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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1859, p. 3

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IL w.sTim Uaim$usVlJiWr" hoffl 0av*agthe «Orw. ter Um*sa Mfat " te jois thesa bi Ietiib.lm u Wg OaIsola in odo agdaot si.w4oqý,tbe #MO&dof '0401t# witii gis li4id cf MSI. = sbdl vas gIvWw ddltlugiaiâ M sd sd O&WCharte orlthe b.~~~~h pbl1d bereporteocudb #Minggas 44b., iua 'mas, 1515fiou ullabi ti lmOuf tM ObIP a Xbe obarg ttthe semd op bear laW ao ar beesa recovered, ad tlsa ltter 0et tise Priscade slivlleo daa3fusg tb. lesutiqof 0< M. Roobise bad béeaus mei e4sPau Netoaoffice, "lu .Jttaesof thes cajse o tisLtb e r. pe<i'uareaui~ marobosty ommunted on by tisa arlajougnal.. Tise Patrie cous' mirai viii aorsbgd Dotaàllîtie alay thea musalu 0(aettise ilasli 4pelen&s dtissla<thse tr>' of thetiâlstion of Fiance. aMd h. vii remaa testimona f modies- 'àanad owlanaluty of tise Emparor. Arrivai et lieVaderbit# --Nsw Yoaa , e,19 Tisa stmmaallp Vanderbilt rom Havre, visaOMM m. àsIt i5Instant, arrrve4uorte m« atasouna oelo*this flroca. ,- 'l«e "aim <rwardetitla emning, Tb. steumsblp âborea fro masbuug, ViU ometiusssoni tise At4isrlvad eus -Thie Panderlativies are; three dard Iater, but *Te s04 Important. !(luter Wsrd lied îetçnwd <rom China. 'Tha ispape sEulmsy la usstars for 'WisNugoa -lIn tise fugat. . Powbatisssou the 22is& Februar>'. *Tise Australlan ativîcosrçprolos- ttiss J,IoOunces or sold hl'and sn ent te Eng- A steam ui bg d isriveti itis £100,000, in gold, saved from th-e vuoek lof tise oyal Ap- Mr. Leer liaoffered tte bby thse Great Esateru. Thse ternis are said to b. L60,000 dovu, te for=ais wvrkis gCapital te com- plt..s àblj t4eeCharter iber for twclve assouthapy:tise sharcolders 5 per cens-. lsnadvacesd te have tihe opetîn of pur- ehaalng the slip for £330#000, tise ament e! espital o! <le present eemuay. ~Âouupete'12posssdbastory' e! Arc- .talessgm uusoue .t o start on the-Sth over. lId rost. for for Chinaý.Tvo liesvy bt. tories'ef, 68-pounders vere béisg. sliipped for, Cbina, vwisis equipmoent hoteovni a Tâi'uumber o! volsntoors iu France for -tise Cliluese servicevas more thau thas- re- -Tise ilk Initie at Lyons vwsdusL. Tise-Paris cors ukot vaw u &Li àud vistuatvsquIet. 9.is-1 X-V114 vaOct. 23rd-T4ý naval expedlsioiauy toruefWrBoni, lofts ystouday. Oinet loirsvere ont.rtéiuod s-lastise na- tives viii rue. rior ' Enropesu la vel aillie i.,-Mmckii xitement prevails among tise natives ýoWIng to.thor being <orcon o besut ialp goCoo;ioa fou Boni.r A Àe onspraeyso murder tise Emrpesa re- aidat' lusbeWu debtst a i DM. NomarsDeird-N r4ceied frein Pationo to t îe ~tls Nov, statea liaI the 'of tise 5hOUIP r~olce, lad beenotaisl'd vlile'valig vithi lila vio udcWldren in tis Plac o tse atsedal -Tisewound IaDboted v ayer' urere, ý b" prepully, pos- mortai.'Tise aaa.aslu, wu, vas eldrus îl ampe d ausntivadb.follov. ýe-.4by'*%pa naurseosion1 uttrauqÛUltty Pue.ý TiacIy t Wiallustous rriveàidi The Pubarla ï t'i- f mal»tsaI oosis4 wiope Islis ed- lse l6ilg Ceoaru. e4 bOtdiufr.to vage mat'onug!"& ',s , B. P"b!#'sdiepa as>' 4nS .Qert fts CgmdO;nt WJ.to#fwm l rpract, 25 ta tWthmtisat- ris and Fimis haveugreadslsasdaers$hant b. no tMeia gats om aatal Ital>', tisa Ooeaimt u« IAls noS dby urpe lui-u -u w fl -w w I3ROOK STREET, TEAb-Seed adi IKysonTwmeaky# Zmpew imi Tak.y, -'15Per cent reduotion on l Port,Shr, Adora KnOoovad$o.' -' - - Os esma 1anwJ*& tei CONFM 0<t,»Ba Elsd lawaoma TIIMAS RUSTOI 40 Town ci b td oit , I Cet DLf B W s smou m ato lifs mnero s friehdon d ! Mn "nt~ m Ssllel o sri on tise 0, fïsûIîheetreào mà:sled Iby 1fr. N., Xun>ary Street, lbetwoen Byron aMd B"ed StsOit, viser.e olaprepares!, as, beretofre, L0e oecuto aIl Ordera ntrusai s- 2am<a.ut '!4p omldaatthe Lowoat remucerating Frices,. AU WOIs-K Wý*IIRANTED.l Z.tr 1Zr6 aal dPIgODtTB TAKH.aV l'X)Ia114XB aI )Iit4lfET PRT7Es D. FOIIY& long expeuience of thirt>' yeasalntihe princijpal Mantifactoriet oft liaus Sta "dt Canada mii given tisas-experiun nce l cv ry'ts.i ofjillp,4,s4mirit-u wlsicti fev ëtW lir.bet lleto arrive aet, and i fr Ielity 0ua'44lss~eegse of *Iil, duîablfity, audt uoidW !w&rksnussssbip, lhi§ work uCuso *élId tligl and a d4sut- Cheap 0Sewing machine. TNo. 265 NOTRE DANE STRLEET fuor tisa male oftMiNoEB's $WINO 1!MC111lE8snasi- utas-sud l'y Isieif.; Tis.. Miaisc- arc adaIlptesio fanaiS>' sad ssanrfuturing surpo«pcs, usin lutç uiss s tit>'. dsîraility sisI isspsas surpasas. eay rottisa kiai ver isul'rd ts-lia Mr. SAG1',lm Ssi Sns!long axpcs'ies'ceira cou-- stuos-lssg t isî aesMcoslss.sbuthinS isigc-rss Fo un sd Il u Baltlo, N. 1 ., ls wiclulstter Place lue lias sussite ver S1s>,sss) ss'orts, gssii as wlaiais iave givei' lé gremat asti, t é) a Thse toiiowlssg telwthsoffi:sississa hu"r"si r'. ed troess-oPrincuipal ljieut laussiilwe Masaulisa-. t-urs lu tibs cisy->'z We tn- epl e sssrkol e uitse'riisssuus' us is enee or kung oY-sJhu Msilgbtisr- lin.sa6s ss' aoilut ta>' M u. . T.Nigla, Jaas i eu $liasc 'sum e' Paorsu luts- to ons-u. cy aieut$tgrs laors, uid .nil is u'ssrse-snse BROIWN é& CIIILDS. j N'. have nu Eti Z i.Nagle 's S wisi g Ma h as'U * baen Léiion là uayiaig IlassIlias-yara isn oicr>' rexpeetequaltieu satsipsia sir CI[JLDS, sConLEt AXsES,; ing Idochusaes Ametise 'egissig t'Jsislait. t menA u tisust tsepublie. - W~7e bm 'eo Wln tise meautlssre or Boot andobm gs nibor of ycosu., dursug viaielu ime 1 have umueMhlue» russisfssair- cd in s-haeitote. snd isare,.l'us- ons'l4er thonu ,siapdsi for zusn, 40ru% jf ail.us.TIse>'do otariehissifta. wo'iric, fqtu Vy an sd I taise1 gres- îleassua re emnuhiLsu 11e pub Ii, 110, - ~ -- t uDtVi~i~i1if*uVuià~f5 NOTJC E. ment. pro iliefr accounta for puy- L H~ SdIIOFTELD &Gq, July lut, 18~8. 2841 CAVTJONMLY - NOTICE. p BI oi i od le that ail por- sid wlbprabeorh«o a i -. al flAvin N $47 erk. -or h Owmok, - g mC our-e't4uCuusyY ibupsîtoisa Golden end other ,Bymjn.a Di ea L lINAnd vei rtiolin te rwy a <« WA i*n = uinear "~~'~' lav<udetaladihoferyew u, ~O~s Â~ ae wfl tdos Aiulu .hard JO te , 4dviadu i Gazeomtte a";i'14, th lb ity bu,sdi AN IMMENSE-STOCK 0-F tcEY, bVPar, ue mnt utIsss-tar5h t.» CALI~ .ND 'E"X lNk E? WDlr,ln liy.r I«Lod,esuso""M"t THIO&S1. Il ILLAN. .,1olteur i Ç~Uy44é~i5o.I 7s. 0w IRCULATION ThuýAustraIIs mails Isa ireac# os JIJYAIgjg dod. is Syi e>'Jglalsuhr ", >dreoom. tustulsa dlortusgs lied <res utieuIn. tisl Cud Orcd O tfoiLt#Cssuuceb> Thi ~Market blm beesa voty bilaI o day sud a large quaatily 0orpnduewbiols usoved o09 resUy at fomi quottona. la Poil a alight oI»auouro i .ligbt veigbh«. s Ditto-Spring 5e@$ Oaus 85C 8e Itye 50e. 'as xc. BAY >'$14 0$18, 1?ton. Pork $4 to $6. lieut $,-175 0 $5. -Slseep $3 0 $4 50. l'oIso..,25c, 0 or Bust»riS. é 200. F,9g9 Od 0@1Ij; 'fdoz. Vowiss 26C. 0 e. !Fpair. Ttsrkîtyus50a. 0 75*e cl. GeSme 25e 0 40c. Appica 50e0@$100 Vbushel. lldes $0. Sait $1 25'P9 barud. Cord Wood $2 00 0 $2 25 17 cord. Thése sponsible Editor etftdu.Amie tde la Rouie.bus bopsa enteuscetite -tue. mentha lmprlaonïueuat'aid a fiua. ot! 1000 frassu at t Printer teoe'e mentisanti 500fracslis, or'bopublication of the Apeu'pbI boterorte Jg of sardInis.ý Tba Bomba>' mailof the -h1là sof Ne- vcauber s'essced'ULosiei. The. Govener (leaeral hatimade a tri. umsphef er nta oLeukuov. HoehaWien. lamatiosa asthe lb. ;irsa pelicy ain"e t4e m~senas-onsof Oudle are flnng te tise vinds. Thnode srlaoc'are reathe10<oir ei"tanoI amsse;and g,î<ra'sUa aperpetu. al setslenest, -Tise offet ssutieipatesd lus- tisat rebellion lan Onde vii l' e hereafttr ism Possible. À Wuà'ruua Paou'uur.-Wm. W. RyaUu, the. notod weather prophot of Miehigan, gonds tii. following 'vinter Programme s-o the. Detroit TlWbuéne -"Evrybody kuowa the int -day of Decomber wu thé, govern.1 lug day tiit sert Mareis. N. W. and 9. 2. are, tihe .cnteuding pointe tilMarci neat. 14,. W. wyl prevail. -W. vwili hae fifty-two storms tili Mareb sert. Thse re. suit viii b. a oold vintorf eudden changez and hesvy blows. ton yl heur of wrejks on thse nortbersi COt U 01Irelnd aîê4nh 1usd, u tise Wet t inds viii biow ýfk gréat force scroes the Atlantic," canqada lPermanent Buidig Sece#o Tise usdrsidÉ dbas beeus appoiusted Sarreyor for tiie aboya Society, and takea luve tosaunonce tisaIho ie lprepared to recoire appli cations, for bans, vhleh viii l'e muade on imaprôved- farmst aud other propoty of approved vilue, on tise liboral teruns impoed l'y the. Comupany. - - JON ÂGN EIW1 Insurauce Agent, &Olt Tihe ternis for the Semi-Weekly will bo $0 ,OIn'adrmSo, or $8360 àt the end df the year. Thse Weekly (Jkroniel. will be publWed'la future ou .$ÂTW tI at $ a/a u', str cd in advance; $2, vi» b. chrgod wben Payable o$bcrwuae. TIrtONTO KAXILETOO. Daeember,22nil, 1869. lFAu.Wumàîv-Yestaidy pie..rasîcti $1,16 a 1.20 for boaS sùscpWa. 'Tishaeu ffl w p rtou&dy vsnou e*.6Peu Onu. Wzav.-T is s; agod de- auMsiifor Spulng Wiaat. Gooti sanpos, brlsug 900 ho *1.00'p'er u isielWau4or oe. lotsà a b i ie-Am. beasxwaws 0.r,'-Is <D qed deusiaust 3 30 toe 5 Per bassiiel -Poas.-Tla ezdelt o f tise veel on the sariet laiebbeau lu Porlý, tise deiast for vbici bu. Weu ver>'active. -Todq biopsovr2001W sbrg'trom ub.75to $O asaie niter lIsaausest Worths evar # te 5.Pa«101 NEW ADVERTISEKENTS. ViiitingCarde T A DIEtS andsisl astlsincn ou h-ble Esaasuseli.d .Ljor ssaîuaror qisuis->' to b. 1usd ht tis lta- difits's tore et W.: ~ijIOIS CASH FORPOU Tise tndi-roigned la praparet PAY CASH- FOR on>' quatlty os- Whoat, B4rley, Ps, catoLe £BOXA$ MOODY, .Os'mff'sion Ag SALT FOR HALE, CREAP. WfIlsIîY, Sepnt. 28, 1859, 5 CIXanteY INotice ,to Creditoris. -i-OHNORY REUIII CIANAI1 asitTIIIRSE OBAN- ,DAI,,bbsWite, plsaMirfs, nmrBEt MON said 1ANCYsa (0,li Wl!., defotsisas. I DUESUA T t tie Dcrecamade lns this canne I L l' shoCous-!buaseer foippeuC*ud Its-e creditars etfWIIuAm JLas-esibauq, liteoe tise Tuwnushp of'Bs6siu, lit-tisaé unt t v Out rie, yeouifa dtceanei, (ewb depr ti iis 111 'OU' o ouslo i -t ise l t daWy o f tl042 nb r 188 ) re Wedneasiy she les-h dqaye<JADON-y; ners-,tO eonue ln mndprova s-l'ar,,dotaL.bottsrg me, tis sin;lerauagaed [Ms.s-r,Isn Udls0 v-e!thse said C'ourat, nas- huiCbleluot gee IaIl, ln tise Ciyof Torosnte, Orllu M t iels- tiseeol -h> l'bd mte y rl'ddtise seait And 10 oethslecloek la tise foreneous ef Tou- day, ls MISladay eof inner>' DMxt-st sM>'sali Ch'aimleJnOîap *>ui t-o procedupaontue naidi emg,auit na-tisen ailowed, s-be "me vii le huti ansi *dasiicteiu pon ut sàdals ~<PbraL- uot .e 7ti - ' 4 aI it.h llo s Sohool -E A .iNat. - -L 'OHRO~NIOLE' ~iechI~ ~Ij~r~iîick - ZOJi0. Stm-Utthjg Bell, or per totth - - - - I ý otal circlation tuuhlg a,20lt1 The CIRCULATION of thi CRNCEis le EZATHEl, Than'that, oj any other loea Paper in the Proviiice, and il FAR -EXCEEDSI 'Pise circulation of, al the othel papers in the County of Ontario United. rT WEEK-LY CIIRONICLEI -ONLY Oee~~ e ~ SE~T:~EKY ea PER? À1TXf. Thé T,77 rnil .ti.Pprt ............. R ides 9 WM 10VUU W IY UaIJIaI.i01gooa 4adth u 2l1 t.. froing.th. LE12T Md ptlyr.ue .d.fpL r~italohufe 1,.y Tbe~*U4D~7Pbhsl 'lpl 'tcobati >fnCMiTrHY Whkby De. 14,ISJ~~~' WGrnveod - Cao, M tigo Crown TlMr nl0 lu MIe' Or.--f týontaw c i o iXtIL&Y;? &ONB sixt-. The &dd àn ltos sd pss.4ions.of tise e,,ti.s Col'o auh bu e wuTmer1eOUzus 'bc u fois. nt isir esi :sssbel res, more ý'r Iiidext Bnu,*. orver assit en C téorý îlsus-y toi alil ter.pctthe lrIu oastije't -t e thbe Gemrai iutl tassudujioe--Jsfi,~e or WhCIeI uo Lo52rho lit 5'réo. AXb, IiNûEW UtT$S W.9 Queise, 111&NvembrduI lis - t- N<u4edltis iluylmven ]tls:tO 01.0 nUslru' - ~ ~ 'ssvisl, bhalnl'-ved tgu ilip llsiiuiL-rs uonsC'rdàpfîcof' aVes'sy d-s.'lîl'ouî aras!(m ialirs-jel-sior lriruf £Jtstsred or ssssnasslicurc-d, urs'tsssly s118041-,41d emp514yd btheiflhI in tebuJiJJ5ig o! tis i"rilg l'eaniud bythe r rbd' thse pûrAsoîor 1, 'r- mouatan w thy hosta luhl uae uruliumsua ':nê Thse) pos ur issust iauj i usirctu-Lisruss il - ise tlurder ss uui'i forîtitre e.tttt' amoshp lyissclor il 1 uwsck i - ersiasti i.' ofuflic C'r ut sail tûsn,. ii-lex s :ja'; whsion le Ctisa t lrsic!ga uuluacs' urtiics-i g liha ed,»ltlsu l'y î is-isietsic. sistr ' sy41i qîsrçand ithed .z'u,i.y wiuussidw,îsls jt asi tisoflesliisuts.s sus-'uist u ju'1L ssoé .-u P tisa as~~~~an ua ts-d wlc.i u 5t , u -iehsl an! isrius ssfw sii tissuwtt". t' I, i u'lic!i-' xisipss lemred isur a foreizss l'rt Z tuessjt»,c - ficaiissu" ta s-sa upporssseulhy tisu "s-a f -th shsp Bailider tus s lelarssuusipressure-i l4e--fî, l)opstutnutaifirnhsug s-issutrulis st i e es f-ur4s. otusueh sucilcîtiisu s-o bc attucsad ussds'r ',t.jt te suci d ations. Tise olic.cti)r savinzt sîsti,,--li -s! is'ssfl 1 s s-liiassauins- of clr.swinick iis issu.i-si »all eertsfy tisa nj)uIaLfestiuas s-sssrl ss.lso's., msauso ts st a -irlssinet, 1'I'il'cîjnî, 5sftryi u11 - xslasî-tiasi tiea Cs-fiissetsur WA1bu îilt 'î. a lytaaso itat sa"asatsust j' u foot nad -81-00 IMansutactnur, 123 Notre îî'y li 'lsianisosrt'stlort-,ofilv, ', lt s, sp'r1ZiA Damne ls-rues-. asi'cs s s'r issapsasîis rrsi.a* Tlig usndmlcrulued Isova issus! in c'onisual qcuty50tsatcis'sts a uAus';, 5;Wi~, rtl'o s l'C 111uusmis.one it joMultiususs rmass-iis s it raaks islaps'.as sssast'icsus'esl by E. J. Nagle, assitthu>' do inet ilea irakin l as ti a eu., sanie lais- ir-Uu L. ENJMIN & Ce.,- yCniad Ciutiica,16 N ira t setreui, mentreaiu 5 aausss, , Judy 20' - - 75 Coinsusssisus'sosaur tCsutoixss' ai .itr 1 lia ve .SC41 1su, J.N.i'a wsug Musaessss fer s-s put t wo . ajisuasin uic-u 'Bout aud Su-t-c Fsetsury, ass is ilss ;0ttobc as-i that Lise lisîsu- futiscur elssisis'rlt--a 'g-s Ud .lfe J.- LINTCX' ,fitîy 24. D17 rSt. l'ati bircact, llostrul. Notre Damssr t, .%Iilstreui al, J ' 26 -Sm1 Sisssve t'i'n.orrPE. J. NUgl(ic'srMaeiisen <nropas.o- sid'ss for us' liit the tis-licsusu, slurlssg îials lissa iia'a assitcs! atisufledtitt i- li real] Mr DAVID) 1EliLETIX. -Thse 'ilsaribur latisq se lise 1.wing 3Ms- clisirar',of Mr'.B. J, Nagle, onase tihe spriug, iae1 welt stitimiklesiwis-iuftise versdonc by thesu' , and wu crtsy fisnit tIsi ailnsgo -qsuiueer thas ssuy %vu i.uve sasrcd sasto stà1!0srcussuss s-ln.. AL A URE tS-LON. blontreal, 26rliJul>'181 E. J. N A 0L Es,P4q; eujtreal, Jsiy 20, 1859 Dear $ir.- isa ssoise whlih 1Suoss«iss-rom y 1s nrsss o outiiatiugo lias. uriyoesu esuus t- sasfsue- 1lssi.I ouiier is-fan excelioiut artie, mand, ibelieve -liait iaortislsi tastc uais ha puotebm Yeiuru s-raile, - vii ie skeptluiragsod runuuissg orsisu for ts-ve Morths, pros-sdes! tue> are nos- dasusgedb>' ec- cidits-or dng ntaatly on tusit. 'yaelory eCs'BARTLEY 4GILBMET'S M3ontres. ~1,99 -5u-0.y 0F NEW, YOIIK.- ('as (Jpita, ,ailpaiJ £, s-,OOuO - IRE -AND MARIN&. t'll isdeFiigam4s. ogent atisa abova 5'tn -LOST!- ()x Fricluy eVlenhrsg, on th , roàis býCtwce -,WluiLby and Oslîa'wu4a, > Lady1wa<, thbe , ier viilbe-rewarded >les'nti - »,çb' 01hronwlo, Offic, o 4ph ie R~.l 1rouix'tî COaisttwa. November 1C. 1859,- 7 Ilnformtiôi Wantôl- f7JOUX L)KN!,wEMIGRAI-1)h &Ow k e , l a i mp sh1ir c, , 11ug lasul . Any lufonu4ion euminuffissted to tisiko, raspeceting liin -.0lbc tliuaukfslly reeeived b>' io hrother, Charluusllupkiszss. »Ee lras fi~,~dut - - "' . ~TEFJti uliby, Nov. 29, 1859. .1 1 1 1 i.m 1 1 1 1 l Il 1 . 1 1 ýl 1 ý 1 1 - l' 1

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