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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1859, p. 4

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ispu Ceur~ Dollars sud Cesats. Wlsrvyftiiyl Io ls lid piorcU i. AXO STATIO0 NER S, BROOK STitEtT, -<4djslsf oRoa lqJr<o Jlcr,) wHITBoY,, Q w. anti ail aslin dooasIn li tise fine.llscwill fini on bandla a Mrapcansi sa-cIi asiaritdStock at tio lEgtnalighîurtîtt ohgie un;doroîgnoti, whlcb lue>'aune selIlirag i uhpncodcntediy Low Fuîtr. ACCOIJNT BOOKS1(, Ledgarss, Jaîsrnis', Day, Câss, rint IJII333Bosai, riaiesi for the how dceiuis'sil iasrraicy;. iilank hock. utf 60y cr> l!Irption linaso-la lnarnder, ruildla Ity îîattc'srn, t,;aiai sld btisi lis as supo rîtar iintsiaaa'r t'lioi itoolia, Vriiisag issu. terilis', istets, I'utlcifose l3alig Wax, W'aloAs', &C', &0. ICR(ING l3î%PEItg--l(wat Note, 7Let. ter, Csi;asog1Facsiscolp, Ihssahil'a, irti t and luir aa-itig 1.plper5ali sizas andi It/sPPING PAPEIIS, laome nauut's. turedari lltii, B1i'sua', Cosnsastrcial, Ele. -phaiat, aad Gey.is'a a'apiisig iîapenu-ssli izeoisuiaît aeiglicts. ENVFEL(oIaES-LaisI, Plaie, Piag, Caler. cd, &, ail siztas, sti varieus qualities, f-M Na 2 #0 Ne, 15. -BLANK l'OEiS-lu Cinsneery,Qsaceu'ss Boucla anti Conitaion Ilcast'osant>'faui surrogatte Courtns, iîasolvt'sal Court, Dm1.- gitourut, Cors'aessr, atsts, Nota. rIes', Coesofrtthe Psasce, Clenis cof Coun. tiosTowas5 Villages assa Townslipi' Daetiî, Mcrtgag',i, andatisiifoinus relating te tisa couveyaneaoti lotis! Estasto. - .41,O,- Ilanis1'tiaa lut'i issiissr;.ti, or îiaeu. su, hT'isto tjarle'. IN ICS, FPLIDS, NT<1ANDS, &c. CWTle Quarter Dollar Paaket, ContalnIng 12 slistets fine raieil Latter PuIpar, 12 mlisetti Note. 12 sif-t4alluag Lot. ter ilrelaptii, 12 mOilt'seîslrag Nete Enre. lapa., ô Frseir lililia Fuanssti Ilodar, one shoot eofl lsatirsg l'mier, asadlmiarIlot. tic et bat-al l to a Quarter Dollar. TO P'IINTEIIS. Ail kihtlasu et Psssasrs'taPArIas-àNwoi, Job andi colontaci-solti aI tsasket pries, for casit, À *tilt ftirtlaer Radustiesa lu ait hindi of Prlutiuig fer Cuisis. Tho ESIl1l.EICLY OlIRONICLE att -$2,50 a Ygar. or'1hu WEEKI.Y CIIIUONICLE, the cloiieîîast oatasnsal)npc n liCanada, ah Que Dollar a Yeuan, M adrn;cei ,IIlGhINS & 3IAYEIIOFFEn, Prlat.'ri and 5g4tioner, WitbJaly, 4, 1809 NEW STATJIIONARY! HIOQIS e MA I'1rg OFFEli, V to la l attention goteihtlarge Stock ol 'New tatiouaryo wllch inc ludes ail hissaisorfPluulis nlIFanser WritUng Paprs, livlnaial's Vrapplsag V7lEParinefbhp bawtoroeetsUWlEiW -of P. à T, ÏMIDDAlUG 1, haîbona1-B7 disiolvod bys-mutuesl ocanst AIl debto M 94 1 .JtekuiwlfWMb attl.d by T Ir ug, and à1l amaenats willl bc coi.ct.4 b>' hlm T, . WDAudm, >. Min-th. notons mapla- mnal"a M.'MCPMADEN, elifssn.o Coneyllc8 ~ aIn.B&B.O, WGOLP ANDSTANIEL IOIL,,d - asuma r MAZIAGv. acaisns, sud w'tii Deator JeWue' s wveatn tisa ucain- A »UTIONEEEaà,LMI»ÂGZNTî oro*jpr uctrtt- 11*1 ta go,0149utnatn1 oetit ittt tiset4noalaiprocesu DinvSIONCOURT aazii, &o. euc1 Co t,' yyorla isfrafeusiaii a.w i ç o, l 111b tîi 1 ansd expsrlanco aton eaatruled. -lis tha treahstmotnoli ffoolim ofaitIse Toecj t'Ir v 0< aur..and facial sréTI-iieux L. 84-f~r, jouas oparalotlitialuwasbesuep STATIONEBY w5îh tisegrettaaqi l'VALL KINM- 1sAWYES BLAXK, 11 îv.a-î od- DentLdSt44~e O I>lsl.ia Couan MIalai,*#.,*0. lew'ssî>ryQGoditmore, W AT CITY PUIONBS. j Iua ea-.lssnPari>', Lf aq osyr ai Clnosilalc Pilitig*it, lIroca st, Wlsitlo,' 0uesî:r24h 118 A Town fans-ad Paiga, sd 'twas hii cansultq- WilliisW'0%tlise methsit for fertlftation A Un.i'e ukulfant nots guva tfg bisi.opi.», Thost stislsang but utene eouid socure flasdo- A carpestur oasl, tisa' tint wax woi spelce, 'fwasî bottear b>' fante derend I it u, oait; A etirrer botssg b>', wiser tai beth tlie ta. gatlier, tsai ry wiiityoii piete, thr, tlu ni sotlslng like WILAM MCBRIEN" Ladia.' ssand OstaaaasFasianasil Écot àsn itioe Msktr, J3ROOKLTN, 0. W. Tise aies'., lias for tise lait *@yeti yoars lts tise finît îrize on iuoti asnd blises uItiseo-Cosu- Nonuut t'je beoit îîsit nd si bot wort- saasssîi11iinc ia t) aposa tii. ,ssesasicî. 11111oid irlsetsahi sud lsatan'isîtimisssc erî n il liat- ts'sdad, tutti ilss.igd wli g dad esal esp, 1rkli s, Jsa:l. 4 t-O NOTICE ,7,tvle the undensigucti, have cuterciti mb .vIF >artuaarîhlp utider thc humse and xtyle et Dostiovan, Walkey & Cc., for tbe pssrliosse ef csrrylng on tho Cosrriage buti- nouas ln nl l is branche,, on the promisses iaenetofurc accupisad b>' Ira P. Carpcntcr, on flreck Street, (nearly opposite theanoir MarketBifling.) SAMUEL %VALKEY, C. Y. DONOVAN. Wilsitby, Asagsst 22, 1852.49 Notice to Loyal Orae Lodges. I-flggine; & Maverhoffev, WIIYOfgAXD ISITAIL STATIONEF, B IOOL-SELLERS, AND PAPR DEALERS, 9110CR STREET, WHITST,- Hiavn bhandi CERTIFICATU , Andi ail otiasr Ilianhis apportsiing ta the. Layai Orange Lodget, saluch lie>' are prepatredte ll i 0:> 25 per cent Cheaper than ariy otisa Eulasbliilssnent lunlthe ProI rince. ulire us a cail or tendl un orders. -111GGINS &k MAYERIIOFFER. ]Pooket-]Book Loat. L. oit b>' the underîlgned, on tise 101th Ai i sat, ,somewshavosacasrSteptiien Smith's cerner#, @th Con. Esaît. Wliitby, A LARGE DLACKPOCKETIrOOEî contasiling osevraaiNotas cêf lssnd, psuj'abie te tise suscbsehr or bearer, andt alit en madie by 8. B. Pringle for £50 10. ayble ta Stiqaiîen Sîssitis or boerr, ta APT, 1855, 4 >ecars a(tor date, toeaher with îiundry obiaer papers of no value tau>' ny n but tise ownrar Any miroe»iaarlng (ounsdhe om@aieyl bc siaslsy rewarded by lesriug tisane witii thessîboiibtsr . liperiions are hcreby ucitfled, not ta pssreiîusiecaliseaNote par liculâtly umon. tîinti, oran ary Nota paya ble te lbhesander. sinuiorer.rand tise moter. lith o ara )sray sttfics ltcte apay the same ta aitx oncwith lic soIpciil arder aof-Ico ROB, .WALKER. Ensit Wbltlay, 27th Soet. h18M. 55 Cansidien JiIllers' and Grain Depat, 87 I'5tAiL STEEsT, XZW lVOIL ignuaeua,v-laouda, le.isaas, »liîrelaî .A.SOODENO-0UCIII, Drolter, Warfautî,&dieu Cas qaital $1,000,000, TL11311C %N N1<W 1DE LAID £'OWXIN quefut Ueloto COMMS Pienf C'line ilikifigNew lVork ls t issu-ttrnitui lu quwsîaDoais Cosaîsoa Pea, <' "Aua. Ig bsit IuasaIpràsllssiee îuewsn, ansu b. isd tounjsi. CausÀty Court Forma, -nstsiti iseisicuiat lcis rssà,ciusams as>itiier 1>usIt. DivulesCour DimaNt SIF111' Cnts i, rsitua>s r tot/Ial 'Assîqnlss ilieof lieur Iai0elorf1ir, Tibsayaar. as tlisawijuit Io gen- p« bianaredo es-ali>' isl titi sist'fltsgwii ll Ns iso eaacîsslvi,' .iasaa avltis car ssa l'asala fleur wii NBgllUtSlllII5iiNotarial taînaNts, iusnsaud tait lance tim uko~w York maaaa,, bttsfr a% p rt aud oisiisjs.(5caiiuslan.t aU f<i e ah Toronsto IPîteffi, etiaraudiuussîesous tg i.à tukoeu T<viity-(. ,nrî eipfrsaee tié rote., wsr. r,. ot isoisisribar uslisssniiag tlsît lue #ssder. sotaiditdise wsusîflis 1ustrd., aajd wlli gin Iet P R I fTI N,0,9 liaupsisal aitantii. - - - £a~~~rrder. troua Wlioluel ncr.rmp "Ory dmito t Irosti s"à, g VICB4,..atlSreiu o and ekeApi>' eestedo I. A OUe#tiU1yol1 At the WhIfilead9«U1sIgRoi wîîîa Q41obr lo 9,1 be tommaIl181 -theDali>' aper,, anlise TROU"AS - m satou$ publcatonobom *Pl rémigeelg. LCNE>AICIIJEIFou TUE - - 'F!¶~:GSA.!kà hi ti Coasti,'*11 Ti DENTISTRY. PR. Q.o0. JEROME, IN teatsuiosg tliiiulis to Iis, numwuosa frlcoâs 1. sud tho public caacrily fi,<oir u»rs.i patroam:aa sincee ooma:sqd prisalttrictitis: rwns, osld haro t#ek.oocasionî ta s>tatato ait thmo*lioa rersjsfrhsg Artificial Testl, tisai lie vuleoiiis, àlss sibor, upoun tlaith4 W .;lpÈ ail inàdis ssud .tyloi ni TOthsI¶'iAassffs.à,J ha, iver btd»*iv wb<tp.msf wiht10pou Dr. 0. -.- filtôug willigoîtrans tet tthe mopt dlfiicwit casa with tisa graâttat prisisilon. li 1 tolit uits, patie. cSn hau'a JilakTo wlîls SONidGuttin', wic.ls, inttary>' reîjt, for oiupaor ltu aisey aber kisas$ «fwork;.ssowsa lisii ait Tl*iwor lolliigIsi pirorcd cf h>' sii ef Ile 1latdiF a )otsitoi)I;w Yorki, andis- çtlias citîssit t ii'oigioitt titi ko ss taa owirg ta le&Is.3sisag sîsatlbigiîter sitdofiasaaer»' satsrs, juniit It I, atter à talit of titrée )yaurw, ilteesad igler andInsare proee'sble tisais gold, or ssy ailer inistasle jdato. Du. JxtuMta wsnsilwisb it o 4 borne Iomd tisat Jiu liaii icri-atiy rieildtiso,1te lrices whichs 1 isfdro vera tIse tallderd. lie weuld r1110 I'ulsesait8te 13511 lie bitbeac a<sntitly Uïtiug tihe isitinve imitcid untcriti >for isovaral assitts I)nt, ditniss4 wis i te lisclias put up a- groist millinbar cf citoai aud li aitl tsutances the boit ut' .îtimigletloil unâ ben aussîlfeitod b>the psticsssî., Goidj, Mirer and Platina Plates put up tu 1h. Lateat Styleig, Oheaper than auual, and Warrante4. Al Stirgicial oporsatswaî% of tîhe Toeth or Gai ktiifuiiy nrforsed. g"ao extrasottai withosut pi bIl u A.sn c rtict.Iartlesa- issr ~ ~ ~ ~ h r'atoigieit ia rgot#.an gt i li- drou.' Teath. Consultaion Fret.,.2 ar orne P-8l. Calit sad eamsinî e ctsuIa of tiltswork beoruugottihsg yoistto4%ioorkatcl oeswiere. £ù#rai in 43ALVLL' BO, cite .Lowe# à .POÃŽweWà $tar, Boek .immi, WNi. sept. 16, 1069. 174v ww WEITBY POST OpPICE. UNTIL foriaer notice, Mall il aii o ahossed -anuo isaor doiri,'Atti M hacMas foi- Down milimi gG41ig Fait vît a-Osiiiawa, Bew-e ianv'aile, Ncweatle, Clark, Nîngîton anti Pont loe udotjaar errnpasdiug offies., sao li lc I.lT. travlling I>est hM'e i t, fls- éludhssg 011idmysite cathe Weit t r 9 ig» ,Atosa 76,. i., iaîi &p~. m., Dite t'on allven,'nt 10 aat,, aund 7 p. nm. - Lettansa t'en Meissranl, anad piam iFissoKing- istou, are oui,' ptispicalstt tath tiaiglt mail go- Ing Bigot, tIô P. M. Up sussiiî sAng iVext, liseladissar Tuunrtosa I>ileng4 Wroutsssadl ahpleeciWcsl of To- nosîte stîsetisa . R,l.tritveilisag l'ait 0OMO@ ggalrWcait, edoi t0. m. s, iss14 uitôOP. tu,r Dueaafor tialirs7bernt ah i>am.,AstiatT n's. Th itilliifor ikerinsgandtI lissn, irer 0111Y nîailati by tise issuniiig trains golisg I1'cît,à Nrth MUsssl uas. tasl>' nw ite iaarrivai ofa lise traits front Torouto, foir lrooklin, Masuciaci- ten, Pornt lafrvitees, BossiaM i is c- variais, l'ont h'uovc-n, Atîisbsani, Epsosus Utiea andic Ciltniige, alao for ail tise coremoussdug tof. Mail§ areaaliome aiapat siamtisioers-Ans- Icy,' lhotssglsstm, halmain, (4lntataaswo ad in. se disl, ausou Tuastisa,, Tiissnrstay andst Saturtis,'fer Altausa, Clarcsuont anduSti tuiff- ville, malls arc due for délirer,' frai» lisie oMOOces At alpoutt6580 1P. su, ENGLISIMAILS.--Frneatise lot et'Aptili. leu, au lltter. for Great lrtsasi musaN eProa- pald, 1,,' ÇetAg tog shsp. Lettes' . nlastuieforiEuro"opeîesl be petI-4 eti bitea?, clocat A. M. ou Mes.aiys. ItEGIS1!AMON ,U07ldiTTEIttt-TIia elsanga for Ilteg.trati, fM addion t tihe jast- cye, ià ds fOlios'. als eai ltter air - j'at~~~ sa> lc iisaiNos-ti oica'a, ii, en>' àaaal h itstatiao, (postage ag nss lpoilaisu) 7ujt To as' placentIhie lritissi Colonies or logsac. tr o,'u ~glassI, Anu assiuant eqil 7 ho hapost- PA wgs uap to 0 boswala itaisont b, past under reuatinesi a idM Pcr I#. te lW vrýI ypostale tifanmybergiu losssi ire dasjisttçhid tirrearc ati cii opS¶ byosage iaiant i liýosa)aoisluatian Xaui t'Cis Uaaied ots th ie CwiasduîsSi 'uit i w'iib te colceatosa delir>' Alltraeiist Nawipoparsalo sla goao Ziag lassitotbe prépaids114!9#14P iSuu%# Keo w. as<i tseIlttiols stemp, 11-M-uft;ea rud aciiuslss.a lIa, sste r pi.looby i s,' isiti , 2X4 aomit, 077142 iouuIs.-W.ek iuiA,,fraisa1? a.sm, ta? 7P.M mIuneduy,, (om 9 talié 8,M,. pesiege siainpo esai le pasrelîaid jut Ilse etý A. MPIEESON4 p. M. Whitbr, Apmuil, .Te i Pianos, N.leou o -0o1P DRES GOD$,Wi -âw W Campreing, the verm sti NOMMLTES of the SS Letél>' paarahas< by oDe oftho LA vlan bu ha isitudtheli They confid(cntlyeolieitan and iaspectfou, nes lutucoeett wil ho et- 'lraed bPolh:sa ta cholce iand rtae ililci cauniot 'ba starpasseti 1,>' ny bouse lu i (brdeé. An oxîcualva aicrt mnut a! CROCKERV PER STEAMER "JINDIAN."1 1Oshawa, Oct. 22t 1859. 86-w-2m1 c3w JUST OPEN àý CANTO-N T. COMPANY'S New Setl8,KnasE s t her le t, r 1E Compsany', fermed for tleIm uportatioan cf 1pure isi iuadslterated 'fesu, direc tronm the Pisse. ai growti, aaow offar te thae publie scuse ut the e asst Siatled't id rep o Tas ur sodIti Canariss; andsi imics orUs , tlsat wiil iao pnr$ ta icii.eaaan>'agal is ob,' Inter&- tssdî.untia'., Whoa be ,b oeau îeinfnas e- sif rgand asadqi ceretuni," ailIlabu be o rtalloa t tw isoîsalo î'rbseî 'uis euîsillinu ail partii ta PUY 'L lt? 2JW<A, at tiseLoweît reisible Figure. Thae Cusapsaa,'hava beu ss afil te iciect, Irotaga orî i gels il sChistt, lmiteet' filoms 0p]or,r1Tlix.s, oaiysl lt tisehéLondone»Asnd lhsbuiMaraas, s liaitaautuseri, Who ne- yasmblerthe ,déelo iliTorais mosisi tisere sssuy Doaw iaa înîîîîlesliib lia -e hoarliag u inrlgorst'aal asîes. WC Inite itaatriai ho tant our aîttoaTho prie.. wiil siptak ifer.thcas selve*, 1.oek ut tiaeaa Now on Salet, ire .Handred (,eb"s1 Muleliperlab,.. aMis.,iOroci, per lis. 4 f Ooed par Ill. . ,40Ma, (sstipn .1ea -Pietodpt IIY..'~, mm . $ Imsssipr lI 0M..es. lyhwdl, petlb., coiiise fi5ls, parilla. nSkis Motel Xtaes kielPoattnC.,uutrs' stcreaund hbardiig lasslo'pasUlSuitf ' e» orty pound packages, égmd up. wax, i, of TEAissalt csarl'ass$ctsIriscto #DY part do notiassa géa u ag s celte itY, M li isede wl te club ~ tao r witis icrfissil ~ ids fAction Witi+intid g~Cofee, lit aai rtiele istiultassasita suis à r gilfititasit iit poaipîui-an. gosiis ama- cd, Tise Compsnisiy (,olosIrai.cfii sîtlaig piara ani liainisaslinaitsdart it!ais'qsat a tulîsi ot'tiscir delieioss TUJIKEY CPF 5e at as, nti or14»mbsilaar th i sami.ae, 161 K igqto tau docma (rom Mlrliet square, laid pliuseCoin. saisgiaalaItai it-wîs. osa frtapi -Y 'rht they ire now proparedto exhib!t tibe etselectedu tevr ISTQUt te tbcouuýty of Ontario l opabge£J1gth0 o*euotvarloand 4 P1"s ditritcuw dcn tuseearr (o ecusueabut aporepl#!M spinýo4omi n'tat os ur Stc" unuuily la-go. sd ais u, tt ta vcr a bet, mai'. o t Ood lu tiieMurket, Our GRCERIc NDLQUORS are~~~~~~~~~~~~A c'pt.,toohifGas nt atinWse hi e ia,,wwi ain -e x. trmoy owfo uh07Pi' .CW~ PIW!TT Drack Stroat Wisitby. 89. Octeber 10Ih, 1809, TI IE-suhsscribarus bag te inforua thair clssîtomerg; andi tiie publicý,gencasliy; that their -E-lu Stock le npow comspl9ae, swlaicistlsey arc e tc-ed te bull at greatly A AUNtàtitiuvor HORS, SE, CUTI BAU, HOUP & BAND IRONAX Le*% thonsi Toronato rlaa for Cassit. IRESSEJ) NAILS! CAST, SPRING AND T RA CE, B L ISTE R STEEL ÏTE&UIUIAN pEsT iA4KgTS. A largo Stock of t~<V~iF Indien ltubbei and Goutta Percha U ta iUl1AI1N., ~ L ~ gor EVEJTig CR5i'lct"IoN.' fon2 te Il inah. TABLE & IPOORETOUTLERY Flit,, pci',joua%,i amnot!ic a ir s ni cross-asat, Ciraular Aud Millt.'gcer»' sni olscr Cclclaratad naiaS Éimsuou'o, Datei'sand itiincet r'î îrcliîm EDQGE TOOLS. tu UISW-AT VASIVEY Guns, Pistols, shot, Powder rCsapi, Ialnkm, Waiti, flassie Mugis, &o., &»,anti oves','decIe;ptiosi ut SIIELF AND> HEAVY HIARDWVARE Nota tIse Atdresoi, . .DONALD)SON & Ce. Casidwoh'î Block, Brotk-#h. whita>, Nov. 24, 1858. CROCKUR'V! -CROCKERY'! heiubsm4bcr5ség to ainouncè tixoarr ivai per ship, <lÀ.DI af th4mr JÂD4 FÀLLSTOIýI0F, CR0 CICE R Y Whieh .thcy are prepared ta soitat Montreai Prices. - CHIA Or' TE INeSTlSPECIKENS - BREAKFA917iNNER AND TEk SERVICES B3E]D-ROOM- SETS, -&o,, &o,, &o., ccîsntrt'eitinig tffe maîlililc* Or voadlragtld e d 1 ni n rqan 15~ küqjyeùktljeâ tuiseas st s jasmlonis. - et ýli iatrsasn 84siusta thé amnttsetory if ' l'raiior asatilaîncs. - IIOLLOWrAy, 80 MsagItLoai taNew Yerk, out ai b,'EXE aissathirsu lit tisa ultedSMutesaild tua a4r14- Dr. Mains &*ï ýjzati wa.rl, lu boxa. ut 21 c, neaisitti i 1tlsut»tltay hava Iha els. 11 gttruasit for tise LV'bioro Io snisloroulea salia; b>' baltInitliaowbao télit ~ or îz',relsyîhsassuîln Loil lu tarer, digordc.r tireaie tixa ft-ack box, ? a nflinatruiuen Watchmaker -and 3eweller, or nsitiyan sd J', r.siiyosîu d sîgt'îasstry isast bcssa* îssdeoslî u t itsbnî%Ines* luitely cssre'hsad ou b>' Mr. Tlsuos Ual- Cissluk'îsjt tisi siit s'unwok ('strust4,d tu bsCur-, wiii gli's uetiafauatîoiî. AÀasaw andi vali ax*orseiet!ockloi Jewelry, Watebes, ,Clock8, &C, CHIEAP FOR CASH!!1 1w, JEWtLiy JIADz roO itftitaî, M ag îpr'csc, asacli lowsar tiiî s stwIly clnsrgeld DVutyYs, »59tit. 4 P UBLISIJERS, PiIICES YANKEE NÇOTION SOE 111<001< TREET, IXPIVE»PARES, ILL, SITES, TOWN LOTS, FOR SALE,- One iuapravd an ,l Whltby 100 &cru, Oua~t 5 Mrimaposa 50 WIid Laudiulu Mlain, Porrilla, Esi- Mil Priiiege l fmptou, To*s'Bishlî f Darlinglon, ena o! eh, ver>' lsVIcatÃŽu eiaTownsihsip ef Dayr- Towh -Lotre- lu Bowrnvilla, hroklin, iltaupten, Portý Pam>', andtin.la Aise a s*er owtaI"tg l théTonna of, For- sala Lmu and on Lone Qradit - Mecbanliandr jothsaradeuirvui of buliti- in an linefroua 12 te 18 mont*to nste tho firt ,asyment.' NEWS[I-NEWS I11 auraéraauaa ofm;a eeass, oauîaus.ti gouiial OWDtuu, asusedl' i qse scret Isaiit Dr. Afnsnea *soia, fil urïlcrtU) îatîf>'îhea wt OMtlt1teal aM te thisa isicit ofnisaI isutruasea, tissss iLa iaali amy ilibtssuce o t it nias>' prOa, u'o u.timr4etty l' ftcr.a *airtriao, the moue>'y wil hac refitidia.? '1)y 'ri'turlaIlig ti lsaatruncssitlh ged tarder. Peraew -alsag the ubue .Usiful lasstraaeat ssii in s'sItiiat file ps-k., %itj liei tisa ny irto.,i. tes ifLUIati.>'i- ok4a NP.WAIiZ Or iXi'eSTmW.r Wlewsîre c4 Essayiriss andi itiiaérain t ef ,al Drio Muson eu issrafer a l«#g sae'set yoirs bma iaigags'd 'alxis xt.'wve pa-asitiffe iu tle tiie osaiy lcgaliy iqîalfi'd l',>s aln wp 'advssntiso i tisec ussanùdù lram§,inte tare as voiplsinti, or front asîsin Uouaiiss ,Lnupas Belensdk's esubc ebtasissas. ,; Prions lu auv ptrtol0ttè woi'id mi',' ltiou ut'titar ass, ~'ti n rCStfittalt('fer >!tdiiai &è., wlisls ss i lie rctsiric'd, iil th e tisaaasat. daspatai, asti ta,crc fnmobi5îarvatiou. AttissssDr isi& e, cerner of 1ftad DSR ci.Bfo . ,'L N CELEI3RATED VE RMIFU-GE LIVER PILLS. WE: bçg cave ta cuit the atten- t ion aif the Trade, amnd mre cspecialy -the Physicians ofth country. ta twa of. the niost pp'pu- lar remedïes now bceoe the public. Wo- refer ta L' D»r- Chas. I1lmgne's celebruted -Yermifuge and,-Lirer Pilla, We do fot recommend themas universal Cure-als, but simply for whit th1 eir name, purports, 'InZ.: -HEVERMIFUGE, For- expeling Worms (rom dg hunun syste& T. t bas aiso bmr administered witir, the mostsati. factolry resuits -tp various Animah subject ta Worms,. UTHE LIVER PILLS, Forthecureof LivER CoMPLAIçTSp ail ,BiLous ,DIUtGEMENTS, SIC% HE-AD-AicHE,&c. lIn cases of ,fVER AND>AGUE, preparatýry -ta or alfter tikirg Qui njinle, the'y almost ihwarial !y zi-nak 4speédy and, pednanent cure. As ý secifi cs.'forthe aboveme> and neer éfkhown to (ail when ed ministered in accordance with tdu directions., Their unprecedented -popuauil has induced the proprietors, FLEM"ING 1BROTHERS,' -PITTSBUROHF, PA. tà-dispose of their Drug .bus'ipe* iii. wlutc.h they have been succew fully engaged- for the ,Jast, Twcn Years, ai-d they will now give <heu undivided time and attentioýn CO their manufacture. Anidbeing d& terniined that Dr. M'Lanc's Celo brated Vermfuge ind Liver-Pilbh Ïhall continue ta ,occpý-theh poion thcy owhol d, t ,greCat- remedies af the ýday', 4il wilcontinue to -avare 1neither tu1ý - -- W. IL Tu -DlÀEEIâTEE AM J. ttorne Oflice- môeit-&W-Scad Flo 1CANERON & tJocorotite Cei ffroflo t the Court, GORPGE la. MOn cerde Ctoi 1.-J W1 . W. STER AND A '-oposte J. W. CÂLDWE BaIoi uhaLeu b@ prmeusatysiunded t. JÃ" B IL A. IKAIS, { TTO NEY AT LAI . hoeanery, Cae'su 0. ia. DAM I, Tels 1 1

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