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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1859, p. 1

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ait aparlo stylu sud !M isloeaut renuuevatl meg sud NmnlIgoln ey wue Blote,înd lmllor deaerp- !ugrulilmed authlohure!l 30thékî.cut e, sl 1,C iii CP, w,3"£ , mccTO . rF. wOFFIÇR ,4T TII COtURT JOHN URAM 1'EHMT, MlAI - OFFICE ON BlLiCI< ST 51.f J. ICOEL IOr Ti[t TRACE. OFFICE-AT isrtHaei SÇILUK OY THÉi COUNTIr COURT, ANDI mrr 0,Brook itrest.' W. PAITON, 'Jrop -rnkLAuugidL OpFicE AT TUE COURT S OICIOR,& (LXRK (yOIL E COUNT'Y Gouno. OOIce ut hi Court Ilo:... cd~UKTy Et;GINEERm. OFFICE AT T"4 Scurt Homme. (LEUX IIESTDI VISION COURT. OFFICE est athé Cours H01144, RS1T51 9 ESRI sITanio. ~1u~htc~5 ~tlTRANDI CQUNTY CEUWN A#ouey Clic-laArmmlil' New Brick XERON & MAVDOrNElLL, ISTERS h AIFoRNE.yo AT LAW, bt ot tis. CenI> eu ohi mio, t j. is ourt Houia-fMoutit Wint. Boxe i. DABTNLLZ- lITER, ATI!oliNIY, CoNVETAXE OMM ho fè.sver.tM. Dommaldmomuj $le Be FAIRBANK40 $MOUITOR NOTARY 1'UBLIe, *.&c. 10'AEITER ANDI ATToRNEY-AT-LAW. Il OlIue-Ipolte e glaîtry Ot", Brook FI, LITE AND MAILLNE INURANCE -4 Me on liseCouinty of Olitunto.la- 1D*usIdaou'. rdware Store, Brok otne.t 1J. W. CALDWE£L BIIWN, fnoiVEYAnUJIR, citiiMmiosyiCKEROR to./elug ' lAý Vltos, Accouruusnt, Land, filai NFcte ft.ry Plublic umi Uînýorsi Agent, N.L4Ibuine,, .tntîd to 11106 oa0will lie pvoiupty attonud te.,8 JOUXNBillINoo, L AW IlANC MY &<CNVEYANCING inbens. ià A. MKAI21, B. A.,- STTORgNEY AT LAW, gtoLîcITR oIN1 ËYÀUISTUII, )MASTEU EXTRA. Dlwyuiny , and examiner ln c(iiiumcry -fuon 4lie 40onntyotrio, Bok,mî,, Wlsitmy. 47 * JOUN MONAB, .ÃŽIE[TÈM ,ATTCioiEyif, .Ofie tad>Teroite. g ',~7~~jt$CJOUSSELOUS Ar LAW A WiL I EMETa, .. 16 I§tEET, CSUAWA CANADA WLLIAM FOWON,# Ae"'VM CIVIL ENGINZEE, AN! t ê t I N K Y A I A Ç NAk . P41!E ONCOUTy ANDI SUPRIOR Lleurtmud eaa.e te ecounty coun. ý_âA9xmmE ih ATIOJLNEY AT LAW, solwsr M ltàn he. "Wdtb<.1(LW. A VOTION kR, SCARBOROITG9, à ;C. IIANCOCKr W'JOàT ANDI 011Ã"E 1KAKleR rf¶ O MMEILIALB ils c, rek-ot, Wiit y o id oorder ol mirfdlMaMotoai, sd by exIriemo4 work.' wpn AhSrpairiug dou. w wnuuuand PAI(2AWLATE(017 UE L 0 KG IILEEX OFTHE FIYII DVBIooUBT, _ Jeomnpriglng lime Towamhp Brook. Ad- dremu: Câamingu. lé C IA131 NET XAKLRe, UPL'OL8TERUt d, V..) oei.' Hal, Br von fStrict Whttby. Ps- j.rU~uqetdo ,i suddl kIip ob- Futir, e rnelsly repmuoved. tànî 'Ravln" 4 4owiloltlnfor A. ËPmaING M WATTAILOR, DRQCc xsTREZET WiTKOKA "ZV'ELL UB haý, GREEN STIIEET, AKERCI1A W. ANKSE, lb 74 1(KG T * orz it alo. 100W ' A RT'1(LI e alX '> OTEL. 'l'lESUUCRBE IAVNU TAKEN TUE J..b' buo'li 2l froîrs1 fr. ýOo ok s, l1 a alb 1toai(- 'tord timeIe.aamnoalm otepni44 antwbrJud IuJ J>un issznounanoo 4gevt, Cnv.ynce, .Adda.-Wiilisnmslj burgl,, Catwilght. <hONTARIO IKOTEL, titu4ingiad. *U CANTON UMTL, W. CUTUBERT, 4% Oui Proprtion, FRILANDES ]IL CLARK, 10« CNSTALE, OUXTY ONTARIO, -EdIueeof Ltosuffl ln h unicskipal- yotdsTwofWilstby. J. Wu CORDON, ne De 1X'EMELY PHYSICIAN TO TIIEBIWOK. lytp iop lâ lb.i;ielin the Now lork Iwno , lçwort . Y. adniy ofRWtoldeae ;Mîrkhmo<Ai idi,"h of dis~Ioiie fOl B TW RKTE 'i.TR A BAD 3(0I18 hloua. Ring iltroit Wat~ Toronto. Gaine onpperes, J)lnneuw, (#t£r, oAil indi of (;Us,,. la Semon. Aeh iclaeilon (il fdu 80) J.-- il YAILIAJi, Aét PLAIN ÂNi> - INAItKXTAL PAINTER J. laiîen, 'apen lianger, dho., Wiby. t? BA & TEkArtO.UZ;iY AT LAW, B oleitns uoâacr,Wl'fb C, W., ~)MTELEADIKGSTA GE ROAD l9-4w aillent stylefer tise soem,àuntet!ravel- lens. v« R tt-e l t o plette I-alie nsd tise boit meuseainpeis e i u bora..' ÃŽ w-A ty1wle aisy1i0tt 4sidlhapm u .a-.lrî la, sfoSlir -. -'.--. ..... .ýU mlmmruugîmmy ppro polited sud MnsnovAds, sud 1la ld Umplisoviry- respectInlu mua' oitaiu-s, gte inaun. ailaSse tien. 'Ibe; a u noblirsjlsdsmfre wilth barilteabeddio.bs mi ~y. ,C. DAWES, h'nopnleter. k Mlv -;a oii r»la Te tiainsof Cs oinnomrenovmtod lhroagluenî, sud itît.d u-)lia thée trotîstyle. Itvory ncsa [delioa' oy li .onAcigundivan Sttd top e. pafaelyIn te visuls noue bus 1h. boit bnaudg une ponmltted t enter 28 CAWfLBE MCC & Y * LAILEGAl) ROUsIE, ORNR O BRCKANTI IUKDABS8t4, Wisilbea te ontonne t lislibits. tto Whkb, id th trvelBuImiemubty,Ilusath lim taken the above lirat 00clam oua., vhioli ho houi fittcd up litma ti nd msi ovnlîmansier. , Aflit.nateTabe lxsrvedatthisIîîotelî Di nets, Luiolnoanao.,inubbai u, ts msonentio notice. MAhi Lqaora,lumpîon th'prmli are wlitby, marais itis, 1857.' 0 atinfori tihe, limts oow waimstn ria g inieg ors apelon qullly vimialslie lpo-od teouippy M'olem. aitie toe clmani i d ,c, atr iduced iiria.,.TisaTrmmd llberaily deait iili. £V kiAT19AN MILLERt DAmIT »TAGE. 1 - R O X » )I fli A X T ? 'R E N C IlM  w gJ -ràgflgISsd Eveniag Trains. JO 1JAM UBAD Pvenberýsrd, »67. LIME lFORE SALE. ONCSTANTLY ON IIAND DUEING TIE eam ulrngann suaumen nea h Burnî m 0 w wimjyl b.001d fer Comb. ouly, at 2s, pu MATHIEW CARL, 7 Port Wk1tby TUSTreeslvee!. aco~~meule! Wlula~y, <.1 !rem eue cf t h e boul Dhaîlllîry's lu tisa i'ne- vincti, lu packagem of freums5te 110 giibonu.,wlmieis lime sisbicniben otan. foi mal, aI a vu-y Iow THOMÇAS MOODY, Commie,,ion Agent. IB g110 sb!ing, sud caret nI 0,11car, alwsys lu attendsu"e JAMES GOULIi,  UCTIOEItII, o,, .. GREENzWOCD, Tovelsp ! J'leaulug24 IReOSlis vaut of Agoo ase, con lisave tite lmsmmos Op1yl te thîe audrs.gned, ~.vbY ounny, m sre ua!< ie - £rtmt ntice Ws-m-m notod fusîel, 12-Mn Axe,-niaier, Wlilby. A SITUATION WANTICD ]BY à Young man 22?euris ofi&go, hecan makhiiisoeîf usetcslu n ' eapaclby. 72 AddreaC.0, Whirby 'est Offlc CENTRE MXOTEL, TrEon VASSYLKE, i RoP'ubjiryoR. TIi. assbaa-bcr lia. remnismesfle p*oaeaionout elî vitknowu isetal, assmd taiskou a t Infos-m M# a trozsss sncb public. iiaî tlsi1a badin laitundkfoegoretllgls silctomn- Ilsir iatis!selion s snd eoîusltrt, hie tnt-uta limaIt l oion et-lu lraeter bflre tise pubiliA*a I ote KenMuay' lue tuie enoet al sm-ci nssaiM te pliblie fat-or. XEr>'attention Csldebeeeorl mo! Irilfara. Gond lIta ]ET WEEN WIIIT.BY ANDI LINDISAY AND! WIWITBY AND BEAVERTOK, 9Ai GRS ns autrasvel imnn e Tise Stae mLizad.ay aud Be4v1rt«n V rive l imele-liara gel9umg 0eamîand veut, m. RAY otgp0.nrs.dis lreiel01 Ce. vlsanaddition et, 5Wtm N.w tock, .j vesflafleroirleg th tvea-6tn'Wfi'vd 0ntlre Md-. 2, p« 1 ovamp o!Brok ATZOi1ON0'Ou L Of OvesY dfaciptOn ' pklig, 1)-Insu o 9 vu.Gasc'vonI, imt Caildrena, 8u)r; K«41ef l'hn o isu ;e Fonglnga, ail ei inhiclitliey koffer ith ie Urmidsud ollum n oi 'vanlagM eatras., Wr- Counstry'ordesspan.. luallystteuded ste. GE Q'01E IKEKESSAT J. A. Clark. lot prime Picturile r Rnfor J. A. C.I Un do l itiseboit'eO'le IE* W* WOODWARW, ansid (Jouerai , gent. 3ffia:T.stlyois PYby JauOMM Hfùdgio, Whitby 0W. E.q ~ ~ oio. MaaeBn~.K ~ Toront; W. W.uano.om, -X.q., Mia ue be Bonko, renaie, Mo1 - 0 1si-.-lIlin, yi h Ce. cl Ontrsi osa.nW. rb S ou ue AIICTIoN BUSINESS A TEDEI teai as nais, by J. C. Sterling. .L.Ail OrdMis~ltlng to Aucion maiesby the Und" sgnd9hoild'bï leftat tliClmrnicla Cfr- are daiy anîiinized t p __ ydooo" feti tenu, o, suad tle ntér ttu' uais timer inreen t eltng tea y onction uifl iôbymyesider proper and tmmmac, ï 0 »hal -n 'ld $tO lI!sMy Agreemensthey DR. RE-D. DELLENBAUGýH, A Tr an a'nprecdentel ueeedul Praela. Al eOf oven thlnty yesni,haer about retlnlng (rom Active p niella. At thse reqleat ctnannroui fiendi ln ail partmof ime country, fins cmmt- id4 te mals, vo mdical prcimntiono, up.n W wlh luh e lsctpwedlime caun etumd knewlcdg.qji e! is long expelne nud hsi, 1.11thom fitU tihe different Idrnpglt. for-sa'., To Iheme vimo iIoualnted vit th ie Deater nothlng neec i b id-to ol-reh, t loibuteecu.cy te amy, i imaI lie lia fer yam'mprcmuoibea fon (romu 4,000 te 4,000 permus, and ivs*yawit tise gneaGt'a aoaoeia amu thâsasve blod Otiser snediaaiI mmn, yilded nuily to Jlis lrétostnd a pen- fol, casme daily fnom imun'lnedm of mtleà CtO hlie cured. Tue Deeler, Jovreverlbmns îlot baenuble, lI bite ettts.na, te eurocevcrytlii i hmon# prepur- tion, bmslsa put.mmpi uilne Iluitwolotlems, vii oare uuusbaed -1 sud 2, Tii, nuiulmer1I laci BLI> FU"RiFIIU. Ta su;melor te tiejpu-ealextrc $Ofiasqitmrill PC obroign entnilme oou d eunof t i imuelui tre extrutoedbiy atm attire »iilmusiesl Pno-MIaiet It *atu ln ger doosoao ai Aiactive phys.a, lu th iile nosa onai îsiative vonklmg dincctiy on time lver sud Kidneyss, o; iapllig îcetoes Ail iisoribd motter, tiîsl;-bn og fîig alomein ail tise engatlla dt i ave iMa I iacoIitituive, Aud nia>bc ereliait ou te cure Liv,,-a"* l a and CernapkkîF(t.f t/a ICaneyé Iàmnet C(km; lott', iun I ohrJipseumea wiielu sua. ~ l taeroilîû dfimondored or Ismpurée r ituo o lood Iles ! asstamitlinatu issre, aimi wili uuacn.vcakiu or pi-oas-ste ie bOmi>.P (Tie nuinbecu-2 lns Pu PETER MEDICINE,. av And musI nover lhe takeii except lnisaouucatlou plc nitn Ne. 1 - It viii timesicure Iajku-aor Mjjzu * ucam, oU kiadof1Feunv and A aesuta om $2 Pr Aeata.-Tbe.a uîmedlna. yl siet iCURER, sot ienevai, lrem ou. partI01 ige body tte Mi raia Ooer 27 ypars,. Te pruvoat trand, a correct lkcnems or tise tii beloïson hents/rppei- o eci imtie sud Pi( 'Dre rd. Pol ubsukh &kCoqJBulo, I .Y' l )s 1 n thUe o. 0ctOui 55Mil n mi, 0, . 1le oldfor 11pe à v ev, 2 fur716cents..Witi lîsin 1l 1) e iodle tu ae re ofoeid te tise pabIo eyu nIsh JAS, il. GBEEI14 Sol. Agent Wlmltby, î CRALLENGBfIf rp iEll M F @oloeWIL BE 0TK 4t b . hé .Uudor#Wined, ,on lime bail a Y ejt mktWoo Plog su tieyr.at 0lsud b.Woo. loui. dm tIlium v4 i lme'boeuu b<oe dot e Mb .d Sn ' giumlany timnais uacr' lme fuWyoOtL eW"..b LOi pice IOïbualt N, apoWNTOM. lWh>'ý, IMsy4 ITHOMAS MOQDT, vnlbel whoer ich'; touches thersI01. K o r e e t re r , t h é lh o k l a p e i d e p r o t, s u nyh.idaded thre'ngb l.theyb an sd lisvwrItP or feasm taItb ex«ploions viii brin5 t'Ol*W- bis eprnet oevt nou asu li domine. A' harPoila la deamdw hieb maIs tse lin, tise deepe- go"s tise Iarpon. .4n ice.asuinagschine as been patin. ted>whe v icb a otkeod'by st Inan ezperlmentai trial ;it row. seeal 1b" aetr-of iudaprdcedtutoclee liii sisso!saabic tonoït, v mietmomte: t e as up w at oieg ,y-eg of. la, cas la atr eîqtn !ceipu b funhate tllake"I Ofloe - ri tro Mm-. Exouuer îterp orv galiser tomeàidesetbe aned atna A mua vime iednmion MthtIl mp4lentn lu stra.cuuer iekndWo1othumntenté viii!. ~ tu$ s- 4ietio'F.', t.hegr he 711l1.0h nw ent74ions. amen g inl a cm of Ore sud barglms.Aneti"Wser an *lectriç lok, vbic eisonnp,.tilyen h'nhat 'ii tl, éi'lghts a lampforion nt auy bm onPiedIes. 4P «s iArumipçat, epboSa lront ofsa Ioconotieï brioglng 10 bte enOglnezs emr ail lie nois eeperialy distint e lwîlttudg bise noieofethie trin . Tien issu10 invention tha picks up pinu frraont & ed hebp, lui-s tmnsround pape hor bonds up, sud thon stickslitent inPprlu reguiar reins. Anether gees t4hsstse viole proees O! cigareÏslcing, labing il bvessud tla. agenut flmisbed cigars. O u mciin, ente checie; anoliser 0eue cOurs th. kuives sud terka, adJ moIsir rockslIboecrsdle ;andaoneor elgis baise na vaiiug smd irning. Timer. lis a par-or chair patouled tht i canuet h. tippad bic!: ou woivlgs, sud a aiivaY chair lhaî eau be tipped bock inuany petou" vithtAyl oylgs ai aIL, Anethar patent ih tor a machine Ihat 0ounts piASengens lu anomiuand tacs b.li- lare. Whou aàvcry fat mngmtou i l It c euns Ive and c hrg es double. I Tisero aresà narlelyeof ganpated that tc lSd îsentioca a isglieo Ihat aditoP It evn haIt, sud a rat trop visilu IbrtoinsSi MaY tise rat, uithon buts ta fandI,0 K ade lun lie coi-er for another, ni Tiserfila machine aise by viiicb àann vinti initead-ot vi-ies bis tisagsta. Il W1P lsyed lise a pinoforto. And spesiuig ef - lance , là estimated-tisI 9,000 are msade In vanoy ic5r <alie United Staes, giving c, ln lOYMeulto ,000 pensns, and aoaliug over l -------ai lIm a-mrxxxm O or o.Tig strong til inded lady hum e wout on. boops inàa ai umWably slroug usunen be cieied, a i ong argmnt imss , Dethopeticoeat'f C s- lime serve a osyîlslug but a mask te pc ho humain, tern-i -perversion et bamian .co 'epolion A oWMan oa; sofa- looki &0 a 4lIÙM Pepplng np <(mm s liyceol. i-i gLr91410,9, dance looks, 11k, 1h. Datcb CJ imblèr tbstv"afs rite loy la Y i uay. TIse lit i.se00tishere W oiof, i- ,tr tè;u tbo lIA lyha 'x.-%,màsquy. tic de i t ent vit ; vw ile , it the s ane im e , > o r ; lu Mtan @y ft,The prodileus vighîcli ftse medema petticoat saud tisudiffimclîyof asiu JIail m tise vristbin Udciste#s a 'elt or dompyesi ansd leiding bis. orsîlna'vsiïuâuluto heals- Pl~ !e uismewelghï or pruwmmLwwnaig b Oel mnofom mo~ti olds. '.4, to $b. cCn-on M" ïf bebooàped &k ftjo sjy a. t h 'ai =néis1vsio4vyldn ger di MUmi ignîîUataise pluin I Nbeiry ai, -WiilniOtq miles sMd aboyO, 20 imille rc £ * . id re no v deposited lunlthe ba u oftl tie dItor;of Besll, Li n 1usd Who swalh. ,flidstahobeldril. p'14çÀ ýf figbuiiig, >sud appoint a rref Tke niZi depoIilof À a sideubalîb maeon Tlmriday, Docinb4r 15, at Civ S#f', hRué Sboe, Tihbornes streo ju W oaable lthe sotu al anm gu of th h. lu l1 imeingbetween tie heurs e! twli, sd eue, or tihe niu ab"nt shanlforfei ti.baIll meuey. Tise îxp of th Tie e i egiire seul over lier. fa tse Reniais 'Bey's approvdan sd signature bueth &tedte Of<he'timee CÉfgig hg ban'Ihgd l.Y Sserm fromJuuoto Fai mury,-Eleeun vory ualirally object toýti siteralion et liii lime origiualiy fxed, ualu conteuda, anid Ieryresemlbly, lbst lsweul( net shiow Ibise auffleus, lime te beconz lunrd tof tie udnn canige of ehinuam aud, eseiyalrasevere wrso lurrig :o! i@s vrk oe! ibsing pr'épara tien fr tieimprtaaî coet Se.H.bïas eerdigly addrSued, tlihroug is làagent it lety, à,letter'to 'tie dter of Bd!i s&t at ng hi,o b je c to n t$0 lise ti nt ro o e ai lime a'me tine liehaudsomey oagrees I yield i o bjuetinii. Champion of Eu1. land h b tie peower te lix upon thti ime 01 fl~mtugueueI, u ccrdonce wvitheti lA v a 4 K t ie Pu g il isie J3e u # o l u t , A ss ci& Witbsa viev of beiug repineseted aIt th lime efthe iecmid dpal an nae Owen, swi«ait,à lu Lon, sud thejisud tmer. mmmau iug ail tis o emer e o f tis 0 bsI dine sM d plaice, . , f . K n go4wekdUpstiedW bisagont, M . Fred. ýFsulkn.n, 'teLondea,'ii fnilpowou teo nel on hi$ belialt in ail malttos reliîigto I ati e L i a oh. M e U l ' I m e f o r . h . a I S e - w e p i- a e n t a t t i s e t e i i uo s d p l ,'u 9Osoe00 tàhâtof &>5tiilbcloy and susicable arrangement luaviug been momde L'tween lie wo 'puslitio heocs. The e a so n o i, 8 1a 4 0 4e , t i a a y n a d s r u >f hio Matois W1th Hecuan takiug plao in F'ebrury l. Ibis; Ho wu a inged by Aaron, Joies, snd a match modo, but Joues forfaited; Bayerlcs c quently des .irüus, should le pro e ru mlwiîislimth e nicis 1301, ef giing -Zoes an oppetnniy ef meeting ishis (Sayer) in tie prize ring, efre is ime et holding lie obsntpienmip -whicis expiras lu June net-expirca. Il in h. rememubem dtisaI htiss we gi wa trs ave belone met"sufousbtwiloOn the flrsî occaiox, a(tr aàdtrmind oeu tu t O otli rm u O , ý d ari c em e on sud pu t su an d t e b estilit es. l u t sio ig isI $ayers suffered sse Verey frein cri Mone aid tise body, ahi. aàdifferiss us MigisI bave emud, la tioir mmisq4ct enuter a Muepâ , aferwacs, y Provd h.vict Inlutio heurs. The, RniaéisBoy laaI rset, sad4> sdoedf hau tc'rsme tins poilbeen, psy.- 'g th. grate sî età ôu ' . t lniu g. ; D àdaiiy oexcliug bis musolar poea tignou'à gy nuiu ot, in Crosby staqet, ýid his spiendid p* 'cal development, se- à,y and fine parrismg iliteies dilihted bitioni lu tie Bower Ylet veei, ô het ro Save u aconul Mo appearanco asnd orfriunee on tha oçMie norond i onidence et is many rieuido In is abIitilý o pluck tis ueisrl, romn bis trasilatlc s'&asd te wln awsudva the balt of- tie J4 01, ,mat., oeao F47Y te genoralexpodtaion, as Il waaau. 'Ipewdi lto ,wuld bamve glvasrwu fspamrug e "litl n thlie, prncîpal [quof tbo Union beotre hi& 4ea#tur Alage pitalt.laaî umber Oet rMlc* realesto isevnlk beweeu . md uf i-nal. ltsVery ge. i ail I-e ka1 lie And iS4 le ýhoevil or abolsinimtscae au,»endu, ho id hugstiss nedWnie udf-81, <vmer icouldl Crawl eut et tise etior. damimidlivevewrds--7p=aïcibon. Tise 10 dianteud la tise itintte efforýthéSiidelisa- A gentleman vhei the Nev Orlenu Bée 1 lieu, lhiespiitul oluiton et col-tie daciibei s fa bigis standing lu thait City, at uu e ffl epd frei Is aten a l bemb, rcenti> ' ed ayeng m n introduced te Otie realisation o!lie cai', sigiset-bang. isa y a fnens, lu whom lié beaume au Zhe thsnle rabi -tise (sming real Orientai machis intenestad thatî'fie eugaged ins as a rab>' aide by side viti tise iippise sud' bOOk keper. th iseeris beci M exceos!- the Oriental tepsi-èbti abiesoetdiffevent ingi>' iuteroted lu bis employet's vil, mand ~ elo-viatar they? ýCrystas o! ui -thisitimaey finally ripmned laboinsu ie. d comôes rgUll.omesrhii, lii earWb meut, vlmials lb. gulty plr achiereelonlthe 'f vwhiskmakés our potIer'. day,-ou pipe20th iniC The aateaishedin muthe -eday and comuon nooflbg sate- -mare bit& beanuunabie aItlime lut a iecsto obtais -o! alumina. Ya$tises. are aumong oui- best auy trace ofttbe fugitives. genttie idealisations ef comusen potter's 'cliy. In everytisandred gr-aius ef bine ItHave YOD muahMIsnfiis u en lis aappireisinaly Ive are alumuie, vithonemais! sparsen te a ibes-mai, vhg -va ne g r a n O fo r e a t e m i e li m a i g i n m : i b n e t r i g h o m e . " Y e , ag o d l 'e u , 1 ' a s t h e light vitisin. Thei, ruby ji cetred vith rathraippMn reply. cersi-ei ds. Tise sinsthyst if onhy, silice or dint.' la eue buidred grains o! ieahysîT eTuoRa-o:e r .Ove su i u c l y .e i g ta r e sm p l e p u r e 1 m - h e . li e te e l ith s w ei v l , ve l r ib u e d o n . sbt tua. it ihimade te lb oinst T el.ugs or -bvlsleyee. lu tise lidor box, naedh iero oui-,?plffp' nuslsekeal ime hr, ntithui isaears.w i- a sd ulpisar.isiddmatches, sud vbicis ue imutld *tdapm grenunp and prepanes!, miSes 10W lise - vahiale of onIist's colon. Of thia"me 0> In Heus-y ceuuty, lewa, reemutI', à alilice are aime c.eriuili raW, ealt-yes, rock verdict ton $3,000 dausiges-vus riailvue! sy crystals, Egyptiujaper ansdopai. In eue bMiseSophia Gi-et,agiitst.rvan hnudred grainso! opslnine>' are pus-e gili- Wink1esvimeo vite tile!put lu cimulatiogi C4, autnd Mvotf, ter. ite. tiatur, ten, sndy luderia reortsA gslmst miss viiaigivei lie gem lmaI peculian changes.Gri-ose. ble sud isvlleeumt celer vic if lao betau.k4 liful, sud inlici tendiers, th.e io'mou . ecriug.*toe eLondon Papeun th. lght qncenof 'lie, kingI> dlamoud. The auna!deuns!foi-penny postage stamups gorue-thle Brajiiu-net lime Orinusu- lan -et Bnitain làa littho short of fié 'topaz, thse o0cldntâtali4l etrI! heisnlaof hundres!millon. Iu ordar ta supply' IbIs lise îame ospeiesa ime berylau hiies. os-es demous!he ledii maufacture mt. aver. compounda of subI sud alumina. But tlie'ag0 about one million ax six'Sidied thon. beryl sud eioeai-e neo Dt composed exclu. gond-Do v07y ea.y bail, sud Oniyfèail si"vely o? aillceand alumina, tlsey ceulain Ilirogi lite ais! ofuteaj aud ntsoslnir, anotmor cii-lbcalice guclue, freingluqo,r svet,- becoa s lf ait. are à eet letiste- lat. Tieiysclntis gem la cempoied of 0> Lord Maauuly Lustwvolumues mor 'l atesn eie0,. ng dScovr' , A iidofthit istor>' o! Elglane! nearhy readyfer ziréonl-fiîodisceord lu 11551 speales Of C,ubul a be i mdttm ey i hysclti#"tinksmýovwn a. zircon. T1is eir r- noIo uie d I nbe atson. TIio g.ü con is tonne! in SeetlanaL .To fvery "On erSbfrei"'D'ylevsbi tlllp isuadred pSteM fb>'eihs'ecny are- pure wok tau. semiall e re!l.7dm zirconie, 'A ciyslitieIla aportieo!fpure siliate ! munei. Witisout carbonate oe!cepper tise. veule! h. nemalaicite is Tino ceusins a, usuef relet, wvre .Rusia r u lie Brra-ann MiSu. vIs.n aity e ar ie p io e ouricket etarbeuale et linseeivne!brn 111(. *ei psSe!t lie-4 Carrer* inn 'be, lb. torquelse-la nothing ~ but #P apopaeOr alumina ioeored bine by coppes-; sd ithlpsi h i aonlysa la--& gnavyarin aNew Jersey tbaigea i bit 'of riM paloter îhroghoat with auhk temin 00 o viichif laasrUlM *ýr .* pins-et eofedinsa.- bowing imple yet toucbin ag stA "NS' P.ioun u in.hevoy igisest eincles .1,.-J..Aim akn aJ.-iL4.nS È%Wk#-Ph- I - Ter â:tra i.doA.la( fr <s .L e.oumuaù an n os ot, for tis e 11epliil z--- 1y 1- sPdsl~POP gegg out _ a" sWda 4 i g-v, thes e ~,~ aIloaI ~ s ea tie dendp WjOu euger marted foi CSulbmormse, foi! trck Of thehiîwry fro, he ~ it crosses lise maiu roadeu t'f, ldy muge' Tise steamer rau mîlowîy q n the. achoolsa aI borne vhsn!, limepangerisebe d'befî ta't a!lt srting fiteen miutes eer. MIe nas Stfracio more thasn uixteen ailes lua-one iseur sud £à quarter, vhlcis. vas goed lima, ena i-aitroad ÃŽach over ties, for au mex- pei-ieuced i-uner. - - 'W!oîthe min cuaie abouts!hie bout, lie vas ,reeicing viîh thea exhalatio!ofthse sicin, sud panting lilie s fatllu deer. HiR rau o e .bar aud, cah!ed to-'a ,drink of bnaudy (mit anmd .vater neWxt. Re vaspar. înitted le drin k a littie of blm, sud, vonld 6sve,' no, doubt, diun.k a-galonu ot.ae- lied itîbeen sled. Mercy' for tse mun, compelidlimhe baz teader -te slop bisa by torée .tise-man'âlept visile fthé bout vas ,nôumlug ltauigb, sund left lime neîtmoi-. lug ,apparnnly nope tise vonsefton-lise raâceý lgaiasl liethe anboal. Re vii14ne doubt, put ilmael! lu In riiuaam sera , sdvi si-e lonig, leture ou 41à speciiïY in 1"pysi ési culture -unuiog. Jhe J -insfl eseeM" brougimi ù,lb.ePninclpah's att4ti.e, 'abe vas iummediolel, dismuaecdetfrts Nortis tisame oeniug. A IU Pios Ptzs ur.~mng tise lite no- tables prient at thsillte masmeeting Lyncisbnrg, 'Va., calledtoe xpi -'thse opinuoue! tise people o! tisaI secion in r. latlon telise Bsi-pn' Ferry raid, vwutise vWeil-knoin Panson Brovnlev. Mis r. marks, on tise occmion ver. cimamhwteistic. A pOrter, lunuetioing te speech, gays il vWas "ýextroneiy aeatiscrr" andi repsens -tise puiaiu oaying f'qw vld ratier b. vitis tha Sent iuPademoniui,'liaviti Abelnitin- heÀven" Tise piraon ase remaked abat b. intended giving bis fansi. 1>' insbrueti ot tet tebury bim in a -Yankee coai; but if, il adamo! cmengincy, tisa> don lent Who'lcive yon, theiluseives aMu ll Mou, , 01 77 Z.- j 1 . &%Am

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