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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1859, p. 4

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vu. STÂTI ONERS, BOOKBELLERS AND BROOK STREET, IWIIITBY, 0. W, Mud al wbodeinluthe above liao. vWMOnP onubond alarîo andvell assortedS1(ock nt thi etsiiuisiinsent of the. underugn.d, vblhteh tii,' oeusling et uuprueoootedl, ACOOUNTBOÃ"KS Ledgmr Journal$, Va,'C, Oaitnsd 111 Iooka, rsiddwfrth noir deelmal currn<j; Blank Books of ave?,' descriptIon miet ordc, rulodto auyptteru, pageti sud bouud lu a supa- ririanor. Sehool Books Wrltlug sua- twenais, ates Pendus,daalîng Wax, «Waters , .L WRITING PAPEE-Pot4 Nota, Lt. ter Oop,'lugFoolioap, Bank Post, Pott AeàBuîo rvng papar, .sU-aises sud WRAPPIIiG PAPERSbono s. tufao tureti Manille, Brçvn, Oominercîal, El.- pitantanti Or.,' wrapplug papets-all simeansd velghti. ENVELOPES-Leld, Mue, Bu%~ Color. ed, ko aIl sizes, aud varlbosquilitles, fronsÏJ. i o No, Io, BLANK FORtmS-Tu Obaucer,',Quee Reucit Md Consion PiM,, Count,' sud Surrojat. Courts, Inoolveut court, Divi- sion court Coroner', Magistrats,' Nota. ries'Cintosof the Pe*au, lka o( Couu. tlfsowu,VIII isgr vubla'Deeda, Mortgsgean sd ail foms r.litlute(othe Maleuit, , hé dozen, Ludr.d, or thon. sund, st Toronto pria..,_. INKS, FLUIDS, INKSANDS, &o SWIM. quarter Delir TachI, Oontainit about eiete âueruled Letter PApe# 12 sheot Note 12 ilfssllus 1,t. (orEnvlaps,12 eelftssllng RNote s topes, rier bolon Feus snd Ilolder, ene shoot '0ofBlottlng Paper, Ma nt e t *$14 oflItk-ail fer 0 Quiarter Dolki, TO PRINTERS. AIl kinds of Pixnxa woPtrs-ýNews, Job sud eoored-iold nt marktet prices, AsiîlI furtiier Baductlon lu sil kinda of Pntiug for cash. The, SEMI-WBEKLY ONRONICLE et $2001a Year. SW'Tho WEEKLY CHRONIOLE, tihe cpe1stost uarsaPer lu canada, ntOu@e DI1GOINS le MAYERNOPPER Âprntt>rs ad .ytaMonmrs Witb,', <ul,' 4, 1889 -NEW' STATONARY! HIGINS f*JM4 YBRUOFPER, B w »m'e eittoutlo te their urge înlude. *11 BAds àf Plansad Faner' -Wrltlng pspers, Nerelisnt'i Wrppiug Tapea, ool Books,, oline#,, Taelop «feuluis, Tperhe. Also, Las Ca. tonar,' of eyery description snaclndlng 11B in eelsLesseso, Nortgugeso, Ai. Ignosept, Bonds, Bolesees, lHstroes Werrent#, ho. LAWYER'S BLANICS queen's BencisComîumouTe, chkane eor,' aud Cousît, Court Forms. Vinaiorn Cort Elanisa st TiLt,' cets per hnudred. Maltst' iais. Motarlal-Blakof ail for Sel. st Toronto Prias. p RIN TI1 NO, OyFAitL KINDS LAWYBEB BAIME,i Dxvslon ~Cmur lukdbh jar AT CITY mePEln I IIIGOINS & MAYBRHOIVZE, -j À omYoDram, 4 BY F ~POLE. tibe wk vi n Prissd Nomniu'aNUIT. It tIo110<one o is iuer- aitst *e tiprasent day, sud 14 wTtten witb grst powér and truthfuln.m. It vil ha pnted on- gooti pspr, 40 pimphlet krm, oand lu ippacoloera Wbltbq, Oct.lo16109. r iePIterboro'Examinuer, PITJL1IIEP"M EI THURBDAV ýMORNINGY papr ublo e io'sud b ea* m.dinm isdiihm Unit.dCoulities Tenus-To sdvertleisver'llbsrs. TIIE PEElOROUGH UEVIW F R 10.AY MORNINO At Qn»olspersumt na,'bleifladV5Itfl buat adtsoluardaus ist*0 014 N.ves.ll Ail ordere addresl tis9w PsblabmiwM b, pinetully T ladIé ]F0 àSAos0KTO lEm. SIES, fTOW'NLOTS, &0. FOR SALE, ON Inroeed Farta luWhltb,, 10 -Oue Iinpro.d Parus lu Darlfngtou 50 acres. One di d réos 5 acres, Wlld lansdnluMmets, ousorfillo, Eu- p-brals, Autemsiaa, Luther, Citatitani voer,- Huug.r<ord. Mill Privilege Iu Héapton Township of Darlingtou, one of te Ver,' Les t heTowunship of Dan- Town ]Lots In Bovsuanvllle, Brooklu, Hamspton, Port Pan',, andi Sarula. Ais. a few Town Lotso à the Town eOf FrsULoto auJ onLong Cr0<it. Meciatansd othera ticairous of buld- ing ea avt.e fromt 12 (o 18 mouths (o Sfor aeChnpla, AdonR onable Terzpa provemente of<20 &areson sah Lot; For aoh apl,'to ELJ.Maedon- *litW lty, Brrbto r toi).,OCamerone Pl CAMERON, Octob.17, 159. 5-2lu-40.21". TOLETZ flr lED WELLING lately oepied On. 810' mBuCKSEKT ouhe B.CanpbeWsStve oui 5101' AND>»V .JM njuoc SaOii, of rolard's ot. anui ulinsls slwaat J. . EU Lai~O- agoeueg uzoruags. MaS, , 185. 16 pou 4SALE CUBAI. LTe O No27, u à ýàth, ésrd Cdoucao nuhoo wht,' Wiiftbýy.AppI,' te the lion.IL (1.W.xm,, Camtllme., iéê'CiLl.Wuxç,h.Bllvle rte J0l, leu185. J. V. RAM, Barrister wiiîtW se &mam anid Plaser mJfor Sale., or N. MJLJEB, PaUM f«Od ae. four mioes01 Basv.rion on the -*Waei rosd tu uwM4 .g"lao s'eSt1 alida l Mud s Mstil .ovonisut.,<101 Also ords bal( of Lat 4f la tbi OUConne- mon ;? hoMWM1oo4 oru 0 95 sere-12 Of W"ial nre laaredsAd"rntng ons. 0 .g Eoad,usarC«sn.rol ii. ,&"lyto »CMBN Bsmofto% m, 015 a1 iT n To tt "wdl km" n Trin mtb* front oftii Tovuabfp of Wbitby, kuovu as thie FARQUHABON FDET consisti g a0 cres, M of0<wblcls are ceur.d, &fsefions tumps, and In à bigb 4iâteof culti#ation. A col)13RBICE OTEAGI vlth ockut.bwdi sud two dw.llng boum for Iîborefi>s larp orchard wlth the. chokestfruit wieh ii InIprodauce <bons $100 to $200 snnuealy, le yle bsutlfully suttd on g gT7 souund, one ille Dortb ofthte COU7 ovn. affording f vfaility for den V.gatsble, tibL. ino eof tib t Ma"ketTovns sant of tb City' of Toràoto:. the Grad Trusk Station dia4m etvo mils w Lb s ail vfrw oflsk. Outalo and Wïi4sor Harbmu., The sbore propei7 wvili busold on sy tarins ofpsymeut, i parties wlab (o par. Trou,:-ither t ot or for ale, eau b.~ ~ O.H koub' uiDARTNELL or b,' letter olitrWiby JOHNL A. DONALDSON, Poét-Master, Weslon, Possesion givon tbe. iret of Aprîl next. Whitby, Mmr 10, 1800, 05.44wr-in TO LT. mfi au *dwclhbîg t promeut oc- "cupied b, O. A.' Bantaister, si toi! on tiie corner of Dundasand Byron etreet, Wbitby, Posseaion can b. bed on or after the. lOtb Septorber, For partiilarte appi,', If b,' lett.r pre. pal d ta B. OUSE. Whitby, Aug. lOtit, 1809, 44 TO B3E SOLD-A BARGAIN ANEAT DW ELLING IJOUSEEITUATzD la the Utater 0ofJISAVERTON cern- nlslug itîxBom Appi,', if b,' leftto poot pmid, CHLABLES BOBINSON, Es0Q Wiiitby, Apili1$th, 1Ion. sud Brown JapsaCWsh##llt unir, *4 - p4il, smphue Aa bolG A. BANNI@SMTR D ort ot.« hi SCOMMODIOUS AND> pLE 13RICK COTTAG, vîitt 1 of en aere of isum-uti.Nf t Wsrd0te Tovu'oiWbil,',outbeBa sid Brock tnsL, ý For furthie partialarapply (fi byJet, t~~e. Atd 4W. M rIl no.of. w:bor (o thé isrbrO~l1 MawDs0, - ~POIL A. MIthe bhurt 0f tue .qva oftÃŽitlt, and ri l afit d.otlipMsu o $àreet ofda Igto IIbe iil Apl &M w a= off Md AMYEBUFe l 19 tlab. A Cjrye Utl.oWitf BEAVERTON .- fin- uod prodtýableM1llngbnuln" ambe don. rboe!, FaVoralble tornsi1l. na.wlth tii. Xrpltrby sPrntIM1 a PU JA)m SARMSTRooG N.iB-Tiiure la à flrst-rate op.le t Bos- 94oufor tb ii.aUspusoud ~LVAEE ?E~EETYfor $AL£. shp o'f bl tog.thervuih artrmmr 0 siMtbaeto. Thio storsIVey,'fri rably ,utustedfor a,' business. Thé i I«o o< UtWion i.n tii eirooftb0 Towmob,0>, # mun tiu travel o tt Ifroek rawrpassés t rough ILt STmnus vili b.nmade to suit purelisarys.Ap- plicaton 0ob.umde to JABS.1), CAMPBELL# 45 *~AsiburulP. 0., Beah. a IEMIl, OP10i.. Mes. 1221Md liai, &ent $tret Wi.to« Brook Sutre1, u frwsi 0( wii. 11» . soveiot.s r;umoe *llgtbY sltuatud fur buildi the arten"e ano.dd tut4uL.too<ir Town, sud vu b. dlooud4 on IIbimItsmu Apply to V CI XÀ rXHOMgp ',Wbitb, TO ILET. ALAMEEWO &TM BUnCK rOE Wood.nFesm.B D.a4oningtbdis èm, odf tonn itlIfàfe 10îomis Sud àalarge miur n oêen r Vlo<wgt.rwlga spuiip,Msud i soaouf bu tn d ssoodLr.. The. lot coutaim s ba sacre, situa ontii. aorner of Dandmas sud Andarson atsteeinthe. Town ot Wbitby, ocly a fow mintes vslkfrImm thé dapet Al snother *ery bsudsome Tv.o Stor House Il# the . ml ogduly o .t te rosi- dencesof Jotn ame .pndld vaudah round thé.»A.n, sgod WlOU Wwtr Msudo.- toma of sort wste *Ith £ apup lu euhi, tihe (romntoe ila ld ou$ rIFeI' bumealitud orne- meuted wlth 5d r~ow w.utng0 rubo sud @yegieu, vhick uné is t apieer ilw.àittl la uds.l ummer, thia r.otvo gardons, sud a ve.¶ilre.omWisd prodaengfronthOrse forbnîdbusii.4f-.appl.s, wlii Ailont- baldlvcur. fo.dr uape. ~Tilsiisd- souiepl i* ban' th iae of tie i.1gh SiiuI4S. U. Reynolds, 1. u tîrgm tIeeu0ruauult ibia la a4i$ghi'eïgom- 01mi lmwthontt futhueou, Imeut. Bat moderato. Wiil~ ~ ~ ~ whtbysri .îs Whtr, C, W. TO LET, qIE Store and dwelling lious. now ocapled A b,' Jnîn. ringle, asud, known as tii, 1STONE STORE, Iu the. Town of Wlîitby, Possesion giron on the. tiraI o! Sepeonber neat. Apl cJAMES BIVE.L Wilbjuly2s, 1859. 28 Vuluable 1'am f«r Bab, T IIAT vainablo Fum ninpouof c N. IL oilm Lot40.4, In the tii onmo.saoof&Iè arlgt Containing 50 Acres, About 20acreohopp5ed. luit ete0 .Tho above F..rnsi1taatoi uI ocnteo mn excelent vb.st-Pruwlugloc.ity, sud wltbln Abont osxm , s ti bupm"iut Tovn 0f Wliltby. Ternu inoerte, Titi. lndl*put.ible. A limSt~o be mode to JAS. McA LMAN, W;it JAS, LOGAN, lut 9, Bruken Front, rtýg, gr o THOMAS HUSTON Also, for Sale A qusutit,' 0<good CEDAu I l'fT A1PLY As ABOVE. October8 à M0 W &5Smd TO ÀLL TRII WORLI), wé mmbbsvy saeed basisse hw ovWoff.w rigor for aterinao1 Imm ,ruoxaible tornis hl. splendid, ,V 1! ovuhp0r voooaauof lus~~~~~ft 1,iat,185Tobnd.Tqi~ m la)lid n ad te .mmiaut daims, #W M HunJ&id Zou*md PuI 4I Aohig FIE INSUEANCE on Bufldipgooyumssltsr sud MerOsiiaze, 0 of i dsitIon, sf- Short perlod rlsks tushen on abidV r eue Orinore months. Mie Insurm .on ver,' mdvantageois ténuis for the,umsuredi, vit>paaua1onaudvil of rto9w evaer'years Wiitb, Jaln$, 18»0. 20 II"'PAID UP CAPITAL, $s00000.,. P OLI 1Sgsn lmodse,'o pias. ti 0 lbu referenée to the naduOic Whltb ob. 2, 1859, Tue SsOtUsh ProvInvIal i 'ne A uUkJ4 . 20 IM ad Jrcekomp'a fb a Sp.eial d o paruamé. Moutrei, 9 cresat .JaumsStreet TrNTENDING Assuraisaure spafbuly r. .L qn@#tgotperuse tItis Compmn,"sFroopec- tas,,'*w Oàs itery avsu- t.On ,;do4ldWllbromuanvltl tii. ProiI sIItt.byamo t is thrlsd Pasuderattesunla0slsodwqoetdtosue$qui- toble r.gitltlondopW db,'tu Cis,,ma te garrêueig vlo rolIuqulule Paliw. P os Aam-Jonlvlobasv . .d ELB.ohm, NB.lP. Coonel O miEETOS TheiB. EtW. Beau.- Pater rsatr, w q 11 on. B B othl& 4u4k ksmmu. huer & Borae.s. &apor-Wîll .Wllluna, Fsq. .&akm.-Uea.r. Esuon *CMIMpsY.5e*. -Wni. auell, Eaq. CANADA BEANR ' susd OlHE,-Kmaso il, Tot. 2I.saos.-HouJohn Boa, Jobhn rsiford, Msq., IL P. P. Wm. BssEq, Wni.lIu.; dors"on hq. F. W. jards. Eaq., 51i15'U. C. ofY'rk andPool. Bnk»r-The Bank of Mouireal. &Udmlr r140os, Crsvford & (.rombia. Thie engageuint. qf the BStO Teirea nanc Cmoxpu,'Art gnomtad b,'a maponslble I'rc- prlctar,'. AIl Lossm îtvol besttled pioiptly vithout raferece ta tii.BoArd lun glmind. Tbe uîwIifl ies te Tunes imVIiugbeem patr- ciiao, POIWY-IWorx Iare nov guasrmted b,' 1Witltby, dat ALEXtANDERSTEWART, .lang r, ".vk ortl, 4ntrice Protectîion uglsait1Lo0s sud Dsuuag b,' rire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY# CAPITAL £100,000 JNbUBAMCEaWact«ed on Building sosd tila AC«otnta. Ever,' Infomnatlon sappfle on applicaIon t. the undamlgnad. JOHN AGMEW, Travelling Agent, lyon Oîrt, WbitbY DrilaI Ameris Aurama Coua t, t nient opauilg agea. » Olu use.rt YKlUeAtlo ;'othe naisaUmm u MI Lue Blsks" <orti Ssa onro rPur -ta A" îm-wl-à wthot âmJ oJIN AGeW, hrlu Tr1lin9n,. WrODWAtR, Wit, rle P1u ý irerUuanom o ps, orÂS 1851 nD *110 i ODO 0 GbitLLESg 1,PI, sept, 1O. ter,, vertd god 1 , l _ud i ei ui erxiheo :0uuw, for 1nruusîiî,muimsas- Bec, ii As,' MnlisBei- Uton BR matide cri$ ammaiiie -for 4ud- Coun i Bail"n, Grtesnvocd aud KOi- 'T bonTum", Thura M-sd Dea.uuh Jtou,:Csre ontad Staf 1ilbîOa la t4iCourt of CouiiuoPiss. ,WlllmCorw lgupalîit-Ir, vo, Sylveowerusd. luti *ona, ort. William corrigal. plaindif, sa. ylresterHad- lR the, conty Coèt., JaoSliitrolanîit, y*.John Sier sud Ail thltneet vlîlelî tdisagd stulmgffPaug. lot No. 'Y, IothesOeverntii Oneasfflfof theii lu tue Court o<f tamiîleei Tb* Zinmansu"n k,0plaintif rvoliaes 0 &sr sD Aarw uron, fuLst Ce sNo211, 8, sud 10, luth. Sud eonomsio Lot Is, Inuth. $rd ooaosslo s fSan Leot 10, fuatii.4th ae»ooi«f flaps part Of lmot lalthé îti conceuslmof .tU- liter part 0 otX No,."5, lu toii.lot eoneoslos or Uxbrldge, eoutulring 100set. NELON .et NGLDSn, whithy dée Q, lm, 5i< ta COCtrvor OlmÀAa, ý'ON Sturday, tue Marab, A. D. 158, at Tvalie deIook, noom, wi'Il b. aold b,' Publia Anucton, et Ym M4inthe. CourtlBouse,-in te Towa lWtyj, (ha rigbt, titis, aud aterst vbloh the. audemmenioued defcndsntsuà"- eril,' poésauIntheoudemiutioned lsndu sud teucinenti thereon, Reized b,' me un- der, sua b,'virtue cf, certainWrits otf Ini héolas tome direced vizt Iu the. Court of queeui's Benoli. William P. Rlowland sud Johnu Chlarles iteit, plainti&lms.Paul F.Whftne,', defén.- dent. , , 1, - ,1 1 Lot 28, Broken- Front, in its lst come.. sien of Pick"ng. -- -> iu tbe-oart of Coinmonfles. -AIl (tipfrcet or tract'o!futana1intii. Township of Brook, ilu-tb. County. of Ou- tarlo, boiugLot nuusber Nlueteeti4 -(ID) lu, the Twelfth cncession of tii. said Town- ship of Brooh, vîitis 51 aud singulir, the teuee.ts, iereiia siuts and4 apparteua-. e« theeunto in a,' n lu ti.u rt ý of <laeau'aBanel, jamos W ~plaint IYr;Peter Stoutes- - ~il ud luglar (at certain pie.. or pansa lassd igitutcd lu theaTàvusbfp- ô( 9'"a,e(re a" ubelug aOnpoeed or ,prtdULt nusiir Seven, li hiiBglsth concession of theuld townuip, sud be$pg allistprterLooreco1e8&l,'one, t> Courts. Ofiep ta h e W ARDEN.,itDh NELSMON G.E flouaF. ao it, T) FJISTRAI.UicOFICE Im . CD Ctht <2ourt Ibîî,sc. Clultr;tr o!t nrdie TMMILEU.ïY, nio.lu îlls tili fts iJt thea Court l1..,i,'e. JOlIfifGoI for tihe Cou sîjli yof 4t11i B L AIL 1S T E l . _,M BAttariteY. tntle-ln Bloe-ieeiid loor. le t' thtieU. W4)"llea tiie Courft JIM GEORE H. P») T)MIBITEI, ATTO>Jt 1 B ei h..,/ee. Oetc ci A Cis lardwairet&ora, Bi J. V.1JIU B Strept, C.il, LW. n. D. FAIlLI SMMP. NTAUY N. (.llI 1 T1ABHIST n, AND X11l 1 ffl0c-îppQmite the i Ojr- Emt or W. Lldriit SI à. W. CALDWB1l IVETANCER, týM sking Atlltivito, Aco court, Notuiy lPublic idgo Ufk-King st ropîtly mttauulod t.. JOHN BEI rtOXElY AT LAV Ciianory, CouivaYsna kliani E. L DAU -mai:s ara due for doliver,' fonsthon ocs at-sbout ô50 P. ni. - : 1 jmiNLISII MAILB-Frein tise 1W1ofApràl. 185, ait lattera for (Irest Brftda" aslospro- poid, b,'psao tip ldtfsuintenïd.d for EUrompe sbu<.poit. *à baierai'. o'eloek A. M. on Umula>'a. EEGISTBATIUN .OF LZTTEilS.-Tiie 0gslssu volu#fi11efièh latter riz'- '0 su,' 53-erluiobeNrthIdmtaes,pid;g sgmsbpropâld ais) >1 To au, plu ntbutte olni ouises- sins suLn hsIndy psag iusiepro- To a, pial,î J nce»oo Torelun- t boas M $nlad u nntqua té lipost' pout nnüdaregulations S ScdMperM ta be pr , fijaan nd MI uregitor No ma 10 ore despsteld or reeIved ou son un Bolto ad iow moitterfdm the Unlte< Sitftes, the Cauadkou Postage met W u epid po tagestnps, snd on sus mch r JYw tUnlOtsd Stete,th* Ca,.dbu Po:tege viii ha toa41o dodlîver,' Alltraaalet Nevnpeerl neluligthms for Eoglsndg ansI b#prfpfl by ToageStamp or te'esutb fou'srded, Nowa= or theltlsii Vesut niles, orf Newto nduins bcpr pold b,' Potoge ilà,» ma ~ paudforoiâdli4 ClUaAuatrs OFFCE IOUES-Weak dsar, froin 7 à. ml to 7'p.nm. Sunuds,'si bomg9to 10.nim, PostagoStMps conuba purohs.d ast ie FPut A. mePHEBSoN, P. M. Whltby, Aprl, 1850. a13w. lbWhltby sud, vielult or the islibees Dowt"lae oquint Ibinarom friands and th.pu>llatliszhe hiauom ted ha sralsnt.tbsrt ' T~nPa or hi$s préofeen, lu the 'O M MUl - Tootb imued on g(lidt, Platna, Chooplaat Matai, e.Tes"sMWled iti WGOLD AN» -STANIEL TOIl JO. s" ud vtDoeforJSoevInvention the non- May.mattextg&.O t usueml prooaa À A pus te.0tiret,' ,'ero lna tsprofeiou,r eamb e r.Joues téo guntae tels puton li t"- prdftaIoi1sl sléid ex ei conam socouplils tovusrds nliltlug um uisnsufal. In Sii trauatut of il sfee'ao0f theTeeti.t, 1 ltlu Cie gratest mueees., OFFCE at taoe cld Doutei Stoud, over Jo. Blolvs Dry Gooda SOtar. rmuocs-J. Ili o Pair, l', . or o1 Whitb ;N. a. ne nOldt, Fais heiftzO. TruaiiKq , . iieeky and 1Dr Novambear 24th, 1555 DENTISTRY. DR. 0. 0. JERLOME, 7aud the public goeroily 1br tbelr lhberu. jtoageiie be ewncd practilutiis l,iiou1lierar taie.oemiion to atste t. ail ia ui nobtioa ahnefrworklng titi vuloenlad rubber, utpoîsn is vfhllfnhsr ail kluds sud style s oM %ee IM Waa AI A" Dr. C.C. Jzirli gaarstoce to fit tise Iul fli e aimassu 1 eue L;m

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