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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1859, p. 4

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a bsubbtid MenotrW eor, im . AIMI STÂTION01 , WHITY01. W. md idal re dd)n th.alovel eïevîil IMInl en bonrd kiaim welli;;;;;j tSk si *9. = =sii% of thô-sierelnd vhMsii.'tbse pIingint unpuecedeasedly 4COQUJIT BOOKS., 7dMr,,Journals J>ay# C4sli7s nd Bill Boni, rliif.r tii. "eeriarptio Mtra à9dir, rufeil t. goy pat*ri1 auGd lboid nd à lus YWoimanser. Uboei'Jâés ;Writlangima. terMWs flst Penefiu, Ssing - ift, WlIUYJN PAPERS-l'e.t Note, Le&- te,. Ojing Foolacap, BsacPost, -Pott M Bu writlag papes aàI -sizcs snd WIIAMPNG PAPERS, hors. meule tured Manilla, Broya, eCc.s ires, e. plia , sd <3rey' vrapplag pupers-l sîzesad i cghis. ENVEIOPES-Lsld, El" us lff, Coloe,. .d, k ail slzeoandssivarions qrmitWe,, 00re ts te,<.N e.,- BLANML FOIIM-In Cbsuoery,Quieu's Soansd Conien Pies., Cont>' so Surrogat. Courts, Iusoleut- Court5 DIvI- $ion court, t7enurr', magltratesý,, N@ta ries, Clerke of tiie'Pece, Clerks of Coii-,I * tiesTovus%, Villages and Townshîps'*Dosil, Mortgag.o, anilast forma îelatlag!tp the couveyaee etReSI Estate - i ALO1 -, ; - 1 SRE£RIF#lS', Bîliitsud(Yntâbles' Elanku b ythr eu, »'Il Lùh fi" bou. sand, at Te4rento p0?uces. Conteinîng 12 slueets fne '1rdrLe' Piper, 12 ah"et Note, 12silIf.nlvg LWt- ter Eisvelopes, 12 seif.sesllngNote Bn.e,, Wu., ô IreutbulîlO'n Penansd fMouler, on.sbeet f Blotng Piper, anden Bot. dlset f k-all for a a rrDoit., TO P-RrNxe'3 . ARl klado of PitumirasePàrm-NevXs,- job sud eolovc-old it 'mmnket'pries,- top Cash. à f11 irler'Rednctiou isUaitdadi of Priotaug for Cash. Thé. SEMI.WEEKLYOCHRONîOLE st W'MThe wuEgr,~iy RNO t. dmpo« affrMp . -)n WhItby, Jul>' 4, 1859 W tae Il bAttenton Plai lare WrlUa Pepet, ErcbanVs1#0wppiîïg laerfanitdocr. o urlt ePn.#.as Slanary o".ery Its tris amlsd*n Biail fordi LssAt w rgggs,- »Miroe, 0. wperaensc rati A NR ... ui ur. Aitogouisr thépro , l t8Utentern tonust ~' poasolon sny fi.., sppl'yt. 4. ELLIOTT SPROWLE,; t l oft lr.t INflOVED FAIM , I00 ~ TQWLOTo Ines womvle "1 .mtn « * I ii t Mer, Rmlw TownEor saieoreand onLong ir, Osubu Pover,, liwsgcrford. f oi te ver et leteTs bl, tP lluon To'IV ot 1-e 1omnulBokin lipoP 0érsdSms - * r. - - ' 'r tvo, 'plaesess o!llomsuvllie villae, en- tlin oiç0t' orescdu, witb gd 200,' OO PLNI Acre clemd.,eTusirs mIg gitaf'u& liiîiu fo«r miles Of Bover<cr, on 5Me,<rayai rS osia Msat*,te lan lod thé easqulg , Md Ilasr MAt>c.trefgod emient, vtaero, *ien W Toar os.slgo 8Aorés.1u of vwhlebtu ste leerd,sand fronfIng enmflue 1osW5ï - AMEMON. 3ý I1l.PROVE D- FAIh UiyW tw ofein ithe Tovwn o! Whi 204-50 Serosuh *West, quirtero! $ouLZ4tuarfrotLot Sulesç (rom Lirdssy. , "*' -T 4reab e inee " o re frs MIu %';lu i béh taDur au#le~,g IIIelsiCdr"e;se ad, sdosnfsos».. iii. term«Y ppl fs' For 8.10 Chp m'do te.< loalern.ji. A CLEJSED PARU of J'etAC gr. Un&ThW'reiito .b. pulsi prozîmo. For' fastier' luormationspl (i by W oter u JW~RE Ginood P. 0. Pickering, lr.L,15. 874ie.v &tam mPitrMI olae 'Appileatie#01»tMe ist. J. L, RNrE Whitby, Morch 8,15lm wty TO LnT.. Tand- dwellilg Bfs prescrit oc- aitustei on tise corner àrDuudsud pyie WWjtby, for' stcussappiy, Ifj b>Ietrp. pald ~~ B. EUE A1iply, If by lette? ptwt pela; FOR SALE CHe4P., aLanom ovu cftb or toJ.'.lA, JI3OPSzeSTO LETa 15119 ust laS 8vzgx]L BRICKC T<ctgsosd-Tuenete(eftr- lrete av$=eun t let, ou*à' M6dasroâ é: Tenus, Tiiey rpýlu IitIre <mostýplýpq part of tié - ~ist oet Au; £s WALLACE- Mee a u4e"- Lot 1:zor ë bo Su'Se4esforiably etlslcd o, loit ssfira f44ig oina vert'juéassnt a 0fte'00lothe bri.lga~~~~~~" gag ms-tIeciucut01 eIoo, tc sAt>ea tgnelbusieses. Wns. wslkr, roet, ut 0r9o ter; tire <rnilaà retaste!uly i Iout, ansi '<b fl A #o lin iuwtnotoepaai enie sud teadydcceeste tire '%Xîway. Terma -' i 'f vhiip,ky,15. t anl.iote cWI UA*OA( COTAGEPL ru.. 1eoiW A«ee of, ,spd $bere la, cil b. -round veiy 4 ILL FEIVILEGIf AND QWNLOT Pierlotebyslliioal iln>-. '~,rtn ortlé!turiilrjet tso afLry. Aevr.nmePulio, u857 , l t 5ow- mueJ o orlc l ratbly j ituati!rsuy buaincW ay L Tii. I atlnllfleof lire Towasi ai*1 vol C it. TernsitI '0 niede Wsuit purisaers. Ap- mail. nýtebe te pilatont.be JAS.B. CAMPBELL, - Fog119Lots Nos# 122 »ud 1239, Kent OsmtWest cf llrock $freet, lu tire Tewn of Whlslr. Tii. sboyve" L ots S.enct ellgibly situfor wbuilding îîsrpcaee-tlsey; are nem id dituatad lu f o leot parto<fti. Tova, sud yul b. dispoo.ed of, ou Ilberal tenis W-,& lsr decd wili begivcn, froe fromnal- iircumbrutse. AppIY te io il £À 4ffIOFYIB, Whitby, 1.À.>AYERHOFFER, TO' L1jETî. I A ,LAEGE 4!WO .TOLY311~ OE vlth apsrmpemn Mfh*un*etnm. di te* a rsepecllee.l anl,.sd âMotiierlage Woodeu Franme House udolnling thîesgagne, cou- telulsrg altsrg<hsr 10 mnus sud sàlargo celle; oïn"eseiy ut buVdifi js, su aco jsà e, Ico~rner of Dunduanid Muderson streets lu tige ITown et Wbitbyn, fvrlitsrifc Hçiusue$1, f6 smm e'Icity epp*ehe i,. dtj erg '0" in limev-.i.plwilid varanuib roud thi.e sinm, aàood veli o! vatar sud do. teru cfr " veer with 5a puffsp Ili "sah, thse front patIlalsdopt y hudomlè4 ra snsidwitlrflovcrs, fowering %F rubsî and àecrgscre liottis Jour, sumiïdrobuisiils ôt' apPlios,*Iifli clont- b)uilitugsu reir.d lbr'ehulr s p1oe.Tlasbid.& sm pts'îile eauficresidencéo f' theisigb dsherliS . <C. Eenelde, Jleqyallaotber gOn- iomenc tar:lll7r wlslelsIo à- hJlr recoin- taendtsec a ,p t u rstlïer coni- JOHN olas H? lMER, Esq. Wlritehall 0 T ONE~ OE u tise Tewn e! Wluttbyp, r loosulngiraen filue Sm: of$ urbe'ext. ApplIr te V AT; 1"10 aim Pru cmpee0s ILe .Z et Loc 4, lnflue ith coucesgsiiseof Pick'- Il 1 srisig, 1e, Cont~nkng-56 A re of Iwo cxeaieut visa- *rocvlrsg Ioallty, sud awitiîiu #boit six mles cf MieleimpoilttTowu et Whislby. .- Taers : Iledîse. TitIiuudIamruteb Wh f~JAS" LOOkAN, Ld a'9rr*juront, plekTHOMAS &USrON AIsofor sil1. A qumtnty fy good CEDAR 1'08T. A1?PLY AstAJOE Octoberg81959 L.T FkO heunovofetS&l or ut f«ra tts. OVAPITAL-TWO, MILLIONS STai, Wi ind a Ste alin t P Fin lud 1' oref PoMrdàmp"td ,s l O *ietcrsdikg tsien on M«er.haulmfr ou or more mthe,-., IieIsrueon.vr dmta.u ea j M'~.rd vt nne ou =0.vblc WJfi1p, ene, 1959. ÂgBa, wii., COG1 eeiaI Of.th#suance of oa'yMlý The Wünm a .mt* o mweasln 1 s la vs. pra«tlqbolm ' filentn e!-G t 'ir suesfonreL Tis l<n. uuele.MaCrd.ileJsma B1Le flrtlulaAmerjir Frleu08dlyUiçey0 A1'I.AlàkSmOCP, Mocl eorse 4t le sdOfcatMnrs. The Sftottiuh'e vlu4aii AshesleC CAPITAL_ý1s OO Sa r!e7,A. Davidien Panr« je AjG"»r.erirsare roppcctfuiiy i tus-'hrelult.vill 'W fo.d tisat ever>'pvu ;feqqe!sust vlflrMou rify olferl.o 01 gTIse e >éiWeinsgd arealev,vrils i srelciotta si bYany oJfthe otber lesdl Wýàiàu aliseogC uobep.ay, #4àt ~LbrtJ DR . -.JE tOM E TNes-tenb tissai'. se bIisroae L sua thi. publje genuaUlY fM1i lrers' TownwtulhrîtMk caio otst ou liai M1W obturei then orwluiu vulesnlisedrubter, uo Mhh ii~s. ail kweind ustls rTet~ eepi Dr. -;C luizwl s~ef.t les =14o It difi t eltl tIse é"t tprsrclAto<n. (a' superl o esu y other. kitsd of worlt kurown lanse.r Tlti*swerkYllhl; upproved cfrl'y #11 o!;g flaodi Deutisf n cw York, asid prin- ofI> riit tu fireiighouz the tiif.4 $tâte. owlr gi Wujt.brsi mui .iitcr endMa neir-eoros.Ive nature'a, sd t is, 'afr stes 'tutt fle yers., de dlier sud thopeerii.<in gold; tilsibe hue realyrducd, thals lcep *1ilcl, 1l10 turar 0 i sl p F,1# tIreo=t lie I» l usen ststly swing tistevenmic nm*rulto setel rentis. piaf, dnitgwhlch <ineuspuït, op a«pest uuinbeý r> f caes' sd l lux lictues dit b6e. or; oatsfelo,n iibeil mnsîlfruptti1,y flit, Gold, htilverand FlàtionPlates put up ta, the J..4» tylet Okaper 1itaw 44l,-ndWarrnite& -Ali Surgieil oestose ieT~ho(ni ,wr ieng vo tu4liéjrécdâtf m'ane betir ethW yn efhls.c'irwi'wlscre. 1 FPoiwW, '*aw..Brol1u ill' In lu flaurt r,! <ommon Pieu*. wui»craorigai, plaluntihl, vlylvstrl Iu the. comityCoutI 'W«tbot f I»fNo, 6, la tse aieventh'souM- - cclon o! $eugog. l n f ti e ( C O 1'h s y C o s r t . slse beslr,î,liuifti, vo. JohinoSier, sud ,Toslna NBseuu Yxsaster.<of thre leskt Wlll sd Te*amont, of! ariiug Psilenrrtiuy'leecAssed, de- AU fhluinterot vluIels fîse mud SterIigPang- titan, dhrcersed, lis luis i te n ans tlis jtiffi.- ofilu. de:uisbaidl!i the norfis "01e I ifyrex o f Leo Xo. 7,1. Ifs 1e s.svcutl ocakn1<it Townshsip cf Broak, Lochaikâtand Ahdir nàws Lofta No*.7, 8, end zla., ut!d concession l ut îi, lunflic Sra 0ce"sion e of M. Lot 11.in isl,he ilu ao6cauon éfs&c*t. * PI Dt 'OfLut là,la <hoifti cneséon Uf1- bridge. coit.ining c*t' acres. Làt No. 110, in tise i concesiuef'Uxbridg. Iteer part Of Lot No, 28, isntIse l; oicmscs or Uzbiidge, cor i aiig 1(» ana. NEL$OX G.'REYNOLDS, fj Sîerifq MO. SlcmorffC l ,o2,199. SrC. &the cr anr ittor Oxvaussc, ý'the d iI% lb. opwlto oifrt f' pOsmePinth deyen- veuribcA. 1). 1e 9,rt12letd , acuvii b Courth Coae ut oc*f W,îsn l".g Ai l h lteCret of te mil mnrl dccrrsof, in, and untoaie iortIon: ii In t aoud Cen, Towns-Ip fWbitl O~ f tOntario thissdsaribcd, ernren Â*NI(1~fi1EN~5'FN18 r iseii.eIL flercof, 5 cluahrr.aïnd vs 4m 4 tbe o::i.Eat nglelntheofoi îows: * deg noice, EWss wil Ï éf*ied - , ÀVOe -U O*d ue Miigoii P! M y slvr, - degri-cs, est 17 cluidts.S2linçe, lsn cludlsug sUl' leaesbuthe Vcsotnaleton,ant No. 24318 exceptifiKtisereout certrulu 77la. -u p ii lprot, icrt, ircae - t P in'frdalr'ey t Io à. iAaW Lr -i , r'ncs'ezru v>freti tprWeoffl d Ltters !or tcitréul, ia ï2 M #ton tim 0»11 epaaled Si>'thisa al i gîu 100.,cfnihltby erssurui Pl n rl an, ~1d'eAUplaces Weet f To- grs, î'i artlcnlarly deseribeil lati reltsIpo$he .1. s.ssursWeIissg ost iiesce f lirseof froin latepss1e îs se6 a. ru, ., asd nt 0SP.ru.1 wiltou m lrTr4iia Be)ti, &bed 10 - of din (o livor>' lucre et 10 s*,m., suit sf7 e8. 1, sudmil uauercdi 15<Octesu, 194 Ts mllo efor' icerlng dâui 'Diîl$14ïon.siret prh.)~ isro'Ilemorid l onl>r malIed b>' tle mmolg trein goirig Wes. ls fu Smut inlveogdVillwb gt l Niorth llfmleve dlysit h« arlri7vail 01f contaisiiii M o! crie) lu tlussecondI ïhetftamgoi toTàe ll;Iar lies.Ia onbl'e range cf village lots.,nlt vt6ssPort'lL>ouit Aliburn, Epri i.lcBs h>îg>"r% afori,-ad,maot o! Brook St ee6 T6 irt Anlbum,ýEpAois, des wlg ! L ýdot £6 ti toCeu urellr snd ilzbrilgs, fýais o iliachrcs.podingotk eii 0fWhifii, eoreslil. he tifo icy, Brw ou meGÏooibd mty o ial medallysém' u onTrrfadyTiitrrda sud " C o' )cl fl CI ci rde fr illvr tmtiasls utire Ccunty Cort stuot880 p'M; , - isePovéiallinsunrancaC-Mpsyj EGLISE MAIUL.-For tire loit c!, prîl. va, James Farewellafcmdant. 1859, au IcItmfqs U pria o . Ios~1t. 2eeteof (yZ~Vct com pafdbypotagetsus. e.4,et Uo Ilt4 ,sow ln tii . atauadifor Europe sl eii pst. 4i ud occpation cf s"lias. lar«e REGISTRATION OF LEMTU -...Tb 1 d Beeh,,viscis iseS.l. frlg£ULM OF11 IL J. KAII lm lu2, W, 0flTKTY ENGIIIEEI Court ionuft (LEBKPIBST)I'VSIu at tseCourt lhanse- W. IL TE CAMERON & it B ABBlâTffBS AATT( SelIeltouu te the CO=t IWUEeaSu tisacourt flLeý GEGE a. nI) -DAEEJSTZE, ATTÛI -LcE-ko &.fficace r*C!. ,ai£nt Store, Da J. V. HA fAUXLISTEIL-AT-LAW, ipSreot, Whitby, c W. S. B. FAINE Ir . oHA ]srli".'mrc.AuraeCpai Irsararieelcted on Bisc nli~k - sud Dr b7, Couuty s eutlu 74- lIh i ny, en& R, f Il , 1 ý e ', it ý 1. Il 1.

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