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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Sep 1859, p. 1

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w van ya,~ 1 C ae Vi auf. *'urna ,JO. sALUX, TI8O1K0 ElLE A xM' ,SCE mMIIm~ Z&M or VADVJWa lx WNIuL, Whitby, OC. W 1v mi~ veereleaCroékei'y, . à58. fltt4lo t 100 v and bus lsvelllu..C Là e rred ai!ti Eooe. n tIse presulsens or@of th#. ERMANhePJ'*w1FeniZ7 III O4sSté, .ILNS G4 d ENANE WRITBY, BOOK AND JOB imFrrITIGBOTABZ.IOU1zriE q qf iPEORIE O FVPTmIWIITI publié tIsaI 111.7have proéurid sm oof tise ii( essdein styles o!fTpe rom New York Msut #r Vouusdslee u st. r pru'e, te eu 2001 AW »B PEINTfi *ievery dn.rlptkoila assuprbor style si vu. "jdeiatls, *t tuiélowuitruinuseratl lrtlmsPr~ essuds!Priuting Machine AuotBolé11, IMorse lbilla,aMd ollar doscsi àons eOf Priuîlug furulhcd witliit sbIour boiug erdléos! IIIugitiM hMAYEEIIOIFEBÎ, an" Ofis aré, WhtbyL o.- E. A.M*TZUovni . W 55. <500 Coute di..suecourt flume. 1 W ADU RSIDEXCEAVRO aS KrRI. orOYZ BAT TUE COURT > jls e. NPitr ~ T~ EISTILAI.01CB UN »ROC0K STi Il. je MACDoNoLL., CLER OY TItI YUMW%. 01110-ýAT the. Court fluse., Idfl OFICVUI C(UNTY COURT AND tJ.Jsraro( ties urfa,ce court., dveet thé e*ltry 0",est Bock Iroet. 1 W. *PAXTOFI, Jr., T itEAsuaBEII. 1111AT THItCOURT ne J. MACDONELL, ICI tl,1I ? 16 Lt, leU1ýoorK 3VTI0IC01 TNa JON UERlja C .UNTV ENOINEII. 0111E AT TUE Court flous.. OLEIKIESTDIVISIOiÇ COURT, 0111CR at thé Court 11o006,i jË3 ÀA B 1.0T 8 AND> COUNTT CROWN (Boa" itéo-lu AruaWs Nor Esiok lo.-1D iloor.10 &AXRONKMAUD01YBELL, DARRISTERS dk ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .loicitons to thé Couuly ýiOOInIOtarlo.-. ar"ost lthe court Howss-OOUtii WÙnÏ GEORGE Il. DARTMELL, B AIRIJTER, ATTORINEY, CON VBYA k e, adare tors, Brook Street Whitby. SlOre.t, Whltby, C. W. ' 1 8 . B. FAIRBANKS, S %L1CTOR, NOTA1LY PUBLIC, "o. L3ARRISTER AND AflT0RNEY-AT-LAW. «"o- o14the . is try 011w, Brook re , ITJC IBy. iAi L V'IRE, LIFE AND MARINE IN8UICANOE XA.nt trtise oussty of Ontario, ofine over Pomdo' lrWu. Store, Brook ôtreet Witiib. SCOTT'S MOTEL, DUNDASSTREET 'IA IIITBY,YIILSTDOOR D Eat of W. Laiug'î store. is.îîw. ,10 W. CALJJWELL BIOWN, POI4VEYANCEII, COMMIS8IONER FOR ttiMlvt*, Aéouutanul aud, Divi CuzIrig. îotsry Publicesud (0eral Aget, Oth UDOMO-Xiug Street, uesrly Oite .B.Âlbuslnésa énts'ted to bit cai@ vill bo prosugslv attendaet te. ou82 Aw lltî0lt &CùNVEYANCING A. KÀM ,B. A., S'TOBNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ciiaury, Couvoyancser, &o., main bten G.M.ATEL T~EPTY RGITaRmut EXTRA. 1Jîissud oaa.suineî lu Cfancue o Utlo root.,Wstb.4 TT NTTOàNNUEIVS ACO E8wLAW ]Wiuge, isls. 8 WIMLtAMTEMilpEIT,1M9 V# West, 1 150151ER, AN» - 1 A e-bii, NQ B IroouuM eme x Po es I EM1oNnV MEON ~ TO TUE OOUXTY UU OByron Strt, Whsitb>r. J. a. JOXES, 1QCÂL DESTIST-OYI1CE IN BRUCE ovor J.Blg.lov'.StJ..6" oppot.t SitRgilatry OMMlu Aloperations wàùrruo. p IcANOUEGEON, ACCOcUCIIER, Pac, 01 u im d ue.sgeIkwial Wlithy. 1srdoular sttentiou given tO Chronié N. B.-ÀMl otb poolr ry m.uda, g- ZAOT WINM1OZMBOUVSWMITEYri T Ea lr lotolfil oitused lus pheastand l$tsblltigsud att4utivioetse£ 10060bbfT»ivSM. betW i»guaDte la *predtoi r.oiv.tevor Fu1I1atthoiri or bis rooi&=a. 4 -J. C. MAMCOCM-, IWrBOUT AND 1sous11 AKE,53 q COMMERMCAL Buiding, Brook-iî , 0 Witby, Wéuîk inudé th order oi « stu alarad i11 ovporisuéd vok. mni.ai", Àoro;epsiugduieiti teeaaid RUJTHERFORDI & SAITIDERS (LAIs' . OL) TAILOBf, &e. ,&NAD 5 ioSEE WYAT TU. 52route.o 4 K ut Wet,JUiaull toi. f AVERIOAN MOTEL. WALEEII & FATTEESON PROPIE. wtors, cer r o!Youtig sud frreut tru.t. Torossto, . W. là PERU SALOON. JFAIAS, LATE O? TUE "YOUNG aCsadss," uosr tisé Royal Iqo.um," "tr.t Wut, Toronto, Chies uppéesm Rohliinobu t lal houra. , 15 JOHN METCALF, Vros~sis¶sl the ruablhp ]Brook. A14 FRANKLIN HOU&E. LINDSAY, 0 W. JEWETT, PEOPIBTroR. 001101. B al .1Wmacmmodationu <r Travelléra. Woltby, jan, 21,1857. 1 CABINET MAxR, UPIIOLSâEIES, *kO pr HaOn n veadk"djob. bing, sud ropé!il ut Yurultar. stteadéd tu, Fuaitur.earo<uliyrezuoved. RAILIEOAD MOTEL, Pm plan, D ARRER, PhtOl>iLEOB. jrTElS Lie~~~~a Iluepsuesgo osrniodenfoi Trarlics. nos!Staulsg sd attentive Ost- lem, . 1 A. PRINGLE, mZICIANT TAILOR, BUCE STBEIT Wbltby. TROMAS DEVERELL, B UlLDZR1I,Wc.o, Q, GREEN STRtEET, OAKWOOD ROTEL, AKWOOD, W. BANKS,-PltUPEIETOE. O Uood acommodstiou <fr trsvollero, 08 HURON flOUSE, 105 I& I lTlt, 0. W.5 ELLIOTT SPRUWLE, PWOVEITUE- ONTARIO MOTEL, BRYj%5itJr, PROPTIETOR9, BROiK el @tret, WItb, eod-babligsud atten- >IARTIN'S (Labo Walsh's) MOTEL. i 19 àT ho houxi31u,, URleTIENOOD, 12JINALEGOULUIAEO top!i th enof IWbltby.g IGLtR CTEL7THDIVISIONTORIO, lmImtor of eLs4 sd unimlute rmu.. CN TON MIVOTELM O £41it, CYOMur W. àCU'2BBEETim btge ut Protleter CANTROAN MTEL 19 O.JERA zEfreloe Eue ugau w~Teeae. sie-ti tEMITd'àAMTATAW P1 LAINwAN» OEMENAPAI.ý GoodLiquor, Wiuso udBruAdie,.elI.ut4 Thoé Hou. la vel) <urula., vell bpt, iad th# .pug apsnunt. romui Md lr. iTiior. lu ee04 oouroaboé"14-9ugsud ethé* #stgsu largo emcnventsud s upplé li tilé bet Wlun, Lqamrsud ii.Hs- .ou.ly 811. ap àitl ooms <f«pri a. MICHAEL MCOAULET, PPmWUA. TU ITIfEADISG STÀGE BQAD HALl WhtbadUzfr idj..Tuao asln tyle <orSb$e aoommodatlonof trsvd- :eaI ""eyatetOu pud gtyteIoesuad tise bit kW lddou M sd OrMs. om à sx* #uisylum»,eu m. 0.48IÇ ot1REO;T mntlo tbie tai ?bi C*:d o ie buLaZnborel00 omtu t se .dsueuIu oi.u, LOTIE TUTWN QUIBEC. w to du St4omSSAU14f dlaf end ...ait IJ AYELLEESAND) VUITUS te thé Au. 'dont Clty of Qa.bee wlL Sud aupenlor se. comsmodo"mt o 1Moderate #bhW#e. t tisaiesbv lsotl. TaIseb le 157 = YÎelotlysiltaitud mste bulum reaodl otSu 0,praplpi. oror, yatnr>, Z.go bio GLOBE MTEBROOKLIN. buet sonud ad fomr lb. omoth @sud toutron- ouce o!ithé publie. Thére f o" mures hlimommyfrl.uds that Gd, dr di le.oj0fS ein ero- tain timetisthelobeLC, sud t vIu l b. peioulm aty preSeuiir. tmnbam àuéha v- bu omh beau tisoroaghly pprd pitsd sud îquoaied, sud le 8)td apu evry7 ru ps o luàél mmuner as toe urs astiafs- lion. Tishe rsu abl uple!i.frry wft the but st bles IUbdrléa.mI 5-17. C. DAMES, Proprietor. 'ROILBEOUGRAI TO PEENOHMAN'S 1: âSaon heiéGmsd Tuk llroad, Oouciu itk thé Wiombg »4udEv.ag Tudla..in JAMS UBBARD. JouN, M.GILLI TUI ICNSDUCTIOUM UR ECANADA Ls'W#04, otfru io smviées te thé luhabi- tana of Outéio ans! Duibis Conties, te at- tend OsalesbYAMotiou IMusiold Fariture,1 Merelsudlze mndiother efeo e t àaumuabu1 TUE TERRAPIN. £i EPITORS 0P TRIS WELL T 'kno8aoost, are nov lu OmLuuilni thse old ft. S RLO ing uireet, soronte, (rorinerly kePt 1~Mr, Hrley The preiia hâebnnewy reoaues bLuglsont, sud flttu- in ltheL liraIstyle. Every procurable delieacy inse#mon,.ÀAcigar divan fittés! up se- pstutly into visicis none-bul thé but brandi are perusltted toener 28< CELSLIàh IOONET. JRAIILBED» oIIE, BORNXX OF BROOK AND DUNDAS St.., CI Thtby, (taté Tiocksos) ThoéBab Koriber b.gs te announcete thé inisabiltt o Wiitby, sud tIhé travelling ommuulty, th"t b. Lb aukesbeve drot dmes Homa, vhlolh bu littes! up inàwa no doneet mouer. A flus-rdteTabl la m"r41dattbsioe . Diu nér, Lou un, &e., mu be la à amoments notic. AU Llqun s et ithé#pimisseare vsutcd the f 4.a#u, Ciz ésCgare. TROMAS DOWNING, whby, marcb il b, 188. 0T No.2, latb8$rd cmmun nysw.ut7 L4 té Wswsoee)adjlulg tà# Town if Wb.Applybo thé Réa., ,1.. TrMas carrytssglms w.tz.n, qBelvl, J.« HM »ily ,187 FOR SALE. A planZTESEK KIM - CRiLlAOLAR zr4eb, ob i, At hUmm" mm»we,. DEWENWHITBY ýAND LTNDSATý AND WRITE! AND BEAVERTON.ý ~ASENGE5esutraeltbrough b om O lb sitheue day.1 1 Tb# Saes<oUes *00 suid BmvertSo,i rive u ime <vthe unt0rg on stasWest, k~~z:N. RAY JS¶UNOFMERIAELÎONSUCON- teku rdaÀVls su Q. B. sud C,.Ir, VkSOOMNToNg, 1p,. Tovusbip of<Brook, $wuaisud plarmi tforBai, r z ASSIONZE0O.01STONE, OFFR, Applldate ob. md.te or S.11914RWJ Whltby, maréis2,18lm, M. W. WOODWARD>, Mcd GeuersAgsat. OEe-lattly oééa. by Jsmeliôgeon, Whltby, 0a W. oldt Boad ofTrne ruto 9»4e ,qarMRu , liùtob Mliionto- rontcFruljdont Bauk or hou tisi, ontul MuusMutlaud, Tylé. & Jlaehlso, Troto; rdss.Audéon, lira 1; 94 onr ro, ssa.W. Prié. h SoUQué Whitby so.P sd Caidié Ya.ory. .ZftWdub.rber bop steinf u<oudéiosthst A ha a fuov pr.prod bta ,spivy iwthevh VY4MI 4 DS atesthé above butTornto mIfLs ot uparlor toth Aàove4»sj" ~lu CiahsP0i4!te Bubehora Mud éthéra for TSmall u! ad. JAMSWALLACE. Whltby, JMy Y,1859.f TO B 80WD-A BAIGAIN A NEAT DWELLING BOUSE 91TUATED suI inthe Conter or BEAVEISTOI coin- rlsug six Rooms. Appy, Ifb.ylutter Pont raidi;' L'HABLE U BINSOI, hq. Whitby. pfBs liz, 1060 CENTRE IIOTEL, M E VANS YLEZ, PROPRIETOR. Thé sub.orbsr bu rusumod the poasesion Ot t asvoi kuovu hotol, sud lakés jesoite lafortuIdei payrons sud publie, tbat nothlug bu bus lef audoné lu refittiss< the houso te eissure thi sai slléion ind ons-rt. lHe trusta thita hearfvOu aucter bd«O ,the public gs mondation t uléfvr Every attention psid te theé éosutort cftivollers. Oood f811 bling.JEUXE VAN BLYKI. -VASUON UEHAIE CUTI'NG AND A mit wglibsh r sudflair Drner, el log sndn uthe busines, wviii lvsys h oisi i Uneu to atenid on genueun.., Sbariug Ila sproomsste vihc esstleus.u for good rouon, iae such aarréut itundr"ob nuon', baud tbuy vil! Sud thé operaîlon both gre.ableaudplnssant, PMWNIX INITJRANCE COUPANT. &'PÂID UP CAPITAL, $200,oooM pDOLICIES grantéd lmmedlately on applsca. Ldton, vitiout reféionoe te tihfe Hô- Office. C. LYNDE, Witly, Veb. 2,1889. Llfnoua NEW STATIOINA1IY! ÀRIGGINSjR* M ERUOFFEE, Su eo au attention t. tbeiv large stock 0M ew Itatlonary, vhloh luéladéeSUaifla us.ofPlai saud Fsogny Wlritlmg Paperq, lUerclaasstgovaaig PapOI4 ,tSéi o BéRaiaes..,Pencalo, Pané, uk, Papovf,k.. Ma., Loy 1a- tiomvy OfO<yévy deaévlptlou icladiag1 BlauR Dse, Los,«mortsges, As- élgauats, B«opa, R.lsaDlstraun LÂWYER'S BLANKS1 QUM,# aBernéS, CoMrn.. PessCau cevrfa»àCouasty Courtrom. Phu" ..Colnmaaks et 1165v cestts Ugagista.'sBlaksNotsa iaks, ailfor galéa etToronto pva.a.j PRIN T 'N, exps- dW.~l~p as~4 ehéswl~ Szeouleê At 55. WkIlbv Eesduoe~Emsma w 1$ au, psy- t, i I dOtlisligr j s~escrl.1 3j 'Porab ,.oflan ztb,: M aide of Brook Street *Forfnrtor prticlssappl' (if b-'- let. tuerot-.Pad) ah W. ILTrea 'ue'aoc WhItby, or te t hé ou.orbr Ceu J>. 0. JNL'ltlS, WhitbyJuly U80159. Ler te a Co284ur <Tvu efNlag dsye of Sptember 18N, ad.r tise maqog mun th follugSeards W . 'ob z l C Uo i ly i a p l l u I I o A M Peter B 21emu NoIq.;WmMlGI er P'. k5,JobinS. ar, ;q WM. W. E kff&edv FIRST DAY. ST. LEDGER 'LATE VALUED AT-.50 fre. fur MIl bon«au ntçnUes «, liraut, IfllsN410 lwwlu oilad ueTot- s'Ortb pile Cbutbedîs. NisqasisTurf Club êoiglsts. £ ynr.oic a fétb.; 8 y«"i o0, M Ibs.t4 Yegreld làO Ibo ,;6yea old lb..;* tua'b" gtins! olil posjod 0 lb.. BT. CATaIJlNE8 PURGE. $lu0 y oR* a-Ueto v.sy p.rao. Dlataue SsECoND DAT. SADDLE AID BEIPLE, Valués! a $80, Upemtell lsrs ese.Me si,but s STEWARDM PURGE.....$100, su lusnldésisiaké f 0 mos.h, $20 *o!lt, 0pe" te "IlI Lorf rc! edlu Csnida.M11 bute. Best linrl. Turf Clubwdeghbat TEOTTNG PUISE......$0. Wltis au n*Mnirae o! $10 emcb, $6 <orteit. 0peto ai berusne msouelo Lesta Slu à te TMRE»DAY. LINCOLN PURSE .... ........ $100, Titi an is!. sake 0of80»saOh, 16 forfet. l penu bail house. Two mIlsumss repust. Turf l ub weigbté, Gad utIdion Bail Play sud Foot Riés, b.. twoou thé Aunerlesu sud Osida Indisus, TOWNSHIP PUGE......$W0. Withsuonafldestakeof<810 sesi $5 forfIt. Ope toMluddehormsovued in eoCoanties o in,li1dsaud sud WoUmdusl le busta, at in8. catchwelghtm. STEMOAT k I. ROAD PURGE $100. Titis an Iialdolekso! 5eoisWh 16 forfait. Op"e So U beises oné mi)# Lotte, Ï l. acb, NIAGARA PURGE ........... $200. Witb an Inslde ataké <of sOhM, $î0 forfai. (peu te mil Lsém. Tbrtemilessud repuat Turf Club velgista. TROTTING PUISE ......... ... $80 BEATEN PLATE $10 each, wth $ idd" MiUle uabuS U Lb. Tur I0ubvegb. lot.Al ridera toisé dresses! ln full.Jock. ey dru. 2nd. Hfoises to b.ertered wiîb téeS&. eretar>', nt outohisou'a Motel, the day pro. rions to running, et 8 o'lock, sP. x. Brd. Alil orséstolairt euoh day at hai. paut ouaeo'lock, s'. IL 4111. Pennsreoting Tentoads!Boüths upnl tise Course o! any, description, wiii b. cha gis!$8, payable -te thé Serro Clérkfof the Course, and mon.>' te b. pais! beforée retiug the. "me, Dth. No person allowédte enter a Horse, uuluahboatisauboriber of et lent $10. "". ' ySubsrbrfosdeterin ai. other àsu' boswiotanta suacri. be tébos iihIrouot, and! cousîtes! distauced. 7tls. Threh ories to mùae0@1edtwo te start. MtI. All imputés to e b.dscded b>' thé Stéwvdsan sd thelrde"Iaoto be "na Oth. Thé Stewards vili haye la tiséir power tg poalponethé e s Mlunémié of foi th n er ionnting before com- lng totheéSlaste ilé wélgbsd, viiib. tbroWn ou4 ,ans! coutés! ltaaScd. 111h. Thé àséýOf ab"ussud ~Isaué te bd "Wttiés th isejusg.apoité!fo tistpurpcn. 129LThe sédleeue oea iii hé t libethtié flowlug di&eté, vis -.i mils és4t,100yu&da.2 mileisssa, 120 yard&. Smli ats, 140ysr" 151h. Tluubuins orne m's e fn »psies, to psy $1 toti Odeothé cowlî* 1*1 atrav sud volgblng." 144h. Alil oreae radf An' orseorRSidervte Joekyla to hé cotasidéres! dloaséd. 151h. réunliée 15 jer cent fr ll tb r t u ma 108 la the rie mil « f od us orde vine,.muâ rb t - ENL (Mies scei ormoud soa4ra. HIQGNG MÂUHO~ LTé gy s éduelons Ta 01W TO HOTEL KEEPrERS. nOHURIl H<URON-OUSE Also tii.whole 'Ofthe And Wn alo, tm ia 1e s « ud u, 1 71talu lu ,&N ",.g dos f er :irtus e ;= mla plu Ae, acgos garden, co talsu e aryts ELLIOTT'SPROWLE, Whltby, Angpst si, 1859..4a Phoeixrire Assuralmc o., 015*10mm Iiui iîn 1*810Ou, 101901 ESTABLISRED 178?26 MMES pid vl t ro*rnS totEE Bud Loudon. H. W. WOODWARD, Oommuimw msa fltlru,WMa Amnt, Cous 4' gr Onta"ip. Whltby, Ang. 10, 1869,. JAMES JORNITON, Watobmakor and Jeweller. B WB TUIPORK THEI ILFlnb'bltsntsof Wbitbsud : aurrocaffing eouurythsatlsebu enoeded 0 thé busines Iateiy iagss. irleon by 1fr. Tiimm Oalk amonfet that al ork entruaied te bis are, Win give e"afbou. A nov sud vanI mortes! Stock of Jewely, Waehe-,Clocks, o. CHEAP FoRa CASH!!1 W JEWEL5RADMI TO 01188, «M die price., sucb lover thomuuully charges!. Wbitby, Peb. 9, 1959. 4 NEW MUTSIC. Jud reeehed bp t&ae udergned, WALTrZss GALLOFSI Q UA DRILLESi And! Muai. Arrangea for thé piano Forte. DaUy's INew Quadr!Ules BIGGINS kMYROPR Brook Street, l7kitb MO10IES TO LET& HESUBSC IBE IS SEVERAL BRICK T Cottages an.! Teuusu.ut. of <ront bbree te lIr omtoe lton Modorate Tern iqe ,sre eituaes!lus thénat pléazg prtof- isée Tg"u Of Whltby.JME ALAE Whltby, oet. 18, l8u8. la Orown LuMMl.D.paftma 1 ?rmnto, lotis AU&.1069,. bms PU"ee l to in nt Rléhard JSéOW.0 vEquire, <te roide for theé présent ai Orlils AgaUotbo utdm.tof is. er.1 eru Mud Musk.ksBnd, aposwticisgrats, lItes!teomu a"dm éa, vil!b. as "Whltby,À*g , 1859;lue> Sté, Bat"- 'Uw.YED*t he rulduof ,--F. ~romtlid oft0 ApniL Imm f lor Great Bru"alamua & ps Iltides! foi Eur"pe houldbe6poat- 7, o'clock A.. M. on Moutt l §TATION ,UÜy lgTiyU$.-Tbs >oylvYou ma&islet m v place in Brstwb !ortb Àserie 4 plis llb.heUn toi!Statué, (potg plAcoin thse BritlsIs olonics or 1>osaes- ut ia £Dmans, (postage musstbe pro- ,EusIuYnuau orotîsequoielgu conu-. P O8Ibsn, eui tco e menpt "1'A1101oÇl8 UptomI lis OlgpraIlb. mulbi Prepizlby Poto 0ctissspud may bc registor- xt=,ypauet od iddItionai. No 'ail«0r dsPstehéd or reoelvid ou $un- 4555 Blokoamsudpriulédmalte. r rtieuhe nt 81.1..,the. CousdlauPostage roua wo jr la t ges t m p o , s d o n a u h u a t t r / r m te collm tou dollvory. AI, tmns.t ooom attln hefr « yemtbe orbîjed. y 1New#= or he lIlph west Trslsrnor Il, u osrplousb ndsey4M, e';s 01110E U BS, w oedy, frons 7 0. la. te, . un udaYsfrom 9 to 10 0.sM, ostm i au e u épueh»as th'?epvct A. MOPUERSÛ , P.1M Whiibyi G'.li, o9 c1w. ROM sand LId for Sale, b celen luandpsssss wst on "i m i.' ofUx bridge cbg fértise acurcis, th is 'lsoi, isé proeI laiud tishuses m*o!geniorsl il isfilié,M. ertns t'go,usand $Gsy ho ksowisb' pI igto OMENIT SAiLE BY- IlEFU1(CRIM I<will sel! by Alotiols ut T ' GLEN)1U," to iso itees or tie ltce, MWR. JOHN DOW, Whitby. on TUEDAY the Ulth OCT. next, Tise followlug valnable proporty coousistiug ut' HORSES, DURRAN CATTLE AND PARMNGI STOCK, FARMING UTENSILS, carrlps, lelghu, Earess, &o., &oý, &a., alrso, "BAY& tGRtWINC tIIUPS h HORSESM 21ose, R osght yeiuold. 2 Ibm.,c, ttr.y .rol 2 flonmé, six ycssg oldl. i Homs, foraysa01d 2 felera, lsrw yosrxô nid ca]£sf) 2 Iefera, two ysrç old i iieone >cur o0c 6 $tomr, two yosrs ols!. ( tloe.seou "arold., i8Cle,(lrae utthnBul) -ess 1 Thmr snls uxe, (elgisi hors powir.) 1StOrw csits. 1 Two Hom BolIer. 2 "ran iadlci, Soythes, . 2 Wtugos 2 Pir Bob Slégha. i ong Selb RAY-10 stocksO*ofl1nt Ray, wcî Ictaés! éosslg about llfytons. « GIWWING CBOPg-ô acres 01 Turulpsasud t~rs cf iPotatoos. sALà AT 10 oCLOcim A, I. Tsusus-TW-Olve o i.crod4t un ispproved Tbltby, A eew 41h, 1la». 82tw Munss, ad lot f« sale la the Village of Land, siste 4la theseen&ste 0<théVWI tuérf la au excellent: Pump on tléensse Yetruh.AppI>' téW. A. Mcuilot l JOHN McCULLOTI'OIr, tousm. TieppitoVbsgP. r MÀ?~Eu I4MO l77.01,01 91-9 LI. - Il 1 1

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