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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1859, p. 1

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i~' iI - 41 Omi 00» 4 Wby, &Lk4 F. fii.g, omwT t vifNVa W115T, tocl OY IIJC OUrY OUAND ,IwmtgiorN eo. Ycort Vmi Cl Bul,. orno AT ~ilEOU COIÇ, R M U«34 U4 WN 0AW~v OHMS~f7N, 4b,. P.i ffloo T S CUNTT A rhJAoeaady.J1 attetion-eCén tor.o, watLd mo<t4 Toua, on tiebout rosd. IL W. WW)D1 f Commol.n ri5rnt. I f011 hElN, IL ELJITMs,-T CrtItlY ouINBLE.CilCEAT TuET>ACIIE FoIrt* 15W, itIsM Cowss'llosse.î Usrugsi ud idaIl kiaido 61, StlgIsOraaiitgla repare.! Le (1LIEX JIIITDVSINCOR. FJC rliaà'eIeu s '.Jat UueVossrt Ifeas fA uniISTESI AND COUSTY ClOSI d* ÀTTQIIMEYI AT LAW, mlet te& saaty COUMUei Ontaio.- laUlIM4tlu tseC@rJoi.4shWi BAI(IT.À. NJJANJI, StO« OL hitt>1otA PBIC W. e flAEITIE A~N D AIrOEIEr.AT-LjAW. utfo o!"oftal 008 .;e t mâ&zUoN oto A ookdE Ta1%içtiYlTryPulie aU o;sses'aflIXet , JOI DLIK P Mdýë"n«-la , Jiala Oe esamnes a la Uoasr(Ome UotLaX rse, oJKt, ney.4 ÂaeToCIVIL MliO1OttUAND nié oz£aAest, hlts> Mir 9- N. LARI( 0 ,la a 00pw arlDPOT AND $110£ MAI<2lg.M Wopti"Munis udo OT-RM WYT TU 40TUUNVONP k AVNDNNU, nmthe AouiEnECAI TL. th* bnto,4.1Brook, TimS c4AIIAII4, LT ?TI"ON Y.reatWct, YOs'oaIo Oies COMPpSi eao ssprlamiston *Y hlp lro d tata. mnwmltAi TAILO, 11mm n$T< B 1 L D afi, *@Le, 0 Q221 ITIzE O' AKWtà' IW I S, FBO#IJilOW '. sWitarer OMW.,MdMm 1CTW lm£,ftÀz ÀIQ »isO. oùM AW#I0YNoTEL,. a B" 4ei;sLi: 4#1 miT0kI0Cg 1 "Obo4.I Mutai ITREI O irai hait wil eWW»IMW b7DUtnÏ ana ut;' Pickoeln& Evoabm, Ott 8, 1859, 80«, M. MCPRÂL~É~7 Coriveyuoer, ~1~Qi.&BrC. 10t1~ OT MAWAS IiIQ8Ii5~4~ AUOTXOIEEE~LAjhâOg~, iz~rzgio~ oe~ Â*ùI!, £0. Whli b. vilil t&ati.i' p#oana~Uy.nd Ssii> totu, bZuaae .vItla viii. berna> 1,. -ega' Eo#4enoe-Vt.omssatom, ,~,oê,, Coonty o< Ontaijo. Kw-tf Caaedlaa NIIIeV ahi Os'alm 1>qioe, 87 iuàu& enu*, nw YOIL - t t E. A. 0O0DENOL'OU~ Erciiot. ~ -O.pit4 #l,000,Doo. O e o iis l Boy " - M awth * H. e3., GIBBS nu@eO P&4100e reeIding 10lippes Canada or elaewhete,;with an> oth g'rnn.nt pms !bofhdesfr. oa ang Patents for' Landa, or barMn5 Ciel.. oi mlo"ieskits. op inst tiwsedovsnnntor toarlg In<emutim obtainibleasit teCsov ane or otbi.rPublie OD,éose, *lsay vethefr, buulneeedIllýd> a tnd.1b> asi i. dent pt ldsa iszeeeadn aonve ieno.t a SjOuny té Qss.be. PatioInventiontakmï' out 1All prm~i4 o0miiunietlong, &a<rma tDi$6Poat 051oe, Qss.beap wlll rg H. J. GIBBS. QeeSp 28, 1091S"Pl.l DR. FRED. DELLENBÂUGH, TBVEENEDICIIE. sun-I -M7t0il pglei rýmus lite ust.etslgsos hv la tli octinoinomu <or~ ~ Ciari preussate s o l, aIV i bb E. J. Not e , aid LmW1 &zdé s j4lCO Juaa lu! . . aas' Rvi a .lhu * &t5 'SI. PauI Jable. - I tisent 10 b.-porOct DAVIIF PELLETIZE. mil *6 iln L!s ulor'..,t Md asais. dat ....... ott 4. MI Muotresl, JsuIyU, 1810 blat.vhl.hl bcmqbs <rosi Modnt or dsalgsi 2.lotu .MdNAGLIoo. atN. o.ndsuCaue adNsdssa aet>ov BABud. VolBz Yaator oes'BATL "I< IWO.T' lOi BALUOR TO LmT. PO!LIUl8AW, (PIFZ Isprored Pas'.la Wbitby, 100, O)ne lmpi'oed Ttal Iallgon5 Ont g~Mioa50 MIII Prf ie PM In Hamitan Townhp of eDaington, o0e 01 $bu vay . ýt stiaTowmshipof Dar- lnEwmalie In pto ort PMs'>,am>!Baea Ma aw T jf et. a2 S@ To.wnet For ualeLoue and! on Long;'p», J4m.casq ie d otbete desrous of bafidl lng man have Aho. if2*toe 18 nsoto Ã"ts'd (wà 1859. k'dm 3 1>1P~ROYED ~FÂRMS v** s&~. lat-100 acta sasth bail ol Lot Mo. 19, 8v.! oese~ooe< W4sluby~ boira us portoS tise ARMSTUNê ESTÂTE, Uni> #wo mita <r b. Towî et Wjuigb> F. 'oS Lot t-t Sudpt iÃŽatbeglnu y"gatêesoUln Tfise theaàt mdtise seUaltln àô tgi b, aetulluiug-4u mawdtoit w'fl hra 0 WU sde,ul. adpopci' e wSttep fl 1 ma;ý éý YmfD e.! ut tas " lns romdait oatise 1m youN yaneos'y n.! vt iesn do4»s hmlioarptisi ethé lsaedebaveSc tv 7gy,- pis <uils eMô' ssis. ci bo tised omubaêaIfteasd bo.. tBer lrisesaid plad5 but o ev oftat Urne aiod lbstie pat id tise ps4uent1 boresotfiersheodb4h~ disoincetion e owVaduweov< Rae-s iroiasva aIoldn 'ô<stase 4'o<Jy- hssrs'eandtyasat>k 'tlis tàise -a,'o Thota repom a ls tseplet hsoieya0d, aid at I mail ppleg hostOui-po@î ewaltb, uadaatbM adUsit pz>oi easewga e acadl be aeitéuta cate-es' vkbalivin upplssapoetisaague nse- ubis oeaty ,bu <gt m esS.! Tbuitha da oge" ap belote mna-paml bis anad Who owra oi propor, gtic weis, as.! ttWy butvistt tisedodo! eall A iomtoostepalgo<uqhe samas'ornethb> oneî busttvW isaqa nr v6ce-s l ie h' t oetses' is. b&ndis Whist era ug i e,,' * esdsà" al lyoskg nas,'ltllbatdestycea zsuistbleboe rom Ise larde apdA"ava asleoisatcdwlli oaelhb00Ab 1> semestoi»e, 'isa m4t sei "les, Ias> val, #Mleited ,bt' wiedi, us be tclxos isa hob orfd l is koea;g.ut te' Ibaetsi - tioûvÀ lut, Ivgthm.ay l Ihav sal+d4f 69vlig 1.!w>. bepplsMes 1trmusspiWb hep. au.!fear. ohu r, i , t~ l i~ orgott eaït 7 a td t1E n e ô t IiÉtee ual enraa.! vtisyens * etéml you i egaï4,yar~~ 'Roi.! 1' nuped as', audly aStark. tfoi toe<et i pea"$g>l atois tisat bes'yod setaglttloa h ave lei YOu Prce'.!too', M' Mrod a e&asg mysaif, Iba#ve tdo Uot,ssav cs, uteem you us I ceaI.!vleh; aid wst 1oi 9!Y", t9'Itlog $4,p,«tise pu of <telllng you '? calal, aM, ùIlog ,you'<vleW m u for M y sl t a t o u e e to a n ad you wiltoissaelendly spIitMdn.! bva yaw-' heurt. I voald 11k. -Mu god opit mur "elolaglauot i. outte b. 'cen tis be. làa Itissu dcssty Ma iwretcised for'«-Igrouaa. young Wulter' Has'ood, id é IW e.! hi.blo faoe ln hio . h ast!ultked.te aid <te is soideuseàô(sig Fo aevnsteatier vs ot asotlser asteri it',sanldec-,lleaOfy <Min.!. 'Mary,' aad Waltes'tlesg .ra,,is aies'., 'usave f-to eato, tOita your prneoe' it"ejo ivta dlbim ý ebetu'eem youalf usan helmeu, Mid myeel<""apoor -00 humble -youigç 'Second1y, tiies,' parme& !tiseothtes, qbe bead in éW#Éusos. t aire..! Iltin tiat ets,1'Wilder,>ha10 boma seoOspvbat srsltviior "s~ o thussismaeaptios. os' jesbosa. Iasldadý tis ' e4osssac, islsg 1ýM4ps'euss Mutin lbafstss~<e iitbling fer1 aidtavef g I,. trg ep s. painS.! jmoS ly Vsevl1'a>Es. mares' - tiffes agalast Jts-elgltisou îWhilibpwae tissu ~apeakiss& lsawli4, Inspa.lonatejtmhb, abeinspaialrelytths'éit. heak ber iséavy vpR~ asdzsvualid.wtkas. tàsishedgbaarefhà liatemea' tbepal~, caret vote, bat etili beudalful <eaeasr.e oie 'ta.' ssîass<ast ves'Wbgs~osh<os'ty. . Atalgist .0< tbis face, tise Govoseratuatsgl ba.!,1 nlaan.. a*en bis penlm u t mnwho aluaya love.! youbat tes- ht s ie~sJfe,,bhe jsut M w ese u. loz lance j'oorseet. lon sasu et als i red.lmus,1 o vealtis a i p re r, i a nsm t l e r i e > dut>, sud!vlthou> tiehe oS' dl,âng Tisahstrvlubaueet"tor twobu. asytilsg, me palifudai tis o. tm ee.> 'eoa. ;Sm e(Moely--toI.! hlm .o &Il lier trouble su as. ar o beue'j s'uet, having bon lidaoed teselli tisai' ps'opes'ty, te Viible lisisueÏbaanul te ils péd'o tel l indais!,utdiaWi'-pvrf ho w , b aà r - T h s'sb a O > . h . i p u n t . bees9 iduthi e heoi irta' is.! e'ros of '~~~isomuse ai fS'uc 'lug t. eiL oS' bsoe lva; Rn4 d, by IseI gkomd , t~i~ot ffl, aid b, 4ý Dae dpoèrsap«*y apns s. ie gs'pnd Gért adod as p hure.!,, isifisolihi.haudsud'gavévfiç wbis * ilt reditltces4;ti ou. leua cosietaue b.tath"ata fo.. or astyhava ths e iseral inberete, q u t s A i ut he ur t aU i t o d iw s' l v l g a v u, i e n g Mo u s.! tat lo d ns re m t e . llied ~ ssrctve.Tist to pogreusasa nutio vo ' maL b. luitW- mu people, B> tlsase nscawu # hall b, botter -abi. ti de o u ou ire.ves m ore a dsm à o sisy t e i e no:l " neeof 111;; Sud ousselyaeoapis modes'tise' goverument vhwb isuuiep roetoliberi> aid joice, and uaiung caci li is ,Parcular pisc,ra, wtôra Oolid aisUfiosi reci sha agi. &a ,Bt alt n Aesl a oii.%se .&aaoxguctÀL.BufAEsfalo papes'-gay#. ti goodptople of<stAnthony ara ha,. ingv good dépi; opprt oves'-,% bpl oois as. ceioi got up by oueWilson,uiso wàw to h0 tise aarossautizs-eiet', asiste.! U,,c CrOfs4,1ts t nlot Nue. l Au-. tajoat top 7"55K ady o tqulwîts' - -, liones- i'll oo lie çpr1t 1tiià. skie 13> aosse useate o rli, tbe, MIve limn« PYos'tuaately ,,for ti À A5vuu-Fos abevevaPti ise" t t t t.. s'telirluta <air ~mot but. rie loir I C,,. M. 135 -.'

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