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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1859, p. 2

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OW' m m - - '. -- ..Il icnlg, eitihe Town Re,I Lotige No. 890,second yvld.y la @e4 gnit,, M SPvOoIl'.ote], Fort Wbltbey.ý Mous ofTeipe,âce, WJsy3.lvlplong lic - f ootân4S ounas, t <erre',min yev. cttob el,3hlKn r KIholuy a, I),,a0,oloc tu, (o'414 Vis' 0pu l rb tolie'. ln t aornealor hyron Ogmt Msry' SSeet., 11l O'o 04 i.,M" ua d oc&. P. u1. UZV, . T.Lt>WgR x«Y tie0t lc,01ni,06 m d6 P. nM. yRV.J. T. IJyIIN] Wcaeye ,twdmL(Jîncl, oruerofO4nt > nd bMary srouIs910 0OcQloeki a. nM., l atiste, 2 30, oeock, p i >LW .IL.TIIURNITOII BtaptIat Chueh, 8 o'chock P. ns., oery Su Coeidty l DP r. Auction &u1s, £i4'fr. &rInpB004of t phlere £asàusuel. Bay& appointt and le-mu made ai ithe d> of t)i e>pr. . .4 uc lon orders reiided, an Grrargenas made for oer Cott, 4utoneeýré' Salei. SAmtion Be hprluted ln the bell srr t lea (cber reihueed price.. *>Fatprourng thier bille - titis office wilt hate their Bales mm under the roperkeed, free of chary M ail Me iseuee of thme W"y 4am &mni- Weddy OM~sonicle. Auction Baies to Corne OM - W. Fuller$ sale of Faim Stock, &'y, Broughiam, on Saturday Dec. 9, 1869. John Hyhaed'a sale of Pares Stock, t, on Lot No. 31 ln tiie 2nd Cou, Whitby, c Mons!y Dec. 5, 189-J. C. Sterling WM id btipI, u,. gast 0ugsmý sd un1,, Wldtby, Tuoeay, XovemOber 29, 1859, TO S8UBSORIBERS, The tomo for the fSemiWeekly wM bco$2 50 in ad'vauce, or 8a 60 at teuîsd of tise ycnr. -TJh Wcekiy G'/roiide wil bc publishod hi future on t3xruniimymt nt $1 a 1.'er, 8trictl in a4vance ; $2 will be _thsrged wlîen pssyab)lo otherwise. NOTICE. Part"esiudobteà to b if.Office for <oi Wonk and Advertising, are requested te nsahco au imnscdiate setulemset of theu icis pective accoucha, andS thereby avo thena- suives fortiier troubleanad expense. Tihe narnes of ail subscribers i ai wur on thse 31st of December eext, will De strucli oÎF 0cr lista, and thoir accouats bandai! over for collection. commeecieg with the lot or Janumtry 1860, no papoi will bc forwaided (romi this »MS ce ules.Uicheuubscription bc pid la advance. We ied it eccessary te adopt th*eCah Systet, and in no cas shallit b. deviatiodfrom, hsmreafter.' > In future cauh inusttlbe paid -for ail Job Work and t,ýaeict Advertiscmenf.a at tie ticie of odering thse saine, unie.. in casas viiere tihe parties have curont accountsos nmne. The owa .aocit Ipie I1 <se ý»en--, we initsmep-anialtotisse ',beaut>' usid .ton ~lu tise s.sae leeae iii me m5 i Pt"lf e jI~O 041 tmle5 lof,! 'tiWatdtflO. We ýrGj pever;7 la lte puble oeeg; , à te rmY ihimIe quit. M vql satitiied with pieits m le d ani ay; among lbe workng lasis.e; sud sud cinirobes suppart.G fron tthe Vcuhmtar*. bVin wmo "business.Tluwerylreportedto contiffationaof thije pipe, as thas. laiu 0.b. unsansfo0r"Wrý madine tlzq ary theio alndbythi iièeç ;uand 46sct fPr -à' 10 deulre for it, famats tea.a frenzV. Tii. nent doubt,,but A t ifully,'t ortiiodoý >,SI cosmulo*a n4artt M I ýtdit *'m 'A cWiobrtain doeolaeujmm s., front th ené vith Eeglaed, tise Frencla FMwpoor would m the. other, It noyer entered ocr mi" inl baye the. power o! tyngtearysdpecn ii. heew Liurriied remarias void msvy ;of, gmtfyimsg th*.elersy wiioareasta 4iopcote irgit of.eV ry Mau te sup. legs '045eras cltiier,,of whnaleg over tii. legi.ta. 1part any, or no religion, os b.njgiit-dèe.. matito, mcd aOf.eurigth. mage.of àaudvisible. W. have bsý, j seriaush isca- undpople "go 1571 the. review. S d.tood If snob au laterpretatio lm been res«tete i.Times. Cbeeiup 1 oy7#1 ~put -*pou 0cr vards. :1àaIl reli4iotii mat- ,,g., çold Qcemofatie waters i1Cheer up 1.Dotous, M. we désire te utimeat lia"; tn>o ,cyonî ohd m hfiihntut yn bavebforgoauen seoe#1,wecomjaçi4@it tao,)es, Md ave dî, tis dy, v1a j«oc. W a nana, for holding on ilnoccasio n eftdllY îbstalned <rom siont cold4ron 7 Are yonr hands, Leer j ieterferenc. vitis hem unie" thuait pon 9. youî thews sundaiiews ,wekor#r, o?0 us ciby useddliugaad ietoleiatblgoty, oraso sIre beaTis coldcr " natIse bistSai'!ato vIsa-Mare item s ai v et. CreUy, ýP*11Oti Mzd 1A91nëomPur t, n Po iitpea, a i Waidifmai hélas, ilhea d MphqetAî..ndrie, we-sueo'ÎM :etaa'Îlgéi w Pda" " "muSlaase&, Vittorio, Touions. Meut maie by us vfis regard to vol nary. sud Waterloo, filhed thei. rcnsp of f«aend lies. ýIt la t;» 1 beyonamiy denielist tise <uruo1cidpasperto te immsortellet, th ailFree Churcissud IJitétS Prebyterians,1 conceruîed lia IinM not lie, ieofa!seme yeara ince, se thiinedtihe Congrega. *ii. rMzad il .14 Ilogue,gwtii.Ne, Copenha. tien lut attendacce on the Kirk bore, tiiat1 Soeandss Trafalga-. Wvus a hisocsand atiser on the deatis or rmýesuviait of th lciatieg # eploits sale.wlsat a4at. thet freiizy' aftii. pastoo~t vusneveu eoaiidered aivicabi. ta yrenâ is mari ai? i b.ii" ýo aimen .upphy bu place.,It'is eqclly tue,'tstgthe lsextinct?7 Ji thei. spiritdleparted trm amang PFie Ciirch hmbac 'dtheio very beatoppo r tu0n. ed; nse, wisih ri m inluthe. days of chi. ilt tatcould b b ed iofsecusring a mcffi<ii- &j, valiy and s"m o t h le gr umdi tie pawer engy nnsro atu eand memWpy nd ai Spai? vhsuesated a CaMpaiY af for-.neto ly comiortaisly te support a CYergy- &(Y, eign -mecbaet4 upan tisetisuone of thse man, but to, rais. a fond foi building à 1 es Tanieulanea, wilehsfaugis- single haudeti place af vorship; and v. believe iltae I against almost tise wvisai. orld ln ara, tjnst s trasé hbat tisey bave <ailed ta do at and camde fallth immpisst <ioms lie gigan. estiser.Tise Bor. -Mr.,- irsydmeac, ic cois ofui r aWK day.? 1 icniust sud ve liink wil net sey thât lo' receivea bc h a mat degen.rate son of Albion, Scatia, îufioiedt frontmiacSgregation for the main- r o fErin, Who>lhl say go. Wu even si: tecance of huessehi sud. <aeily. adsetSw quit tise <rit. 1 of souch a tiiougiit.' Hsiarsaveben credibly intiirmch that the Con- Swhat old General Fay ie abliged ta sayS-o tribu" as a sembeiansd tiie PaYesnts Of 'C etfar fiani impcechiusg heu valour, (hovaver the. Tr0stec ta hies for seeso lime asatave aI aiias te curie,) he cooiey observes i"that not exceeded thse niggardly pittence of fourisi icy aif re sca-vwolves, îoaesing over thse huedred dollars per alînuin. IVa ahouid not on Ocean", witis vii; oni lea", coet was have thua plaiely stated vhat ls perhaps g& as hopole#à, as almoit ta amoant ta imiper moresa private than a publice sattervere i tinence." Speekieg of tise battalians at nat for the. impudent esenen in visics§Mnied -Waterloo, h. deys, ltisere tisey abouti, th~s anaeyous scribhcrs ie thse cohumnisoaiOur s4 ~.immovable baittliosu, nei f tisey vere cateesparary bave eedeavored te frown the. -rooted ta thse grourMd111 scandai dowe, and obtain from thse Eevd. Nothght of fllht. Nona eietnafe saoassgentleman, vhat we observe hoie nefltw Tha ueh ar- gve-a contradiction af il.t nder thm ies . Tise deai aid (leneraltramsviioni ve circeontances ve cannat percieve aurmerortl have quoted, toon this "5gZup'4ty, "-long le refcrring ta tiie openingofa asplendid il, niay sueii sttidity ciiaiacterise thse saldiers new Kirk, vhich hms securcd ta it fuhiy tva. a' of tise United Kingdoc 1 Long esay sisa Ilirdi or thse congragation -in attondence on f "ho able, visen necesity requires ta @end thse Free Cliuicli, as uggivie ta volunta. fi 'h forthesa"Immsmable bataliaes" viiici ries, and et least ina se far as thia section of ol Sceunot ho per.ad.d o! defeat. Cheer country i colicoreeti, sMoevideisce tisat ÜI fe vUp 1 agaîn vi gay, 0Id Quien of tihetise woriieg aut of tise piciple' is deréec- n il waters, if Franco vili farce tise fight, tiva. As taevisat we saidi open tise »ecuSI Thoenas go the -sinevs of ver--tsecash 1 site" af suitainheg tise Clergy-not spirt. a Oh Picta --Gai af tiie stock eh enOh euge, -ut pyicay, ve trust aur seletl i woui<Vt thounat opeu h7 nianay bags, cotemporary vili net int feuitas a siffer. CO an let loo bse tise hmprisoeed Ilaegehs" en oce ofaiopinion an thit boad might sadly aa 0 thse faitis of tiesaU aidisîh fiag?7 Whoue endeeger thse speelal patronage sumd itcrary lmi t. hon uat lemt taSigner "Thieftado" of i ivscs eh sd ie eiin he Mexico 4 to Mma4egOr, Cacique o! Payais their banda. Ou hlift icore v isgtper. IR -ans Pesihant, tse emboldrcr' a haa afely bave gosse fnrtber, ansd gagt, A' Spain ; ta tiie tune of husedres ofa millhoni, that in tis idegenerate age f.eseeonai abil. ti how would'sî thon refuse tiiy lovres Victo. ity wiîî, an cao, long toil an ln the ds-elu lrie. Na feur then masetahUicmoeey part. Charge of clerical duties, nam suppiiedti lsn à Tisoe anicseetoa Britain are priees......iti s saatlsieg more tIssu tise maie nece«. li Thougis tiey, andi their sono: ans i seji - saries of life. Having tise veakss iconi. dw vanta go out in chips ta tise utteresa.t parts mon te ail flias, ticy require tise comiauts; aih ilecartis-their oec are stili sofloned _f neua#Osoe of tise laxurisi-ne wcIl as pi ove imta tenru, by tise dreeai of Uicevisite athe o in. At goy rate, let ns siecerely, noi cà&iif 1o41e'sfho Siens * s »OuiSnimten ad devoutly hope, that PFie Ciurcis OC aio cS al, d t d-tleie emembiauce Of tise ministora are botter cupportcd un otlser porto tIl tbeauies otie Enerald lsi;andâwon ld of the country tissu in ti»isoai e bave Englamid, or iser loves! Queen le jeopardy, muahreason te feftr- tes theyivonlt, ,pour tishe waitis aithe.dé"Thaisat h% asnevauj ise1» <leic,, --1.2mvingoIL--m, ihibe ene In.tr_ o siiip-building, ad like, Queue lu epsme orece itise lluctuallssg Vaiuee' tin s in tche Ls.Buitish muarksets, isvMryapt. te bc for a Ëëwvpâlis ite fydeyof pro> pcrlty, ansd lieu for a'fev nM40 in an ex, géedinsly dèpra.ed stete- But tise enorgy et the. blpe.nosltsougsdecries! by tihe imisaoit &umuet SIick~-q, i pr&uîe against ali reveuses, ani if tliey-do't, gel; rich vory ýfaat,îieyý» id on tevhat tey acur istise te alt its vineS tise le eaiem u .Maidte eisg tg a 4epawe Etiiair. 1 *-Witia, reienue abut ane li<.* teects t"fCieet, m»ftif. Puantlellas prajectod,1n,4iajready executedesmrailvAylo eonai Ie oit ai St Lauvence vit tse Baya Fcny, i'afaseis belugfuit gon iegist orton tsoumd iuîlibi'tes t itci-l ouiing Place. ',Iià,liime-iii ha »ane «80miles long, suananthar liuaio 79 yul ,brucg it upta osai framtiïi.' "Free tisence to-1liere, duLoliepreseut ternidttioli-e<,tis-cùm1!uttiGriestlTrnuit liee, accordin g te lav, tb.îe fi a ga5s of a litile *U niliea Oarnsatouiy, tise bmedgingof visici t is.ecurbusiness to s"c çe»wcpthtie, rliest 4Y.. ,TogeUser lb. vlio dstaccebotwooi Wooditock and Divigi»e du Loup h. about .lô miles, amuit vitî lé a isaeing sheese if for vaut ai effitsrt tliss>ema 1vl.sotlina je le t t ié b"aa sd' -wolva's, vison by ils isonsestlatiste Most ningeifice'ntaitliwny âystens lin the vorld vout bc conspletetl With St. Andrevs, for a visiter part, voý Vauld lie altogether ipependmit af the !United States; andi tisap"assage b>' cea ta Englansi voulS héshoreieds outee UtIle, Perhaps five or six hoauri. Thon tise rusaS wuild open up n business for us of nuoiniali value, for New Brmuswick !à chiely fed- hans, abrot in jentt ram Canada, butit recevez ils sipplies irant New York claielly ariere * aur fgeur h. sen t 1oancommission. Thus tise. 9rand Tiunlç Hmilvayasd oui 'eaus vould take 'a large cairying hiade nisicis hisuv us vtise 'ands ai aur neiglibauri and ail tise atii eteteras ai agency, ltonge, i= &rc , , &c., voulti romain wihh in. A mu e a e iid a large t"dt WilS St. John sud allier N, . .Ports le pork, gour, pes,and allier of aur pro4ncts, recciviuin a excisange the West lidia pro. duce braught Uiiîhei by the numerous Ocoonerusspplying thomo lâluaidi with fah, ail, staves, k., t&c., but- awing to tise greater, facilities ai transport aiter.0 ward, aulisrded by tise American lieilwnyi, i thie very capital busiues. dsdicsl dove to nothing. Tisere is ver>' littie doubt that lie campletion o! tise linos naw approacli. sg ench oalliaiwould icasascitate hihatrade, andti hat mucis greater advnst,jcsthian y Lh bave yct bee n imagilae4 would flow< rani tise cosiaection. If Federatiomi is evei tboa eomphisued-îhat lia Fecderatimi >f all tse Britishs American i~pndencics,i âe systeni of Buailvays tit1 Itirutt beper. rcteti, ansi thon thora h. litle dousbt of iw ituiehoy bccbming a fIxedtacfuel. Froniu 3t. Andrews te tise opposite &bore ai the. hy of Fundy> in Nova Sctia, tise distance P sonly sanie 60 miles, visicis couhd ba se.a wiaplihcsi b>' futsteamers linllsree ihouri, 0 od' asNova ScolIe ili bc interestetile in naking Hailifex. the chie! as veil as lise t' ial part ai departuro'ior pamosngers, 1h isoe accedingly probable tisat before long ea ailway iroïnAneepoli-appasito St. ~ îatdrevs--wouid hé coistructeti, su Ihat Il raveller. <roni the West wonld rua 'own ,11ltevmyteata City at lise rate ai 30? unis an isour, saving tise short link acioss bu Bay, ansi no bc able ta defer thieirjour. c cy îwo or tisîce days, sa-a tva or tisume ayî ses a igaton send - catch tise Ocean F camer vithout loig an houe's tinte, Tum fc tise map and yau viiilsce tint visat I v ropeunt ish. trict>' correct. This plan isv 'I msev, an the contraiy, il ias IS asi sean navigation, ansi lIa revival ett his ne asows thé itih ils ndvocates bave àeriehes in uit forIvent>' years., But of ail parties -intereates! he thé con- nplte lsimry xtenson, tiseImperial ,vonamonî are uudoubtediy tise mail s, id il in Osurmiseti' ths&v itong -efforts are )ul being miade by inflmsentiai parties te av tiseir attention te il.' Who Soes nol feau g= b is b e lvee a b is '(aun a 8su d t 4e'ce ntee ro a, a si tist ho be repais!the. sau ne cet year. A by-lev vas passeS appolntng IRetur ing O Rf fic s fr lie several verd i, as ,fc W sd N . 2, gtB-posigr. Ferguson Waîti No e. Sith sTpvno, liu.;lhfsiIjý Port Persy-Cales Iarsi.ý Prlice .&lbent-A. HA4 fJr. A by-lavw ta reg ulate tise veigbit of brez Ib tu eZdforof tise whilbiChm idf ýTiiedales of ont TownPetifor ti p im eént y a , vii h ve expired lna i e isoit' tue, sud, as yet, no m'ove bas be. usadeby he tav rti soeriasg a ne' lire engine, or, placimg the pueAshpper tus s n't-èdîent st4te.-I' Tbë 'burtez h éas ! o9s $ise iia ld r s lo ! - tio se > le p o w % ban attinttierdu4a a.re no damai piteoustale taiom far "electiçiJOi 'vens auù 0 Ur Toma Magnates uin sei.Btis have taken gooti cmrebotaI hodistarb eti tho fèeiilng 9a; îmaporýtaaevjichis iey commea vwilS moal othe orwnas envelop henislses visen éevainto u' hé là ajej t>' Ofstatet" or tisat-sens 'o! -ess ue.i soom1go se mssryfor mms, ta horacge ly enjoy il m!erminc isônerm" 4ythe sei tlement afi tus questimn, Lust élection i vam-proniid tse.ratepayers ta becuqcuir leta. Isask whatibuasbeessdae iviti re gars! ta f t? Siniply ssoluing h1Tise>'ba- balances! the question, as 10 vare, -aýn'-ti lips ai their lgnger.ntindalloved it ha iI te the grounti, bets fur vmsit, of courage ti support it, ans! energy ta seéttle it pnopeily Ans! pra.y, Ufr. Eiditor, isov arises thi, sisuffliiu irsoiblt' a ia shoideus i.the bhaeto fall? Is ihin died e tuI, tbst tise Concil have conmict OS the eessmity of sonietiig being d»n in tsis inatter, mbutiis tOthrav hueap prabruieof tho 'usecosary expanditure a1 their suce ssrs i U niesi farhi r eniglt sucs!, théeratepayers, I feol confident, Wvil thinis go. Our Councilesen elect, fane1 the best nietsot tpave tise va>'for inlism civic honora is ta have thir econoey,j malter uota hé equestioned. Ile hie tisej are righat, but vison frugnlily degeneraSi wits parsiesoy, il no langer às regardei o lia-tue, but beconies odiaus iu the. exîsenis iensQ ai thse terni. ButvIsileo 'ur sa-f aons" are oa careful, na cautions in tii expenditure vits 'regard to the lire qu .es tion, have thé>' been consistent lu othér. wise ciarryissg out tIsa prisiciple. I- fianc if tise builiug of sidlevaîka around bhistr ie. livislnal propcrties,is any- insâtance, thasy have, baut thc illustration a!,hids virtue le othon respects hi difficmilt ta bc seen.'TÉe aifficieecy ao uirlireapparatus h.j fact astout ta ail. Tise-a !o ao division ai opi. Dion wits regard t tago I, Ineeti affer mna aommentiaupon It-Onurliebulit>' b des. tructive lire, boas been fully proven -these vwo yera pW4 fronit iscir irequoncy'anti etest Wis M hn u t -irna '-provision maSe ta, pictttheir rvecrincei, or'sît laut ta ih2it'thoir detcdlv>enoeÏ'"Wisy âis apaWhy vith regard, ta viat ianahui oviims seemus lirst teo 'ccupy theatnion )f thé suthorties?17Jannaq h. approacs. ag, vili not some one cas hie bisese, asc ouaI, , omineéther oue'sshoaldeus7 I ope, 1fr, Eitar, if thé Cisain ofaitise ire andi Watei Comeitte daci not -cama orvausi, thatisome atiser one oai 0cýr rue ViII eondicênd a' 0 b!iig tse ratepayemu rih ans explaatlaniof -tise causes a ile>q a thsito . - Long lis-e oui graduai CIsxs, Who ujt vet wa- Mouhaiae, - Ioug livliste Qàoeu I Me>. hon aisamla apiaiaS.ýý- Brid askirt& bc naroved, I.omu ls t aeutne Tse <onstaftfonalexhorts ti iw laî to modemiation ans! patience. ' Tucassy lbas (alaed tise exmple Of tse Othor stausesaf' central Ita>' and COn& (erre* tse regency on the Prince ç arimg, 'be King ai Sardiuie, sinter preuau Moià France, Wua to grant Caalgns painil6zion to;,Aceept tse regen>.. Tbé'idiaiisbten pi ns eao vwere uneusogesi, hougs it vas repaorte tlsat thse Ssaia!ofMoroacu hati empoverei hbatbei ta greas$ thé demndaaf Spai 1.I Arrivai or tse,àfnlea. Nzv YoRsx, Nov. 25. Tise steasaIp Afrke'from Liverpool on tise l2ths st, arriveS tis vening. Thé 'Edinburgh tram Ne ov or ivid etOlasgovwoen tise9tii. Schillèr festivaàb liad cameoff vitS great iclàt in Engý,,îus!anes! Grmn'." Acîrceuar lisseS by Cont Walovslci an- 4 nucS UttFrance bam demandai froni Sardieia sixby million france for expenses of tse Imitevar Ths cirenler am a y ttt tse Frenchi governinenîhlm received assurances tisat thé Papa vas mi>vatieg for au opportune nioment t Aulcepublic certain ifilimsb>' visics tise governeseet b>' ti. clergy vouli b. rephaceti by a gavernesent, geneai>' coni. paseti o!. the lemty. The choIera amang thléFrench troopain &irice h.i i ,ta ha, ebnin-g Thé Prench army ,frani China, il h. nov sýt, villnamounhtat 20, 000 m, and théy are net expacted to reac Cine befare &pril or May. Tise Patrias assuresi tisatIshe Kieg o! ~Srdinia, iu hie rep>'te thiiseFrnci Eus- Porr expresses confidence in tisa sympa. tbiei of the Eniparar in fas-ar oi ts Italien mmsi And delareshat he vilIl leve t tise: de( ision ai thse Congesi ailtitat relates ta there.orgauization'of taly, Geribidi isasubscrlbed 5,000 francs ta Lhe "million unushet- funi," ansi issced a litrning Pr-oclamatian la fuiheranc ai thé_ gcheese. Thé Florcece correspondent of the 7Ynse a8Ys tIse Subseription vas lilling hayanth ie cash sanguilne expactations. Thse Times Parie correspondent say tse election O! 'Prince Carigneanva- receiveil rits extreane diepieasure ini Parie. 1The statenient fisconfirmed-hat Victor iscanssl ibairefuict o gran-t ta PrlInc Claigaeperisionr ho accept thé regeney A Madriti despateis gays thea Meora on te 0th, viti<1,,000 men, continuai tlsei Itta c is u p n C u t . Th besige! vere prepaing t a aie a. uIt e a pulse heni tccarding ta one se- Thé American Tuent>' vth China vould nI pa latao efect âSeUl mttisare seUles vit5 Englanandsu! rance.-- Tic' Cies forts ah tise mouth of tsé eiaO lias! b=en mrengtibne d udthé genei. k beaiingz oftise Cisinece led te tiehe heief saet tie'Coatemplaes!resisteace. Fréienli isotiies bas! beucomniened iCochan China. 'Thé AnUsece Were repub ises! in a elaC stse French ere bmento. prom Cairicsiîs.ssjthistthé Bnutisi ra steamer Spitlite a as!tien a slaevel 00 nagroes on baai. Bullimi in tséBank ofaiEnglani l e 'eis £,61000. Flour-22s 6i a -27# 68. Wlset-Beds! 93d ales; wvit.àsid Conu -32s a 33 ; vwhite35 a 380. t O 1134 01àket are a par Circasiu . P&TEST. - Loisto, Salud>'. Thé DaCtjtNelv &a '-Th.Iýàwasmare anesa on Fris7lu inte Stock Exchasnge 1canscquence afha definitive signsature of , tiet' of pece, suS tsa dec4ie of tihe reius dai asuecovered. Th i- uc.sonrivement'h ls-éodonuit timber oan limL as ai part S. W. angle i o mar>. owr.oJ -by -3 viil1c hoid leta . Iet t a a itesady Scl"ia Yr- aiss ea cjl s 5*aitou, Nos-. 1;;h INPOINCE ,id;recaledte idi tÂtcal or aiata unu iuedau-m--> io.fit;i*u twithiru-> :i catin r i'the i T-me roîbs<'i: faraItii m;-ler etipai oreha myr.- voil h :M6, n.p hisalsti .- ciite *15 >aied tustse ssnwua pl- tse-cti tiaeti x isi b1 a-s fiipEsCîrta in ,-t ta s nB queantin Tie<iîetbliy roqettnswbhti-e Nri-ov,. 1n7,- l'el qictl matis )ja's grahiimi eov.ra'rbk of aîs'ii-a-.a-'n a IGfld at i a ll auaeuliit hcIoai therts.' -'o the ousr. Tn arc, vo undemtan sisaonmv.sud fia t, la dis. bnd"l and brumhit thiem ta tia pont., 14 Thie Gréi Esaseru9' T'rip. rom leafî 8snow FM$iY, Y.v1 4-The Great Eambins vas sfely m~ooredile huis Waer befora ceon ta-day. Thé greaf»l'aiipIef lolylic taiah12.30 ou*W dneday, ans! came Mira tie Chan- ne ssinuder very, eaqv steaut, aepicg ilbislgiht ~of thse Welfr ëoUti -Thde vas 'a bard 'vn blaving' soutis.msath.vest,: jvlfr a ,~boisterons ses ans!à a ésy grounai avel, Sin'conse4neimeeof *hic, during théevisole ýt of' thenigst,-anmuidmpta nos thue uext'da, ,0 'tise siip r dotS Ise't i n i pos esv au, à-agl oabouh evnthg ou n cithier i e .m1h e q ar e s i i . e t ê ,' sB a lt" o n t , iti the intention of steding ",br, 'ut ateise'vere of n ii n eetiioro vwas s t ronsth a>tim e th é Bhip, lat W igit. ,h This vas an lexcellesil trial fou tise -ii,1 ansi sho e be vd sin i ly hhugloi t th k passge, not a siaile rpe haIlving ýgivn it va>'. $S idtuhput outheu pave-r unÎil1 il uoeciitise Lizeu<,,t!bout q6oaîycsterdayi, -> vien b th ler n ginca ver e t w o rk, a nd i sisa wà ndr fore aniai& cannais. romn *tise Lzar t taPoitant illusSeavorugeti a Ispeed ai 13j keots pcr haut;-,viiht Iaà1 0 tva hiur rusa héeen Esdystne sud thé st 'art thé peesi attained vswu jbearly:16, knoti - SP r houro s teste s! b>' cveral,'o ga. She ,arrives! c# St. 'Katiinet Ielev'n'ocloeca, lat ight, but the vahr, viicis ad pro, I L vioul>'ben very duer, tisn set in hik à Santi hazy, se tiat it vlas, considred adsivsa. b Ic t a ke p e ranoff tise l a n. gSis e cma.ord . E Ringi, ateauedstilovi' utla tisé' ostvarsi, >andt képt off-ans! on durlng tise n119114'aundt ila sevoyena'cioek tis souning St. Relier. c ueva aniiglitesi. Sheovasthind e have-to for a short ime, anti as tie veathén I -vas tili thicis it is deemea 1dvhi le>o ho rgo round tlistlasisita thée eutwaîd, iuinst] ofpasding hurogh hueNecedle'a page. lo Thies uccammling'ydoue. s D Onvarti ahé came e t àa gaod tspacd, hér serev engines ani>' vorking, until sse vas i r off Celssotat i>, vieàailcesv r.u-n »edt ta ar. eu ,t . Ilo ce y odS atu viiltrounding thé spit, il b.lg a ver>' el sharp tise. Ur piAtlle vieels enethtIon W revei-sosland -hethm- bin pathaSdovu; v it a iseautiful swoopp, auavriaag;hér, h elai a q u i c h i > n a s e h a t a i 1 0 0 t a n s , sh éo c i s e round,, *eS vus u in stant" y 5tes=O u s1une villa lier icorlings. Hon Pdf dan ginies vere again Iteppes!, andti erserev t] vas vorketi et a -diesielshe rate a! socd al until vihie ebtSutvo isadrés! yardsdistant irons tIse eoorings, vhani, indisîgise hiati tao mucis va>' an isr,i iepiddles ver e' gainueévriledi andsIne&asort imathésip'a boy o vs mtetlo te-oe téai-e oviulg the as t ride. rteà v1towhcï-n Tis nmtseief'ennov oW board the Great Easteru h. 373,, ber full campiement ÉP being 460, but vhiUlsîtishsel0remÎaings al a Soîanpo ténmber ai banda on board1h ver iMaivr -ÂL.We bave 'mccli pIes a Sure ie belmig able ho announice that -arrage. ment. vere an Satuday 'asnteres! into be vw tvecn thé Ri an4o psnsijsioners eaidthe se Vice Pucaideet of!thue (rans! Trieli ail- w67. CoP5AËL1'viieÉ fil>' detdsule h'q question ai tiio City 'Trminus. '1Mr. 'akvel, islaslagn alreatl>sce tihue offer 'o thé City CaOrpoainn!paigj snsl t.povide accommodation far- iy frigs as veli as passengeiz on thue eGulilatre ýSite, next addrces!nsed iwf o te Hauour c omisionn=tao, so rtein' h t w ey v u Prptres! o do uud&tim.siunsecs Weaue infareet it arrangements of tise An moisataacafyistné avebeeu ootu)Ie. In tes! for thée cunstruction ai thie necemr'l ta thé sSii.aide . A inil 4u , -. Flie iguýres cea se ide, Lk ot foothoaeu Girls to gwd t4ot$ rtus,-. l'ais luais>' iùsd(i inân;,1 NXo muPre catch lire andSbues. 2le iagat the lautvw 2db <eut vager ugainOst a lo

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