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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1859, p. 2

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lwiM ~sfum lio à dug«oïu im7,t 0nde egaof au àpbfh kipe~ upm 1Dr. Ça3qilgs "Gr#ai T b1tp~ a&Mr. IWfcê' n'om#~6ayfo" Ouv amguI bontomporusy boitfis P"s emoups tIc.. *bolloko t both- mêmeoa cud undirtab o t npJm" Ule ieipo frouafignrd lu l. scisut beil yas Feus, plgu.o(ronobm.n. T4; " liigunder lbthe eatb vla. [a n dmo It nsu.t, Do aot frogi pa'odc. tadpoloc, sud 'do lot -tdpoleo becouo *oPs? lom .wbat imot naturàl ibsu sosnauta IProseu day, or ta b. em ftoay troo are croaking aU lou au )pporuiuity Io hop ove,?1 To uaq pvopbeoy doub, sure, the eitr Of.the. OrMM S FTHE LONDoX ")Wâ Ã"N THE LErrgim Di the wcldbo urethng vosol, Ead ho lfrp4 lu pur limes h.ocldh »Bôb$fot ojy nyisgn orp mes vbo reverse. u u w g u a m u u u i r e w * i t s i*a a 1 4 v o f o o t !relw du Mofteo Wflt &ofte eat4inîuÇ, to prepoy.pit 'ron$ofrs$ao<s1..Tb !me ê «ast i ty, wt d be od of Ps las cn- 4,~, C "b.Most pouibleocf tii pr«eeat, O trt t b. loet;posubleî b. fuur#, Wes wom* d by 'teIilsm n. JO u. dm e rty bey.,,14tb i w liob lb. pro. 'ea st l iaaidru affo*,4a.Te . tutsocrit luesmrenewieb "MW , .7 hre extted front tasoe 0<b Foo E uaprc, IrW. ok % Mad vo dou t s ohili ld' i 1*,lu tii.bu os bkb bu. <orne tbroigstb1ao&ùdt,-Ï ,.,unionss ily alhw.rod...oaîfnuCponw car uyoutb 10 amn linIts defou«* IL Mbqmrd tell us bth gaînatioua l ould >Apirocfaîo, but, not fAw Wab otber. "W# do appreciai.laMd we dol'iù4 tar. But f lb gretneas of a Dolbbfosg =aon be not, ucsaesusimof (.8v, 1$ fans lit!ageà round of* eonSc. Grestueua ispvr e7 l fI jncre possesion of power affo'rds n pante. for tbe muan- eriii wbiel it; wiIIýbe employe& .Thoeo.' euDt GOveruuntot Franco disp««osef re& irain a reèh th th4 outunf"mi uacie gm>a n ucg e cher 0. AîtinBls rnedi h resolation *0 b. sent te Ummsa. arpen. plosilal plbllbOdla London, l inbilcb muswer volsib. sugsu e-:Vonlgiqo dOnl .acter cnxépt0soglos<o teboi tfrhr euei re. t taer k â!, ndLb.tsigsaureof tbheMosci it f s ducinctly sa tae th a" al 1r anc, jel ltion to Ibeir, apr e ns cn i Theu poue duzé pty n i n csl i rpoisiiug bo f o r the sty e e P art* u r r ing teir 1411, « t ac o i, n ou d the ignatur e o ne s!mb" Piting botb togoilier, ut la,4by the iuns-. Ivootiiduiab to emaimk. On soine proulc. ua boipruesi againot tbeu. h is good under tiMeproer keae fre o harge Lb.ypnie on tiounpsgddci bh tb te., forceof Dr. Ctumng s ed M, Mam fug cpsiculsuou, sud lb. fear Liat fib lr oulne ul. ueoMidat ilts Ise f se W-oflyMae iw oupl intls àprete icondcilton tuhe Frecbmate aIHuon asieditor c our.ft rcsiyrh-oarup!ybteerhaeconfidence iu ourcelvcc. The SerAM. Weedit?;0nncle.nettlie u ussduring tbe monlbs Of teflb. eve nd.e,kuu, ltheconclusion Otort, bétheb.information It ai$1lb. best moitasd fIe beat nations are noue te lb. J «anuar>', Februsryand!Marcb. luievitable. Thero lu tobeb.àadecestt V w asl aDs:Ia!ing chervoi tuai VOrsefor lb absence cf besupt"onand! OPon Mr shores, aMnit bboves evm> Eng. tMatemeuts or aîjdk . vss.li 11 u'li prim as lnglani, vii notbng bu ; ir-afr 180 'Ilgnnteg ibstutn okrui 0plicidtoi bu reiW !apon s$0te b. atate of leegldnemdgc netost .It ~cue iur? Impl e ti.t a'felrva fthawsud lbeir cvu intentions, teci ber, la toc sîrong . à toptation - During the proceceding ofthIe Counicil, itt ibo4r eerr seriesi biýmolw, le h ifl>hrouiDb a' vnu h O u ________cal______ rn procpercns vbtu ci tin thenw aycfvminf theex a lted . -7oW I u I a M . P ur y uggested ithe adrantage cf seugi lany a>'10 pay pou I&cedc- * ~ rcnd ome rc n rinted, and sent ii.crepnetc noeagvolit7 0of bis neghbc, , e"ent straIo B-Sui o guWIb- PlaDcebî2,dol ng se heconsldercd thai a "ung trvlig In tho -Roi>' Luntt thnug de. Ibo mperW -oflb FeOmdanslme'siblu, la nt inToronto. Awoldbc effccted, and bbc amoueî due scribes tbe river Jydpé..A hfp0<ncoe o(serrlre'bohriib NOTICE, moreca>'elstd gr.n> oy,<orit ree bersy tb0co0sedo a fickiosuitor, vbstves àintentions A ,LONDOy KAWLÀrraas ltOUDE1990 rOaF-F ci the sacs-ad river Ibrough the plain. So witb regaîo - »EnBglndi. Fact bas hor 'MK5-. îcarvrcÂ,g>~ -o netesibiisOfc frJb Wiuby oulp uc dea l is cdnei ani e ifeh sIe'fOr brcs a vltasfinand'posterts« vari -IITu£armua q rma oPQ]Çga iWork and! Adrerticing, are requestesi tc aoL;Dc.ltm 8 0sielba1kirt itbane, ba 1rdw - hciujn uid_'fcok~é Sb$wj -OI,-viÉ " J3«kal on-te rg ti euenFr res. malce an impediste settlcmeni of tudr rs-' A specia! meeting of 'lb. (canei callesi Wosyyasiccf l bfer I augi ti. ira Sb v fefl orrruanib luckwal iii. o i oqr doi I re . Paresua . peteacoas anibrbycv t.m b b.B r. le u nsitswtrs. Ivramaby ae eeul s Mus rmoen . ;W I 1 Manyofcurroasi areroable-Mddpi e. MAUtb mesbers preco. ejipoutes. hhai lei! l. Joran dscrlesi vns!e.viiî. miw.r iioh gantemensup. Me udrsonbau £mnpltcd ns! àcurbas r4urths trubleoiid lponC _jer inlIe hair uannipld nuly ioisu. Wbot cr il ses! ouls! receire. If tlb. - - O n heChir wa;tecontrastIt th d ýloti Pc îgd rllyuâemi Ema perr ateut for kstiw cuIter, vhich lasajid tc'The.namses cr ail subucribers in ar- minutes cf lust meeing ruaend s pr va."d 'tevî île caoti<s On n no h'marttbansiIbor gldospuela. apa-aijmacit of< Jtsmkinsi <or ie cd, beran>'fane l, ot me4utle is nebsis mSt 8biens ne , baru, anstcenu eiqdosiaerquaat4ty asdquauil 'pf its werk, itasimpîf.s-roue itcDenbenevl! OmtonfM-.WtetcCerva 40nf1 I moene f t a Iai owas sr f nvert"bscit> end! cb.apnesu, ,uns! the smah ameunai bc ruck off our lts, sund ilicir acceuntu inoiosbnf' r.'hit. Fotthe opkvs longipg .of",ii th e, MIintuY intentiens voesIinrabl.." I4-ois île Of poer ne sa>'1 rie1 ipgtebnes vr o ole oinsrued n o nomiy t>' vi ontlea B i0mou 9f <» an Otf b. 3e1mpeoer Napolcen rsi!>' proÉ itiii a - ë '4pt19 0da çdee ier ol colectrn.m îlte Treues-y île smof $4,10, an s-dl>' 515a:, butbftreislark desig àsivii'I Ibey Parts Of the pruriüee', 3Mm. AndIesouneri- Coumeueing viglithe ltc aur'Ii upaain 'Iv18c o ', u armso'nps!as li-suspectes!, le couIc! aU!! ginn olnan ai!o2ooqt n4ebiie i a h 16,nuppe ulb ortsiom Ib"T isOc ortion u'.'hilb ncl pesleei ii is ay ldea!,'c al îe v.>~î-b W. odlia1yoÃŽstbî~r4ma-kt pac biée hio otin th~e filce, aen ven owadd rntt htionoreMrte f. iol te on til 1ivera I liane earm.seen tâo Jordan b ls o-hdoe i da ,Wft'tW dmarkeoI~ÃŽt Ïûi >re, ani m-j uhIiit fcnte05uI u5iito . as aIaîMstrrisn.Cfiiiesoeas luiscea eu-roi. Ifs. ala b>pnumnans frein bim b1l 1s st> fa uaiini.qet d" ,djsarlees!oé â» s tieeja. nvance W. insi l nceaassy uadon venosted nColitofheuirngle oReere aleurbut !a ns 1111de dserviaglenieetqoii unibrcs a lpui os'o et tcmnufac-ýîurd ers cf le- e g 0<uss>.At fho Place vIes-. 1 Bsst miv tInt le>' caldSi ain an>' other sliiltoeriot machinesai)mtheno,'m ie> ,y9eteand inluno ucase hîi hiteprosecute île parties lu detiiult viti ftradition asuhgns the' baptisaiof Our than fIaic . recnéinarlUrf-uti ,lboe!i.Ci'Cpt btaiMm,' suddvitsi<omliscat;.pwe e cep f-uiîe atisLieps Sieur, sans lotlemiraculons eroculng Emaperorj, lossing OP for t 'eOtginal, su d nth$ Ci.dtf exOABO tâ l.Ais rsonav dvatdfrm, diOe t a c fommt t.he Prtaes5c.inPer of lb. cblren of Ulusa!on tbIfr enrinuc lasing tliree phelôgraphomadle for-tle u-'utemrse ue ba4inr.S-aeseeu is .pi!fu--I o hpe hibolii.prcniuc4lans. mis-yOn motion of Ms-. White, ltheene vasw uuccessfl coupoiuiond.sdati;bniness ikupethîlômi vao *actusl> Wonicans! inansieni Adventisemeuîs ai the lapîsuctcci tu examine the costo li île cas-e TIc gUtDa-ÀuXtO Em o e ! na givns- dcn-e> ftc oîetieib'îeToronto Cuel, a t ime -of orccring the snse, unlosin caes f John Sheir, P. L. 8.Vo. iis Ceprs- alsi- ceuss-e ai asiros. L a es-a i dse-e- n t.an sasver, ans! -refermes! to tleMarluci Commitmie, vicia WW>ogcrrè # gaove, Li ie iS=1ODbuginen iîiem n cb an an-noble Sud nlngnibliuous bcd>'4)f cilizen#whece îlepis-îles have cnrs-ont acont. or iu, ans! bave tle came taxes! by' lt o- rscpecle k«Oabl slu wvitb vouckl- aa i 0. î le>' coulsexpecit toneceine e, s-ted ibsiMr. Àadersou onghu Lt ontrat ii l a-sloi> fncaa-' Ms-. Whow pr ut orit s1f seende! >'Ms. oc roùu, vent.to iii. Police.OMM Mdià 'T"o l Wp iWb lIninuions toeasuEnglànslb eilloves! te czslibii lhisgoudafutie n-ocala ihh fie. M hrtWTilteIc opinieondcf by Mis LCuei, fIatit e adîninrdérbroubW iober in ies- are honorable, the prujectsialliance vili4 e îemarket, thoitgh. ltai privilege la se. A euaipliàncavithfies.tenus yil enablu ibharpu sinhoion in f habefusan>' ost Ovu icuse, andIs, soile .tincas-ries! ouite othe lettes-, as lsel u odtittsipe-s geibs- s.A st eu ea sdrsfrp-niga s Coores! i snrelae fordmny cfre l t . O é s t O s i ý . T I - p l i l v e n u t t ie e o a i o o i L j e s - t h e f io n 4 o o f î e l a d y t s -t o u - ' i t a s n o ifi e c , i l î r e1f o r e , t . <i c eu tn u i t . 1 b r f r e u e b s i - a c n u p e ' à bouse Mdfound th dond bl'otboi i' ble tmulvu frtheertbuthnthé #itono. taIf îleidrates beroteforthe Joh hoOordoa, Jans!ortonksu g t meuh bous-lt>'t lie voe an vsRuslIig launun e M oqa,wore !7 ngumis sugges- <armnesa scns!Tos-ente. Tiercupomi liecia-gecl. td yR.J;Wlon aq eft' roossme il b ýis »rsot cut. Tb.trk* g ai~ùr os eb nsalolft the grens, but jreappeares!île oîlov.y11 .wisnyEq »U M t te O ateiin, 9POplxa-btve te mpïtý ringd wA umus va le srrs. n UMWho ,desis-e uheis- psiniing done in o~nmion uthecouoni ejopunnes. *ou dmonkiWsel rlsitions s a dom- s c& 4h tmacîs~as lgu.. hm. Io appyi ébefomre .PoIl> agkuirte tle "icPest asd buat mnneswill cal! et I rcepQ4 "trdodtete-te 1. bldicron..Saeh, i s top,- b. tIbk, --uîy îink l--,-and-yoctes-cav (hrus')tt.tiicjc u! xmn a-ls a wosu t faeptig tic position f raiîay couls ont>' hprom p toby c î a î î t. lc ae v s sl m iy tis Toe- u" a t e Ch'nkk iJ1iand ex minee1tfc.s sotto-, but tInt sic bas! altoved bina- te >'cotilraýdcoiy mien applies! te the sume ometiasWwhtlra itzn fLodo-cfPs 08 _____Mut___.. ren vIthliles- grt -on condition of. bis. obJect-gratf d rani sest confence, lias an> ' ei ef <otuinlutfe marseo.l.H Pl o i.Eîtr fîeWibyCrnee girlng a solomu pronus. li ovonîs!f1< l i oi t for lb.he mpa"ror othîle s cto afifer>ingqS. Touao tce o - ALbito.yo te WDO 'on ilarp Igptja fee 1ncfor-tIc ,futâir;. Trenhlir'vaus CO OcO asiont1waia0 cuein grogie h h'no' s-enans tt.-shbiu e hui as bebis intentions, mdlie ver>'levr o cMr, Andless'rwg > xos fascnic Froeenaton. iuAsleersvîcimai-e 'orbn epor. a p liforslreluss toWiidrunis- liai he 0cofidence imphieut lu suh AUs uieies!t 4oc~toat ,4gý py g expomse Asoglscoinnaiu f1fk aim spirial ihaeri foransoashr eis-esi i,4inlanas~s u ~e oo-.~ a îe fis wle~ites 51,eessa po.ans d nm.indeci poicy of, lbe MMatoaiexpansloa of lim e ole eorgane, te ta, bis~baasftI~ Iltii,>b.icn0Lisls-cet. am Oï»K G, qad vol>' tellite bet Co*unmtWo.vasreverses!by lb police Union Losig., No. 87# orfFree ansi Accept. admft fIai if ono bortaChus-clefEns. c 'ru. poiiàatitsklsg îi~e vrnis Ihurpool iai 'lieyvcLa Mgsrîo.luissadvances! period of the cd Mucus, hels! at tie weingtocte4 > eua uî ols otiu (u-h <c slâ W tmigbt bave-becs Ibougil laposul mkbueion lie 9Ib in snt, Bropý. P .Egus a-faMIsds, obda teamulOtmteh#', lhms uâsic , îèetbalanybçdyofmançoais!jmemis-0, m. Campbeht vaspresentei b>' the bre -417%Mdoa indi oandiia aom. cà pg uarsiffl of ui, tire àu te q osioi lossirivo Y au'ut c>fmorne more of îhe action ot soma minci busgIros ftsiLsg iaaubgel! o~ rth. ora0&es'Vo eV ~sr vl. - hoWillostc lI etî7eo he musi f o te etu y."Olerng is 4w"l- ai srmnresot> mo o a bcfl ies t vie lir~ esadu o i 15 cre.!' l h. n a ot.du bst psilulo esliiaoy Ba 4mw >~ s1,1 on .wi . u sm o a u . atce-ot.Pp' lislblt'rfrl àt ertdu or > rorAnp u elat. Il idetebypii$0 i.vlu f Ld D Gmtdi" ta visMuil$a",$anManlb. oàntralng m-ilfectnrli ro -tervie"ascssley wî ýn.- lar 9 te h he 0 , p orai mipý 7.4 vl lî ie aî a. ¶! m u e"~r s sarei - t o ~ d~1 0 ~ c p r i . . £ T Stiles or h fs4 4 4 I FIi ,...,, i -f tit ! , p ~~ ~ ~ t e vt ai, s r o , , ,t h e n c 4 s r ( i l f u h r j .! yel l ~ s ~ 4 n o c s i t e tc .lW f M s h p a > ' a n e g e h a odm a.- d ,t .t ut > ' sumi g o& b. l n b gilai ne t tb .- $ sll ZV116Vrl oel a teu tan 1e s p >'r ol polou u ru s f r i n S fa, < *aajg rM Ãœ j ÃŽb t- It m ea pusD .i a hil nu u higa r .- lë S -a -i'eoa t h o aIUuat t .h ab i A t1yt J er oin e ta ch .. < ne, _î ot E o u - h e hiabm rt o dfbi s vn p ew lngs u lais>' oit est hlems ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ th i fuir>' ida dui ova v" rmX.jo«pst w ' n - oc o nu a t 1'cf tit i & pi is l v i Whu y noa b e b os. b o c. o ' w m éb e s h u u 0 _d Isb o el nbU a e 'i li s , > n d u it o ar ' O g ,u r S Ia c , te i lu . ~ vi o h r r s o v r r n d t i s j 4 03 ? f - - --1 10 h ( .Lm ' us "F ussums" -1 * et tfeNsr$ o ntu . à< si~4 lel'owppJrl lfi *saonq'. W g 4rt 9, vto GlobetondÃœ v e iu, usv. lim î ;o, tie-U ueti omsletue o disTapet Jilsi a D4u a dblo ya i8f g furto .1 ~e 4 it bysw» fgbfc it ,~ gyi, éi b' i~ 4ote! ~ i pg$ arudou mreuu~a iec~4 ( lu, ay T. gedmsu ws-pu.nu.on. blhOf.Oa ada.rse.j im â n , ne n d si bi bIm là 1 i eç' o 4 tbii4l r ]làjhè - Tij »azo aguy h 11vu rec. vd s y t e y Uopaas. -- s ruwocthe lutit VMalo oesmtifI $oau of Tmsperm- ;,mllo go- à, rM.e à, (Auer; 1*1 Fr"a<~'ou Jl,,edyvnnp -.onlo M=icOij urysfune. 1Op.9sac~'(isc,5.J~mas lgSset JIZV. T. WWEY, Co Cluu uI clhaN, corr Dron and It11W. i. 'r. MIYEE 30, dock$rut , 1 0 P, eoc, .in,, O~l O'cloA p. m da.y. JU I --Ï Ptl~shÙndMebie u t - Slet1 I~f.&ffllng's1Book 0of Sale bet hra#s uual.Day,rs aued, m eni made at Mie oj#ke of/tAis paper. AuCtion ordero received, and W bSV trffl JUPWJIY h»M Itb8W>' W route,., Tbfs-wau calissi cn$b.-IysL order oftbe, day li. Bf .Ioiwex pracsd himInso Mxo ready top o ou itit 'polntmesut et an lns o f Weilhts. and -Moasures, but Ospi. Booenot bng presen, i Wu not procoeded witb. -U , l u Poli Cae- f r015501. ti OMQt aen l escod or fib me un ly Dr. 'Oun, a resoluion passe! atliori- iCUrpen t & War186fMnudn4b a0non 1th'oiier. ccou i ful v pof-the Boum ahUa im l n depenn$or A Baj tist Prcouaw oald -thon >1.1M.am ecploy à Catbofie buteborj baeioae0rooe et faitosp ausnuy other trudesnsun, Tii Catbolie woold be lo(ttpraetice bis roii gion in pue. Ho itnfbeloleau nskr crrbIfsl, or Wear a ba1r ubîrt a h tonh uor, il tirat weroiiot roui ouuhfor ftbe purpos o f ponano., hi nsigbt rusp bMcelfitI a - ut.Mneg girate But e. long aslb.raninga, bowliags sa inrectfvsoP-xfWoRAl. .u Cn in he shae o "p1boal 'Msd Mrouaidnslafayot testants, eSolon$ viii Rloma Cabolies be loolcod upon a lb ciaapi asodespotiom bolb civfl aSdreligions. 1 Zemain, -8fr,> tour Ob.d't errant, COONI COBREsFoNDENCzé 19 So me lui e ite meni ~ i. < ~ ostpics-cig lam ore brave>, b r e scy iby due receni aricheeluthîle Lns!on n7y suggestion of tie ceuhis thfiatdefectire vi- ,fon the commercial polie> f(sna as oisss Egu relrail l i afo its toue and! argumente o<t s -ovef liÙWh ntai n d 4ecacjv6 ntrto bif tle lamentation vas notvribten Ian,~ g fcrr<.Fo b~eddea ada b>' some mei>'-t scribe, it owes ifssilevsî-cfianniçpce!uo existence bu an, absurd cs-eduhity lin the cor- thsîmn b-u isns fredae., arni m a - upîion bovls of' lb.',chiefuorgsnof hai onceimre asieano raef &ai. d(oralet CamoI Party-pe 1i9yaides!b>' inspra, ai e min cia f r du ei orusin is ai s n riging motives supplies!b b Tsrs lb doubt liaI Engoee Nov Yorks- ecips-oeity repos! adrocates. bau decrecd lie destr-uction or crinolin.-- 0Great as île 2T, rla, >ou, as! aillacthe--É Nei ek needejermosi vomI! kov-ov t\ioffnmuue 1 iamp îreoirkagiaaîouyvont fonin ieâ ia naniitareeeontuindicuous baekiug ps out uft'he offensiveposition iàiW's!assume s ians 1»' île estifflmop&a crffeoupeut -i t Pa&Jrancoe, .ougît to e h. ufficièni easei ii tpve> larsuo lio npcioii tipôn tccourse lu a> 1punue vîen ilt Ùovi s v eigil in fanont - -et a p" aarlnpolifieslstyh u i8 or-tma e' perlos- Colonial. TIc Tie, ss! le ses b Otice as an historie fee4t, l iai il Sieffieldi men vbo bave auaiccltbe rrontinlutic preseni yess- -there veesoue ver prebensions cf "'i" èntimig f0 Canada, themateri nis 's-od-' n he, Beauport eburac t hle 1ta-yiti>', os mi n>'n» bahs l.property of-N. -I. Joàà establiel, seeu te fergeî liai vo klikgteu Zs4.,Ne W WatefoM (cové,Qooe v~ ns-e Britons, ans! thai it ijnst roalev l ilpopbli, ti'bs!in eesteW" nie> understansi our busoiness about as wel (er npvàaüds or, a c . ntursy. - Tfiâê' ielies if not a hitthe bette- thtate r, do,-or ut any cnii fscsroùh$I; lite auuunitoi rate fIni vo us>' tins-ansI doans! Ilote. éïbuesing viLb fiannel, ans!inu vldcb ttý" thdihliug vo are nef ai ail Iilsely b acepias-e f reacls quite sus -alarge qanitt>'of tdr it, ci te anccp tzab u Ieroetmlgunpovuér,- on'e - îe vficlibai net influence.,hItvoulu ces-tain>' h. 'a pug décsed,sios- bas! ils exýposive 5ai ,>' b * bansiloe s-r o i he-b>' vifh on tie une, altegeien cesîroes.lscrvss11o bans! vouls! vibd-r'fruai jou- producUe ait î bluish biaek, eand it ojmittesi s strong <avons-an! protection in the EugnhMiar" .is qcos ulplmgll(io~ukhif haad. bcou vashi- anti Icane us lie ail tic neai of> the vo-luid, 4bytle -aters of the Et.' lavrénce fc4rà te do the besi vwe ceul! -vwia fou, vhiie very long. fine. théeo ere aise hrt>'- un fihWé c- bans! il - voult ecoe -in Bye nine-pÃ"fjijsicaasudiï allsi founsi pilleid necciviug île uanufacu-roes-eaLîjl-napi coeicbe;isauos!ro upon tenu, te lbcs!ctated 1»' themaseines. laOvsihon. Tieso liugu cosfinai lb. idéua Thc Tissges aii'ghlth qlpo-ety fins! et-aine!inla regard te.lio li ne --cf du fanli vid the Amemican -Tsiif» u edr rnc efieàjýýand 0fdpmiulrqt Jonathtan in pain uof ils iisplMeaa s'hoabt knownai .i Bate-ie de Ibudje..Fw mp lis faetuie$, Md te teeiveJiritish goods ilyHeérald.1 ï is-aesfs!uy t huetdin île Couin. mens. No uloubt tlieGlobe bas- ahs-ady . Vatfcnatei upon Ibis<s-estaticle ans!lie' &]Ruue inratase lwihfnl in, Vnper,;Canada vitLhîreats ad naubeam te Iisnewov luibedans! For aome mlautes 1 bsId on b h l e rehalhecl*goate al-eit ast;,aa'lcag--of<theLaaig ~lseehan b.e Coivention, aud the more 'es eili' able o ter a wMvovt; ev or u,,-obies. bhatlli. corrptions practise! b>'yIc rol In avingn -iDladtesrso IiïiinesmiPuorsnce ù nar the capsiflVein oh Inetu0Ios>et <uni. B>' l.hvemMivême. yiaoe vas s-oceeding t. rjeas! i ha I I!ime migt have loosedasîIouls, andihBewatresg nbonse*lsJ lc rous! et ave reseto0look long for wàmaer, vcrshiwe Proofs of-Eý-'* Exétire èairavaguufe .andi mal.but -0v dulusetration vhh ouu >bave mas!. du t"MqOurioestr 9rnseOfncoc lu in l4connu>' byook ver> tisdipI*SeuI ot only thi» ut ofa , sýand wzfing in ceaipario. AMdif te Thmàderér .ry y«~Jltu~5s . mn«o reforns lb. political morait> cf bis sour&d i*5ta h eié a ýà& mu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SS th" ifrWg, it d fixe;oberul. o£ eîlL roes'aro a c .mt a e fomr P - .as aM ZJOFQ oiuE a an - wer bu rentd ft. irit Os-gan and its sali- struggoul for Place, mid a violent coSt.s "vient "wzm ooloc u,,, aamn fsnie iusa n biVeL b P U L uôs fîy st forth b b ot ,iiiés a b. Pnpp M 1~u ~ >ii~.r v h ss par.oIs-of biscuits ,re pOrtratei 4 Ilihe>" finisd othur, edi vaaMniateuIaI onsn4 andi liaifi frabm ine og *e flndgt4n a Týâ&,P- 2 9edÀ- nu rOt theuaUesftbutIbu,.o days iqo be.M, r, f rosi îbox eoutainlpg 8,450f Ja O W4 Who Ibro 7091ango fornd iy.., poekeê hbooki. IvcImaorfioh or e pk Jre r wuJ4 os"u&i Il70 ensblouoe toprospu inl ire, &nd so, * 4pi ite lh' U ise4But I Irmlemycolf Io remaYODa iitbe .ypt e f G.od crowning rMy offors vit! mucek r Ti lpo 4.is~o~.. amil th. mîoeret t àvould haro pro&dueif infeste£ ilam -nDov tolorbly val! biaving prosporedin ub"sne-; 1 -mme Md-i har a e<lid oit socdu roli . IhWve giron your Obriauman na s $0 be liat f<hi low, for 4ltguh yon-hueo- MnIitngl'y boom uy boofacto, I do ne the lm sfeeéel.b- ted to you, ad1 bleu your nasne evrqy, day.' tuelb.Parfajourual sièuit viii contnhut ,tàw nmsuness of the 1 .d lt h. bitory of ti saus i i romain a tai -Ste sud mgnaniuiiy ci AMrvai cf the NEW The steausliip Vaud via Cowes ou the 7tlbià iyý siur orne o'clock th -mils vero forwarded f The steauabip Bomi via SontlmMpton on üi mta euray, e Ausirahian asi D ouincesacf go!.! ha tesm u- bas! as-si I, saves fs-ou fie mn. . Lever bshm Ts n. The.ters-sare to forma vorkit te Ship1 10 chani s, pa>' thac iarcli ,ac and tb baver ig lie slip for £1 dwa cf hie prefte oupl1ete 12-pouni a ggatg vero tesEL, oute for for China of fl&poiulers wv b!sal vida equip gh soigo train. nulier of volnt ue uesvice vas Pasaceeamari Av AM Jas Oct. tionar>' fonce t'es-B feue voie entes-t a1 rise. Evres> *Maca exciiomo ires cviuaro buh. I.Feue vei ud auinathu or thetyUa ot Wachinî

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