f 1but ,Vu hllohb ate o mAJWa ion pockt anlmstbyol.~ atomni aba bei il do e t o Mlay vwu cong o~ng m t'siatm. . lms'aac toPllnh *o ' 'IOna b mdoyard 4b Vspir" ates evldoisatisut et Joint. w4,lk iqhrl nàts o evasas0tisDov ýbrosse, aid -vilis sfev qnlo - - FATTsr qat*4«vit A& ho wasofetbouty. strong sUtroea<ey sent, tioir oraft alomg- tai ' 0t or businessuvAUildonc up at oui.like a roolsot. - A, Fogyulsk P've>sile".1sW and p,501 oîly bldte teoba4t Sine 'Fin J' I sisoutad. 'Aud us>'mon dld WIb dai u boasito'd ,qual ity lnmatters potps y vay hometsinlesi o houtero 1An, b<lir anda mut bave tîeutblod !a o erament sdlav, tIare lingera a#Btva.W. sda p Cmldvi0nta >'dideo, fonet oveî abhait a *-%#. opeyot a i' bso bave bap. -ma 40" the. Clinm oi easnklgtis sn tb@=cy tluil 1 calleid theoMi o ~o lef ont othor le~ouai g4'i ijust oight daya. lu thmee dayi :te shore, <lau piuo vor, >but 1.telyou reu>#mor ~oemd èl' bd lnhèotra>i vrW bt o vie amon; t<le Amambus tises.levr pikolooked hid c of'disal luineofvealtl ratIer <h hma koîw of 14'nior.è_Mm. 06-. 0 ccNs ,eyou kuoV, Kmut th.e<"cof sovety eteutbiMtd<hr#ty MlayorsiMJeu.pvjndlc glstmosllpr ,of ti» s0à devo loft on thie tabuad pirates. I to u look liste fIat 7-1f, sitDd $oevI fiov<hm uaiddlor te 4&,qf tho-pihart isisI4 for 1 kis" w .yon ,,*Twi hocs (.«fr bis fogy.isbProjudisD#o olo t 1 the. lo.bo, Oak#e Lt shot Wo k itI i.W Ilit volc:to.re ob oadee-o and4l et ore t"i milèsedistant. I il. 1XIIa smor.te à s, m ad aveu hei tIe'd ,ml Idouthotslug e noratlo, aimyu whys toittheo sAutorA isru ol' Lapausg, beupvlsiia t éin adgau, t t mahanlcq av dO4 luW bose1 knowt4 e lasunol.Binesi nr. léWhat d'ye ut ilf Iaabont id, vltb ail lug l'pI$ '4 'ea lilit ud arIble ~~n~ - or Or ounnt à dtise vorui--#ncïà tva thogls svotbo l ig t 5l 4nvaiotbod "My u mnyyo lo-yusse uaoescvrg4da«,n-Fl V wé 38 bt t adco «W Y« mnqlo, Gre Y as d pWIicclo n daobints olni f s e t pM l sdn'A s s ' l.j a ik . S u dà - a ! f t v i. T h o 1 - 2 - v e v i d n e-' t s o g s u s l i f-l g o o l f t e l v <eý> ' t Bv:o h com t Fa i h r hm .âi~'J Ghnd.riWoq lt the o lapr wrasU.uaL aill ppo"nt" bc* md~~~odm teruWmcs a , .ofi>.of ht wrngm r4mcl.frwotkr Qoun4i Id.u! idihave Isefr La*4. nte und« g r.prfie ad,, 1w gof Marge biauM. <aite.Of h.eMj Aucio Baseteocoma O0£ Jouir emvo; ot yé. 21, S cof r F1tùgt on MoudnsYl SetIt-L. IozjrGwrgLto ift No. et ,ifot onWe0". or O~ 2t. Sringe, Auctine. 1 Mü., on t Seobt, aLto oNtew Dr-ouo W aty.4CStr lwd club meeting,-W.K.igns tryed Scv-.G obs n-Hound LstoD . ories. anuai Easmonio, fToer i the Çounty of 0ntàrio,-R. IL ThQrDton, OU. D.L i " M1otbyar lo S.tnb1 ,189 The teits ý or thoe lbl.WvklY iJ *50,luivnoe i 80 l end of the ,us.TiheWee4ly, $Â fD , o *l i41f4.5' ,4t Fatal AeeIéeng YeÏstevdy,(Thnuudafl e'àt t 'body of F 3evurrAy, or&U ho~t OU m 'nb ~ oiovlgcirçuviqýsea wàfInir way t Wh f pitb a od of st<tùnuak tuid vbeWn b,o su ' i irsmulet ofstheTo oaito1frBilsJlov's, on tdeouU WMsion14 omsd nfortutely silip h.o' wagonl,ùag b*Oitv .be ls, th onued tlnioa kmnolately.Th TY wu#resoo tç tiibe Sdonëo of. V914giffl by fie Looti in$ te, mie usisl, aaud, durlpg t4 p plot. TncJlguPas tU COorM=tion of, tis Connty of Outarl0 oh Cam no by 40, mScliof by-law'Yo. 59j pmupllaua" 20 1869, entltlod a 'bi- v o ; m aisto <ha Reeffl aid Doputr feerai fur attending, tbi'Ccimcilf, smWat4,that udt nionibe shall b e emtitled o recolvo <ii m n, tan cents toi-oacI mlle neeotslyfrivell, la comlmg ' i ud mt=urnbsg rontay meetiug tsf ci1 <h ocuçl bould not b. quashod ith coifts on th'e ground <btat lb. mit-oora dIon lad, ait <ho ime of t'epasiig cf or mid by.Jsv, Do poser te Psu a by-4av. for sncb & puipoeaid tise a&"vit Md id. ing coU4$1 l>ritlh. s44W bel Bljeov, sud, <ho sud7Corotion 0oe@<ho omty tsf Ou, tarie, I làsOvredtbaft t issadmul be, sud.b tiaaMo fi ,bemby usMado &1»11"eVitb coite, te bipld by tise "M' -coip«ous., Ou, motion, J1. Vyi, Cen!<o Joi Bigees. By the Court, .C.S LL Date.!, 80<Ang., 1059. 1'Iui,1t Witt b. e mu, t6t bUr.lgelov bai bien snC Sufull luquasblng thse By av aithila Ubns so, ve o not, - (M <a lif"O(' 40f nsonvbt , or<hoceit>ea gain by tho petormaoe. It d o u oo cent inte Mr, Bigobov'spoclotîMd tb cSni, -h ubJecwegto M, Oxpinse'Of ions. hundred dolli, sNob gelincoite te tbe bavyors. Tho membirsof tbe Cosmçil Psu By-lava vhich tbey bava got no pover t0 eaacét,to put 6 e neof thoerstepa. nu thoir ovu poiesi MirBlgel ov Amuses hin"Isl vutis set"ka he,h1ogis lotionof Onun icipal ,magntes; andilu- île eport i«ugives tho Iavyersa dip lafo tho CountY Tromy. ýTI."24là' &H thedif. atop'ayars havio te puy tue piper. ores nw eed Q ave P ir Thé Qnartory Vair of Greenvooôdvu nida' it.Ttiig 1oflot. i o on Tbro vua u oexclnt show ofet cafte, mmstly la good condton for bftcbeiing, a>Ià gsod sbôv 0f musuel ovoýan sa air iprinr. <1. svra yersfrfom Tomut;« u trlaOur ouon loaity tisom eut#,srs Buvard, Aà&loiou, C 1 0 , H ý 10o:mgs m at#eWh asmaroet u ccn t <.hudq and vIeoi attn vo tot < d*ýl 6agod lv'ear ad orustupaet auction and bld lanfo $10; prenqumefor <lis boi t to nhs âli *ewu wbetreaaddas lolles. lot pridaiz l htao.. IO aid '19=9cWi0ilsI Thse priz. vliialva5 st upast dctiong iu lots orttu mnbls, sacb'o(5îbe P.uèsisAs ersa tùbfg týro loiso ýn â4ý« lo urbaua, a ésrt ( e ma tise pruoticable por. tientort hé'ord on siti À"tvo huan4rod yemosr an ad tisouglith~ .orrsos &0 bo'msof <lsinatlg preghom , sari dul>' cnslgnid to, tus sttlonogeborý Ut <obado -sud manet j' !t<è eanti do do èpear Véry sensibi>' t barda#ëie O d t ii. Istorgi c o ud tiô is o r t ti. o r ig l n . T s cc t al m int' o f tie lco mýp m y, hbes bithorto, sfimpi> a ii ore "fios 06 Ï4a ,e vl'atlut a oémire oued té 1d itnt vitsuity' éttker, ( v e o a n c o v . p r d n c n g e t t i e w u l c o r g n l v tm e vit< b " G m afra d f efo n a r e - co c d ," d Jet t& bw i b1» s ei l and proniptl>' rSesgid toetCia. Hej' titlo te it, ait# go.d Aid mrM#01. sonble as Inglouff '. t ho e cf «-w g l osomn ltoroi l hy vilI abalm,1Off flir Jthag -drop rubY Fort, AM d b o à @ is Fatal îeufrb1Mj Affrgll mnis nued MlIchtel arg v ,1i&allyitubb id om s D affns Croek on 5sf. ar d u > e v e io g l ai t . I r o n s t h < ho a t s v i c b vWe lsave been blo to gatbr it appeara <bat Èptripas its <ve others amid 'Gibse wn(ar er. ounfhsir oslon.ro Cou Ory, ~ wbtho>'goS i th ai atrca. 'on opste Mr. RIchard Dàlea' idene.ý lary-M tnd ovrds HRuigan otelti ihlm Wýnte <olatter lced Brry- dovm. This' aryfollovad up hie vhctili; tlnficted on simi me les is " four vondi lh a luit, or cdrI, oua ieo la tb ha<oramn eocýd fatal. 'After ,remellng t he matstb arig a led abot£ ute tO4 .nxi&drvngb.- ddia 0& ppdas nforunte m n hom , M W Dr. Tucirr vai sent for, wvaià insluly ou the pt 'IsOrýo4i o<lRil tha4 vas poasbl, unde b.unsa tass, for, 'he lajuiad zmn.' Dý Om < ana ie.visited is rhgsna slT ýon cil!."ý 4rand Oteion of i sêbt il s y t h t t e i i s o l o p e q f l a trg s r . . st'ery. ~ ~ IM O A ar a t lu s b s i id for emlýO' arroit; ,Wh bu a lc dotp Ilbson bas aloobéen darined, Alt J par. Thq, Marder sur>ascrl. co 'Bd of, bas"cri Î?V eare asered tliàt tshs "projoca lIengîfi*bOut fo boe wizedao' a0o structhsg ts e .ta Port Perry. Thot <b. Grand Truni Company'vii snbséMlb -tse nquisite amount et stotk1 ai-ml jsupply tise rolling ýstock, neceasi , <o thé Oenten-t tsf, 601000, This, w1 be. vleo ow$ tovst& he <rienda o« <le Iuîa.'Ail <b.efrimàOnd f progroas and zocia Sdvancennt vbsseopiniona are Dot 1 biî4 <ho ugo lua shich ve ]ive, vil! gladly' bail thé aoconplishmes et f<is mncb desir.ý id undortalingo We# uIon! ope ointero. mation i. Wcorrct sd <bat<he MWval not- "tto gulod Wte Ub ref'0ui-Wnguie pectstions lav e ts,.0 <!C4#ntly deced that va are tuerotisai- whai mlined tebo incr«ktmrusuni» v he b ro e rulible in !«AorUI loMd <bat, Mlir 'comllmséod. Oui vesd evant b. content te siccpt, tse (sot -a 0 -tie>' aithin 'ou i kno dg.e-tov vlzat-they are vortb Dronation tgoth$bchiufco' Instttute., Ml' W.Xc lab Prncip0Il-of'tbo Wbit.' by Coun4y r mmuaf Siool, 804.Vieil dpt of tise Istitut, basmatie adonation te tbeM.e!cs'Institusetsoftise vomjis éscmtlonec lnutbe lollovlns acknovleo mne d! thseLibvarian TO tUs E»m 0o<06tWbttby (Chreidee,, 8rn.-ý-Pevmltme througb jourv Journal< teacnovlad0. tlsreca!pt frein- Wni. Meý. Osho, 0s .oWils Worki, bà vola. ' 13Urto»'. Msatety otifolancbglol -ap lu',i Primitive Charch; Thougisti on Zié 1l'ng;Lip' lucot'aQszeserol tise World, and tisa ~nda Dlroctbry, lu-ail, 10 vols., sa donation te <ha Libra>'MtieWf t sept,Ârn Lira0a, - "M*atera, lits', la e iDt vrftte~jcn i = .,butar t arn uau**si-stis a $e1failov- vb1oh 10invrure£tL:gae uo fl'A 140,ia an --udaelo~ le th' lss es. JiadOt - "Wwc4 ado lomif ThnC ot 4 fle aes ho foue, En i gt rous ýis po okecs tlua " aim &rCOI, iWbl.ulsdpwie on tho tabble wiisrllngly tbro, Msd crlo<t "tstBaiva lr.ud IeTomruc alee,, YoiIf Isort, Sud <hof-actà,dthe, le e Neteepstlto o ,< i poeb re. A SWo eput lnublla pocket, misld "Watcbsrnm," o.er.r >.' ha c é. Proe.or Stelmr md i reon t rou Toroato, on Wds wai'~6np~ss~d ostls cai Iloode. Gvst orvdo vro - voS o'olocr la <b. d I dtt#alpt vu a& - ad. Ageoddeialotf Y, the billseonda ksg ijslb oeud sot 1 e attyft.U*o ':,Aun Mme of 160,as ýcuMpagnOe, 0empoyons Pia Oftbe blood te iOoeouq>pesokItvas t bld a cerai ilL' Iýe wuyoungla ties mottera, f. Miil vu ibrp>' ilp d <aIea. Thse Prince baid coucoabod, hlaseltt front thsoe Y st,ýMongte ija,, pinally the mu! i wss retaieS, and tpisauleg- sauidontil over four..but tho affais-v « bnshed , Uover4 he fmes recbe Baies eso, aid irpon receiving th. e"PMI cef the. scrimnsage trou fthe offcer aini.'M mandbosmiled on peroeiving &acertala phas applied-to tie Priao,:wvh vu de&' o -bUdras bu i cevered bhuef fi - 910,1" 'Ijtes.de.faýrlne mld SaXe, 1,,W rather vithfui." -1Ifis abarperla in sul tIan whon translated, but is good eithw- va>'. Om& mor"fron Pat; amd 1 sha lear. YOur redffl te decide, as te vbetser m> tbeM yabou 'Bull'ss, teMd lu tse beglnuing od tbi letteî, le correct or nes Tvo obd apple-vomnwoeedlsputin mgnr (lélego Gra,Dulin, si te tho mos1 testanty <heo ther Romsan catbolio, Bay" the luer <to the foyniut, i"Aal id"44y heurmdar, of &PluJ' l i6têl Romans? 'ai-u'144' yosradver, -plsàto te, 1>otMU4&nU? Tb# oMI old Lady alnquatnaid lastanter, à' 1iPaddy i.s omotimes prac&al lanlà vis as la <ho e voro "thln Iisbeh ar bogas peltimg a nionie> up in a cocoalnut tram, v th stome, calculntimg and correctly as thse event provqd, <hat the ring-tai ed sa vould retallaté vltb cocos.nnta, vW"h Psdi dtlwriw scould not have got et 1Wiher the Irioh maltamme ""W tuais <heu neigbbousj, 1 shall not pretend te deteninie. -, Ne lai the r>sutdim of, dingso,'bmt if b. dois, I tuhiI a4t migSrfvug neng oprove ns>'cas, fIt 1 i. l no lacd oftvlt, but a ilglit ofasios îrIOu- from tee rpida aovof th"atin.- girdio4nchoblaisà hi. latte acon. guitisic b scacslyaatom là politio' Iappl>'are utia diseonat, inidatb horejoicingi - vhiob a graehou arvest lme caile otJ aef bas eW .v 4sntnces nilgsufila6g11 mawvoli a adissertaton ousomeof t <h ban' propoitisfor savigOui, po« rulnid vfC And M gr pur eoutait resde, ____Boa, Mu- £DITvO%,9S Itvwusthelu land hisi1 As chit epem s coud as. .1A i1., dIis u dfft' 1ie W.-o tient en audrethe rit!, A. IL 1 oyal [27

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