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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1859, p. 3

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»IOT-We teace visicis 6 ««Onrt inq c vo ild , o WM U Ëenrmtises tise roaglit la a verdict of mas. "IDAstswtvems.iswe, rang. mas wau tirty milesdîist )me nt tise Uie, Opta mpor.s, )if, Doetetve Gnovresp, of bla ýPasgy teo ur Jail yeterdayi or <shlow remàlussisre'unatif b. Lisr psocree bafh, anlie lar. tb. sisal s.frs.-Loudon Pi.. 1ejio. ié,iasto, on tise the iret ý'r*trn, us îliort suan. Vthrlà%« sear Wîî,tis's iisage,> viden Intention of upoettilit ilb., w.fgbîTlue'f etu - euîucia eonst njçvoit, <aula alOv', vj cheir P;rttsk the mont, *usulhalp., aIII o! the tracs. ltoc ,> w.ct, 'oun vomIteoissitluig nmissmiils., #riglne clver. lfeeling te<liasioglu, 0 mita, ansi ei I g liseS gdi mou rstsne of (tiea ocident. Itil s lu tlitIthe triin vue uputL uso ualng a dustructiosn o! louusîast essan thaL tise Greaies otern 'usapii'Inteussluiiag overy toe tIseporpoîrAtor oth lis. andI wutrust Usey vili; 1>.uce- Wiuu.-4aplan Jaimu, of Uje alli er. &M1o et ie momlagn o! Boton, atae4wba on fis lit* pafiage frou Culofwbon of Cp Ilom sfel!,Wadtise mlafonitnsa be,# lns tbyb>s large visai.1 'lb. wb&ie aImmis ise veael f'orard, îtavlng off about "vonftetore se om Uasfur au tise Wood e nd cud Ylug"awaY bots. boistai'.- Thse dsai.ge ' *ue-W" 00sot utoe Cams lis A fobi eïsk ver>badl>'. The o&pfala wue ubfge throw ovarboord about »Y. cilltos o thecaro t keep tis, slip troas sinkngpandbot'ýpmpuwere oouatntly, goi 'é'heoi p fibsU> neacised Hampton ROI ~ oui thse tS Iqât.-Ro.uton Jougn,! te l? Jr. .IL .Adiif, o; Norths »np. i rivo fur 1h. oil n c o r ua ye. uuun4abie eascepe. li>vid S., cocosli, formel Il of Bovurlyand now liiiln the townof Jwcnqét, . awudrivlag. a tetun of berms sIong the rond lu a henry Ptorm, ort-i wonpfiulng a ptuoowoo4a bhou swls w aknet aretrou (4116 Ing dlretiy on hlm. BEstes h o ud s 'Oe thie trou foeu on thie waggun, wilcb tanhsned A AtrâavCitte 4sud puaîp, ansash. Ing t ho vlio1,n atoîn, snd aauulugthe 1iorux to run MW87, But tise remarkall pr c o! te, aoI'>W tis ',îf.(hajork caubed tie wsson t.alont uddonlypeîta jtini nCoruwll hrward, and ronddlhg, fiieinulbl, for a sort imeo, On, rscoye. ring ho fotud tfa.if iiaZgbotween thse pigîe arsd ti.oaiuy unbroken whi, lie lucRiy epg,4 witq lhi'sumcre tthon a bied â4gbî, b. aff.ets o! which -conflaedl hlm to1lâ ubed hfor tWio woaklu A. more harbusdbgcapo w. baer oo srd o!' ln Eaal WMitby, on- Sai tôri Ls12th lut,, h1 lisq ;!o! >Lr. George U"oul' lu bobavai, on the 12tb, tise wfleo! Mn, Georte meaili o!f&DuIXter. On. t Ilth lait,by tise Bey. Mr. LOMi, Un. 'WhltxJÀN PTTDUOx, ýtg IIUs ELLItV Fimibots jof Lb. Town of wh.itby. 3Y tise B"y. Aird Aidnevs -, tho itik fat., ]Er. William Spencer, Lu )OU. Mary Ana Padtot.-Àit o!fitse Towabp o! WbilSy. At the résidence of ber fatisen, Mr. John Stlektand, ou 1:14.> ythe ilthIsat., 1 x ri, wlieo! M, Joi, U. luraottl 0 <4p~p Otutaegand Pigeh.-TWe ublimom a swii tb. bons Wranut-sud mâa fIndoent babits one pocailarly oaîb- Inuias t .bo tise. truo affecîfona <d$4by a sperabundan'e. o!sait dlet1 ja te uudàblpus vd privations o! a ses- pa I e, rirdy r.inoved by Bolic. Tiediailguring bloteis. id. lotpimpluot etc, "ln^ag(rom ëqpp«W aroirsionor ob.truetloss in *bp 4ee«ev orgns, tu ai.loiiedfatiy QWt~ ~ bIsvîsl u ud bWauti- Mo Èe It busno equa aia',mnsl g1sç@eompiduIon sadd nell.vlný usi, to 't'Wite> earry oit ail in vao~ ~ r. du Important ml in »h eksu tbe 9, F. un Uxbrfclgr, otcl"d lind U litaiieil for. fNdi, 1.«A 1.' gimo , 7 ». QUýtaWI4IIim . ', iînlandI niscier 5IltiY5tl'susand ils oelicnt orcier, It viii1 ho moid t9 sit'pssnisoss. os' viiih let lie al a4sadylusant. lir farie RaIi'u ,f'ohîxg lasa il 0>10 T OiN M')OK zy <,suî Prsé.aomtan,' ,f6l U aI1 ailàhpdu csb'Kviguwre islaîsdnsr- >* W, Xf.MUsahnt. sud 4wnto , isltby.t 1 d swii l -s. iolot Us Plru<nssu i,e"h,*etM.fouc'igc Wishty, ~( 411-'AîdtOI MUXRIE u'rt1 Ue,, CLARK oil?, U.s tiîrel gio auictii t lso cury ss tse iusu.uasust lis WitJl roewsy IIl. àW WAIt, Wst,,N"v, ltLh, Ion. G W hftby $Ob-wery 1 CQNTINUED IUMYASQOF VIE à ">K ailcelosn of tise ourtry saba.ýrlp. FLtn','ýtýthio po;iar Art attsl,(îu lnalto olu'hyemr,)ara Iba rsimlvod li tl lttssprallithtl tfs u>pren f uns yeur. Wioiswili ottie hlm <ta lit.-Thé baaut<f1Z1iet . %graeiuo" 2nd-4 OI)y qf th elu tlnh11 JlZtrg. ted Art Ajnua1, cm. pear. O-4 1/ro &asun Âdmiukns te us Gullerti, 649 rrlt*p ., Yorki. lis aditli ta <o li, uêvesisi hssared valuishie 'Wu kior Art 11!.' ý t u tw Slcilseri ase.. tdliîsl*o .onsps' sli 10elolePaltilgss, slp. turofi, titlis,oe. b>' tise bot Aluaud YorolgmyAsti-ta.i sorloit'is, eustitled s âhakenp.r. and bis Frluenda, lieor a eluracter t» glireusaquaiifd a tiota.. tdons. Nà wotk o! aqisi vlu. wa #ver bu f'qr, î.ioosi wlthtss r.el utoftiepeuplé aIsuiss a I rWe. 'flite uglavlng la o! a ver>'large mire :lpgpmlitd on lesVy plate papers',50 h'8 isse makict51a no* u prerb oruamosi t, ul- 1hie;,1 futi als o!fsîlisor th isIfbrun>', ;guulur, or Office. 1tce Pss ioest ta mir'pa'ut te outrv, by 1iîi 1 i ii e,,1belg pstclcd lu i a I iuolr, Igl il9 r t1 Soba work, delveroci flue of oisrpé, and ùtii. rtJnal one yens', fumytk»' u«Ui, - , - 8I'iSCiIPTIOKS wsfl se rée.lvo4 oitus avaiuhtog of Tîsesudat i'se iaI o! .nutry, 1M0, nt' wiuls lin, tise buoki. iilou.eaii Lb.h 1'roifficuniboienuÏi -aîssrltsérp# Il1 No punial r neeJ tea sicnlte culs.arf mt.iahsrblilp. 1 lliruonos uilg t forsm albs ýlll appui for Tise bostalisly llIa'rated Art Journal, glv. 4 l tiatusa, vll bu sent ou ros-cilao asufs,, istéu#nupsoreai 0 $48 oud wsEroaway, Nev -'et. WBnie,.sli-ln *Lo rm.aveu Si1 T108, 11'A t c ilse Drus Utim,) frW llttq 8TRAYZD (romtise pmem eof Lb. ato b#Lot 14e, 20,9,athe41 ad con. Witby, "bot tise SOI of AUgut wfour rnr Old 110rO, =uec,ýr lid io jo 1 aussi £ Aosural nce neeeb 81 Ana 'tS41'Ua#Mqu i ,iu lm !e7n 1mI07 The POLICIUa of! AasNÀCK .AW EPI. 71"~ or!the UUCIATIOM have be.Wpîfslutel'ï va1ulé by Ibob Mtisor, 'The, OÀ1euIatt<,ng wbic bAy, bon ma46 rofbesào ia1a f eco4pilse4 b>'011acinariua s mthe utoaf ePYa&tan caW1a4opte.t i bo 4le of qmq nu to upwxrçla415 wO OFF71029 G1A4 T 8. a14M25 DAvi TottnMicut, Bu4,Merehant, "Queus' MoVrAW Jr,. Euq., mercltà#ut. Al5gux jtita uux, Esq., Advocate Meodieal f ,1b4-R> *vý 4AD,2E4q M., D. Sear*tary.J AMES#-Ü.; Whltby.-J. H. Ha.,EMI Dais of orento. PM'LIipi-J.see ~W' ;,ercbih., 50 Barrels No, 1 iHerrings. 50ilaff b*rls 'Front, 50 Ilaif barrels Wbiie Fiab. WANTED Au quawtity of PORKt for which the H.ighetit CASH price wlU - be paid nt the Store@ of H*AMIILTQN & ROTJERTiS, *NOVEMBEE, e, tue. 'flGS . nnenceteblic rsuuxrossu friands andica<sseatia e- lu.now onsisaextenslv# Ibulis. of ÇAR 1 0&EG MAXK1 NG, ,n fi.poIe sreto!ore oceuplasi b>' Mr, N. L, yon- Mar'>'etret, betve.n Byron sud Brok Streta bovsr.iel prcpaed, u set!re ho ezueu Ilorson lIntruol t. ibâ cure. (JÂRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGISCtTTERS, C. OSÉI a rue"d sid sti*athe. Lowet vsmmeàtlug rles. ÀLL WORLK WRAT "b. e lOI' ousg experlesc.o! thint>' y.au' falnite pn 1 elpiMsssatorleof b. ottend an*Cnada bai gveis tilsat!ïxpolis1ls ' basaso Ls bslsosvi fuv bave bkoau; all*tg urrlv, at, sud f=u' i !deshgn5 ),eligeo ! l of îdursblty, #W Udi soidt>'0workimshf, lbis vou'k Sca!ustbe# zclleê. FOR slA L E, À. 8ý, ind ltobwt 0 -,is'baith no!thé crisitg ferma of aAe',(s'lswsit ~ Tom ui-Elther tbýlet Or foraieu be'kcsiwn by ippiinKf te G.ier DA, ïo orb . asWsLy JPom on'ivm the irioAD&Ifis, -Wvlihy., oï 15fM9 M1wi On@ 0110P ANDI DWJtLLING ounIlmz Ssniff, soutiof o! Pilrsl's i11te1. <Ifersol oisail Ballulngo a l vstoupart, Couu.r-, irmh mw, nt tise (;ourt Bouse, Ilise i.Townaut if W tby, i Tsicodsz isedTllrtcesstti of u<Do o1uA.». ISKUOO,âtd hWt , so et Tw.uveo'eiol~oo sî oufO vîsîls Wli Casasses, 1-Justieu d <t h. I aro ns uic'lo. andi govumu lîseusselve' aeodlngli'. l'or 0. Nuutrie. Shenuft'a tuile, Whiliby, Nov. 15511. 4 40j To Clorko of Division Courtsf, ALL entrlen ln Booksasnd Accunt& WiJl LLbc ln dollars and cent# trom L. th s oi Jussuari' next ln eompIfncea WiLls th proviiiionu of tisa conuoilWsted t. Cleeka abould keep tjilla in mind whSs orderlng a4 aeW supply o!foswn,, and othi#rwl. pre. pare tLlsoelveu for'tLb. comIng change. illtabie booka ad <omilcars ho prqcuraud at Lhe extabihbmet of 1lU1~&IAYEKUOFFER , BE ýBDS delivered a bs saey (Ir.enwood AiltkModa of keptW con»tanil, op band furr ale, v.ry 1ev for Cash. 1 1 i - QUAàRTERLY FAIR. fi IRE publie ti r nmlnded tlust <h. oei MQ4tryfio*il bu<III b. sdw b Village o liugg the ?1h bar ef »àeember, 1ue. J. 0. STERLING wiil W. am b.relofor,. nluitfs plneté in. Thraltfsg %gng-gahl1 ~f tIC, or -- -- t,2C1Y. The circulati on of ail the. other papersn,, the County of Ontario united. WEEKLY 0C11RONIeLE ONLY The Chroniole lu the, Papor to, 'IE C119APEST LIGUT 18 LOAL SEL #1 i2j OTS. A GALLON. -Ou- TUE OLZANEST MIORT 10, Bïuning Fluid ON IOLLAR A, GALLON AT e< ayoton, assit, to thse ouncl or tisa Township, t. Ivfilo tho oulfplit 'Word*, 'If Dot aircadi'#W icdvil1u4, or tu namoh, or alter ls, iuanner uij>acifid Iu) thé petIionany oxii; ~4dMiOisio Into WuVrd, ill uoi;)jf lonl,'wliin ne nouith t1sce $Aort, pass;a »Y.iaw -t. gltibeffct _Wthe potition, and <.41,l LUte 1yLw Tct ,tise petition, oamI alxo thlirse acnt uttculo of tbf. set, suAd shIsalideclase tlit thsa 13>'. law is paxiedia csuipiauîce wJtlstsa us>. esl o! Lte jettiou, âsid ' tilit Ilh, Dy.,liw' iai taise efféCton the finît day o!f oam'i ber ns, fer on@euaorthfrum tisedatof tise lirsI pibllcnîfun fa somo îaiwsjavcs. fn tse Co unt>', or Union, of Coualfos<ils whlîis tiîgTow-iblp 'liutud, or b>' prni<d isandbifhso.teil< f'aLIeoui twenty Pubiao 'Vhosiotem1 ti t fou s fl Juows IlTo tbe Municipai Councîl of tise Unst' edTownship f M andI lUma, lns Coun. "Tse Plfitf ion of tise lnluus'agned Bute. Payeisof tise saIidTownîisip, "That ft la ucpcdicnt ln tise opInion of yoitr pettionri, tu coîtirsu. lise esiLiijdivision o! flue ssi l ornifpi tno-Wrlot aIs#id dllsi'l pe.iu'ni' liseur 'ot folirflf'tbuo! hl rv1ja, vîotf o LIs--murlclpality Tisu Iut rons duos !ourfif th iCouuîdfl iii saisi MU., niclpality,ln pî,bta ound ftlîo tLéiseElor tisareo!, sud <bat lt laiincouî. putîble vi t h'monsy, nis ItL fcresssca, Ltie tumnbeu'of Townshi p DOffloi ,., &ot., ka, four petftfonm thèeoef arusaistly, but tnespoctfssly r.qe sL >ourMuial îiCoun- cil aforeuadt, Lu aiesBy'la1 bolilsing asis Wau'd, antivitstlble1agit pouf bic daIs>'. Ansi your'petltionm, ai la duty bouad, vîhI *fer pra>. leptombor 10, 1800. "MAWrIN KiILLY, "W., Ce MoM ULLPN, "EW$ARI i'rruNSi --JOHN HiINTH AndiOtiin. Be I Lisebore sited b>' tse iurslpail Cotinoil suthLb, lnlwd Townabfpss ut Mars ind Berina;; ad ILt fàhoreby oaed.by tîho sutsorîty o! tise a i acoîuplmrscawitb tse prayar o! tise arorcsaId poti tion, titiL fions sud alterLise fInît dasy of ' Dmtenber n'lx" afler on# uioath'<rous thesiteo!oftise flst publication of! this ffy-law, ita in ne< wsspiper pubuished ir lute C"Ilty fOn- taio, or b>' prlistcd !ssurdbills, in nt s a Issat twc-nîypublie- litcsi lutie alit Towsihliia tise iii d I tu isal tuesabi Isised, and L; .dlscontiisucd. D, 0,.VEIBFETT, Viaea ad Ramna, ll October, 1859. 41 Notioe*-... ieap Light., Cod al ansd Lampea a!redue.! Py,fm HE sbs- bhaî iasds rrÂngemeati t. a"Il Cool 011 etlon. ibllsr Lwcuty- Oeconta ,pen gallon, and bcat Coal 011 Iampi àa insirlanrodusctioh,.Taois lua a&l casesCus. GEORGE YULE, JTr. porcoufuia note otlîsuu, d# b Samuel. Long, lus <svor-oiTisousIasLng or, berer, for tiese aitaof #7000- duitesi lan ,afrcis, on emsbout the finut o! April, ISSo. t vaue t est ier lu ti4e. 1 bt y n o u-, i Whiisy, v. 8, SA mUe OO L89. *Ti. 1'scullarly adapud Io au f *e4t. clg.ff oîf411%Ii iJJ<tTUlt#4 sIN Id AoîuhLI laraa. W iUtm1O7 trfeil 14 yi<44111 Yardj tu, chenper titan Iritrm Yr4 3Linurt p'ut, up liï borrei,, or Ibre wt "Ch, Dalasa t"et IE ISILS bly f..r Prlvau or- Lon1 1111h, elthur fm- eorportteo, pu Ir, ~î~commerc'ial orob orl.t,2si,.or for dcitis;Aflb itil td I~îgf0 ~~ r1~'tof rperty (if ~~ fwlk4sùr~u pul fshed ii l f i ctî <ya (I4ltte tw glv~i!V'> M III$noti.»,S o! Lb applcsst In tise £lunaZc& Gazet;e And ui~çlu, s-11ouîw nowopapcr plitthbsbed i1 Lhis C0oui1ýy of1Vîsion rCountiex nffisctew àsidIig copicpa or (hoe t 4sdlit of auc' noticuci t.o ici Pvate 13i11 Office. Quebee, S.ALFRLED TOM)U, 00 Clite! Clark c,!Privato Bill11 Oicv, FÀRM FOR SAL T 11 moith.',,jf ni lot t;o. 2), itrok(n frontf PuicleAiisw(lit ,u i euri Cqmti co'a,, Aîîétitlo grt, 'trgoîto, ai tsI~on Baturday, Jauuary 7th, 1860 flot 2MI cth00otlttr 1 lseprévionuli' iveu't's',, Tiso lut lis #,¶. o, t ie d-a-litt'ifinileà iln JVnuly Iistioli, aii t.ie tire guo d srin bu4u, Iluge l*sous 1t. T ii.îculiurit and oouiltloD» may u .bad j Tiho M, or upun s pplicalIue tu GILEENE & HAWKINS, Taront9; Sert- , 1. 014 v , .the. usdermignod, bave contered ln;. 'ti nridipiîncptbê- nameasi, styl ~il)oovan 1Vltcy& Co,., for tL;-J purlsoe fl br irylnxon lie <urriage hua- nexis li'il litsbranchci;0o1 Lhepremilit',-é lscrotoforc <secupissul b> Ira TB, Carpentasi. Wr flrock St-eet, (nairly iopsite Lb. nos' Msrkct liduîs.) WityAugusat,22, 165P. z- 4 Mforrow, Mas'>',a t. tii. iste Jobis3 uram" enwcurt Lol the ko is'sb1 'H. GF~RRU 5TOHI~ w~pr»y,' ted Harasse, tissa Tili's Block, ftrock Strâet, 1

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