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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1859, p. 4

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and WRAY tonDllrs Md tu l Oaa k 1184 luMontrul or Toronto, Wliltby Msirih $rd, 1 *59. STÂTIONRS ]BOOKELLER AND, BRU-CK STREET, -WHI1TBy, 0. W. Book#edirs, Stationer, ifrchant, sud aIl Who deal ln tbesiove lino, yl fin on band s ansd well asaorted stock lit theii. EtsliohMcut the .nudcralgud, which tise> are oelliug et uuprocedonteiy 1»W Piue", ACCOUNT BOOKS8, Ledgers, journils, Day, Cah sd Bill Books, ruied <ci the DMevd ca rrency; UiAuk Books of ,iv«ry.dmsription made to order, rui.d to sny pattern, pia#«dsud bousud lu a sape ilormaunr. ýho@IBooka, Witing 105 toriala Siatea Peniso, tig es îVatcro, ke, lol s WIING PAPERS-Poat, Not,let- ter, Copyiug Foclmcp, Banik Post, Pott aud Bulf writing papor, aIl uizes aud eolora. WRAPPING PAPERS, home maurfa,- tured Mliila, Brown, Commecrcial, Elte- ph&Ît*, sud CGray wrapplng pepor-eli alzepaand weghts, ENYELOPJS-Laid, Bine, Buff, Color- e cd,$11ail izes, snd varloug qualitieu, i;otu 12 to No, 16, BILANK FOIIMS-Iu Chsuery.Qoecn's Deneb aui Comnou Pieu, Coanty auj Ourropte Courts, InsolYlfut Court- Divi- sioo couort, Coronwr', maglstr4uos,'Nota- riW, Clerk% of the Peau,, Clark. cfCocun. tiecTo*nua, VllageaudTfowuahip% D"ed, mosigg;a sud ail forma reiating to the corîvoyauco oM Ieal Eétate. M ÀWUO, SiJERIFYS', Bailigs1' sud <'custabies' Biiiko by the dozeu, Luudred# or thon- saud, t'rouito prie", INKSý,FLIJIDS, INKf3TAND$, &c. laTI. qaitr Dollar Pa.ket Couitailug 12 siseets fine ruied Letter iepor, 12 sheds Note, 12 golf.scliug W#t ter Envelopea, 12 mieugeliug Note Burve- Jopee; 0 Frsaerbuilion Peu, and loider, eue sheet of Blottiug Piper, sud ont Bot.- Uc eof Juk-all fer a Quarter Boier. TO PILINTERS. Altiundi of Potiua ePtrzn-Neo, Job sud cioWd-aold at ourket Pnicm, fer oaek. A it1l1 furtisen Redisctioa tinil kinda ofMatiuins for Cash. Tho 8E11-WEZKLY CIIRONICLE et, $2,50 os Yasr. W"Tlse WEEKLY CIIRONICLE, thea ceepat nesapap e aunda, at one Dollrsa ear. in adean,s. MIIOINS k MAYERlIÛFYER, Printer. and sJlatlanerg. Whltby, Jai>' 4, 1059 NIEW TATIONAtYI R'0aastei intse t ai le ef' «t aM-ew Stati~tar, wiahe Lael idu l 1"". «!Pis a"sud»,rne WilgP*9sersXeahsauWropiu, ma.,li£, ?apcr,&. àim,, Lewim. tlsayeacluar Mpsttern srnaudlr LAWYEIVs ]BLAWKS Gaas.meno a"Is, Coeshae, pChai. Mery «d Cosrn Mi l'tTeme. Mlues CnrS Disoais eri( alte ail hi Sale t ernie fna,. silm usu ain theis Townshtp of Whittym, BY . PPOILE. r ab« workIsow luin ., sud Novuis g utzIt Ile or mach lu*ev- est st the psaent day, sud fi written vltb great powier sud truîisfuineae.- Tt wyul b r te4,ongood piper, lu pamphlet tomn, C Bau<fluS & -kMAYERUOFFER, publig1wi& THURSDAV MO-RN iNG 1 11 EXAMINER tb rtiselfet in on papi-r ' li s é tarboro', taud LufltedI Coutio. g l ts Tona-Te ,dvertbwmv ey ierl TME PESTERBOROUGIf REVIEW FRID'AV MORNINO Aitrictleli.airm Ail ordue &"roa dt. the publisbcsa, vii bd pu"ctwsiy att.idpd to. -T IL 1H LIVERY TABLES FOR SALEOR TO LET, SITES.TOW LT,*o 10 OR SALE, ON mpoed Parus n taWiitby, 100 acr Oaes déi di maiposa50 Wil isdi yala mAr ors cirville, Eu. pbtras, Artemasia, LtisenCisan, Dorer, Iîuugarford. MillPri-vilege Iu Ihimpten Towuahbip of IParlitugt, ont of tise V0r7 L'Ut la LbeTosnslstp of Dar- TIrown Lot0 lu Bomnilts, Bnookin, lsmpt", Pont l'air>',#n su$MWsi Aise à few Town Lot s a the Town O For -e Loeu an mLoVCg Oe4 Mlsantoe sud otiscia dromasoftbuild- in mu baseross12 te 1U nsotba tb Oetoecr 17Y 1là9, 59 Ir Oslo Cheap, and on. Imm T REZ o0I11STJ.ilutbe Tosalup of g=coua o torie, vwa, provemdcrtf 20 acres on"amtiLot. Ver-Ikk afrlns pply te IL, J. mscden- 44W#jýBsre, or te D,>. oo surmS o . , .O 1 D. AvwUM OakdserIl, 1859, 5941... cmoststiug 4610 acres, 800 of wbicË art cleseed, irac font etfmpu, snd lu às it$l À- 000» BRIOX COTTAGE 1 with out-buildingsansd twê- dweilisig lions.for labo'ri. a la e orc1sad vud the cisoce*etrusit viain ~uprpdbc. éfrom $100 te $200 anuail>'. Tisa prdpersy la beautifoliy -situatod oni th isn vtis round, cone Mile usorth of0' the Ceuni'Tos,*, afodiLg eve«",fa&dot> o tlb sa ai r01lkiadi o! Produce adi! Gsi- dm~ YegetsbIes ttua being one Mrise buet Mlaritat Town& emot of thse Cii>' f Térooto - the, Grand Trtnnk Station dtstaffe t1pe Mlles, sîtis a fullret fak natas Wind*or Barboar. Tise abova propett w's-tIIbsoid oousy tins.orMpa>'ussut, Ifporticé ýwtah to pai- Trn:e iîix r kt' on forale, «D 6e sîon b G.fi. DA1TNELL ornby lotter to JOHN AL DONAIJDSON, Post.mitere Weiton. Poo$esuiorgiosz tiset i tApnil nez, Witîby, moi, 1501859. (18s-4sv4m 101 RSALE, Alo or pâle«otoIsecetciensd laisd pet .W. $##le M2,td(o.e ec or. mari>' owucd b' M. obum Tits. Islasidla undr nltrsloi, udlaexellent erder. It ivol W» soid t suit puaresee, or Witt b. It te-"tsy terant. bàr cms applt4.,l IMAZ. JOISTON. BallonlNov.11515ê, :uu flousas.4 dLot for mâlaelas th. Village of Grceaswdod. A rlui'n, sitnate lu tire cone ttot tire Vit- igu 01 (xreesssooo, lu ts Iw;llof J'ielser lusg, TIse ibous.e esifslsss £ 4spaniti t an thor io n mellet IUlîsou the preniso. Vortituse, s.,îssily te W. A,. Me(Abllossgi P. )L, Greieuwt-td, or to AMIN )ICCULLOUGBI 20-.nm. Tite îîrosr.ebo. Uxlpradgeo t' stem sud IPlaMer mIIIf07 hale. Appliimi Is o wumule tb il, L. RSrR or N. >IIiL!I,£i ht Whitby, Moreis 2, 559.71 TO lmT. , osuud dwcliiig et prexcbt oiu- ia cupi#d b>' G. À. lauuite, 01s n troa corper of Dmoussssd Byrou street, Wiltby. Possssson éÏn be bed on or afier tise 19t1s Bptetber. For psqueuIas appi>', if b> logter pre- paid te WlsItbp, Aug. 181h, 1859 44 TO BE 20OD-A AG2 in -utige Ceu rse f flaVMTi ons - AWppi f by ettenIpos Mt, Wliitby. Apnil letîs, 158. LlT o.9 ti u t#rdCoce.sou or Whigl Wisiq 4 ly to tIse liéo». H0C, WIsssss Lrynpioi, Ca. &wsL'Mx#,.YÀ'q", BeIfle, OrIo 1 alyl»,-1m, J.-V. HAM, Moe.ad Lot for 0910. antig" de lonstiyhesds' îcfe by 24f sa urwrhs*rlay clýoh Lsad4 4ITrige Ma>',«1t'O ut Ao aloteL;t.fi COMMODIsua"N! P yo lra PU« « d t lMrsp Bel0 pou SALE, A A nb1l Muj4 Fl siar sd e( a la .lxth bn f e.sary ýou-b1udg,.1,, sudaaapeàflorymp ae od watr enlse spt.Bd" wilo yl .fudvry< i.. bo- 0b"it 1 In ire y ILSALE CEEA?., A -XLPUV1LEGE AND ,TOWN LM1 tIe ea t.Wbnt A M. hi T.r O fÏlwgIntVUa ate Acres-f rIÀs;ateSgoc udcm Cn latMO lyeeupleâi UIoa la eutictre oftlie Townships, sud ail thse travei on Ilis Brook rond Pnosestlrough Lt. 'Termus viii W smode toensat purciisen.Ap- pitltob. tuade te TOWN lOTS F¶.U i tree t ofei 0<là k troeti, lauMt 'rowu of wbuit4 The. abe. Lot. aore met aIitily sitsustmtfor baluil tW~rposes-tbo arc euelosed auid sttnsted ilu t ipari of titie Toins, sud w#1ibu dt.poed of, on llberal ternis or à eardr d will b liven, tefrac <oa Appi>' tePo .KTR.OF,,Wht onto (ilrouilOic ce 0" Wblîhy TO ]LET. à LARGE TWO STOlBBICK ITOR W<oodu YFiantie luaon% AInsgtheoase, sai- talinsg altogetiser 10 nousami aü 0&asrge ollai nie ecellestt wtsIliofwaterwitb a puusp, And gol ancesar nt ouIbi,'ditgo, sud a good gardon- ais lot cositis. balf su us-e, ittatooun tise oruer of I)iiwasud Aàiiln" oo trcot la tosa Tuwn coi Wlslttsy, oniy afcw minutes walk (romi tilt depot. 'Allié anothen re7 Jsndoue Two Stor lift 11 , tihe aas alIt>'oosite thé e ri dce 0OfJouain ve-e audd mrsLh round tts. ssmea toom Weil oa wate sadmi cia ter rf o<t Vater vlîh a pusp Ilioets, tise front part 10 laid ont ver>' issnuisly sud éosa menlid sui dosra owedogug siînsbo sud evergress, WlîIeh mki,L i apur liloe a Il"ti î.aràd a .u'muse, tiosertartwotpdeis sud tour lsndeed 'busjlo lfe pbles, with .*8oui Û, ,,,qj o" 0.4 sd « T nissad tiilsut repoWdlli ft~di Z&Ià lo recus- osfft ue p iut Moelenetou For tsartielar. 51il Whlisy Mecif 159. Whbltj, C, W. TO LET. TUE &«# orand vellins lHOuMnowomcplc STONE STORE, lthe Townuof Wiitby. Posse.eosiglrconm ole liret o<Sepumrnta. "il h , J s i t . 1 Y J A M S ] 2 Valuable farm for Sale. Containing 50 Âcroo. About 20 acres eloppt4. Tise &boie F nis la ted lutil»entre Mf ais esSelest i sst-grosig toeaitjr, Msu a about ais miles.! flue Irportant Town oS TêtmIa soerta, Tnttleiul. À plitetistû e lensato JAS. M*4LLAWK Wil lu, AS IOAN, lai,BoknInt Ptiinsi~on. TROXAS HUSTON, -Aleof fr Sak, (leobep ue Swlm s Wbiely, jumqlc, 120 -s PUMqt XJMSUXMÂNOE COMPANY., W'-PMID P ÇAPITAL, $200OOM.M rdsutK adb mead ly u pis INUING mre.a.te Il. 9ud aoe 4m t-"rd tb O. L0 p 0 ra"k L D. es., aa he07rolw S b«1"08, TKTieNDJNG adsurer.tre nacctn',gor .Lquet.dt-,cnu. th. Co py'l'ros.. tus, ~~ icri tylh sd$Liat.r, Radu- t.g àeniln lt cnr4,laoi otite lrùe e mune. Coup&ur Le don, Eaglaads Th# BSeis, W ?« Peter Csnssîirss, Mus4 Thse lion. B. Ioùtiby. John Jaums lJwl Iane, .q. HIenry Ca 4M D, William Ite,' ougY*-q, .A P, .Xll. , K.q rêter xoLiq, "maneni lr.tor._ Agditao,-eIioy-n XO Messi. ille n lomn. hsp'-sla r. Wllllsuss, jLq. Bsar,Mem,sBiom lS"d Offloe-misonkSonIf, Toronto, T Ir,dss,.-C3shwaslWus M IL Pte,P.i. es-CosaWpUs &f». ,q PJ C. Of York snd reut JetSP IIankr#-Tie Bssik'of Moutreal. Molrr -_os~,(inudfci * kcrouibie Tif ei~iista ie Staseire laursu ema"y areguaroutecdb>' a reuponltsle ro.' AUImm torilib fl WIOTIIU lhn rreuse. toe Boars in ugsd Tbc~ ~ ~M "aie... i lmshnhsg boempr ebolsss, PoleioidUu. sre# gubsuesli> ALEXANDER STwAsT, JOUN AGNE WP Wblthy,Jau.5, 1M.9 VIM4 I NCUBPMATDandrsmuAet of tha Titra S 0sIo.!tise vench prortneislpalns niado ~ ~ ~ ]e detimluefo u-wii Bes., (y, anirdi, nd ia- i.' j *ons, CLsneisontsud O iuf- sen for deuVOe *r lfroteOffices ns0,ov JV5 muan.deeesad, ln h ÈzGIST4TIOZ OF LBTTEmS-The Lot Nqo. 7, la tisa ehssw. forBur tdou, Ma oUles 0Pu ot-Towul fBok aia sefelOMM.OiiOneschls ltter 151- nisp0Bnc qa" 'pime »'tup? unsb otÂmes"tc, Id, In tise Coui T#801u>' p l thse llted *Stte, (postage Tise ZisMueutl To suy pâla aGrea Brtan ad Irland(pct -Lots Boa, , ,# ggoemnab pr?#sloao) 7Sd , 1 etsStt, Te my lac JýtheBriU Clon orPo»iý-Lot 15, lnIte $rd suons, oost fia Ylsi!, ( psmgémst buprv. ot»&le. ln tse «411 tro,2 OUan ansontequd ai t oot u 8- il axe rats. sV011190.1 In 19 piset uudas' regalalisa aOfId.purlb,-Tobe orUbtg. at pneulhypotag saup.sud u»e>'Wbregiser NES o siaaedéopotm sdonr eelred on Sua nsBoie sud stuw iisttlerfo tIhe Unilee wiiLtby, ",Pt.2 SWOte .Casssdlssf ostge Osuaalft bupr*d sud doai j , ï w à-Ou dh nis al nf00 Uni ê7;ý ,*eCsàdisnuot g. wllibe SWN teuCtlecon déIILrr ________ AilîraicuNewPm lunel dinglisoms o Ori , i ue r s to Ce. < i l ied .>' o age t p C h. p S e or sspsiseusifi b rlîsl atlde r"lfueie ~siuussndnsqbe pstdby etiç* As.eot-mbeWfi slamp, i>dea fors iss t Asoia, ,u .I1 x- lia n OtserPlaobe>cnYm 2d esei. ustsetur d uso oFF I IU I4Wek dir, rus7 ma~d tû failr»Si t01 P, Id, Smsda, f oii"<sdn.n point ofS it 2Yn>' t ti l'cstage Ssasip.b, t Postarcismse#Dy bofothé voeu, BfJ, p > 5 bri~t he, wliisve ion tsegr mueetmiaatiola to Cdlrssss fOI.râjIuetl o n sud Si*MnuSe- tore-e liuisCity' z- O.Is.pk-se sss.sisujrof auleMswJsluee Mas.uf"esur- cdl tq lin. Z.E.J. Mugie.làsvisspu 1usd vue la ug. turtis, kIsewov nmonîa.Tiy aret <s-gex'. Passeru, sud equst. any 0< van s. 1eqauue. BROWM k& CIILDB. Montruent al.SdJai>'. lm. Wejsave anom y. J. Mage', ssgacie Ir- borlory for f ia pat tlisastelWIsa1, sud have nse iiad iti ignssins tisutise>' sret l OV07> Tmsjseeqonil lois. nssitappsovedAftwr- lms Ilsý1lie.,,-O i'-lt C l, s lsve "ecrri in ut C'te iILDS itit of AAM I. Moîrs, -l24, 1809 1 bave bs-en nsing lusi e . .mugite',orv si g <ssIi bae ow-f wisii , Ico r' id lu tise *M.1cb sud liere, but a»W«de uaauteêd 6v Mr. E£ J. ?Msgle tii. uia ausd lue -srk quai> l mi!&WItais grtut plaasune lu icoisienlsgdeuao the ZM sudemnrcd b>' E. I leisTh* reeum nsde ka cus.. DEN-S ~TIMTY filmnsin rte v Iar.elirvteaecq4lut hl*,suenoui, $TGOLD AN!>o STAN1EL TOIt;,Mlej sithunt pain. roeu pA" 01ttwety ycana i bis sns6sOMM, =u4endbtwasres-.Tld h ran Jj: s ise greseslo, 201ss. WU Oau mwamm ut tCPaCs 014De Oal »Und, Oerndot wbu85 t,-laim em', q, MAyor et Il. C j i.le.y and Dr1 DEiNleSTRY, DR. O. 0f JEROME9 lrnanune tww edon sButldnma ssii! heir« etateua. s-c>' am ts! oap b o5w ot pLjà rire Am.ura Ce 5W5duoe - ~1515flAla ate u0 7 'rté. n CHAR] NBLS0ON S IERIFF, W ffoue. JOHN CLEIUC OP T -JO' LqiK UP T! Y.gitrar of &I W. 1 H. J. * Q OLWT&J, Ed ~(for tise c(on. f W. a. gofflo iutise cc -GEORGE' AlSTF-A Soii-RN e oaIWn 1 $ilst cohp e (UACPiIsM* efsadr i mi<ns urtélot

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