!r ligse aluisg ýcjI4f route, fny,ýwitkOst aalois etrtii. 'to exhaust ot Skinner 4 et #obà 4i ., an4e og rai ms '----' t'r1Mb. 4'1 'on tbi Town O n b. m nun on moll«et M Mr. Iatev,... ber lnthse lfery or Opinion, s"ta ber oorvie ln 9tullY', dillgeutly, - 1lDanrd Ileroby ,ta o e 11 n, ireconidcalby lm ho restuested [Ulon Teacisar blu notice (mm seOon4ed by Ichool, et a u =DpVoatio(xysle the '41 om t4'dreia "'o ls ia P'hmm tbporoedspts j !osa chrt te'tbafr semlg Mk vnyîuIg. The , i t.r cf Un.Ab ¶eb. e gaizad.To at i,8f,1u styW '~epaJlfa hp>mViso, los spresuididlurust asoupI lo ise alliil morO spsf lit erp6 mytaise, 4hayr vl! ,suspect Lis ilacas bellvie14 heÃmrOo iobe orrect0 r"llertO issu 4 vrgot nroc i ~~ neglee le. Ti'b~ it la oit kc ssh but tor g. Soe W.s tIsa markaij v ont bave bom ýotAblà flsdsre l. Mmrkcîquestion 1 W lis South Word oouellloa-',iwb l Àutecedeto "and %eMing 'kndnâusil i wlia eoh 10 'Otfi Çrer c o y'Wl vasl t ii 'rbld th. siloe fa Portion theMkeêout tWfrth cnn ecnIu glvagott o " 1 'e , ÀA w hm lass ucoaded lu. deafetmgtise sel md ytlis'eCroiton of lbob.le 'the mot reqa4v resferMrketupt jlqTown Trnwsmsy...snd desta'ylag hb ooMtbhsenl of a Pesmuent market ?- layons! doubtyImba b.saeoft b. lotsbîq ratltled, bulldlng woad have go»e Op-ar» It voultl b. out or tise pewet oftlis ('PPD amin 10 distarb tise Morlsot. 1 W4'0$ JaI ,Sr1Wsw t i Suth Vlarn!.Co«nuclh No, Sir, bultishe praclosa stior oetiii Caution,, ,Was It a Soutis WarI Ccnu4 lor ftisaI lu 1858, iadrocatel fie, purciis of a market it. la' lis$ NovU Ward, And souglat te rob theo Centre Ward for aver oi a market? .Wu Il -6 8utfr' W~,AWConti cillur tistpoet lbs~fi Gge block (ut tic Pur"n.Of< .4f4a isnt h b isho vnWtel 10do Su dis! not want the OMsrkcet ealblkw isa utse Cèntrea Wam d Vi TIe act là a; Sir, tist tlb.Centre Waon Concelllomave -,uotbeau -,tmiseta, tbem. Is, or tor10thse Intaresocf 4ha Wrd they POreVe4i. HOA t ey buo the Market propcrty voasl nù& resala go' long neglee tel. Whosnt la the pattilon '<or lb. vo pcal of tise Market bylaw 1 W.re týer th ot favd rtîp&yera, ci tIse iloqti Word Councilloau? l ove ve ol, 1v, sk, mon las oui isls, ise, lilas tbis irate 17payer," who pena bis 'caution,' veml sac., 00 ethse ltitom rtclb. Towe, MdI evasé lit,14 u tbe gratmesctio fthr ,avewd unseiartable féeelngs? Are thon ùéotme%, viso, lib. tii. rstepayer ln, question, are ner , aaiotute w b vie meay retinglu OtrWfe 4 ans«saoil as'oup$tber megb jand wviseara n«yermore dkustladadtisa wbem tlsoy W@e lie -mono(f vbcm "rate payer" compunm4oadvAdg, sud fcrvsrd, lng t tisebest of the wetsagnrai latomt e tslsbTw tvoeubs thé tem. vmtopalO f tiese ônil are <or vemlisg 4h r"irvhe l 1 1sas d 'am ïtec'huéealyinmfw atsibd ,dm, gaiist flair repr sea ,v ', a jw eagslm uýtboi,4yp...frCpuE wus tisa oly SossulsWaad siimil.o asit -Emclosd e la 'à Md adesr i *emUs '"iir of ' tCrfoiî ii«, us reu of bis fwrtis vmibIpgq eal a JÉlapic Te l lth e r thessWblby (irossatl. D£4% lits- A# yow m a sraa reamly 40 n* tisp g, of Ou? V rng, wi l. m - ma yea - f peflde tqahouL.- la A lau., Ires 41. q Admip~M th «Il 901 10#taotr 0018M,0 ls Ad*ust ifcilsu @y 1Tbep Bcudd T"rs ]eoi' 14ç ~ ~ sbcaa~..55~ «Porto ot'f. , <rfemOntis1 ual MAlogooo for tu wl ucvou mon4hsover4h sOer 'rlMof etlu ttieao tise vhcl a very fAvomble reoW oÇ I. mpeculonocf tise Eu.lod fjgl *basd, Tbeupotatc lI.iiî lu ltib.osî 0 tlug aonslelarslo ravwteo a smmauats1 Tise srasr of th.eMisl=eTelagrapl Co-mpaÃœy ba" çlv.anotice fol'ii.6iseept0 cf loverai Mansd sumd l,. rmthe *£Syor e Ner- TS for amIýfitlgb061 f eeutenQUcee d u s4h labiof(the table lust yms. - ' 1 ir 1 "Ti. projsctddiwtafhaso<t ilpwgls eou tiii Tyma termd"in-cIlathe magn« n E.rsde ers ortvesbëin m&cte tisrov demis on tiie guilîtof Dr. llmotiurot, 4h., Oivlcte" prisoner,suW le obtain 6: eesmmtatioa of 4ha destis eo$suee assas aamah im ù a Ãneicda Mheocltroming bal bkbviuc a Placérpooleat crla g " .rviSwestc placed neJ41 hi hhs acle ral inliam B h e"LmQLiig lci Beeter, Mouatala em, Prwon eught wars ouu m ~i.rowd'1iss. v o aai milpe omelsh bo ei mssedl>vlato 8o &OÙaaheatmadch 10 i:. urpise csdao"e cainâ tshmbe Acoin.-îboreg osido..Te certi IaIi s h orsaies voasls! vin. 4Ti Pl"ri a fhelsdso miend 2md, 3r, Te.44 Srimis', American two.yea ols! colt Uns. pire bus von Ivo more rac es tocistn, à n4 luth. promisel favorite for ncxl yoa's Derby. The Lodon Gazet et, ..thse nse or Mr. Coing s appoitto 1 lveotigtte thse, !Né Gran4Dulc. Costautlno oframs lU, lu London# sMd vifiWte h.Cryatal Fs Tbo ii. sout$amailoftbe 101h'Jaly mud Bug lng of thé 01h hae rrfrcd.Nowd ganarally aetlgo"pote& .< Tbi . J7 ladis ompus's rmy m", b. , tod r d u lclvo> 0 Earopa fro~b4tabou flair diacbagca Mcd 4000 Tbeépolltia nuevîfroisChfin unim. iTis Pmcheapa SMaxbea rmias u 'fFTii. ariaPatre tvlaggveItne a" *toa 0 krmmsesstlmatbl a et Trae TruIe ould . llamsuasd sudi tifaI 4h u la i me Imia <vovwosM msSItils e ednlea tics. tisuLud2M4" %nglas10"l1v *a0 ealea .s a f Pri ctuso de..s iaI~eambve..saTi«Y of teseve 4i~vhle lnèfèmsiaaet Ofa~la$t~yay ,O ptfxts lomtosc.aam Frssflstiapc0 u tWhoti avà dt'fAf 9taspr tu$ MIauai c >LmIa>.ut gwbasb L ot h e nao u e a pM ,u b a-1 1 0 - th in'h i 4 h o 416OIan pvuu.ymornag Mv. Wilo !M où h teuîfb b~~~ifj fût jÃŽle 1ak on. W.,,bew fmpopered Usied 9 ~~ cf T uP, oedw(J bi pasae t10a hkln.1 Mr 0&,j.1, 971d, touuornoa .pteuL ' 1fiiap4M ~grlm. <rm >5ealog s.ppone 10 hav ~~~~~~~of pl5vh.lifOl.!otj4 >15NIPON ~ h. iimm - t JI&siaaPtp..evu til i~utenicluorumioi asî..ute ld . lnatrumanf lo ~ bars' ltis. affet 4hsî Mv rcigu. ahUmmp o dy, ii pl 1 .rqa «P 00~odd4 ietes Ã11ibth 4h "id io tlttêUOn W. Xa lodo.4am., Goormelantxion.tbt for 4q IV gaL WhfiIIF. i.aipced i'4rs o J ry batavsllhman at pouee84desf54bFro, e t ads wJarta$hlà oî~~< bcagseaa onctls4tasç.,a4 im d At OsU Hj ba en11<oQ ekut U. UEad oi FIY s'geira au&=ci crwmýAc fv O g -i ff» lf¶ iMMn3w ton4l tby o e miTluakLie u ou lae 0maeti p te inns 'in~ bo, to the eC h"lla IG.f la l-Br, C@ on MoffwtlJri«onoftise illge t,ÇtbyJnýI mzo . anuixà ood. oqreBritras $r Arrivai f tisa AgIinUnin. 8-7 a-Lav, 10bc a Noer7 Publc lu9Up à 1 Tb bip, uEIos ept. br fn.12. Jmao. M acti, Of b C Wof« cdn , .Ir Tii Anle axo las rried ithLlcr.EsqivebSl*cWr &.,t- u a b oas Pub. uns1% obtin 4 pr f cularscf h adrinon Up Jaia Hapc, of tii. Toi cf lngtdsaula le rrIvaI tcf I be dmlerbtal» »isExclamy à (lreno Gneý &e wéibeu lcass! 0 an thseicJs017- d aqotmc D 1 JoasxNWnrslMw D ept. 10. M. nEoab ri c tise Vllage6f et Ti ~ns ~ ~ >~ Esqmo, >1. Dso prcisoPlylc nay lie Mr-d (Aplfmd Pmâan15o'îcl <Itiur, ofg 11855the60 up ad mittogi lut crow or an otete Naisol,iseliiycc m i)*igl CarkisPi noetoeu i qmr.,M D W sud sg Hosvy ail. * hlà orUpper Canorada. sjýn 0 bocu SthbSCfiÉlu Bi zu MÂeisabote10 b. i anrais1 i »WJ Tuer wg ntrlng cf iprtance knou eorage, a a mak cýefovluaviinahisut raspeotiu44te domgiof tie Zaorii@-eyro orai paes upton thofsedies Vilge - Esure aW.an..sr Aure ofte nl «O. n hearerto laaBrtiPubliroin lu Brual uire sep M t. 12 heaePrcbetaofuhe ClityoLondn, dm L ro ui W pW a hi F ra c e aý n d w 4 r n nmo Who vu Onthwgigtic ou ti6 ubject Of the Aglo.rench alliance. n.ead thathhoaspron 1 tho gah mcd French inch god fidà st lut. .er- à q'rof à ff'T 1t 'bsi ii' W b b 5 80>1 02 0VAIDAis TTE %AIMDE lu Zimla, m?. om 1reAldg la scarborougb, Mahia, about lus mou strosthe Oak âHi , statimor tjSI vus dsseraato be on lm abouoascoe Whea tis re ledburut ogt4f, ie cf& Mia lsaVhe samel etaiarl muea y iase vua.le plaou=hl aroselse us ravm tadç aThea mti h tise fres thie bc>'plcelluchr et «e- lbraassed .Isan vvc iasntioiW isveDo.ouir itau yaamolI., Tise bof tand Q.t siw,lga , v a ý s Ofe bfrnd th omvi1 Wblson lm, i a s ou nme Fra ra fi= tbe Folug ÀgsmU lu o ois b realuatois!aetoac là -,~py kp s . 1. - . W b .a md al0 lindo of pro dues re no v ecmlwtig! n' ue reel"ý, Wi notice sema pov whcm b yara te fa .srkt1"dy' TM» higsu îS pel vwu #1 02. a 2. d a2a Su. Rye 95 0sa od. COta la ad 0 la iOt. Potate, l OdOîOIn '1 Butterd 0'DiL@O! POPI ls 3 a 6w b. Lambaalas-2#a goa Caltukins 74dl V lM . otp g$4$. vt 11k!.,$$7. 'LIE Ge6ENW'D UNIONI .8.plim roisoolvllIeda ABAT on vhleh oos alr)rhînbprollrocw j~~VIçvwdll koov Du.eo llS$med b 0,A. fne, Tor prtlé!*rssiî, Iffby leteue. Whit>7, Ang 13h, 1869. 7 44 toi, asti .f1rr ub deuh 're10 t o tin f.4 o agsJt orea ibi a b an ,9ef*S9aels <it e mssi br(luAvag#a. Mté te hoans!. i Ji. 4y igereaobueradis fa is ops rrtis,%IiiesIf"Oo>sAnl orei u bu- Lise Y0 Isdlrscm iera. an rdn-nas ,nr >_ 1 J4~~W . 11 JIii GGl-tfivNsrt,1 wisty, Aut 1"à lf Moros ia Mlvgivorvu WNoble Animale ,;à i H r. fillit w TtUIIon;Und do,. ll1, 0 TriOù Jea rmg taeW 85 lIe ~r p, Ovaie foilew.2m »..sodc. ! k,,DutBrou! Mae, ltl ier~ , rî,îll, #arO 4; 2inaldo. $JWt ymldriivlngul entassaic orage ISîva uo, va"-lu. *rige ot Kau ~~~~~~~ CP. Bf&B'o aa tiga i b'la la ~ ~ il' =f;uics 5sui, tmro4 Yul7,8e; Ndde, 0 ( là tst -A etres' i of S4 e5ls ;4for tis le 1us to the , fct bTels iii ausiti Isenil, M inridser tmugcto. n im CLAn5S 2.-A pveninnof C'15 ill ho awssril 1 tuthefa*e*tHorg, ad i tothseSisal, 55f e a'e itssus2 utana luiliahis lsas'o mite, be., m Iu 5, go gos tley plus. '"lii c, oîlyor er ithsa. have nana won river $10, anal i e neyer trotted lSiLl of tbrea mimutea lan À pransians o!r$0 for Trotting Otlllonag- s nile, best 8lu 5, gosa Ibe> pl a1a;ige nsa to e ie scatruaIf ancre tina s io irr. Eistranee for Art claie $3, Snal de., $2. For ettlng etailiona 06, ;acc ou ons Wsivel asn iSb "lositae l'a%" iof -fr m'e b asae <ca!,anlmls tluan tise RULEn Ta> BE OBSEUEv; Ë t etriggi mât ls ma witi e0cecrtury, Wý RWlbefrs10ol" octhe dday ut UmissIo t UsaOyenisd, 26cents for cuSIs »n'nd or «Ybqg t« or s"s10l latis; u h estor g Fm iasS e Upa Uiu vaOF .ïi Ytgts edn 111r îd'a.,à amoiv.nr jt. 7 Yr=,-, Sherlfta aff0e PMUWarY -adqWte $o a*f»3eat. outnlng ln aeolieatm nd ;eit ooluble <ai 'ii'?aiU. bl.. lvrnyggg ,Ouu Bâa Nrssrol4lo î' ONOANWALKEY Go Bll",nc»unS tO -ifnuesirs nd stosmnt lie .la nev carrylog IX '4LL ~5JUNIL On~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~IU U pns.bettocupe!bM. .Iê eMaystreot, bctween Iyron tb ana ro tevire, bosifprepavd, as iicrtofoi', 10 xcuts *11 rýdeii Isaltrutes! U"Mamuketure d sol od nt tise Loveat renuueraging Primg. ALL WORK WAiRRANTW.D D. -FOBFS'8long expérience oet tirty-years ln tise princia 0auatra aithe ISWO mm anada ha bugiven tisaI e ~rence ln every bralnicforthse auminesa which tcv bve bau a e arrive at, and or bauty et dexign, oalegmucocf Si tnli, dumrblilit>', Whhb, Agua le ~.t-IcaIll andsec Upocimeai. '59 SRNGIMPORTATIONS '59.- AWONETIPE AIlCIVAL iO? lis NE1W 0>1>C0>11ZINJG TIIE Psses,&.lu tIse agestlaiasn' Ilepvtiseasî W;11 l> faîutsd îles lürgeat asM i.taasosiicîiî of 'BROAD,:CLOTIIS8, CASSIMERES 'TWEEDS GamorcusLiien Drmin uthe, Coim:y7 of Ontario, READY .MADE CLOTING, - u Mens' aud Boys 'MteaIVuît« and al iîtaloomu, uof' ery qaitanisaemw p o11 the.prensisea IWGetereas' Clo tiing sadçb up 10 -rder on thse lateit styla cf FmshIi«. A fresh lstok of' Grocer-iec5 .just Reêcénived. uA bloe f rwi e&wlwre as great ffl(llcement wiliZ>e gisun jor _____ Ibay is. -W Rom6mber, Perrv'z Brick Buidingî.1 111POJITERS OF WINES, BRjnmANDIES, &ë@ JULES IlUII C' P..-MMM'S RHIENISII WÀlel$. Jil1HOWARD MARS11 k e0.s I ADEIIIA W[NES. JULES RODIN & (11011 COGNACiA.NJflh!. BRANDIINBURG & FILER s BltRIAUX WINES.' OTPLEY, CRAM? k C0,'9 PORT IVIIXES. CRAN!' SUTER & COl'8 SHERRY IVINES. VIL YÃ" UNGER & kOC's EDEND IIUé rG ItçNG AND PALE INDIA ALES. &'a,., &c. C la now raceve!, »naar raau THOs a'AciSSeossQow7;s Ilueir Spa'ing Supplito, and et Ir or ale, on Very adrantageoutemtcv;a - BRANDIES,-Martell',,Hoecsey',Roi'sPitCislon, GI.NS-Iolland sud Eogliab, ottacatbranl,,, lu wooduuscl botle. RUMB-Finocld London Dock Jamsica ns Desuarara. ALffS-Bs', Alisepps andl Youngnr,lin wooalans! tctie PORTERS-B ads!', Hibbcrt's ans! Guinsa', lu wood and bottie. WMIKLOIE8 .-oitÃ"ind 1111811, oet tis noaxt faveurcal quauitie. PORT WINES-OIU & Co.'o, Samislcaan, ans! othes' favorite marks, ÉliERRIES-Crttrms k &00à 'a )casla'q', Pecinrins, &e BIJRtTDiES, ROCKS, MOSELLE, LIQUEURS, &C', &. c Price Liste and sempleas may bc hul on application, ~ ~, ~i, ~. HENRY CIL&PMEAK NOTICE L'~accn4. Lmssîy Court ul1, pusssrC,,C O sisositra 01. irC ors lVhItIsyAMg. llo 15. e;. 0îST 19OT4YYD, frte m isesanSic Ieeber i-ati à irgg BisandmmlWhUc Fozox."'uad ieg, W'lff bryaalcau l, bsa 1 cira, bà vin)g asýy paso ie vl hatng tise aimeto the aulse llsvl b. isanlniy rvorald. ýW JLtIseundIesgne!, have onteeainta, atyleo0 oLv ss4 liýkd wo, frth. -psrpo0 ecf urlg.bui sessf S Onla4e 0ptia4M&h90 b94o SAVE !OUR' MONEYi ?ILIAX PRESVE TURu KELTUi*jê a-j" #fialvj woud i'etmprai lsýt idèa alinu of libî OOSAND- SHTIOES9 Wer is. iisi a I (lressîaly IL-aduced Al1,wprk naSemoaa" n ie reiub y suiasaiger Anal*isOvi vrlnsNu 1<e apa but gOOe'Ajsa!rsiloszuelsdsu iss fri noiiis ura cîssmios , ttaiisssn ryaite av your eux oi'O Au areynrIsourois tu OAVO osts5ocian rut <ntIeslicur- Whilago ýv4Amishlc ook St.,WIb, Wîîn . yenimeet- vltîs al kiasOf U- 'ssasiagood à fl<om - Torente, lotIs Aue 15 ý 1 LO 1 t ' 1 1 Apoý*â '. r