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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1859, p. 3

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roYo an, vmarn usvnrOu anae rrsursr fome mupsiount ~n ns itemts .du asfe tMr. ,reiwlo ti$ paronU .i4 Il noWPit tudidferet Iï oolïa the 'C;ra, abdtl»nt b eargid for b. wuintlt e<Auguot la tiie prsaenqnarssr on aeount 0ofeealodm dari< 8aresterpart of th#rmoutb. ftomdêby M.lqd, iI b Jor otan~dadjenra.d nutil S tarday t ft On",rf Turf Cbbon tiie i6tiiIbi montbp Frldy cns. W. 0hua Our tbanlri for isla"qyccspt. sble trest of opekied trout., noclodite Are duo'te Ur, 30.1 131:gé ,'locfor aeepe Oi â1,werk; 10 ibîo*6Ce. gr.p~, ~et zcwencdbgly von got np ad sus thbsroducdoof 0 Bijsbh.13,ow, The Rcem-Ma im emabip Zun4pa f iâa4o4tot u. rd at al lfii *m a clbbr*a . xpee"#W hm eos Tbnra* day ernicg.ý No foit4er newa ba.ers rrd st lb. Une @go <e prias. m.mdïs end De Lay. eil 0 gA Bor Cnope..ah. e sesa cusma he i te <lsw us iu la. mloyedl d 10 lo a rsl n et bolsly, star- Oë , e 11WLIa loto cosiasr sidly pftbbi s*anuBri-o&l T , uom~ Yale#, T.stedy Om* Jane pald us a riiiit, and gare ne tb. bstory or a "eund basftl r master, Whon, on satm'daf 100t, ?t.>? tte*4rry berback <rouitt#' (roi MIîofPOanads to th@ land bi th# #1a16, in tua sUe«n t vure e orry te Ieern tbat caus, àa ntlsin cWho bus ¶sned son». tnotorioty (rmbie anaiety té pleuae South. ornersaeven et> th# expenoe of bis llo=, countrymen, Tbie fies, as e learned 0tbeunifrem Lb. oung w>essn, are Lb.... Â(Wtr srva inlu Cnada abs wu o ng ged as a sent in Lb. Ciffton Houges.; fr former, mster, deeply ciaglnud' At tie, C.sdWugly good.Woklnig wcmen, of only 28 years o f ese-tared aound wltb th. hopeo 'lnduclug ber te veLum wlth ber mltrcss. Oh rldsybe orne to te'.01 tonî Houfi, suld oococtod Il# plans clurlng th#. srsnlng.On Baturday Mr. Sisers ru. queated Sarab Jane t. g o tbone o( tlb. cottages Jolning LiselMotel, for the pur- po$sofdlenlng It ou4, îcempanylng beP blunseli te doorb. As soons $hé en- ored #ho found Le her grsutat nînrment ber old maier walting ~Isls -ber. Hols lmmàdIitelyrlocod thie door, aud, -putting ,the ksy bibIs pocket, plled .very possible art le Induco ber te crosslb. river, Ereryý offer, h"oer, cwu rojéeWtsdlPr@ fsrrinz ber frnedons té elavery, cis a11 ins ~omlsdsdsnLa Ee. e kpî ber'heré torsa ltagrlle, 1iF to lt bh' tuntelyl âmof, <the colouro<cl altera, otice4 lths il criu fot rlgbt snd, aller reeetving neoatlsfaeten froi lfr.hesre, te wiiom tb.ycommiufflested thelr tsa Ih ooreelvfd on remlng hei frienj gbmsra allylng out,,-ihebrdko Lb. window, reutere4 the. room, sud carrled off their prli., taklng ber Le Drunmondrllle, .,,,ro th..e MhàI Monda', muid sot , yf.iy h Ibis fity, -an4 ulit, no doubt, b. porfoctly "ccure. 4t *cruereperted that ber mutLer crasaetthL. e ln Bons. itrdsy, and aomse of ber oouried MoInda *rs on Lb., llook-out for th entleman. 8h4 'fi quit. destituta, beating loft er.vythible Ind ber, buI4ip cr11not want biends In ber amw hoi Ber, csaslàaà -very pecullur oéne 8h.ècrAo botp a frese om*n iNew York c1tê, btnwhesvpnly tweivs years of age was toksn lê Toxao, wbsre' aie vas made a »clin e l h iwly o<Mr, QIddinWus with bo io W.ieli.re, oh# bas aince tbatbo28hcq4 10 gdn1the If Mr, r ue4i lapaeeiul part 10.bt ~mtsd'to hlmb. fi, ezesed. !V"rý2ibeSurâly âneb stars ase b.oêyaAre £itted te ceurine. lb. 0p10egstoÏtarÏ ert'the pw4tr il> eLtuLois not tb. happy ting wblcii tbe pleturs 14 .*Iosce would not wchius.a poot iieplesa girl, r.altlng ail, vIolants aàd e, esst bersltpon etrsngers ln st" Mtagland, #fi<s1lnglhbety leil ýthe Ssnaua onj7niento;wbhs crsseltby &lave- JJesltkm osltuta th pou fnactii. 'bedy-knoweA"ud irtus tbst cf the 8ËMICt NTI. TasE OISEAT ENGUX ',sJK KmmDT. OY UAL 7ATKNT, Pparad/rsÃ"M a Z c~LYWio, if D, .'i*4. 4Wit i u., ~V11ITflV IIÂ*KMTM. - OMM@UWLS Urvsog, Ssptombav tl,1W. DItOPY,-Aî Blle ,onùl9. 20th nlt, 27th uit,tii. wife of' C, 1 91% 0 .q. M. À, muter of tii.OrmmarSeol sêpt. the. wLfs of j'amseu or, E.P-q.,of sdau&btev. At Rlcbmond HiII, on tth.e t ultimzo, Kia. Joaeh Relier, 0.soun, uuAt,,stBoet.,rton, ciircb, Dablinp by duiir, eLloyd ApJoba, Betof 0<Bmly. brook, iinel# b tbe bride, aeastedby ldu Plev. Duifi ZD., ldweli, 'X A, Iacumiienî of tbe Crocha, Luambire, 3. £: idwll Eeq, cf Toronto, 1U., yte SaruiaLoufa., onlrdswgbter.0f the lits loin K nfgbt, Beq. Thbrldecwu glve swy byber kinumau, the Ber. O. -Wb W1bU, DM.Z>., Vice Provoat -T. C. ZDi DIBD, DOWD."ÀtTorouioti>.the2nd'sepo, Mary AuneusJaphuie lodugtr0 Fort Adntaut M. Dci' gd5.? u FilY#-Ou- ntii.. 20th fInstatof, cou oomption, st tii. r.sideucsOfJimea Dstes, P*q, Mu. TbuMsVqy, Piter, nepbew Of thi e- 11e, J. J. raine, aged 20, OJNTAW IADTURF G LIUBE KJ18 Ptaoki QI lezeigt lgy, w,,l câàs OWIJGcu0mroi i tom ,an SALE AÀ6T 10 0'ComZ ~> 'raieho4efr z odie4t m ppe. jof s tA, Wiiy dgwui, ud4 5»-4 w TO LMm. f t vliknow bUgb6 im.Ad dllingaàt preant e si. 4-aav Strsega,Whby Poaemmluw b. ad on et aftsvla loij &upteiber. for #particulira apply.iIf byiUet *e- pald to Wbty ig sth, 1859.; 4 "ntrio Turf Club, COLT -STAItÉ# bre4And ovnain v c00-astUd ovor tba Whibt fnssTO 9 nob, to willeh the CI4b W111Md #10lis na Tort Club idgtu;, Yiif$ee tO beuado.wi Mie jkffd= r mor t bof lejtem. bceth, AS UB ntai leot aen ONTARIO BANK4 declared m ithe. pold up capitAl fBtor o tua &Bnkj payable haosAt .1ts Agmnc. on and *titer Tiauraday t lot 1.5 0of.1 Mémbev, The. tranofer bookswlll bo clow-d fou> b. 101h to the. lt OÂy cf Auguat, boîli daya By order of tbe Board, - ý-D. FJiJIER, Cashlor. Ontsrlo fBank B uanlJaîly 28., 1950f NOTME IW FJtheund ignu4have enteed fInte WI*ttnrs~ptnder the nutssend style ot Donovan WAIk G& o., i i psn'por o<.rrying on0ecsrris buel neaa In Ui a14îLWïncbe, om th&.pemIff boretoloe occupled byj Iua BGsanterl on Stock Street, (nadi v o the K., ODOMOVK< MstpçU».shireoldr WPjîI O R 0 S EFAIR of m ~ eauysru.nfor the Noble ne; 1, 1h. Ktù 57 OTi', 22 rriel, optinTMUeTle 1#0LUEirflo W& none ar ltby Iam CSuuse, oIetb.~IIo ~ in %si A&LL pardeç %nd.bted to mmu. j a Whlp woilk 1 $6 Oi DOt plaear reusstd oybefr aeeennis l# t amsIvoi Crlae t15;S Pi i d Mas ki i W i.. MtLtdt1 WlentbMlsi er*ç,Takeo80eo ud,80rpit Opeaite al traittng Mid pael.g x ,on mu# béa#1 0 Jn "-0 m wy pra. RUES kREGtULÂTIONS. lit Ail id5IIté lm4éMi tli JO&k, ond, IHo m.*e beantuoa4gulMi the Se. * Ary t as diy pre. se& Ail boiesute atr" cdsy et bai. dlii.,Ppon relgTenta and Ecotha lipm tbe*ur afnay dogdrptlon, willbe 0 M d $, Ps leto tbeBeretur or Ofb cc *%ý nd money t. b. pold , it ' No personsuioed tecenter à, Hrse, unlqa e be as ubsérl ber of t lou$10, OLh. Any 8ubudrber (o i teterln,. othor paio onsbraswhi ot a suc i- beri the bfoaw111b. be loou4 nt d coubtc4 diatsne01 1 ;be ui" 40 Iouke a fioid, Iro te dmtot6,e b.iacdedby Lb. rddonto bu ili. tbLleh stewarda W' 111 halo In, tbefr rer, Alb ràtp odw lbui bd cpse tbrown ont,, md eoântsd dfitinf liîlb,;,Tbeoi'fllosc,mnidslldisputit (o be eettlstheb.Judgea appolntid for thpurpca llb; ihs tnde pOits «f1i1 bâ, ttb; Ilahqd et t4. following dlatanee, viz -, i mli. huatý. 100 ysrdes 2 mile bas,12 yardw.,, Mulhuat40 yards., 1àtU;5 Winntng bse#a ny one pur."~ te py $1 te tthe Clerk of tb. Couae, foi stransd *Oreiln 14ti. Ait hotsea te také îhbiT aie -ront Ï Any îlots, or ÃŽito J ocksy, la te b. considored distanced. ý ' 1 0th.PEn tran ce 15 per cont t#orsi l Oi a. l7tb. Al partie. cmOun Vfl liir sl for ail Lbe abore piTaca, crithout soins lu- te tbe inaldestokes, WK IItTTCH1NO4 cwk Of thétfor Muegiam loth ue,1850e 5-i 'To Wn 9eeen o n in 1»b hon la u rtseCuty ~on *,n> t tbe CofUoaa.In theTw cf Whftbyu Thuesda% tkdý lUUa deySy, ott5mbT, ,4. »' IUatvevO'loek nueof 0wbiolt ailCorner, /atofotb,e e md consSa- blsin lotoma eooused ,wi uie"0 oties snd iovrsrhn vs oodn ob8uauo , O.4O NEW STÀTIOlNARY! Whlitbyf Ji Abro BIIOCJL ST -Smitll and The stlbscri'ob 'ii bg fonnuncthe arrival per ship r <YYD4, of their EAu1STOC-K 0FCROCKERY, Wchthey are prepared 10 iell at Montreal1'rics COINA OF TEE PINEST 8?EOINEJ, BitEAICFAST4 1DLNNER ANtVTTEA SERVICI3S FOR vHici R IH.5T1?Wfw~ZB 4D HALMUJ['INtOBERTS,ý1 2f k1 TilIIiifek, W, 1T BY' iýlý5-#ýý,SP-RI G D PO TATIaS'19 NO~ A ~ JAMES iH. (GE1 w LL bb aPP te sealola W-EW DEUIG e ~corceva)nduA nd Brook $trel pluie. of bulns4,,os tely destroye, WhbAusg, 25, lbbs Phoenix Pfré); Au.ui* leEýTIAIALUOP 1118 11W, Gé01>8, COMJZIIING TiJ p-OD,B 4W, X .TL , 0BONQIiTSB LlOS 1'araeole, j". In lb Geutlomeqs' Dpnrtne 11,111b.o dts a naIsd beAt ugmloruo BR[OAI) CLO TRS,C41A IEMMERS T EDS Gamberoous, LiùnnDrMs i, 1the Couniy of Ontarlo, REA DY M A D-E C In b M~u'sd BCys' Co WA, -Voit$M a sd stxloon of very quallty miade up on Lb. preunfli.. lGe<le.ma C9IW< mie p i rer oet" hue Itest Itil.e fFàshlnj;ýÀÉ A fresh Stock of (Gi'oceries,,just Ieoi2v,ýd, e~auz j'ors purCh Ilg euwAer>z ai greqe > inçZuC0 mt.o *( ýb; g: 9n pi' MOIe.m.r M~f ~a1om 15, 1- 1 ý * ýe ', 40-21n, 1

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