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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1859, p. 1

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os, Ltby. t r OMu. MATUNHOFTUE, pO u N IW IX a2 I v o (DerIL»e) 00001 .0s1 m N by-t --- -e'» " al. e:., - 531er'? 4&Whjt v.0.W.' ollosl )fef JI>.W verdïtULL m». i a1szà xi la. b nJîWLbI¶ l geutry paporpalu î.sd lu, sIStIDI oda t tle f4ot i# W5S04' duo.d lu hf 1 ou oufo,(par:li lu. o AILIfFlis >I VI*UMCOUUT. Ad OnC. 4y in"Di o drus 1 iltby 1.O 1diiltu ,d unî li 1sra-'BAAOJ' AINLMTL W. 1illCs4(*iNs,_ ikt lirook , W. ~ li nd.utwfo _________________ ~ a. W BOOK AND J013 S111ÇPRI ETOU 0F TRE WIfITRY lmbl#Î that h. hss proouri o un of lthe Most iJuoertyW.aofTypsomewn 4vYork asii oth or péïo'4066,1 o aprmp*rod toacue ]BOOK ANU 103 -PRINTINa et euer-depcrlptio,î la ao aup4rior tyl, sa Swli sdfpaoeh, AIt ;holovoast rséuia-stiuiî Jbstoîsa Pie Se. sa lrinlinq bmhiner>' p Bios lleiaiirow 11118, la t s liiiislsa ateiy. tuu< f Pr'isi 11firaisbed vititinu out bout of W. K. IOGINI Olrwslilo usO, Wtiiy, C ZACHBIJI DLRNHAMt FI 'Y FTUE C9(IUNTY ASUIliUOtIATI t> C ourte <>5..titige Cosurt Iltiase. * CUAULES ROBDKNMON, WAltDyx. UIWiDyNu, KAVERgTOI Tiauritli. dirtkvr. 1s84rOFFICE AT 'rifE COUMl lion»,. JOUSN hAN PERET, ÇMAUiITl<AJ. UYYfIUE tON ilIOCC l. JWliby._____ CLERK 0OP1111f PEA09.U. FFqCE-À tho Court tfoume. JOUN V.IAX, L'SEUiR OF TuIE COUUTY COURT, AI W. IPAXTONi, Or., T REAS9,URE. tOFICE AT 111E COUI __ 11. J. NACDUNELL, ' OLICITUR, k CLVfIII<OF TUE>'.COUNT 3 counoli.,, <thft eut tliaLCourt ilousso. * UUIÇTY ENLLNE19,UVFI(IX AT TitE CutItou»..i Z. AIRIIANKs, CLEUK F11151 IViSio.N COUUT. OFFICE eitsa CouQrt 1Itiussa JOHN (10111301< I PT0JJPÀR t'fWyfiUtIT* k& MIfAgURys for tise csiusty or 4>,url),. W. H. ITREBAYNF, T) .itiIIEiLANI) COUNTIC CICOWN .8. Atoni>'.OIce-las Aruadi'o Now Urici, 10 JB,«UldAX U4 T1«AUN EYM AT LAW, Sulellr, a, he visitty Cospinoistsro.- u5 the i.court Hultoo;;s,-oatsaWlrg. GEO00EZ H. DARTNELL, B ANSIdTERt, ATTOILNY.Y, CaNVIYAN oer àa , kW.&a atmeow r 1. A. Dssl'io *ce Cie', stodwarte,,Brook 81,-cesW litis>' J. V. HAll, B ,Jiflet, Wiiby, LIW, Q <)LCITURtI CuOvhw£u, . %TK 'JiC c i N. G. lIAI, AT'roitKEY-AT-LAW. ~We.tWiîitW' hua Uqimtry (>llIo,, Brook . TEPIIEN BABLII, nir enldastn'o JîardvieSore>u, Blrocia ntreat r4OVJYANEI, UMMSSINII<Fou 4Uu ourt, MoIsi>' 'blii Sud O(kural Agent, Tgr4uOflOW-ing ifîrot, sier)>' opposite 4wpop<vatnde t t. 82 jlisUNBILLINGOOO, L À'Wf CUANCIIRY doCOMYJIYANCINO .Aqiia, i Price AIiiertI., .A. MKAI31, B. A., ATT<>E*ILY AT LAWe MOLICITOniIn .IJ odlne>', u4 sess u aChaneuir>'for 34e outy g! tJuorocli-si., Whlîl, 47 AUiSiTER ATT<>RNEY, à.. Offc- . e' ben.Otdîis Toontoruîauop cosVlL .à JLUILTON,  WQIIISM à4.OUNOSUL'J IAiLAW wmiJJ, T E EI>K, AMOS W. GNON, 4.EIMITM O[ 1V»15f(JNJl u MORT. CHECKLETX#.D#4 QUlufEUN, ACCOUCHEUa, .-. ORONER fur ltse Cuuist7 0<«uare. lr ne Jes' (4URNIno 1Do *i UUROVA)N TO TRIC4COUNTLY GA t B~iyron Strosel, Whitby. J.0S.eJOSE$, 1'O' l DETIsT.--o'yFYc li u E .D$trat, over Ij. Bielowls ature, **d oppc V '40 SIgiotry ClS... Ail uperstiolis warrss kt 1LUsruoem, o fuir trial. ,f AL " tIel drte.eu-(lentro Iic N. 1i.--Advice.ttheb.psorevary Moud.>,j L'AIT WINDSOR HoumE, WRHITU wu. oàAeAY, ruongy.ox.. 'T aB bovo lotol la sltssitod lnao pleseosnti Lretrajppart ut the 'lova, ois the front ru Oluedouo*minudlon fur travolloris. 04 lstaliilg oandi attenutive ostiers. lUTRECEIVED9 1 obnoiuslo Ceux, 50 luiimlso i SI 100 u bsas.àlo ,sTiuivusv $usnp, fuorsslo It IL W. WUO1DWAII O (lomminguitsmercsolito, Duiidus PLI 1KFLIZ rr lq-Wrk iN iiid o, T.u W ALKyi & PATTR UO î 11101181 J. C. HANCO. W. T àjÇ OMM , LUAI, OFsllIsîu, BrOok- Wwrlnot*a i tio urk isu, > r JOERCAN IO'rL n lF'ok rl, oiç r et' Youug sud it'uulo T8,/ cot, C. W. iloilshp tok.A Be tissiaaccommdasrtionefur aI er Wliitbiiisj>j. 21,1867 FRANKLIN UllSE.F,& V Gorrie'. 11.11,liy ;ron 9itrooitby. l'a pur JIuligligsçîsaty lone, and Idikiusdo of Job Ytirrsltsure corssfully remoted NAILIIOAI> OTEL, R FAM R PIVIETOB. " TRIfi ~ accommodaion fo Lors..lro S ta Isisad attenutive t).î A. PRINGLE, MITCJANT TAILOR, BIOOCK BTRME B 1ILD E U, A.tt.G(UIEN IITREr Wiilliîy, C. W. OAKWOOD J1OTELf OAICWoo, W. 13AICKR, 1'koPL'frOu pouf vtusrf, o.?. 1'ROl'BîEToii.- P. Mo CLARK# iea e*-& 00c., BRUItANT 'IAILUR, Nu. 74, ICINXOTW 41i W eat. T uro iste. i I MItTIN'nq(Tate Wallo') ROTZ. îl UiCliii ES AViNG TAKEN TIHE alo lotel rosa Mu-, (Agake, Ilas epie taof- ford tIhe iex. t acrsolio the punîO. O,44 nlt ER WIfLVT Di >lIaIu<COURT 0F VNorthsumbeirlanud sud Durhams, Inouirasaco .Lge.t, Coavoayaoer,&ec.Adl.rcss-Wiiiiaoxu bungi, Cirtwrloht. ONTARIO IMOTZL, el BRIYAN, Jr., l'ROL'IZITU9, 3311CR E' etrftt, Waitb>'.Ouood $t.sblininsd atn tiveuler, CANTON JIOTEL, D UFVPINsI CUBEICRI F,1JfRIN. G PHILADERM. CLARK# 1. W. CORDON, n. De tOMLy PIRYSICIAN TOT M 01 .l'iEosiàute lawteppoiN T.a lo et'VIsi 01»e mouié aluee 3OUQUETIaLWON* B rW ENTTIIEATIERAUD RMhIN BziioýTE'KIaStontToronto, Usine Uoguse,KlaIi fà, Il À hindi cf gssuie lui au.on on >ai Wlna and $qet. 00 J, 1U.FAIJAgt, FI '4 I. 1, t, c Wh ltby,May dlii, 1057. " -vx1L 1 DPN»EAU igTaNiT>wJâII5îE yl sJL jpuasiiiortiest iq nsdormît>'. horle codaon Ouu-ablo Stpblinig, sud the lbout tston. flouto i.d k> nu indlrmo. Tizo bar.ruîss l large asnd oonvulissî, snd woll eupplie(d viti, tiia b.,t Wlsas, Liquors. oaid ipssrd,. iftoast 1 oia.) fi61e.4up aittbsjg rooni, for privoto jpar- tites. MCHAEL MC!AULEY, 1? ~~Proprf .,. cousinor TeOM 05f 5rivaemar", Tenmr. à loduîlon lu thse trusvelllsig publiieqa t h huit Jfuruîon isotal*. or ta a etiteqol lu tii amtet ntie. dnorur'iConîtinnt 2 1QUINN'î IIOTEL, Nu. 8, CMT-Uigrz U Ti5lW L<)WER TOWN QUEBEC, o u <M o Sa. &bat atadtng oasd r polt tA1Bm I'5Anae'fces 14rc..oi0004M rRAVIfLLEIIU AND VISiTuLS tu tise An- Pcieiit (liy 01uebuc vil i ld siuporlur uc- Fcenus.oçiutioa *et odersste charges. at the aboya hebtol. 'rlu. iel lu ver>' coueî,cilctiy itustod -uartho Bsuig,,itl.subosst wiarve,,aund j'uiia- Claibinusplusofe v. Ut' 0ouîunieucoad ove,>liou-snatussand siiu-sctluî &a t ho euuroiudlsg iois., îu-rimiai .s'cen etrusori, .tiellou-y, dtc. la JOJIANNA QUINN. Pi'elsricLu r. GLOUE 1MOTEL,DROLIq bu cosîdutud, maa.fonoerl>' vith t4 i srot lire priet>' and rcgard fou- the cuîaîturt anudJ oaveil snac ult Litpublic. tain tîsosaiet the (Mablle ioi, sodasi tile viii bc p.u-ums'ily preftsat 10 iv., tiacîn suca en CojîttuS.a*. Walii. vomît. Tie lionhue boca ethorouglsly papcrt, pilnted auuerohiuveged, aud 1. fittotiup ia-oeouy rexpectIlasais o J &uasssner au te iusunsî .m*tisa- liens. Tlis barat ss aleiospli-.i, u a.tte vitîs lise bout .tableâs. __ c.ble. Calioaj 'I. -t>' C. AWES i'rprlaor. Front ItrecI, Torento.. -CHARLES VALE & Co. r~ ~ ~~~O rIElBi'IITISO'TIIltt WELL 'W) g l lit, a-sspublic tismt tise>' lise thé ow ii. loi arcKnw li aclpsii tf d outrutoi l issas.extensive Promsis.e» 9-Illorse l M. NCI i liatto et lureaito, Front Street, (fo0rinoriY >Ccipiîti as tiei. t)îtm ~'~It.uYu~. Tite oproeas B,, , ils tlie fioioeîmntii.îstylo fur carr I tttted u.) lis tlao raotsle' ier rocu b -0114 doinoa u esason. ÀciA>' divanr>' d pruuse- Imtitery nt') hichnuit. but tIhe beis.tbrasumisi,. o & g&Sitl wr 9. r pcrinltted tauseter l I L rnhs '.23 CiL8, MeCONKEY. flTis.>' lsbranchisect*- fîiiamaoi tarsofetOrumo,îsul froiFoncSx, Hascenl 0. AILROA» BOUsE, 'eu-ssisduh ilsVit Dors, Plinîsud Ou-nmnt nIORNER OF I.IMtCi(AND iiUNDAS Ste, Cgst tu-eu (olunnup, Windov Copa, SI.ei V L Wiatby, (LaIe Wllcockou'a.> itesIsb'1an scribe,- îegs tua ntnuistue ta thii taistnts of il(ii !OUA JOR< Whitby, andth tise Ioillt M. t, liait ho Ceag airat i bas aken toii.sboîc fiitîîîsarougau h i e O eveY deacrîphon ; S gPalrM Sg hua ditt.J uplitawaisdv uuisvent.sa e totîca; (ralç,e,,( aiMeîtis, Caldrusx, sog UT a rt Tbai cuvda ii,...o..uKotttios, i'iai u t.laïÏ For , salil< 1- ten,, lisuChcosss. tc., cut e h la t i oiena owlicli lu' effOr ta tise rasddothroi oui ad à notice. Ail Liqmri kop4 on tise prmiâea gréi vmtag.oua tetnss, (W ceuntry ordera punt TIIIMAg DOWNING. Tordr.uîu, October2o, 1557. 40-tf Wlîily, Marob h 1h 8l.og, à jjïj~j'-- VINJtGAJi IVINEG,(IiGE O'LJEESA -I quîanderoigucaf lakea lbavoe le nforni tbe J. A#. Clark', 111 priz e itgr, Galle, hc ià uowtimsuito.tuuing {rixnasrOaor iurIF ou eieaelatadIjýIeA #00yo èebnreadd:utofued r, or s# Likonex iasîîsLlelon - jil"e.. TisoTrassj. trlalIy " t iîwP1,.&I- liz lfor-J. A. 4t. j1do i It ii -t x o.t5I uu-d4eu-. îsidiljusitutty utj sh.elort iotisc. k.ATHgAN ]ILLEIL. a WIKlNgwu LoeWlti Aagsist 11, a#> .W. WOODWARD, ---- -- ~- ClOMM1881ON MEROIANT. INSURLANCy DAILY STAGE. V.' sd GersilAgent. 4 otes..--Lateily Oc=. - lè~~iioaI l>' Jarruso Iloaigaso, Wiltby, (j, W. FROX 3B1ÏOU(IIAXTO FRYN(CJ1MAN' Ivruaaa .foalîarkmeu Esq., pro lk aoon ihs Grand Tnsk lslra idant Bossai Tîradt, orrnto; ', I aal r connectis g ise ;,lssoe, sslti.N. Amrlos. Tcrto e la J10rnng fl BenWg Tmna.ja tasusins, P4.q., Manager qs«UlBank'ul t ~ ormS« sd EvnSngTras.. 'frtnte' W, Goinia a., Mt i îli JAMES HEBARD. rosto a lion. Il. Maillot, Presijent iBank 0of lon- ltovnsi'erd-s, 1lRt.7. 04 toi, Montrel; Meti ,Maillti, '7>.. k ~~ lutiti, Toronto; Messe,.Autioroa, £van* LIME J'ON SALE, &kd'o., mentrsal; Misais, W.Primî à9sou,Q 0- - I'sc M ssr. Il.,. NOsI k&<'o 52 1î ONS 1NL 4ONIJAND DURINti TUE ~ONST.~NT1nvaniSumat Fress isrut AUCTINBSNS Lsne J'li Wlf fer tGfu Cu.houi>'At à oîE» loiNE$ Pa &r-;;, aIta ND '7' te as* anal, by J-C Sterlint, '7 ATHEW CARY A AiIl oror roting ho Asuction aits o y t W E ~ ~ K E ~ .a r r d u a ' ; u i g o , e i z t j t a p p o i t m a o c i a s te s - £rrsa«asaeuslae relatlng l40 -uy &oction buiSIne.. UST eceiot s euilgnmnh f Wlak>' sa nue>'conesle,- p r ansd 0îecea.ry.f the .uiriber ofro for "uea àer>' loy J . C. 8TER Li gi Aga THOMASO foDy, C IIAILEN G E111 Cemmiaiiun Agnt. ISAILRiOAD IMOTEL, T iliE AUX F 0100 WILL BE STAICEI ZW AVERTOU, GîOD AMIX ODATIOX X >'tle.Ustieroigisd, on the l'est .LlgSd tdling, sud mcul iOite îaMgyis'eu on. ýmeb>afWuéoden'o Wb;,andi Inatitamlne' .>'as-e r.d te basait heaWoodessl'loub. là C J. . IER, proprfetor. mmuu"luteat b>'maietwlththle ebovren for doitW tlis.boosi ork aeiloany Othbei eu JAMES GOULD, facýlu th un eUumuye0 on"al. A UCTIONENR , a9euREEwooD, Frmiag ImplantentiOm< .1 arLLN ZIL Tonvahip cf Pik:tts. Iaslent. Towfnafscte, AM I !AXES 1 Wlimnu. p£M N$zsin vo oai atdxe, cmn)baie 'West sud WocL, theâmem yw e lise undregra WbU Y Fc 'yp. sexa-ered th. M",hiib>'F=211, onthe ouderaîuetibau ja8t ieohdrM. 724n CLARK HUTCJIINB 'dmra lu pn-e, sers-aIhbouand Axe-ue,, Whtb>'. busho!. et Fa1iwmd0pring WILEAT se,!o an'qusultyo OO frwhu h B A SITUATION WANTED biimemat ket ce. vi I hopau GCsh sudforsiOTATOEo Tu MAS M0DY mainin blngl iefll au pct>'Coml n.g. 1-D ldreaC. 1)., WblîtbyPosi Offce. Wbilby, lIsp,180. 16 toi muit ml'e un, if. gny ot 01 end tLu mon do -Li. t'avoir. Nir>a ltattt JEUXY 5Z491 p TENWlTi N tND8uêY AVING puraa"d teetire:ltook 0.1 M vo flot teor nfjesgaîeou ieemlti. f--3tion ta U miivbiyvor un wiîh a iuli. JOSEPIH IJoKiçNs k&(Jo. Brookln Novembor 101h, 188. 4 îWQOL OABflING. TJiH Sbatloreroj oqdto1lâîtio Weol Cardlng t 2. 1r ID, 2 h , ay24t, JULEVI E. PIRE W-îbrILoy 41hes8 lm L I I SIOT I)a O Importer* sud (Jemd oalonli Dry Goudag, Grocerlee, Crocker, <.iasware, 6e. CORmnnRBOeK k COLDORNE S81M Whltby J'iy lot, 1055. 254f. 'T'HE 8ubaerb egs Lu onneunoe t0th. la- J. itzabtant out Trenston andti h. Travoiliiu aoiuaausity tisot teovtrvotl-dlcs.uae hox A Fi.t.C2Oka TaUe iienerd ut ths Hotel. Ail Liluoyî ert ole ioPromis., are of the bttasulo lty, 'îoaeio Cegars. Alme, a Livet-> CulARGUisNOliEUAri. J. 8. GERMAN, l4oprw<oi Trenoln, Au«. 8, 1859. 80-mW M. NOPHADEN, LICESSED AU(rTIoNERs, For Mhe County, of Ontrio, T8iIEn OF MAERsiAnpE LICPNSES CON- J. 'iYANC)flt nd fMî8îN o; taking Affidavîa aQ. B. and C. 1P. Addrusai ¶/IOOMANTUN, P. O. Truvaaslsp of Bfrook, Fil oin rk lu- "Ir t bd- tir àY~ppl, h on the !e>ostd )ÇMP oa l m o r b tri ' n o , ',-- 1bs b I" d~l o n o ~ . the osToUsî ma m. u X,é i rtistlv *75, ivii "si#y breolied en t ild mltive .t s ,kez ù n onn tis, mctIwn, ki oqj.f A a rad ouu 14.m Md il 4uto.-Th a slio wil oot CURES, Remoambor te provonî conbte slo, thoe falo ~, oiMr7 oié O prW -eve n -d cect liljgoe,a or tES noetr tion qvthe Wli0"Prte t the bodyle tsud j'r Frd.Dibrt vnt (onp Bo, iê. Y, .$Dr. boe. *lloos& fer 1 BpaIR.boVl# N. 2 for 7b conte. lîh iai simple foLi;; JAS. il. GEERJE, Whitby a o01 Agent Whitby. W ft>, ep14, e". wAà- Mos dvncaima sgsiut us, ment.ipen t:ra uitslrpy li. H. SCHOFIELD k&(Go. Jul>' lot,1858, 28-tf. CAUTIONART NOTICE. DUBTIC Notice le iuoerasby «Iean thol ail pt pL aoua found u-moîia«]or akuutg swa), ay ouad ou- grsltam tige Bsh ou t e lafide ol Mr, Win. IuLo.l, Lske isou-e, Whltby, vîti- outI fiu-ot; obtahslaig por?niusion frein thé under- signe i viibu promsoud amordlutg te 1ev. JACOB BRAIDEN Poit ~ ~ ~ ~ or Wilby obi18tby,t Houe. ' d Lot fer lain lu se Village of Greesswood. AN oxealiut ran onoweu ,and qumrtecre lng. The bouse catisusha. 4 àpmtmnessts, snd thore lit un excellent pnmp on lb, premifsai. For ters a,,t.pply t'O W. A. M0cllougs P. M, (*Getvutl o Zte IQJJN NCOULLOUGJI go-Ssu. T e propeîo-, xb-tdgP.0 CASH 701 RPODIUOZ. The Underigueti ls prepared lu PAY cAsH F4ORt an>' qantlty ot Whemat,9 Rarl.y, PMOteho THOMAS MOODY, 8ALT TON SIALE, CUÉAAP. Whuihy, sept. 28, ISSU. 54 AGRICULTURALWORS' BROOK SBEW*TY (À (enrodasouth d the Bankof ]gontrnL) Menufacturer and Dester la ail hindi cf &GRTCUTURAI IMEMIENTO Mark-1et sud Bob Rlelghol, wo-hm»s.Cuil 'l rotin-a, Ploughn of vorlous umkaand style I O TIIIIST, Corn and Potuo (ultivatuys 61 So.d sud Tuîrnip Drills, h19«d Secoop..c 0!uerytblng llni. e&boy@eliue alIsdedti l wlîb Punctuhit> sud Cee"puema. Ag cnt for Pst«ueroS mbined Resper and 1Mo w- or, Whitby October 12, 100. 5 JAMES eJOikNs'roN, Wthsud 'Iock Ksker, BROOK ST. WHIT13Y. TJ. oulut tek. Icoue ta snonue ablae e nuelioronf uis srluona sud friend*,, liset h. tu'enov matie lau-ge adition% te bi#sSt«of Waiehc, locha, sntiJeveiiery, oemîriug Goïa Audiluser, ?gish rench, sMdi cuen PlwosXlodeoapo dosslîs, 4 r i~kelotiouus b,' hMm vii . «a f quei vrkSma t s u ,in pruulai. ? Im md M e o n , e t he' M u. esin srn .M P I A P Pl 0. Whtbr, e uvqaofmiaolQJIBC lmi nt bil ow bonaeteur et h. Gamsr ein' v KAIuEuà OmmffIý Sehool,, viiieponnguabàtt«nlddto, i M «.WmUWflaONM LePAMUTt N(YmwIO DVSINO0N $P, r LL ut i, l îbeo, .ma bpil 11ieI>'aUo P~3UAd~ ~r t h = 'l 'Lbé did toi % Den wo1t mf imu a. VS lis u e oetavs o aor# t oo.. uurd Lulu, Of a Tii.Tendr, ae h ddr.sotiî, sud ,«6=ondùloé ff.uriw - 1or ti.e-d-e p.rorm. nc-ielm6à Io vurki,ssail wit h. euUii idn.ES ti inori. mw w', -tgmsle OMUthe b.Der innt cf Publiea Woa'kg, QeOw , 141h Nov. 1le». dftw New TMI44gaab~. SUMPSON kFRGISON. R I'L X riLysonuao t . tl.lu e' mn<atoof Wbtby sud sarroundlng oposite lt.e" Onlarlo Mot@elwbero Il orders entrustedto tbes wl e ije f11 neatnees suddeoolc. TJKEUudrelu glve notice thitt heyi à xl a ntia Mdw i contionu.ta carr on lIt buis et the. Whitby Brevery. 1. 1 .W OOD WrARD . A Tovw nr.dss.4gel ma ivm heoosiault. Wieih Ves tlaenmothod for ftgiwcllo A graivo sklnisimmion po eln big onion, TIasit "oibut stan. coulut meurs sli.do minlon, A Osrpteitr osid, tho' Ibat vws vtll epoke, 'Tva. botter b>. (sr ta defaun tithviisk; A ourrlor heing b>., visr th=n bots thoso ta. WILLIAM MBRIIEN4 [M e au gentaien.n' Fsilc sbio B t ad The obove, lia. for the lu.t savon years taken the !Z Iprise for EOOge sud lie.. it 1he Cen. ty Sio9 - Nenebut the beut inolerlai sud bout work- usuel p mode Op Où the pombloouletsod, rulenti. ond inov esstemera vili b. roadily eat- tendcd, snd tssu-ilos hadgomnd ulcieup Brookis, iJUly4, 1859. T Szas.iiber er.to inforsu si pai r e u i e t e d t a h lm , l ia I V I I I bi .ceorY or thoin ta moke Immedluslo arrauz n t fo r p my t ug I h e m u s o. R . w o n id sy h i , su-oeqalrea.nsouq et pracst, Mdtiatiih b to Io k for It lô h o.. doit are lotobt i bini, maid <rota theat, ncy h I..bsaitser qiven suci.,ho nov boffos 1h01 sil WHlttend Ik t thia, sA isu0(sirbiier notileISI bc gli, " A *myp Iti. lii te pay cocta lb. Wiin hoc sm'lo10blis,,, athe oW oimns teoni il= du, N. B. Af.,- he 154h of Oetber eti ll latsareulongunpsld o ea> .expecti w eplme.d lhiMsu>olictu ahand. ,r 00116c"io. W. L Whtihby sept, e, leu * v- f det bi» petter ar>nPraaOtt, et aeoiedgy loW THIOMAS MOODY 9. B. Moraaisot and Dmen til ld It eir adats.ge lopetr M«. uo>attoukat jagent lu Whllby sud examlu Mint or c ter beore Z xaniedueo TROA. codfi Xpoal.pueme i] te t .1v THOXAS KYZTu, LIOND AOpONER O U JARjmU'S ALEtu aIe h*Cunw >'vii i .V lvi prmp atendon, " ru.oblg kmion11hucll o ooui odlam. 0<104m . oalheîuta«.. oi.. aI4h. e Le aEco nthe bmera>'a M atsn.A Diae.. ofUcowiJtiagona sud SOlu.n, Are treateut itapossoom. AMres.,«ie.by Fogts Aitua Ioa ont, be to id Fe o9 ~OBI s?!~qz 1~R(whig.) ree, 1brWb, r am ly on.rvIU,1 '.l î dWIoed tiS («,vuw(F. (hr.. hi a sua.u.va in.-,rwëf -t .101 npon pfg cooitrein!k~o&stll thre.çiutes Tor1,add loelbu poli.ï tb.sc.n b &iidfon> lb1 tan a 'éycrt a.4lumim wr'Vaot oThle rlof n> imor soarfm ýb E1rtlsh pubishom gsies adtions! vralùot* th. éprintl, Insemucb as b esana b. plaoedln the bandsf bcresabt simoun mat.91gnal edition. Formuy onuof th. four R.vlows..$80 For, any two ofth" four R.vIews... .. 5,001 For &nyl4roe ofthe four aRevoiew. .7 001 For'Bhsckwood's Msglino . .... 900 For Blacwood ud ono Reew... 5,~001 for Biackwood sud twoE.views... 7 001 for Biskwood sud thr.e Reuiews .. .9 001 For Bisckwood and theofour Beviews.I 0 0 mo»wg oufrdnt in £h Btatd aolwr.iuo.d Adiuont or twenty.flio per)ent, frein tise abore prices'viii ho silowed to CLvos ordoring four or more copies ut ay n>'e or more of -lbh. bou, vot-ka.TissFour copies ut Biakwoed, or of one 1eview, wiIi be sent tuone sddrm sfor $9;, four copie& ofth l.four Rovoe ansd Bl àc-od for $30 ; and 60on. POSTAGE. Vanadisu mail subscribers will be.sup. piied fr. ofI.Y8. Postag. Bemifttsce for an>'cf lb., aboie publics tiens sheulti slwî ey ad drems.d, peut. TH1~E ONIRD8CONA k C JINL=IÇNot PROPRIrrOR. IRETIMNING SINORRE THANKE tebisronmds sud tise publie geueraily, 1b Whaiehitherto so liberailly patroafiAo iss haformer atad, tise Riteru lnlel ln lbfa City, begs tu as> ibal ho bus leïsed foras tris of yeri, the coinmodious per- mises kuuwuas the INTERNATIONAL MOTELy sltuated go lb. Maît aide et lte St I*W- rence Idiriset belveen King sud Front Streots, wbere ho wiii always ho r.ady lu as. bliold frlernds sundlb. public generol- I&, flz nbheboat business port of-tise ~ity t I baud a convenient Rotel for lb.epublic la «enera, 'The. expenset in= iet an evly fltling op and fiiiss. 1 th bQuse Ibrou hout Senuruoue, ne ABL >wJ e lvays ha sappild w wllls the boattheb. uaikl&"ofoadok, er ina "c seasn, and careftil and at(entfic ser. vanta vHI ib. ever resdy te voit upoa is customors. Ti.BAR .111 ber aupplied wlfh th. choicest anti boat of eue,>. ktnd Wlnu, Llquora sudCigmors tFfregan d Dmes. Tii STABLES are large sud asud are ander the superinteudouce a obiing alera, lu l.iarg-yard ataehed lu the prmboewill bh oLuud the, but sbcdo lmbrsswaggoua Ltc. lu lb. cil>' la short, I ý arndeerIoed th" tnuthingabil1 ho wantiug un my part te «ira catir. usatin. faction te &H, asJt ratal Mscbep U.Suy ailie houas.of th disekn the b.ci'.ý JOUN LMENS, Pruprlelur. 'o aiar~as nqusrs, .J.GIBBS or .isW*@é iersî;n oftpdeioape De ' tues utscruPaes o LaDde, or'bilng COsimnsa uât su olerkim4 spinel hi e unmn, «urrequirlnkany lufurme" obtaiu"tbhlbC10wâUlnd or elier PublS iecoo1, u7 bave Iboir bosues. ddg-»Ulilnflô14udto bya Bes.. denoen p, vllôbo Lie ezena sud ln. ,oo ' set 0à ajoummny SoQuea, mai ~ eomuleaun&ýsd,drs ILil!,. Qubec, Ste 8, 18OH, 8 7 '1 y 1ÈEb M. GENNIE 1KL3Jho tosm» i.Mold r0-San du coite Du àdmaaMd Bu.&StrM. nov b» *1o4 p1!Sgqof alueo a ïtÀ ïd yrp., 7 lthe riliof tii. Puti 'r (9. C e I r NID sta UiT : t i. WSCOT T'8 MO TEL, 4 1 . ý 1 1 1 1 La mark« squàreý T«onto, Seiot 27,1859, e , .1 a lý 1- 1 1 1- .1 1 - 1 1- 1 - 1 - 1- 1 1 1- 1 Il 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 il" Tg -i

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