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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1859, p. 3

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tWO g#so, b, hfy *0 onrt, a iurnto st t] Pa. fth àze, dý Bi.m ' d c, y thse to Mna i~ I Brfrugoth fs¶ T ' fgn o f, be PYatet ootjILDan., ____________________ ax a ^;té :1n4 a? bis Esu tato u omn a è t d thse Credi A~~f~t pu la LL porIn, gr$ hersby eulo. a o èe m n te< iTHIC XIII mevMEU ober EI lOh h cIrO k, Pick 9n. ~ ~ fJ J ~ J , uoail,.bMdfcaplé iw«Psâkefonddant.. c.. .'aoosnet*e i', rt"'MilLbta,, inantho» boveyetht th Rule and olaittli O Y, F- POLIE etan ,o. 7v -D o 1 P i o , a n d4dii e t 0 M l l Id o ida dfi tntd Sn to es good eMlatihedeer, aad ribepu4 be- operru orio c inIl 35 einsprfonst, Lj9g o5ot P* tateigii.r.EBR VCiL 8ne . Etan boeb grosenta po era d tr&onç,,it il b i e T req eoe tg, aeé k% t 1N U0t>I tbrin, 50* , I lw h e' A t liy qa, r ro prntd on$,o 1% b" i o ' hlte , w , , PUiS1 VAU tgÀ0 r91 oie l té tho ne nln f cot Agu1cl:urll lie, .olthé 4 the ind .oiiïi thom lin e i ut til o lt tkoC 1. 1 IJ ,I Lt,00o.,olo 1z RobAb I erpàeltecracilnd OU AW.11, 1O010 & TTIUS WIi'4 iýt2d and, OprdP N OnTi'à aîktAndulSAGaU n, ti lb. A64tqt b n i. C.,PSUT e C019 ora -apne, o;T the pr xr ni un oirit arte nLot NoOr2Owlii tIse lr SpOing Suppli Buat â e ddt lt iem t t;na mesandt> pa>iîi'U t bythe 1bg10 ,jçgin oitvhe J@tnhio. anbo en bMM C AMP G'11UPor. oce.. «#brsfer formuleg 00 sron Lions. Thefollovjagj.. a lIruet Use ù oltat tie prtiaenuy; and&llvrparties 0 0outillonsIN&Z £esa~irod -..gret pversudtruiitlno., t vii 49hN. 18 àj , onuo par fLtIN, otllnfie t >.t ee. A, i l R I NS S" olA MM'Sh ENS ;s n nltslJt rno ht etlrpyn h at.uSandorlffarM. landP onrI lI hj~ e MHo roi ;A ULE S AR OBIN ',qa d Y u ge ,l o d n o t A f l h C w J h h m a n o n y t d s eSood p. A tote w l d p i n, hlev h ols b o o I i , yu b.roque ,no lle lt iJ 0R W A R ! s-oi 5ADin e 1R A IN-viWhI byo'o t. 2, 889 5et Or d am- err, to y, litook focoittte uut purIiiaor$ Club . H B NE N U O kP E SB RD UX W E, B ll u i O b6 - J éiâ, a e S p iy , l t, T i 2 . 4 JmA M E S R O W E H&n dQ .I 1 4 O f tl.P it ý ý ?rW. n tn t e s MIGUNR IIA ERJOPP r, nd. Soutdb is it cf L N to. lth. 49t bA.PE R uu r.r , ' nLd', r AX k C 0.1s OR WDS Rl mr 13. CarTho p utelsud 5 s u tnodn a' ac top Ay !uWhx lbv ta. sftt hy i ae W . O N~ o' B S R SA D JET '. a- THE ur" as M - amilan . .de BWede, .t wu W m oO,, i1 j i t o Spd. Lenngne to 2h.uu- Se di oôOnr o 1cesL , IQ EUSn i ; 1 D k 0 , b e r s u n v r c e L t , n d c sam l 'P L À O ? 0 5 5 try, 2îd of SslutuVot lait00 poce, remu advantago Myi»o aYn Wppinbsd f ont c an sd Sud, tb, ho Coubuty o i 14 tlby g t lsI qso-20t Mithelg$r.r.owIpseioIotedg do lndboébcd150 at, 4e qualupeiesa orer, cn z RRRsEore,..Orap, Bute r k&C'îD f H.oîDîntolo, TtW plii,,Toq ne iiirt lor;nolin. wiii dire te1s, AuJ tu theA grist. Milt of id uo,,aIning sePemar fu'af a donu, t'wslohî Johnson, Jsatleesut ds,&à.cui0 Wm. mrr,2ad sect eaigsmm e uulot;am, ItspW.e lefaautaslInuc-th i, Iro tetndSa,. relog CL REin. theui gainvemaodebtte aid. Cuid b.esali> dlvldd intotveI .auy.l'rti le fd sysort8 wl l ov& Henglf or telf-johu ThM e, 1lot; eut1o9,halsam caorul, aio,... »u7are> concssiosofiI obtîsn*nr,14,toisBO Mer 185,i-4wililter da. W - K ,2n d . p a r tI0N J C'e r t w C ite a n dl' o u @ n t o n l y la e r aprg o fW n i 'Y lu to In G , U Ron eM âcre'brnd,'etebautgvamtheu,10.o«,,.iîeiy r' Mareo -u.am Be , lit 1 thJas. SoittliotONo, 2.da im ésuuuguiillmo-w. 4 liT8N t C l m nbrigfudt e r o it, PieLsasdnmisss'lehdo lpiaju hrf,<lc e .Xuie B0no ut ev,, Nejlot; â1A. WIl6qn d. dlii.eTi W.. Llie suitabTise Autusu tersaet thé acevdivil Sovabe pig--,.. 0aounp i1jas.Ih,,l t e Mlo*fn lisTon r d f I reethfBe ~f , Wi7PVIISWh:y Spof.159 G.5 - o rId .fo e u, s d L e ctu rtteeco m m n c e b,4 . atatheight2», pn . an .irsiuuuoutheriluiroveenta " eon tse 0tiIl Cboes....Jao.Pilelitmat 2m~ Juis, >ûrarter arusl<ugatrt,.uise un ivided haIt ft Pvi o ant re hreues Sti,th elnset Mitehohl 'lot.t N ou20,u prcncess on g4t' o r îy o ped as a i Pu ebu t e b ve o e i u ust h âb ~ O tooi tnl r - - . --'littin'forasîN teau4r1--lu héune stud 1859 motif 0, SIr repezoor. cie, e., byt1 i. Dmnce i. cornerarSut f0ou.sEasd Whftbm ___ln the____________lo;_______crsout_____uater _ vrltOlng, speiling, INE Tjar beob nti lker tersr compcuudnv ar pasmsulet*ace eamuuagLinldsayng pair.or eBni .,, îc yo, ino'lsr, enann s a Nte, f ssn yai rules cfit;iCh".tîc.ieducOpion sudAK ImpI utte W uu, Tleitoeono nhîjidLotaout; A R GED ÂICP C<E.B OKts Uiesye ~ beinlt5WuUr. i l PR.4 b re J.t'du Tito ofProlo ands 41atti 150 atrc-latou l Pair o Ducà - Saait Ovio, lt; 4T , Buld tic and noi ta f ou'sustpsns gugtuau kntisen pelicaioniontheantir.cNCHE docieilud;bl Jahd onThorsu"àen th pro isese0StephreoncuSed lth oreÀibear n rMrydSteet[Aetiin B PaiofTs-oh±y Fu bael, l lt t W. K e i, mÀi.iby S. B.0PrIfgie for £80 Os p analaj o ckSrogwoeh apeaee eeo il I , ÇIst.-l0O acres ouCAEthtoth enloureoftheun 2 of kindAlex Péereaitt;cfoïn M. Wti0F' cBROOK185,IN 1855l, whier tr t Og i aet ir vlth OrdîniIIE -e l .eLl , 24 . p r $ t o-1 s u ~ l g a t e t h o we r o a f an e v a lu . a gy n t . . R o Mangolti W rtaol-4oh KIOlepllit 19, 'S*i concesion cf t lntvu as rW Onet' P OroekmndLdnClP" ,,. oanb e .a. .en ,tan n afli . e n e .1 ' , - 1 . l l T41 ,a B l Cppie M d-, W. o n eg, lut £-J . ( li stino lieJ <ui t isé otre m ade lt y. 6itie su6 o s l , lés W it ab l>'et aw5n-à-i e v:,g îen7 Mr#, Ja, Twooie. Ba u#l Lo ln fi or d 'C aAIes oer*.onscaarerh9PîPbyd ncltfied netho pair Mathws ,Sp. £N.- DOLcm Souihiwo ft ua ter cf c < i asie clbgiwhlm» h SaesuOs bu '& epuInéoy rar te oi"0 about lotSeptembe, am tu Inutnuctsionaanluothé -theorydueo! munienéevitii mat i 2d.abu egitnueions hbovsan1fîle.A uti olt. ?it $1.su "lo urb L4- No. 25, Gîpartocession o! ...,.,.,ÏWcoutrbis, c tk t Wî i. p le - a , M tts v o , l d o eflu..s.lm.nd . Ct WI b. ec A pureaae tis e abc e b iy taon. - i BEGS tise ROBtRTanseti iabjec4. W hty' oý ý8',b dd o i» tt@g g ianný t e, u .te isn m r sfin sani auo rat a h.I u vce lu v cl aui b M. C s. Y Ch.,.OsL O.do, 2ndy TEBM!à0liaALuMo by te , We A LKRi 4ires~~ 01 u u in p TJourve $uDi,é a itiee, ticu lqnte, ud.a bglautae ged mi.kuou Ontis pnmis, lercefoe oeupotiby lln . the n Mry tret, etveu yro Store', Sd, , ud cai fmpcrtuî 'ro'W sîp<IU0114oappIcatin tetise udar COL ParcfDca-eas " "~ tctliate, ii e'oi t>' ajii a il priclis Ra W i b y 7 h «:.i 5 . ni roksretuieeti N L TSB AN H S 0a y ,a 2usd, -%u , . Pe RRY.à t i OPOA PBL, Brokl a u , [1if enlcae'tse anub' Qfcl.WpL cistutin 01N e oul ace,à te ail W te ouries'. ntnuad Etat in ts eua B aruteO,0 1 t Baaoyad leIs, et lss tssua gdeit f1 ctse & j lé,ÀVsgf1and ca rsao ,l a is t îi pe = on h. o u c 7 CA:R su tise col viii.yrdlB"vWethe tenrelaAi JdsdAlx.Pert, utinu 4Mi. Wtby Ot.6,85, ne.21 r g 5rd6ddrugnd as vek R AG S IJEinI legs visi e. ise vJIni ave ise s m eB U G G E S ,c J TT0R, la fussniulsed wa N~~ O E5 L0,'Xon Pa>oeet e e <bn"e, .4LIN ' 4 L 'FRardRN E9,- - % Â scSTo âbore ?ma l sintattia nntut contr ofsnsc di gesetp'nltsngOve téit nsoj~J i D h.t arvea u e inos~drailt, ie utinfes hh nPaales 'l'en thaox éhce u.cverythénoOet ise iknsr,'liiyeswigist& attend i=Meachol tes' tse tersa tb é,W L Oebrllt,16, JiO ER rC MP EL W l56,Ã"einer , àtt4e$.l WAat>.i nu-bune fie r 0,1s.b s n mgs4f , Wf Refutilhz sah avepait tie Apoinétif.. ____ RORSÉ9 bqI HUATLINL 40 the tis Méllas Dé été uo ub e "0 4 1WW U é aiotS ad14àJ t.lek... Oct .--.-.. 5se tligéà hprlng, which su.1 - biüe nt ouot a olth tgo* 'rH ton.4 1~aU lov.r t'e WGeIIIIJUEUPBIJon- 'di ow lno ~ w ~ w~panl 'BIovri~i 'T'u s In the Cn ' Court,4fC mo lm RRADY MKsaM'&" Vo l a o u ' n d o y i ' t o a e , o e t a o o a , f î v g ~ q u l l y m a , p o n t h p O P. , W'GOa osnea~CItb~g,~~ p ~ rderofi 8. laent tyloet F ,h1é. i Iob th é onty court, Sie u fre h 31i A D ro È ie4 ju t àcive . 49,11Jee, le ting distruih eo hep. e c. ltee1ing bis a bOleuads fet'., muid r iiiaf. ver. the et lufoteti on et the Jurt t. b 1 fur dora. eue for a 'd to pay Ireilt stato. ésrilon tho,~ i utoppe4rý lin s"tha* - n ponean. )cuil Oms'. 1 i i îý,;; J'vi lie bestào*-, 40dicip. &Mn

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