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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1859, p. 2

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i Tv* loo#go Ne, ,oEroetid a a %. o 3011 .etu nd Yrldy la svs SA., O. Gos Tomptisau .5 4e'. 14 'Whitbyi nglbuitr Sot, ab $n"# Ibl, Nonday.vnga wsuaww s msria Il oclok, .-m , na- el.Jç p n.Alwe- ~.tsnndas). v.L'.PENTLAND.. eoen.l corlygon 'ad KMar usal, 11l oek, & 04 Sun'I OdNck.p.M, SEY. T. LOWRY, ce. î" dnl Cicrets, ono f flron aMd 11 ieoo, 0,.mi, mad4 P . ï Ey.ý, I.f. BYRE.&-1 WWIan XKetW h.d Inrie,ooter of Cintra am4 Mnry Stroeta, 4030 o'40éJ4,tU M,aNid 'U.RV. 1411.,IHUNT, Pnt41rubhperlan Clîarth,Mahslsl- btitet;,230,0 ..4ek, P. m . - EV,. E.il. TIRTN E.ptIst Curh,6 'loa11k an.,euy Suns- C.umty Faits. amsnwopeoQuunryiiFare, kpt Ioa4. uad- Dayi, apois4, andlferma made ai the ,oJPc éof' t/d paper. .4udlt not-ders rece>ived, and ezrranjemeiaamadeforr 0()WrCoeeis4 Auctfonmeq' SaZoi. W Auotlon DigiI prlalod lu tho but aye at <aither î.dac.,t prile«. 0:>P'*rtfeèproucuring Mher biffa«t titis ctffi'e reIU have t/seir &dea noted undkr thstpropéer /tead, fres of charqe in 09 t»,Iw sof t&te lVeeAllL, YcVeedy (Jhronlcle. NiwAdvertisementî Ibis Day. Tormto Fisli Rcs-bre i Soree-RL. S.Corrnaclt Publie oL i-M lyPorrov. Notice-Il. J. Mmcdone1I. 1wl ai npdlieud w om L h'ripfut. Mdu w.ilnfg Whl(bYq FrldaY, NOVember 4, 189, O~ur ?reclona De Dlogates. W&lry, mtél, an& unftabte ln&eed la tlii eterual ircpcttionf But bow avofi t k? Who oie did belli1ev.r,ould beliere.,o« cain bIelr that thi.ebhaieleon Leader eoftthe Opposition la sincete7 Ha. nos Mes vhol¶ political career blis none cou. tinaed! series of contradiction? Ha. he not beon one day a Tory, the. next a lad!., cal?7 Hl" ho flot rent the political dir. ment viîii i. Protestant tbnndor, and aven eaued *the . boof the. cabbagc gardon; the frlnd of,, ala, the. utterer of dioloyal imprecationa againoit Our suffering army, ini thal crimean Valley of Ârmaged. -doit? It Io.oipon tii... groundo that vo irefuso b pin Our faitli 10 the-aslcoveof Ibis profemsr of political legerdemain;, bolier. Ing klm $0 bo ns unworthy or a nation'a m hea o . ibe aon untru o t' Veil' prlniple that lha. ever advocated. W. sunctvtl m bisbut aM the mar«« oe *bm. suilimoeicswhlcb, tert needd » voald otheavia. Most crdially support; but tho advance sowarda wbich imsso morely Ialades-d by th& mitter lmpcslbliîy of set ing mier a Load o iisanteccitnt. art 00 unutlsfaorl, sMd ho, le a Most ovai. AI---I.WL. mdon thon: a b.estg .7aqr.7il aey, lisve 0517 t$c-gp à lightope of f»aealssu ' rave spialtdiaesons "o 1.1w, anti asci cras debogate ShaI domtems l a ePrm Pliet1 Letbes tale .baed4 <bat Ubll kd tt%ùuOf the Iora.,we ho ot gironovar to îueri-ne of tb.e"ramU, est romtb. basest ofsrb droholi come crIas ira tâ &im I iidevour the <aa,. 1W bave buoeer no e forthe reuit. The but cf thae onty fi sondi.  liti. terboleu.6-vil donc barun. Tbatcosuti. lites, as leurere, the-a cfnbo f tbe8#Atïe Il -sb.w.ln&aed dere Io, a paWog boyer,9 butItls a ple4a <bat va aahiavoo dola5. I Towa Ce" .U Hi. Wor.blp *6. M, Aycr bd the chair aet t 'clock p. su, Moulerpreot- Mois, .Blglov., flrper, «oU, Hýalil, Mac. Iqado, sud MoPhorson. tion p.i" autboriing the. mesaeager $0 occapy theo.thrteestal.le nthomth aide cf tbe Town Hall building, :sud dial th. proposat llorais, le csrrled ont Iliero lu, la qrda« Ihatthd.eaum m abe -made habitable. (Mfr. l"'de entered suitteck lbit Oat,)' On motion cf 1Mr. Macitcnell, secondait by Ca&ptais owe, Timotby Lewis tii. mes. songer, vas appointeit a Towna Ccnstable9 to t4e. hage cf sud lbock itar tiie Lock.1 up, and te perforas ail otier du otsprlais. lng $tii.heofice cf Constable. On motion of Captain Boy., secondaità by Mfr. Draper, il vwu reoolveit that wbeni tb. Coancil aijonrnt it stand adjourn.d on, tii the. 14<6of Norembor, t$0 meet at0 o'cbock p.inq u, teit of?7 o1clcck p. m0. darlng tlieremainder of the year. ?W M A2WTUU. Mr.. Bigelov presentcilthe tii iireport ort tiie standing Commit.., on lire andt vter,1 andt on motion of the Conceil, vont mbo comaiitleer of0i. te hle derton. Tii. reort ropresenteiltht thlb.pire en- gfin. andt bornoyer. in sauffcieu-, aile cf re pair,anit 10w ready for ase, aud recommonit.1 ed that they b. fortbwuiih remooidt $0tle1 markiet building anti anodiersaltalel.place b. provideit for the smme. It &l» reconi. nedipaymnnîof tii. follovlng iSecnts. John Zwicjiey. for repalriug ho.. $23 50,1 Stcphcn Gros. for cleaning aud oiling on.1 gin. sait bcs.reel $7 07J9 and 1fr. Doeb for pila anisb.i t the bat. lOre $1- 0. 1 The committee thon rose and reportait1 the report vithout amendaient.1 On tb.eniotionfor paymcnt cf the several accoanto menîionedl, Dr. Gna arose $0 amy that b. did nol wi.b $0 oppose tii. pay.i aient, but that the report was not liat ofj thc COVAifut, as appeareit on its face, as b. (Dr. Ganu) a member of tb. Commit. tee, liaitnol been constultadithlb.making UP oc the. report. The motions for payaient vert, ë«oncar-ieit ittiout s division, VUo or I r ovxas. Mr. Hlaitslp.d for lb. use cf ofthe' Tovn Hall, for o nigbî inthe veek,- tb. Pbhifiaruoule Sooy sud moved a nu, lion for lbe purpo... ii. ,motion vas flot proisoitas il vas deemeit vithin tb. pro. Vince Of tii.- Major to, grant the. hal -x nol sas b. " SI!o fit. 1fr. Bigilov obtainedit eve $0 istroitace a bylav for the shova purpos, andithlb bylav ,'vosreand a tirot time. 1Mr. Biglov offereit s motion 1cr lb. second rending of tb. bill sud forgoingrinto0com. mitle., but diore vasne seconder. Tb. Co ton adjcnrned. Aypobuwumeuî eteiamager o G. Tg imctan. - - u-a in terpbeseatrcma. vIre the 5b.rfs t thesuit ef Mr. 1Lang'hadit ezid'a éelt cofwvboat. The- iit wvapiral <lie gocit of M]W Guiro, Sau.# vbo hs4>a les.. of th~ e, bit inqestion vida ol.r baud. The plain tiff Meoil.-,Jrl aluidt o bave nenteit di fielt fromt bis- fathert, sd -to -bave soya the. crop. Ibis vviiiwhitIe ezecuion Wba u b n luhdu. Shiràff' auds.The SiiarlO'eoltbeti"# p,éuat McGtdW, Jr., brongil hi. action. Witeus erse eamin. oit for lbe. plinWtif eprove di. saamont betweeu faibor suitson. -The Juaai fer su aflq ou.Mi lueM-foini a yverdict for dia plaintif. H. ILCameron lalucei by Joba' Leys for duo plaintiff; D.Me. Nichâct instralatb, IL J. Macitoneli for mser note. Vordit for th popltf; W. H. Trauyn. for'plalut-E'No, appeasu for wefnd.t. .- MPi«tenv. BowmeMoiicfor lie plaintiff for 439 17. -7d, D. Mo'icac lustructait by --.Mcioeif&rplatistiff, N. 0. Han for deoduut. foi-l. .Caoro-lntratedlà,S.B Fairbanks for plintfW. 1N,.ZTtemalfeý for dekondant. Conpoati of 1du lbwuwMkpf Whftlby t'O. Flint.-Tls vasi ahaetion 'non tic bond~~~~~ oFitouoti ti é s 1~of Tios. Hodgsoul, Tovusbip Oçalclor, vbo hait abseondoit.»~O Aa q , é xer. sseiàed et £200, -sabjéct 'te tii. opInof the court, Samen,.Hrr e.-bév s ami bsf action agai-iet 1f.' x. atison1, a surety cf Hodgson, A' liii. verdict vas Macitonel!, sui D. McUýmlc l for defont $)Wheivs.unwpoltfy cf Wiolb.- This vusanenionapiust <b.Municipalily of tic Townshiip of Witibtfor tic £Moant of s certain sarvey, ma&e by oriter of lb. Township Concil. Verdict by con,- sent for th. ful amnt clsiuieit 42, . g B. Fairbak for plaintiff, R.. J. Wilson for defendants. AfcCart4 vs. Mle Cc,?ragm4of lte Fillage of Oshaa.-In tlii.camethe de, fendants haitmatseaoititci &long the sida of lb. strect, te carry off tic aurf acovtor. Tho dtch wvauanopen one, as utl f il coômuuuicaion boîveon the plaintif'. bouse and the. streel, vithoal crossing IL. No crosig. hait been miode over il te the plaintfr, promises. The plaintiff in coes. ing -oven tic dilci ou s plaakplacei t ters by bimself, feil ad broke his beg. He vas laid up In conoquicuce for ive or six monîha, and broigit is action te racover damages againsl dthe defendants. Major Orierson vas callit -on bebaîf cf the laintiff; sud gave evidence asub teh situation of the. drain-l 't. dangerons con- dition, and of its havin beau maiteè by thie Corporation. DanietHealy gave evidance a., $0 lhe plaintif f flling m ii. thedrain, andt amitain- ing -tic injary complaineit of. Peter Goodman, and John Warren tesil- fiai te$ tiieplinif's boss cf lime, from, the 1ui1uries receivet. r. Clarko provei t honature cf the lu. For the defanco, 1fr. Carmicha.l the. Réeve, M r. D, BurI suit 1r. I)ickoy vere eumined-lb.irtosîimony goiug te shov that tie draiwva only an erdinary one, unit one necessary te b. made for Corpora. lion purposeos..1Mr. Sheir, tich Conînty Eu. ginoa- er , vidalnc#,,s'te ics'ms cf tic train belugi only tic 'meary site for the pu"ps forviwicbk vas wmate. 1fr. etloneh oaîf of thie dofont uls mI millet four pointa on vbichhob. lâlouiaie bUn5uit. :l1t, tht nopoprnotice 1us beon givea f et l. ct2n nt latich atroat vas not proyoit te b. a corporat. bigiway, pur suant t$022 Vc.Cap. 991'8on 422. 3r4 tlt tb. action liaitnot besu bronglit vitîla lire.moutha attar iita.à beai bÏ.euilievotbpsrrof ,tie Corpora- h ai au v Il -54 -s Il o Il a P O1 ci o bis hansae. T'bat on CàîmpbéllIs rolar boue, b.ie eqai*éi t èLi. virei lu b. bfan $0 tb. bouse itig lis absoence, sud sb@ repliei, *attone oa lad ben tiersbt Bates lb. baker, with bresit Crosa xasinoit by Mr, MoXibso. Thé defeiltat Camapbell gave suodiar tesson I forM bissuspici;ons. Ha stalei tha" .itber st ,Ciir!tmsa or X«vYearr6.besrd à coie about hi. oum se ttn.gban~sd that -ha savBats' ora 11db lasfonebat that' afler vbcing Ivo or tiare. heurs, b. vas omable $0 dWaoror vbo lb. percavas. 1fr. kMcicbàol, Dit ho ive ye« Mr. Fety-Âuctbor tesso hn uIla gave vas, dt b. bedefondaut mol Bâtes on lb. morulusg cf ticei-cbbery and after pet.- log oaee by, ditheuàdat mv Bstes lira roýnd, sdlokafton defuimt veiy .uspicicasy. Witueswaàtvised Campelîte b. ca f<va ,Jueditbefoe .vesn tb.ýA v afia nitdeenitnivont Iava, coa.ud.iug di. maltrbut Scamookad di nezt day sidtccoutnthl.seli v -imtrat Alwander Pringle examinei by Mr. Cameron on bell! of lb. Plaintif.It voli tak. wllu.se&bout sveeký tc belli aIl diat lb.eode ( hait dtodt hum &bon& dis vitcb.vom an uddi. erolbery. It va. eto thefe:C t asbe tbld itet.itsut, ta ti» I io - a 0ata "Msty going . ote ,o;, hlM;sddat hst " partlàa a ,clos, oye on, -iboebox *bler# b. (Campbel-lShpt émiony, sudîWheu b Identical psrtyvas dwi~n u b.defendsnt'I bouse, whlWe",téwiteta.ovsa.delivor. iÏg, lb.oe Qa Ouarlvingçoit lieue, sd1 ,mslie g n, dia de(oadseî <enud lIaI Bates, b. -1, l'as the only ho b liait beeuaZ.MIb. and oitn Cm to te, fon"i' CIÎist asuspicions aine@ restait. -The"do pan Ùsaiet. hse statu, mentî ot -le, Bslwsy station, suit ade ieui in tho pm'sace o!f1Mr. Jamies Wallace, ad 1fr.Tremmyne, a.veili a.of vitame Defendaul ditot give tlb.mnocf -the >-imon icsuspetetlfirt, but ilt0 ࣠tervatita suit vitua sud Wallace aivie hinm $0 b. very cautions befor. lm took suy step lu dhe malter ugaint Bates. Mr. Trousynogare simlai testlmcny, sud added that-the-dtendnt toIt -hlm Ithâ b. fbonitasstick vbichbâ haie.appesu-oe of being uesdila certain traids-sincha tb. plaitifs-suitvitamese atisei hlm that if th"l vers tb. caseil vas hiseiaty $0 take proceedinga, a. the stick mgil fte to lb. parties identification. Conneut aI both sides living audrmsei the. jury-Mr. Cameron in aàsdrain 0t great ireny as to tb. bellef in vitcerfî îli *tiltl prevaibot lu Ibis tic t9th ccntu-y, sund Mr. XMichacl ilubis aditroasstating ii bellot lu vitchrft and giving Bible authorizy for t. IHis Loritsbip suanuei op, andthue jury atter a shiort absence fount a verdict in faoer ofthlb plaintiff fer £5. Hon. J. H. Caucron and B. J. Wilson for plaintif'. D. McRicbselof tic iri etCaaieron Macitoneil for itefaniant. Mies s.JfcidGre.-Verdicl for plaintiff on dainurtro or£126 16aoSit. Ver. itict for defendanl.-Hartry on Common Court& 8Mw vs. Brown.-Vedict for plaintiff for £798. aubjocl $0 lb. opinion of the court. H. Cameron andt 8. B. Fairbanks for plainîifl' Hon. J. H. Cameron and R. J. Wilson for dafenitaut., Batud B.Pringle os. WiVre. and J. 4M. Hypldi-Ejcctment for rei, covery-of Lâot No. 17, lu tic Sdi cou. cf Wiiitby. Tic landithe subjeot of disputa lu ti.cmsevas grautai by patent 101h Âugust igol te Huldah Pringle lb. viitev cf Timoliy Priagle a U. Fi,. L,; sud ,dih plaintif cjilmeotheuoeldeat son suit boit et lav cf Joseph Prlnsiclo, buvatde el. itest sond ÉdHalilu sait Timôtiiy. Ater Timetby PringWî'sdeatii Hlahis iii viov mariedagalu, ou William «rmiý, sud vii, sudercoveriura of lb. lest marnig site conveyidthlbbaud Inispute $W coela. itovico Moypecker. The dee to$0 Mey noclrisdatat lth ec 118,sudPar. porta $0 le froiHuldcliPringle asgat. M, sb.eliatlièeu Mm-e&. Gennprivi- The Qumeivs. Ezra Sldnner.-EssÀx. Mur GAcI. The prisonrer lirgat kn tic foregolitictuomnt f or las-coy, vasdue inm la <is esse. Vilile confinaiithrei oafnoe fer barceny bebroIe MI cf gPal suit -vas .ubseuony recptutei. ,The Jury founda SvoidlrcfNet Ouiltylu inti. ae ,alse. MU. Jobs, Bell dofeuethe b ThequmessonGBws.Faz air. T be piaoa oilot ebargedithd slanngthe igre l sreelt or Met (rm$16 to *6.Il appeauet fre. duse evionc Iat a Ari li1,tic priaoner sdomi idbtedinias&ÉUM .0$91,to it Isuitord 1fr. laavsiOu nforrnt Lvsi seul bis son t'O acrt the mounit. ThesWU a yenng lià t;t115 year cf âga, sera 4*10 11 ait*M 6 lasilvet ry v:bich le gave a reciPI, sd da t da eceipl preiteci by Boy.. foi- $66, va., dsei me aIterd fi-oa $16 tea*6". Bein J a Jck"o, roet thitsubie- quemt le dihe receipt big give eu,ovas asIed by Iavson ta cali on Boves, sud ttlin hl t mâulas hopoitheisamout da&# Le'vsovoulit procceet ýagainat, hlm, and Ùh aoves promiseilta0 sent Lswson. tic amount for dia defeuco, Samuet Webb avons ltbt ent $16 le loves, d ant, hlo Mv loves gel 4or 6 buis trou Is#'býotW. Divltaepay this rnl; suit ise dibatis »v love. pal ont <c yonng Laveon 9Sýon 9 lit.,but -conlit mot my wvît dis amoanu vas. Davii Boves, (prisoaer's brotici-) avoest atlagava ýpî risu$ *0-for di. purpoe-libres *10foanmd Ivo *$6bi- uni t i Webvas present. Jane Aune Bowas (prisonWo~ si.lar) svors-- liaI sb saySor 9 blls. paidtg$0Lavsonby be brodier etthl. e , luw bt couli etstale vbst the astount va.. Duiga Mkârion avaresîhaîho gavstb.,prisaner $2 ondthe snu.itay $0ubelu b opey dii.rel. Hou J. H. Cameron, (vitii vi u s R.J. Wilsou,) mat. a very feeling suit toucbing n'bdress <o#-eJury on udaf o! the prisoner. Mo. Hector Camai-on Pro- secutait for lis crovn, and commentait atrongly on tho faut of loves borroviug mouey ta puy lic $39, the amount of, rouI tue, andlion abieging te hava pit *6$6,- $27 mors tisu dia amount dme by hlm aI the daie, also upon thi bottet appearmuce of the receipt. The Jury vers Iodait up for upvard. o! six iur b ut eoubit not agro. at helis slg cf lie Court,-asuite diehargeit. Bovas entendt inte recognizauce te ap. pear il lbe uext auizes, limlmîf in £300, and tvo suret. lin £150 euhi. lTU Queen vs. Geo. Collins.-Leaos, From the evidence it appemrei t tItii. pni. sonor vawu duo sýtore, cf Mo. Tiiomas c- )fie"isut Port Ferry, on due 23rd e! Sep- tenuber lut, asuit laI vii! 1r. TMi clue vau i is ofico o0f lic-store,, li p1risonor toapeit, kig vwi din ut ule b.tilt.a $5,sund $1, on ths Ontario Bsuh, -viieli Mr. MeMieha.! i*iuedlatol missed. Tic prisener uusqueuy rnrumedsat 1fr moeuielvaàthlm <niromt dis office, sui cauglii hlm la du. ssa cf tskiug'moncy ontofdis tilL1foibl fonnudin pdionor' lian a qurter, a Yorkshilling, suit fume coppera.-Tb. prWucusr vs. n ded4s pleadedit lgalty. TheJury foýnit aver., diot of gr.hlt sundtlb. prisgouer wvaseon.n cesita $61 mona iard labor inu di co1mo gaI. - mA uanv. EUJak geZdalt-.la. 0LASuT-Tb.'iatitMontcébarged tic prison- or widi bre"ali 1mthtic ouse cf Thomas Crozall, in tis township cf Peach, a fevý veeks agevilla laten4t, e., Fromthedi sldancel t îppearèi ti.t Croxsli sut Ken- -dýIlt'ersh.ext doon' neiglibors. Tht der. ng enile --eaoce CroxlL oitainedma search warrnt and hai thelaspriàonr'. pe a topriso.", arcai rhupelfer cicanlaneas and g" ~or- dbr cf evoryput ~of tbe pruse, tuilb. higiiesl pris due thue (jlol r in tua dis. cluarge et -bis- dutaes. hay beg to 14Y tua vii!. ery neasonible confort i. a(. tordait ti prisène*us lnfthe 4Gaol, il lx mucli to 11 ragu-o,tht alno 'Suiitabe ?lace + mat for the. neceptloli or-cure cfuialés froun thei. arreage intr.rs 1cf -th e -i part- monte lunlthe building; thiy voulit thera. foi-t reapeetftily cal! ebtiti ttntioïn of tdue properaîtboritlis- <o-lb.eencraasiln 'lés- portauce of ltiheubti. - (Signet,) - Tic, GradJary ee hn(W.tnsty court closei bordysfervar&,s Mn. Hector Csuueronu cndneted di.e creva, biues. >laaclmg -<e darnes, ina anà it iibis osùudiity.Tic Non. Join ailisritCsur«.,#r Ü- ssequfsl inlu atb.s cass. 1Mr. Mokkbe4 ,Mr-.t JohnBelli 1Jr. Hntspetla sd MLi.Pat<eclîoU; vers dib ,nly otbrgehleen the a.long reopi-osen <renia istance,whom vo 1mev. slurdyoct 2, 15 fflfe Council of dhs Corporation of Pick- enug, mal st.I Brousbun. AU due menu- ber. present. Mr, Chapmsn noves, lIaI dthe evodo loi Nelsn. Cb.puaa, for tbe sain Mf*Wl ibe-unie le b. peut by hlm toe .oMrri.o? W. À. Ncoulloug ndiisutrederalcGreen,' Essconimisalonora, ppontait toeiepeui sa,idsunon Ihe G reenvoqd ubyuge4i#nig 'th 1préïen .tyear.-Casrrint ;rrb aîborizit o p7 to thë rten c f th. beys ti mm e $40, belnjgan, amonni ap:-orlatitdbytthe Councl $0* le expend-' wto u estern leva lin., sud hbsltle Riettedo psy ss4muou-0,the order of tb. commisier, vio bave superintand- Mir. Chpthn mves thaiteCRWied grn a rd1on h 1eoie nfao oraNt su oriter o b.Tressume,-$lufae cfin N. Cbu putdusu, i - t' ford ao $20,f Te Wsaeob.-an 'bhw ,lm oterr otT Wýpisn sud Johend Pottur, ommio casteru levu bIne, tdurinig lie rsnys, Mr-. McCreigbt mces, tll!ljosephb Wix. on,, Jr,, be. mpiid esuiilleu4 n- desuVor lWseran b bt attluorty thu Broekioid vas laid cutSacrosa LotaNo.. 18 aud 17, In tb.,211> concession of -thi .Tovnsbuip, sud 'Telport Il tii. Council as, pma m. dis Ucth Revi do atozetheTrïtsur.r le pay tle or der et eschasud ela-y Cuuuclloa-of ii Corporastion, dis suan cf $150, beiug amount éxpendet 'y - theu on ronds aut bridges dur-iug tue, prcsoulyea-, as pet> r"e- solution ii. Vo 810uucl.-C*rnid. Mr-. Chànnaan movos, iaIttRe' s d grut au erderon lie Tressuirenju fayot cf N. Chapas, for lie sum cf $20, b.ing amount axpaiuted by him - uIn fiftui.ling provision, te lira. Mocreasnit 1fr.. Vil. "0nacu, sPenrasolutioo f Iis Council, -carrisit. Ma-, Taylor movos, liaI lhe Counicil do, nov adjoâiuuntil -tho lirsîSaturday lu VecembenOnazt M: 10 eçlçka. M. .(Sr. beu t lieeWncf Wblhtby, on Wsdues., day-e li.2nd hast. Theaatlsnduane wvas aI stIimite. ad utk.e < L.... public cironicler. somii forsa esud vhlh uy ba n jo.;orsa tiabolicàl, ly usiÉnaut, sttack n p â uliec aclas Aaotbar,~apgr4 buolat sa vaiy danger» Qu one, impudent -andfel-ùdiaengb it nuq be, i. thespronmoimmento of MeassDorion, DrnmmondlidleoàGo.k~,, pon ge position POliIM ofMlle Province ase-vievet by the liberal party of Lover' Caiiàts. Il-vomIt periap bc difflculfor-hlagendemon named leusoy-vbo arc tle WLàin. l deïr accepta. tien of tic toi-n, for if <bey mea.tha loi. gos, tlis mbuer bus tapai-et off amszingly o! lits yean ; ci-as Jouathan vernIt &pjesa i4, "ivbitîled dovutedic .msllont cf'toljt j7h ihn'.veryifying<to tisc4:výer 0>4~ ~ ~ ~i ,I fJau.tsiou l - i. lclaiYiili 'stylé, auncetbe former bas only ben s con. pI. of y«M 'o ýuoeea put 1cfit qminislry, vbich pique, Viz., becam e ven Hou. MTaela became Premier,, W vantai tot be kai&r la lhe Asuesblyi duaa, ghdng to Lever Canada boi-die prvmierabipviisuprnuqe in the Legiabstive Conneit sui thdialester- slip W uidu supremacy in the Asuml la&, Lk. a sullen -boy Who afmaes bs imancaus ho is ntctservet filaI, ho vitiatrev and 1W. came the banging-stkorthte coýr suit, poor fellov, b.'ncver nemeteiti eqaanimiîy. 11w meonl bave mute saab lamontuiblaexhibitions cf tbeuaeiliï ie ha. doue mime 1h41 uýiortnuite b1uudjr, sud- tov mmen have leen nmes-sercifubly dealt vii, fo<ona-niores Ibsuone COI b.ol-ns left biuselt openu $scatcui:g4, but lisse vho ha the ma in hàin, gitied been expecta Proclamaion 1 tala- viii talai oenu aid vitlithe ver, "frr, - t blak. -

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