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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1859, p. 1

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D GANTIIzuý c iv. rus ~4l0910e, Whieby, aW. ~riùit~ O&~ers. Court., Qomfs Mo (Ioert Bfoue Smyy 521W 15071CB ATTRM COURT JoHNt HAN tpENgyp, 1 GITA& 0111Z09.ON BROOK T I'JAMCDNEL C LERK Ol TURI lAC. 0YCE-AT tII. court lion. JOuN V. HANf K IYTig.CUUX<TYWUUBT, AD sroftheîsurrote Court, bauos wwaqsumyýREOlBrook IrseT.Tls i W. O FAXTONJ. T IIARURB. IlIC AT U ORT I CoHrt HIEu, 1 Z111. FA1 i.rttBANKS, C LERKIST DI VIUINWCVT. 0MR10 JoHnGOBDONO INtIEOEùR or WEiSIITII&kEASUIkI for de u ml>' of outarlo,1 w. ne TRENAYNII;t 1) RiISEI N»COYSTY CHOWN lgl#uâ &IMLTRMATTORLNEYS AT LAW, J>SItitorg to thé. Cousty aon Ointro.- e st .couit liouoo-4uutii Wtug. hCa'. leHsdwore tore, stok strot W ltby B Ai<sTmer--LAW. U1C-EC B tre4t, Whisby, C. W.i "'"MNOTARY PUBLIC, .h. j> llcao~poslo ii.Itgltry ChicoBrook FmsLIII AN D mAlilINEiIl e znt loy 1h. contity oluusri4 eer Drcldooaouhdwm * ore, I SSUTT'5 IOEL', lEtot W. L1f*11<MSors., 0 fun,« pou ulo sad ung rE.~ing S«rat, uer ail. 1¶-4ii b uainotro.tt.h MI JON ILLIN(ue, £1. h.uory, Cont*ua.,0, 1',It7TYEGIS 1ARASTEI > nd MieCl ho Crousr MihosbuCoASltro <COJILL& * ANIIT< Wl~éLKATENI', 9> 1K IN G ST ZET, OSJIWA,î West. i -.~,u. i I.'-: COUD' iere~l 'thobsi i_ 13T JIATIONALHBOTIWï G. A. DANNIS'TEN. Du~daeStrsst, CHINICATA ÂLEX. THONPUON, h.., SCAREUEVIIOU, CIIANLES PATNE, APOTIONEEII, MAJIOBIaTBP, BEACh £LOO 5:47 of Quterio. Iii VI FAINUANU, Jr., GOUAT. AtJ SIVYAWU.UV a E 14' 8oWR, F. G. PERMU, 8uxExiIO UTRE OUNTT AoL Byo tros:, Whitby, 4 o laghtry Cn0 Ai11l", os srsuMd iialironre, a fair t!iaL Z .A.CARDN.1> sudMoi&Wres.deft4-(Crnre flotl, wdw, lfsrdiuir ataetioln giron to Chronio X. 9.-AÀdvlu o theirpoorovey moudsyra EAST WINVDSO O lUsE, W1ItBY wu,.0,444T, flOIIZIL TRsbov; IIut4leltusod l aplemoutsand VV60 bususIts Taiouv S»suor auto loy. JL W. WuDWAil£D, a o mison reibTot uds rpziiz lxmusic, eTUE Stlgluitrouàmot la prosred to or bis eoa. i BoeI'pl e s WBOOT AND 8110E ANER.0 ,gL lCMMILCAL BildigsBrock-et. NîJiWit,<.Work nusdito order ut àg"umstorisiund by exoisud work- muS. Aloo repsirin; doge wil ustuess snd BRUTHERFORD & IAIJNDEES, (LAIE J. stovUJ,) 52 AonD S iGITER I T tmrcone orYong4"ketto e1m ..T IAMRAH, LATE OrL TRI d"TOUING JL8TDON ~csuad," nésr ii.Roiai Lyaom ita 1.Uv ar tg Went, Tomen .Clloloe!»'r u cmchus.nt. is&Hi hours.l JOR1WNETCALF, léa Ç LIRK OFl'IE YIILDIVISION COURT, îyl opposite 1b4Èt#, i de Mr. vil FRANKLIN HOUsE. - LllD5AY, 0. W. -Y. K. rptpiIVE, lfo MIO d1W CIBT MAKIU, UQLTIMES, hO,, s StreU iOu Grrl.'s Bel, BvIréoma t#iWhltbY& 's ntiy douasud, iik" à( ljob r.srnof Flmature ast.n&dto. M a y r u i u a e ~ i e o d lors., à LAW MWf .PINLE 71EI Io hDoDZENLL AADABW ' . GEk TEI "ITl~Q~WOOD, W. B4W, Pe moP3Iar " UOTT SeOmmoda1on o svul.r._ 1 Goed h.oouudsaie-.Il 1 A.7 :su odtl .tisa tre ll thollâ M be.týEeorosu ic i, "&Pubi qsa Main op ti)e À ourîitotibl4h sn.ia u Ise merlau jCntnent ete M I -"M«UTtL ~~ S~udrpre o wmmédaloî st arm berg.. a dis. aboîs oie ul'asnase pis theofîli tZî proaumbl stbi. sud drlnksbje. iato. Iidc srery sttontlpdou pit.ér awfort sud1 onrs-niaeeeosd ei'ary ilsoruaionsand directioln 80 ta tise orroundiigfus l esl ,princigpal pîou JOIZANNA QIN GLoOBE HOTEL, BNOOXLIN. T1111 zundersiga.dhsving tk oe. J Liote aboya wehî known ;ond, viisvii bu coau sa t e rsy vitsti tle t"st pro pri ansd rqrerd for thse oomt(is aud Mouu aune ofîlis publié,,. Tisa propluturemurar-s lsy <indouas éeoryllîlug Mstud# emossé y io onter- tain tlsou ut tige (Globellotoi, sMd tu< hé vili bu esnl pe.tl gir. t"ss ais a ro- Vui U s hvs is vont. n.. u iso as beau thorongbly »speresi pelssted sud renoratei, sud Io ftted up a ev*y rf-î>'. C. DAWZI, Proprlaor. tond'Sla, b> Anaglon llonsaold 1'nrtnre, C Moroaadîzo sud otisar effeats, t a rfflooxse aununlssuu.10 T'?onla"uOuLro Min lu ,i o linark.pt 5bMr, kiur. "TieFi.ui AV40tem new y7en; te zroebn%,su dellaeey Inon . Aégr dlsn It*ed ap s. pus'teoly mb visli hnonsbut thselieut brandes aro-p.rut4d qd 19suIe 28 A RUXLLE & MCCOKEY. <Wltby, Ksraiptng7'YVILU INARIVINEGAR Il .Llwsbablti t fWl l a et ta fom the ho ut a a ctn iug<rîhPiiotu sais ta iI.ro»TOP sJ a tgrussyr.,n.j pis.TbÏTl'rud~li2ely iet vl. i -trusAil,',TGE.t F 20m 'S0 t rdTi*"HMN' M-Iors$sgsudEninîg Trin..,a lbv~br. MES BBAD. LIME »FOU AE xiNTNlyOIANDUNG'î m u#Of 'Ti WhitbY loup ud; dal Imo &r nd QeGoa" Desl.r l Dry 0oa rolC.hey çORNRBROOK OR COLBO1UÇî 8TI6 SEREETHOUEY N ILE ,~ Fa ea ibu b a t o 10an nonneo t. the lu- ioLlusi,la,ei"Treniton sud'tisa Trsvoillnig "aummnnlt'tt aS tiise f rst-tm lss lu ha ,us ted np hluasissw and eonrenlesst rnnnr A iai Oau. Table ieud ai t hi#a bi. Ahi ls~as' ket o fli. prenssex are cf the, choies 04g.rss. Moo, saZlively, <ta bloqe iooctyol c s11h . ie , ve prOns. J(;S EmAN, Proprkor renton, Ajr 8, 1059. -O W W'r Front street, Teinta. M OHARL.ESVALE & Co., B W to ifornitispublia that theybjuvri Llconustra ted iisextensive prunsiseot front Stireet ý(Irorn> ooplacl mthse Cbii Bnovery ili lie. Isnt comuplèe style for carry. legon Ttneu cf Ioan Fomnnin& mith'a worh an flit, brsnobas. Tisuy lîsrlte inspection of their nunumernPt- arn. or tirnsnental Iron Fenees, Nuloonles ABRCIITECTT1?2L iWORJi Of *vur> deseritn; Cooking, Fanlon aud BIox tea;Grstoa, Cren Montis, Csuldreus, SUgAs nisiltOîu>'cil e r10tsd Sollers ounssci leins --iss Country' order. pus:. ml'et10tee 10 Toatotend .2o 85, 40-tf -NOTICE. m ma bac hvlng cdaima sgaînst us, runtil prsest tbufr secunts Worpsy- Jul>' lot, 1858. 2-f NOW l THrtTyiHE, GEl' YUI LIICEXIIS AT J. A.clark', lot frira pitgre C"110er Fyen deslrç 4scorrect and lll'a-liko àmubro-' ItpCanleotipe, Lattergrsph, or eilr # ssfraraLikus as lu as Lket, BroseS or RIOS, (OrnJ, A. C. eau do it lu tiese Sat style, ands ut ohmrtnotice. WIL9INSCN'S BLOCS 85 lf~roek &Pm 4w7ib JJ.AVING pnreSs.od the. etlne etoak of il, Danisls k Cu, vils su s"ltion o> welltterT"Ivstbatvsemuuilraeuotlros.dl-- r(*4tentas Who msyiarorne vitlsa Cli, 1081FR ýHUcEINs k 0 Irooishi,NormborîOtb,,185. di<s A TTEND tD tsu uel, , L Sterlinee. slAI;ordm ureiatiig toueto cas.bts Iwo, Wlitby; Muisera.Hlninskaebu are dm,' suthqos4fd tocpl t'mn' y qa settl eà s 0 an.! t. enter luto snob other errngeueite ulalng10 >' uction blinînes. SAsth% ma consisI o,pur andsiUneoesary. 1I - s.s 1nd 1Alparotoftli.Country.: O..nJ:i54rU çèllIyan, . ,mit or sisî wsa nvurussan rQrocrte tise bos'y' A n i t Mas er lbc akeu i x eop t o . t lun « o s i Fo I tr am o nt P a r t O t t l s o b d y 5 5 , otlsar.pat b'y5 tprsvent conf.sslous;tises. mnzDZLLZKUAIOM4, w s supraatýin t uniu- Mio over 27 Yua,. To praunt trssud, s eorreot Ihkoessor the Doctur 10 Vu th~e wrapps.er«Chsa btt1e- asd é'Dr. Irud, CL>eibeugls & Coi, Bnftwao, 1R,>,', t'luws his tieuap,s. irssoi, sompitnyiug osais b-ttio. Nil. 1Li soi lfor si' Pur bule; 14, 2 fuir 76 oeilus..-Wlsls- biociniplo Butins. tÏisé sire Wured 10 tie publie, rai> lg on tiuir vrteg arcusissnts'.l us. r -JAS, H. GIEEIJ, - $01e0&gosit IVidy.j Wliltby, sept, 14, 16152. w ha - TROUAS liTERS LICENSED AUCnTIIIIEEU Foi IIE t FAUXER'S SALES 1lnrusa Counntry ii r$- of fi) thse boss atoigis. ales.t the Atjlis lîcq'm, every IAIrnno.t D isOo f liors#Ž, lnabones and $Pavin*, are treutecl villa p(erfect sueems. Adores., wiiun b>' Pont , - TIZUMAs ILFERS,, Anetuon Boms, W lltb ', a b ra r > 2 5h , 18 5 9 . W i T T ;tcr a oslr obg ta Infonushie Çi-<nsi>' taO tise upre"ito id<e cf the lame etrat-bàï, b lo e k f cr t %%'atl , " o p ,it 1 1.,li D o e l 's& MedW hd 1l,,M vW ra lie. le prpaiec to un. sd tu exeonta thse sauie vitS dlipateb sud tnpose Ail is f l aIttetin,&o., douesielhco*=rie Mixie.!pita ofaàl ind$ kisept isstly on Al vwork exeetas lu a tlsofatory mner. Wllis>,Jlily 21, 185$1. 26 III SI4MOl $00 WLL BE ITAKZ» TL bj théeUude.igsed, on, the. haut work doui 'ysà,Wcosn Plongb ',sand the or rïadytobak-lse WouiIlonh,, S>' (lre b ties,, vitîs fiieuusove .'nt tir iioi;-g tisi ,bot vorWagsçss nsîai> cr nmansu facoturer lu tIhe iiunby of Ontario. JOINSONIh AulIx, l'arng InplèuoîM suàt taes Town Lins. -W arror. pianos eldn4 o JIn'fer o01Pianos, ébs' o;s * oan.! gosmmsi vurisuiu W! tb 'sr oflAUciknchs. of ]Mn.aaIlsrnsne dosni1tdoblllLÀlfvorsmaufguuredi Sbl i lllhagsarnt.al cf tiaqnsl vonIo 1to aulnthe a.cgordn t< nsi sud ofherMolcrl<nti f ,#Pn>ue, manusfprtnr aer. 0 Olreb y mal drectqdP. <I WhbO 0 Seboo, ili iwie Pbottes, di>' ttudi . 2' pXI HE! Phfpboelofb«or*xlsuiïï bî - -- e n â » i d s rl e & .si a n « ou 'k o 1- 's :1 'r d y. b 7 i. I. a i. w Vhithy Jtilj u1,84 58, -284 "A, LA3GEStock of arsb esltn Nd, .iîCOPsS OjerlorFeur ,;r, c> aud Br.,wn pso E Iln a& pbo &cu L'9nipfl., Csaphun,,- AM s, 15' eQai, A sey fey, theTràguaeetsou ORS(PINE!) (OFI1YCE 1KQUI bsTanhsétiô;i of th Busi r.sm of Parue, roeiing in U' ~cmi ' ç~~~~~~~P oiqwo ,wn3*y<îs dàmu y h~Ar swuneta. iyofteuyets flsn eIrUof pamcu$p, Peto g Ob,1 'anomstheonobtaniuat teq on Lendu ïbusiiness di1ifgenqiy ttéudd to ts ec dent .Agnt4Wnhuttb. expenwaaând fin co~awuco f sjourue;> a uee Pàet Invention toiesput. AIl PrspaidcoSmunbcStonmf- sdd-rge t'o Bx 88,'Post oQfflee, tiubec , wl re celve niu*eista titon.' IL J. GIBBS Qnebec. Sept. 28, 1859.ý Whlah vaàs.the miet'bod for fortlfiation' à grave dIIîfàulm»ison1P .l~is opinion, That, sotluiug but atoie eoUhd 5.nse15edo 'l'wA#,,butter hy fer b tduténsi it vltb yak:- A, carrir boing b>', viser IsanbotS tises .- Sa- t7y ilatyou pIsse, thora ls nothlng 11kt WILLIAM MoBRIEN, Li.sl andi Qasteineu's Fnsleionabia Boot and' 51w. maker, T'he aboye a bsf or thse uitaven yearx tokai, tue tirot prize for Boots sud Si st tie Conn. t>' Silow. Nouebutt be best isuterfli sd'boet vork- nissnslljiPuisis Bp>on tiso piamfsau. 1,.Il§% O fritfnd» and new cu#totwers, vlh/ Se raudly tw tundesi, and -furulsbed'wl:b goosi sud cels work a n.sssLý Jirossklla, July4, 180,. Tua Tsracu-inow more,,tissueighlaen years olsid nisting oves- l'o HRundresi Thcuns ubticrzb, or couadant punchs. sers, Msèffu th bugb aver>' State ansiTer- ritar>' of our Union-willî-continue fin es. %oance vhst It haisban-tseecrnest cham- pin of Libersty, rogres,and oftvhteven wiii conduca te aurnational. growtis lu Viruje, I.sdiustr , Xnavledge, ansdiPro'w petiity. Tt 'silT continulé e b urge tise emancipitio n not ouI>'ôf thseBlack laborer froua cbafl.Iism andi légal impotence, but afthe Whitealikewie roin Lnn Monopol>', [ntampcrsnee, Ignorance, and th*l depen- dencu ou runftu Ilas-kets whicb paral>'zee ezmrion bv danyiug to Toil au>' adequate1 aud morelly certain rayard. *Belierinig- tisaItise cisief cl0f our 'lime le tise ius ordinste tiiultipllcatlo n and, dixproportion of' Non-Fruducens, l will conitInue to ver agulust visaluver tends ta degrade Magual Lsbor or deprire i I i lit an sd ful recompanoe. It viiiinflexibi>'comnns tise polia>' of vlnning bitiser fvom Europe tisa lUseful Avis, andi, whererer thoy ma>' be ueedad, tise Artisans sa elI, for visose prodsioaur country ienow runnîng rock- i..y iutade.î,viile Our laborers roan, lu fruiles quiet aofemployunent, Jeiving Iliair cisilsiren lu vwaut of breti, tircugb thse fàrmea; la too oflen compelled ta tell hi# erp t most luadequgto prices. lu short wirosbssing snt Filllbuotarlem sud eriyotier minffutstion of that uvil spiu-it tuh c e e 1 t rc usg b t h e. s p o lia tio n a f la tb ho truhyL uttaluad ouh7 tthrough'tis- duse deseipmeug sud, cullivation of our o Intemni resosrec, lil lhurgentlyadrccato Fuedo f îlb. Publia La<1nde, tha con.> uf otucf 4 lroild (a ieulal diguit>' or tise recompounsoof, Laboi ansud prouiote tise well-beinï.efMeuanindusi - lhs irarsui cozsfict" bt.e DarlusasudLligbe,Iues-t!s aod Pr,~.s tsafg -is momengod'itileoiugné,asu-Ç th gétorae trtWtoBumanît(y s d Rlgh't eign cortexpon. Peres$; 'EcýürtS Coule, jIor"g, 'Tiews vf Bocks, ery on 31 eë4liles" AAUJF5 'lUIzUrnnEa izeinpaper W Bicot 1the vahta (f the p'Ublifck-s elegrsic rsowc atone eoeting orer $15,00 peér acuis I'UE DÀILY !IÏIBUÉEiE lumeulaito sufliceiber st $6 pur anrnumn bfoudvsnco l$foraix monts, ThIe New-Ybrk SeeI-Weekly Tribune ispublioushud,eivery Tn»Àr end Fupscry, ilsd cotlel bEi ol ie Plil>', vfttboIi.Cttle, flore, ands- Ouneral Star- keto. rt-hfabi>' reported si-press!>'forJlIE- TRIBUNE; Foiuigu sudDOmeic Cor- reopondence ;snd during the. susions of Congrues Itýt ces asummoï)r>'of, Con- gre > sosl doings, witb the moiea insciisnt sipee... W. shah!, as"'Iseretofsirc, usais l'Hg, BËMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ý Liter. sry, ims we'l ai; a'olitfcul navaopu apensd ti. ront rani o an apr...9,1 T,40 Copies, one year, Fit. Copiasf, Oe ayer.. ...l 2 l'un ' a 66 cfd-e . * len Copies, or ovur, to addr*.eof cadi tvbmsiiber, $2,20 eacb,. An>' persan seuding usa club olftsrerty, -or'aven, u'ill ibc entitiesi ta ani'extra. cspy. For n-club of 111k>', wo *111 end thse Luily STribune ooeir. THE $EMIL.WEEKLY TRJBTKEls sent ta Clergymen nt $1 -per anitins. Tise New-Yorkt Weekly Tribune, a 1crg e uigbt-pegu piper for tihe cos'ntry ipubhlisbad ever> Saturda>', and contains 1 itoriaJs on thé, lnsporun±'topics cftisa tuomes, thse newe cf .tisa weck, inttrestiu corrt.spodancc (rom n nil rts or.tise worl tis Nc.Yok CIll, Ioi-and Produce 'Marksets, lnteres.ting unsi reiablu rïlitical, blecismuical sud .Agriciltuirnl artices kc.,' W. shahl, surin; tbf, yasur, s;hitherto, ccns;tantly labcs- to improva tisa quait>if of thse ins-tructive entirtssinnent affo)rdediby VIIE WEEKLY ITBUNE, wbici, wo inttrusi hah continua to bcatisaboit î Fomily Weekly Nawspnper ;'ublislied in tisa Wai'd We cousider theaCoulte Marist-Reparts alone ricly- wrah tb cattle rmiseri ycar's sunbuription prica. TERMS:- On. COF, o ne year...... .....$2 Tisas.joies, one ycar........ File Copies, oneoyet, ............ l'en Copies, one year .............. 2 l'yenty Copies, to one addrems.2_0 ân d an' finrer nuniber, $1 encis. Twent7 Copies, to addrem .f q/acA é#üT er>er..................... 4 snd ani lurger noimbar ut $1,20, each. Any persan sending usea club of Twenty, or more, yull bc entitied t b an extra cap>'. for a club of ffty, wa s4iii tend tise Semi- Weekly Tribune, aud loi- a club of one isuuidres tise Dail>' Tribune wiil besieni rtis. We continua te Pend Tuu WEgKLY Tsuinowx b Clergymnn c,-$1, Snswriptions me>' comnmence et ian> time. Terni# aiways cisi uinanc. Ali lutter, to hl'asddrasad to ILOHtlACE GIIE.LY & Co, i,uelsiip, N. iivs A., New YOrk, TUIE IINTEIRNAIIOWÂ.l MIOTEIL, JOHN LIKÇENS, PROJ'RIETOR. IN REURNNGSINCERE THANKS teNt; frluienoad tise public generelly, Wiso bave hitiserto go Iiisc-sily pgtranlzed hm s bis fermer stand, the sa ateru Hotel u 'tCil' begta say that lhe bai; luasos for . te O f Yesrs, thu comtnodious per- mises ituown astise INTERNATIONAL JIOTEIL, situated on tie saosi sido et tise St. Lsw-. rance Raie, awe Klig tsuid Front Streetoo, whure he la l asay lbe rend>' to sec bli ci.! riend. sudnisthépublie panerail. y.Belug lu tise bt-t busine>sjsnnl c'f tise Lýity.t vill bh. ounsi a cenven lentHlati 'or tise Jublic ln ganeral. ýý,Tisaexpeosa 1cn- 1d u ewiY fltting v# andi furufis. gIo e ious. thoulghouî l9e aormcus. TisABLE viii ealwaf Se supplfed rlth tise but tise uanket affrahs, esirl>' lu eacs ceason, asdd coruful asidaftentfve uer a&nts viii bs-starrosi>' ta yak upoushi l'he BAR tvillb. supplie.! writh 1he iselcept andsi huaI oeterv klnd cf Wigee éLqsôr and Cigas, oflcreignansi Dcmea. In trfe *111 W5f01,n îiiîia Ki wl vo

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