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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1859, p. 3

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kil1 CLUDING -,'Lyer R"'ains Valencia _Raisins, Sultainaaisi'ns,' Currants, Fige. IAlmionds--.soft ~eI -Walnuts & -Fil6ertso, P tck le s,5o9k n e <.Jndiedpeel in Citron, Lemon a nd Orane Jit received, a laree lot of AmEiaicANl CrnzsE, of1 the best quality. JIEB-À.t'Whitby, on ti.the lait.u, ho vitee ofDr. 0. C. Jeromue, Duatiat, et KEREDITE-At Qaeb.o, on tise Sth Wevesberl, th ise the tHlou. Mr. lui. tie. Muredthofetasdugbt.r tc ols ~~jer !tise Town DODDS-.Ic Moîtsesl, un Muuday, Doo. - 112 th vite et G. D. Dodds, Esq., of à<COPIE$ ofthtéseRerlsed B -lava sa b. "4asgteî. .'-obtained nt h. Town (lork's ýOù1ee, KELLY-la Seutbssptuu, on tise lut trous 10 u'elock a. M., te 1 e'cieck P. su., we t.,the vite of James Kelly, EAq., etor a y. THOMAS hUSTON, selS.48 Towvn Clenk. Noer, KrryChrismae 1 H I"Oret Gio.- Tes rgars, Cofeee OCa»a k4 CU;j oegPowder, Busa amd &dtama Daidna, Currenti, Cilron d Lemon Pet Flaartng E.rtraet,, Wl> ,,Xtdt4iSp- bacme, «*c, te. Titre. greais ef FANC.I PIIip% Whitby, Doc. i1, 358. - 45w, NOTICE, I>ubtliiseradi d1rourlutorê (rtisa, IrâliU' *W4rwi l itI day tu rnlîsiau.l iîy «fflsex oci t ime. Tisebualiogi WINiLi fts,,iirc u rrid «4WIllidia[Ko Wh wi IJlny ail liiis dse b ertuî, muie whoix ait aciuitst due ea rsae pyable;. W. m lfl#N. J. A. MYfLiYEI Wisitthy, De.. lath, labo9. ANAIIJOURCItDCOUUT OPTIE£Quahetr ÀAL B8»010oeitiabe for tihe Coutv or outaio w lieb hoidais et tise Court flouais laCis.e2Yown et WhitbyoeuTacAday the 2Ut1 tst., Matigse heur of le o'olock, a. M. fur thoa jrnrpo e ilng JuaroN lfaur the year 316M, tisesidt ofuus ans'sd othernaooiut*auid Pubh otls.r aatters a* may b. tiseu snd ilsere broglt b" ~.tii Court. _ ~~~LLMADO<ELU~ 0 çw.k of tih Pe. 00Offs,t WIy ql,1889. M. Cbsnooey Notice to Creditors. RIUIIE <JUNDALL and TIIIRSE CRAN- DALL blis Wf., pliutilfs KOBIIET 1MONKad P19NCUB 1<0K, Ilas 'DUEUANT te tihe Deru mode lu tiiaie«une by thie Cto C Csasrfur Vip.#r Caa Ch. o.dltas etWIllaJsttssbury, late et thé Tewuaihip i<Esh, lutiheCouaty utof()tm- 1-4, ysimsn, doesssed, (Whosu Lrtiai. dlito cw «ibboul tise &Ydsyopteuiber, 180)sKre on oz, beb t.r « 0 the oleek in tihe (voiaon u1 W UW MW.d dyts k la y of Jsasry neu, te e0m eluauMdprevo tisir déltes befere li, dts~ enudsgand& Master lu Ordinuift t tisi ckai tMy Clismbero, in Oaiguo 1101si, lu tIse Cit J-oroute. Ur ln domamilt tisureer tiioy wu Ibu. ffnnste e xclud.d thse bellefttoe ànE 10 or tihe dock lu tise foressoen or Tucs- day, the 24th day uofalauury uxeut uuy ssîd casiE elaop - i nta prOeoeta uontige "dbOWuilsieIf Dotuthn Kiluwatt, t 0e sain, irli b eWEd aud!Jadltad ujion nt mY &nid ,shasbm e t 19 ut tise elssak, amof Tuesdssy, 48J>Miio&Ilto. Bohool Ealaln .4610 thi Se »Bd t., from u, .té 139mni,MSd bin P. nétof P. m . dally r.qu*t.te d , Whitby, De., IMle. MC IB 'iej. liité, tebl 7 1srit2n&m>LJresto 01tJkLUNho vin £nd stiuiutsresti punetull sitended te, q.AUTEUR, HAWE& F.S.Eef. P-.sklssiyprnttete G.000191! JCempt T<sirss Keus, T.C. I'trlek, sud G. IL Luu sqles Lddai yvmber jU,18. CIRCULATION 0F TuIE ~tm-~1eht~ ~11,or The CIRCULATION of the CfIRNIOLR 1i8 Than that of any other -local1 Paper in the Province, and FAR EXOEEDS The circulation of -al the other papers ini the. County of Ontario United. IYEEKLY CHIIONICLE ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY $2.50 Tii. Chronicle in the ]Papoe to Advertis.ehI. Whitby Brewery. Taa uwh tu i. &e ir, u bo e C t ut o BotI d ae eqasitetii, isuor" t"rli -Witby, Nov. lîtb, là. 89. 54W.W "i JBROCK ,ýSTREET4' WIHTBY, rgi~ eberibr .aq r.oi~dand is now indil recepi o 1Fr~sh rrivis f GRCERES oe'vry nd, inceludiug: Eymon 8kin, HyoTwnkey LIQIX(~R$. Port, Sherry, Xa4orin, And othoe Wlns. 10,000 Gale. primo WhluI lIce, a Congon, . Suga.-IloafCusi At 15 per cent reduotion eon Xumado. Fricos heretofore ohargod. 8 Y R TJ P S'. Tobaccofo« Chewlng. Smoking o Pickles ini varietv. Golden and othor Syrups ut 1 Spices, &c £U'And every article ithe. Grocery Llne.aa L926Woms U  YM cxu zzzlogo AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F CLIOCKERY. CALL ANI) EXAMINE? THOS. H. MeMMLN. Penny Bleds Bnuck Street, i Whitby, N'uv. 24, 1859. f 70.. 4 IMPORTERS 0F goy MId MId ja'wmir WINES, BRANDIEIS, &c.b "SIU £UEVIlaU AUADA rosi TULUSMUMK & CO's CHAMPAGNES, P. A. MUMM's UHENIS1I WINES. J. HIOWARD MARSH k CO'S MADEIRA WINUiS JULESq ROBIN k PO.'S COGNAC BRANDIES. BRANDESBURO k FRETtES BORDEAUX WIINES. OFFLEY, CRAMP k C0.18 PORT WINES. CRAMP, SUTER k CO'gS ShERRY WINES. WU. YOUNGER & 00.'S EDENBUItO SiIONG AN» PALE INDIA ALES. &C, Ac., &c., Ac. 11ave nov reced4 »saaer va u£ uaPLACES o sOP 9wtHs, heir Spring Suppliman sd ut fer for %aie, on ver>r advantsgeousq termus - BRANDIES -marteli's, hlenneusey's, Robin':, Piumet, Cafitiilon's,ke GINS- Jlland and Engli, oftbeatbr;ands, ln wood and boule. RUMS-Flue old London Dock Jamaicsansd Demarara. ALES-Bas', Allsopp'; aud Young nsl wood aud bottle, PORTERS-Brid eds Hibbet's sud GUinns', in woud and bottie. WHISKTES..-SOOTéil sud IRISII, of the. sct favourod qualitieil.tJ PORT WINES.-OffL7yAk o.'o, Sandesusn's, and othar favorte marko.__ SHERRIES--Jraap, Muter k Co.'a Domecqus, Pairartin's, Ac. a CHAMPAGNES-Moet k Cbandou's, mnd Mumnà'sand variosa ther brande. CLARETS-Of varlous ages, lu wood sud bottle. BURGUNDIES, HOCKS, MOSELLE, LIQUEURS, Ac., &c., k.ý Prim. Listeansudasuples may be had ou application. 2ENRY CIIAPMAN àktIo. moutreal, luth June, 18»9. REMOVAL. Rua zeuîoved bMs stoc k 01 Drap, Peaints, E&o. te No. 1, Commercial Buildings. 'CLoe Srtooite tii, MW Brick Block ot Jaes WllmeC7 r~o TEE AGEIOULTUEIST. Artificial Manum~i Pecsiar4' adopi te o Pan Wi4 ruisvr& Eu s r m .sua in ruax ABZur. ('1 ustbliig lu s ,munentrated and et soluble <urus, viateaer 114asslsublas lun suisYard àqaure, Guanoleuemi, Nitrate ut goda, IBitro. Phuspiiatas, E&C, Eue. le Cisuap.rtissu faum Tard naure AXD or BAsins API'LIOAVION. ric. 95 por toi]. Front Chie tu ive cwt. msiflelés for soi note., l'ut ap lun ssriasiai of tiaé re.et. cIL To blia îd uf il, W. WOO)DWARL3, Dan da Street. Wlsitisy, Auw. 2gtiî, 388. 4b Iti Te thse MEukpai Eiectors 01thtie Town or Whltby. Havi-ig been requested by a large nuuuber uofnMy feliow-cltlzeus, Electors of tuis Munlcipaiity, te ofoe nyself asm a n- didate fort h.0MiY«dty,, .4th. e étEiec. tien,1 Icb.efulii omplyWUth Chie re. quet, sud sollotyouaupport - Ohould y<..s do, me the - houer te oleet mue te Chis high. sud r.ipmuibl., effice, I shall endeav, by diligent attesi. tien te,asdsaltbfai discbarge of itsdatles, te mtunpur confldene asud pledge iuy. self te shlow no omnsderattonto infuence my eonduot osker than tues. whist viii bunestly cS&osseto the 4velfare et the Iams, Gentleoeen, YUr flathlafu srant LOST! 0ON Friday evening, ou thierosd betwee.u Whiby nd ihsrsýa Ladys I tSe$ Ouder Win b.rewarded b 1 ln tat] Xovcbme 1, or 89. ,W *anigt« red snd o t se ll 4Lw .srém .u Mt gPrié", - loyIT ALL W.OBK WÀRÉRANTED. Wu h L UUBÀB ,andI PROD UOR- F.YT ? 1 YEX6KdNGE, et MA RKET pBIraga N. ,1,60 $qui D.~~~~ ~~ nXDSln epilpee tryygl the ,..ncipal Mssnuiasconi«, of stots sd vAmu À4 ýb a c'Oln YM, Mo f th buimoswhih Th d,8r8 fw be o C adbieg renCva taend o enuof ui - ry4 cosoçb et isebusiesbioti Thedeserbi sid soydîet kinhip, bis work fcanuobe exe leued.ead 42 c dii eut. 119a9sselvlA., CARRIAGE BU iLDER S'Y AND» EANUFÀOTRER Q BU~IE& ITTKERS'y 'IIIGH& &g> BROOK STREET, WNJTB Y. T'~HO Saboaibers -kkrcae tto ni C h.public Chat tb.7 have uponed buglneso In e preomises torm ;riy, ',upied by Mn. lmaB. Carpenter, situated lu Bneckt Street, Seuth ist o ethe Bank an'. 'assrlyuosite tise market builingu, wheretisey re prepa. wtosppll.411ho7aLroe t cm vithaeuh, vitis every article su thicinou etbuosueis. MW ubsi- ersor@pnsetiosa ed oorpeteut vurkmeu of long caperience, and as they devote the entine oftChein ovn labor to thein businesai Chey eau prouice articles-of botter v'rkuansip, ut greater durabllity, and more elegautly, ftnlshed, sud (FAFFORD TO ýSELL 4TJIEM CHEAr]ER,.eJ Thants hose vho bave te bine tise Iabor of othmers7' Ail articles sold at tise lowest livinsg puice.* for Cash, or on approyed cnedit PIesse caîl sud examine. Ailk lflumber aud formner& pruduce talsen lu exobsnieAl vork raifd 1 1 Rides 1 Hideu! HRides 1 TRnderc wlî py the highet m jany qnaunti ty of god BREF IUDEnS dehieed st bisITa nery in Grneuved.Al kindi of L E.A T H E It kept constantly un baud for sale, ry on1 Gressoud Nv. 4,D. mcMtURCHY. 185P. 071 SPIIUVINUE OPF tANIDA.1 1 Departmental Notice. INSPECTOR G(ENERAL'8 OFInCE, Cusrous DzBiz&TNEMTl 171A c, Iuovemberl _1859. lai directed tisat ai draswbackl eqîiai tu tire daties luid, bc all'>wed tw hip Buiderai ou Cordage 0f every deiscrIption sud" ouaIl article* etf ieun, Coppaer lriAas, Yellow MataI or Zlne, nmatin Osturei or uuîuauufaattured, oally used sud aployed b theni l the building ad rliggiu vIne., asupou ail uf wlsicis articles (Inluldiug the Cordage), ulisicoq uf Csst.'ms slimalilhave bee bad tisun (or bytie persen or per- sous trous wlSOM they *soae&lbave paressed tisa sanie), npou thoir Imuportatiou itt Canada. Tise UWr lus Council iithar direcUts ht tihe Suip Bolderasàplogu for tise driswbaeksaol turnbb hé tC asiecusa vwitis aispoclif- cation ofthtie Cordage sud otiser articles upon which ho olsia ueis drawisack, slsewîug tise quanuti" ansd volaes, by visomniud wiseu lm- Èoctddsud the. sinouist otdu paLIl, and aise tise Dameo e isessp or aibipe lu tisebuilding sud s'iggia twscats uoee ieatee ugt wmouadaud visheubmthothed Sailp oour sulpu eloared l F orii ort;tise osisi<e foutions Ce isebu = -b h ho h sip uier te a. opep~'bY, th, D*episnt, Affiranngthea tru ta !tose eontat ut sucl speatoa utebc Attâses.=dedrliul The Collectur harlu, satiafled blussef tisat tihe amosst t adrawbick elalnue Iaocorect, shah c.sti' Ytisé specltesa"li sEtransmit tise sanu te tisé Dep"risn4tWis«upotbAhjrr du. OzaoslnWtl ie Colectowl i eatàh12tae t pa the amonut elahmoe. 'The te ssisb erelaestere s .utoued ta o aries mprations ido~fthespecifiâ »Daeti totisheath ,L f ast, ina go4yupen visicistise '2 up* 74, subbe *rtd" 1z certain ues, urne lut orns 157 CsMMAnal, I. 8. M. ROUCRE1T- 71 ~ Cmmlmu orI'ustem u z Chou1, Sewing Machines. T IIE Rutmbsarlino Isu.ist a, pellsed bis Office ut No, 288 NOTRE DAM4E ST3RTiOfTor thse 5510 utSINtiEWs4 81fWING MACHIINES lai ofn«tired ybli l licouse Macineirce î #nW* u o thékissd aver olitic-d toea Canudispublie. Mr. SAULEf has liad long expericssce lu cona- etruetissg utkilngeci Msheisiebîjthin is inger'$ 1'satOry and lu B"111410, N. Y., isa wisichla tter place lie lisusmade ocaer $<,uuo wîrtis, assii i whieis lâves.givan uu iagrestest sstià§stitlstu Vie folloissg tcstlmeniais have beau racolas- ed fromu theisa i limsll Boot unsd 8 0Maniufa- turcs li titis clty. We taîkaplcas)ure lu eaîiug tc-tiunoaiy t-ce eoimplete voriîsa; ftlw iteMsieliiassauufrictiîr. ed lby Mr. E. J. Nagia, isaviug hsal one lu use totMe lat t wo mouise. Tisey are et Si nger'is 1atlersa,sud aqisal te su of ut i wqualntauce BEOWN dk CIIILPiS. Moutreal, 23rd July, lIri. 141'obave usad E. J. nsgle's Sawing HMasalsas lu Ounr Ystory fur tise puât tliracj îîsoîli, aajgi have noaeU iclatilsslis yiisg tiaat tisas>'arc fls OV070T7 ctO ltotia, most ippruassd Ameir- sea un ialise,-of wlsjob wcu ave #ss. arsi ilu dUILDil, SM'IOLES &.AXES. Muustrl, JîIl> 25ths, 1859. I bauve beanusuiug one cf E. J. Nssle's Sew- lu; bMaciaie inac ue tisa igintoing of J uuc aset. It'l ving full mstjaiou, anud i s icasuni me tliest tiste publIe. TIU PSN Meatrem al ay 25, 1869 BooM nd Obu ora niber of ycari, ding maualaurei isy Mi. E. J. Magie tisa hast sdapted for msiufetrlug parpua. Tisa> do eessueand Sue veUt equi yv eli, and 1 tuls publIe. Iromuulgtsa et PIERRE DUTILE8NE. Home Isurau c omnpany or NEW TOINK. CasA Capiaaiad in, $1,000,000. .....s o'e......... 400000. YI=EAND"MAÙLINE. gasu nsud geititE mnspor" Dandas St. Whlk, iNor. 29, 149uàe.vl I Jfdword Murfil at proe ts a orwc lut 10rso.'em ?t, s Merlo,iuusdu hibi byL eu su'niim xg., JuUgeuf(thtounty Court o ut h. Coiauty iv phylir't>6 Ib eauitid touebuîrg-stoYdebta, .tseudefea stud tu b. protocteai <rom ail proe's pon sak- 'ux a faol dlocleaiîsre and, ïuritr r cf sd esaite suid ,d'octai for, pynfent of lîusustîsd lawful débti , sud 1Ih.uhby fste i, ôi thiat tti înwhers the iiisUer-of lb. sfl jepti- doiîs ogfl"ailUbichard lai toif.e adlverti,îud lààbsîý Canads Gameod ti u :!WliatbyCliro>kýýl newapsuper, one niontît at lcsut itr tlw adist As witne&smyband tulff tlafd ctuy or, fi- Comberf iti-Ch. yer t ur ar d, une tjiouuu elght udred sud llftyyonea EDWARLI>MOIZGAel .Ni el luxA, Information Wantod,- nI 11 Who LN, Is MIOJLZATEJ) %J te Canadais180, fssthsiarlso! «Bues,,. S6tuko, Hanpahire,Eulsd Msy Infoinstluu eoussunutcd tt hia Offiee ýrepctlng hlm wlbc ha tiskfnll yired by bIs hrother, OCiarles leoplnss. Fra Prdis 0112eLoiados Nov. 1,15. _______ Notice toLoyal Orange .Lodgee. Higgins & Maver»hoffei5à WOOLULJ.EAND EUITAL STATIONERS, BOOL-SELLERS, ANII -PAPER DEALERS, BEOCR STILEET, WmITBY, Ila,. ou baud ý CERTIFICATES, lAud alother Blanki appes-teiniu te thse Loyal Orage Lodges, stick, they are ppred te 5.311 O0i> 26 :per cent Choapor tissu auy etier Establishmninluthe lPro- vince, Gir. us a ciii or acnusu orderse. MOINS &MYRloFR Boot aud 81'ue Mauacturésr, 128 Notre Damue Strcw.t. TVisse sl sa uveiaad lut eoutlsssal tsasa, for tise pist tisree nistii, nou f tiiheisisacai ni.sîssîiitsreui y E. cf. Natle, andaitisey do net liseotat4as lut r(ceouanusdig lon t terscautc. Clothiarg,166 Notre Dame Street, Moutressl, July 26',3109. 1 have usai E. J. Naglc's Rewing M4aihilses for thu pua-t two nsoistho% listiiiaylijotsisd Sse Fietury, usîI I1fiai it te lic ail tiust tIsa, uaauu- fusaturer cîsilsnufui lt--c gitd Mlachin. .. INTCNI Notre Dismuo St. lisstreal. Ju!y i20 '859 tien irur tihe lgst théseuiitissiiiriig wlilsicathi 1 lia %'0ttheougisi> tcstcd tloir werklssg qsiaii tIls, iad taoa stitt t iss dit tlsasy arc al Mr Niigie seprceaeuttd thcau te obe.perfrL't Ma- DAVID PELLETIER. The Suialw,c)r isavlgiaed the:gowing Ma- 1ofWity asor hu go e# Towu wd lutàkdwlfite cikdoe y le 'r BLUE ENqAMELLED LOCKET, wu"eass Ot s Omniill gc90qsieker tisisoutaiuiug a. Miniature, mset in Culai.witis Is w ave useti ssptute isa~rLent tisua. CoUlYsac e talid h iie A. LAALhIIIIE & SON. ti c taie.Ts Isls moutresal, 26tisjuly 1859 wiil be liberaily rcwarded ounIcsaviug thae -saine at tise Il hroiaieW' office. 7(j E. J. NAasîa, Eaq. utesJsy2,15 MALT VINE GAIt. Yonrs truly, T. 0'DEIEN. Al Maclslispurcisssd <romitiseisabsMer. wil' be kept loi giod rsiuiug corder fur Cwlv, mouthoo, provided tisey are Dut dsuiaged by go- cideut or deoilgu. F .NGE N. B.-Bilsdeni, Shuttlcs isud Naiediesi oun stanti011 baud. Ysctory uver IIARTLEY &.GTLBFB'I"oS montresl. ( ct. 7, lm, C aai sseiu FOR -SALE, MÂTCHED 1MORSES. And set uf Silvrer Mouted Breru, ai»ss ,Witht'Pole sud 5h51., on vbich ime vii hongtren ky tus-ishiag Approred endudsd T. H. NMILMLAN. Whitbé Oct 5, 1869. llALT VIN4GAR cainDow le iss]large JL rsualqstasntltca, ut the W hltby ]Brewerv. Coul 0On sud Lamps. IfM subscnub.r busjust received s, vosy fiue aseortsent ut Cual Oi 'Lumip.or te nevest pattennssid vitis th. lateit asli. pnoveil buraiers. Ps-ices rm$1and Upwardî4. Ris ceaI 011lai deedenlzod perecly puirs' sud fne res u as gy unpleusiint snelIia, aI In soldatToronte 1Pnices. It givei a ligs eqaul te gai, ntIbos thani haifthe coat Iuid sud eummuu 011 Lmpsa sttrad tu. -b= ul-Oa 0,11 ut an beurgntictse. P.8-tainisySchooI Books, Vioius, iplates, Accordeoài,i,and superior VioinD 'Strnugo, fus-ie Ceop., - 74' - LL outottandlug aeeouuts muat be paldlà, H, E W. Wcudwsrd, viso wilaise ua-nango ai » ais ginat sue. Wistby, loi. 34tb, 1859., eomo 4w r, msedeusi 4 sueundud byr eus». melf eSa- ,and heqw hein. lie weild de the cms. Il#t own ahob oea. mtil go appoiut aud tai vhiolsw sud otu yo. te - 1 7 1 1 -- a 1 - 1 1 - 1 'l Il 'l 70L 4 j9>ýl 1 1 ÀPW 4m

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