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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1859, p. 4

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t t 10W1 t J ýJ B llEW! POhT F R 1 Sm ?~be, in la MottW olr Ioito. j nD@ Wbltb Merei SeS ~ "%J mHZRevi Tugay o C.,ubMa«q WlIOlJUALIAE RUTAILpue~al STÀJOERS4 .BooAiuzeroi S&ationers,HeAn4 sud ali wso deal Au lh. ajbv ie-ilfn on hand a arge and veIl asorted StekSc the ERtablishaent' f-e't ndè>'fgnodi- whicb lb.>' are vclling et unprçoodeniodly Low PICIîoS. ACCOUNT BOCKS. Ledger, Jeurnai, Pay, Casoh, emd.Biii Bonks,, mIed for the now decinial cnrency; Blank- Booka ef feey description, made te b'rder, râlaeS te' an>' pattern# pa1ed and bonud'in a sup. ueor manner. gchool Books- WritIngý,ma. terlais, siates PendIs, â gýin a Wafers, le., le.. ' l1 ýýý WRITNG %PAPERS-PogI, Note,;1.1- ter, CopylnS, Poolscsp, Bank Post,, Pott Snu- zB'SIwrltlug piper, Ai l szes'- anS colore. WRAPPING PAPERS, home-usaufac. bureS Mauilla, Brown, Commercial, El.- pbaisi, anSd(Grey'irappini,,papersaI ases sud weigis. ENVLOPES-LalS, Bisa., Buff, Celer. eS,& 411ail cze, and varions 'qualillesa fesi;n L 2te Ne. Io. BLANK FORMS-in Chapcery,Qneen's ac Bouch and, Comînon Plesa, CeunI>' s&- Suceojate Conrts, Insolvent Court, Dlvi. &d-onet, Cornuers', MagiStrales', Nota- ries', lerks of the e>ace, CIceko ofCousu. tie-Tons Vilaes nd owshis'Deeds, Ir NtleeT o, nd alforais celatipiug te 1 fflveyance et lied RElate. i SHERIFFS', Balliffl ansd (onstabIest Elanka b t h. dozon, kundred, or thon. u1a1"4 aT eronte pricea. INIKS, FLUIDS, INKSOTAN'D, &M~ IFThe Quaiter Dollar Packet, Coua$enlug 12 osots fiue culeS Loueri Paper, 12 sheetsNote 12zself.sanç.Lot 1 tee Enrelopes, 12 self'sellug Noqte lire-, lopes, ô Fess as'sllon'eusansu d ier, oneshooet Blottlng Paper, and ont Bol. 1 tIuk-all for a QuarterJDollar, 1O PRINTEÉS. Ail kinsdofePazeruse PÀ1'x-N*wî, Job and colord-Sold aitMarket pcb.. ,for Cals. A seihlfurtber Reductiolen luaIlkiade et rAtin; foi Cash, T'he SEMIWEEKLY CHRONICLE AtI S2M a Year. Il-TheWEEKLY CHRONîCL?, lise ob.aesos ewlsper luCan aiAtOne MIOINS à; MAYBRHOYF .Irint4r;ands taua Whltby, July 4,1859 NEIW STÂTIONARY! MOIGNS * M EIOPR B w a isattention to, tisir largo ftafluoq st i Ad. eof IIiia anuS lame>1 WrUAing Papers e, rbaut'e Wrapplrng Paer,85i oo oks, bi afsP«01189s, tiossar>'of'eyery descriptiloaueudfug BiaIs feede, Leasas, Mortgo'ges, As. 6gameaste, Bo*dBaa.. 0sas Warrants,#fAc., L.AWYER'S BILANKC$ quseoa's Beaici, Common FIoast Camas ory aud CouaC>' Courat Persus Dlvmdsles Court -Biaes at FAit>' Conts ail for Bale at Toronto Prices. Of' over>' descelpio, euh>',,' s- At the. WldibyB>"adug URo% wllI be tolond alibth. DmallePaieqf, sud ie latestpuablieatiens home . aiolaluiu - SiEN MO~R i ' rERTgTA~LEê. i.,. ,.:i' SITE, T07uO~ ~ FOR~L ()NE lmproved aa aWbly o On@ aImprered Paralu,~tIuta5 Omse ~ ~ Ma!P 'J2A)aloa50 WlS Lauds lu Mars, omerrlls ui. huaActeiuesla, Luther, Chathaun, Mffl Privilege In Hampton, Townshlp'otDtlîütoù, ena or the Ter>' boat lu th. Towishlp-ot Dag.ý T0 i Lots Ueo~l ae Abw LL of Meohnlet polbers esirous of. bislS. ig ic55i baoe" <cin ito, 18 meaiba to sake lhe first ps>'nent. Bond> spai",,zid la In mi For Sale Ch.ap, a OëRfl rPHRM gd frmelu the Tonsbp of prorgmnts of 00 'on eh' , ot, du fib, arriiter, dir te D. Camerqn, Beaverton P. O. D. OAMBRQNt 19, SeS concession of Whltbyr, kaow 'u' parto etb. Â&RMqSTRfNg gTTE Oli>' mv tilas fronu tise Towni of Wlsltby, 2nd.-50 acresSeuils Wuiet quïstier Lot No.,28, 615 ouseeseldnof Daelliugon abuet t tatiies(rom ilewntsnllle, No. 18, 1115 concession- cf Maripoas, aboî3î 9 mulle from Lindiay, The abr.si utftsed Lots or@ drst.ciàU Uera,'o iu a his stat. Of caltliailonf, 0qî Buldlng,snd near itportant 'oini. oll seS eeonabie, sud on 'lkroi% ble ternis AppI>' to J. H. PBRPY. A F arm L tfo L t. 'il~n about' 150 acres dmieawlhgood Buildings, ApPi tnhe rir W;t Darlnf 2f ,' u 85 J402w' - am for a~ 200'io nit onosson of Tora à pou SALE. f ogooe m at n th pt sonberel. APo Àjg thr4b.pr1 peote:of e1:pem ter; tapna ý- mtlt. 5Wold(oI 4LLI ffl 0 %IL lm à WbIb7 ~ gn~8, 6 , tj ir ACLEARE» FARMEof loi AcREUi 1tiàslimmedlately. lTh. rén ou e b.paId «fW Il biertpid Picker th&2 tb, 859. sT-4In.wý Steam and Pater MMI for,~!~ Apploaieno. LORANGER% orN. MIL.ER ~ Mrsb9,159. Whitb>'., 'M-WE < el2 0w m Drug.sbop y maJIPldellng st prebet Oc. cupW by. XBanniati, sI- OL" 'ef1édruer of Dunuad Byron b.o 0% bgMon-br after tb. nam e.tbe ~tor~douarsapply, Il by louter pro- Wbty~g. 11,15. 4 TO BE OLD-A BR CIIAItL8UEWON, ESQ. FORU$SALE CREAF, WIl . i' teI 0o.R.C aLss or tar lnle , ns uxrh . BellrI[le, 1 julyl15,168?. L"!. RAM, 'Barelster Wisltfl>'5 20 4v. u'oosnste let, on Moderato Terni. TIse> aire situabod lunuic pe), pleasag pertor tise JAMES WALLACE ~ ou.je it,h, enmâer*or culivatie.T'îbus Ila s"@,building Io We lasa ver>' pîsasnt part <if lie Vill, ge : Ux- an ZL1bqoiï4,, êso , nd ay, J, J 0 J' tI ' 10 f A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o Oofra~éaW el.~uIitel JCottage oonta*ulusg NAse Roorne ter; the Oroundka ae tastefollYraid -out, snd piautdleSvtis SadeTrees;aie? si> a Gaden îvoî stockeS vltbslrult'Tieî,!bsbiîâ di'c tvo acres of Ground sud cennot b. suepsasod luth. Tovnsislp 9<.J½ckereng forlite conveul- d'ts alSrend>'Oleaffto lise slivay. Ternis lAsesy. Yerfartlir perticularc applybo thse au .ribr, Yorkvile; or AeW4i 4qifi u ~ n ti rmss Po"8essingiron frh 11/76*Oak, or to Lot 0 Bte ut ,~.RTON,. FrOR BALE CHEAP. _A MILL PRIVILEQE AND TOWN LOUS ontlglous bW llie Beeverton Wharf. A lrg sud profitable Milllnbusinscan bedone bie. Favorabl, ternms nia>'b.nmode vith lthé Prpf~rby a retoelilijtr. -iï' 1JAMSARMSTRONG,' -N. BL-Thepreis it.ate opocu*»s-, VALIJABLE ]PIOPERTY for SAILE. ttWp01 et.beVhh:qa artear rof rably 1sftelt %~sisns.lho doil the traeol on ti. Brook roe sus ough k Ternis vilbe mad e ut puroe rs. Àp 4.5J AhbumnP. O., Meacb., TOW"1' LOS. FOUsale* Imtm X«. 122 an& £23,' oue't Street West of Brook Stree, lu the are els ilsudsitue.lu putofhe Town, and vill ho disposod o4 on libielteri AppI>' to P.. oMJf4rRHOMBi Whitby, or to TO ]LET. 'A Z LANE TWO $TORY', BlCe STDEE .13 vlh apmni.ts lu théss.sca uno Wrb &épehbl# fenil>' ' da-ü br arge, Wooden -X.Mslinunb. eRme, eou- taiuing e18ot oe 10rom& a easlarge cellar ne excellent vwlltof vebçvIth, 4 pcMp, "suair stpur ui~.dion, snd sod e 'd. bal. lo0ot a&reoi tton the' corner of DanuV en,4 Anderson streebs 4o tii. T6vnt ot Wbltil, ouI' ly iniu ;;vlÏ froni 410illou.,ver beudsme ' or z Ho4il"tle ine 'locélit> O~P uItIe i.rs- donce olon Hurnr-4plendg4'varanub' tenWýo etattwatr *Itb eï pu'np hi atothe fr'ontpart la laid ont very lheudsoniely nd orne- nieptod vI$b.Iowqrs,ýflowering ocuraI>, sud evérsen.r,wMh lses il appoar 1k.e allttle pwWlu sununer, tIhera arq two gerdeus, sud à " large orobérd producing frontitrost four7iiudr.d bushole of applos, witb ail ont- Sh. . l U.,£# 1ds q. sud other geu-' tlenisnd -t Mnot e Nlis ha fahrecou- pI aise sm ta Whilb, Esshi,.f~. Whltby, C. W. TO LET& TpiHE store sud dweiliug Hong. uov oocupiod Lb>' 4140e hPingle, ss-d kuovu s lb. tiue flrst of beptomber nai.t 'AppI>' tc Villmblâ,,,arm for Sile. T Â àrlueble Parue cmnpoo fN.E T f 1Léot No. 40 lu tise dis0conssO fPi About 20ascspnd TbeaTsveF~rss's Itnsted lu Ibeo ontre or 6ueu.ntwi1*tiÃ"wlîj'loaltx.sud vitiln jbo ixra e YîemoLiTown cof Aplica tio b. nad*te JAS. MALLAN, yteks4* "« lote OA UTN Tu, b.le@,foir aedb héOct ge obe 5 I Ja tBOErm Tiin Mlva UfinWORUspenI, ih.nwoffrtoellà or Ien e a'u 0f yers,~rasonb-tonnebi sledi sud ttacheS b- -- --sr-a aWall firhew .1(ceogai 'J t WIsltbyJsis.l,165L J A' OFICÇ f OtlMkTECgNE #ndi X OM44hLi0. Fi.puuv. sa ofp, o M endl. beydsrpin f ou l ropemoîa ~ e Iw , j40u, WItg Wb 7wyn~ 9, 4 lobby;zccttIc die d 's o- t ' Tousp it *ag Oi À coixDm T5VJàLIEJA5i Hesp». os' 4h li s et-Mdf rs = AO1 jE0, NM air WÏe /fl BAen 61 thD~e VOE8-T4 he B fuu4. 'Tiene .IouJutoeMCc. B etatlI4. Moiai- baqi, eaItder Banque HeCBl,U Esq.8>L P.P. AleSliso. MNSe bCotI aUeylnCiS-W.Malss TsC l1Aa n asstabahed I 148 IiSI W. il. Trensysle, Eq., Dr. CI lrl~urun g liook$ io bis nuierous fr1141% a a en l.puble. gemeri«'S bf*lie. / te5L sge duinc ie commenceSpraetkuln tbus1 "-J>_ would bers tae occasion tombtale te a1 tb who us re ce niringArtiail Tutia, tisaI h o u obeaisMaKchine fort rky g éth alikldsWtolUyIe o eW in.*0Me cAuaa ti dosai MWtfMM 1 / vil ibis procees.i Dr. C. C. 1J zaomx viiigoaraeeso 0lit ths muest difficuit cae vilS tise grealte»t prcîzIou4 Iu ail full ces.>parties eu have BIock Tsoth, villi SoUd rmvhlbtlu ever>' respecti foir suporior to eusyolIier kidSof work ksio.vu lu unse. Tisevork lsbigbl; pprovedof b>' .11 off tlb lleSing Dentiste u Inv Yorlc1sud prin', ceito a1lirPboutjc ni 1 Vteowr hoîe ef~ihlgue'r sd of aoucro va' naturel.sud il le, eftor e test of thec yenrst, deenied blgbusu4nsiorui rferabe- tissu goli,. orsu> oé'âiis tetli Ité. Di. Jzxzr ouidk vhIa tto b.borne nlumndý tbet hoe bas renti>' rodnoed tise prices vhk-' «0, jb'lusied ,leril o sv l wIî4 h ort 1 na1 - li~e bab as Co Cng nunber of éc an lu ai luistanc#s the beci of satisfactIon iiais been nanifeabed b> tIse *p i tis e 'LaelSt tyles Ail Surgicel operetions of tbe Toctis or Guis. skiliiaf fulip rmnid. CaTeolh ectramld P.S. Coit sud examine specimans of this vork before getti nu tti Inserted els evberç., WHI.E IT OFIcE. mun s i 'f. fý' T1'NTIL f tj sud de le vs: Dovu IWI lîailug aIl I Due «fer Leiten.for s.s9ïgare OnI P mkelg, 1 rente, 8aise1; golng Wes4i Due fordé TIse~ ~ ~ ~~~~h Sctii rvsli'Aérm. Coupa>'. ~ 'Jthe train te À. . A1825, and JnmlwaWekdb>'otr,'r 49fUrf Pr a t . , vie< osI( dat ailae, .L qmat4 te perase tbfOol* ibnape.~GL tua, visnitsIf wili b fosud lamIer eryadéa g 8 l9, u carger lt B"as.-ebd Ane'0 oi;Eoec J Tsupu1 xa>.-lepg, Ai P.ed iai P*$r.9S I Te any-p4a Beitils Aeer ra"Aon eliie.01u sthe uI '4 ins eln4 t 'J J - Istelunder gtp b Book& furtber olemails vili be Closed 1»fo lvr C ts !t ts.fCeCOsàfol-' Is gelng FBst via .--Osbvs&ev suber in oe*sp lg fis, aIse bth, travelling Pofsbt 0fllc@fe gasgLs, lis. places oshe West o0 Rlugten,&ai; r Monltreal, anud placesEûstofXlug-ý »eroute anS ail places Wet of To.. ;is Q Y.tÇ. 4t .Wssel;ing lPest m8e iolvif, ber. silO0 &.m., and et?7 #,m, 1 for Pckerlug anS Dnisson are! b>' tbi. morlgtraIn golng Weat.1 sîs% baeeSal>' clter tse arrivai ol uni Toronte, for Erookiu, Manehe-- 'ge, alto foc althse comvespondlng el- RlIWÃŽmsdÏ upa t u ime for AnS- saJow'ssectr,~Tbudy anSi rM Alt=nsCliaremont sud »tou-' duc Ur'1othusdea 1 üthsé lot Of AMsI. meso reirblmua pé. Meueffl e EcrP eebe-idb, t- RATION OiI srh 1 -1,ud(~a ldfdat.ga, plsmnîif, v yetBoa ,,.. 1. S 1liot, lîo., iu'th.eleventh t'on- e n:the Co..4ty Ort. bir;cnit.vs. ,ohm Shbier snd otf u th 'xWIll sud fendisite,. w1ihegaid StmFàg Ai ie eruitbisir is e u t 0 ifu- ta",'. dcsd, l in 1' isu il.t. .tbi* téha Inuihe"6etli eat tfby cm eof Lo JD,7,l the soeneti conesslion of 'tIe Thse Zimmsu Bpkplitv.Jae LtsNo. 7, 8,and la,in îhe 2nd conoec of Sctt. Lo~,5, u bse Sd'cnec.lSi oett. Fart of' ot 8, lunlise 7th concession cf Ux- 0 Pl.1,l ie7h cocesson of Uxbridg or r iciéo LajIipg 100 ars fNLO LREYNOLDS, Pt rC. Ndotaux Wiyep. 22,18. t Cheàip SewingXabi.o isàe ' ' l B(,S$EWiGÀCINEB Mon- fasfiysnd atlc;rlgprcs strUctingoéfSf âei Mac hine bolb lu lu er &.' Fector>' sud lu BuiI'lo, N. 1Y.,te làiîo1i litet' plscebe bas inmda fver 140,M)0 Worth, il et vlsicis bhâve ' ts gelsistssun Th olbnq testimonial* have heu reoir- e.fro itiseprl geipalBoot snd Sce Manifs.-' tares ihim cfty" coploeworkn ofîaMcie Mnuat eS' rE. J. NogI, bviug lied ont iu use fortse les twivoulIn.. 'Tiie)- arce o' Singes' MJatrn d adto au r 'Our a.vqnalntane M1ontroal, ;2rd Jul>', 1809.'. WeavueSE. J. baI' ewii gmaclnsi. Ir. Our Pactur>y Mrrthse pui Ibhres ijiutb., sud lise no hesitistion lu moying bliet the>' are la ever>' respowùcoul bollsuotipproved.Amerl- Ipu 'Mû lilîî,s-of vhîch *e bave cuvera inh CIIILD8, SCHOLES & AMIs. Ila a Montréal, J-1~ 251h, 1859. 1ugbaie buno fJ iii op$etlB. Ing oS'lpl. 1 1tlesgiviug fulisostisfascton, sud Veau recom- tumdïum h ie piqbIwc. ~ lb. boee engaed lu bisemnetufstur, et 'Boot ds4s'd iies ord ibe fyerduriýg t*wb lai i sasued MEilm ea'suuber- ,pdjj latti .sud boe, but, ouciWer lies. ala f Ȏd for1,îîfandrUp ur 1 T "e 0 grpj~,epar.lurecoum inlg bet . 1h.t i PIERRE DUFItPSNE ~0OtgAnd BI00. M40uÇseur.s, lu Nota Daie Strict. T'he undersigued wi bsbslu ootiitl imsls, - for the. Plst ibree. nuis.uephi.slla isWufsetre"byE.J; fage, sud Ihl.'dqo besieo .q~pepsep4nglum for perause. LàBNAM hCo. Clothiers 106Notre Damse tresi, MontrS for tbe lt tw9 o otbs la myNBoa sud flé ?&&"ur,snu1d t lto be atitis, th# u- facturer elaime for lt--c plod Naalle. Juis OLF.PIStlreet, Moumel. Notre Dam.pt 1e have ivo of L.J. lin ortie let tise n n. ~ssc. CHARLES J flTARDEZX.; lUIl NELSON G. 1 s ff ERIFF. :e- CPI c LERK O! THE P tise Court iLéuge. JOHN V. eiLERK OF THE! Cu N-JRe?,strsr resSurs tisa Lgiâtry ' 08cm. Broei SW.-tFAIT T ILASURIR.OCF14 T House.- H. J. MAC] A 'IYTY ENGIhEBM JCourt llease. LELK FIIt$T MWISî -'it tiséCourt lUAE. W. H. TUE] Y) ARiETERÂND mAttomne. Ommic-la -CANERON 6N B ABEiSTrl h AT!& Sôlicitorx lo the C.ousst WUOfficestaithe court i GEORGE H.,DA1 h 2'. lrdv eStore, Br' -J. V. lu S. B. FAIRE. M. G. «Ai IIAXRTER ND ATTC IJ u2S-DOite the Bqe ]L'JRE, LIII AND MARi. J Ag lts Coiiuiy of " ecDnaldéo' flardvaeef WVitb>'. DUNDA&SSTREE.T V IT D Estor W. J.sistin JW. 'CALDWELL xt? publie &au1 Uze Ofle-Kug Streî 'N & -ibuioetruet IEN J5ILLIM AWCC >ANB à 'UNwvvY 5AT A i DAUTIS 511,11-A utXamuaier I eda eUm te ne- ITIlT, OR: t, "'s 4~ 'J', 1 - 1 ;îf

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