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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1859, p. 4

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'an«wï ywsrds ïà w ite ll1e t i helabesorbe, 7ig~WJ î~h r. Chr.I. wtlugl1 I T errings. A ldOIDne n uM produco tadiu m xc A. l W«'a' it - G o ~ s rs-5 0 li a if b arre la T r > ut, DIR E C T PR O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ É _ _ _ _ __W",* cL WILLIAM meOD1uEN, DIRECT FftOM. Ë14P aiii ~50 ifaif barrels White Filah, W is« O 1110forthe la t »serc a <u etaion n i ~ g A j eai ori- q4 Wtes r n beretE Nom _ _ __ __ _ W# M I O, IlJal Au w at a x il 1H A M I LTO P R K O N & i 0R O Bh Es R ~ o l e p c f : y I v t t e t o .~~T t 5 m b l t I BR1 6 o O04 (411101344 Vi o lT b p 3zuTBa m o m.Ulcj, enru dse Woudo*JIuL '4 ffa ngudSOtOlaakf oîM )T I' l c , B o k S r et X r I E S O K W < I[,W 2 N & .Z ~ui MrSnuactuYer10,b aantt6 S oesod g oyualkldo 5 u rri G f~ aniU ey e Iaay en y HAMILTONaROBERTS, aPRO"akn u la »iRbi u Ob ILe&lghs, =TwM $ab" atCul ]f iOU LIFET 0F Seu su irANDril a, Eod9rg a . o . N« IV.LIi st - OP-u andi >eaienln>ii, OAfTLES, leàtimoite$tatd ,u(,tho.clsrJ 4t7Iso lar add b aand ,Po.ob ,lbozaMt OcnLa8c.teadS Th wnrnuA uAs rrro fteotrighvlgbo sbrandfonte e io s o o r Stc f I 1 18l onldrbl avu' yta -IlWey-Mfg In theAbOYO lio ettendd tO Li ho Twrxrrwouldu<ail Utheo ottthtion ofg the slotertc f gt tdeTEA, 80 o1r11lu0 'aditionouo OurrStck indal c.sofrpatients. f o r P a U r s n'c C o n b l . d l e a p r a d M t 9 i A u gh e R n d fi e, EInbo m a i o t e Toeal Su r p n at r rol l n f o r e b v o r y a w w U I a l , w e te n io n f he l n o e s urs e e?, cobr 1,l" 'Charter and Act of I'arliament litbuf , ssndtic Dirc:ori fn g .y re full Wh b Otbr 2085.8 sir JAsas OESr, Bart., of Comsuao, warrantac! In appos'onng ts tie poilcy LOW E S à POW ELL, lu Lie chair, Ilolders a aums suffilclat -toa afordsa roduc. RmiBBOs, HÂTEKBoc tot ht - Thefollowlng are Lb. principal tato-mLi o ofcparcent, froin the Premluuii Brooko lOti 1859 u.,imvuur 94ZJQC vI 'menCoti 1V 3Lie »a Iossa' J.LavREoaTr, inmit.Payable lu tor e apr l, 1tiTi A N D L n ted £0 L b. e t in g --o e n o e o e t t p i , l 5 " ~ ( L T S & S T A P IL e S .R B R I Ç M R T BRITISI-i REVIEWS. th %'rii ltA 11,formçryor,- percnt, oeCtAaPsBEaL 0ationo7 for "s'a K otwithotandinî lie annual repayments Bpt niaets oh obn i Asuaaczg were ro- la cash t. Lie Polleyhod«,,...tbo&on îpiigteV SOIfRD0OTT &CO,, NEJW o.i o the extent LthJîyaa4r, bains £20 OoSterJing,-the Coplngho oet nisa.tatobat odbs oi t, oinu e o u biacit thefoloI . of ,for £ 6 dis4 8 t; c xtVELTIEBofIbe F ail salie&th laaW in te r I mp o rta tio n g ! P BL S JE S P1E -lhsic0b MrV. NOU fonnd t.o cTitonilet& M lb. no itrc Amtit tan01,09m0ost,,faiblenabMosleâsi style.tyls i onAmVr.8si ig h nvewtmosusicontinu, t. b. Ia«lIy pwschmsd by oe o f the. r wîo Desss, antesShawls oms, ::u olusumiuzvssgw <WlMg.) moî 2LwÀ~~ ndeontLi c b oscisltica onîy aIl 5pec" * la flc h o, ndFOfcd..css . ais'Pr n u s AKENTO 0ThrVaa49 ânf ulative orjou tr af e crIairî invold. "' Ca STheOREill Scrâ 41At tise Prim.Of,-.£1.20* 8 4 BSg- Tut »humcousiimyv o 0rcdI.iLA,.è » IýKF#n KI <Liboral.) -rnecf i vi, o ard i1'f BRIIH oitiena MUETawzyr Blancei,, Facksry, (7arpe JiaTloRb, ,. Threweo 1 oah drig hoYergentlemen vwho Compose th* Beos'ds 01 ,aUhot BavmDoosldni, TWeds, uhevoits, Vostlnge RO TE DLAàciIWoon' ,o DNiDVDUIDI iVÀ(IAZNY, -(Tory,> aa111aTd by loovolicls, fer £88,28lî1 07j Management Atthl. eal Ilmaosu. m là .I) Y M )E J L O T E '( Thue .rlolcaî' atsy reroi teramlingAucord lng te I.ale o rallyoih(oums anoyadace th bo prWeàl -aby eiwsot h imaluÀPrdnuns terTarle ùreUaankaoy e a il o teJIînha bon on luet. They confidently solicit au A large stock hins nmade np cmi Lhe prne,....tis fit and verkmanfp meau tie. gtpolitical Particis'ofraat Dri. thora sicuttd iSÎ0 o(91lle1 US'8Policle0q (for and ln BriLtihNorth Amarlca, tiecMsotdeedton lan- ii, or, ndR dialbu Tphie£7 TJo 1 tal terIsa& rt e ca« t Of the Branches, Lhe resuits haveroo',adIoy'T pnn ooCot. Pnaad Vsel vr tl u Y4fomm'sonly one fouLure or tbehrArc.TcTtlS;saAia Ante k R.folly roaglizeti explectations, andi thse Ma- O A [I. n 3yITi n Bd oti itadvsiëeroyo «s, 'As Or ni of the su t roosnd Preltatigfof tloi,,ecead pollcyiolderfigemnt b baûin la ery respect Mst^ qLAty writera n on e, îiî.rsturle- loraîîty, a&Mount t. £279.620 là# 2d Sterlinag, , uati,fatory,V = O Oloe th g nnd.o, G entlemyos ., a Cl or ThiOum xitdel upeug oont pro rflo nsuth waate.nim uglyyle.ved M a&Zp o OJ J JSnTth O P E N g yle aad Relgio, î,y at~ti aitî~ evr ic seoi MIDÂZIaous frm Po- Tis lisiserrasandtslmoni;awrruan inspecon,, ninuccncntuwill .o f-AFR S S O K F71 ters boin; considercil indlspemible to ment$, l9 £051,078 Ibo 2d Sterling; E:pa t te !rorlé anti otier Offie. era!Lta .coe nipi.vs Mie iclilarandthLisproiffaîonaî man, viii TiThoTAL Ai'Au,%CZ TuÂasàÀcrnowsbersa et tieJIead voice.andi Branhsu rdbt n ecoc n rc hc te the intelligentTrader cf or'--plge elfnce tise coe nceontntof tie Bu-siness s d t.Lieagente.s,. oarasei aybuel Prbs, oel oi ebe ~ ~ a "" ansst minaryîait i)cannnot b s i>spbyy u@nIutonlng waî m, il rSoe,.~n.tFI n tOrd of thse csrreist liLtur fIotd.tiO TiPUNOÎUeszs I sacfLi. us. OFIC7 ARJV9 iffl thSrate7n éMIES -'-e-"-Ofw m urhaig luhre, 4gra o h h ro ne tlbs o i& ; so u rie lasi A o n b y Le fo lo w lg 'T a b le,, - jj v n ,p re u d-ro i * a u f v m n o ~ s g s sO e .D ceI Mr S g ' n n a B . T e i dg h e t P r i c e W 17 1 b e p a i d f o r P U R S o f  t n k , F o , T c - Assurance sunce. <iLUV j E R Muiert a1b., Seiald -FOpul, T i#se M o t o 't f .tw À ag 5J UDt from en t, .t t e s dtaes lCo,.DJCYOr u R< < M u k P r E Y 5B R C u .Uan d c l as a a a da p ie . br e ho l ,t Ubilaipobft ulsird ditionaî vaust - <.Mcszie q PRSEMRILDA wf esrettie Itr. the . t lplu ai ýtfise, 1a0 nov ss 4, M m,700 L>AV5D 4czTouAg0, Herchant, WI£17 agaijuiits]BIM11 mr" #o b. é p baed n dts ofaubsrbriaot 14ue u,,eYim <soÛI o',,r r , <>, Merchant,"hrjot seO su dutioriginal edfitions, 2 Ixwo, MisuEu.,Aivct. trcy eet O >'tdCnpu.M ra vi TEllE, Fsra Au ai5417 1 ji . oe7'd 4g <?It-RP maj IO#D,, q,, Oshaa, Oct, 22, 185,8 r2 .rsle u JoeaeIie 1er as,> oêeflb. four Eerleva.0.005 hou OUPTsOurskMniz. '___ _________ 1erun> Ir o tie fur Pf annmouu"i.4 OS» M ___and_________ * .letaPpayh lgur. iet Y«r an>' tire cf tie four Rlider,, l 0. PA0<>vr f(i. AMOcIAroTIllive IKeon miuail ertr, AE AAT ONMG Voàll four 01 tih@ 00 ' ~~>Valusd by lie Mans ?.Tise lulntio ysJUAGENTSLe ,er BIa.Iooti' Maazne . <,w ilc iébrmoover fe 'b ro essor J*l. $Wtby-J IL POM F L 1f"otm, co)oraiu ai aar Ofa vola nhhi - ý1i OT, i latnnteharonbrrnomodT on 1110:"et;h:nteJ.outiosi sud y«Mcwodadoemadi ,,1à ()e (oprlncipiea Jiormauvll i &c.» iBntat f "roandi DariassaCoaicio, Loagt- - mni> yo, lkw dMdtoX«og,,7 orec= nsd b I c F5s811 ns ewulSmc ilo, arleB nk, s by Anica l[oaî.eiliolJ 1'nrilisre, lvgrtu ~~1 (51 1cor BIa.Iirood sud tLi e Rcva. ..9 o print as con b. atiopted 6, the Vioale of Mak of Toront.o. lotN erslaanizand otheo fait, at a reaaoubl lerllackood nti iofor Jlrl.r Îo the *large soargia of rom 21 t. 32* par PItfp..anB aeMrba, Osaa uua 5O e ?or Bisicood and terourBIte iev ,,7 y ilAcu-Îi s iem oat Nnrao.....mn Yecah erhnt smlasl on,. v180,vii )»~nq ou"nu in fis. hotteoeh sla dcenî,--amountlng te a pvards cf,£84,000 (>lSar-...41m'iCoeiranoJ. irltr el,. «W b aolve.d cf par, t.Nu dZ: Àdiemt of teny.ire per cent. fomnsoafla J .rerng four or more copies of uny eue or I M "r- of b . b ove or , This, our aid tP i e . t f b l c k v o o t , o r o l o n e l ff i e r' , i l r e o m n t o s l I g a y o a C hn n i > , v u e r l oien beadâresi(«er$9;',four copiau k slrbr ot nmpbeirichte andbtheiacrviU, btirtint , oitd'O n 40f the fomur Beeva anti Blac ood for T ulaO s o»An éton ri Soc e owcopot#rs hthAad ;Zle pubiAgonruî>,tt thelaevi C s d l a u n M a i l u b s c r b . i v l b e îs u i ta, a d l t a e r i l e i ~ i 00,ofuVgoWU a bt £, Nw Tk Tm' INTENItlOwAt IKOTEL, là"Ai? NAIKI ogrTAI, ?0Mox, JOUN LIKENS, I'OPIEOR. INJIEURîNG SINOIM RTIFA*YK wh bave hlbtheftobgo Ilberil itoîz hlm uf*4 «sm 1 .loe in tbla City, bop ogI te a ut b. b« e Jeu lu àtms ofykrsthe emoeape«. a" knownu.thé IT!EATIONAL JMOTEL, »d >0b t#Eut 'Id. Metii. > St, riw. IiarUt, batteeoefg eand Front i, whe .ho vill Aiva>. b. rentiy to a OU hi" Mnd athebpublie g. crai. Min inth# but bualne a ri #pith# 9 i elnenral. Tb@.,"expna ,;ri y»li ttint up ad sou lb a h bIOUlho t le *forfliýi, ý TARLB w alwayo b. îspliîd à. bat lb.*iiUrk.tffbrdairly in «4"n au n sd Attuti vu se. wili bc v. suy e it anjuu hi$ PAR iiffbe aupplled viti thie st and but of e.'ery kind of Wins, STau4CIgar a olrep ad ai.n der tbè suprned o ufisising SIn elargyrd- tacb.tl othé a vil! b. round lhé bust î.hed@ nau, v&Uejo , ln.he . ity>' In 1 am d.lfsuslued thit io@lbloï j ihl ~lbt onuij part e gfr.ouUru ia"Wa an tratu 88i"Po#9Apny n Proprietor. 18119. 864w-w. te anoj o hl# meole n dui of m tntho lo nov cavrylng CIA Il R-IA G E M A i N,-, à large quan 01tPRE IN AUL ITS BRtANO1îPllst ,LSo ad n o ae on the. prm6 erlnretoïore Occpw dby Mr,.iq',RA1-, on Mary Street, between Byon qebec A-encY for th. Trtnnctwotf ad B, treowbho b. apr.parpd, auberotofort 0oxec«ut. ail OrdM ntruSteâ Buuzmu. wfi tin .e r ea to bis em uthe Goorte. CAIIRÂGES IBIJGIES SIEILIsCIJTGEI131&C8 -Om n AW reunerauing Ic, ALL WORMx WARItÀNTED. UTJ1WtandPRO~T2 2AKZ IJJ.xuIÎJrGE eat ARKET PBrJQFx P. FoRD'8 long experlence of tblrt yeaoi'a lna horlncilçaî Manuactor,, of thé StateAnd Clinadi a# sugiron tiet ex ' 10'nlaev#h uica ic few avebeo sio tearrve t, n OT.UtY Of d"1i9!, elogane. cet fnioh, durablllty, cnd oidity of worksuanip, bi s 'k anot bu exculIO& W btb , ug nt 10, I su w . f . 18M M. MC11PHADEN, 'xIlac, mx. UI R OF A R Ua L CENSEKa, rti. AUlcTIONEEELAN » MNT, er ticin Oc inebto lrnmedie amro7e. 1 ment tc.Vrooznant.. th«b te. now ho woe. ton XT1LLe halll o nt 1 ed omld Menand ye . A lt r I o t oeo bt t =n to bo i o,,,siqlJ liste w uap id aybuy,.bct CorerDudaj atiBroo k , nea lii elbW.r U nW hjçbv. Surllit. so uy cian.. 4 vi --v ]JAS OPENEDAN OFFICE IN QUE- 1bc orWthe Tranaition o« tie B oi. noe or Parti« e rildins ln Upp.r Canada or elicwhoret wlth sny of the oveunmen Pomarment& ouof iccuring Patenta ifor Lundi, Or liaving <laims of any oti.r klnd £pinot the Governnnt, or ru-qulrlngany Information ob aiabe n te Cown L~ or otb..r Publie Olce, îma,'h biloea dm1; ntly atten ehiby &W dent Agent, withôut the «Peni. and ln- connlene « a journey te Quai.., Patente of'Invfit lon knut, Màlpropoldtsu'innffcagonst addr*Me to MBol 8~Pat 015ce# Qubee, yl r. IL iJ. GIBS puol, Sp. 8 15. 7.1l pe", KNWR JonNMOONT *o , Dott mfo ,a înJaof!.rgbcz We , anf.g, y Uafl u1r e tteeJlyJ t AT o, DIN Â!À1101 Lea. thau Toronto Prime for caglî. 13RESSED NAILS! BLISTER STEEL TCHAI BE" 31KAr.En. BJALTER & gUIL gAN A large Sto f- ladIeu Iuber and Cotte Peteha II4 IJNSJg 0 OVBvVEjiy Dacuipvgoj <rom 2to 14Iaeb. TABLE & POCET GCIT Plinto, Cl'auia, lJoue*, end otfli o ikcra 0 C'roe..esg, circuler Md Mill RLgur.4u nd Otber C&ebrntad nkee ~ ~. '~r ~: Gis, PistOle, Biiot4, Powder At manomaturae' Pjiae. . capot, Ylsui,,Wad, ,GamnaEg, &,»k., Md Olm nW'a, Dansd Mimer',premînin *vey $ cfin o -&KE F ND KEAV Y fAX D W À ta ~ZOW~ G ~ne tho Mdrm, AiNJ.SDONAL»grjN &dC.., THOX YZM JAMES JOHINSTON,. #ICEN8ZD AUMONEEJ U ouTaE OOUNTY 0F' ON2AUIO, RgS4~. Country BROOK, W- ziBene :1w flMe )berAS K9 gS trO O o n arkiiqw u pes ou ninnicate th u er, teocnr frand. e" on Toronto, Sept.,22, 50, 8-1- SA'VE Y1RM lE AWrI TEEiEE YOt-4.Lfl ofabareýlt 'u , wl h a " dopatcb, ifandur m'Irf" DrAnios DR.~ CEILE VER-IV LWVEI wuE&ey ta Lu' rmedije WCerefer to Ir CkaL, lermifug W Ie do nY ?r Wxeln Lrnfiised Witr, icr y resuits to, LieV= to Worms, orthcure Of 1Y 1 BILIOU's Dziui ryAD-ACJaE, &C. FzvzitAil endICOIa etjis rn 1 for O&C .* er, il Isen zw4mou9 i FLEMI) tidis in Wh: fully1 Sept. 1, lise. Piauog~ Kolode Taaim.. Kakoe, *0w-Cga 17, 1550. ~Sa.w44w- J Wblsby, Yebrdarycctl,, 15». Il - ý -1ýý," "'y>, **, 490W 1

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