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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1859, p. 2

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a . Mi.Il âr fi.. Tova luai, gym WAd.Y moradag, At Kvy ondoy .v.uusg, a s hToisMil Oranqoge X<jo o 136£24oOiu1'T»syIt .v.!Jmonth &IdwsW 11 Mý4r, Brook Strst. 44rs Nw o, M.t b econd rIdisv1 mu sf5 *zmrxn. t«ty 1. , L lta 141Ynk»»" i .v. r oWu CotsaNSe. .Y"mus b00»1T4 B, A. <5. (ood Temuplm,ait Gent.'. 1W1, wedns.dsy .vouihn. Whitby 1philhamnie olely,ai46i'e hfall, TeUndayn lausdysvnug Qu oeuuslao $0 w li 8ftofMBi. igo PplmewipslOb.mr'O, sud aJOlms, ng 1 , El o'locks. rn~ sud --oe . , n.Mtor- Usto5U541175) UV . 1' EITLA&ND. Fr.. Soofob Ohurcb, Momintp'Instafnte, sonnaef rfiron ana Mary 8t".f5 i0's4XI '"19 A. nM., and 6 ocktok, P.ini. (Coumuais? cInwo?,, onisr es(Bvon and Mr sot 19 o'lok, a. ni. Md 6, P.m stV, J. T BYNL Wtoloyon KogtisodiaIChureli, eornsof Oontr amil Mary $freco i £00 o'1ok, a. , sud #101ock P. la lXx.,J. HUIT. Unlteil 'rsl7ytorian Chancit, Msulail' la- saintte, 2830,0 céloek, P, . MMv, . il . TIIOUSTON. ?,aot, Cliusclm, 3S ol.*P, Mi., avvua0- Aiction Baies. 'r~). &erltng's lBook of Sales (cih«re as tuuaL Days appointed, andi termemacle a4the cfke Of sMi# paper. Aucimo or£&r"reieciW, and arwangeenUtt madle for oiter (Jounqi Àdutl<muer5 Bales. . grAuctioa-hils prlated ln liS boit style Mt <urtier redmeedxprimes. t>Parties procurlng their fflj ai 11,s offc ili have itheir Masnoted uedr A pr&per head, free of charge in ail thc issues of tAc Weddy and dOurywe ad,oM eM p fomt tod»Brotb. Whltby, Frlday, Decoeber 9, 1859, NOTICE. Parties Indebted ft tis Oflfice for Job Wgrk andi Advertising, are requestet to ma1ke aut immediate settletnent of thhir rus- porac ommefand ltuereby save them- selves furtber trouble andi .xpciise The. nagnes ofa&U aubieribers in sr- rsar on te àlsi of Deccmb.r ncxtO viii be simtruioff ont lisan sd t<ur ameuuts laUdWof« fe or collection.« Couuuetuing vith the lit- of lauuaq 1860, no paper vii liecfovrdod fron th!b# ,efice uuleus the aubscrption bc paid la adyaue. W. fluti It neesuary te Adopt «wi.CaeksAsatem, sud ln no cm s 1.1Il t b. deviat ifrontlereafter. In future cash muat b. peiu for 811 Job Work sud fraient Advertisemenfa aItlthe <ins oror&rug âlitme, unless in Came wheve thee par"iehmLaesent scSonutsor contracsawftth t.office. A conupliauce vitlithese fem s ii ensIle us te axecute ail orders for priufiug sud advertisins, st oue.half lte rates berefofere ebarged. lhsy thinkw ivswli tae the trofle ol au- mairn&. Th.y a,, Most egrsglouly MWs, "lasattbel'imarinetbaV vs ave nt ai loubledby wvit- tbey smy, Ws ýhave .thshnstl tpatmte M sd on Itle a 1sa b. M mor rOaIuly enPIpleys&wé arequitt uallti viit ldu r<etalea a- niay givn tlir s.me5.Ws bave posau j Stheyha se4lu tinuli ettempi t.tuas.d'WaitSo (JSSYA909 Yddo qotsl fi vs bli Ilells .W4&.i Ti.ld et tq 141 on. w..Ilut suyl il4 l'DS 1151d115 f 81 vkl àufekud, s o ths et natiqesra éo h 14 u be. uof svous fetg a,-îouniO«m t wry Iit JWW 1wo in titis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ To vs, atuu. get it 0'b'5e zpu.ar.'eonku ws but The Chid ot Englm hu Isite elocal-i shnbiý phace blon ut edr e t£ poop>,_, e âuia lof ts a ud it for *aiteerai etÉ1ualon, isitis <il of-itpi titis " debal.d question, a duiwo<ml ~ siittaI dfalfor ft devslopeL in su article lu yeoterdy's Ita' yui4r works yet te b.oeotpletod,,Sud aime w" ,.. tmtbyfÏÃ" îeM. aSa vith respets.' lb. de<luaetitanens I Ka we< noyer offirrboa ieoneeuarge eeluuasof ort renehant sud feurlas cbrg)b lýtY Mge, iiio <b-the 4 dtailo of itiirvywuo Wilf sitrly femponry. W.regret vs cauel glvs lte rdiOnoteýggrg1.TartsdPý 1'e1eiY-ý»-1eahàý article stI egulu, but sour spa. viiill d~piuo~b SiaohTnte sdport ofdte survl elietp suvd vitbis r.-e on bealied o i0kefftu in tb.B.pr < b orvyb eeietievtl admit of thon, wvseuosa ryr uchof qetotwI .lr uihr lie oid- ont ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Dr moesa nyb uy~~r -)~o ernu h epeut s àOfî«l isato <f tue (Iovernor lýu tuuiIl au oB edosa MYb deslru-o< arrvn n vlg r tAscivuider mfng, thatthe$&ceg.to îuI tino uportion e teaproéria conluîon l~ Pto«M â«9 dmu ues âsle'4 eredeemed, nddig, tion eau, l lte meautime, lbe apent. Leader of ltse 7thi t., for tlit pm'pose, t< , là p 'w, hi_ 1Ihave the itono teo bc, Sir, To ot fus Ilereors. Expours 5t could ses , rlocal fond vbnatover;- sud Yuvtroe' ovut flu Lederdusinol>rproed ~ <11eonueqnutiy lue nndentood fiat local fondJ.(.VN'rAT nirbu f ortii. Connusgouem' ciel domenu*f5 a tttenn0 t .theZIbIlett.oo eco e," 'iw A uIcr-Jh Cmrn uqM .l',Truo ielit, up te end or15f 1L beving ltaI t ene0 fu otnr36TnoI vr minions, ordollars Msu deuîw r 0 b.Pmr. the CON COEEEPONDENCMz. rte*amonnliad boeeexpneddiln tpper Mmetf . mi, ot ysludo Qw.,ti.Ii182 Canada, ud only 17 Mill"oainlu Loer Isai i<. , "a alhale le-s Qube, o 15- 'Pot rueou s tenhe id lites.1<seals"vers-frfzy y«tonit~miiamo ite waere ttno- -otley acre ouly mus , a1tuctttai lTe Hon. John' lce, vito as ail the p 1,44k Ai sevoe ommeud fthe leader oftfle ltb auorlti 1mevis Presid.o to i rad 46 tie figure-ite a ' o? tiâ Joly.Goalltion t 0 onst. -mdoTmnkUisllway. bus retatucti frmEoi mglan being u.tdtwit ais Ibouesti 4 trita-a l"L'oarpartica- b, flue lkAem<an vltich ,1fuellit- bout suf. beugtantd îti i labliy e tsroelut ftitntli esp.cualy. flceri o f'dispel lte (rt urualtutMr. titis statemenity wsou shieti e a 0 colatat prmoeýOeded oe forlîit' purpos. forvard anti do ns best InS cold."1 A don- Tise Xaîorally. of makittg arraugeents for the extension luey reired <om public 1if. te lMisnative - -o iern rn ie.Dhu est comuion on an allovanc of thisties, coult i l noter columit Mv. Mutdoell .sa- Grand Fals in uNov Jlnwtswick, aince h ati nothav bsýê 1 or'elngaedassrtinsnounces lbis In"etion of beitig a candidate sach beenthelb.cam, ilita neul ikely Mr. fnot bisati ore l ug a td sshertiobe, for lteniaYOraiCY. lie 9lte tIrIulitte limes otulti have cognuacki, ite, of ail fron bisgeme luga ttantiti<lieGlo eldoI, sud lbe only candidate vite ba samen, beiag flue mosl likely te deal intelli- Il vas objectedtb ias lte statemeul of the yel publicly corne forvarti. 'Tii.address genly aWiU lte matwr. Leader, vWiicitouIY eteudedti th ie close i* siortand te the. point; Uir. Maedouell We have anuter !laiivny tupic on baud ot 1861e, dto coutatu expenditure.mot tsica no extravagant promises, but con. occaaiuncti by a. lutter from - James Bell yet madef111 'Il vas insisted in'aoet ies limsîl tte simple stalsrnenî îiuaî ForOSyuit vio objecta 40 fia long citrihed ing lte Grand Trank Loan, even flue Vie if clecleti lie wili ullow nu consideraliona' North ome rond froni Quebec te Ifontreal. taria Bridge andte Atlauni t nt St. Lav. tluinfluence bis couduct otite than Iluose hepoossla1useui ff auvn reuce Bond 9 Wouid onrtreadeus believe tat voulti contince tei tte volais of t auks of ste St. awreuue, lte litno aituiti lu lte asene ofotie cat M as diroclly asupoaible froua Qnebec te <bat expreusly by stafufe lte former vus Tovn, Inte beneofih anidte Ottawa, ahsumiug anti asserting tiaI il exciuded. from -any Prkipaim l thevs are sa l napoiint avaits, voalt i y muci botter titan if iltoikthfle ant <bl luslaterla ni itlt bKri. Maedonell'a inertI-or ratite vocourse assigneti teIL. To tithe b.Mayor, boaan httelte.' nyhl sitoumi say, I.' test bis« mornts by compa. lMt. Latgeviui, aho vas roceuli lu glant lemase he tGrandTi '1!rnn ilway Comu. tison, W. itowevur do hinu only jutigice lu tu negocinfe for tito construction of <llie pany 1 Witfwuvrepeat, au ve tuit of st.atu ltaIho bas tiuaplayed greal efflciency roatreplies,tlitI3, Forayth, tbasuays au argument condacieti on ouci;t trly ibi. lunlte counceil during bis tcrinuof office, andi ieen u neneu of si projeef, sud liaI lhe by a"ntiveiknown te W <afise ýcontionsltas itluis f0bin, as eluirinan' cUbe stand. titrova iu titis tisturbýng proptosition in lte The. aIteet to.dys -Browu-M'Geeom ,pre. ing conurittec on Tovn property, Ibal vs intereat uf lte (ratîti'Trutti viicitlufers a tender nevertieleas eroveti bruaîîy On bis are iîidebs.eti for Many of lte publiceirn- cotnpeting lino. BuaI bu tiis as -il ray, 1 King~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~a tre"sror"aliGrluapovuctmaitii ar r.> andisposedti te icievo liaI lte acigli:of Kin Sret j serory a, he t ow toneiscousmae iii ie ur. 31rUni e- ulargument lis ithi3r. Foraytlà,. for ltougli pipedMerriy, auif, nsten -of n ignble onella couse inthe ounci mishouiti pthuasnoshornepa 2 ai miles mlbscbckcf pipe d riy s f u psuta 0< u winobl iays bave cOotequit. up té our own tte uorth bank of lte St. Laarùnce, i defet sd abuefl exosae,<ey ativon<'eva -on sougee malters, buta. belicre tlit w onîtiserve lte luterosta ofrlia population a victouy I ite as aulvays actuateti by- eonseiesttiuusalmnost as welas ifi itfollowe thle senuo»i- Exposure fit. 2ad-Tit. Gloe, te saitsits motivas in vitlite iti anti sait, anti cou- "esof lte river, nnd thon il voulti open up purpose, vian soute doubl as te the GrenItaînly vitatevt bis doulerenomandi disagru liae ountry, andi galber raffioin lia course Western debta te lte Goyeranonî iieing menta viliolicentstaItlie Couneil Boardi, oflimte, froua 25 miles tiort of itacîf. The consdert a etir dlit ita lItI hong b as lte credil of nt lcanryln%itis perso.projeetei lino (rom Titree ,ikvers lteh b, ied a utier dConntitf an Wo utut al feelings beyoud il. isi.publie difl'r. Grande» Piles, voulti c tttcc ai u~very by heUntedCoates f urn aoIe sceshave nol buo allovuti tg itenleef trifty anti fail groaiug Town lte Quebec, Bruce, boidi, uetioucd ltaI the wo v iîîubis private relations asa ucigihor by au bours fra've, ani ive a a igIt' 'On' amoant oviag by Coanny Mnnieipalities te anti a fnienti. Mr, Ilnctiatli's experience pulse te flue iambcrimtg operafiouîs on the lte Consgolidateti Municipal Funti (wichit auofuîiiu maltera euiatinently qualify St. Maurice, thue Boca.uconr, anti 91cr large ap%#o u ndrcçt etspr ttyhmfgrd Wagoo h ute itesteauts ernplung irto lthe8L Lavrene. ont ndiectdelu> vs prfecly uitfor itetiicitago t lte dtie 0* tii Iwoaltiaise pose juil in tour of tho ricit g"ot Ove anti over asain- bas the July office et niayqr, anti in lte absence 0<t w siips cfrlsad, W Xfurdti, 1,no igure-bea treotedtheli Municipal Loau CsitaifiBoire anti Mv. Purr, we do not cuungecting wilb flie front b, lte Iutitry Fut debt as parttotflte publie debt. me ltaï,lte cîtoie uof lb. citizons couti Uailaay, aiticluwonld, in suds a ae, , c Wigat guin - ia, hhiui ont readors or fin on a 1boder ma., ver,. soun rua up te Mititreai, sotute 30 <lis? Who doegt not ne s aIte Grit ms tiles. But Ibis projeeltt inuM"grenIer finncir suuily bou iot ud old asiu A Wortlsy aspresentativ,. significance thon meretyreusciing Otawa, finscie siplyblos bt ad cg e hfur if tlio e eoauptet he nov umc- ovu private porridge nets -nov te The 'Countty of vucronti la peouial, fýt~uropolis wouldti noielong in building flic sootia muniplities-nov te cerce <hem I1 voreti in pomiaiit;a cap8phj4-yigilant te. iknecccsarte' connect vitt Arupriur te Expoure 2rd-Tite Canlquestion. Il presentative, ever alive t t~fié Intoresta of viticit thoellrockrille rond la nov bualit andi ida aeisnoalcdgcd <bat nul onu of hatithse ieCounty,.Titrongit Mr, Camterun's n' bo< .rom nticPilla broice tanthe G eo1'em. singy iel sany tivntent vorlt spealsiag fluecandi exertiona lte large public vurics Baoke. om nu b ruk ieste utiergoa- of, If, itoveverttey ha ve uot yicltied inter. aItliobeSygeon, BaclihnaudLiutiiayhitve struction of tint ink wouldi enanre te Que- est te pIon. lb.e capitAllat, liey bave von- beeng procuret, anti nov b. la at aune bec a very large lustalmenî cf lie Iratie cf derfalli bfsuitated lia Irade commee agaiute gelticheDopgarment tof public the great acot, for fia distance te a sbip- te fue ennlr; lvcrtg li ~ m-~ .' frwari tm copiofeu ipng port wouiti bu thua reduedt by ut la freigita, and gseclearly incteaing foloWing luIter, w vitii d inba Linti. p1tanti 30iOmiles, lakiagluriumn. My the profits of ltse Farme. .Nay, say paper, vill serve te show boa earutly iuaprosaion lo, bovevot, liaI l>otb lia Northt the. vcty <nett lita a greater amnouant adion r, Cuseron initors for the. le, Shore lino t.' MonIrtisl, and thte couinter of tia tolilala coliocttotin Upper, titan lunealiîy lho represa. Wonld ltaI N;rth projeel of a direct course te Otawa, are Love Caada isuouelasvs s t viici malSouit utaiu cre leaetiaitt ~ Vevy iikoly t.' bang firo fur sornetinte lu -1»wr Cmlo inSwlilv m.to hic en Soth ntaio ereblesei wih sch comte, uies.the Governmnt îhonid corne setidon of flue Uni on derives te greatest a repreeutative. If cititer vre se0<tîvor& e t fheir ait in a difforent vawigytani itasu ativanfage rom <buse cauais1Tio Lted lte Narroas' Jiritigo wvoultinol b. aIéivd y1doe-lia giving,, 0< lund-t lte for- er bIav iugtiowllacl shusvnla over 19 to romain lit fle ictapidted mttoil ma;l,,! ~tTic sciame <or tItis extension of millionstot dollars of fte public deit, bave sur vouid-thlia (uer yConnaî meil l ' r d r - .l . . runwic 1 asti~~~~~~~~~~~t that essbu .~e oualala5 lenmter 105b, <Itm visi eeta BEtU ~<.i lW4a9tbut !th' - oepleI.sa4 m4~s~l9tiat yUjpvb.wewmouaal'~ do Dot kaovltsi Puaa ..lre Ti. 8hbup ÀvarWgo t#l& s « ale ai t. 0S<saou es <ilimeutaboutlts saIllieof y1*- ~~ ~ ~ Wflt.ot50 out»ualCSiom otf yomp ,in tiing te prsv.n4 irt o Ib WÏWéj 01W alaé lamiimom>utlwviit id la ltwbai "<la ant ar mevIn.,a am t porsig<th oto ba501ve a nisexcellent eneitu. Iamn as eves, jour fiitful, 'rtu n uehl. At lie meetng o<fte Caoicl.tun mon. day cvsuing, toe. were present Hia Wor. slipt, Ite Mayor, ilu thicchair. Me"e Iraper,' 'limtan, Lynde, Halin McPuemiifl Muictbonneîl andi Watbon. Ahtsent, CapI. Joite ant iMr Bigebov.ý 1?oeauGeorge Ailil aetisg fot lb. 'iltiigesl5 cirounistanees tufJohn Binisel, andi recmnieding ltaI the amnounî of bis taxes b. emit Fyroua uthmaMoyersimn'relation te bis; ueanitf<m-promises rente ills f roui inr. MeieIou la B orect. xtaliiug pries efeousolidt atutea. (ftli Standng Couttteeon Tovwn property, andi de'tnmngConmîe oui Prnting, ero ,atioptot, aiul te aic- éounta fluenein reconimoet, xOoreetu f le Br-LAW 7 AFo ÀIJT VStU -uiMB, M r. Macineil iutrodueéd aliy.laïv for the 1aboveq putpose, .abich va s sstsd TintItLevis sPpolntm d veigit(ast.- Tu,, be paiti b, (cet, ais follovi :_-,Evcry louià o f ay or atrav, SB cenfa; cety ' n tuf produce, 3 cent.; every ag-on, 3 cets; ovev 3 cal. and auder 6-cwtw 2 cents. In'l repi, te tMr. Lynde, tite Mayor sfated thmal b ilice the liaaount em 1wgl lte banda c f <belatie'Bnven oc- ty, te iasme $10 or $15. A resoîntion ps" sethlorisiag lhe cul. lef ormstite anitt of Blakloey's Mr. Draper gave n otice ltaI hovoalti, at te nexf meeting of te Conneil, suive for teappointuuenî ofa apeciai comuaittec te confer aiti thelia irectors otuf lic Port Wbitity ila,, lurefermeo <O ab,. lava pasi ibylia Tow attuking stock. Tic Connil thon atijourneti unti Mon. day eveu4ng, te 121h iuat. PlIo4eulng TO-wa ip Couacl. The Coancl of lte Corporation cf tic Townahip tu-f Pickering ltia meeting it, te Town Hail aItJirungias, on Saturduy t6 i..ntilst.Meii lren.- T.~~~~ PWitc ,Iceve ln tic Chair. Of E. B. Orvis and Loren Brovu, pra,. ing fur alteration lu Seitoeî Section No. I. -31n.'Taylor, of Hammilton Dnlpnuu&toglmr, praying for tic Oosting ofr a ue" rë'- oad ti eeî -Lotés- ansd <19l in éSrdCon.-MXr. Taylor.: Of William Woiah anti otites, pruYing ltat the boiudaries cf school Sectio n-No. 16, lie etented.-Mr. Wix»on. - 0f A. F-ullarten, ÈEsq., anti otites, for aidto fimprove lteheenwood 141.Mn. Chalimi. - ui motion of Mn. Chapman, il vws ne. o;olvdti laI u inte opinion of 'itis Council, il la iuexpediettotealter lie, bundadeis of Scbool Sections No. 1 asud 16, at lie pre- âsent lime. Mir. Taylor moues tiat the sain of j200) bc granteti (rom lte funtisof titla Townships one bal! to e b.pait in Marci 1860y tic te mninsing parI _in Nuvcuuzlir f0à:ovbug, for thic purpose of iuapruving tho iiIaI (Grcen. iroct, - andi A' Fulicu-ton, Nelson Ciapinan, Edirrd Jackson andi William Warren, are appolufei b, fuis Coumicil, Commiiinsers te expeudtheicane, andti i he ors in directeti te uotify saidiCommiaiouers tuf thuin ap, pointlment. On mofioni of Mv. Ciaputan, if vas ne. solvodti lithle eove grant aortier on- <ho Trouearr li favonr of Hoctor Boaton, (un teo smo<f40,62, hoiag saoutiltins itinu for aiig icno, oSlcino! Jirorm% and for Stationat,' and Posagesturing lia preicuit yeitr. On motion tut Mr, 1ccrcigbt, ordot J060t $hier, lV'.L 84 aeldanrvey 4tieLots On muoti, siche c as antitotsedto . grant anortier on, tic Treumrer to psy lte seventt officers'0ofte Ttuwuaiip '-hteir iiry, aise le Wni. Bradey-$4..50 for te- A A »yLwvsthon la a DmnI pu cdte ix lte Sîlaly -of lte hupetor of 14r, Loekbnnt,,tba< lte Ilve-b. atoriet to instuelti"osHigou Fis 31Mter, te ope» flue Rond'botaeem Lots1$ '0 11~l ste Stit Cop.tof tPtis téwsip-o1»4, Movedby Mn. himiBrrojh, seonded 'b, Basteiff, <bal ý J6h» Gordon, be cretuteti the SMIn £150L Itt, on u cjiud,çkeiuitt ahich Ur mv.Loiart muoveos, ecoudtby Mn. ltitlaItito live»b.,sutorizeta teat- te n: te1lite suit nov pouding agzainat <ie suriticer oi te .Collectïr for thflueor 1867, vitit flu, sanie povetas vawaxcouifentrotupon, lte DopuI, Beeve, b, s fornmetresMoliùon cf the CouniL-Carred On ~ ~ ~ ~~3r mtocfM.Wit, n.lavreace vas appSonied comntiaioer, lu expenti$10 for lte meais of à biA4çe boîveen Lots 28 On motion-cf Mn. WIVtite, tic Conneil vent ite Committe 0<ofte aboie apon tic ?shh Masters retavas for the. presonl par, 1.Couauilleerose anti reporie th Ti oba- ing tosohuilion, thâl lte Clerit 1w required to' notify ft. severtl Paf hMUusterisvite bave reluruedth ieir tond liste us not Coupbewei t<bat <le, wiU 1w tequirot aititin eiilst ays to prosecnte te defaulters in Ibein respec- tive iÀôsý taolervise îlwy viii b. prosea., ted li couformiîy wiîh a IlLav o! tbhâ, Mr. Lookiart moves, secondet b, Mnr. W'Iile, Tiat Mr. Brownu beumluveti $. 50c. pier day fourtlis services lu atteudiuýg to flue business uof lieMunicipality"-CarietL mir. Wbite nuoves, secondti4by31r. PRat- chahf, Tint tic Treasuror, be antiorizedti t usecept $3 on lte Colotnial, snd $2 oitich Internatinal Banki, fron thie Coliector, occis, bbisabàvinàg beon ollet a wile iteà saune vas cunret ney,.Cnrried. 31n. Loc-kltrt mtives, scooote b, 31t. Whitc, Titat tic Reeve and 'Mr. Burrouli Éo. a cotnamitle lu céomunieuste mitt Mr. Harrison andi Mr. Wiisott, 1'u atuin alto nny,ç -lie able forliicékpénscs of' alutratu fer of juulgtent <rom Solomou Modgsuu.p andi JohnuGordon, Ito îus Muiipiy.__ Carniet. 1 las move t litIan ordor b. traira on lieTetnrrin fayot cf iL.Bonfr$ 75ÃŽ for KseÃŽrvie tderetiia lte suit of I. T. HEatrison vs-,titisMunicipusliîy, anti un lu favor of L. M.WilIiamson, fur $5 cô, f:r Colil te t fing i cnce cfrmrey faxilui it )ÇcnessiOn.--i-nid.d Ib4 cmil in ujouane t temeet again ùiktjuCa-i of tic lieree -Dotxrtxo,.-Tbe Secretur, cf tue WItit- b,, M-cianies Institute, bega tu sckttoa. letige îte receipt of taely.tlve dollar rs o Johtn Ham-Perry, sq., We e. Da llem"set o earnltaI durng lusis Tern (Illeiuaelrnas.> lite Court of *Qsteen's Bencit bas beonpbeasetite issuen'a&(Cotu. mission to ontrescpclet fiei Niebolas H1. J.' Westby Yï;qr., appoinling bien a COumssloner of &&Id' Court, -Arrivai oet he zltttiabg. XNaniit Sahib r-pontet o b.etul-bate. p Wn lueconfinmttout WIte Nora-Scetian itad arniveti out. LeUcer front .14 Brown sobifs Familf. A k-Uer of<Broan'a tesbecs pabliia1, -in altieit b.expresses édonit as te the pro. priesy cf bis' vi<o vidhiiug hlm lu prisonstu bld Mitiureaéil, asud 5< la probable fiat ltew siuIýoined 4wtetfroiq lBrovnlýi8 miws if sund citltreu Jwka uriiutuiîeitiie ie thatnoihulrveielvweu,<itm'vonltitaise terCia ne rsn Dautten, saeve nt e . - on l0 hy applièable te liuI. propery concerus lu anotMer P iae. 1 vreeeuly reeeived a leuter frein my vif.,- from neur Pitiladehia, dateti No. isaë about giiving uopte ides tuf ,aedag me ' a- _ia. u1 arlîlotn erte conteon if sic l <rtequait te-c n&ttaisin, u I do Dot îo mua ts siniiget lloer bu lime. 15 vas con ber evu s eý c iily -that Iasketiuber tu tay bacJL .At fira 1 bat a sten-desine -fo se ler uau u lter appearèel le verserioobetions1 anti alonlti vo noer meel bu4his 1f., I truttatibse vifii m-thécati besatlaflet it vas for lia e éti n>leaàe4. if net, moml for ber cumfurt. 1 encloset i b n,' lamI bitter te icr a dlraft of fifty tdolars <rom John Jay, mati pýayable to ber ortier. I -bave now aneliar te sent iwiu-,frein my excel- eut oit fitidEtiarar rris",,, 0<ltom. stoket. h; '.,for 'one itndreti tollau wluicb I shah uisemake. payable te ber ortie. "1 SMin i1ulâo eboaof7my pulic MWr. dber- viti-ýt 1eut conposure tof-md anti ceurui é%u feeling ste itruag assurace ilal iu nouotie on ased va, coueSW Leb us t 00 semuuch utuvatage <o lte cause 0o' gooti anti of -baunauit,, andti ltI otiine hbalciltenI o ai ut' fuyibave sacrifie- Oil Ora»uffeuti miifbu bues. ,T)erqeti*n taIt a iise anti -incrolfulas viasw a suit MolyGOt, raies not lie affaira 0ofils moniti, bascf aliaordasrckt even.tics.more evtirely ttyiug tunus into- viticit ontu t, eeinga niadrong a bae p ocu s. blave »nom ne 4 ut uI fat »ornsbcoining dusate ahi liiatey-rual lite torgbenlous sueeas; m y ni,' tes abatoretiuad, brok fn ai, ' le !ooti chueri, sud boieve ngtr- u lt vh i yout luearf, ant isai ilyour moil; for b. due 41lulo aiweini d. Do nol (cel uhameti Ou '»Y accOuai tonfor ont moment dte PinO thliecaue or 'grca vear, O!rvel tinbg. ' Inhm Goti1h acter felt atronger confidience i'tie certan anti neun approcu 0f Ibrgt moruing anti a lerions day hitaItiy .1 u Sieo l, aines nu, cfuenn hmre 1 amsut ndivSurg te retara, hike apour prodigst luni, f oiny Fathor, againosîvbom I bave slvayà sinnet, lu tic hope lit I b uuuy isindly auh-fi>rgiye- ingly meut ni, ftought a ver, great ay Oh I1utiMy afeasichu&ni, voult te Geo lop uli mo, lW.Itouhave lieu - ~ tiisur -, jur yen 1f, _ -- TicEdnititgitMoUnYotr, Dec, . o f jou t"sY Niloftufhle gie er The dinbrghari-iveti-titis ercrning -ThagitJeassChrist-fiat from ILierpol, via quecestovnelon tilte ytu aysbe blindt t thetrutà 2Stît ligit tf itis word, l intiot h ife. Tito ~ ~ ~ ný atoiuzeîlmInvié tai mî, aebruughî te liglit, I1l bc.n issed i tlte Congreu à w speâ-eve* oetomaist. iley taire ; ýneîting autiîiuîie as, t-ytun ti Bibe y fte tit ter....ighfly study, vwlit a childlub, Itvstpre ltIn lansetiet tetccable apiritofiom tI pro 'ceming for thue lorwivuning ota New yoÃœuiuliud m ant aier. -Yens direct mail, cia -Queeîo-.- Andi 1'beseech ticé(lot et - Dr. art-yhlhrna (¶IfBld'h6 ftup opon all ytun oes tote d "Saruuuaait, hati tiflu- Paris, -- Tim atiten cfitic- cliibd ti M adti4 nft Yon cannas Imaglit arrived inluParla, -doterrnincdtu te tmant yen =ny 5005n neti. ,a etusol from flue Congress4t e storxlion oi, bis Christain religlonit.Y freutal ébut. -: , oas<m =ors£taaa saoulfpTu "Theý BoWuevUsdm11but stesdy -at 09 vined me b.yeiutait 4ssU c Garîbalti, l ap.oelauesliea annutt. pjgiâcMsaexschtet, ontr5 ciug bis nelivomeut <noSmtic srmy re llet lt h Centrall Iai, > cmplaetho mdaidnita to 'c lePte tas'lanaluuis*s.m~î-.,t., . . ý I lfu' «4" aSsu aom &à bü55 ioa ltI4 Do eue fGAt.' tno one of 4ne antutho.- John IE 4itila1 'Qbor ltas -IeBe." John Broya rua to sbbor, vitit n taI sans of e lviauti saemb le "thallsxado titan fie migbuy, anti ~ prthia he thattaiso ffadhte tint turu ui As lhe stars fur*ver au Anti nov, ti, rl bot sud thc e <r-cf im'à 'yoar uffcatonate hm. AINOTIIEIILETTE, AtIa meeting ofaSym .-lautiou Puits,'tte folIo Tiltien>froua Juba Bn Judge Spslicg: Mfontay, Nou non. D, IL.Tiltien - monuetiltanti eomfori 1 bave no language iag of graitude anuot for ycur kid haereat ue un, isatuter. Thte great bnlk o! escuotluertiactictsuua Zqeofnte of sacoeça or ot 'hem titrmeik life. E,' 1 eue o e c onât anti ont Itdo noîclouaito bave t; and 1leare ut tu a te tiecte ahth ie I -veust or théte ttOu- for -ine-aif. 31y pSresntgra as a nea ureuitinfoi &ction a1Wel cou. S nearreeieretifront poor liroken-iteartcti vouldeome te iminctia revaut, a thocnant fe Made lu their 1w-hialL -mid ever aitiun y ces 4a greal comfurt te fcel permitte t o die fora' - - pa thie debtof natuî feel niaelf tu lie most distinction.The tarû k% hnasigned tome,git fde uncuaineas. 1vigh sic abhity te ýgiVtî-yu 0 .seffe ile itea u l 44 Most ogay'houri, ~Prison ;Wvalo; andcoi vltuesuonlysafcvof 1 'biey occu, 1Inink te 1 sa sut justsI1aam. foyre d't".,i also 1find much te Te nu presons condlitiou -pffspects. "nia,' bc ameif insai-.aSL '. ius5alt, muliSe a rm, Ow. s-I'ajot ite fi of My,' rvrlgr, of 1 terrible vision wiattene entirely coxuposet i us p.rtic lris as veeot 'jooulllie infant. ma lgraul me a elith cate. bat uIeIiaIfah du

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