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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1859, p. 4

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-07-- I ~SS GOODS, t, j~ A Whktby, rav, y!fil AD STATI ONER-S, BOOIC$ELLERS AiND I3RQCK STlttETl WHITBYt,O. W. BO&ikselrs Statimer, Jircheant4 and ilwio doi n thée*Wble>, uitl finit on liaud s large sud trai aaaortcd Stock at tbheaPtablishmont cf 1h.udcriped,, wiiicb thay'are seul;>; et uuprocod.unedjy 1»W Pitices ACCOUKT BOOKS, Led ger, Jouru ais, Day, Cashand 1011 Books, rulo for the no e,'dmal currency; lJak lBooks. of svsry description madé to crdcr, rut .4 te any pîîabsru, poSed sud bound lu a supe, rior 1u5;>Je?. Scisool Boots, Writiu¶smi. toteis, 01t«, Poniso, Siiuis'Wx, Wa Cr , C, WRtTINQ PAPEiIS-Post, Note, LUt- t«, Copyiug Footscsî;< Rais Poot, Pott sud IBug! ws'tiug paper,'&H i a nsd IWRAPPINo PÂPEI1$, homo. mau"ie tured M"filla, Brown, Commercial, Etc- pliant, aud (Ire>' rappin; papmr-àll sises sud woilhs, eueqYrmro'al le~, ua~AuJ5' Low-T One 10p ed 41 aI sze,-'sud varlons qulilties, pieocne >er....$ frein O 2 to No, IovTe0Copies, .yer..A 112 IANK FOiMS-In Cacruo' o .o>crre 2 Beuch sud Ccm;ou 'l sVotnt>' an4re d m 10 ,ucâte Courts, Iu.ots-ous Court,1 Dlvi. anCpaorveS'd4ssa!a4 slien court, LCorAners', Maâgitrtu,, Noe. asriber, $2,20 each. ries' Clorks cf thse Peff, Clark» of Coun. An>' peraion sonding usa club f tirant>', tiesI'ouu,Villages sud Tcwuisplpa'Deed, o '5 tt b. anftcle su sasextracm,> Morigisgc I andi ait (crins reltfng 10 tise Foralbuoone vnr Wtt. Mdth D convoyanco ci1i4-al Eotato.Tiue n er $SIEIlIjFS', I;iliiffi' and ('cutbi' TheNwY« eky TN i ent ilsunkoby hue itio.n, Lundretior toatis i.NwYv sesyTIu y ou- atfo larg e cighit-pose paper for thi, coeur>',1 sa;sd, ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 atpucotpres lisbtshd aer>' lturds>', and coctaina IKKS, n.un>s, INKS'rANDS, &CIEditorlg sou -lb. -important 1tiiee of-lte W"Thu Quatter Dollar Paeloet, tUlstbe usus of tb. wreets, àItr t correspedence.frosu alparto of lt.evorid Contalin; 12 soots tu fillenued Letter the Mev-YYM Cltti,Omo, sui roduce Puier, 12 satst Note, 12 oif.sealug LUt.. Mrkets, lnterasblng snd re1alePolîisi, ter invelcpa, 2 olf-esliug Noto Enve.- eehaniansd Aàut und rtcesS. )ope## (ifralier iuttion l'eus sud lolder, t&C. one oet cf lioting Palier, sud ont Bot. W. ahal, durlnt Ibis >'esr, si blbbertc, tic et Jsk -al fou-a Quarier .Dollar. contl>'labor te Improve thé qulit>'oM - TO PR INTERS.-» te Insrucive entertainen afire by TIUE WEEKLY TRIBUSE, nhhiei, w. Ahi kinids cf Pîsmrrîuso Pàpt#-Nows, luteud #hlall continue teb.bbbhe but Famnil> Job sud eoiord-moid at maiket pricos, W$eekly Nalnpapar pubtllicd l th World illi 14 /. .cousiiduer .catt, Mîfriset pot Atone richl>' vorte catl ilfl ersy.r's A stitî (srtler Ibeductlou lu aIl kindi pio ru. of Pinintu;for Cash.,TRMS Oua Ccp' io cr......2 The SEMWEKlLY CiliRONICLE st Tisrce o pl"es01n.laerfu....... th 2.0aYear. Pire Copies, One year ......... d hoT ,WEEKLY CIJUONICLE;' 'the Ten Copies, on, esr.....12 sîtapoi optper In canada, lat Oua Tuent>' Copia, Cco n: cdreue .20 às volarsYosr. fin adrance. aud au>' i rger numbcr, $1 caeh. III(INS MAYRHOFER, Tweutv Copies, Cc addra o «M4lstub. M lI(UiS&MARHFFR denî5cr .................1.1..4In 1>rinter# and B&aUoser. san >' ylargcr number at $1,20 oscis , i Whltb,- July 4, 85t j Any poron seding usa club 0< Tuent>', nu or mure, ulîl b. ontlaldto an etra ccp>'. TM e NOW York Trib=n, Forsa club of fifit e vîli moud bhe Sent. - Weakiy Tribune,,.sud for a club of onesel huudred tise Dafi>' Tribune vil! b. mcnl nu Tua Tuîseurn-uc more titan elghîeen gratis. We cntinue t. sent!Tuas IYSKLy do ea anodsd having over Tiro Biudred Titinvur to Clergymen for $1, or i'usadsbcnibors, or con#tat punchs. Suboeripîlons sua>'commence tap su>'Il ai dIiuied through ever>' Sta andsu dee.Ternis airs>'. cah li advànee. Ahi b itory of cur Union-uilli continue lua- btate o addrasd t10--fui sence uhat i bau beau-tiseuarnoat chasu. 110-UACE G(IELLY & t., Tribus>. Bulding. thi pion o! Llberty, trgresa, sud o<wbstcver Nassun Mt., Net YodsI.pl w111 conduce 10 our national grovth lu 'c-i Virtuei ludumîr>', Kuomiedge, sudpg's.a-TJIE 1NTEILAlIoNAL 5UOIO L, p petit>', lb vil! continue 10 urge tise Cai? f ---- a trPruo wuscu sla acquirea ,by brlbing mes. sol anssd ci.rks ipublie .1cm to 9O as t5h. pr.matara, juw~loatio0o tfflaeu or Otber oflkuajdocumnente, We priSé accrac y o1 stateraenqut.u igbîy ASomtie, but endsfoy Dot 10 't1Ja erwbuIOe aeuung ýthe Wob"erit jeTl aTaTisuus willi b. wbatlb bs b.,, wll ee1h4ilconstundy study t mluro.itu eey fuure and laboua, and thmose cru 1utue =Ê 01W ebaracbrized by equi e«astn.seud miedulty W. met^m Who bblieve tb, pecra i iuueuca cf- our ournal te bU alutary te aid us lU cuding bat indlu; e.co througb ainc««a».of our auhsorip. The. New Yok lsIly Tvhbume lofieon a lage Imperiai shoot, snd publshei evey omtnsg sud evauluç (Sua. dAYS exceptc), It coutains Xdîtonslaon ti. toplca of the. tima., auployiugs lara corps ofbise buit news7aper irites cf tlo î1ty; Domeetio and oiagn Correapon. dec ,Procoedlngsor u ; Rqsor«te - Mtio orses, aud Produco Markets; Rcvielvscf Bocks;9 Llterary Iutchlgcçnce; Pa ersoss Mochaulcs and the Arts, ke, "-. Weqstrfve te niaie TU1E TRIBUNE àisewq'aper te meet the. want. cf tise publie--iLçT. egraphlc noire alono costins ove? *15,000pet aunumi TE9318 I TUIE DAILY TRIBUNE fis mailed te subucrbcrs At $0 per nnuni, ln ads.vînu 03 fo sx iontha. c The. New-,Yrk Mml.Weekly Tribaue la pubflshot! very TVUDA sund jsIamy, snd contaius ail theEcitorlasofthie Da.ll7 wlsh the Catie, Moms, sud (louerai Mar- keoa rclilAy report.dexpreey for TRE TRIBUNE; Forai;;> snd Dosheutic Cor- rsspndoe; snd duulng the sessions cf Congros# lb contalus sasumssary ofCon. gresslonsi dolugs, wlth lb. more Important peecle. Wu almi&A beretofore. mats. THE 8011-WEKU RIBUE aLiter- a ma eil yfw.îiu wapapor, i wo Arc doterminea tust $lb 1.1romain the front rsnk of1 lsy-papors ,ne lui - I éancipation net ouI>- of lb. Btaeklabora froms ehiattellsm sud legah Impotence, but oS the White llkatiso fromLIand Monopoîy, Intosuperance, Ignorance, sud tisatdepen. dence on remote Markets uhîcit paralyme axation bv daynlu;te Ti an>' adequate sud nMIcrIl>Certain ieuard, Biouéing tIsat tishe ! ea «lcf oui î atmein el- ordinate multiplcation sud disproportion of Nou.Producers, lb viii continue 10 mar &pilnoîter tetnds te ade Manual lâber or déprive lbo tàc m utat ud full rcpea.It uittllexl «bly conmeau! lb.O pôie ;f vinning htherfreinEurope te. Us.falArIa,,ant!, mierever lb.y nia> b treded, th. Misonaus a. eil, or wlie. produts otrcountry insuovrunningrocks: imy, tdbtvbile our laboronani i n euu'b'or eiplynt, lavint their aidren lu msut of braci, hrsmgh the boMur 10tOw Ofteu coniele t.s»Iilml lmA orstc a nqaer.. se- Uiug~slet i iuneer nd n y a mnfstation oltbàb evitaspirit uliefoi tbrough, lb. spolitifon cf ctlse*Ceutnuie.tiat agà?5#dÀumtlcb ito ue trulysattooloe4 i1t log~ts - AS ARET&UARE, ToBONvO, -JOhN LIKENS, I'ROPItIETOR. iN RTiURINGSINCERE TII'ANES ooM rJnand !the -pub lic gentesly, Who have hîitorI e cibraiy patrontej hlm nt isaformer stand,;te £Ait4rnllotel lu lhis ityCI>, b.ptomsa>' thaIhb eaw s fora AternisOfMYcas, lis e ofnodloua per, mises kuiovu as tae - NTERNATIONAL MTL sibuated 01-oiste EBut$ideaiettheusSt. ,mm- rance liariso t, Iscut ng 1;;and Front Streti, uhiene bhovi i vys hb. ad> 10 "aa bis cid fileude andtheltpublic goneral. ly. ion tlueb.bust busluew j*prto i ii. Cl>ity i ii be Icund s conveuîesib Miotet for tia public ln sogeti .The.expoua. Incurri ln nemI>' lillu; up sud fuinlas. ngtehouse tbiuumbnnt la otoramej , ToTABLE uilfrv>'sbhspuile irith ths bout tihe isirket affodi efr1y in escosentnsd carefut sud attentivs ey. vranie VIII b. -ser remdjr te Irait uponbi Tke BAR ILS b. ahosipliot!'witb the. chierstasd beut Of! c icr> th«4cWinuo, Liquorsusdr Cigsus, of loré4nad om«. IkmfeS achtures. The STABLES are large sud aary andl are underltii. upeulitend.sai oo 0iglng calese, 't l. 175eyard atteadtt b pimssvi . o fcund tuahe bm ..5...i. Md muabtes. lu not TIo.und.ragnm.boy# ived 4lu eonaw oute *rbbeh#pust tiwmogu mo01 éftleMbluiw uatmtured byEY.. .Isfl>ud tbe.>'donc Jo]>' 26' laSlu 1«ae ast e. . aiv Dw Mdachne fionr te put th 'a g Wh"ud âbc Fstery,eb tomofndhsbejia b. a CIm 1.taerimt-isgd M41r#U. M ropr"td: thn . LINTON. - J DAVID PELLtIEL The 0ubudrber bai j ued lb. Uwlng Ma- C w f U ,B JoI . witb t ,,m oue.thé . ug ,are w.n munti" "thework doo ly t an d sw haffltesto nhlu #lkathau Montx..!, naod à SON, un ta h uly 1Ion. Dar Sir,-TW .mbhuwbicls 1 bonght tro = 0 two mnsobu ivailentir.mut- . 1 ml&, it n exe utarticle,,Mid 1 beleet t Wv»isnUlg boter un >b. procurod. Z. O'BEIEN. All Kbfolu..purçlZs.êd rom the sub»dWbe vii 14 koptin good TuDingordo? for twolva noulu., provld.d thy are ifot damqaod by se- cdmnu or "dm» J . lNAGLZ. X. IL-Iludcm, Ibaule ansud o.con antly on- boud, Yâctoy over BAIET-à GILEEETS Montrai.m (e i 7,189. 89w-0wl DEN'xTRY!DEN iSTiT loJ.LJon'. soCra. ea «tlak D ET7RJIs i. aiine.re b4i)t aothe eltlze ItWhlîly sud valnît>, for tise ver>' lii, porleetndat to film 1ln Ill# profiogalcu. lit p ko aa exte 10 acquait 1>1. numare, tacd iiiarrssspmeut. rb#/muct re ori Ma ,profession, ln bcth#on of W iibyw 'ratis, inosult! on (Md PlatinaCool IW00LD AND STANIEL POIL,..j sud tits Doetor Joli.'eMWcInvention lhe no eoroslsre pnrienmt-qnadto goid, Ut nesi eoxsly, Tedt ,trae by l>'tii. uauIhproac tighut pain. A p n s t ent>'yesmne busprosc esi.tJas. r. Jouf es gurnte# toIla patien AI Ost profssaoni shii t!dexprtmne. a alemioss1101ehtowartdo sllenisitlug buissn slorlà ln tise trestsuent Mt lf.eJ ou otf thse TestS ffiua. Md!bêlai uee-ls-doloraug &k Dr. f JOuepersslcus ave almayo bee n "se lez ACtaIte tilt!Dental tandoveu .lc, Eiao'.DytOO&stor.. Cl N on -, m *f.. t 0mlr ab 188 DENTISTRY. DR, . 0 OJEROME, surgeons Destat, [N:atimluç tbsnhsteois e ou s cafrindo an h ulc-gauarslly fur liscîr Ilbeni Latronage aines lie eun.need prodetîalns Iisi Town, wbald boe.taise ommaion te jsuIe 1 aal thofto a re eriri;ertilfoal Tuatli, hast lit bax noirobs a bine fur warking tisa volemulowl rubbar, upon trisSais itl na.t e k nlsud stylas os Teotli, Weuca.Lo csceba n dW ons4/ors I mt'id taproeÃ"a=" Dr, . C. .Jus i vl gaaute 0 tu lb. test dilcuit ca iseth lb. goateat prisioi ln aSl fusIlacmas, parils coau hava IlloCk Teetb rîti solid <Inus, i ln l, ln eVer7 respect ursupaslor te Myotscr in>! Mfvork kiucwn' Aput ille. tffrongliontlbeUntie ~,ndpsIn- W i* halo g muai lîgisteand ofa non-eorv ature, sud 15 lf, afler a tust cftitr. ess, semait hlulbr sud ume proe.rbîe titan goit! >r nrothor staie plate, 1 j Jxssulnd wls.b ltto baborni nna sat, hie u reat>' radsd t tirimaswhleh urotofore wmoethe standard. 1. toni!lacJo etba clate h iehl bebahaqu ccstautly Mngn he alma M u msatarlatfor sevaral sucush sat, Jui;>;wbleh ttlie lbisput up aigragit ubeof massud lu mai lasttinmeadu hat deatialuaio'msa beau mauftt! b> lteé oit, 8lîver sud Platin Plates »Ut op Ain the Lstesst gles, COleP là« n uaua,anMd WarrantMj Ail Surgies!operstao f u.Teeth or GUM, killfuly brmued. W'uTeets eztrscto Zn b iusI of a aclrlety. Paicuoi 'ou'. Treath.i Cii csuulta"iosl¾. .411 <ork lWairaned Le5. COUMdi ut«amineuapceiumo ofîlul. mo effreboetlln 7caIath hnaertet! elsamisra. BIocipî#, ovi ous AVE YOtJR MONEY 2II iubm, rbM tereturu nssnsr WnIe', f«othliselbéal arngebse Ou:s astvolnon' apu alàautomk fm*5 l*l UIU8 dllau inuaeaae àiuhl" Of 11 be Pd ,CLOTfH-S &STAPLES. comlisn *ei very latt NOVETjIE8 of tdm UEAOM LaIe!y purcbasd by o te dmlb fn bo bu vli bbth Theyconfidently solicit au sud itnspction, as lnducesuente viii bu el tard bothas to choicesud pie.whieh cauncbe b.surpmssd b> any bous. lu the br&,Ad n extenile asorbm.nt cf CRIOCKERY PEU MTAILER 6"INDIAN,10 1Oshaus, Oct5 22, 1859, rFail & Winter Importations Wh wili be found toe eculât of bhe neirout sud moit fasioable styles lu CHEAP FOR Silk Dresse, Mandles, LongI-folled Shawls frtom $4, W igouy Mv AaBci French Merinoes,, Schunil e Scarfs, IG Priem, niuucis cr on Iis Robe and Flounced Dress es,&., Ladies' Purs and Pur Caps, Wiltby, lb. 9. 1859, SJuzwly, Blankets, Fadorys, Carpeti, Bufalo Robes, &c., Broadeoth,, Uavers, Dmoesu, Tweeds, Cevoits, Vesing, READY MADE -CLOTH-ING.Schol J A large stock boi;>; mado up ou the picmlsc,-tlic fit and vorkmausbip con b. dcpondcd ou. menis and Boys' Top sud B3ody Cents, l'antis ad Vesto in evor>' style aud AT qualiby. Geniom 'oClothing Rade up to Order on the. Latout Style. PUBLISIIE RS' A FRE.IU STOCK OF GROCERIES JIJST RECEIVED)! AT M Inteadig Furchncrs ulil do well to eal beforo purélîassing elmuhere, as groat Induoenenb. wiIl be given for CaMIh.- TAK=E NOTIOIN .YB.-Tke kigheel Prime wÃŽll be paidfor FUR0 ofI)fink, Fox, .Jfuskeat and (Joon. nitOCx STREI 36-w.2a oc, JUST OPEN CANTON T. CO)IPANY'S Net Stc r w- igt~aM arlt s THE Ompa, rridrtieiRcstono theo p mo t offgoth o r e ýtise publie sonisof tise moattliplaudid CropcfTests aven soIt l ',Cnua;and i tPrim..for Caoila tilt1 Ibo-sure tlo ii" es ai>' sg un asb>' iotsr- tedprtiea, mIse have boa;> mlli;>; for 7mars t cou Clm heststivy prelîs. na imolto, Sh rt r * u!quiek Trin," irili b. let . sroto b>r:bs empsuv. Tamii be rataio~t Wbeloussa l'rices t UA asbling &Ilrtistouy ISiLA I! NEW rzuf s~t PBtsT Figura. The Compauny bave beau carafuit 1 select, iru11 Sah geti itu China, soute of dist sIerdd Te"a, cul>' sust 10 the London and elahilu Maikets, mnuSiaî conmumera, mWho re- Inmssbar tisa dollicas tiisvor cf TasissoIt! theo ma notr be aupîlaW!wltb tistse ahearint ana isvgntn rticles. W Invite a IrIs! tetest Onur aisetius. Tisa prie«s tut speak for tisetu selve, Lcls atbem- Noir o011ale, ive Hmndred (Ché*ta1 Mwac pu,.li e s.IOMsonpar lit .e... u OMIS Ç ,ot5a:I dl lbi ~7stm. pt Mi., Ii~i etiuis u SFout>' Pound P« ele ansd upe vaSrda, cf 'lIt ,seul carnage Irt o.,10an>'parI o1 Canada, ou raalpbcf tzIseCABIL. hoio s do nos bu>' soa>lasVienanetit>', ould do titi $0 club !qeticr wti tul rlsiond.Wsis- "lcion Warrauted. WCMhbo e Issuarticle audltratod te sucis àfrghtal alent, tisai people are Rettlng aiarsu- ad. lb. Company, dWaroua e cf lisiu;pare sMd unadultrowte 4100rIclrquesbastrie!lcô(hem deiiusTUEETCOFYI9, lit 25cUu. mut! W Xermb@Ï henumbar, 161 Kinget. tto dom, rou àsrket qnara, an isiama.cn- muni" 6n e i nw te youu filenda Toronto, sept. 22, 1ION, 86-1-7 t URGUNDIES, Puice Liste Ani M1OSELLE, LIQUEURS, kt, &4, kU My< bobaon application. LmmNy CHIAPMAN col0 1EOT PROM TU~E 8Bxeand GO Cadecdies ea PROS LAKE 'HUROYýN D .N)PRIS NUl' IS 25 firnl slamonTrot. 50 iBarrel it e.Fsih, 25' Bmeloun&eMd SpUt Koer1ngu 10 Brres Laradr Beri gs. Table,,Codgh. OYSTERS-EXPECTEDý IN A FEW.DAYS. PURS ÂND BUFFALO OBS W AIso, large additions to our Stock in ail its branhes ,o WC would cali the gttentioij of the loyers of good TEÀ, to our large stock, as we fée confident it cannot be surpassed, LOIWES & POWELL. ROBERT CAMPBELL 13.;; 10 utimate tat hobu bas baad bis àSi Julii&w <A~N». i1pjrw liuaSUlm .- th. words r0¶1cs nd do," t!>. bock of dhreeionaarouuid.a«àp or box; t!>.ââ main sa>1> plaluly mée;>b> oL sLi a# to e ilgla. A oinda<euo rotard wilhb lv. tooluy on, eudru nbfntornsssl.o s â > lattitedaecction- o! auIy Parsty orare coeor t he su. nodea.or VO* audn ts OAsMe knowlugýthem to ha .purlou * 8ld aSthesa 4Msn !etry 0 of h. ait r apctbl D x Déti s d sîri In MaJj' ~,~'Thce I. cuuidanl aig by lakiug N.~fo tbe»c lu iuidano.otfpasicuta Wat cbmaker' and Jewelier. Eas To IIÇFOIK TIE lulsishi nt*cf*Wliby aud suorrounidisi; oti> thtlia dlias aumeeded 1tisa bboul ute!y an sfis'.t camsisEnglîsis vorknss> lis1 &tdotht#Isal mork ouîruuated tolistMIe, mli gîve satilaltoti. wuiITBl; nhfl'. u. w.. PERRYS BRICK BUILDoeGS. j; if e if s T E £ L IINIe.CUt II xc x A LARGEAUGS5IMENT or BARl, HOUP & BANDI MON l i se a u T g o n s t o ' r i e e s f o r C s l , CAT, 5PING AND BLISTER STEEL A& large stock cf ludion Iublir andl Gttta Percha frein 2 10 14 mIs, Jl u ' ,C a s pb e l 'a , Jo m ,s' s u d ;'ris ar s n a o fc C aon-eu, Cnleuls t!minii A 2 i7< "à' à 2 G, E, -faTur0'eIDL 8a HORSE, ROSE, CÛT' AND PRESSÉED NAILS! HIIALTER & COIL CUIIN, or Brut>nsi .alsrri,c Bior'Msd o«bsrCelabrstdmaltera Guis, Pitole, i ot, Powder Clap, lisaka, Wadaeau. Bag,., &.9Mdt ave>'>'dearipîlon ci 85UErlF A"I HEVY' 8AEWÀIE Cmldme's licol rok Whltby, Nov., 8 bs. NEWSI1 NEWS 11'- i/MA/RD, ~i/., CASH Il ro ossnzs,.,,~ usuall>' ebargod. 4 ýooks STORIE, WOOL CARDINO. T11SEa baro1l rerc10 dol, 11kinda of w o-uilg lt iDrc001tjgj &C', ut fils oit! Establiancîuet, Plcerinug. Wol Carding st 2d1. par lN, LEVI E. PIRE Wbitisy, May' 2411>, 1R50. Tor Sale Cheap, and on sonable Terme. VPREE good rme lu the Township of .Torah, Ccuuty cf Onta>rio, mitSlui- prcvremonts cf20 ares on ach Lot. For partieuiara appi>' la H. J. Msedou- e11, Wi tby, Barriste:, or toD. Coaero>, Llavcrton P. O. D. CAMERON., Oct<iberl, 18950 2i.0.2in-v Parm to L AFammlo Lotcr a terniof yaas, ln t1he Tcvnship ef Darliugtoz, about tiro miles omît o!rJlowmauville village, cou- ttlu; about150 &Ses clear, titis goos! Buildings, Appl ou tis aai Mm l Da JNIEL QGALBRAITH, Daringtou, Oct. 20, 1859. 402 POR SALE, ONE Imprcved parasiun10Wbltby,100- Acres. One. Improved Faim lu Darlington 50 serca. One Mrio mces, Wlld Landsinl Mars, fton>arvihle, Eu-, pisraais, Artcme8ia, Luther, Chathbam, Doyer, Hungorford. Mill Priviiege lu Hamptou, Township of Darliugtn, oua cof the ver>' best-lu té Towusblp of Dar. t llngtou. t Town ]L6tu lnu Boufnsuuili,,Brocktsl, aipto, Port Pai' u!Sarnma Aleo a (w Town Lots la thse Town 01 W]31TEY or -«k Luis and on long,('redU!. Mfecbdnic sud otheus dssirous of build- lut eu bave frein 12, te 1 manthi*n #t Ail or' t; DY mous for tmta*cre fieut frtj hea fýîw c y,,.c mtabtéo us.ol iu son Inucu üraveOu iut.d othe cuohemisuà*su te omit#, o01 t lease f tisen gth e ris ua, l é esud b>' i musret biec Pekopsical aic is.xu theof>v$iel inatruMent kl mervesa temrSetu>- sItha a ahrl tn iseton» mi b.rtssulde syud usnstise é 10ssruzuunt hiao re. *¶cws e f Eupirlcoand ibluierant aselfai>' Jedloca.cro whcaîterupt cure# but neveu sou Dr. lmuo% k son isveor aonbederln fles been euigligod lu u xteuslv£, pswtleIn tIhe truatmouss ottisesedleseerplltMAiars thse onI>' Itgahi>' qulilfl d Iiis Wh uo nov advertiat luntiie Casdimn Prm oas ure certain complisinto, or front vhom Qoenuina Zuropesa Resuie.. xtan ha cistalut. Peron*In ffnpar oftisa Woilt! May>4 bus celtottilý, teuta ocirect deli m hnabrgznutfor thé cure .eý(tuush ZmlaIonn, U1o2 WmhusuiWeknff, &C. a ed lu-fosulbt daym, tbS2a is, lument, whu u lu s ont pe t he w v SxxnviniA-, n 1d-e*rplu our, tràà omu rhlcu Qua> Straees, Bufulo, N.1 DR. MLANE'"s -CELEBRATED ' VERMIFUGE Li VE..R PIIJLSe' _WEbeg leave to cau the. atten- tion of the Trade, and more, especially dth. Ph1s'Cians-of the counrye o t îhZZMost popu5 lar iremedie. now b.efore tthe public. WC refer t'O Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recomniend eten as usiiversal Cure-ails, bur simply for what their namfe ,purports, virz.: ý THE VERMIF UGE, For expelling* Worms from, the humnan.systcr1. !fhuasaiso been administered, Wîtr the most satim- factory resuits to varions Aninàls subject to Worms, THEf F LIVER PILI4 For thecureof LivLit CompLAN ail BîLsoVi DzRANOLMENiT, Scic HzEAD-ACHïE.I&c. Inicases cf FEvER AND AGTJE, preparatory to or after taking Qui- nine, -they almost invariably make a sPeedy and permanent cure, M speifie fôr the aboye mcn. and ýneyerknown to fait when a&. ministered, in accordance with the directions._ .Theirunprecedented Populauity has induced the prop-ietors, FLEMING BROTH-ERtS, PITTSBIUlt(M,. PAi to dispose of their Drug bus1ness, inf hc I he havef~ been uccess- lu, nga or the-ast Twenyd Year, and they will nowgive.theirI undivided time anidaitehtion ;tg ,heirmanufactüfc. And.being4 ierniined that Dr. M'Lgne's &Zc brated Vermifuge andLe: ,ik shail continue to ouydihi Pstion they nôw -hold 1moi 9!eat .remedies cf tedy tlicv tlw Gb*oir FI C" the Cl UoJM.liard, -1AIilSTI süet, Wfiit ovar Donsuld.* Wbl:isy. D ÇONÃŽMY mtnrlsge. C> tis e adiosul N. B.-AU bc prof" ptty s Boxes Tobaoooj'-ý 1 Novmberlotb, 1850, eET, 1 '.. 1 r'l

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