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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1859, p. 2

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"drq m iJ»ymgamvv.4t méo lam s ducbb. 05 mi 5y omq f *.ea teWwM ngbnliy *a -Wls ir Mn@" - ef WfW vuth nprln nm alié, '*mser me vo quO8aeulee. tnly, M C.4Io yow rodp 1F Plut,,bu(aemtof yor'jwer brou&M tot.jour vlw tii MM banosaenonul( ansa bçirèoe a è 1<n.poor ad humble 10"#5 teamy 00# yM. alla,.,or lo4emmr q-Z--wW.d 'rlier ot, ausver tut qmloV ap. Mr y 'Jqturnlmg swiy ber ldmfrM<ua ulom.q M s awere& 1 J bmw fiat Hmnry Wllde bW -m oe m umwbst ragularvialtor bure for te. lutsix mots; but 1 did »«oi"ld le l nmo ube1 bonfsrd yos vcmld *M rMede«P" ueor »aOw. I1nndetaud sil ovVbalueotimed, " slud pee iou i.b oadvhlhWb",,0Mi" ,tooh igalu omaWuly. 'Farewell v h. id, bd4laà.tdhg.v.1.ebis trmbllug <cru ami qmverIug Ihp& Wsln iqS ide.p né pèÎ021f i otion. Farevell, mxtBl Wor<bt I li. mi Wbyv. ua ave.Mest »S"lm 'Vao$ . o f, MWon heforo ve npar, Eévsrmofbim le mmd1se 1. oeadvaturerm.klng yen for your weat.-Hse Io fmoi, Une sudra i t u ad 1 speuk (mom ptîiioms knwled5p, Oh 1 -10v# blm mot your band sud- heurt, msye idw alyor pous nébspplncu.t vblbvi Mii eua &«n n tpo pe m , sué r)ft- Cod nom oupeMd er In uf, shah evor0b alarmaiaboadeveu b Us$85 til4b. gava thbadb. bebeld à ulacngmaro preunre, néA rmehed madi krm tb. preneemeofibe <air beimg b. se wlldly vorspped; vbo forsa <0w minutes, rmsOlmuOu ome p.elen ithsa strange supris.,404d19« s@ way Io ber eumtion 1 s flood of tesr, A wveekMRaterlevoi know te a&U la tise vfiuaiLy, -that Walter {Ruwood had gone abrodPerb&poe nver te retcuo.Tbree menthe Rter, asgay bridai prey uembled a$ *b. mamelo f 1Suire Zilavorus, te vit menthe beautiful heirea. gire ber baud te "l agidueewhom abe bcbeen h o.,vrss Elgben ea ars pawed sway-s sort pM ,iod or a long oe, accordisig ausexistenc lae prored brlgbî or glcomy, bappy or mie- raeselalu Soutbernclty, whicb shah le »"me, te.6««mrerof ebe Otsas t u.mg il-ubshielbnsry, wbaa s est le Ivlery anuencedte bi sSellency Chat a Wla lublucitmoet urgensty erutred &s (w 'Coduelber bitChelr,'rplied lb. Goy«r. »« ; eld asnspered, bu rose, adras ad s a te e;! polltely hanuber a Màt, Mdé rasmed mfism % selady, vbo vusdreud la Jeep mou"a.1 hsg, vitisa 9s bseavLes7 ail entirely con.1 adsimg ber festons, trembled violeatly, as Oe burriely but silenely resched forwsrd&s pper te hi. Zxcellene, vLlcLb.e *dy aod eortaously reired, q'i' hobu deflrs aeVninteos ai. bine, idarlug viick ho vue engaged lu mný-o molubg sué perme lu s emgty document1 adlàs patilea-s(4 ýamg otisorsby1 quit# s unmber of rueTabl siMd inouen- iai cdzes-pMsylg fWrtbe pilo u c 1m ThommU atcml' ltely convlcted md ieau- -% Mto tle pmteltary for the tam ofj ffe yearO, for iL. crime 0cf frgery . 1 &UN vbat Ila fiemmu te yenP à RHe làsmy bnbsud, jour rEzcylfy1 Ufsr. tà@evomm tremblng mronely. 's sory ferle, madani-because hIos (m à um aof eigto décy te pei «iOn oeC.vifeela belsalf of im shehbueso- Iemntrwowad to love sd b«ors bot my v-lb1 'ai à@a Town M7D e1 desortici bils Wvey ad, fieil godén n repom' -is véai)né vo, veilti sud pcrerty, happMesa néjnlery, 'eug te hlm n s gnaaiiasagel 18181t dllngte the vlirked for Ihi$ salvdo, ý'O1 b loi:yenonil seIeed ml-Kuryt groimed Goveumor HSuwoodab., bnri hi$ h ineis, iehmasMdétaie veut te bis emotins ila eadin tfus. 'Jefi Wv@141 ho.addedi a solma om, tiit v#'m t Crdierosfor the buat1 or aIe lifw 11.ofei biisinvouhd met 1be-shways enpportaile Whou poor-Kary Wilder left tihpe u eno f tue <1overoy ,t vu vii île un. -ue tiàst ber bisbandbold mmu uei àapadonn the belle!fiat b.rseW amI hie Exellencyvould pever ma &gala en Buma proposer ad God dispos." Wldr cmitwa siIdby halngg hi. degil beody y. lievortind Walter Oueu awier, tise even reound or wenfty yenG rermr aroodva apited, by only loves snd le lu tte es.aet proyer cf shlvhe lnncv tiens, Cat fherusre 11101 h blaeeed vith s alappinee fis me hin Puat balu' 4 er o vu.o* Oh..a eiraugevorld14atfrto m vi situ doiutounote tbechaugeo<safevte volviag yeursl1 Dhunza.-MasPoo" poor gr ivessev botterfar <or yen te romin oerlanauble, toe t fe .ita>e. sensbl e reiltie of tby position. Happlome afor ever Poet peman sd centent vili nover b. fisy fiuvre lots Worà'nover yet coold bapplundwell tlmgh s brolsen row4'l.1 h. lives, sie breathes ugain; bot ber looirn,as mery'a tide feys bock, are vild and piercmi,* «Ny heirtry b eurt viiibreak, Ob, lang. tel, des. Lsngl,'eba ildl i, he 'cae me mo0, rememsber thse vova yon bar. made me, the os you haaeuworn. I love yen -voIR, vus nml vhoie heantmy yonng 11f.. Se baes me net; h. lu gene, gone for erer, sud loft me &sIe, desrtd, su teset, s byevord =mg men. Oh, Sien, lu ht possible tbera IosueS perffldyr latisa worM? Oh, vhai bave! net affifta d u let for the.? 1I au moenover forgira yen, murer more do ahtbas bat. sut ourse yen, sud vear oue -my ltf.la improcatiens on yen. bond fer fie perjury vith vhhch yen bavre sbadcnedme-' Thonnuàspas. sionsta baaitof grief, #ho thrvhair elf (ac lunber hsud, Agahu abe ruin ber poer reats ' e ad thfe very sapor. of despur ueensste havaouettleupon .ber sont, Obe es metinnI as as satue, sud mothing bot the. b.ving of er bouom di. ca the hives. Sod&nm hom aems eDOuu poottepa anA aMan»avoiele head behew. No0pe lieesonceMme bons lorsa mom4, sud then dies ont Thus didoe aerin ber deupsir, bope, and se bad ah.day fAr dal mnd Chrengis eh unccoediug veary niht, lved on hoie, sud as fia vrakad mariner gaze &lsfalong tise trâcle es, for tin baron vhich fancy sud s vAnderng imagination of$ mes, bot wici n»arr« W oiew, a o b'htuted à", caýltaI un u apon ber býýefre mamo utilusieky vellgbhto deati, uha wemr of bopl, esud 1ibsirghtsnstsing feelig ebbdvbn ber beeeu. Thon case fe danh a u efo vrlaeting night th. cloué vithii in usifceSuld meer &gain ho dispeled-despoir Oh, .xpec- *ütin, vin s fnifit(oîthing sinvIbem* kiadled more by <os. flan- hope i Nov Inat o twist tlyself rondétise heari, ter- Iuisg les pulsations.? Nov dutthon durt ukuowu piigailtitrough ou f<uebl. (Mameow vseeming te $hirer ns te ecu nev ghring ns fraiS trengtkhwc"os- d sotia d setermeu794fs nby ssatu" "icas tfi. umrou mmeofuel. vise- 9aemê« break bi hebonds asundur, theogi they give an wderackibs gnasp. Thnavaqtvwifl ÂlIs dimn. Oftexeea 11,wvl vu 1' J, aonltile u az ~esIs lQerntVsmif li KiloptCiureh, et. Jofsn', Kin usgiect, Damia) mil S 'ale, psa, (Altor; FraeHecoS ~bmo5,Keaobnku' Inselîne, duu Yosud miry Sro. 1o.oh ~mnitoaCharoh, Snu#of 4yromand ami*wt, "1e Diee, & M.c, a P . nd a" o'o30loek, p.9 ns.M P. m. . J HUI - E.M, 1.TIJ()1TOlç. Bsptles Chnrah , Seeo .M., arey bon. Cruutf rair. GugeCusirterly ladret Anotimn B0". Wr r rW, JJoo> of Saki. ke>, hmr as u 1a -pays appot<d, aîdltermmmade aiMeýofi'e omi# ppjlr. Atf4a owemrareeeled, and tirrano/mera ma1" for otkerCowayg Aueawneme. Sl. W Amt,. Bille prlat.d ln île bout otyle e frtber redaeed prime*. 0-'Partkiuprocw'nlthMr bilkai 2A 1 kewfUhave leir Mu ,nowe rine thqoperhAMd4free oftre in au the isiue.0'f tAc Wee1d1ma Prirmat. 111-m(redTodd. Notiee-Nelson G. Neyuol Notice of lMct Promwsory Note-S. New Go" a rom dffmuet MrLe-à- Loves & Powell, vi al pdntaed wda, pu& »u.haedwe. WdilyFmy' Kovember li1 l,l89 - Tise great BuoVir convention coummc- eé iha ittitige At Ch. St. Levrenc Hall, on Wednaiday luet.Fromein"rprta rouir- el tsu anrivamuet regardtise gathenng me a docidcd - 1aiiurea. Accodisïg tethe Glob, the m r 6 o 20 éeIopites w.,. Ilrecorédi, but'-cane la talion teo F 0"05 sghev mony vore presnt. Tea&. rtuaI iminh, ve are cradibly luformed, Cenil neC macis aeccé200, Amoogit tho nacoréed mima.ve finI 3 membmof t fe Lagiahatilve Conneil, 18 mouses, ofPartta. meut, 20 OditOai, k e, .0f01 MTovn ubipe returuing 5 delegates esb-SO dUesp tevns sud village. of-say 8 delegate asei-editenuof pspepOpposition IL P. P.%, sudddeeted candidates,numboning, 86y l60--giriugs atotal of t,800 delegstoe providdte b. cloctea a theBounsbouse, 620 nae sne rneé, al'oi afehe Dmaerfrnstse heiolves on the fret ésyl1 Whereuarethe remsining 2,500, or 2,600 delogates, vieowsghete h ave Seen preset? Wh.aeuthbeatM.P. P.'o? Wisen the abset odisoof <tbe Paree Clie itupa?1 AbOv4ahi viereare the &f&&tW Urs caudidau t.iftise lut*"=,ctionvi vin te hM ieeolvif s top seat en te gioriolN in*S? ali ng yptem setie tainmatter vin abou tue tair; fia i lu medit felleve ruin Ina despera e taia of eos- metie O lursultý, né" fiaiMn. ibe Gtn id utl t te tepida of!b' Suit Piyoim al IcAMvateiam of la, Broum' omemaca. j 'b 7eypuas JO$ Gelll.if s u post. Wlfby ald Onf e, o m , < "os inadala h. .bA& TA. po«rmu %é tunughosid mlight vian hoezhred a grem &ot va attanelmhy Dr#, A$nww, f Àibet, ind hbuy'cf lzbMge i at*" edw saieu ldufgeet lIwo tlmak tt Ire v Sma 04 Olsomfe, lthptoun âayomg bu isacesvy f.proveboirgunue ilt f raes of tef.Aeunamw. f à' m l,4 1 on readors b a il 4), fe ru i e !cunluiig Imitudn te h.coviaced cf( te <s th fe figurest h.rens$aMe. bnunernfor tflues eofcosmOrola1prel periîy, batwhat "a be Mid qfii tscisà muai ssow feeiubaaMyendivouorfiuuewa telaSy past àprovisien Afor bhi. flîil#mum &sihing4 sud fias fie only imWuh.te asure bistif.., Msy of<our edm ivho bave noisredy ns&d fis proviion shoulé lo0s m tise ln dchng se, ané veecsmot gire tiensa siettar advrlee fin toe ilon fise Agent of te Lite Anociaton cf BcotlA dfer Mdditlc, getsafrm etropoaltrem 6im. W. baieexaminé tbe priâdcplua cftué 0dm. pauy né haroefoMW fiens tf. h mmânl IlSeradnébeneficisi te urei. Liu)-Wo heg to diret the attetio f Or readeai te the advertihomeaatof Mr.,E J. Raoue, tu be-foond .-lu suetier eoIumu vh. advarestheeefabitbmat ofsa marn- fsctory fortue prodncton 'of SimgtWrs abrusad evimg Machine s asMenresh la. Nigla harImg Lad &nme ycaru experi. eu"h imiger',$factery, la t hçronghiy se- qmsketd vith teé mamamtr'of h. most dellcee orkmmohip cenecWed ith tue Oevesg machine. Tise. ho punchas. (non hlm Masy tierefflereepera- i ret clan induIs. Tb@eliai of certicsU tb h.à& remet, front Mootrasi monufattuning oinonycf di. Montreai muéeamachine. >lritAn old trierd buefavorad us vlth ti rie dld, Tb* e4 ~~utuaoi 10 tt rry ïeilt" 4 rum <reps IL T. , sn, f.ud.rhug s i*t igition asComelio" frcmsre , 1 1 "l d itcls. 4 Dauc sr, aise lie pUotiin of lcknesKelsday, Th. Co unM," lenadored ioran ". 1 P. M. Tb#e Ceamoumoe ait.,k Mr, Whilte mores, cotded by 1Mn. BmtMfistu e reelgeatien df L.T. Ba«- en maotion ofMr. Burrougk., tue Eer Tieunern orr j<Ton n8eonse<pr th OUI X2$,1 in lu avérai Goorgo Ph illîpfor *w' 21.50. On 9 moio o Mr, Whle, te 'Mto norGeonrato graniaà urvoy on lot 1 sué 19, honte0O0* Con.w f fieTbvaueijs onmotion of la. Wlite, tueDepoty Beeve vas u.-Éizd t g n ordor on tho Trodirerl or 0< Jt eOêloeaiOnf Juron for *$0esc. - ý 1 ùrlE tua' mvd, eoaedbyw Wite, tua tbth.Colleote h roqld'te cumplete tii. ollectio o!taxesihaceaifer. mly vii By.Lsw Ne.O, cfiaTv eb0 149 o e mplfa on or bofoe tise fret dey of Pecmbý er 189.-arni cd ou motion etdlMr, Wblee, tueDepafy areqvu asinstamot te o mmsm lvii Join Oeir P. L&S.hinefeeno ete survey cf Lot.20 te 22, in fie tii cen. : On motion of la. White, fie Treaurer vas atiorised né" reqired te pay fie aumouie of indgmeni ené -eit le cme of lobsa Sblér ri. "ilU Macpstiy, néS..- lug st statement 'befere fie noetmeeting of the Connei. On motiou cf la. Wiit, aseoded by la. Est chff4Ml. lobn asenosd S" Hubble, vere appointed cemhsoneate #£mmpnd .dohisain afrùont <lott 24 sné 25, im tise th CCo h.emtoeeexpod ad Sy tfi f fDec.1869. On motion, tise Cànnel> adjenrnad te mm oassaaon à@ " JMmdy in Docem- ber neit. Bu-xga.i--bdp Bagb encra s imias. mâcim o le ngois et gwatiy reéuceérates; asparhmnea or f the uids vihi ho éirecdy .eneouraging Soeammanfactre," the publi.e mwli neeboe shevý in patnonising is esublisbnset- Ou. advertiiement. Tm cuser »ÂtÀSV5Tss arr BrAms- NAM am, -Tse cierge brougisi belonRo i. Woaaiip th ayor tuit veek hy la. Ag. uev ist Mr,. &Marte nov utalo- umster, vu,vwe laandiasok" Ausi groeg impraen nsy have goue abrogé te tise prejudiee! Mr. K'Nairu, vo may etata ft h. e s ber rhm ummdal 'M' the bigist mannr, sud tisat sveral et Ourncotmpornie. favor hlm vifi most dla* tfeiqngmtsfor blu nrbauify, eiihity sud obligng mimmer ai stations vberi'e bas proriouly doue daty. TA. Qo u 6<5M. Maksdightmr .-Weara b&Wte lemm tfiat la,(hibbi brothemeo o i te Ststiuater se Wblt, by, bas ben acquittel ai fie aboie arn. zai. Tb,@,eidencemonte oase repre. setel it preisely asit appired luOn cehasumoue flue m'ne@, eevelne additon. 't fialew sive st of t>Dy a"o da n Grcer Thelr lage reeitio<Of ev Teayll Se, bai.l Uastlafaot14n60 "à,dl4(for reslyof au tlmpeniblefllp te pb"ia, 'a gomm og mt! a esot r a i fau teh e'owcf liem etm obe Wuouaepe",r peolyon ielr meoIli ie se - Imrei uagos prueue t4mo »01 L TDe ttentiMdnéplh&te, méissW, vieis M A W66ovà kPevali ar foleingcommurnication s ."Thé plntiful hauvent sd (ilepries bar, m th defariner.' harts g héti& fait. And 1lnk that t in u t he baiueny of oIrlti5etasel Sy, fia feeling "ia 10n ual& put dovo My aceouut cfe the S.irhünt Certaluly fiehuait woold not bave takon Place if My ne'iOn lier. fuit slhop.fatlen aimé bren do=-i stisey vere lise yesr unI Ch. year bdfere.But te f ald égreaslo,-tbera vo fe uxct a àem of Mi, llresidine10 in ghsher Lodof ChaIk Luke. $ 0 set oueesly loi théa %mle sn mpplylng oDur bosti vida lbe ni al arng sséspeeély aCfbernéW or direction tiarongis tishe odi. W. Sud vieS us ifevuxtuaient legs, voiR traluod btsatlt~ li fi vedssdalels pi u vspouaiolUPon 57 tissbf- oue bal time0,te cock ArJiu&. Mlerpauiag tis teulie b*venB iud Uxbndge vw aof ,e ia M ur , prton enter- Don. a&. complot@ clcle c about evo Milou si icircmofenem, al desly filia vliu srutoby plème, bocloclc, hindi, vil, loirs. kcýbué1deéfoptber asudàentaniséed sohe.yft lelua amost i impeuibre to' limé s passagetfinongh Sbhem. Tsr.vr anuit circulai upota,, bovever, scattered oîertb telae âd 'égrasy, onwibicis noubrub grers; aaid li, t la ald,- Cht thea&'gentlemen lui'ezerel e 5i 9mpa etdrum uvarins vIra à,~ An Itisbmàsnl1lîé ounuiýitvonld yta tteyvr WOtise place soely i.ime w pOUI fuir nslsgitgmbbW;- 1ere01 o b i red m no i ioaIn e M- dia m wze sm lu v>at-.ap oirL beimponible IiScoa Pigem ons, evt, ncàtatedipe!vre compmetio$yiarm sae, f i wu&lelccer lonîi i t te crewiwi ef eeme of ihebbclr fiat bmd.enp ,nol-ste e pper boxs tuai preventhe iepohblity oratad -te iemusie. Tise nilordo mes nder uetand Ital Dotuerire fbey raifainé b &anyfi 4 modesty lu 'Jk«ttIug.tba ( he hnon. ,ýTisedesan ib<r asEn"is soneu sloué néMAvoalferous;mauy-of tBunthe', r dnna, dnemssuve f9Dbd'soneofvohuneered b,U te etis esres.ot vas OpsiMbly otbs ohé Itàdian genlenma th fe piC fook domo trouble tfauist eoOf thse ongsasyit hlm te drink f<n. go fieugisto emi by myisgibeopldmiot ék o ofà o!et, de. f imimat à s on*[-fshmeeS 'r 09, sud b. ha illy-asiily io'drhmkoDof th. bel mv spWtorlbeahchneny "0*lia bmâ h wAyf, dby &Y r rutorinshm 1 ieslesgave hlm eeme bearty slapa viti fleir bmamy andâ on blu beek,vItcb tbôek bis: fesnfui!y. ,Thse eldgentlman se lut Mode lu escofi roulu (noués Who, as ho loft, prend aspon its A' Sold of rum for isu lé vonstaihooe, T" scene arephaueighy vWrarie-i le, tistreg vitis Saules Seeveen tic stanesd their1 mt"raifO00 te.police, -vbes' bàaalong1 sud stading hatred toeaecis efie. If 1ac gots tise upper band tic main gurd s caIl. edl fie resule of vhich le generally tisai tien vihave Obeon fihtiug esape, and are t Otash onceneions frinstis eafct 'of drink, ami pouwoelnpou byfho plice, vIe amr die u nnnssting te the polie office. The next moruing fie umilors vitii dupei peeketu, are brosgise befee aalteera t iatra"o, viebas about theasmo ee"ing for Jack tiai scat-bas for àa moue. Tb Core mury before tigùùma istrt.iu MY sAo04 neitiser party undieneauds a vord tie'tie unye 1 uéd tares mach trouble te at. once coudoem u tbe " ir. led. am ord in lygObt te ILisship b, fie police, wvi se ei1 -Dancing ilamli fie rage la Lodon nov, -e aMoug tu. servantgIrlie.Onice s veek ,t6 e -v89tte o 6dancing ,uchooilÀ il terngs tdit ether day. A.genteman tbcught bhi lAdrop. l,1%tasne vlm vWas goiug 0n; h., 80o:4 bov#ea, b. iam anxins te jjlali, alb.on ivufi tie 1danCe; aoo hogi ',e elofl0 'yeng ladrenueinl4' gegeens ay," i1 as s partuor, Àné va soen lestinuthe îgié w ý m z t l t s o c T i h 144 7 B o nse , ' Sendancing vs h u evumaid, né 1ie- deed ont iunil the glery fat big s.e baie dressée ad 'J"*elry veid' natuamly I leIm f r fe oc caio n. - T he (ir dana se e itip1eaauIpm etý i. 1ima:" 1 1 _ , audé ai about one o'.dek migbelimysie ea moen climbing l in tise back vindo. b a, a g e n é v o n m on y i_ c ase h ac o nrti but àison.beW bitim.'H. bail fold luiéf vif.tusie va gcig f.fleChubl" a sué she,dean raatnemp0< conre bellerel "i;mudtr&=U i- semeeeueset,te,,èobl hivinsaalfiintehte Sait po. 9 Boy néaçrb~deception ai prauD claésa c oste UnfaeaUt l bnsSaad i PfWoCe~ - -A Té F. T. 8ehb, Hi Àmerlwan continéaue bas only .86- nimu ofnhittuhrha ue as Fi"c or Asstds.; -Tie vhcwbôd, o Central né Sen"iAmrlias cm ôly 13 m nihen;U, thon, " tiaIaly. -Europe»m Bnisla,,;7m tlOmilions, hbus m Mny llbhwtautaM Amenas, Ansnaiajné Polynailito*eds. eor. More p . pe inhaLondon tuaa-lin ail AnrS is&dPMyi"ei. Chna Prop. etasn bu nmihalt tnAumDeniéA& ries né Antràhia togofler; né Iudds buasyh o ncimhue seul Jbabitanit as tise vicie Mev Worlé Thsemmli,ý that, our placit im 1,288 millions of maulsino, of'vfbich mlofal, 522 -Millions mdonP"te tdm ongohian, 360 Millioan# f0 fi Cancaiou, 200 Millions te uayn 196 millieuste th~e Ethiepisu, and 1 mii li os thé Âmeiéan race. 1Dividedaeor- ding te fLaoir confcasiens, lore are 'O Millions of Çbiiuuà, Mllions of 1evi, 60 iion. 'beioailg te MAtîie reliiions, 160 Millions to Mohammesum 200 l. lon of boitions. Ifazoxu mtit m.-Tbe Dwieu :f Gôooahvlmg bardé thsit te laird ' Of Ciimyle *as ,sskiug bricks ou thse pro- pérty, for thé jpescwOof buiings mmav gademim bai hr sual-tact &ho.pe"e te salject, snd kinéliy nisé, "WeIi, lulen n4bydo youvbrickuspusme loénIue a tbougb.tà vere mniléIre coapieI vitS sanov loaer part of! hiss, *brh b. la [ae1hy.OentrmctC4; sol look.r logÇ devisoubia nodier garmenes, ho Mid, 'inpur.Âbetdepndilae,' MNucireobleégia te yer grae, lb. breeoi uvoeeuns liche ai tbe judga, "in pan ehiven yen sud fie prlaoner-V6"O, tiinj-plaze yeut vcr. ghw'teId P f, '1sure 1- se1--p-ieIns on fie top of a vall, Paédyl ,isy$ la; as u ; and bq,yiohbsî'&IllI mev A ren mon and i wmnn elru lnoniscementi deep andé-g« emio id el o ané-s numbe from Ua.-esof fieeC -pousof conceriug suc giree<digeaeffect ueïtWito taie asPr"t ifs prommoteus holding a mor'Homu, HuckBiey i Miayor lu to -pre114e_ erecatnofsalFree Cli0 tia"dàistic, for a~ Mn. WillIs siloas muo aid tai

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