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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1859, p. 2

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vamiaat.See(ety, etlais'. 11.11, i. 11015 MuSVW& ni,, 14f. John'. vine in-st, * cuti S t/*14, p.mn. (Ait,,. dm f5ae"« diosW it. 4damf havi bow.v« D.4u m"fo e modeut tSt iSg a. L Wtbe r<labm W&wtm. ltéevel d -tbm l- padog » but itfi e.1Woi thut *0. ubd elytg# ldo .M"re, nd o'a, ' fais uo~ s e s il h JWN. LT~ IWINS. MIng, taesasln 04 0«Wnhatt M mil )iry s QmoÏ -0v* dm, 0; m, %04 w"c t i<P prpoo4 o vedy4 liP~VMU. hu7Koftt t 'hloit Lh i t eà"«ua ii. 1" iyby s0 idli W' 4dWuqîdeê MOI * uow4î V iiretJ4e-ty îa L"e-mer t itai. do# tit I)Md gene <lire'aenelgi 2-1J3bMMMMnZ - - -- e, <wlalel *0itbogbt AUCtion Sale,' b 55u >*iiieral wbo buMd'eu in« i. Tb@ - à crtintore nd ,iitbIf# vegoet e, bi *q>t 1Wre auî'à, ..Dayill « m~<~s~meai.tia ii <*ncUterrns rn(lal t du 'wýpe o pape*'. - A ctimpn orders rectced, and and dled in gcet *;in lssoow uit. TIaeu arranenienhDmade rfor ot/ter Coaiy coma nes 6*09.8ffe téin etocy 0<i tit inybit. 4î<cloeme ' %4kD. a -in i ,and sgei.dova W 'b.dl-dpped'l 1s As4iîn 11111. prlastod la the ouit -à# sait.A1l-s, t o t e <aastlspr ed eslpricie t at w.r. "uvu th#i* baye YI C> .Paetý>4 prval'iny the-lebilât j sffae.itly sbadd#Wred st tlat 1 bey are m (4pt/d1!e wIUa fie 411i te/ iL a ,wti d egeld by & tclghttal acmoa tfa n1il u*d.thl0 Pr»Per /l J t aeo'0 t a<ilwy1. iio vu easd etely to bave 41.4 rom a m in au Me/Le L.«eu of <lth le 4' <mdbite hlw id oom u y..heo Tuia It semt- WCe/dM 0ftrcudtlef .oainq mtevl o:àobr tl t '»Ï% Ad'-,P7 enA titmDo.n»vebldoissa. lieuthe ma.e o a Advnimetqibi Dy. faimlylftb s#«« mili elildren, veretmi T.#wnnfs, val it 03'h.rl e , bit bye a ns lopdog fs&" bovtii. poov S"v--'",Ciorawwk, tit6er firît puroeld ti iiioiJui by Ceii. 0 Puli ZrIea-aayMor,-ow lg orà» d &n.iit, 0< vi e l wlie .lie-, *M Meociasion eof5&otIn-Twutioth 614 ld te l-o wmmlni u laiwcap i a Reooli, I Iopr.ity mach -the.ama. vkltheot 01r,. « Dililon4ort-ijlek'Convention' <.1k. Tbe7 seize upc, n m 'l x0a#sy rls er.stly fut or tio--whi.6 <le laftrmity of il %I1leula nteu 1. Ma i-n tai.r poli adir sares meaO'ford thons, M wpenins o th#New scotch ZirIçk hs&t & noo~-u»lta abers, sathiy dumio n Iovv#&l #rny Otb Wesled-iasmho k obrtil <bir walliug a$On goee th. e mlt,' lcreo& - MMM--ýlig etoevéry révolution it-is mad& te and«r. ~[~I~itb~ ~ rcnic1e go, <tit likeos»story, 'tiie littilodog lie. dornem" astltY fse gaa.si toemiaig set he __ haill, grestly cemidusm<of .'liswith ONLY, ONE DOLLAR AÂYEAR tve handred chbarges about one'thIiug or;p anotbcr, (rom aqaer-ellilp te a id.- M «lbsatutdtl', NOest,5 , .bo1859,. vitrisap-tae wbol.us mtur-oli of hWra <lU 1'cclua.»OIEU«. ors, io of ,oinplaina clminstiaig in soute P e - terrible vioion ef the lip-dot naionaul col# Woiry, sale, and anprotltablo Ind.ed le ndlr, or ef ewianming ln the. cap 1 This fils oteri a-piton I But how îvid t 7 ilmost vieson îbuurdity with th.es-.medy Who over did believe, would blivre, or eaggéotsêti zs the seloction ofa ot et ton- f uen hoikvi tIsat t1w pclasmlon LeàJer tioties solt ;tyt.eildleate,' vioe egolaag 1I e-t' oppoition 1.s igeoreleSu nos.jit secnwslike go.siplug otd naro, te rock a luisol political crev b.., oaacon- and crone over, <lat Mest réecnt GCit la- d1u" cen.ofetoauadlctloas? lsas lie vention tih# "Convention Cridte." y(@toa not boeue eue day a Tory, ths e t tA Radi- <lacs. umkinsou IncumIlîl.ma.bey ire la- el? Mào ie ho t vent the poltical firnia- cpable, <bast th.ybave mists&ea dii, s- mont ilth 1bis Protestant tisuader, md ,anon cation, Lat t'eu etsyatboue,ead mfild; omba-acd th lcre 0or<du. eabbgo girdin jbir priate buines-No s"okpoli" ji tge frleaad ef Ragstethle vterer- ef cobbleur a eeded; Tbe Conitutimn h. likioylIaisreeationui liist Oreut tfleiag provlded ltlt b eWiivt /rane4l.e,à bor' ivuy, l aut Crlmuma Iàll#y et Acrsgtd- romady (tos ey aliment lau tli body -poi, doi? 1< ,e mn <bedo groDUadé bat vs- tic, If thes .Ieo-spmavte<le ssaei rMW rfus <o plii eur (4(ttilt fleclevuetfibis enflid dep ,"tt.re.btsbt peaiteesarof epoliticail oerdensaaa jblsy- Ugistatif'e CouJures-s-si e b lt tierbide $eh)am to e Wo4e nwortbyor gs astion'# tbir tiwcatl4etbeir'clian.e.;Tb$a 005f .eaMeuoqço as lis m bean uniraste every tu-y liasneoViolent h.vryAbout tise svop- prituipl thiit lm asvec idvocsted. W. aud omowliat lnocedlousde*te M; setW oceSvlew him bat sus theise m orp epated resosW Acmlt cv-sinsd <le.emleatos hicb, sera ,uded, dIssolution of thii. ,pi-oset - eotititi"am v. would oberwlce met cordially support;, bu scarcely isoddf wles imple cepoirs- but tIse adroite towards vhiçh Io se sorely woaid saffico. But kit JOileyo <bas, it' hldrdby t'e. ur lmsesiblity eofci eut-&rem doctrines, They m".t'as iaot lui onds, aLeader, whose antecadannlsart noisé. Thay reîity,'osetauscrpliosc b. âo uaacetetacocy, and vho, te a met»tover- lip.dog mb a h msastiff, and tbey-yould lh. Wlis t yreany, unites *isemo eau sa a osaisothoe stisroets betove onetcoid siy sou 4s d torlious IsIypr4 y i oOlta atblieJickl obinson, I They are ail tvoie. dé oentasion *pperusl" Belold tise mence, passion snd dlspliy. They a. si dt"pteo" hi lueasoaiag te <t ploy clameur and ezaggeratou; aidryal pimytvion 1I oase h. l'ofethèise.ourin aectags<uddalaria.W. tlsoogls- wooedro bleji 1I )ou ts ho pitiftslàboo, ]y hbl"#ve owever, <ba thle gcit body et &À mevv atls'da, by wbicls eif-- t'. -peopl.eliug ta mIddie sud a modocîte po atud; uppeu Canada, ysriaot-vo- -uog p.ut ou tbe Co"IUmlO on publiecio- mots, . ere s.e~igtaphiesponf *criveUr.v Mut"s t msd vith y*ba to Juaiy tw. pnn v mt by e#"dg onut til iepole a 3gqnd-laud deaaefies. xm ing, , n4 (t CanGo" vu w"rs qwtitlisasEnlsdus ~oCr.mv.i *pinot lo PairUmas<1 iMr. Mowit lmeutieued svm ue e laidi l 1ore ff coCnsde, te "1lu'bb iu4 ho b âd gien a , upchelr.of 1iMe -r «« appeired te<e a utory to himel feor erti ed.le o aairtypr(ssclple, rslebjà madLieodiM nd b.d peints about Md' aithseet acvip oiofvwbiaehImpilea Adklàton stlef t1w Uetnion" Ont of the th"#.eFdeele <uithe pro- 'inoee To ti5stier or ejc as rbothcvn , mla<rsie is aclSavy os woold suie. Vpp.'Ciai, ati <bat ag> nyn.'. wosslel oee.sesly .l»Pes, bW M#04oufr b rrled fate gffectta- 1<woald ,qalrge jc stion os gEtalnd snd the 4be prolned, sd the lb" evProvinces 'me quit. a edvers, toe t prsweut XIaeo ,condi vas rdi.7.ctlon of baflid»i.Pro.- rinces et Canads, vitisont rtuglng in <ta$ b.potof e D3ritli Aoa §rl. it Iituaîn a lseeaston.Tueor <lace. lvatig., bsovodMv.Mosi4 rruldbho >btaed trou tis eplan, yet ie vue deubt- i vietiser It wmsa itï* mwocld eventas g17 ie puerai stls(iom, Tis#third are Mr, MOvet easnitted teastt- but doubtlcuclateaid dthc mubitliWtlouî Of Ur. srouie'. rtt.wconsttustioni, for h. ta&t lt et the convention etd.I.gau fk roald lic nade kmucn tu the». pveseu. Ad In tb. m.antimne h. loft bis moende te pondu over the remodis rilc iebecoald Pot brlng hlnm.l(tep- prvo, Daclng thse delliory of Mr.' Movat' opeech, ticve vus net thee slighest mark of tpprbation euihited on the part oftbi.. arasenL. At the. Conclusion tiser, v'"aa flîglt itamupina( fut, biat thet vas &D, The meeting thon esljoucncd'uatl tise nczt evening, fer the erpcpof 0< loctlng ali- getes te tise convention.,bir, Movats frionds coald notfet bdoiscwise tissu peuât- ly dlsîppolnted sttltii peeeh, Thoîe rs-a notil;nev Sasluvhat ho uSi, snd h. ut- .erly, faildinu laisatt.rnpt teobclanthe useeusty «a<or ucnvention-. ,Mny et bis sinem r <essLaw. lnov Slnd <itvlwth th. nainner In vnici Ur, Muwats aucWiiig,- not, alêne bors Sau Whlty, butaiel»eIrls Iu the Rlding, vire câlied and ovgeoize»i As a repe.a.tive oft<he viol. Rldiaag tieselsu tisat lie alould oct have confinait bis mestiugt and saldcecsccto a portion of 1ise uluctona, battsa eH bis constitaents tIuoId have béou fnvlted te bor it lie t"dtesey, Tes.>'<lahe mt oft, lt. In vei7' aid <ite-l t cts.ed a weaak cias.,ý-tbe occlusion ef thse bulIt et hi* coutîtumnt. trabis meetings, aud only edasîttîng tises. vise ere kasown te b. i* Thei. Delége5fs' ce i atby te thse Tvo* v-mir» s çgpoens Motet Gerrioa hall lan <lie Towni oz Satrdmy @eninsn, pursiiit te o aaaiafrt tem Mecisa. pic. bell on tise previomi evenlng, fer <h. pprpo d < lecting daloete <e b Grit convention on <h t'et. rcNoveashr. lir, Wiliox ae ureeeme <b cair, sud Mc, Beroi ite a Sertay.Tb@ eairmu dnly csu tlod a preseattbat nonsvr te <epart in b prooediags buýt <bos ln, faner ofe ue conen.tieon. About'I160o t'. 29 me. imied b>' en@e aot'er, t'. auajoIty of vioce eteas visssvse"~, ý 1 -- & -.0 or î 1- -IfýýL k - levlssg tIe fade Il ouet oZ voiesb - te'.e sloW d. Tue vot ievlrng s eu or eclof < b senen, ssaltoid tu lovs -.-Cliete Praiper l'; L, lieueS J, Plmer 17; EL Auis 14; W. W. Wil u.' J, sud L WiIcoz 29 esel IMboli fWC$; ) Jbap Buçeugb 25, gsibWiloos, CalLveUouekd al t' wlsb W wbl y 11vem uleIb, *e mone »m My ou. My P#Uivo" .te4ily fi5md te sasteae.a vue om 0(ea4 M 4se wteMr> **""q, 0 Mdt'. e<u&. m"S~ot 0( lie o09M u le le or tiwili Mr. vn psuea *iSibima b vu ti"mn .welu utiti <'.4'. 044 ilie o t- ~tt ppur i )O-31 ehu-Ub pur"t>frWaUh.e te PDoMbï,4l 11bbl Y(eWl4s * foe odscpub l1" bis pawu.ditatd IieI tb~m.,B.P" »i profsio.ofi ldep.aldeu..ý u bo t pr&ld amsnob.toaum r.jsueeWdL be didminrsud to tbe ly of 'eÀ SU- PAYW 'te 'AooleeNtep.y.e,' <ehob.oes for te .tiabuib1 . n" u&pà*uduio, sa e.Will&Soe'etbreitsod b" M. ira. eapty iond a. groudlm us i s ebseg. igie i.Pos<MUsete NOtwerrouo. linsruar Morins, Oct. Blet. Xr, xeMà@o se, UaVStowwrnste tise Wbiby Station mse bre44 eieeRis -Worslip ou eeaplim4 ofMUr, jolin Àai <or Das gthreetinihluow$pmdplacimg ii"relt é lai ue#mOe.mg mu0I" (e er11b parpo.et saamlticg bin;aiett'. ,staseu.1 -Mv. Agmn4s4eee& thsbi veuw t fOÏ teh frdfit offi eAt Î- t" shAnesd maad ,sîïîiirW c re.ptlag di b.e fb. 'tra fronm port liH opet'- boo t'.k repeetedbielasqiir>' tlived4muS boutoi <s StationDouer ni&&ebMmu »Y rapir aad *l" afier <thetlir4csiqury tb. Sf atiesu -ts attitude sud tùmaed lai as (AgÎweur>oet, produiseS lis bvt'.er *'. vasla lb. efficeAt tlatlme, <o prove <tbat h. lad ioverelteiaÙ0 -, iry e MIyeastat 'did Dot kïýsiova tb lng= ibetimeod t'. train wWebl Wf. Agaaenqired for., Edgar MeMaine did amt smbig brother place luassif las a tlreateuiug atttude-Ur, Agneirvasutura onet.ý Mc, 4mev iloosttd, <bt heolbtalased #Il th. int'ocastion cetsd lil l> <owma tiou-mastar, réoM <h. porter Frank, aMd ivore posltineilthst J,. h.Jieved 1<vas tue, intention of x lieMa 5e 'Iay violent hind on ie ia, fhbbd notisaateetiont of t'. Tise Mayo de<eried is 'écIson outil WtWadl# y'.ovwu mds-uu& on dueou street O t iei'aeveuslngjMid t"isuop by ai# WershlpînuPreritaeea- maonu asAsed $1. lire icardsMary An Verbes, Bm ' ma Recbertand Rese L.mbe. rt ebrtgii butors Ris Worsbip elasged vitb keepsug al bouse od ltame as vers iii. Niul Seibbs sud EllenBri W*etasimil«,wcma plaint, 11161 Worshulsa idtise coustablos MA& a, deicauon tieheuem kept ;by di. priseners, ou Sâtorday eveuing, uhan t<b batela vass fereesW' adodï.d ' loe.- Thomas Dautor4, Cl(osabs ur <bat h.liaS uo deubt thise e .pt b>' Ma. Riobarl, vas a bouse of Sll4ine, bit b. Wu, "Misld oet <blé rosit 4 1. uosri tien. liU. Riclards-Wio <old YOD tbat I Sept aàlieuse oft lI-âml Dsford-I knov t. 1Eiebaais-Ror do yemoswis?1 'Weuu YOueerïa 4t'.bouusev Whatdidyionae Pafoid-I uerit. Isav tire pro. <sue pictres ou <elcat. Jmas sle d mi>1 kcep a bous c lor~ e Mis Worsip-Thme'sstivueotineir, <h. initter. Tii <%et ls kùîé et.pbi Ioeltm f t verf ne.ye #eonli PeMt asste-pr«Onsil Mbliuad,,4doWut km ie sumybe YOQ Mis Woeslip msen tds e <.paetlosAs folIo.-. Mice" o m s $2 eg.1end -<o lea e ieTown uldilu 8Idae _ -,leorlics$Z die u d$2 oo sd <e go r to jaol.forà é d - Msàsa x,1 A"to go gae i blmaSLdam <se an job te ir " la, com iorep uossea. eerpeym.os satadivleloa. Mir, Hall uled' for the.' ueOfOetle Town 11.11, -for ous. alt la t<b weeki, for b Fhulhavaueesoeley asdm ona(l&a mc. tien forth. 5pur",Oe; '.Motion vwu net preseS . 1 w~edeeed'4lIn b pro.- iZM41100 7 Ty0i ACCIRUIS lm- Mr. D1.low olfi lve t.o luteodue. a, by.law »lb. b aevepuepeee sud th# by.ýlaw vr u d aira st imu, Mr, Blgelov offered a motieaz lort eu"gon" reidiu eth bill aid fortgeng loto -Oeai mittee, Li but-<ier, va. oùsecoudéu- T'. Candil <len adjourned, Santisday, Oct, 20, I180i. TlseCoOslil ofthis. orora f eaueik- ecs,-U jaesot o ,1 Mi.Cips or'es, lit t'. Reevu d gragit su aidru Ose 'feeueurer lis <lavur ef Ncluen ohepmsif,, fur' the catinof 0 flou cameto lae saf'd by 1040 te *1.. ordec et 11r A', iMacoallougilssud Fresaick cenp, 904&,..cemmlel a.ippoluwteo espeisd suldeiins on thor rsavoud brA;., dtffiyig r, Tylor ssso, tlat te Tia easuces b. aisorfzCd te piu', te tiseo or of tife Reane, ttiueoisascia-cf $4<iMng iso nueiti apitrotrj" s ly the i< ôauualieh aeasd. cd, eu tis e ars twfi"à hue, AuJ <t <lacit limee 40 alapas> saa$Mount (o tise orler et cd fise listyIngout ofuhes nicCrid Mr pCanmna aolco. liittise Bceve do grant on eralcr 1on tacTrcasaurer insfavour ot Xf, cbomnss, for <ie Oum of $2, tise sanmto'upald byfSas te thaeoi-der ofT. Wilomnd lJoi 'n N,1'utter. commalsion, crxia îvolntad te exjseasd iwssd suas on ise ,e*tara tourn lina, durtasg tise praes-at yenr. MId -McCrolgit -movc%, tietJoseýphs WIN, on, Ji,, lie appeiased te ezniiii ade dn- deavor toe aa.crtgn by -visat iatlerty .-thu Broek road ualaid eut acroaasLots lNe. l$ and il, ls in" ila eth oaaieu oot tié Townaaiiip, usfierpart to <isa ifCousel as. soon asu possible, - Curried, Mrc isipaaus norep, tiat thse Renu 1do autherize tise Tre-oiurcie r uy -te tise or- dur of"cand us v-r ua io et uIiâ Cor ;Iîtlonf,th<lumcaasof $150, tioa aout expenaleal b>'(1tisean oirossais aa bridtea during tise pi-ciot uit r,ons pur cu, solution efthtaéCoacl.-srii; Mc. Clpisan amoyeus, tisa tihe lev. do grsut an order on <ic Tressain ra <vec or 14.,aihpmsa, <aor tiese caam-et $0, b.lsg; ansouni exponalr4hy lim-uintarusblng pvovrisioasce to Mrs oore aid KMue.WiI. llameion, se. par ruolutlen eoflits Coanil. .-Carried, Mr, Taylor mono, tist tise Cossucil do nov adjosscn untal tise irait Saturdin lecemuber x, <1deeia-m-i- a-led. '.1-Sl. inth,@ efWitby 'On Welnes- day tise 2usd huit. Thse attendanermarat'. «r limuaad, and batu itfe ushonproaena*d tismsevcs o!lug a Siand oiler e us os' keptosin>' perponas aa>'.Thse tlrst tal bowevcr, wu only an ozperimeaut, or Éatisr a commeuacemaent, anal muaiscould asot bave bero zpetod'<rasas 'tiseshort tinase'tise proclasation'had iseen lésuca -Tise nexe <air fIlI tak. plise tihe fintWedne.dy Sl Vert insysd b>'novwgliintl notice, sud vit' tise -uloited4 aid otht.e giu tsi-S et ofise Ceuni>', and o e isqtizcias- oi <h. Tewn, <lié î f l tWhitby ona be snsude onse of tise tioit Important and 'bust <irs *a levoelsaluo Is T ovu.w lia-nies arc now coassplctcausd e:pe tetficý paublic for asse,- M thelassrket square. good one,- end -jst sach a ons th oszx igeuacics ait tIse Tu-wnadanass;;ud., W. saol noticei lt pcevoiso.,u, nai, ndlcsnoc to show t'e aisosity fui- it* adoption liour 'nezt <h. appontaent'ot Mr, Slàaly, t. t'. assnaeàwnï u G«b 0. T. IL 'Vlevlng, Iboviolessorai, it' feeings o<ionest -asszmilyfo lascent re, von eusht. tla Cmpueo adcoasty esseailyou b selactiou <bat bue s o msde, MUrBeley as-w vo*mrhed oS a wrvimou m aseln di. WL va.u 4 on tW irst uiaye<<b. Assises, Wlin liss: ncetubpfr.iff o>. taine a vrdic. C.S. t *0 ou fo of Me., Laing 1*4- »aed a 4014 o<'wbeat. TWi wirit v»azaeinet t'. e 004 of Me- iaOi4c eSn, vwhoba leIa" efet b.'4fiel ins qeeeien mit' i'.r lieu. 'b. plini-i tllfloUcire,J.Tr, elsinsed <o bave reoeed <b field frei l ai fhber, end to liae ouru, <b-ecrop. This va& viilei. b. xwitioas b.d b... a- in.e belf'abau". Tbe sberiff sold <b. ,and McOure, Jr-, broaiglit big uictlsl.Witnemervéeasia- ed for <b.ejlaintlff »q'pruve b *greeuseuti lietveeaitt'aid .Th.eJJury atter ' ona enece ot some <masouand a Verdict <air tlse plaintif. M- Casaeron isstracted b>' .olu Loy. for the plaintiff ; D. Me- Michael isstrSwtd IqILLMacdoidl foe, [tdebadiflt. --1 Brome o, udiuheet a1t-Action on Pro, mluory otc,' Verdicttforthe.plinftiT; W, 9, Treiaaye fur hitff o uppearsucoj Wo det'endant 1McPisruon-ri.,Rowes.-Verdict for th. plaiiitiff focr1£» 17s 7d, PDcMscait ias<s-acted b>' . J. Mcdonell for plaiiitiff, N, 0. flan oc for adiat. ý ranMud o u. ii vewit fer plaliffo for £1, H, Csasoron lnstvucted by 0, B. Vrais-lg oroiPlaintW. IL. T*Omuyo (or défendant, Cerporati foa o/lbTessp of whilby- es. Flint,-Th#ir a onsalton upem tIbo bond ot Fli, eue, of <leie retiom oftTlios ilodsà»s, Tiwashlp - Collecter, ie lai ah.condasd. '1uadamages vere assee1 et £200, sab.ct te .opinion e t<h. Coutast ler action agaiast Mr, R, T. Hausieoaalso a suret>'or lod>sn. A- lise verdict vas record v4. C. Fattersouf«orplaSatifft X. J, Mwacoull, sud D. Mciehaei <ordeed - Shdr etg. Munfdpalfi o'JVkitib, - Tiss iras an action sainât <lie Maziclpality of tb. Towrnshaip cdWbitby-t qv thse smoant et a certain sarney, made by erder of tbe Towislip Ceaneil. Verdict by cou,- sent for <tue full amnout olltie $42, . 8. B. Fairbanks for plsintiffyB J. Wilson torc McOaý,t au 114 Co ilof cf th su1 Village of Qslawa-In tb csee<h. de- fendants W13.mada, *ditelh aloug tiÎse ott'estreet, <o carry OË tbeh.surfacé miter. AThe ditéh wm au anpen ont, Émd' ct off iah commuiaction beturen t'. plaintifs lieus aind<6 it-e te, u.it'oat crossing f t.; No erosig lad lcou ma&eloyer l1< ýte <b plaIntifs *premflseo, Thse plaintif fan cgý log oner <h. ditieiso us plaâed tisane ý liy lalmet,<cul sud brokéi.,i lg. H. iras la ,Id 'p in eoaseqance for ino or six m8oath. anod broaÏ1st 'bs.action te ov damnages agaiast tse defendants. M4ajio rlers a- ed ou behif e tlie plaintiffi sud gave eevidenc. as te t<h.ý dltion, àa of0<its bavlssg beea& bio y <la. Daniel Mealy gene enidesace s te theb. plaintif <ealling inte tb. drain, eudîmsustai Ilg tbisSjur>' ceaplained et., .PoterGOodmia, sud, Jobuarreu <sti' ied, te tise -plaintVi slèof edînae, rom t<b De.- Clrkeproveddi snatus-ed ein- For t'. ddmSp r, M.CarmlcW be j BleeveMD, lirP. arnsd Mr,. Dclr.y vers exaaiaed-t'eir tstiasoy golug <e, sb. sat b drain vas oui>' su ordinie>'- ono,1 and eue uccesmry to e b.mie <or Coupera- tioa parpooss.Mr, Slaeir, tihe Couty Es- gfneec gave evidence a. <o t'.e se of tise drain boing ouly thse fscetsary size fr th, pucpose for misicis it vaunsade. Mr, Bell on bohel tt isedefeadants sù:i mitted four points ou vhicis le laimedav nou-sait. lst, <bat ne prr o seile i ,scen given oetb action. 2nd, t'at <h.ý eretvas netproveti te b. a eorporaee biilsayopursusott o 22 Vie. Cap, opS&0 322.' Ocd, <bat tha action lsd mot been, brouht ui"t' dre. memtbs a(ter lb. e. asa . MeY.r' gave tho ce Sni -e tomufi awei be car dm ia e nomj S ensg use master, uni Cause a41Wae-Y- '"" -" v-"n - mext da>' &d lok eu t lusiarcis -srranit. <om $1G te " lAt,rader Pringl ex.amaiaed by Mre., llenjaaiia heul<epo Caàmoason liewat of tlae PIaiatiff, ;< qa.ss< ta <le r.eelpê bins vould taise vitueisabout a irc ol,,cll "ked l 10 aOi ilS«H li, th&i tii. dedamt lsdtold hio about telil ice <bat tui b Ps l i the vitcb-,voinansd t'. vobb.ry, ^< v as dueleaion ould proceea to t'. effect t'et- ase told defasdachadt < at 30wes yrOasfsdtg tbat thora vas a certain pars>' goiag the amemut. te rab lilas sud tbat <bat Vurty bad For <the denée, Semai a clsty s he ox e viere la thbclalent $1G to Beves, a (Gapbll ket ilamoney, sud that ti l;e Ocris 04 or 5 bis f<ce idtoatcl pai4r vais t<linlu<l th e dmss<s#David <o Pay <bis cent-; as biouse vil e w itch-vOlo avs deliver. uv Doires M yont to es in9_' ise racle. 01u»areiviag at boe nsd 9 1b " b coualnet s"Y - asacig nqisyth.e eat found "t at Datvid Boues, (prws lid licn ou otIse.Isa *4 iuou hlm t'.e4d- P<icpO t'c.. #10'o and fg.ndeut'ecenstaatsuspWeossss igueretcd,, audJ htis Webb wu preseu -Thao &defndant -made -tkffl #tale- Boires (priss4n's dater)1 mnut t4hoe silva>' station, and Madc sW f$ or, 9 bill* psid te <leisn thie prcaceo f Mr, Jàaes Waliee, b'Otiif nt thse ime, but sad Mr, Tremaayoe;as, W eil, a. of vitaçse. uWbat tbe amouintvau, ID De(endmot 414 net glis. b.the ume(ft 4.iwcce <lI thüb. gaie. <b.epMi pesrliesn.pcctedent fibubt aIdbksrt .S"30,day to e lio pl nstpa tervsrut, and vltaes'andi Wallaceadmvised BOIS J, H, CSmroîS%, (vl lain te bu vea,' cautiOaa'befire hbc<voi sny U, J. Wilsosi,) ua eiv step iu the matter igninst 1Pates, - to=b#ing iddresto- the Jur Mr, 'Yrcenyae gave iimilu testiioa', thse prioner. ut. Hotè and added <lait tihe defeodant told bhuas ht hate? for tlie croira, e lie louait a stick wmielsbâath ie appearsuco e -lyOthOet e B of s 0(bcngusMd in àcerteantraide- suck 110 In""to Polyth.*39, utheà lisb 'pllstidls-snd vitoossadimed- liasdue, ansd t'eu alleging <e lhs that if <bat vere th. caseit iras bédaty $27 more <ban tle sasousit te M190. peOcqdingo, -UAb;<le.stick migIgt theAiiDe, el#pon eu bblet lenido eh.parties i&'i.e tio - , Ofuthe reecpt he. Jury '0 Crouusel t bi'.ialesaviagàg ddre fordo pvatds et six leor, t'. jury-Mr. Caserou insu uts-naetgregtart ns- t t'. nisiag ofthtie icony a. to th. belle( u inwhcjcant vbl<-î dicliacged, mai11 pcevailed in <lus <b 1tis ceusa-y, sud -Boire. entered in<.o réce Mrc. -MMiclsoeI la bis- sddress stating bigs er aut<h. next &isbee, la belwcinvwitciraftaad ginIjçBible authori.y aud <wq suretie in LUe o ac 'for it illo'lrdis ip'à *aoased -ap, and, tise' vi e m.:g" eu iî jury after a short absence fuaunsd a verdict 'From th. evidcnce iiappesi, lu. favoec-ef t'. -Plaini <or £5. Hon,. JsnMr wus fn tise store et Mi IL Camevon and IL J.L Wilson («r- plaihff. Michael nt Fort Peey, ou <i 'D' McMichacl oeth<le tsras of Camgeron à' toerlarlt, a t i'hile1 Maedouclfoc detcndant, ' mas lu bis office eh' t'. sto' àMa/kw. is. McGur;.-Vcdict for decaasped, telin ith hua plaitiifon deaurrer fee £125 14. a, Vos. *$, mnd - #leuontthe Oùtuo dilit for dereudat-Hartry con'Copoon, r, 5.MeMlebae l msindWtlj Coarte ý> -- prisoee ou.bseqauntiy eto Shaw IÀ0. B*oion.-Verdict for plaintiff MolMichl i tched him: fi, tor £708.aub*et te .opinion o et b.n5d caugit i in tthe aç of Court-H. M-Cffss.ro ndSi8B. Fairbanks out ofthe ii.Mecubsi t fe0r plaIntiff, Son, J. M. Cametroisa B,1.bhnd a quaeer, a yens ibUl J. Wion ordoesdat.epp rs- The peisoner vas- Bu B.Prinlu ou. Ii, Vu. jffanpleadedottgulilty. MTei iati J. IL Hphan-Becitnt, f« r r, ticb f -lUty,and thep5ifi conwery oïfot No., l o it con, of c4d to 6 outhosbard labor Wlitby, T'. land 'th.éauject oet dispute giel. lu tiiSecas. 'va granted by patent ýIotb The Quem -r,#. Et(f*.a 'August 180R1114011da PFiingi. <he vidn , OAI-T50 indid<U iOS4l ef Timothy Priagle sutJB.L ; sud the. or vit' bresleing lo t e b PlititT fClsirnd as tihe eldcst son and l hir Crozalig a ine enmship et .e a'et Jesep i P>lngI., ise v.the etveelas ago, vit' lutent, * dest son of Hulduh sand Titty; -Atter evidesico it eppieteed bit Cri Tiasot'y PringWs adetihuBlulabhl" widov dii vere ncxt door:neighbo msarricd supin, oeeWillli gi ê,anid-;185 KeDel'-bsenco- 3CO Ca vile ander ceveriar,- o lu at maasiage' 581< ic aatasnd lid the .60 eenneycd th. land iu dispute te one Lu. mises scarcbod fer atele go, ,dovlc Meysuccker. -Titese lni o Mey- KeiWis rutnbiiveut to t neckor ib dated, 14tis Dec,1818, and pu-. "for aùiâ 804 and5v ports te'. troinS Juld/41Prngbeas griot. Cronid's llod.'l Pelison OitSh eh d bee: n mared te (Green prcvî. 'pausicabY is iae, vise li eui te tbls ln 1801 or 1802, Green liveal Bruis. 1antil 1 820, snd HM ufdlarvived him, and -Hon. Mr. Canmon sali died lu ý1832, 1klewid er jackson pu, ,Cours <bât îb. indicusotvam eh iasd<ouasMcynecl.,and Hylasnd, Iboandl usador-the.directioo i "de<edit <rom JacWsn. Tbéinti jurjy iamiately -feud ave isapeaclaad the ditenadnts ligea, clasming galty." <lait tise dooti rom HuMais <e1lýeynecker In dschag Kesidnli, vas csllY 40 ssuch wortlespiper, leing verelY adnaesisbod 3imf' <eI fxecuted lie hr U HuldaebPrlngla, ;alaring breakissg lto Crosul's hotus th'e lite ot Green Ia 'libeodu4 =t-mIS.J. H, Cu10on, wd, B>' -bea n0 mut âUanW et causrd, impudent

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