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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1859, p. 3

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col,,j~4 I MT,4 an mliA7YflO DD- ' f i B 8 t o et~ W h tb ususbila5 quÃŽeit. lnnler. à proasaton or the. Young compleva à et tated b, thivil iutiiIlesfor aoC hai, made lthe preloai pblLeatouiroqulred bW I&v, snd the yàang m usevscond#mned t< msoment. Thfs seut*a" wuv&s s a s eimprlson 0( !lb ia am - rw d004 Ï0 hbree mondâst tlii of tii. vomaa tas fort. D< igit. A.Lvs.PÀno...Thm e O aded, vile 'tii. lait breat !ad" m sprano and 6verwhelngwvusAndns vent so tilr farevoL 4"Ou. moMent lotger, onegresg. or conifort sud ebopgofore e'r1 go boac," sud thon, diang ber Co tdu. star, lu -dd '¶er lotlhaIvbelote mr O-"od onr pligit, Cr batohL...O i! lagy, lllngfi,"ah.ve4oned. Ofer a over asalu tii.y ovd otea,.!troti, oroi sMd over phlotd Coir mutu as! (aUin deop devotedIauj'»pg e,-thefond loquee o! vou!d beb is. Tî1dasth b. vonld bb. bon. They morelttiorý6 UWtbaoly,sacred spott 'befor. 'Ct»i arofCir od. IYSWOM Jti u h" bour bitter of bitter deslaion sud wvo eTiy brolta la twafu ia golden embloîu of lore, suad oaci consrted tbe 'Moiey by th ml of nadylg afetion Impendvng Sesson ofClotwrm.u rom lt h u rec*f*li d The Morio; Meetiarof Moudsy .9414 s-We are ouabl.d tw msansuasu nouneemeut to4day Wfalch v m! rate a doacp aid gouerai sinsion lu thn religioui "world. IC is ht of an impending large se. cesuion o! lergyman froum the.Charci of England. The. forthcoming seeaion vif i b.o!avery diffreat kind frou ta hvie! vo isve $0 ofter hbal le record darlng the lasOt few yaaru, nauaely, *âacesusiona,romt thle Ciareh of Eaglsid ta Che Cinreiiof Boni. Tii. ditectioaa vitii vileh hos. ecrgyman -vio are about ta leave tie, Os- lablfshmat vil! take vil! hoc quit. dfobreut. I& il btovsrdathe formatoaof a sw Chuvcii of EnglIs! t. b. called theProu Oburchi of Englaul. Promt alxty to, seirewn »' y clergymen of thoeeatabisiment, ail of hou nsdiuagnfsiad for hir cvaugels vilaid a nuber o! them popalar proachori, muo ou. day. ugo 1la London froua ailparuaoMtie comtqy, for the pur. pmofo!concorting moih mesiaru a a iy give i.grastest ofliot ta t.e atended a»& * camion, They âs!! Jeave -th. otablisIsm.nt on pure conacieutioua grounds, Th. movo- mnt IÏto taie asprecteal ahape by some o! lts promotes holding a meeting etthle Ms& uior'Housa, Hckney, ut viiich'Ci. Lord Mayorv is ta protide, wiCi a viev ho th éoction o!fsàlirea Chure!, o! Englaud iu -*et district, for s young aid davotal nvaugelica clorgyman who had just qaltteid tii.esutsbbhme.nt on gcentiougroands. TuaicTSNTI RMoiui, Toumoo ~'Parons vlsiting Toronto vil cousit Chair pooketa couldarbly by puttlug ap st thfs hotol. Mr. Likeo, the preetproprlebor, lma nevly lluod up lie promisesln à very com(ortable niauer, snd ho Is always on band hlnmlfto meo tiat bit gue ant ulor jothlng. Tihe charges a&teeeodingly ?aoderate, lie table weli aud pleàtifwlly iwishdand th@. sisodanco &H tist could b. e fretL Tihe stabliug endudccommoda. lion for csrriages ie no to be exc.ledila dbt. 'A# À v ve sal nd Our (rl.ds vil!> conuat th.ir pockeis by glving 1fr. Likena' aàclM iion la Ci. City. WJilTSY, XK U(EKTS Wht-Fall, 5" 9d. a 4& Barley Ot a 8s 8d 'Peus 2t84 a2a M. Ry u s Osd. Potatoes, ls Sd Iou9N. Butter Pd4' 1Ird. O~ d 07d lqdor L 6mbS0SO$2. IR t. if w O i0erk o prte Bil Ã"ié CIRCUATirN OpTa TE s, 'C1IRONICIE ~cc1d~ qronfdt,., Z,00~ $oe~-MoehI~ M11D~,or ;~tr frteh.- -- 12130 9ff' The CIRCULATION of the COnIE iiul .Than that, of any other. 'loca Paj«'erin the Prince, ad FAR, EXCEEDS Te circulation of, a the other *papers in the Coupty of, , Ot r m ited WEEKLYACIRON[CLE ONLYr - SEMI-EEKLY, $2.50 PER ÂNNUJL The Chronlcle Io the Paper to Adv.rdlmIn FARM FOIR 1SAL. ab IM1< *amiee w!!bu sold Wl'oob, bylu Cos., £dnî;'«jo sDoo Studay, .aiay7h 80 muo fOotobr 100,m pro vloasîy dvert"ad Tb@l1, le *bout omnsds.bal! miles fm Whkby wkte, sud Che am goolfir ba"d tops apou it. Mi ~,laausd Iodtlumayb. bal uM or.ai o pou applaston. ta , mywdi aw &e. ' s ivtttiOe Ch ud are 10 f4, té Le as biCOw t' oýuvin! b. <v. &Dd iqba eeoato h. Win Wlbave #II oIsasud4ta iellau»dlon .11u aI.rn ulnlg bepsa,!lnluds ,.o,, irh Wilyepd o 3 10, 1dae ou nets nol'plsubin" onthne sum styikle ot onov Dary noa& luaI ii brncines, onwhomie bretof r. ccupnd b. Raa apet 1at Rroe 2te naar posite ofChee M. , aNÀ, 1lbu ernedby Augastor2,1859. 41tb and t odoNeJi tlw'meeti tc ngsIl o of Mp eoruAudama Eama~gový ltheunlfonè&aidnl'dlras's,, deam4 defrala t abinuhsuai Wsrpeu ofWarâ Elotinid sctin v i rollmPe Clio, nasdreeuteÀ ,'t auipal Cd, ondIt eloh i sai Uted Touuioa, le 'ulaysmsjority f tu qsliilad Eleç 22ds Icnt apy o ru, rt adu, vh or alteci onhais rll<,va:th péa.on i-Setin dvisiaudo ftsud, th ouii obalid reitAcla iu.bhy re! péit, lad e lUoin.ti bstlkt. ChrIfr th casesn, nd majiot h qaali Eectiona of ts %Tovan blpl i'.laitre tad assous- mrofent vol!,do, byIIetiti.» lu llngfgu tTonship stua i.Ci o bahi lt. abs!,, or alter l iner tp.cI'eî t plae it Tonsh, publyls eied Ci. oio, id ptanlsC.eseIt secti eowncsushaMor id elaro nCb* Ch. B1 or sm Ch pcilou s Cht1 bler oxtitroua o th froin pedatéo, th.aof trut paiaîo 4wore'upsherl Ci, W& if, fiy v orUlôor Wutn lh 71iono Townshp a itstel, o copntne loto, alr&,tst nd vsin ritte4 ui TodfielaMunicipal Coucll rtiont1 "4Tho Ptitl on o! Ch. inseragclRte psyer ofTwshipshd ovaulpm, i e, ci obly , u aeàveth a ir shng sa9 WadsadthgIssainepef.CibeIs dluio ndyourpetiioua, t otin uey them ofl four phsor Cor rvleya SeotebraMth 0,uîcla59,. ht~e d JOHs forflso h pil ,ç RD du. MAlaltfRTIpNaflito (u-it.o Ch. 0.etoa hecÃ", u htkLsno Beu pttleeorseeforte aryst batp Col! for ete ae Byla d Mhng iand Raerd su ît tc eat osbleduth m#ly Agr yur peftI&rs-ala- duth - T EE CiIEÂpZS IG T ÉSÂL Am 14 OT. A GALLON. TUE LEAE8TLIGT. 10 JAMES la, GERRIE'1 D EUG STOR E, W IT Y FO-R SALE A SPAN 0F MATCHIE'D* HORSES, 'Witi Polo sud Shafta, on nIi C iii vil ho givon bfaàrniohlng aproe.d eiders. notl.es.£Ln OYSTEI lars, gea4~ SWi1~~e~ ,p â liftf *~ ~ î «, - ~~ / ~sengl E *PtntWf, A E û ITH NJ Prenchd Meyinin ftSiy -style i, Roesd ltnedlreeske aie'Frsa&>M as 8kaI~,BlnletaFa&wy, Y.pe uaoea, Br6dcltba Bave., oedi, Tw oùC.otVuu 4 9->SH STOCK OP 4~RO ERIS JJSTRE-,EIVED Iut.udbgurcbuÃŽulvido wcllto uncmi! epurcbineluaswba *M ~uewnbe ýgivén for ciili éý- l'B-h iglt4 Bria wilt be raUdfor .YURS q ffitF ffuskrâg and 'oon, WTeTOf.lm. ~B IKB l S d IN >5 's v. Witby, Oct 5, 1859. 1 65M. 61oW Tailoring EstabgIhment SIMPSON 4 FMEUON. country, that thy bave peneda Tratil., »Op on Brook ettet, ppoiCe the "Ontario Mote,". v« iet l irders entruoted to tbem .111 lisdoue vith îouneansd despalci Whitby, Oct. 20th, 1850. 60. ?oad Qg and' L<mjeai rdeddpri«. TluE suuber hbas ma&e arrngemnts so ell Goail Iaonq ul3lr tventy. ave centa pur gllon, sud bout GIOil01 ~~mps ~T" inasmla eulos oal SUcases Cash. GEORGE YULE, Ji.' A LL parties are hcrebycautioned ainst ýs ï u c W g or negoclatlug s-6uot o ft sZue about Ch. lrt o1 Fobaarylait ror $65, muade by the. uudmerud hi Lar rfjoseph, Bea RIOHU&lD ALUIN, l bd NOTIC B c ab ircn" '-t at t ic partn erb lp Ise* la e! ub sfs tng be v. n W il i O i. ObY, sud Robant Oxtoby, ,b"ofii the minhp o! sSctt, lu tiec Cunty Mofn- eo un the iam Of W illiam jk xE o nI mnt Ail luit."ut purtaier- ai'rc o h ý p a d t.-W hilism rixtoM w. WILLIAM'oXToB,> BOEITg$w~Y I C4~RIÂGEý B UJlLDER s, Cass bç ike lave t.liforutîe1pubfle that tc, rbave qon ibùumn a th ornfi mprli 'ii'upied b, Mv. ,ra B. Carpeute, attusta inuBroek.Otreet, South Rist MdieBs1 nk,-an a'-ry oppoattheMktdigweahyr pp. reI t.isupply £11 *ho <vor h t'ri;vrit!,, cal!, viti overy artilinautbelr flueM«business. Tiie subsce.,.,aro practîcaland compehet voruaanoUi0 x rane,'udaahe dWvot. Ch. entire o! heir.n oi, aor thir busineos, Ciay -eau'*luâe articles of bettar v'rkanauhp, ofgrester durnbility, sdmr lgnl iihl n IW'AFFORD- TO !SELL'THEM Clfi-AE, Tian tiqa. vinhave t. blro Chelabor of othars.;, i AIlilela oda Cilovout living prj.e.. for Cash, or oà &sovad'crelt Plesse est! sud examine.» AU kila M lumber and <amera pro4betakou lu ezebaug.. Alvork varrated. DONOVAN, 'WAZET Co, TIMPORTEfl5 OF JULESMUMMkCO.'S CHAMPAGNES. J. HOWARD M4RSiIkQ.SMDEB TE. JULESnRoBmN /0, 8 COGNAC BRAIES, BRAUDENDURO k&FRRES BORDEAUX WiNE OFFLEY, CRAMP kC0078 PORT WINE& CRAMàP, SUTE£ k CO,18SuSEREat WS W .Y OUN GE 1i k 00.18 D Etî JRG T RO O A D PA LE IN D IA A LES, &CI ke, kc-111 Il f Oi»Alc, on v«ery alvantageous ternof BR iES..arteWls, Hoessyla., BobfujP it,4allo's, h GINS-HllanIsud Rgliab, ofbéâst branda, lai vOO4d sudbottie, ALES-Dms', Aflboppoan s ud omo uvodsd1 nte PORTER $ý-Bridges e rtd'"u GuW 9 a, l noo sud ottlc W H I S II B S. 0 = 11 a ns d IR I S H , o o t f v u red q u l lie s PORT WINES- 000 .4 Co.'s, Saun,,sdohrfvitmel. CLARETS-Of varIofflageslàuw$o adattla.bra ]BURGUNDJES, HOCKS, OSELLELIqURR' k. . e Pals lft.sud smpam iy beh"donapplIcal e&e M o t es , ô t i J n ', 1 59, 2b UÂRRIAQE Moulu, sa" roh Strc, *vier, apid b. oeofr, #xeaoa orl n i onrp~e to bis car& ,b ,M ~kL& s, tfG~Es LEGUS, CITTE'RS, C WWaauitiwfa sudp. o loi .vsh remuuimgPl Mss aUlBlTo.re, Toronto T«Ovtoi Ott 21"1,Ii' favl - "1ok.Riind Lait, Decen$itheIsat, ai larf 131«k sud WiUtg Fonad Dogi, Wb Oit bot Cie i nlar,îuig Uxteai, to ti-ho TW uorfndIs preparod t.r P.AlY--(JASU ,ýFOIR Wsy untity 4 Àg WbntBarl ?easO~$, 5e COLT STRAYED. CAME luto th.e acloaureofo!th. un. ,.,derigucd lut veek, a Colt about 3 ver od hite xtripe on fils face, bind on payment of.xpena",' RICHARD ALLIN, Town LUne. Whit,7, Oct. 8, 1809, 55 AGRICULTURAL WOBKSJ B3ROOK STREE, WIfITBY,1 (A <e! on volouth of the lknk ofMotel Manufacturer and Dealer in aIl kiaids o! 4GRICTLTAL IMnLMFNTS LIJURY ANDJSV VÀGI M4arhstand Bob Elcighaç, Two.îorseCiliti ratons, Ploughî so! T'allouas ni nkesd stylo Scrffe aCounud Potaine Cultivators Seel and urnip Drilla, Bond,,.«evnpeas c. Evanytiilng lu the aboya Iia attenderi to vith Puetualk'y and cbeapness. A gut for Pattemrs' obndla~sîMw or. - TO- TE4AGEICUTUMIT. Arltificial Manur6î Pai~Ilc.ly dajt o' Faità~ e ne dit CîzargsT lETaLlZM ii m asiaxz. Otinglna tOnc4ltrated ad -ict aculbl Q ~ î r a ulabeM l l aayurd £ nure, Guano, Donc*, Nitrat@ ot Sodas, imo- Plîopiat"a, &t, c lu Chesper toniennruyardIsar lre 8. prton.From tirse f0 1dvb.cwa.t mm e!~re nsert,. -t np a brnslaiof tirec ewt. oaci. B. W. WvOùDWAD, * Duddasrect Whit,7, AQg. g ftb, 5.- 4~ jLL ontles luBooks and.Accounts 'î ~ 'êl*Aolsrban'coe,i, Irom the irait oh-Januavy next, lu eompliaaigs vit!, lthe Shl,ke is n. md d nen.ordering a nen ouply oM<ovins, sud otbcrio ,pro. multable bofks fi4forms un ho prcuved At di. ostabflabmant of I>TO LET' - $ JM.IIII L mit. 935 leva, "I 2bo 411tDokai 41 Oamon-&,; 3< 1 1 - L 1 &Y Ujm ne 0& WUI& Wh1 4by, lagg. lm4ki

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