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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1859, p. 1

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roigtbl fflîWx the 0 pthpsrodt.o eutê 'ARID le~ ~ ~~£ s uprlrstloaa lomiet siam Q alagtuel4v t ia'Wie an h iour O W hEf [OTER 'OeWhibyS.W ZACUKE. URNJEBVIAK, JUDUE OP TRE OCUNTýY *8UREQGAT,ý EnàDEN, nUWPZrOnBEJAVETOX M r W"QVIICE AT Tus Co)UST 40UHJAS PERitr, J 1 EJITRAB 01'YE o num J eQC t JWhkby. JOHN V. iJEAN, - fLiK cr'i teuE UUTY JunTo, AIDj ; O'r trar ortile Serrog.sLs Coure. 019e.At sJég r7 UIos, 157ofkre*. T kAOSUI.QNI'iÇE ATile 3 o1JgT JE J ACDUNELL, SOLicgTout, * CLIC O,)yTmir- OUXTY cosusfi.. U0&00 ou$, lioua. I jouitUE UER', <ON'OUN-TY iENUII. QIMICU AT 1111, court RouPA. i Wo uJE TILZMAYyÇ'e 'p1 AEISZ lJit OVCLW ÀA;to " la41uAra'Nw lru Je ll7,l e,4W' F Or. 10T, AW Glu u8QJ If- bAITNELI4 ~Skoht, W b l't CiUNiY, t~ N1YN 'i 4 , MAX ,DJ4CTQR, AND TAIt i'UBLI, c-.A. >4 6~sisasC1 W. # *vr D0s sn'a ILsrdwr, tore, rnc-'truee YJ. W. C.AL4DWELL BROWN~ ÇONVEVAnOinE, ioMSiQE1F Oit M*Iing Àiod*iIuAoeounten, 1Lsd, DJYI seu Couretsy Pubilo s34ud erml Agent, ubrd 1.. Ut i- ng tr..tnarly opposite N. M-41 uinss.ut t tlàiaro WillJ bo prom;41y atgsn'ded'go. JOURIE RILLINUI, , LjOIw.uPin0fÀ1b4rt à , ÉY eN; A.mwIES, . A,, 'AT*JYAT, LAWt' 9OLICITOZ INf .L2.lhoberyOoaié~aàw an ere TY nwrihrxau. -D oï ù* d, R N 7 , . 'WILLIAMTs4> Toronto,4 l,s 0 TEX T CUIEBLQBM4ê 441,jJUs]sot17 PLLINTNEIM ." ATLON a lwasys k; Bi PAIIJAJLBJr 0- urMw ',Duntye ont m_ 10"A N Eié. BIAÂEN MALDISTOT,.YYÀOC Il( ý,goýÇ * . . .0000Esud Ics OCALpoBNlgti.-veg, ,!î ftfK T t',ýiu pi y0if thé AIIopsvagt to nt r.d. idta5i. g sud #ticsd l d.c-otr en BAN? INDPOR.IIW.WKtW9 i. c.il t<Ã" Ai. g~abrmisY'alrisw é f îpi,,&0 7E~iWlt~. Whw4ç eru o C, !ir~ ss -TFAIMAlf, LATIGFTUE 64,10 ln ' y oprsng thea owssshipBrock. Ad. IF. s ng Bon , ~ 4,1'1 ru jby Jen.21,i ', RA~tOA~' OTELTm o vë. ohi tà M d r. " p JAMBEp8OPELEOB, W TK ¶modMD 1fO PD,,- s4'~ airb'.s 105 M~IE OMouaao rok AD7 urne meÃœn en LOVER TUst, he 00C 0aou boili94'semor&héuityUs'n opd ffl y sstma f«dsdiprlo a T;oflii# aoya Wil ko! tse Jit. ir ow0 bu onuc gofotir..apslldwft epré procuDrabsebld 75 seéÏt 1 tisafi 1 ho dY",Yloeailse. rl intler- o!0 Wms r.eor , aelsej ob»4UNNW,.at liNN;l be p4' Iroprletoo Vi np r reMrdMoW seoon(rlpiiecuef bar *4 a kil îé' orm(rtuirs JOUXIsleisfiVs4,sfriryoslr eiT ioN&LeAttsoGlbINZ ou ssJàNsshe Ai b. 49 peroall pn ptoglffl tg itnia.sr cep.lon s mu is$ mou. ' .10 UT 11115WELi (former Mrusloy, Tiso promises't sas', beau uewj veuo!ftsd tls;auglsoue, asnd tiiff tl is lrat stYlé. 'vaY'proccuabie d..e u oW A elsdivan #4ted, uîp se. pest 1la lito btcioU but tifse b est brsu4f arejrmiçt$0 t.opter J19AILIWOAD lHOUlE, I Wilt 0,stdtisnue m: vél t he1111 1 aitb. di ' ski5 idste hr, dratsoimntt o h.'taboyns aw 'ot vétngnistor hsqi A Sktreîtltreastasuoe î. DIs neral",unolnsA. a blàdtstimit Dt eice '"DAtl&0L 1 un kpt.oid"le rnilar Whitby, Mal'lh 87 .' ase Mroira ta a ve hru.te s tea 4~ ~ ~ t 9,aitu ne>, . Wida' CENTRE JEOTEL,' oubmibielr 4cemamwtheposasaon 0e lbfrmisls peroto "edjpubiott t gnotbinh boin loft loni u slo hôust.hsai '~j~vIua borogermeortisapulic -, maf b. dto mo4i1 s tnt raon nsadaioa tpbll <~rr. ~, thé eb o» ýto thse onortoi Çrvslas ood iit F IXM)GIIU T EN 8i.YICM D3ysAtiLY onthe~ "MM-se r'; 41 leA T I., For lz.~ aun4icf O toi tsisgAdsrt l'3;okndÂj, bea TrostoInslea# tlw prie.fr(Âst hseI lsent lrlce lu Cash psld t.BÈutellset aaoEtsr fo >sor d arýd 4r Wtsteb ho 'TJngI IAI ROBINSonVg 000, eggffe, ro esilalv r 1.)%*sser, iMnldssan td tise>' wlll Sudtise opératiosn boti, aressblt-aaud ciasang COM9#I4ý,L HOTEL, ;uoczu nea, Bmniu. Il (O1POh1TE IAiLTuN A.>EBBS' S T~' UE ojliCuu ,TA9 EsLE4VE TO t ov lo<lLie lweiffl lilhelargeoetasd 'Unot colstriJl'guaited 4 th O1wnf6rubli ansýXI t mit !ssrnloied ttln mi lacoa seonis irsi s i sund TientyvNCPireBcd-RoýugeIn tise i se. Théraila àsvery,.osysesns nient Drlvlng Sised, sud iseé lllg u lx a spaibleo'otl~gIIe oe, .t11 144foud #qîîs'tg gasy lu tise Province.<1-1 c oexj'enceihum lme'spir" naiorstxlde, ta - roai. r tise C<JUMMIÀIL IH>T$ » iby Uqu, op iatasa(fy o o Tts loang exporlence o! tise n 4svignd,an are tisebat gnarslsree tisa )le miiltisa ever>' etis*envoig 10 ester tote lo'ttan sd gr sigîaiictou1 Iisu'kts osebt 1eBar, ggtJrierga îâssuuly modoaeo*f iair Iusponrrs sd (1enerl Doglerain Dry Goods,Çocre, rarey 'COtRNER BRci "À;CWLBORNE-$Td. Wbitby JisI>' lato, 1845. g. T BE ÊUb"csIbc-Isjt. u ossct6tluis ,'ftalstats i' ceTouton ad tise Tmyciiu1i comniu tis ht tiese love'firstclaos ionse hai bcu't e'tic fil xwali'ovesîmunnes A k Fii.JasTabté*ùeeriwd cf fM Htil Alil IlusAm iepIt u tise peu1le4aé'ý,f eh Sol a.coDIucelosiwitt tiseb"Ove Pr, 'bs, Cto i AUOe 5 . EtT 'ow'yuijc,~p~s Tow or yeLe tt.rgylnaph o ohr' MIng,(rJ .<,cud tl boit style, au4atahot nticeW4 y amssgssant@ relatlg tenMy auction bit usa l 1isý ;uq_ sud n.ceasy,. n i& y m a ie o s n i y b e h u . J Y 4 is O U . t SAie.ttendetgin ail paru tse e uitr' h .tf opogt W. (i. TIl, IJI PàiuitiDPapUJXa»lgiug, GIazIM'4 s1uad te.'peubitst ho hsai'*iussovs.â frossni 'ComertalIsfiîg, Bok eeeWil Ai k eldso! tof wjieDrtoq or Mdrepmi'ed tour 1 rtekali lue fo VI su T.ER A I ZasNAeLthdlspaTeiLup ssi HIstN"s89 Mo ixdysiensfaIlnd tpbceonesgy o Zi e i fore std salue gffcyjuusr ltb y;,l 2ï 1, th5)5 o' ' 2 thi.friendasuid eh pblc eseralIy inm thb frer aesnd, tisiebMEA*ri ilthée' lu l, lt y., beio usyi Chat boia, leaeI, frý puli tr i ! y era, Ttisexcomwd oer in usihdb te E Is't a «n to St.,Lw 'tet, e.h . 'W,1 ilwaysbe suead i f Bi lis, arkt afrssoar tu ts nrt andbicorgeero ah' 'Tfis x.ue l!ntaro u cwij' r tltting u id fuil Thse TABLE111ml'ipilms b. upi coicesten#Idlbot of ferv kiud of Wiln.s, Lîquorâa ah,Çagura,,9fgo1feagn snd Dom., tic rnanu(stutire,s, lise STAJ1LJI are iar;c and, alrysud. are under, the aîapevlntence o! obllglpg e4dmetInrJ'utise large herd tk±wdo ti premimuswilI.,,tse found à e at sheds for isorêés, v/ïaggoaia é tthitc1y, Iu Aýort, l'anm etermnndtisat raothlog shahl b. msntinn n sy part M glvêeréOstis. facton to"all, tend at rates uascbeap uasany atherbos hof tise kf1td lIn, tb4,eltyr.- .JQÙN. LIKENS, Fast Market 8quarel " TrtoS pt. 2,"t 9. ' '-x__m sC.thdt Afielon - ~ "hs~ANewtock,. 1 fstldonto Ailthmis isy i-orna wftha 'î., NO0TICE.u ILL Venlonsa1hsvlngclams-.pinst né; 'Jsiylutr858. -h ' -A-o ôr .254. Business wiCtiste Goverumeug 4.5 _i. em' e4 o 1orei~ep wAth4ackf> o.,tgs5 *prmau séh~ishWfsslof~ qui pIC, -O A tUSVe, A Ottsa . DRO 10bsOrm tb4Public Uttbey4lsaé iss - proîsiW# ol nltos bl*si» uwlea."' -"w= UhyavTêis." os4he ilspat 'ali ohqmnA i ai1 Wî"P Ë."Bheae '~~WJUUUI5W59VWp1Dg ressm.p '~ JAOOB~BEAIDEN,~ 1 fprtWhlt~y, ~ ~' Port Wbltby. 44! lLLbehapp7e~ue>IsoM <~I.~4s,~sa4 W eaafousors atiaI~~ WEW DRUGIT 4544/ - 4 oRz, tro s,I,sa.Srat w1t1 OAprln# poriSeff f ndf 4Ut4hmil J ,ro o1 * , ,hf s"Fretlrf £ od io Ml, " 4t = hv1ç1!, th$ a ~ isI s las(o i âbetf maesyielyd resdly tis ehr> iieua , li, ls* utr drIsifa a.lLs I .w*ojol r AIrisiis rehnni n ie sd .T isa ssunsbrh t'orsgncoasîtfajs tIs iscit oses oh mssei are oratc itliy ledb' 1 sfr ~av > 0 'lo.ces ltol'llagçdoesai seU Ili' i sn jlêj' lse a an i shlrtrorki j lre Te.lrus lse5s1 nipIailie, Ansd musay Mer hW bd ie fsr11eom" Lstnd lmiuqP4g. Xra>,'nsai, Cz. rn Ceqi 0f844*4e amrtç,Jlawssqa W. tic lsvDM osr oviglu lis sai 4lorer,,béttl'anpd 1 ieh xte;o 1Q.oo1L u h ,fusr Qtsos~uir, sou*df mli e is mté Vi orîro1 smpleSi ot j th Aro'ez EIuIe IIE~14ir elAnd matsvrhtfeîee$i eieo .wigu so.l.I7m,; obtocres)viïnwL.ý, entra as.zrma.aUniwuzau<> 1'r -r4.D ,ll a nd Enwsbti No.it C or74n ti 3'tsu4ismss40" ôe t e Il se olta té ispullsirélr 4'sthee Psâd;.n.eemu atn tede Wa.Jo Iaale. m br e*'fo de oy.,fr good brtsodà sud i 1135171338137' DU5JD5 WWI 'WflIGIJ 'J35hms~~OS .uUuA.d, î.~ i 7 j,.,, .,' o! AwM1 STA~UION'ER~Y, ~9 ~AT CITT 1~C7A. .0 ET1u118 5 MAYBRHOII'XR,î r whiëh ;à Wé sthô'à for ffltifaon. 7'A r#vvkiIlf, jia n gise r . Ini opiuion l, Tbt nohipu tÙ could Kire i i odu- cuner elsg you û tiibtl 4eto- psstber Is notLbIrg, Uke ThO b*I, ,h... for thse 1I1Et Von7coZ% taIIr tise ~ ~ OQ SripislyBossud SJîOCs At gis COUD,- mn4f Il i f4nit (in tl tisoptée *, 1410Ms 'bd f*eii ud e'uumien ; wIi i hé maIiy st- î6 ic, n uraluas4 ô,fr h wor a , of é M", 11113 pont 4 issai. a.ssp I&I' ti undmtghcd, on- ete re4in.t, he&eti4là-6opied ïby &rB.Caa'penter, 1on Brock'&eee, '(nearly opposite thse neir M.ODO 8VAN, * C.1 DN1VMBr" NOticetoLoYao tgo dgem t4 atyi n , 4e, k1o nitTON, OKSL.1,AD 'th 'i tle blenaraeraW,,Aprilth bu te w eredt el a i 12. per p. b eaper . th lla uy ohr e*al elienwèîl iseuxr ~sigeusra sli oand he de~. SVP, GGINS étçdA'MAoY. RHOIae Poclcet-flook f the 'Càiiandac Ife ,dàaîYsJin, ijï ble to'be~,sbciqèi"ôr sn~,'~Tour.,'on - 1 L4

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