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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1859, p. 4

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~q jrnOouçsk MATiiROVTU. -Wbt lc iii . oui te ,#t.ee. ud.*fabonb.ty.m iolWoM USkTI.MSîlk Drosses Mandésdhs~~i4 NW M SQFrench m}eriuos, cui & Fuwt'rordid b the sssaif,WIg,ed Robe, and louuced Dresses, kc, IdotPr' nPr0p 'idNbeauop «tes»»raForte,*vsap ona, Day' ovtsdI ., M.nsad BeyOP TOP snOB.Y Co",Pàt# " ed onn.yot Bigameant, am! TWtslu vei eLl. fls BrolrOteo4WAtS)Gtlei's IO c1azig UP tw ordêr on the*.s S NE»'W AND OJWA.p STATJONERVY. 1,15'1'10- O F;f ii ron andPney' Stâtioner>' indwoet. viii ho glveu for a0" T.'av Statio Ana sd 1e sud Divion courtMuka. dQo . A LARGE STOCK oft U047 089adiMEN- ur RCKBIDNS llAN(TS' SANILLA ad WRAI'lIN0 RTYJi, ie UfLN JOSrssld for lell ansd Cent ItVV.WI" ai ai4s, ad isolera. o ane o oor mumtaariidAI "M 'A 'R I'PlTi1t VA y Hf* Z& PaA#slU tIKr Mc'sssurnssia PU" 1-dEveI7 artIcle u e au prebtl e. em hep fIt nonb. ha4 lu otrircl or Toronto, WbILhyMhElONril, I mUme EllSuIrT STÀTI ONERS, lOOKi4PLLF,118 AND 131100K STR'iETI IVERY Applicat wil W adm!tted, and NO FM WinlmWre, .s~ceived at the, Door. A competent porson ýWill be lu atten- lance, to explain the use of all articles on exhibitio. Ail er sono intercsted in any kind -of exhibitions will pleotk.ntc that they do flot alunde'to the Agricultural Pair, but takeltus methoti of announcing totii. FAIR. LADIES 0F WRITBYIJ AND sm»xROIYDING ;COVNTNT, That they arc now prepared to exhibit the. be.t seleeted Evor brougbt te the Coauty of Ontario, uarcig ai .seot vdefs ud4 of the fumsa, - Tbe reputation of otar bouse bsvlug bee Weili estsblisbed (or Doumtie'aoodof ever diSCTiption, we dueerit tJnneuesiIsto enumerite, but merely state thit-our Stok f. uiuIylarge, an - vits oiter bcst m&4leof Goods luth. Market Ofur - I B 0 . stoc t -WHIBY,.W. GROCERI. iIt.'>N6lei, SalouasMerchiants#, are complute. Alsio, China Glasi j- 01issi Wiho ieal Is thla. salaUes, vili indi itrenuel>' 1evfor cash or approvesi "ij liifa large sad mcli assorteil Stock at eýcExtssiliiiaenî of tisaeauderagnesi, luis tile>' sre wi(iiasg at uaaprecodeaausdl>' Otcber loti,, 1859, #,W PisItsS. ACCOIJ.'T 10OOS, Leuigers, Jssîrnals, 1 >;y, ciaih, aisad 11i11hls,',kia, raled for tise ï i f l sa--w ileelussinkc'srraay ; IlliakBooks oet ) 9 'ù ~ U .-r> ileèaarliatls asamdis teorder, ruied te 1 ýrsy patteras, pâgeil ansaibosunsin lua upe s 'r arianer, Hclasol Books, lWriiasg maa- vi filâtes,8mb., ncii., SeblilluWax, WRIINU I'APEILS-Pofiî, Note, Let-. srr, Capylasg Foolscap, Rsak Peut, Pott sii Bufl wrltlng parier, s£ iozus snd WitAPPING PAPE"S, houa. maufue- s sred Manullil, JBreo, commerciul, El.- Ilusant,aisi Grey' wraipping paîrs-all C A R R IA G 'ýizcu asliaweights.A EiNVlFAÀI>S-Lalsl, Bise, BuSf, Cler. AND 1 1i, &eciallite. landrarioassquauilea, litai Ro', 2 to ïNo1. 1d IILANIC POIlS-lu Clt4nncry,qsaeen*o BUGGIES, ~ty I.ZUJ lJs'aaaiansd Coassasoni Mens, Cîassty an'i -BROCZ aýýrregate Courtss, lsasolvt,Fst Court, Dlvi- "in Court, Cortnri,, .~itac oa i'sClerka of tise Pence, Cl'rkas of Coun- T HE subsel:« -.';e lsaye te Ir s sa revus, Vl1lage)$ andl Townaj6l W ,, s'c, 'the promises ion -y Sessupet ]sg a d ai t li<srasaiss 1 ehe.%li st Àtof thc Banik n,.un rn> touveyancoof ci tal Esitate. red to sapp>-&il Who favo t cm v - - AL5so,- su iber are prsctiesl aud SIIEIFY', ailfl", ud ~ontsbe'devote the entireo f tbr ovua laboe 81lEssîk, Jal isz, lîuand ,ootlsou. wv rkaabip, of greatea il sisultnt foora tupric,. - "AFFORD TO S i:<î< s, FJ.UI>S IKS'rANDS, &c. Thon tises.Wbo bave te bine theo lai ~D'.ise Quarer olla Pacot, Alilarticle. s s t h. icacet l &VTh Qurte Dolar eckt, eau sîand examine. (t italasig 12 liscts fine riîlesi Letton AIl klnds cf luanher and fariners j1 spc, 12 ailaeta4 Note, 12 îfeit-aling Lut- 'wr Euîvelopeal, 12- el(-îssllng Note -Ene.. îel i, 0 Frse~r lullion l'uns anadt lolder, m sas siseet of Ilittlas; inpcr,aini ont' Dot. 9l.s cf lut-ail fer a Quarter fi)l/ar. ý, Pgzv r TO PILIN"EILS, Ail kluds sq( Paainr,i AS-ea ,fol) and Coîcrsd-solsl at m.rket prici, A stili rourtur Ilolucîlon lu aIl kiauda dit Prlotlng for Casis. 'T'éie9111-WVEEKLY CJIIIOXlCLE st t',15.5Oaa er. ;,3Thc WEEKIIY OIRONICLF,, the ~ îe.,riol)e iw*1jlssfarln (>ata a, O' n@ Iia Ycar, in adrane,- Prfnter# and éitationssr, iltby, Juiy 4, 1849 NE W STTI.AR 111ItN/S 4 MA VL'RIIOFFER, UU ttucUni attoetiogothoir large t#tock ut i0*nvw iiiury, vt.Igh i aî"jdeéit ii hinifPlin. md paner t iritlmg Papara, Mgerchaut'e W rapplag 1'~s, lais P.sere. leeLsv ta-, tiomsry eteyery udecription sacluding ilank Ieedo, Laoea, Plrtgugeo, AO. %jmemsDufi, sReooaDltroia LAWYEII'8 I3LANKIS ý'èCf DoanIecla, Ceaameaa Pleae, Chas- eny amd Cematty court- Forma. IlsouCouft ieisnt ai Vty Comte - per baidrc. 31ssitvaWa fi ants. Notarial Dinsit, ill Ier saie at Toronto Prires. -P( evrm ieserpftwnom atiyexp.. .tleulysud lesapir exoeet- « te Whttby Reading bom viii 19;r #«n& Mil tMeDatify Pagelro, and lb. lstpublicastaao e &PàarA F eel. X EWSI KEWSII ,A LLTIr LTTUUIAfYIEG .tIjevaspr Eevewa,Magazines, sud Jleal et a wid âttisa tlaqarterly, ta advime. lawyera'I &M relass.at'OClakMid otbmra v1aa.o.s tIna tuî*1m f<mu raset- =durtasg tdos Y viii sarmums, payable, quasi Eçaan s ansdit LOWES k POWELL. Breck stretlt il" AND LIQUORS Esrthou War.. Alil o!wblcb ve viiimgsiex 'y 19, WomlI mespectfaally tarit. attende. t1h0wev BXTAESIV~STO( [DRESS GOoDý MANTILIOS IUÂWLS RIBlONS, RATS, C1LOTH8g & STA PLE -Compriuing the very' latest NOELTIES oftgo Oum Lostely pnrcbueby on@eofthe r w bas vlitod the rto 50, ti"heJs' No i IIerrilngs.ý 50 'l aIf bresTot 50 l aÇ arrlaWlhifteFih. An quantity of PORK, for whieh the, Highest CASH prie wilI b. pgid'at the Stores Of IIAILON'& ROBERTS, Til'sBlokBrock Street, hydmS' dîhéa 1 blaigtaé, sOaiedmNs sud~ ~ ~ ~~~i aaruemd'iups. tfrm aa a -j di 29niDalof ai eim0l fossais1no tin;ysani vanlsb adov<h be wiouo<tl e- alnpeorialntu ail prd 1 Wel asi <aber Z Aibuo- rdo01i Cesasýý 3psina oraag, Ctdw" lsoeul>roay, DbuilV,zjh'overssaiAgse, .m theaplklstsiloaetios aun'd meh tion soi tic o muie at didu 0~CAT10 l-'N ,0=1ac0gnui e n. ne du er'aboasip ermcrkli v n>' e. I:auy tetse deteet of Bay 'pri>' or pr.,s cona ta 'fit ig t ie m eu lassa or ve dîbg the ante kuowitiagtlaem tofe eb. sqaua. *. 801o a , tise MnuiîctoDry o! Profcsse IIOLLOvA', 80 Mald.aai 14csa New York, andlb all roaeesle, Dnggi ibnsudDenIrs. hi c elae i [rouglionai tise UIl.dStaSeu s il heCivil- izcd world, lai boies it25 osait., 68 cnts 'betnbelaooSalderable aavlug bl t.tug: in aver daise.r fi» oesa o. JAJIES JOXINSTONI Watohmaker and J'ewello. : urroudig country tisaS1.basb uuacceded to the boalmiateli Samed unab>' Mr. Thoiaau Us cegàltt i tnt aJi work czaruotd to is u re, viii gir. aatiaudacion. A iew and well aaortc Stofk ef lewelryWatches, Cloks, &., c HE AP FOR CAiSH I11 IW" >EWLUY MDE 10OR08952,dEf ae p uce, izuelai uw er im saiusuali>' c iasrge i. W iiby, Fub. 9. 18,59, Sehool 'Books!1 PIJBLISIIEIIS'PRICES AT 111mlgl1jmfý BROOK STIIEET, WOOIL CARIDINGF. Wool Crdin L t 2d'.pePI1E Wisitby, Msay 241, 1459 JOHN LIKEN8S PROPRITOR. IN ETUNIN OIC "THANKB> who bave bibewrto- se liboesfl , tre;z. hi . et bis ( ues,Ï" ' otmn ,m otr in this City, begs tony Iat hobbs essed foras terins 01Pyess, thïo miâodlmuspie- mise koov as the. .INTERNATIONAL NOTr,, sktitd o, th.e ast sido a.1 Lb. & a, roe4ce4r~.~ botwoen Kiug sudProgt Streeta,. here bo viii l vayo , e .y to auo bis old frieudansd the public eai BolniIn th bëMbusin t 'o ,for tilublb3lIn gueril. Theexpeus. ingthe boume tbrougbouit la efloTmO'u&,, lb. TABLE vii itw*yo b. supll. vlth e bu at the maike ffoids, in- l asci aesuadm m &isd mr vants viilb.e, 1eayw Uttûpobis Tb. BAR viii b appll. d ih)~ cboleesiMnbnt cfivoeyk d <Winie, Ymtl MarktlSquare, T«Onto, S.pt, 2,109 Cou *11 t FevOftloýFioaovhglsvq to tho p.rj4 î.rctio. are avre o4ftise ceusest bey ind r thé nervsu, feel- otsrute mand . ,And Vagu À M5TCtNTrl IVENMzO. 'ry Nectuarnal Emlasoino, nicreproperlj kuovi as Senlul Weskueasý,cm . saihapersmsSoauy euredivrom 15 day, t 2,outâh, b, lassope o! this Instîrument, *lm àse onon Dr. AmOi &'$On St~ekalsonrelnusnnonwoefu that tso>'have"uron a*Mo"t tiapsstaut la.- atrlameait.for tise cure of theasbc Te dka.ess. It bau been tub. jected ho ast sby tise aioateiaslaea iVj&dn nLondion -,Pari Pbilai "dplasi ew ~ YorkI h bs- eci o Lari iooa saUefil lMtrsauot user hnieaiteil for'ts curé o(efiula oknoaa, ors>' disoe 6<tIse- gonhtlorgana, easd -b>'tise oetos hiat-et youtb. Dr. Amon & Son, lu crier to mosath i est oal cpt sth e tise ua1nth e;* ol laîrnsoa, trlodge Slaesaolve» <bat lai su>' hassa ra it a,>'provoe u*as'cteny saSon aafar talai Scntano i7tl harilnded by rtunng îUsa Pons rsanaatietioed=u e noaal lsantrnum Press, sentn âlc ex Dr. Amosda&son hsrefors longferiae 01 cm becia eligagai lai u tn siemco a treasînit of the"a.dollcate usnii.,aiar theony ou>'Igatly qnliiodPbcisa a@ cousplsiluta, or (rosa wijoas Gelluiaie Esareoff tteaiedien eau bc obtssisad. Perseaisnys 'part ut thse World.inoy> b.oie esffaslly treated b>'forwariisg s correcta"dcii el euor ae, vins a renattop.#'p for llediesaes S e,, il ll be reisarae ici hsthse nuuc despsch, asacure <rosiobservation. SI,. 5 CELEBRÂTEII t VERMIFU GE LIVER PILLS. WvI e.g la~ to cai the auea- ton f tZTrakand m especially the Ph1ui 'n o i country, two of t e m a o lar remedinow beforethe publie.: We refer to Dy, 9has. li'anes.febrae Vermifuge and Liver Push. We do -not -rS-omfmend them as universal Cureo-but Sîmply for what their name purport, viz.: THIE -V-ERMIFUGE, For expelli 'g Worm from ti hunian systend. 't hba ioo be= adiniisteed witr. the most satis- fictory resuku to vari'ows Ani"ai subjeet toWNorms. THE LIVR nPIlS Forthecureof Llvzpx ComI'LAINT ali BiLious DhaANYozaswwrs, SICK HEAtD-AcIIE, &c., In cases o FEVER AND ,AGrJE, preparatory'to or ater. takung Qui aiethyahoSt invariably "make aspeedysand permnet -cure $PM u e Ike fr the above m s Cmoed Idiseases they are, Unriwaed anti neyer known 'te,(ail when mà- ministered la acordancewkh tii Their unprecedenjted popruauit lbâsinducet the. propneétors, FLEMING,..BROýTHERS, ]PITTsuitcz, P,&. *0 dispose f their Drug buuneas la which1 they havebén succehs- fuffy, cngaged for-th. lait Twent eand a they wil now gire diei uündvided, time ,andi attetin t ther manufacture. And beingé termined"dthakDr. ?&mWLo 'sCd.- bred -Verniuge and Lcr, Puis sus»i cofitinuet ocuy Ii.lig position th1ey nowholdi arnongtII ga1et -'remees;cf ',thé. day,, tlle wiIlltontinue to p nehetm nMexmnumhi roeuingthe Ba5t ,and' IueSt niaterial, md coWi poud tèm a te marth«Orugh manner. -'ýAddress ail orders * 16 lf it rit rg5Pt th.a ~ ~ ~ ~ t 1laag Dme, ke f 61 0 ' JUS ITCMM4 rai .1 à" moder orJ1 01O'r 'IW tise lt Ceai B U GO mi * posuill L AWs., $ci' -s E Jr uni JLF kiaiç Sie ilt Ca il A TT'ulLb' ONE I BIIIE&Conataia MARK(ETB,# -LIFE ASSOCIATION 0F SCOTLjAND. .~ They confidently solicit an if EARLY CALL 'w '~ and Inspetion, as iuduoeauuîts viii b. 01- c o 1f.rod botb as te aboie.sud price vblib ,E LIUILDERS, I!ANUFACTURER5 Oir rsTREET, 1711TB1y Iforni the publie tb. the>'bave opeosibusinl edb>' Mr, Ira B. Carpontor, sîtustes in Brook Street roppoite <ho Markttbuilding, vhero <bey are prepa- rith a «al, vita er r>'ticleia fuheu lino ef business. cSnpctent vonlmen of long expoince, sud am tht>' te thei buminea, t-boy eauiProduce artiles oflbeer Iarabiity, sand mos efegaury i>lllied, sud ELL TIEM CLIEAPER,..a lssg prices for Cash, or on approv.d oredit. Plesse produce tatl ez ebauga. AiU vert vsrrasted, . NoYAi, WALKEY& Co. IMPORTMESOr' WINES, BRANDIES, &c,1 JUlESM Uitu k mCH IAMPAGNE&. P. A. simuMMS RHENI5II WINES, i. HOWARD MARS11 & col'5 MADEIRA WINES. JULES ROBIN à CO'S COGNAC BRANDIES. BRM4DENBURG & FRERES BORDEAUX WINES. OFFLEY, CRAMP k CO'S PORT WINE8. CRAJII!, SUTER kà0028 SHERRY WINES. WM. YOUNGER & 00/5 EDENBIJRO 5TBONG AND PALE INDJA ALES Hiav. nov reme vcdonnsr rîsoxT"MPLACE» 0oalsr, lheïr sprlngs upplisu, sMd of fer for sale, on VeYro ilatageouas terns- BRANIES Mareli', Hnnease>t" I cbn'u$, leCstio',k OINS-flIolisnd aud Bugliali, of béat raudo, inu wood iiboffla. RUMS-Flue clii 1,0044mIDockt Jamalas sud Demarart. ,ALE$-Bolst'Aiisopp'a ud Younger', lan voosiasudboule. POJIFdI ~riI 'a Ilbbart'a sud *uiuaeWs, ilu odand bottle. W1llftKIl*-SCOTOIJ and Rsi 11, oft <le mout <svoured quelltie.. por' WINES- .051.>' & Co.'sj, sundemana, andiother favrise marks 811IEIIfiUES-crntn,uter k&c,'. Doaurc 0, Pemaaris, k CLARETS-0f rulus iguiln Wood aaaandbtl, advrosoi rne .AUO- DUROUNDIES, IIOCKS, MOSELLE, LIQUEURS, à4, , k Price. Lta and usapla May 'b. bad ona application, mentroal, loîli June, lut,""CEAMN 0 B s nnoaanc te bli umeus trisuen&sud that bh.laiso Mng CARRJAE AKNG IN LL-K INGAHES On tho remisesbetofor, eccpiedby Mr. X, RAy, on Miury 8r.~ ev. y and Brouit Streata, vb.r.h. lu prcpsred, as ber.toorcte Maze uil cd l atsu. te bis c«ro, CARIGE9 UGISah.L.v.t emSseCrauu ?o,.&. CARIÂeS, BUGG ad IESit4SLEIGHSà, ITTERS, C .tl7 ALL andRP90WAESANTED ., D. FORDY' long expftieM'.of tbirq y pars tatbis» valUI*ÙMC*oeWgof 'tii Sta Md Mi aabuasgivm ffit«- t eoranél v ~o<"tb bpfnb"ri k<wo b b.,able <o *wrfr.ag,su obety<ài und muty of workmauhbp, bis onteaa beg.'~ Wbby, uuas 15 l, IS.la aee S@i pimms.- mueot be surpasesib>' sny bouse tb. traie. Au extensive msotmouilo ti la f DROCKERTV PEU STEAER "JNDINfl oisa- Oct. 22, 1859. 36-v-2 M nJIJST OPENj~ ANTON T, CO)IPÂNY'S ùllwYC.Hll, Tbroine. tise Place ef greatis, »sioffere te thse publie. aom oet the sunbs pleasslii Crop Ienaro @er I, u " sand;sasiai prIlce.lbrCssonly, that hoi *'.aura te y"aI..ry ainaîuut Us. b,'utas.- jsrlaWhso bave bés oullilug er ygs a9. otrltî as' te b>' tisa 6Conspoas Tesa ahI ho r t lm saS h o la s u Iiq s a r ct as e ti li olijrC t JJU lsasira.TNE lias Cmppsanyhave bau arefal te seleet, tbrughtisr ffedo isCinîa, dmaof thaoa. ospl.Jd Tmoas,'ly stte thse London sud DubsliMar"et, se tisaSsnuanp, Wvise. menuiser tis e dclo lle Lr o eàsl as oliser lui - o ssi1 e. W*Isis e5gnlsff, st our aaasoai,. Thse prie«sviliispak lr es, . sga*e..Lotoi; et Ucusr NKw ae, mie RandrRed Uhesti1 m P« sk .~ Uas OMMespun 5b.l 26M, &OsiperdOctel(io" sis i.d i wer o perlb,...foue. rrai pan lb.is to rehsadoisa g rtflos. oo ro mwi fil. The mimy, earas,te aodogSrer and Us ukssis onrcpt fstaSHribal visog diaso TbUyaIsqE sqnansutty, voul ndel <octl, gotervtb ssea <rsai. inels sWgtu î'theis.te, an16t1l ipn- fi. riseCaa sn, sesoq andof ffa&asgsa r lie"@ai thls »easte your fina fi, P. 'PT Tli i~ ~rr*U gNArnrylSlizmrnifothb.Sterilg-batvlng becui subtrsed !rcm tbe Lus~ ~ 1*0 SUOITWa roiLAND 'as beld Aunual Presuiuama before-thelr vatuatiosi. vithiai l - ?4à lce, gEalinblrgb, ou tiie Tbe rosuit in higly asvorabe, aheviug a *th Ataguit, 1859, iu ternis o! tbe Royal large Surf lus aiS.. providin for evry las Charterasd Act o! Panlisaucut. - bil ty,anid-the Director fas lb.>' are fuli>' Sir JASEs o oatss, Bart., of CeuasTox, vsrrauted lu apportlening te th. Feue>' lu t6i. -Chair, Iloldersa i auusuffiienulte tard a redue. Tihe (olloviti; are thie principal state. tien0f 87 k per cent, front the Preanluns monts lu the Dsnciss' URPoS?, subuit, payablIn the year ondlaag Stb A pnll,0 ted te tihe Meeting. - o pen onor bforc StIs AMrI, I804 This [Durlng the Yueadlij reductloîîIo 21 per cent, more (ham n uny> ôtb Apnil lat Appis- ornier ycsar, C#îlp,for NEW tars Notwlbâtendiný the oanunl repymcaits à svaaAacaas ere re- lu cash <o tise Pcliey-hsehiirA,-the améunt ceiveii otees.ctent <bis y'sar, biaslg £20000 Sterllng,-the of..1200, Ior £014 0t8 4 8 Stg ACCUNU<LATV .4 LIZSI? Pijii, ma per the Of wbicli th. Directons Balance SIiecI esrtified b>' Mr. 'William .ceti.... 1011, for 486,039 4 S Stg Wod, accountant, the Aaaoiations' Au- lise ANNiJAL Psoeatîuiss ditor, sanount te £451,809 1 0d, li Ster. on these vero ,.615ets9 8 % glhng. Tise lurcstmcnts continu ote b. - made on the bcat see.anltles onu>', aIl spc. lier. vere aise ratisse. ulativo or lois sale ssceurîtles heing avoid. tel2l Lus Aixinrâ es d. st the priceof_.£1.205 a 4 Stg Tsu Diaaur's bave te record tbelr bgh seammeoM the value of the services oetue Thoeo er. S1 Deatho durlng th. Yter. gentlemen vho compose the Boards of assured b>' 100 Policez, for £83,231 19. 7d Management st tise seernt Branche., Iu Sterling, Thes numbera are resarksoly aIl of tisons the Bussinessa han licen cosuduet.. mmail. Asccoding tsi the Table ot Mertalit>' cd vill the utineut harsucu>'asd suecesu; thon. shoulsi have falleas 133 Policiez, for ans inl British North America, lia. mont £D76010 . xSi Sterling. recent of the Branches, tbe renuits have- Tise Total Suug-Msuuîo PAIS <o thi p. fully rcsiizcd expectation, ansd the man- prewtateaotbeDccaesjPolseyboldca agemient lasa been lu cicr>' respect meat anont te £279#,020 Ions2d Sterling. .atiaractory. Th.aesMOAXSUAL baeOsgg rom Pro. Tite Ruuoasr vas unasinioaasly approved nilunisof Assurance audj Jnerest on Iurcat- b>' tbe meetiang. and rotes et thaaaks vere menta, ln; £051,078 15â 2d Sterling. p&sed te the Direittorisud other Office- lie fTTAL AosuàAcc Tasuà crsoms eretat h.efoasioffice ansi Branches, mince. the commncemnt cf tIse Ruai nasa sud te <thc agents. LLE POsUNssSTERLNa. lb. Paotrasars liseuw.Asg or the Bus;. nou as lu hevb>' ti e fuilowing Tabîc- Asaursuce.sie. Decsiser18$0-.Annual te these dates; neou. leu f de.O7wy" 191« ,su 520 0,360,Mas loilo@aà$ Thi. Pos.acanu of AIMSArssle sud Aniss. lus of the Amuoîobtave bes i snutuly ralued b>' <he Manager, lbe Caleulatlonu wblch bâve been vaii db>' Proiesaor Roi. Uand, have boon made on the principios rnoseii X a Il Act usirica a lb.te mnt prfn scan b. aiiptei ! the WboieOf, the large ana4rgin'o1f(rom 21 te, 82j er cent,--anting te upw ards of £34,00 ernicg sEAUtItaaJAT sSONTREAL QFICE 9 GREAT Tl?.JAMES J. . Mcozausz, Fisq., ierch)ant DrnToasaaÀxcs, F*q, berchaut. GusoaaisMOPPAtnl Jr.., Merchant. ALEAI5DE5I Meultifhq, Adrocate. iledierl OJYIar-RPALIZU IlevAili, hq. &eritury- -JAMES czRAT. AGENTS t Whtby.-J. Il. PorY, M q Bovmaaiitle.-. Flubr, uno Bank Bank of . orolto. Mo m p.-AaeE.WlbMrca. f. - £ e I. s- T £ £ -ý,w00I0 pHY - eial.ts hi Xclh.fr BAR, ]HIJW& BAND IMON '~ .. Uau 1 o r u .foýr C..h. CA",, OPRINO ANI) BLISTER STEEL Alre wtûck o!, India. E i d aWinech Uni.,CauplciV, ou a Z.rmkee ED1OGE TO0OL.8 I HORSE]ROSIE, OUT PIRESSED NAILS!1 HALT & OILCIJAIN, TAL PIOCKET CULR0 GuMsand te Cle Shot Povd '4' le beee nu,.D~M~> W-&Vw&wa av-ÀM 1 1 1 1 il 1.1 il . 1 ýi 1 l' 1 ;,I. Il 1 1 1 - 1 1 TWENTIETH IMPORT. AT TU£

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