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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1859, p. 3

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'3 Id. s- ils B' 4~~*' A w 1~L~ hâraisag biat nusbot04 aiNev oI4 m bein'tis., moeî cveulsotpoinftou& uîmos sud supply, ou"-M'eY we te tisis'noble en$erpn s fisaces, sud bus beosn. <e . *ruéfôns». TisenUe pOrlIxomm ~oa ae A is fes " a he y,'avoy Jenner àbid Astley Cooper iare ýorgottmn Tise great C ricket Mth lyda KeDaia v.a lEgismnsd22 24sh lt., *11 wus Siubad on tue.follow. las kla i à mrn vinciblo ~.Raapd eoven.'"iho Cau,. adieu. vtut la it sàsd' sered 4. Tise Euglsblsu 41e te tIs lis md 'vers Pmot u aKor eing î1 ,Tbeandna4 *pina vont lumand vert put ont sftti mais lutg die sOWI4 ~ of 42t . fTUô %lisis, x«eiéa1.teo the bo a" '~ 0008 stru osp t. tisfloppenentts basting tbem vlti 4e$ mP Uz; nom isBa.- xicé ll - arrive 5$tbli p1àoô*siýtie bitlunot èfOetb#î,froiu lu. Maoisy mprovod tht,' bowvrer rlehi OQYO"Ipf bpi, 40 offcnt$vayý dIo tis erma ait d"O< k"np.uim,losilg tiat bat' Majasy~ vu c8iIngý,tQo 0vtsul« o,ex peug moud" tivoi eralcoobu, 'wbo gobeo' o be ssts la tbtho own vie as. ltendst.estop, xbisyts, npeseg tisrougb>.elef bar MajesSy's dieur *as ý la b. rld off good dvüw 6, uagefrîomxa ltrof, ar tpe mueis amibenolvo *bm#j4or ons ll. T4 bolit 11 elu tises caesla té Inorsut-os thevorld -vueItfere on, 4p#~r*f jms. coputoa of-tiba siWti ntsbe 1s~nttru*l.e Cation of tbe blooda usmre du.'vblmof ~v~ te aoinovlogq n. ncisalsm Dû Foi ob elx1the ~ qu dld" r; s" Lyonv4I*étbS 'a 9w< 1. 00 Ma"220 suuacs., ,TJws.s94WcIgo 1 Sqy 'lecls rte Parone lu te tise luug, anethser the llvev, sud teferate tbo-vhsl.ver in 'thse:'bla'*eoy1 80 ts.~ hohl, s. oseri.;a bop e I. 5 1- 4, s r I 1' dt t idtID owitbouinget eisia oftiseb e«Pogmsent orIsow. M ww lyfPs" dsnjeoulY M at Veron is h M au or snalay wo l ILtand being trlA4 ,vf ~tSie510J7làtkius @net sud at tli esrly stg1- f owvr 13"dk;diM uolike thegro 0rid *hvo onthe aprsIi f ?" lsbé W beuo h. laY toiian supé $91 t*up, eXOlfiI b q thingu t. do t*issuemy <.ver/' Bon. dois rome <om bits icisconcIspuIt 'on bio unlfos'm, vent outAt, tie bhudof bls moue fouglit al day loug l1a slion, out th pieffllUtbat wu opposod to hlm, d csns. -bististhemasS glorlmof ,et tise Wn quished, sud cured of bis diaees-Pario co;risp.ondio itise -idtrary tGagmte. A Lcvjm u m ssun.-À Young Mau id Cineiuattlha ttemùpted toCommit soloi4e S5v. limes-ail for lorse. RoHine i Sacismu, sud "%e beloge -ta 21evYork-,, aged -lbreoo. Thse;yomsnî ladyei , sent ta utiseosg lay, vWho' i6ee i Is Western Par4 of the City, requesslng MIlu.; ýtmîvewq but Oti es.dclled -aCoMPly witb suddk. aut domu sud viole buea s lot toi elà whicqhobestaited tisat i nloed eelfdolructon, sd1sedtise pmntlg of hi. simple requeut vould bave nvad bis l'ifs. Hoetsonpurch"aaoapistol, wëà stà4 ,ls vooneu, udplacug -tise mud aw.l a hio brouetfirod the, conte ntt.bis bcdy. Thse bill Isem Mm&.tsuopu Wu, litie dmh » baa- oe luis TUE qOIS EWWJb E EEMu jc»L4f ,PMiw Ty ui vm1~iEou l tigre QU I tlu.panful aMd dogsrZâ to wiloh tige tomme omattaUionlsb. jnOddese u e uad rmovos *0 obstrue- t1om Md M sy MMpoy uarpl u ne -, .>.~ ~71r~rbîung on tb# mtbiiJ orust SlM811P ai «veUmBrItu, te provent, coulltertt. i lu m aU pe f ervous m*<LSgnaI .&fot1 l'ul lu th@. hokc! Limbe, aYi1u0 ouuJo1 ,Ooertago,, Palpita"Ionftbo ae- JY ONw at4 filsise, thiePilla wlllofta Su whess ,Full burtAlim b. consUta 'sole Agoni for têItueStatasan d eghsoa s(Lot. 1 . y @th ,,,0 oi,3 Nwtha , (W,«lsJê.ýi -Dfr =tuie i (J. À.- mnut.r, Duis ose, otat W L D:til, Brook &trot hl#l dlasoulnil m mm nsureor lmipsu- to *41 Infin tlMk.ogt. AOLET ACLEA8EDu dK etso1i CEAM Praine Héùe, e Pm@ Iku lmmedlatly. Tih@ retit to bit pal4 Orff' vigIlbe reoelv.d luiM«in r and befom . BIDAI lis. Ma Oebor, pmoulnm For' farthe Iioroiailn p-ply ~fb etter., post pald)to- ?IkolgEth &-pt~, 1880. M1. ceure. Ti ail *ho d&e i tiowIJOmoulw w nt<Inaw' oav thy wqmnh um l:? tu " '1 t I-Si 4- Ti~I oTudwie iuïe;t pmetir Pmonnlstean WhlSby, Aug. 11h-85. 44 STAETMNGmIBT TIYE t sumviye Y6094eb. -J In Vlgt«t td= dbêfl 6# 01Ct t hetilire' , hi 41rpil as'nd =uleasP, sL mfcllng, lsttUue '.wbem lb. oibaeamuo- Idtil~osuiagent Md a rutoratbou ttaisemth and - . puaI-# . seorgo of tibis continent yod 4uM'kta àous,. othem Andletcîy,. 5g, emurnvsaadopue l si îgÉ WUtabibiti ..'.t", X tss8q t 1' the 251h-Septembes', 18W,. < oue ebts sand Wecknees. FrsnvIatve emecrlvnametsprta, mi Meus. ifglew'lre, Gis., RHail, Il otlsor aigu "of dcesed IlVe,$doros sehse. ie a i esuf4n, v»nleb i-Usr tse: Pqs~lk~ibes.oe ~el il 'W511povetIlant TIIOXMS HUSTON. lolVrBmaleu > Towns dert. nsnl on iel rlgasvde,0 regnlatinx Mnd rcnovao s'r.cy; vbstoves Wblb>r ~s4..s8.1ss " s~btlsemlaint, ttis*AU b.etaleu vitIs pat7dl d andopis., dlorgm&uq~ tio fflIdaUcii.ail but ml"ssloss. CASH 7FOR, ODUoE xwt f i *ý-17aUdmÉklna.dPis s.pad te Astbmai, Bovi Cossaîsista. Coulha, Colda, ChuteL«cmtiDi,.,... Dyeppala Diar. ' e y qA i l * c h i*ar n a io, s a e d e k u e s , LI r e d m - TIIOAS 1100Db, W"CAUTIO Non, are genn U.nl.. cr~da" À re dioelu eves adur-mar tiAw VGA *Â ICIÂ. tlb.bookse<d>lroUussoudoah o js b Wliltby, Sept. 2$, 1859. 04 thiuu 15 b. Plaisdyes.u byicimle.g _____________ tellekigh. A heudouos.res ylte given 7,7 771tausyon#esndrbsg sucis'ltto onssus o m vida ~. <~ cSqntert W sm ed"@*osor vnIgts saluekuovbnth'm t. bupur'ions. Depsrtusuta. i~5Solil ai 5h, Mauti of Professe iIouovw,50 ines iNOW York, andti ,GBBail 4e.etbe.ssgig eiuet~ronjbo t s M Déad lntes ii.dii P 'Nrzo I Q a'ie dtsd-Statlu Midussti5 unS bcfer theTs0an 0(,Zncfîuel. 4l oflemuh'8V,9 'ok ncss et Parties s'sldiug llu per Cana thejqil r 1m. or tlsevluo, villa uy ofte . Goerssmeut ý. .DIrectIonstris.gudauce opatienta 'Dportmenls. ev.y disraroafi*0 t suis boi. 871 Psosdesiomseuvl'tag Patentls for eteis b oihvngJImcaal .~ TU 'A Jrg &WA II Ingomation o.sposai Sts .ovuaoe NrA On or o0tb«rauliOu e ailsf api «W A0 nt Au, cents 0 Atls SB69-Y ire . And lit Àt '3 J kudbo to ~ q.su, c anot' b. surptâsod, 'If Wzede by ny FURTUMERIIARRUYAL9 Dl.Ily epecte by n itma m e. Osbava, Sept. 22, 1859. 8O'v-2m KAEÎATIVEU O? TEE tlemdtFàthers dell' )l *ei laraies .f 1h. e mnît.Iaq"ai, Who voire th ts luese eIIndIlos atedat Wri lIzotion lnosud". :This-vorh, luspo. leu se te tise Enslsis.ap.aklugp =lto oftNm,tmeros. Aý,lrinhabtantof thls siselvu "iloisb ni lb. slirsug namr«e 15111,lbs.eforot.mak tm4~ Thieeslhist*etf ais iat tul Trench Gorsuent bas made large mAd ps'tciouscontribustion#o( sgrlc ee sud piuted, relalîug cely z Caa,ft settlemant sudver'; U. bee "sOft et th. 'United Stalaes Wbsun evi, aemlou&;lu Coie, o cunls ea saltg'to 1lb. sala ,and om t tel. ir dy a"d miven. (M .;sud b. eoaeragslmn afterai lu a14 cf enth' 'sfj a"n chmaalter, bas slwaysbsupotsd u etl'.ctnallygsald Tho pubIcIm0 o oauthoentiud laI, pens su liteasry.,bodîe&s; bmuàs.tisoy; supply leltber th. e t oiesuoftbi <ruSh 4 1 i mlsù , been aaette bh a i- h ti s e e i las . t s c l s ud pr i va t e i m ofW u of cotem = hIa wwe1a g êvalue tha lise pojlehdproS o'fsusa aduoem,a vaine ~ j vhotis., I nt't FUIR! .at~ J. alose .F' té mmm fàr -_.I m w oarkml ý th e e t U" a In t -- I--W o- ud a d e p ~ M :. tl 'o t b eir ,o v g s h m 1 4rto , bL s in s s, h e y j" u êsdI a M 1 b e tt e r w p~p ~dnbulansd mv -a0JA as» lillasud exàanln. Ail kinds or hsmb.s. an4 armera produço talon lu eciauge. Morwarrmnte& f~ oin Orb r M ' DO VAN mw WÀfLKFiTaz~ çIayo naO Al,. R1~ADY MAfE CLOTHING, b i M e n s' m nd ~A n B o1Cn a, . t. d u t al o o n,,O f eV O ty Iu nlltr m a d 4 e p = -th e p r eo n f eee A rUr t tkof(i'ê«eries juamm ereiiv-&di.M fWE.m mb.rP*rrv'a ,-Eriok Building. ofthe BRIXs ~ ~U EANDlA S land 'OÀMSUEkkCO' SF.t'YWNE.PA180 goAs sae184eQsvnsgos $rs ~ sp 41N8- èIffoo Î; = à bottle, f bcs RtU M S - p n e » lL L o sd.oD O & l JAM ISua Ias f ln g a a.- aIlL A L 3 S B asa , M om s d Y o 4.'s là w ôe, ad buffl e. ' or PORTER -ils dg , llbstssdGins',l odn ol.IOMO#' mot avoued quli s. t l P O R T W I N E S- O l ày k L ' C à n d m n e , s d o h e m o r l m r e .H a o CLARETE-OUaâriomps,lnweasdhote h bu.r Pl t eMamui mpieos My b.had on appileaIon. dtol tm on s.sr u i t, s Junot 2bj,~N Y C LI I N j ~ t il Thyms honsest4 àthen.,l ' eue ýPost o NE-W lEusmberof the oi aud the Public of Cana respduifislflformed -th pubRNU, , as so as ch Improve4 edition of L t».., by bl. GÀ mutr,.y mliof eis d. sud coi ions, tlsa<ho vould undi k-th gest (anadisn 1E lgi>, respondlng t toLiu mosid, Ms'. LovL bas Ote isidi4a Iseôle ls. of"à Méo and TisIné) "MI al sketches et Y. aud Continental " Io1 . X ltau s;Weeî nectiL -'. saytua mm=olane elImhnas.a nno ttarin Tue: club-,, 3n entu 7e the utidmigPd, ave n.«i Vs'omntss BacsSe t he1 mm. 5w8 ai, E 'mW'4tbeu 'WbItby, Augi mil '3"'-- 4 I ~ ~-. .4'.- - l'il' 1 ý Om4wý Spt. 22,'1859. 3"-ijùl 1

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