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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1859, p. 3

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val mue b g o 0the tisistr, oi.hwverr, su fter * ti ppeasmd oq.sae t,3 bundemn or biplanaes aemor of the lattu a buIn1 bmome {tnow - in h Doue sFOa.Te lb uy-. "D. Xeh vau mable mu,1 a i ds sMd va baae a high respect for iiutb « IluUD6#094 db>' uoandisi rmigla, for the Tsspectev o! risons." Tiei. o. Gorge lBrown le eertally ia 1Jougr is a n M Dr- WolfedNeleon, 'bui ve d ui ftise Dotorîla not At lb.pesi moet hueally, ut 1lent, his -ueiïor. leVOUM dout v mikontrd, onîawim hlm, and a» box hlm loto jol>, "if Gleorge bu ouI> thse courage t'O comae to Ïhe aerate. througi the atnsôspbereut.1hlm 8gotntl asti0f'breeze witi a big umbrlli.- Lia fYOur liabundoamareobutinatcly dosftvison you amc ali.g t10 hem, lv>' a litptil pnt.oii uposs their ears. Mm suad voffluema by groff old, often belike thsmlv"tisto oaetiig. Tise>'bave pip!fts limes.. - - POGOAJIT-In Montreai, on tb.e1m jfot., lb. vife Of 3Kr. P. J. FOgaty cf men S[NKLAR......j0 RawdouE, ou tise 21is ultime, tise vtcfMvdu. Thomas Sink- lut, of a son. o DUCKTT.-îu Coteau Statio., ou tise ard lui., r.9 Roge Dueékett of a daisgh. tar, .MMÃŽD. FQOE-Km.-...ÂIi charotte Square, Edisaburgi, Scotiand, ou thse I7th Nov., b>' the> Bey. C. J. Jvovu, lte 1ev. A. ,, R. pot, Weat Fre>Cisurcis, Dro. chîn, te Mlisou iv, duogister of lie late Major Geneval Cuningham, H. B. L c. S, of Novton audsi Htsngtower, Pevt;ublvo. DIED. M(ACAULAY-In Torosîto, eu tise 9ti - fut., lu tise 34 yeSr or hum age, John l er. Mm tceultsy E#q., avito.a.lcdest s orotise lote lion. Colonel lohn Slmecoe Mfacnulsap, fornaeviy L. N . C. lunliais Pro. vilice-and latterîy of lied. Court. Keat, England. ALLE.-Ou tise iSh Nov, ut'Sand. tord, Dablin, Jrolund, William Allen, Esq, lut. of!Silgo, (tattier uf <ieo. L. Mien, Goy. of Torouto Goal) ugesi 70 yeari, V'A85.-Iut Mouîreal, on tise 9tl fiat mi»s Jo<snua Meutaku Va",a, ed 49 yçurs 83MITII,-Jn lÇmitiss Tula,, on tisetti luit., tboIe 1e. -.Smith, ILMususCatisolie Poïtor- oftb'ss-Palla, C. ýW. GIMPX.-Trs Woodstoclc, o00lise lot rt. John s Ã"torge(Grey', M. 1-i,agoi 26jears, JIÂUI!I$Q.-In Srst(ord, oft tW2n0 it., WilliussuMouve, second sam d W. 1). ffasrison, Auclioneer, qed 3 yesrs ond 1 ln tise unîtusi College 0ofte Univenuly o! SI. Andrews, mD>ER.-Iut luirkesssteu, Engsassulou thse J2tls ultime, Mary, thse ieloveti vife or 8, . 1.Didiler, Eeq., formc»rl>' OasuseralMass, tiger ' of tise Grund Trusnk RialIwu>' o! Canadra. TO 'OUBSOFIIBERS. Mie tAsrnfor thie SOnI dVecl lwl lie $2 ô()in sadv no r $3 6nt LIîo ë il of the yenr. Thé WWuukly <Lropdele wil hbc pulIisI ed in ftur, on SATuJIDAYS, t I$1, a yor, .trict4i in <«itance; *wil hbcoluarged wbon payable OL orwwo. WJiTuJJ ABJCTO. <1clviad sud oorr.md(for 1 tls< (rouîslele b> Thee wvarage. of M<s siiet uigbtly lower tuua lut report. No. il <&U soId 10 dqAt. e32 nd inimrir, and No. , a t $1,20 10 $1.251, 9ping s ýeatNo. 1, loolced, arfi tei Good HOga wighiog 300, "1iibrins Ditto-Sptlng< 1 Q $1, Blo-st$8153 a $5., POrley9,C. a SC. bottrt10, 020c. FoWl 050;1 0O 8..'fpair, 'i'rkbys 000 . O 760. esl, sait t oVbar,s1 Cf ordW $2oO0Q0$2 25 Mod, The OIROULÂTION 'of lie Than that -Of u other local pPr in the Province,_ànd-ý FREXO EEDS The circulation of ail the other papors in the Couny Of Ontario United. jWEEKLY CIOÙL ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY $2.5O PEI1? ANNUML The Chronicle in the Paper to ___Advertlse in. Whitby Brewery. Tfi£ gtsaserlsrs are îsitw v4,,asvd t a T nit lisa paî)lrussa opettiss is b y wy witil ail tae'Sis'st aricle ltisa ct squatsltleas tas uit.>' lia aul'.d, sd oits tarsîsas -sut puar, Jluttlei ai.e sjssni us tise isuotv lartlie, . LAiIK & w OOIl>~Ai). Wlistby, Ndiv Iiai, 518r». &44 S'3AVIE- YO'IRMONEjY - L-, ANI) PIRESERVIE OUR HMALTE. Ojl tsislu tise ialie 'l oisata it'. sis l avu 00a , as i wiî,tii 155,>" fnorlasa' ail )ié oîisasnieras tisat lia e » iisslst-ai vit-laails giiscsele tioc.k ut ail lolassiasu BOOTéS AND SIIOES Ysttiasir fus sls1Gr ptlJU, iotssa4 Cilldreres' wfiar, #ho I Uiais li e "ùsllAt irwst-y Udueeal Ail verSe mode in Ortler on isashe reiash.cas, b>' assa-,terlb la .sdit ias uvasworkisscaa. No siopas, i.ast goodt>asd duarable ntst,rlais., s.t (Ilassj' rits'>'. tlollolting your ceo"stuaid wsruuî.g 7015t-o assit- your tsssuosay ad îraarve Y4i oua sitils S porchlaslagMasuiiod- Siusas rou>tisa uatlc, aigsaed ut Wiituao'BilotitsDrcie00t.0, Whitbr, Wlteymsiwili ssset villa s#I iisof attela tien, guSas poil lit tri,"u JUSEPII JIANDEL. omt. 519 4&o-Ss--a. GJTJST OPEN CANTON -T. CO31PAN Y'S New stor 119 ilg-*tu Tiie, uesr tIst. Lat-weti 11.11, TOrOîto. ' r lIE Coi> jiut>, t'Orsed forth# Importatusssor ..pure ausi11 snultrtd '11000, diret- troua tise plasee of grovth, u-n' citer us tise publie asoîsse et tise asot tplt'ailid (lrsp of Tess e asr soild lis(t ù a; ant i p îrie" for Csslscsly, tisat yll l'e0aOuro te saluee r>'as.at-ias 06»' ntores- lad part-lesWvho havealtaoi #8slilug for Yearfo .- roud (l asia 'rai, a st yvll.Tai lutte, as 041rrt çrotio ai sd quiec vturus," vii lueb atrieti>' us iered t-o by tls.<'ospasty. <Feues vll i lia rotasllt r.t WsieeaJO Prim ug t-ie eabllus 0l parlle toBU l iLA(4R SNWT Atte » oassleible FI$ura. Thse Comopansy ihava been eefui 10 selcet lhrossgb- tiseir -Agentasli Claluis, eouu a!tlaoae usPIO d tI 'ea, ouI>' #élat to thse JuJou sud Dlibln Marké iretsetiscousseras, vise r- minmbar tis e llom as uor of'Teae s olu lucre niay MWv ha supplid wltls lisca leriuf> se iutlgoaatss siibl.W e Invite a tri a t ssasemtimiis Thie pnmoeas vli aek or tiseui 4asisas. -140k ut till, Now -en Sale, Fife HNu" ,II hoee1' nu i vu rmi. 0ë . . I raa1id lb,. t a ilote, Xusra 8oo0 l Iropois ton wCéoult do «J Pltbi «". a>w qaaustit, 8"ld oe "-Ion sranndîonte& ad, Tise Con>ssy14emr s r a bxpr ueelts-TUEMTC I ~s%~.si veliq 'jtaarteiObOte.If our#e, ffls4% Mdplm ûm ~UUJb. i esh ot4 /1 ~ysonI Toung Hyson, Kyson -Skia, Pm b~a, - d*ioe At ID e y cent od c- o -ewe4-a1 a: o ow', , n-fl I ýOOEfBE'févery kind, icui~ 'J'L I' .530 Andi other WilOIs Sugar.-Loaf Crnshed Pikls ovao.tV Pickle'ii - voty Golden ami .other -Byrups a£,ilSi.,k torAnid eey~ll uti rcr Ie. a lad AN MMESESTOCK OF CLIOCKERY. C AL-LA ND'-E X AMN'E TIIOS. H.M eMILLAN., gr nd et. Tii. Bonus boispliînatodiutily t-it ISes.withln oue molais lu Twü4rrd blorgim, At pi Wilt., in ta pat eors Cour hI'tiseCo'uy t-rfùlSr, ;se/iv t apbté îroted i rons hlp oc'aasa, 1itps>s»i.k- ettwo s.sj d ceti5'eetsr pa>i st-of I5îî t->?rd tat lie t Me letIenatcofl One-u i -n - -- a e r, l s th e, yp a r uo f O u r L urd , Qu ne tl tuas>' n s * Inrformati6n Wanted. ils I"roisr, (hallript!in. - No.17, W9 WlibNor. 24, l1O59, 10a. 45w WINES, BRANDIES',&c B E OS ÃŽte aiioà o e isbwndrnrona friendii an&S enstomers lt a ola now, err~ n On~ tise premises beretofore cccuîsicd by Mv. N, RAY, on Mary Street, bettreen Byron aid Brok Streets, wvise lic ix propared, s lîretoffore, f-o exeute ail ordem ioltrttd te bis carc. 5W"ManU&cured amd Bold at the Loweat'remueratasg Prie.. AUL IWORK -WA uiRANTPJ). LUIBPR and PRODZTCIl'TAICEN I EL J4X at 'É 4JiXXT 1P1ICPU si ne& eat lKVM1K iAA4 to JU M UMUM O'S CHAMPAGNES. il IIOWARIp)Aus,k co,$8 MAJ)EIRA WINES. JULES1 ROBIN & C0.'8 COGNAC' IAiI~ BRANI>ENBUIÃŽO & FRERES BORDEAUX WINES1. oprirLY, 0itAmp kA 0s 0 w8PrTWN . CHEAMP, SUTER & CO'Sý SJLFitJtY 1V1NE!ý. W31, YOU.NUER k& CO.'S E[)NJURG STRl(NG AND PALE INDU !ALES. llave nov rcelveil, însntcr ruox vsîît vs..trzs or nsOWrîe, tiseir spring supplias, end cf rer, for sPaie. 01) very advantaguinîs, trns- JIRAN.%I)ifffS-Maitl-'o, Ilentnomsasey, RW's heCasLilion'i', &c. GJINS 'IoJiaî,4 prqid Engilasia, of beast brssnds, ils Wood auil boulie RIM-Vno1d-Lbndon I»ock Jssmsicss and 1)emarara. ALES-:a ' À in.sd Yelonxcr'. ils wU,4d zrad bitii. POILTPLç-ftrldd'I lbbert'a auJ Ou in sv ood andl bottie. WIlf4IK[E-9ýi à1n f and 111151, of Élistfavoured quaitimas î',ur wNs-o &kCn s $nes and uJoOser fav'no marks'. SJJRJitJtlS-Cmmp, Auter & lo'.. 1<I >rsCjj'-', ensartira's, k. elAPAXv. ct & elnînodio'., uJ nd n'sa d varions otiser rantdi. CLALE"$->fvarioim iagcii, 'n wooll and bottle, 1'rice Lista md a uples ,u>.y bu iéi51 4( <MI UPI III, montrent; 1âth jane, 1@59, <îA»A Irta rauatioilo'qdk ut rtgo lilit 0, " .t'> No. ts Commercial Buildings. Jlrock 04!We., opposite b nwfljrfk liock or Jame t Wlise.7 TO Tm AGRIULTUBIST. Artiftii'alMnu'r6 PeediMy4 adapted to'Fait Iýe, tHKg DKuT & CHKAPKDT ymDJIIlotKE 1K t Nit MMAKT ÇOiltaiwissjr lit a rneuimtrated duîdyetoibi rrn. wfsteverlo sl»baiwaiii eYariss Yard I sntia, )uaîs l~'nas, it Oft o us, à'iru- lu Ciaer than Perm yard Jmaure AND orfEK! APLAIW Price rps par ton. .Frou tliae, te ueo cwt. gsiiileit ror it ace,a Pittt up ln barraS. Orfree ewi. oesh Tu b,.liai of il, W., WOODWAIII, DunM -Street. To the MJicipai Eiectors ofthUeiTourn of WhltIv. Htvi-ag been roquestcdby à large nombor 0< my <.Iiow.eitizens, Eeeto,'a of titis, mank)usality, te offer MYsif tuas ean. didsté for4ba Myorsky n1t thenext El... Ion 1 cbenfolly eoem;iy- wîtis heste- quest, and sollcit yôarssWport. * Shoud yiv dà1 Md tsbono, bo to mult jour conôdenee, andi pledge my,' self teo:i w n onslderations to Influence Mir cuna clii.tb, ti u ..which is ii Qpdfl o toýwlfre of Lhe ÃŽZ r £ithudseamant, M& VIdaf.vniug on tberosd between, ýW ty sMd OW*wat a Lsdylo Us. ndéf .11 1%.r.wsdedlyling fI n No.br12, 185»,-6 Rides! Rides! Rudes 1 lrP 13E undevaigucd vwiii pa> tise lsigles, -ý- prfce lUt Cash (or any qeoiaiut oud BEF IWIES dJcliveved nt bis Tsnneryin Ovecuwood. AU, kindi o! L E A T H- E R kept conutaaatly ou- baud for sale, very low areeuwooul, Nov. 14, 185P. 61 PR'OVINC~E OF CANADA. Depaatmental N iotim, . î%YSrEcToR GENEUIAL'8 OFFICE Cto i sÀanzsr SJTWE YA liSeve>,>' iven thant i1, un ovduv in ('rsne'ibariag date th isa t<i l nutabst, h le dirc'eted thâst P, Jriawback. a.'înai lb tile dotS.>' r'ald, W. ssioueil to >Sldit Ini.lcrson Cordaeof e'. or> des'esiplon ans ou al artiel<'o~t ron, (ioÇsls<,rj ,YalIow bMatai Or Zilse, Boalin et1aîcsi atssr Pra atssaly iy nq'JandS CRIloiitai lui tise balijino ansdrigeisg, oruyp oirIlit virlilutige lmitis of titis;'r., ilato onalil ut wich artieleoi (lnclodiag isao Crioga>, distieti of Ussst-m. s lsal have been raid bv tismt (or by tise peraon or vr aons Trous wlisssa the se> êialouve îeurelaasertue swin555), tapoitthelr lImportation its1 Cassad., Tiï <>dér u iit $aiibg t riierPUÉ tlba cation of tise (!orslagjanans ther articles upon wiakllib.e Wniaas.s'dJl irvbcherg-i portadilsd thse amosintoýf dotes. pahl, nd alao î4te Bonnse of th* oisSu, or as in l tite boislMlag and iiof wv.ash d:ud Ir01olfthe .artiole mon"c4 aya ed nd hon théesald abp or sslsip pi.eereti lor a lorigslFort é th@se a eo- of ouch a.,lxicution to bc atUhed .undor Sea tise asOtnut ofdrawbieaelà iàla o ece sahi mer thé tsaapfféation "a tess.ua tilM amie #'4tJ te iseDep.rrnestirU Wuosi u pi>' to isusels lportatiosi. ouI>', oe! speida »,,w«,a@varemodloo ia Prorme uea u-.. sud ~Om ne, Jsàlto <o, and sIm naod.sn.~,. j, CepSewmng Machines. T liESsslserib'v 1Slssasi-ss. d11lai'. (4S ite ai N'.sr. o i, 1[)A NI 'SE y T f'r ttl' amirsoturei$ IP;lWs SeWi. Iwgo Isit'17 uci îsnsr, isulîated tiofaussily enoi sasstd' srs aiaasoit i oidittifuotly. laas-sliilss> osllé] a-a .ioc ss as ()sfasan' ! ise lisd ast-r iutlirAs tu tisa 1f.NAGIÀS I1,:,. bail long exper'i<ncc l1a)c('un- ottlusg aIQb1S a Iaasissa Ist-lg Inss Slssgsr tractor>'agsd lo las ioltsX, . litswluil'l lutter place lise lisss» ada vut-vev ttu ts, stla, ii ()I wiSas have gis-aistise grep' i îit'iassfnitI 1 thle aarais.aeffl. Viet, flluiasitg testimonnsslai isss"S.."sre"-ia'- cdS trous lia. princIpal Dssitt- sa 5,3!'ss. m'c t -aepiamsre Ili ;if-risig t ,tis0si 0 Ile ed b>' Jiv. E. J. 'Nasle, lisstislt. Ias s'ne li aise loirtMe laatt- wo fllt4titisa.The) U ra,, utI$îages Pat-terns, aiuequal t-o ssIi) uoar aeî,astas - oUmtra-Lal, 2lird .July, 1152. Wa have used X. .1.Nat-t-e'ast5st-s' Mo.eiies la cr Fsatr>' for tisa iste l.'-'s tisti ,, asass haave, Do ic setatiois lita .-.sî slsgtisa i 5 lsira li. CIfiLDS, SoieiOLE& A I$ montroal, J1' 241h'sat'9 1 hsave isen uaslng ou« et 2. J. Ksiglepç es use litg lsailsochui ainc.adt i,~giîsung .1 Jsse la., t-ivlea talls'IMieiuauJ 1-aireLCOssa- M . ttlMI'8 2" 0à y hsave beau engiaged lu tise manuf'stse icf Boots rIL lsoeasfor a t11tt1#1a1Ut'vaadsl sebils isu I aveuase MaiaiaasIsîsssitiises ar- acd lias te t-ee au.ise lrtf ut colsaidlr t-lts naanfaattîed y Mr. E. J. lt-agie <theisa fet adq-sdlorit~ui~atturif purp<ueTise>'do, "'AU ansiea ork'eiiuully weil, and 1 It-sa <s'st-pieeur In- reomssetdrgthons tus the palsBe. Pi~-EEDuiFLEsNE. 'bieh lit> l-i tic tii Ire id Con &e( wil, iloot afis 1o srsfatrs,1 o TIseuisdvsslssea Saa'a lassiis><'vtiusssusî sas issunLietured by E. J1 , igle, assd tie' do U- C(,thiisro. 106 Noire Disilne I-trect, MessItrea for tisa pibatam usifiualsas ls n m' But ana l 5 ruseirv, stl id 1 s liIftsu t' i ftinut fise saaar ijictuarar ialiitt 'ri-a Y(/.'sa-s ichind. Notr M'ne t .1111YS6eeIlisr 1 lniliiit 1¶'.il, . .. :.al.îs<,,Inî'siasae il tpc licas, asnd tl-Il;ssisled (luittl îasre al I N"910 relîr-.st,,Ij t-tc tiru Le ic--p4vte un DAVII) P1LU ERI. Tise >slsci,s'r ilsg iîed flicSaswingis, cl.iiés -.usti31r. S'.l .J, J fliîsc srriug, oai ass'I4i .atilSe.s tsi1 miLs - 'f s,#141m;'t-Men; Ms 's" e ts1m, thises n-ese.go ojuluis-r this àt55. W5 li5s" e ls- ils 't-a'fle .5at-'&sl'itfliniae. Must-rul, A, LAASItIIlE dk SON. E. . itcL, Iaq sutesssl'2,10 Desar Si1v--ia machsis lsie is 1 beugflifro, mmaasue t-wo moitit, sigo ls, iss t endeu-re ocalt sinatiuu. I eolaider St-ais e,ailtt article, aua I beles-aiLat sotlisgt-tuer cala Se procureul. Mll bMachinemsi nreisseîl frOm tliaasuboerber wull ;me Sept ina g Ned rsusIssg urser rfor t-cvir tilaetstlsas, jrî'attaStIs>'arca net slusuuged by a.- aidesit or del0a. B. J. 4NAOLE. X. B.-7ilisslarf, fflsutt-Iee aMd 2%edies cos S'tisstIs- oîslsi2d tss.'sr-osa-r AIT(letLBqt~ 1i Home JnanoCompany F 0O]R SAL, Cak ~zft4 Zlal I, i,00OMATCHUED.,II ORSES41 0wSplue 0,0'......... ..4000. Ass Md #4aset iar 1ounted Ilrnes.,also gers e!Islin4- a t ansd raisècrt ho S b iveis 1,»'furuising prrdedn # lùb, o. 2,50. taw4wly %liLby, Oct t5,1859., Notice toLoyal Oragc- L'riJïI, . H ig g ir Ls & 1 i v ~ ' î ~ ~ ' rfA T IO N E R S , B O - u L î i , A N D'RO0CKr TI II»,T, III Wyal Oransge lAodgtsy, t- ei h '.- r I;rubart'd t-t, -el rz2 cr cenxt e'r han asyotiies'r ml ,4,sus ,lige l'ru' u s , a a c all 'sir à fs sc, l s; rsi v-r#4. j * '-S z, L0ST,. NOe-Of tihe publi,. teta -ftleTowss cf Wvlithy, a eiort t-iime agît, a Mod Wsutcs Ne>'attuislstId.>'f lise flîslr Il bc Iliiersl> vetis-eil.o5Isiîsvviia, f e t ti he C' s î i e m - "e ttU r i ,. e - 7 f ALI À4T VIN 1GAli.il ag .1. or 0asflll vsus t O it a W hîtby -3riwilv.' Coal O0l1 andLUImps. ln. aisorîruant ol ClCi 1l lu a f tieneweait,,aîtesianjsit%,! ltt etlt-i- Pro=ms$1 ndgc fl5l Blig Coul Cilla dco rz<d pert'ectly pure sud frea rom suiv usuPleaasantgt .l. aisn isoldast TorontoTI'ricep. - It -ives aÏ liçlýt equAi te gai, at les. tisou iaîf tise tt flaid sud commuànCil L-altnpli ltered lu bnvCoul 011 ut an boi UNanotic., P.S-Stblouery. Scie ioBoks, Violins., Flubes, -Accordosasand : enperjôryoi êLL usst,atoasisg acconsts muast hlia'di ta> s & efOsgalisat ume,- CAS Whitsy, lise. 14t]), 185. * thse fustfIm nttcîsi 1fus, sndi left for la fate gng 4 sceftrutS in p'air In, wlso ol 'teill" Il 1- 57 1 1 Cpt" 1 1 WIUE.. A %,4411 11111OWN, & OULps, 1 i 1 1 1

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