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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Nov 1859, p. 2

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Attf,,Tovn[ Ib~o'*é, a.rn 4VeyuO utI ide,~k, Brook . iereiý LMOdgeNo. , anId AYluns0#0W ais, at sprowle's llotqI,.Pon Wltitby. Sais.O fTatuenscewlstby Dlnlgo, No.1 0Li . (lood Teuplans, a04Gerdos l sJl M.ude0Y evlug. 1' Elp Cb.# srohC i ias tJohîn's, I1l09 Stro@t, sut! i ao, 4p.ru. (AIa-~ .mvnal of Byron anti Mary Su'.eta, il o'Iéîek, UYV. 1. T. EXINIL W.uleyau XWwuidt Churob, onseof Cm** sui! ar Sre., O'l xeo, . BiU., *utd s'e ot p.u. 1 J.RU ~~ P ,Cu.a, Msebauoe'I Eaptiot Chiurh, 98o'eloek P.us., erei sn- day. SET; IL LLOYD. Ceamty Faims Gsguwoo, Quar nTie Aiiotiozi Oak$. AlepIMeras usluel. DJe'rawedý anid'teg-m o,aeathe, do f the, pape,,..1Akuutfon orders reedtara4 ir-rangemmu smad . ot&," w- orny (e>Part(es proeuring tl&er 511.(ai thts hmie w Melire' &krS leso unde hproperhead, fie of sharge in a1ue Issuesoff <h. eJY aoïd Sem 1- Weekly ('hroz foie.1 New AdverLfienwts tfs Dsjr Boy Wantt-ilugh M'Brlim. Partuerahip Notice-Clark end Woot!wm& Watchtnaklngsend jeery-Ju John. Whitby Brdwery-Cfark and Woodward. To. lot-John A Donalds.on. To let-Fras, Jolonsston. ILsthenware-Jotrn lifoneny Robhery Caition-Thoii Euglimh. Stveoyet!.-eo, Andeman. Noie-ht Ank. L'onmiopolltan Adieston-Thos. Beall. Card-Jinlin Cordon. Lloyd'.' Hotel Jloooph RovbPottorn. New York tribun-Hueora. Oreely àk Co, Me0cleara Almuînac for 1Moo. JJIGOINS AND- MAYERHOFrEI. Whltby, FrlayKwember. 18, 1859. TO SUBSOCRIBER'.1 Tho terms for the $esniWeekly Wl be $2 bO in advaueo, or $3 60 àt the end! or the year. TIi. Week.ly Chlronide wiIl b. published i flSu r a u SÏTUEDÂTS, nt $1 ayer tIU inaJ~anee; willbo eb.rgod \#Ïko f<or naiug ta Couventiamal, .9 estanismter, a eoterporry of cal vhs, oua rouoea5 de Conventitoibas et Igobgobhhi4uiw ntaissais, us i borate asud uphur!eoua atiole, fiai' fe poisou Who desirobto rnai." ald Cioie/' hstos"agfeea dogaat,aMd absal eftisMown property, to bis ati.aJsy Re.1h$180so t.avse aermabç&eiuoe, sd thou te recelve a ark 'I moie1uMr place Lrobably dieu me" Bromsuo, à@lare' 194,usaks.aluionto,fthe atUsr-persoul or undên fie y-M*LÂugJiCe.a. laiseyIo fi e moutis.Th. sua elootàis St1 laffial hliseif. Upon *dii..tisa partyb"i Pover given hlm over speerkits u meua typai ntlo cail o us, Sa"e., Iva qusota F6, r.meliOnour origisal] ad a uuIuby oai gliuo,'in bkm u tisasis to gir. 44 e.àoctud of visa ' ilàe sedoue blho e psus a i igioent okiig asp'Os olble fit t sted ta lb. sbs8p, 0of rnitdl 0qed sua; fAI, VU gwqoptag1 oboul!rs1 utd &teudeuq agbalua. Zliial* «IV, on "ie. o.e.iOuO o sa1ie4 by #0W rapoile .yabol 0ofeM,luôg ofa R. T. mire. ' l-1Cab Is daslslne, est! s 5U05~" as pPhpb Te ailvkis i e iajlu# i- i. 551 ne , Tiser.mre but MY (airpu, î~penl ut!aastraaut Md fe how oh" vumaslit s.oui Wcx4er- fa~yo n icils oiv en Isuspa ~ b "Bor Im d<oe mILkbart NpoDi wi u utret! fo«Mn. NMo. Tise iohoig ,ut.s~ p~j Mu. oekhrt, h le beliavéd, v"1!'b 1 Perm"etvefat .. etCt oue. "o, badinuTowuto, bu md mayo yoe unee,, Tieil "1.1.," owever, h ot report b bae 46Munciuusullr use-a cl" ; nldi ite Captig XOodbors bis fnlgate idPire ply, lu-despaturt, Rad w14tbe, iueuof<d iatld eat-bas tise 'éJternnÂtom," a. auddasly dited, ht ltealjr tIsouit" fat £4,eouslrale dSioeatéui "booub.going delegatea" irouildbavaehuadded, from tpaeaotle But, .y dè«en4 *d~ bot h Ibo burs . ormth onotisobrsüntiu M ai pcirlyM 'Atueica l tutiosioýuW d..bave no jlad orao»Myfor thsg ,but mijoo4 Mn. 9smmrnea dn, wbat . sai ti"e .YODor 1e YODi mot, ss ume« mareu pa wau ie; wbataven "lCoUVetOU" ry do,'or deWà~tue#n#t Belleveume, iny hou at frieudi, wbmte#e .pealýto youril"reseon," iat botb oqueanau 4.tbtare coudtoaly reiguad. lui the uause ot coumosmm e dieMr goot!' ffieud, let uou iiud ouf buune land pelilapa va rnay get mouey st lut our. Se1vasi Mdut ist odiejw et wé'*for uo, There W a latin sentencea i o nih it meiglti in.gold, vhieb I shall hg lean. to tmnalst. for Your instçPction. It mil b. (bond irnatiutestiawork eahiad Lily'al Onaiflman.,It nuns thuos si"£Esin proe. sent pere4umforug' iat a, ready mocy maksa M p amm "Ct." Let us dieu laug St tW d eim Ooveujioa," and! suive to put mouey iu oùr purs.. Aibit Ira rnay then vie with tIsai.delegates-becouie déTown Conillons-form oua of a Com, mittee of tis hui ùt," eut nasMb.e p. pointet! (oh supreme honor) te tuspact tisa "Dreans" aif tisa viole nation. Compliment te 31r. T. N.ot!y. On Tnesdy. ovesinx lut, Mn. jracob Bra ftaOiteuio Hotel, gavo a coàn- pllueutary suppen on fie occasion of Mr, Moodys giviingup bis quartersait faeisolaI, misera b. ed residat! spvrdm 0< aighî, yeneu!attisg up houaeeapisg os his ovus L acpn.Initations mere -ouhy ex. teudadt! t.tisapersosal, frinds ofthe hout iuu-fl gust.M'ot ise'alock about hirty gentlemmena resanteal et the auppen iabe; uiogmi. t a ie' Worsisip fie1 Maâyor mWho fillet! the Chair, CapI. Bouve, ila ToMM 'BfeonWhooccupiathie Vice. Chair, Ciset4r Drapar, Faq, Daputy Beva off.- Tomu, kc., k. Aftar diaCmsIDSg the substantiels in i amunau'mis ich tfain aeeulln esadseredthefaimportant busses. of tii. evanissg cmect! iaqsu eut! f. usas!9loyal toasts WMn rpi 'aS~rpal irnst be'iabiastViceCbir as vas elm i toast of iUsa EBLLZJC fa velsmuproposait bo s ayor,ý pref&Wadby a fe ryappuopriat.eut!d (rs.t ie am e anIhosaü itiuas. Mood1,. 'Tie tou i spous iiti ea applaga., m' ca 'h Jute for n opsa minu" s tudeet! bo ls ther. tliaikwsouTomMod tl&1 tilMtsy, OU matemiait! *aï osh7 tribute padbmby t i& or of Whity. n "ooY 8 repli -wu deliverc4 inlu vory <9a'Iiç1 Ulm"ctueeeti'tise naîmeetin O<fie Tise FM ftketNoverbaI.et Aasbunm. Isae br#tW of.ot imp 766, endt!hfi bro-er ofpManoehita. îisete aPI Cou. Wbttby, ou ibe Sus sand eslebnatet! tia ayb a publie procealo.. Thoe versaPOrsn et! ty au excellent bond of magmie. fieà#@ *arnoou tise brain endt a number of Invitt! lgufle dinadt! te gote t Mn. 'Josephs lob[nauhouaI, Ashbtsrs, mIsera fley wvoeregatat mii sauan iutnepaI, s!andil tise 1-fizîns." Aevathe!,.comipauy edjonruet tes Traa Cbhl, viser anauéloquent mut! very 'appropnlat a at!tnesswuai deliner, et ly ise Ban..Mn. Sharp. ,TIhe eompsshy agl~ueffiblet!etBoReous llnbtheaveu. hig >ich vsopenut in gret ebarnony ent! brouherly Intercoume -ZSc tir %Voi-sv.-Onyeutardy isoru. hugabt on.eo'clock a fire braIte out ou fia prmof 1Mn. James Prngle et Pon t "Wistbý andt! otatty deatrnyet! is- ew fl-eus. sIor.e mta tise anie Contents, Dlo**, papem.notesaneut! ccoits,- ait wenedastrojyet!. Tise houseljoldt! fvttre ira fortuutty "yod by grea exertloum., Parttahly insurot luWestern Tiac urcn KnIR&.-Oving t. tise'non- cosspletiou oftiseiseting apparatua tisere vlll b. no, Service ai thé above nanset Churcis ou Sunay uoxt. Un the Sonntly '14li!iug tiseuo ylU (D>. V) b. Divine service througbout thse day. Borui.-A Sansof betwcp $30 sut! $40, mu stelon (rom Mn. Engliis'mho. tel 04 Epsom in tfis County ou Tumt!y uirht. Mn. English ertetma a t!emcuip- tion of tise robben iu our colurns, sut! mernustiepublic to b. on tfeir gpart!. Go to114fItgills eut! MyarhoifrWm &tf, tlouny store sud boy Ite .1x.tix ALEA. NAa for 1860 for 12j cents. Do' il tiI meaSisili Anntuel An." 11nsnaent eut! 'brtlliant off..-, in suotisen ofieas Appotsîuseatm. quabee, Nov. 12, 1859. His Exotm cxr sus Gongagonat«n. MAL bs heu phaiadttaMke tisbellov. ing appointissats, iz ; William Bchoqld, Yaàq., M. D., As- sociate COor' nUiit!,C ounies of York eut Peel. Clsale sle i (liideue, of' Kng- mIps', zsoqf rigreiLv to ueaeNota qy Public in, Upper Cannad. Wmllisi Valantine Dion, of Napaeo. Esq ,ube aNuar Public la Uppar Hl, Excelleuncy tise Goveruor (taseàa bhu als be esicemt luirontLie 0)aî John, lurtcis, of the Villageof Brocefli, Esq., I M.tXaend!Aftur Bichent! Boyle-, pi tiseTownmisip 0< «nufs, q.If D toeabie. iheusto patice Ilyi etMi! inar, s pper Ce". Woaoui? Escpg.We are llidbtet Mo, . i'M , si, f)othDss iria, for the foltovingecon -'. msrkalleeaaape. Davt! 0. Cornoîl, formsele of Beverhy, andt!nov liv i lute a teanu ofisomm eong thsa noad! isa lseavy AOIsudemst! Ailng aa toisof *-0o'!m, a jw.vif aulaaerpat a har1e irs t*11' ing unlesst wu a little polug of f<muSt tise fair dWsoiutltet! dupes.> W.I, di. ter- lbiè Convpobu boeu bld, and!itaram Wutç s00-far, pmise to es. neftmestya tkl5aimtbosmbah a-,etud pou fthe ;j= Maa dbssos., Like th e rai viWhe usaaiet! tmp tisa bill mith bis tau tiotis., msot sud'- cOlly jmarist! !wu ageIbh Ur,. Broui bu assemble4t! hlac. Jonts, bu airous 0of proflting, by auy realy goMt $igt tisatWight be b ofmlasmeu. blae of nabuut!red or ths el ilsof Up. Per Ca0841,804u, lu'a, eapectia fit setsig m oult! h. sit! wor4i of atten- dooj i" the tstroubla t tioe inougis ia oody mist,>but irrablle 414u2 ota ftig vas i e.tibat! saot ba it! a oïnsnhbettseet Tba-wholaaffartout Waak commpnimou, raaolva tfntlt a effort 10 aousolidtata the isBoya .patyt but doageiOr ipurpém Of preveutingauMio to wba tfermeusbars but! sait,; mdappui. eutl aucceedelustaviVg off asmetét vhicis moult! bava givnsa roug diiection to' tha!delieratto-sbut out of tbemit'emrgat one isouesi opinion, sudt fit wu, tht tisa costtuio wegoot!enough eud! conît! be monie! wlluoulsif Can"da mae ouiy bleet witla honorab.euadt! uiisul i'gers. 'AudMr.Eiiousbit to youfth"tise propositions iboujis Dot a sem ou, asoneu riiug*,fie amblage of 500" «rits te give it arnbo!iuseut of valu, iaoui perfet1 ly triset, lsud hava no lieitatiou in statiag iset sMy rus coniction, tisai if fie promeut lMishstry moult! allow âihaualesb lie buet as periaps diey bad, botter do, juit1 for faiu ndt!te ausoustrate mht I aun t$sg e à >u M. Georga ]Bidwi mdsthi millin pthfeCobvanior (toerai on tsebal eut! lugenaralli go on tisa ir y .oic ing; utICornesci idi n"us itbt I vomît! give YOD an inklng or thisafectapro âuducenluQneeaby dia Conventionteut! findt! i steet! of 'toiisg tht. 1Imbae cou- fluet!myseif lu fuse I'dit! not poue Thea ressosof tisabovener vil! sno doub heé aeitined, riz sdthit prodnucatlit4l iorseêaectet aIL. À ievbusy bdiesere on lise qui eriveaivaitiug tediayd!otknov w ibt-it right bcaan inat!inaurrectiou, 4- a bloo!y rdot, aforcibla t!ispersiont of'fia delegatas attse poisn.,0oftisa bayonct (via a capital thing tfis moult! hava beau ior dia Grits> or £a ouflegratlou of halfth ie Clty, aut! tsey mere nesties eut! mxions ýunlil tha sema camm tisaitise pioceedinsaWiedbeau o ten sut!iurtrum fiat Fomhr's hec. torm attractat! by fan the gréestest.auadience, I Wua sything eernso provoking?1 Whet I no tghtisg it diaHall I no iglsting ont. sid~l s. r.eiugpiakuihi or blicbes I no dispersion 0<police [s-nocalhinÉ oui of trop Pl otrilpulcectiothPII fie-ding must hava beýa miaorablo flzzhe. usomg tiseort!orly people Isere mho <e! wmoiinteneai iu,politice,,tise ll'ir vwaalsoi vataiset! vifsaitegre. of feeling emil it mu hiopettbaiuno unsue importan çe moult!begSi- vante it by iltirectat!zmal onthe part oftlii Mqorates, e hope mwiiolwmesmore tisan a lîze! I soaima bovever tba4tfane m tmre expectation that Mr. rowu, or'smre1 osefor bits, moult! propont! a plan ,for, sroo«lithfe dfiate iiknov existf on, luore propenly. mlsih are saidt t. eiet to,,tio bettitv orliug of tiseunion, eut! arn sura tht many vomît! have rejoicat!, i <roi tht fertile buelu-fertslomeies pmisb"ooatie udsicisle-aowselitisarto un- dismeret!;plan ýcalcalate t lupromte a,&" pgot!,dnatal4ngKlicmabots sections. of tIse Province.ledhub4 kd,,mt i,>. Tise expeotation mu doouiat! to dimappîgntrneu miim'-mn qn( ipdiebrt oe - t1s itay iiuonty to ovar-ïideandut islly, 'aisnty ,' Ie amssbpga tý' pr et!i m:opse tWbe s.gmet falsmol!i not 1i mede aucis casierif ocso s comm Paie wbé lm w c Imm'1sWUl fae isaket cs e ,Fou alo4fi or g1mau12J eeust;,* od ofpnodç124 ents. ýOtisratceso xedn 0 'Thisscàas tetIe <rieos <ait, d#,# idt on fa daya on -misicls fa Agniaultural aides lt!" irexhibitios péii th fe Mr. Bigahom d t 1 lcom vhaihar tisa sp o 30ib er discoverat!lu lu fassOum of 33 odd, ernout orper conta- Cossa!dtire"tedisiolt!b. pei is TW . Kyor ta reply atatet! tisai no u badb. 14peItsy ftheai k.e Mu.ruodltba! tumetet cosusîto pro soula f. CoÇorratin for dausage.o,,'Md tisatiIf Mr. Yauso!d,- vu som doing au, tiig mrqug, Ih mouldt!etal!ail, faeumore iainat imberaater, 11 riffIIL l'5niisILAT., Mn. igelov's by-'A&w astabtlsiingline uagulatiosWumacôsidonat!in custiai o tha misale. 1Tise comssitte,mrosereportet! puogresi, sut! obtainet! leave te ait agatu. TO ZBElaI5JAihisYufnrazSi f8,Dr.(tissu enqiet! iet tisa Lcaa i.. asequret b by.hair63 het!haeu pait! by t l dotricel exhibitorm ho lately ToMeyor statedt! tisaioeaplicatIon lsdtbeesumode to in, 'fo laetgive Àhiêparommece, st ft no iconu.fa. ~sn.sre ~ tar t. et lias thea tuty Of he chw cost"a"mu t! he faparties oîmiug tise bu4dings misherea uaisexhibi-' tion took -Placée, tpe stht e licoe bat!hâ beau olitainadithet " fisiinstanceand lrutet! tht HiÏ Worhtp womlt gin. is- struedtio lu a ChefCosstable lu ue o t tise malter. uomm r ormisig MLOUmisa Caplain Rom. gave, notice fiaihomolt! st the maxi Meeting, of tis a noti, Iro. t!nce e by-lam te ,appoint, an inspector ' meigisis sut!mesiures. .> Ou motion of Captain ove, tisaCOUD- cil" -isaàdjounta d!monday oveniog The Great Esmtema. Wa tth faolloviug . paragrp f ront tis lattai off. éTimu' Bepotrai tHoly. 44am, muiEtiug under tisa date Oct 21s Itbu esttat! repetitait mas wy*t b , cisifhaBoard of tise Direct. M7y thtw t m mnosýedtîtttha Ouest »Mitem ahomld beave Engl"ut for Anerlos on fa 211h intuI, ah that tisssut!tes abasgeaf estmaton (rom f ntt taa egSndap oens greai l9nflm ty0<pussoonf.he r off.directony. Va îlneda no Boss! neslon vu aven pesiet! tbat tise sisoutleauve ou tise 21fl. it mnerely isoped t! t msa oult! îs.ailé'te'IasVe dhiles ontbeMu'th e""e waigivenunp fior thp. ymnybu> cf aImes- soss-msmely' iil a i ops' sx*iyoi5t! rbllttmrscamne té lspec tisa slip diea sm a eexmially dealsu e4twlisesO& as s#la fi t tato crois 4a Atlantie In the fim e. e n, mdeal. Le fu*.tsh Ei rr Napeisua t. th inlg of *di11fa. omb Tii. Ti sof Oct. 29 costainet! Wl Mreme 1e ta~t y'fIupnrfh7u ansithtie v4 on tisa 20t is m, te fi. Kiuýg'oi ardiuia4 À !Mtôu tisa perect sttlenticity ofmwiekih fe Paria fi isén correspotdeai lbas snoiseitation ila gueusu. wichv e. teatug ' ,, h Monsieur mon prere-! *dltoi"Y tosieecs yourmaestM.iil rder;to uet forth to 'rniL , tisepresent situation of -âUrsto rernint! yom of lipeet d,ttea etlemits yôu te a A cors 0 hiolugls t. h follove or t'o tise DzAboL is rqisite th'a ly Mue!ailious aW atri! ailway 0o regrets, eundt! teexamine coar<lhy f. ran1 tance <noq stae ofafairs. t he.u., fia que s n ot i4hat sommiseuwerhbeve.t!ostweli orîhisM e ran.u;'TI ing peae st Villefrueaï,-bat rafle, W oli- 100 1b4. il tais from tise treaty rasults thom oit fanon. iot train abi for -faepacificatios of tlatfornthse 1s- PUY pubIs repse iEsnop. -char, sud1 Bofor. uenn on tIse discussion of tis r d uskiThe que.iot4, 'Iare1 pî- ust* eaionce more seloppoth i tu yrMjes y tise ubstcesirnich rent!or. vere th ie- et! evary definitive uaegotiation st! anary meo rna% t!falitiotresty mo Jifficult. . in -point of W< acfhm u atan t'cwen life, irae complications 1thu pesce. luà.sefoj', i lms two-i 0 'n posene 0 effort lot!i tiro fpaat sl r i prsn e ach sé othor-the etteck eu& IseodeOnce ;.in tfr csuti latter, >ou ýtise ontrary, to'tueit is Vo ne- concçilae i ultitudeofi steret.-ofleu or au Oppositec hracter. This t is ai actuave rajuIn" ehoent!at>fle suomant oifa h e . ulàteyocèn 1it vuueemsary fo conclDe s îresy ibai irnto eu' cisit!àsecure sèfinte best maenpossible bak astil ihe ýint!epeudenof Jtaly, misicla ahomld ~~~'u aatlat' Piat! edth!ie msisea of tisP te po 8, e, nte pulation, asut ihick shouidt! mi munt loy, seau tise ýCsuh1C ouinent: or tisa righis eof the' tavoriuia BoneseigialuIs onsEurope'ahauit2 est " ing iadulj 1 belteve !tisa thafi if 'thé _ ,Esapror Of lita brodei Atrtàaviisa t tcorne lt'frsakunden- house. .P standing mith me, mtis thevem of-bpng. , bace, a Il g ¶butt ths rimpo"¶p¶t eaqlýth aesm ae 1 ci0<mJ of 6ut&gôàusmmisbicWi ~rcéaturies bat! gelcîA dividodt! ihsç iwoenpire, moult! disppear, tse 1., eu1t! ht ' tho gesseration 0of Italy vomit!bu misoacrea1t effsott! y cusms cor!,e w iflout shaugisten 0 inrtiar bloodshct!. , for gii InDow stae a mt ara, ii MY on, the pool tisaea~M c oi o tht regenera. &~o, -là 1. lions0 - ,more#. 14aY> te ho comàpoaet!of sevoral ludepan. .it,',ý'ooi, dent states, unitet! bye afetterat bon. l,' ,. uP Bm,Wfth"ese S talea dopi e portion, peýji_ à lau nepresntatinesopten t a alutair..é eati i pliiucplaoftl"ia atolity; lu have lini oua fiag, but une1Sýâtam ofcustos and! ÀÂmm - Tise t!i>eU ing cuistre t. b. ai visicla ssomit!ho, compomet!of, represeata-ob& lI tires mat! by tise Bofeigms- frosiaiaiCO H hi~ iretbé iaCistbers, in orderth-a eT n tniisseisof Dtet, thse influence cf tihe regits amUies ,suape tet!of<j&,]eesisg "menis <et tamrds Aser5 soit! lie éàuistn.en 4 ud,- dC cet! by tfa elensent uaîgltisg <roui eleatios-Th. 4 i B, gating; ta the Moly Ffatisa fathe lisnorary -Presit!eucy of; tisa Ctx!et!ratiou wmm-ob)ýg fae religIons sentiment of CathotIcMEurépiei 1m moult! b. ,satiafied, tfa moral M'ounS-.of siiag, aM tisa pope vomit! b. fucrea#et fionuRh,. olag- TI I / - 1- ,.Amr. per

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