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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1859, p. 2

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%w" »TU 1 gu mum mm ;fl Yu ».ver 1 redoesglt but bats mlt mmp y0% Bnd vupe ont St fi(@la pllasipi on jour igsad f<r l. pu~joq awilh b vbl lo~s bar utWo<grisW cie lavàb.sn spoc wber.sblof gief, b# anS wvisbeu poor pe«Wusb"40 d,dbivial pr of dupit imm le barsealiled upon à« s.Ualzbut Ibe beswui ir W b seboom di eum se lirée,. Séel h'bte eosud. Yooîsepa sMd aa !e -o"lel board bel", Stos diteisoaismen diduisuo«« in boréesp.r, beeada W b d e yaft« day sMd tbMuie h swe"edlçay M3;4 litadon iopQsdnd a t MMelé. s forlbalbave« vbleb<sncy 04 a w andsr iue aiuation ortses, but vk4W o.reapprmbs.i o ie d . b.de .ruti a"udk&i a ve o uris s"onber btray.r'e wgrs.7of- Moist.sud lbsl brlgit iuelainisg ("Hot;*i~ v«Me s b .... TIli caMs bs darba tsa a.cvrlalagSlgi tbi uioud vlsb vblob, lat ,lifo coulé' aerW *pie bu, SiPeIeé-4d* r. Ob, ésp.e laIls, hala figlttuinxMai; at bouvisu Ssci llou twiiiîst ( froond lb. bearltlu. tiln4nxle.opusatonsi? lW oy at c'dart soIxnostai *p'ys ii ihréoagronr fie*#< O&O *ams i mng t b sSalou tepisss oaen4iqu <risb xstnqt bibluM 40, potlémg sud eo tormonts ne by a iusamte -*ub 45 lb. semm .ufats wvieimomt brtkbMs bondesiuaider, tlonçb tb.y gin and trua .ble grsap. Thm wa vas v Ales Arlligte. QOtt,.zpectatlon. vie' perié, b. Viiieomi, viii soOaa->ber..h,-n «Me boti1 ays d.«e a t l bet grizzly mie, sadiaigbto drsg;idont t1b.w vîay langi, sMd lytthé .sonua svDot bis uomlug, sot diSicli. mooibeam 'Jight bis bdo-' Fiwmu 'tAla Arlin;!by iMUd.. A L4Ors a's àno-Tben b. addei vll, blb Is sI itb0ofs"domsiupreuae and of.rwilmlu; vwu ondins venit b tbir farovell. ai cietlneoega. er somsforl sud hop*. doréwme'ire I go btna," sué ibtha,046i1 ber t. the aller be uddi .; lier. lot u» vov belore oui goS ourplilht, ont btrotbl." -Ob vite' ci4r asis t4q, voved trnal trolls, o»r aMd Orfpltislcdboir inai lfailla, 4udeep deroted 1au lije, lb. fond eloquceuet of twbeir bots ltpassions..Tit.deatie aie voulé le isl. Tilidet b.vwolébê bon,. Tley svorelIt tbsroeiutba boiy, sacrd spot, befo-.a îbi llai ofîbt God. 'l.svote U la tbat bou-blttcr of bitter désolaion and ivoi, T%41 irosle ta tvl b. golden e a M ot., aidc4c@O u*rt b silet,' bl tise cth of usdyina ". ffuÏW IuPOudin5j k 9,on aiClerymen I<tom thée Cbutaith ogansd. Tii.Maerlearof ioniay gieyas -W. gréemsuble te 'a"$e su an comcmett o-day vbiab vili siete a dssp aiS gînoral asumtio's t l Ibululons vorld. 109 tb 1eocran lmjasuding large 'se aduls 0 'iir5maufvo lb Chreb Of W ", b.%0 orlbeoilaU eos*Wa vl Wr ds vri i dbriunt Mairo u taIwblei ,we'baeit',Ã" o otet b.d to e éoid émaai;lb. lat fe5v Ycs*I, Uauly, a'àeaeoion roua tlb Oarob of RglanS o tl b srob of Soma, Tb@ dite",vitb wbWld ibou du rgMiso put abéatth l aie tiidn tsa*11o, bu bîuS Iobýre*Ûais ofeaF»v Obumeb0( Nu<lsd. Irqsislzty ta sires ty'*[gj(o of b4 etablsbulen% ail18 o gondWi'uWii.SatI o tsr' «Migel"s viows, s«4,0swnbeu0<e..mptue irsbe nmet 5011W day. a90 iS tnd 01.P&ipMtiof tbe cMuulry,.fer lb pur- 811lie.t*M luarsib tab e mo» "IM WI it l@,ou #à,Tis mos'. ocimùm &non-& The, b soin 1 TWdr47. M ', n 8e w9* p.' (W- K.udofsym Mdv. m, uguh e *a f mT mk.ý u,UWTsd*vfh r' ~ ~ dvY sE.T.7 o n.-' 30fe-0 of M. i d.y. LIV 11. LLOYad. ow C.mimoTfr thsiC'tit O555V~iiQnsm.vly air andemu e ,iiJa -&"4 fra ot * wow' tg go94pegwa(of oMdrTOo*Iy-m Ifffi. od ISrn. A -d ulb 1bs New Aê94ueu e MoDzy. Jvoin. ociLmis Peomlosy tInte04" 11v ood"a-rein dfrent Xorkt- i Lova &k Powell.à 11vYork Tab-notai. Gr.ei& #bt bidusay,,Noveubsr, 121 9. f WRERI AIE TUE DELEGATKS Theut ral'sm Co.fiou couiiud *4 l< it 1tnp at lb. St. Laveses Hall, on W.dn.say it. *rom is.epo rcv .d thos <ar, v# a muetregr b. gatb.ring etsa decided allre. AOC"!teingt.b Globeld. nommes <orf00 o dl.ptes vr "rmcrdd "butears là e tolavoi WeUS lgboy -M007 ver.prhiest. Tb@ se- tutai nmber, vawamais.e&lly Wlnorad culé si muhzeed 2400.Amougsl lb. fecored nu" co vei'0 umS n' théoflb 29 editors, h.., th.. ýor 40# !Ovi- .abeior <pr, fipulon, I P.l r s ylffuilng a total p< 25<dls 1provldedto b.eletWidatlb. Rosins b~ -620 unaamesan tîrDus d oeily atlS »srbepruat lbeMesva on lb. rl day 1 rWber. aÏre . .stalog 2,500, ýýor O, odisgaiee, vbo o9blto bave bom prisent Wb.r.autbe sbéent ILP. Wi 1 Wberi -b d»aboeut a.dlor <l.pairs Uu 0511~~ ~~ é.has It.léodaasos, wbo me w.glbseuwdlt atpsiobi a"al.sgsmpg si "b. ez»uU i~<11, 5wi £ë iip i lts 0<tr-sU S-£mt Erô> si" in s îw oe ul tbme oueMe, la ibel ie@dL'b. country leub. wi he s 84ul1.a10IpSt, 'WW Whl.sNorWb Id 0.1.51,mae, 0of rus, .amb in lb bauds e4 40 br tUede~le sI o- <ptilb. mm)ss> lIi ly bo uhvisa mtaao meu~t Lj9d*b y UNiu eof Whill pll >y, w ons 0ala blrl ss# iBleSfor >î Wbs Tma, bsoa pwk4 f« by Ur. h5w ore'.AÀ oneI o l bellduWmmut b. é.posd,:in dk.. i Gu llbsp. le b hpêA .ufelou, udentd Tblsuelto b.:puldby feis »Mai a*Mtsfor essi ulov. Tb.seas lie piuýol i auiaor lb.' bl. -Thalcu Mod'qsatoe e eS ed in *'Town, viiuarIl be dsnied by sioyene,. * I le sct usl0uopmig usé Jais 'lova, may b. trccd. If Mr, lige.1 lo't' bi dmoe fui very respec to go approatio emmr iein cll,1 et tbese vtao diefr rom tale nOva; rln fomwsréout a awenéuqfo - boy i* t sgg.est; but 1Ut lieu sol ovrlo& avals adire n eeesat mor, bus.k tré goth ispou tM' at ylieu iris Se-erezy asccua.Ifl. 1lee ealtre Mlolov'bilive eendie le b.utabliWe iura, sMd lbat il se ontIbis vil vol wella fsr mlt goe.If a befter o».b. brenghl forvrd, otifflîbu amenddfor b. butter, vsebsil b. aIlt be bMtteplese. ed but la theabîma of -à bittsWeusj la tb. meanim seeetvWb. bugives, us. Brcay lieUe vilage lme Il proventa u r yJa.-edv. eledr lb. ltb.elreum._ ami" dc $; a$agTovs--tab. in Mmonnctouitil tb. frequ.uoy sdMmuwn Mia vM biita drmabar.brob.ont bite,' tende ileisssy <baitoe sield bu mo "ly Se addoptinOie a; enitel t.o ot te quiamena a <a b.procurié. Uatii somelblg a<lbs Iiné b. dene, lb.ea«rofo etos, ne malterboy g.armi dly ol l bd loUle ater tsfety»(I ofbis promuse; bas ao protacttos aontbiBovinly im 41 'lie 1e MAti. Th. opa»ing sud doiaios o<th' diev scoteb Kirk, tfol li nnialsu da. Mr.- m.Iceniaode t.d liM te senriesuin lia forinooN ud -Ber. li.tBls 'l , lae, â eu.- E1 f Oqot;.<.11. wvs i-beray eoslel toptaby Setàw asnsW senerlyt' aàd muet ýbave amennle te os sIsssboel vWB@l Ma;i s id- a.lii s 0Ȏ eauif usb i O rci'a, Ou ep.au, Se censtien vM lb. it MW 1151.buthèb-0<otla, naaee malter "eu rapé su» d usbsta al ogai, tasu sot0 b iisl emlaal $ glataý de lies msy yang, lb. Kirk bie boM iftbout Ch"re, pseteror poop, la tbis u.igibour- Cbuetuoimebave isld,é fliS1viabuý op. eS ffeluely prsclad o dSe meid 0g4w aspa ulloa Mdu,od1 î%mtas- -p- mm 1 borwk 'liswon. i- Couïpo Q, <sla NslrNeAeluvko x'e uu on séIapib. m i saghbe Sonit a"Y the. Grand Tunk tlobUVisbs @f lsb s p,4,4 SolbWmof lb. <Sa. jmalen, sd lbo..Who )me ait tb. viflaze, pacWedbyss««Ontil au ti mue, anS itb buaiot sqay& oft, lb. po eo deu pleoȈ dioum vmane itei nev5s id lloy's Hote 1-3 le l -0 oin Ost dolion obrntbmUdoiiUsélO 1Io5wb idiri vasdims by b. 'OCOauid i mlr. in4edar Mitis-., PrCOiym 0<c# 'browtn, oàeo dlrw a apprprip tyMut rus.-Tii Rr XL Pu tlsidoDe iw. s uI nlinplt(,,on s Pidhle Clre. wlt~tMst, udn otb.rs 0 lbà wu- r.. 4gbup a lh Oreralsoocepi1 .amtul b.ipal(oTm lm a.oo.lui an ruoutis 0< Ibmalstgs ensé 10. eh. Frlei orsb u'e f.b. t'bu Eer <vbngpsOieoéý of çs 'j 5n rmt the #Paue laite =b-77u. -rrybu-- dl':--Y ldre bond d'gran4Wsb.T r r grandawther, nas, axaeS vI'dint, y-V«-screbia' een, on ie txpcaudur WotheWord,-aud Mmastroïos vi! sweit Uuic. ig faeait, t, an'sé has toucbid tics» lu tlwb mty d bolluea' -..u4yvn~Jlresp'Adonçe,bpt nosme doviiutîcaslevla etrly onpring 'end' yut 1Lia uimmefýreUWÙI mai eands a th"e ,wiftked amang be bras, p'.! e.pris. tué ca sud'dôwu lbhe-puvagovwdeu.bea.ed 'nuîbt ÂI seb o re yct aI teorger or Shortur Caltecbia sm cuomtbeua llsteni li' to. lb. disaoni le.-suIdpeuple, solde t9 bei dol»' a' they can leàlst114" e o' lbeuillao, vlie» Ibor pavrunts ia' r.. look1n«, Isuein tl e initber vi alleul jo i xlNtr mw.rely underafoodby' loo lrnïiy amîlce, hirdevy so- vcal.d.1ttairslk adorrpever.dby- ic olwuiberotasbosh e' lýb. pýle0,' w. aMip, leanid' £bilr b.ads, on tlaa abonthe abould Sisteasitb.m-Ilcav.u or ger, s Sounab humas esfâls9-aa Not,;Ik Thisleà S.atur&sy uict--and mI.efu a vorySaturdqy uicbt ererle by (bat lestllesstrain, it *y* soaehov or ibher, mse wP m' e e opsrlko c' the characlor é' Il., e in', Sabliatis Slpss' lara! arra Il Ilurrra111 o'~ ~ ~ ý1à1 -h6s'elmhoys aginsit Scot- land 1 Lm. loîg, offT.sdeha ail aarnony.Tirent"ilsAgnue A Moiuns Couas, t rthe ee.Ior"ib ino ntisu' bratedidyby sappn;te orethe he tb fâ<ast, by 15 Catniets;1r. ciebem% proriding aIl Drn b wl tlb. gn tbinga, lIAn elnt style, on tawnlbLv the «,oaIonmpilats m - pinp.s.isfor osi Ar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l Amieu a tcurs au.~ sterling-1ý.; r' élrn ths t promut"i%,nr(rm4n iaica os e Lb. ay cleratd vs rihî;<sd(eov.periLy, b.t ou04 olalp sud tria. baotburly feeling, l imit v ba euoyt reesled psrticsars.' satyreniý- of os itta c«of l<Riél4 <asit. blas t.lay put apro*wls àiaUs on Priday ait sndthle fallcviai iià,'; ud tisa paus ltaM Mrle.l.s, L D- )Wc. Any 0<ourtuoS rheher bftles, uSa ycmng mnnmdmd.c rrso Msuo er mrcsl~ orliier feixmsor 'doiug M, sMd vai ypiinla b. 1Townshsp 0<l.orgaa, sWd d"lc l" th ecitc Us.otsalodgnt, n, Jobnutos's baly I1 Troor asmm'»ngedliron;tt1tw 0lg'm ' sm 'aiglfI ises bu e réi.gat gny zHoM:).-We l!mg Mbertà, sud Ã"Klba y Uxbnéi e 4 1. ige, t. be f« lièe r erpsteit, 'u ia ery5 actSfor the. Crnfde, vilbost suuse elal odSivin TAs Qum ea s', db M,lýk&augUW. ar qsteé -vitI die i -W. are bappyt. learaýt ibat MmrGi, dt M skaw ra brithu of onm Iatatptlcu'M staIwbliit. sXeigmcine.'7 us.Th ovIde en o ieCale 'rpo artile. 'Tb# Il#-i nstsék pnee.lyasIsppesrcd la ',utor, ewca-rt,] eolmmumonelâ..iié. '.ire, sOrff ordm prèa lboedà sated. elp monts nag 5ýh rsaasnom '-fer £614. emmo, d qcumreopros- anie aaid 0(11 -sobs eiwyIast haLerry suyndeveu.ofbisgcvii ion fombise Alni la m- ~-15~&wm4 leto kirs vbo buvrnot iruy, os lbu Agent eoit.u opossi tros bis. W. idOPï elmenii4 b sinsalJJ eat te mrr. te direct the attentioni e mdi musother'column, 'eettyldaore blythe e plpcoasaacetsd v$tls l rbawhio pnreiase boit 1;TSaïCmel thon adjourn frrsa nour. Ise ' -ll Ccuil Mrieuaio ikat V&O suf"%6lsd >tO. xraéf ss&r on tbe the suir, $8,asea4~4 O f ger.bilfipo for 021.50. Os 40etion oet-Mr, -Wbilo, lbtheul Sure vas lust"d çtid etion ts lb. ov&r" sud 19, in lb. Ocis Con. of, this-Tovnubip. OuýMotôoa*f ;Mr. Wliteo, lb. Dopuly, Buire vas anbori"udle grantsanc rer on the Treaurernlu tar o t0 iuctora of miisy witb By-LUw No,. 5,-c f tii.Town. iblp, te b. complewi on or beoo'tb. Oral On tuetiou 'of<Mr. ;WhicMthe b.Duput Haire vas Instr cte&,toecomme, Icite vith Jân séi etP. L 9,hiareterom 40 tUs aurr.y of Lot20 1o 22, lil th Cen,. 'On motion of<Mr. White, tbëiarsr vws ailbrized uriquired te puy tb. a£mutno ed ugamea Md uo*t-inai 15 cas. of Joba$hW rvà. ibis Mmopait, n5i iu'g astateomntbifore lb. nazt nMseing cf lb. Couneil. on motion à Mr. Watsudàed.by Mr. EstoIuf Mr, John RecUn. sud et Rabl#vir~pomnedcommtsoéOl 25, iïiaw lb*9bïCîn. ýdaii Wm6tebc ixpend. id by the.firit t'DÈéu.j869.i On motion4, lb. C 1 t djourued t. 1cw agi o b irtM nlDee An, o1d fricsd bu as trod us vitb tb. hTik.neut(ul plsircl sd <air plici noL 113ro0talcén place jf MI neiïibors bore .vcre lest ycam andltic yenr, becao.~t to argildigpnoa-ihero vo ucly liood tifcisalk Laie..' Il o st oiat eurl n thse pons.naprIn env bo it lStise and hnai lmndod apcdily at tise hcasd of theo Lako.wo sut W fiamdf-wcntcrly direction throuigls Lhe v'sodot 'W. lissé vilS as w- o oscuhlî4ieit doge, îrsinsd to bunting la1 Lb. voocll, snd sbowajnx poor litte rabisia, wblch-raunc«oueIls. pâbaLS uspooinccd apon bï th.M. h.ftsý. lb. tow'clin. betvien'ilec and Uzbridge iro eame uo et 51hily;portion o0< country qoer'aest et Mr'. Bran . Bers v«0oer- é,a O§inguisr»p-ot Iùiovinsie." D ari>c <lDen"ILaescomplots Circle of about tvo political adîversalics'is'il1'née idpeet me of ml yiW"eo eb#wtaI-No, no, &ý 9Mesi ololg merc«yat'tbugs li gcers", sud -" r~Sf.cal <w'/a&> spparnSc of' the cau1do uotlbWstato t. airui, s't acountur proposiion . to. aay lndictsnent, anS i Ti.ory <ndâen sivre, rbS untinaible- propoiion-a. < attise, seS a grule s. man bwds4 àcatmt. bie Mud s ni cibsdsadnn abs, * !luv 0< fia bequiticai, <vbala obr dulugate ai «eh sn iv gentlemen, so t., for a moment; À15 I-mot imtroduce L <I viiu d muataay,> uaidrtb otheaià Mogossd rheklrlcsl mbetilhebmn4 Mad ampificatioai','witlz vtalk it id aénsited b ail'ilstustn.tcasd dicorf*our Pmeui> moSl utmàabi s groeous taumbag f i vw linlnuaeo pii, fsutjecu., But th retu getldmen, I r1-,enturs te Asert, Ib' mao Our'it ise. bling, l eplain, ýci, distinct su" inteligble. a liaI 'oend tvcý'Msi four, or lbal tb. learcd chairanasis né c >iuor.I bit pindm "conspira tor."1) -lu s aWvrd, gint?àmen, ssci to.be briud, to deiceinS <om li fa$ ý rmle thliss, aas1 bavorewatleed, l b. m of Norimber, iigtteeu budeed s'a i ty evr-1 tb1uk-boeSasiloved in th. .yes, )*Cis il .oetbO &èur socf lb. feab Me" smaaiIid bave buesc ulfeS sud as mu J.meng oppoai.s terzaus eveuILsELbs riuli lidnUi-<ithe on, live, gentlemen, lin etrsordinarylie - A great criais laonstbc anait TbeclouA arsbiccnîg.Tlaero as ortention às4 inevitable> gloos i Au .aplliaig-buM4r ï1ready qulvens las 1frba âe T nto' is dosonicé. Wbitby le foU oqf .wbst. A griot tone quasy;bus beneà rireW s manager t t b.se, 7qleIOnslb. liaI Ibave amode ot,'.vyrsibu casE. Gentleme&n, IbaEP, oWs" ; ,- 4..1ý,,ý- -. Mstia :-The ciarge bronSfitliWon Hlm id îm» ltwekb U.A ne gaiusl 1r. M'Naim Usa nov stsiI4n. 3 t nsmuer, vas, vo ar., disaued. Asi e we wrong iaiprmali ay,,bnve - ou. abnosd t tii pni'jndiccof KmXrN rajNsi ve u aid 55< tbat bu comes bers roosio dela bI ce aihcLm"nre' i 'Sermi of ries tering notion¶, for bis urbanity, eirility vsand oîlg ùiner Ui t(ii4 be b bÃŽ% previousidose duly, ru IL T. Hakr'bs Ew . , ý âere Of tise aip. ifannlag e Dfi lhs th -1j ,. bhreala iw afo st lust nMçd. l, r p ~bj wbo sab W4 presoed2spsm ki cf rang for bis o15 vois t bhm &Ceues ffl :pleeuigx,; rse4,im'yi vilatlis 1àbelvicu 4h. ailie amotrali <0% bhepolice, Who i and sanins - d t& meh OtheSa gelstb l.uppsr isu4w insmp édiai, ie uMait ofvtaicbls ene tbou.wovbe haro'uta.igils a sois. dozesi filors Wviemfasuo aie Iotalynanconsclonafi-ib drink, rapo)rdso* hlp c«Mr ibons'unmItiuF gt. lb. po Tb# nexl morayaig t'c sle»I poceie nsbrougil bofore a M lut"a, Wvi fa bà,sIoMt. i Jiol tha àt a , asfor ia MOnsi cuone lesaihor. , Jsck aeeor a imsber of sys' impi$Onut4 t. histhip b iUse police, ýWie Pouaid ron: Jsco fortbcomingi A4 I gi~ a Oi 4w ra n L O among tbés ewant -a£hl& o»l llsorags lia otser 457- . 1 gistiu lbonght bu voilé 'rc iin;to ou vb. VMs going on ; ha, socs, howeve, be- caMé anxiousito join. iu, and bc, os vith ' thc dine ;s;oeordfiugly b. selettila 'yuga"dnned ià"-gcgerouasir" as a'jirta.4,andwa soon lost inthe £1e py usat. the tune of Il Tiddy lSdy Rust but Iol1bu audely discorerslbat e W h deâàd oct M .ait lb.egOM y lait vid. u4 best dressesasd >evolry vwolé sstsIW lenS for lie occasion. 'Tb. foim elessess, suSilabouteose o",ok mghl an.beon men ciubing lu st the bock viaidov. lsrio, ' ivre, î.noplusmd; be baS srgaied' Mdé-Won ussy a cmnseslfofr but this ose buis biais. Hi b.d teld là vifellsat bc. vcgopg ,-theî IlClub 1 and, sou cdr emure, ocoaurse beilers hlm; under such £ireumutances, to e h.d> lirious apperd tcblsmto ebuthe brs p licy, -and: ý 09,gbê e - p os u t ýprfiont stnds-5 oaiot l saiaitbl'ut b=nson; Telegrpblg Extraord1uanry. Oai Taisdaftsrnoo lieoenateesia lb. Amnerlosanlelograpt office ;a g oste& wers ¶opni.p is Dewri connecteS vorbeS Boutas lime, lb.Y vwu lasDetroit.1 Unaiosd a4not.-hee opeser sMid butw direct cosaiecsies Ais laesfiffof UN sead *asg nmi 'bfl a.aePrMa04 rYdM maiglygets. risiakca uicoiec a.' 'y. ire dueing -.4- 'sbd auirre unvp, wPra. kavegu 4m vhklsw. and turtio. Thb.eZIorila Amerfce 4iifay <roui Lirepoe 24 -u, iE007 noVer mus. ont lie - ai dre ------ 64>*.- B"Ém r Lewd

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