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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1859, p. 3

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e uie, a yen du te CUWIW. bon buelleve, bofore fis ad4 My osube6ptl mica. Yens pros- T b s e ay o n '1sf oram of emm weofcmcle Ofmuy " b ctse Of hlnd0qg, Mid cowiiaio,,, 1 buesebsrrel yeur couurse nari mlài st111"9 isd yeur imper wittisFlou *etlwicuy th"aIyos lhae.r ff0-dsasppol: d» graîat 0douu eplaeed lnyenY able Journal hbu Mero thoan relised fise lectatiens ef yonr friande, Its c n tisromgbeuîjuaa boes cb amte modet apprpltriif)gisItbhlnlrlugMoeusud iéd of Intelligent n.wcpsjuer reÉdéra genors To b. £urolitsesse rébm t ccsalou,* 1 VSuulià&" epmetewd eelg "Moe eOf lumo p tJa olg a in apersosirecruns Porarim1 I bave slvart regurded astend toleImms ue.roptalo _fsa lsîibt îevsppes. T]àisdescrption er vrlîlsi tue grestfsulvltbp sud thse bau.et ~, Cumaima local pisse. Thoe dultes ef -J c urn l lst ea m sd usone s d re epouuulbfr, lbe mlstabes hieavocatiou, and lç guilty £crime agailns&ociety, vheu bu ruit laejpes ra rebIsde for thee ludulge,,Io. big es on !f e lUn p . I amn avare tisa l e v e r y d l c s d t v i s e s u a lled p r o yI 4901d relalstlg 1but h. that le capable .o vr ce u ng lise lcuptteuu, d iplayja buteî qnlity for dielasrglug vlrluouly j ve#pondftllUeoet Nhie ells.Thors Doting se uaeoeatuisIlthesaumjority * m w cpspeT r eader, as l @b sco mpol *sé mur week te Permise colanie.oftqu aileerne nonas esrotorle sM d explausstic ais9nt privat. tramaelons. lu vhicb th baie ne Inlereat A PorisontlitaI ubscrit for a ssevspsper laenetlhled te recolve et mnd toeb.kept poritdup on sali mottcus local and general internt. Tio 1 cou«; to hb. tise ue, provine ef a uewapsper i tel, Aid vIses bu ttrol. ouit of Ilseai devote. the. space wblch usould be tisa. copled, le mullteru or a persounl oausrc, done hi. subsoriber su lujuetiçe. I ar n da ceti temais..these ebiervatio fI<esm te pisset dispute golug ou botwe, Youi Towu coetcmperary and the Chàronui. ou ths utjecf oftbe .Towu prlutlug. Iftîl Who contre! thei. cnsomuef the Watckrnu eoueldr hiat tisel are advauclng tbiscr o aud-t-âe public, intereotâ, by gettiug up Prnltlug quabble, 1 recommnud yen to tient havéte houway. They viliiSd tuei seirse vcry mach dlaappolnted iu the sc: Thé. public do net cars tire.s sraws aboi fisé matter, lu conclnsiou, I resoniuia 7« le stik te the test oftyour prospoeti go on sud prosper, andi se yen hâve ativi cSd!tfaonsàa vckly le s semi.weckly, I. pet-t le euronenterprilng Journal.e ieadudoàdsll betere long. I vouldt zo masse sek te pruieut yen (rom diseu slug sbjs)ea et mpartauëe, My decîrej te* cee ths ese $cr 4cofneucti tlulogit miaté suber.. 1itmnie tut yen "Iiinet cousîder my n ma"ks elhor obtrusive or presuniptilv, belles. ame tiat ticy arae nly diatstcd froi tise Set viiefor your velfare. Belleve nie, Yossrfrieud, .0nelph ..... ohn Surrey, Ecq. , [ Whluby ......sgh J. Msedonaii, Esq :Klugaon . D #r. Strauge. Dundas ...T. H. bMeKenzie, Euq. Cobourg .Dr# Beaty. Arrivai elîhe North Auserican. pour uerdbau*. ef l vye rpol bais s ec aopetitezcalvc lu write te the. Euperor oc t"ise Frenck inqlriug viait vrs bis-l-b- -dots1 vao vrec ed o utise Su sses cest sud 10011 two e >amn syed.l Tise - M ilesebailaMarlblts, (rom Mer.. odsllàa, 6r L»Oondeaveut uhere ounUta Ilei o(Wfrh4 msd 10 oet tIsacrsw vere drown. The Schooner Sanîluel front Carnarvon. vent oehor ear lte came pise,vith itItîle bope. eors"Vins tIsecren'.- Lord Palmierston Ihadendersed thse voIsin. ter movenaenl, as Jar us te jolu thse Irisht ,cerpe, visiis vai b.lug erelied lu Londoen. lia thse divorcse cas brongitt by Mr. jsama M. Bell, s weilthiy Lenden miabanst .qalsstbis vite, ou Ilb. »ground of adullery with liseMarquis oet Angieea,às verdictý Alng t4ie-Jirqsls loO,00damages, x>CIrA 4>pfi flep0Of < go meu4t jsouir '-e* mlié tee dw1 m'ly. nie duti Our bout ul "lln thed ofa insf tIlh rie 0 Wt et lied oc,- cos Lesy 104s &ant ec. utus o.u end . . . .. . ..... . .......... ~ . .... k A" OOWr....... * a De m n, eureVaseJ..... ibsJLl as. Jo b s. e ld d . . out, , ......Z. ... nom Jwob lbdw , flutopa John #II W, IL jxmi 111 Wak D"erius Thm John JM Mil X*âwý»«r« - - - oï. »' .......... ............ ire 101b f»ý ......................... ...... . MÉO & le. L Do de icmitid" ",l, Mot do Do Ma do, ne ".VAU ....... ýýI do el 14ffl DO do DO dû, ............ 110 #Wpbmvwàâ y mou lob Do .......... SM do ........... ...... Eh, .............. ........... .............. :» '.do do Mtw Mod«â&ýs, le lui" ào -OMM ...... jqý ............. ............... m do W .. ............. do W* de 1 1 o - . , , , ', o 1 . ... 4. . . ....... M de Clins ....... nib do zig du lws k W vm 10* 'du M'ad do M, do do Juba--= -- #Odop"#«ilm l'dm de I""* dog. Trffla $loi do j"D v fo Mr uni" de 10 de Non, Mn y énui », de A"I de In Om ............. # .00 '0 ",.e: e:::: , ou am Dw md=ý" ou ...................... ............ 00 ................. 49 21 w a do lw ou < Fil "?v go bowoun* ,00 In ej gr .89 Il ... ...................... fý L ADIFA and Gontfemenfi Dobbit znm#llgd Of atlocti:; quality to bu hxd àt the ets. -VOIR ]PRODUM The Undmitnid la prepared to PAY CASII FOR any quantity ot Whut, ]Bàrley, Peu, Oats, &o. 'fHOMAS MODDY, C~tmdon Ag »ALT FOR BALE9 CHEAP. WI)Itbyi sept ". 1809, - -54 190" to Crocutorg, IN CHANCERY. âgEUM CRIN DAIL sud THISSE CBAN- D*LJ4 hà WWo# plaintlU AND MUT MOM md Y3.4XCES XOON, bis wiàý "bamta, The terms fer the Sur w*W«W viu bc 82 60 in advmee, or a &; at the end of the,,yenr. Tlài Wqeldy chpottit4 val bë - pub"Wa in futaie an SATUB.D.&lro, at 81 a 14 admom "; $8-i!iO bu chned TO»NTO jugmTs Rides I.- Rides 1 Rides 1 Tl'$ un&-mgned will p*y ibe'hiibut ,JrIce in BF Cîih for eny-quontity oi Pa Il IDFJ ddiveredst lis Tinneryin GrSnv" AU. Ilnà of É A T M P, R kept-condAntly4a band for mloo v«I low D. ýIKOMURCUY. eekrpý x0v, ý4j lob?. '67 the Towi, à 01 It. la cWàsllý Ur'uiltado,- juld CWI LW bue >, ti Ob monbm, do b«i. toz sorthm M pr.,yiou te bý eximilivil 8 My ileta "Il@ im effoctof ond 114) hé rrotteati froira 111 pr*,m, apini Mit. IlIx a tal diow"uru und surrumwr ut guoli mt«u md affrob f r nIent of My JO» ond livigi dew; and ï heý%r40y htllwîlo DOMO thât the titis# wbure die nww of t Mid peu. 901, aboli bu litmrd lu te 4 adverti*,,d ln the Cànida goutte ond ln tU Whitby Ctrouide n#wopopor, 01 la niouh àt, lmt ~ thé dote witoulb, My bait& *tblé thiril day of De occillerg fil tige yéù of Our L«dp on@ titouand afght hin" alud Iby t1W. EDWARD MORGAN. 0011c,1W Iýr Ibo Iledtionor.- Fi- 9 1 i Po. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do .................... ........ Il Wideàà.' .......... .OtTjce of the Clerk of Ile'ace, Whitby, Dec. 17th 1859. do do by bim Io %wku om om To bu " =or p do du de it.4Wdfo JMJW - 1 - oloidum ion psymm Into the lou of the jk;w cu«er Il" Àrrivai of the City Or Washington been published The report concludes by etating thât, iookl,-ng ut 811 the circum. Nrw Yonx, Dec, 20. stant-toi of the case,. it is ou in wbich »e The City ot Washington arrived this lu*# of aie ship eau not bu charged to »e moming, fault of the muter, Only 914 000 of the LoxDox Thursdsy, guld on board had so far been recovere , il. The Paris correspondent of the lYma FRANVE. 1 1 etatoo tbat COUPt Walewski bu sont a d& FimMrot and Empreu bad returned s pttebdto Turin urging tha Coant Cavour to Paris, Ï611 Mt repretest Piedmont in the op Ali the I»ndon jodrnrls which contain. pro&0111138 congreu. od the letter of the Prince de Joinville, The Paris correspondent of tbe New denfing the Insinuations of buck denies thst the troy or any other constitu. had been seized et Paris Pott oflice. ted body desire to vage war on Ongl" The letter of the Emperor to the Liver. Si. Pettrâborg advices imy Prince Oort. MOI onahaRits w« rwduftlanilv &"A pd%««b -M Vanads Pon»nest Bliading g#oiety, The andersigneil bu beec &pWoted - Sorfeyor for the &bore 9«Wy, sud lesve to somme tbat he fi preps,14 to recelive appliatiotu for los", wwch wili. be made on improved fanut md otber Prqmi of OPProyed value, on tl» liberal Wm ImPoud by the Company. JORN AGNEW9 A8084 âo., whitb ITO SUBSCRIBERs. - mý1w Int tio . CIRCULATION' l a wýmtp&- ýjl 'çà# 'wbo "tC 21 Pau Mea, lfàmpwhirreoi Any I!Ifbsnstl dommunieatea to thk cmw OP Tu TUZ BUT Clitàrzel Fimiiz2u lx mix lusuw, mpectIng him wlll ho thankfully r«ufvod fil# 409lêr, Cbarles Ropkii», "OentWtt4 afid YPt ooluble rrispra# olke 4ndoijl 1 whatuter Io valoubje lis Fgrni Yard Nov. 17, lïbo. Ce, Gonnu IMM Mt ..Nitmto ot Soilà, Ir* CIRCTJLAÉ.'- Am, or BASIBU APPklcà7lox. IE Mideroired >e to liiinci4t» to big n, Frorft twoo ýto ive M.'l IFIIËOWs JO thil l'fil) tbut la luit for en ýftrt- DEM .90dion 10000 for tlje#(C-ftLmt& i)N lb l'et UP la barre,(# or th" cwt, emb, Te ho hw.1 -of etitntudnir him wlth commimiom wili fui! thilr i"tefets punotually attended to. Ir, W, WOOI)WA-ItD, Divwonv4urt Dunp. ëtrect. quuted', Soth, 2.459, 43 t ?à. IW«enoeo'kisidly pormitted to G= X«ry, MesTy Chsismu 1 Kompt Tionm xfflon, Ti Co ?"kg "on, LindA»yt November 10th, lffl* nul: opmd à cooci moortissent d Gy0ý *010139 Wh h wili 1* 10"d 7kaý &wgarjý ffle, Coma Bh4 VU IIM,'p*tombip b"'etoine OEWag betwées Hooolno #k M àymuwm ý AS Printai.N c«W potaibry Ruiwà and &,(IU'aa m isborg and Pru ri of' tt-,:& JFnký Rom«, cjwrcnkgý cïhv;% aa LeMMI càmniek lA MA iloy li hy 07 1 T buoiupà* will 1.1 Nt te be owrW P"f FktmiiW -Be-racU, Wix'# -111601sé, Who 1 ois dl owtm mot «,d, 7wu= l mi, und Io W al[ dei Thrce gtqu of FANCY PIPÉS uid dnu wbithy, mým ib, 189. G le, Whitbyt DM lich'. lm. PROYINZE IW 9ANABA, The CIRCULATION of the. *Î106 CL 4 M- -DAft an. puui amrcueilu wu promientj'y commented ' Ount jusseloff vin mpreimt oz. on br the Paris journais. Tim Patrie cou. wn theCongroos. ci. flien It will cont4ibute not a littie alley It is etated thst Avark &W Frmeo by -tthh&Otunnetuhi@whu«QortytobfOthgenrielilsh people, and ý have " d thst tbere shall be no dolo, M. stion of Fiance gates foin Contrat Wy, 41W GOYMment o if and it wilt remalft a tudmoniàl of moder. Of whieh fi Dot re0osnized. b ato and mnmnimity of tke,£Mporor. Courts, y Le N" Ma d» odle géradgu ma Arrivai oi tbe Va"erbilt. Chiers Ofttý,,# PMON* Govemment of- cen. tral Italy,'*âl plud &]Wýr am befon tb# for New YORZ, Dec. le. M Congreso >,1ýj notes am momorith, The steamobip MaWeffl from Havre, The À«" im "Io bai, mow lion. iris Cowes on the 7th lnstan4 arrived short. dm, The Jaydwy IAOO"re liait mont. lYstt«OnOQ'ClOck tbitafternoon. lier màils were forwarded thisevaning, té the Br»h Empire, The steamobip ÀSPý(ioM Hamburg, Austrisý.and1porwgaib"Sivenis twr VISS«tla=pton Offthe 4ib, anived one afieilon iktucmgrom bour previonsly. The reqWnsible Rilîtor otàiAo* deJa The Fan*rbiW# adifmare three deys Rdigimlus beoi jeutuleei te ýtrj" later, but are not, important, Months imjîýý 1t am a fins -et 1#00 Minister Ward W rgarned from, Chin rmnes , a. 1 &nd il* pàMorto ou MSth UÀ q- The Japueu Embmy fi to start foi 6oo frsm gne, for %ho publication Of Ibo Washington ln the frigate Poir6üan ou lpmpbal<ý10«« efthe King of 8ardnis, the 22nd February. The Bombay mail ef *o Ilth of NéA The Autralian advices reproient that vemberrembed i«don. 16,000 Ounces of gold hâd beau sent to Engli ', -Tào Govenor Geneml bad mode te land, umphal entry into Lucknow, He W au. À stemi, tas W arrivai With £100,000, nounSd a new policy by which the proe' in gold, oeved front the wreck of the Royal lacamion and the oz tire poliv fine@ the z Charter, laîneution 'of Ou& are gang te the Winé, )f Mr. Lever bas offéred to lmy the Great ne arigt«mti are zutor@d te " i. Fmtem. The terms are " to lie £60fooo emat* f# #Am 1 mi gmow 'à p«P«W down, to fora: a working capital to coin, a[ oeulement. The effect anticipated Io 3. plete the ship, to charter ber for twelve tbat rebellion in ()D& wjIl ho huegfter Jin, là mendiât pay tbe âmbolders, ô per cent. possible. > in sévénS md te bavii the opotin of pur. g. obteing the ohip 1or1Sâ0ý000, the Amoust À BeLic or un Pàsr.--it moy be mm..; r if capital of the prosent COMPUY. fous to notice M au historie fact, th" Wiâ. - à oomý1M 12,pound batiM of Arm. ln the present year there vert some var là 1 tjroDgo 8pu .01 to stairton the $th, Over. met uuc*eWp on the Bemport a 3 imd'rmté for for Oldm Two besry bat, b4e4 - on' flie proporW d N. IL i«M Il f t«W of ds" mlm we. bains shippeil Vdý,l Ëew eniirfo;d Core, Québec; wbere tor ý dbll* With equlpmnt; 1 te , férin lu ait Pr*pàbility they liai làinunmol«ted thotough-odp- tSin.- , ' lor upwuà of à center: Thou - rqliw Tin, nuoier av;o-imtem in Ymnce for consist of a cartowb bozt the ammunition tbe Cblom àmjw'va mors thm that re, hola bolus vith dancel, and ln whièh there arolthrosà quite sound; à large qoutity of Thé filk trait At Lyono WM &IL gupouder, oisé baml of wbich bâil not 'The pari# mm »»rW vos doit and decayodý nor hod fi& «plmire quWitr been vhw vit qukL î1together datroyed. Its color wu #dit of a bluàh black, and it emmitted a strong OeL.UixL-Tbe naval odor of oulpharg altbough lt lied bm vulp expationary force for Boni, lèh yest«day. ed by the *sters of du K lawrence for à Great lears were entertained thât the os- 'Voilons time. Thom - o. &lso thirq- MyU wili rise, , Bv#ry ý Barfflq Io weil gré oins-pund muon ballot foond pilled armed. Xach excitement provails à up in -a con.W shape, and all in good pre. the natives owicg to thoir Wng forcëd on orystion, Thm tbiçgo çonfim the idou board ship as Coolies for Boni. entertabed ln regard to the lino of the À conspiruy to murdér-tho Bvrop'«n re. neh tofonceop and of the partieular -o" 'dents lm been.defetted st B" . iïnewe mi the BatterU do Dec. Srd#-Nove 1 reMY04 from #Y HdraU- Polormo to, the 27th Norq Mates thst the Commander Manemico, Director Oeners The Detob always kilt diair fish the nie 1 À of thé Bieillan Polidep , hâdý b«D g&bbed ment theÏ intalien out of the water, ma,, wbité wa"gwitk bitwifeýmd'obildrou'in t*m ad te lie ù«W in thiz manner are the Palau of tbo'Catbedml. Thewoond &AU $0 nmdn more plum<p and of botter inOictud vu very oevers, but prolmbljr, Dot dà»Pr tbu thOse which are ellowed to - éà- Morw, The ýfMiS4 Who Vos Wolf droos. pice j» A&O07. The bint if wortby *0 ak do. «--- on çt Mormon; me tw âh il tbé ad @4 auped, _74M WM flutertaintit lis »11 inado vould, lie soi" w" Io vîtbSt boing bW -b Zyy âz =ýýM bu #siqeity pn to Ae*4, ýànd r"ly mm 0 0 1 tÀ0 000 A" foi, 00 «09901 Vueuw 224 log. M UANT tg) the Duroc Mode ln thi.4 muge by thé Courtof Chaljeojforupperv4mâ& plices ruw th, teodkor* of William ý latteillicry, law or bM 4Mples, - Thq mer. the T«»blp of&ub, ln the conaty, d onts. me" over$1.iîper rlo,.VonMdecomd, (Who doporw thlo lité on i*about the %Pt day of September, IM) arc on 07 before 10 of thé elock lit thé tunoon of nwAy the loth doy of January 11OX4 te la aWprý0Vo tisair Jebté botý*e toie, th, n eigned Nuttr ln urdinzar, of the mid Con ut Mr Climu ln 0 IWI, in the à 'rorm" U il ult thercor they ýO4 -5mplfýw e bý* ljy excluded *tlie besjofit of tFe Sd JamW ist 33o te isit 1 N of the dock ln the forenom of Tow ail "th d4Y of Janumry mom et My osid Ob Io A ted te pr.#;;u Open the wd seqtm at ble Io fik ý181009 à"sJÏQM "UWDýgillowedo tue game «eâ«âmt of the W«k on eh m&lioro4 nt 12 of44so doek, noén,,«,T«ý%&y, beau in Po*t tW "sud t-t4'*llth doy«Ftbmary 00IL »MVM "Ive. To,&Y DA4,dtilél7thlàyo[Novomber, Ion. A. W. 1;ff£LLI s brkg from $5.75 to $6, Croew, "PlnâLqk Cattmula hm en Dot wàrâ Our $6 48 Pau wmS gral» , WB= brins »0 to obow obe ed. Otiroi-b p per buAvI Fitàs,-In goc PojurThe q ti» nmrb« bu 6 for whieb bu bc hop over 20M #mail uwe th WUITM Canoula- 3 in Dopa% INSPMOR »ENERAL's 'OFFICS4 ins- b#ý@by 9 'ven thM bi in «d« ht Than that of aýy other Io Paper 'in tbc Province, âmci FAR EXCEEDS h e n 'ci'ïculatio of e the other psperýin t ' he County of Ontfirio unkel Ne ýzOji# (]Wiwd mi »ffe*ud for tbe cbn." by a. Z, pom, FÀF4.) - The X*dut bu bom very brisk tg day ad à larp qSwiff a pwdm wbkk ýmeroi of «jOýy at fom« qu"om la Pork a afight J«Hno Io oburrad f»ý the beoï jrX one of the Èubl[q a r#«- mO r the Town "MTII of W-hitbyý à timé,spï à furit )AIn"lre" get incoid. wi wh-k ;Fateh. Key ettulied.- ý-Th@ fnder qsw vif.1 be liberilly on juvilit the fhoé, 0. 10 ond LO$T 1 ON là -Ire*it oc4trud Ww4m bit "à%, 'Ae item scuâ;yà tho'. thofinderýwlit b4 ýeiv&rdodbv lenvin et. i4so lir. MVA ýthe c&«Wié IôÊko, or atibe @*èu Proilli's oghg1wa. 1 qil xoveteor ig, 1950. Flour ,P«14 80& a bar. Barley boc.-î& am , ()&là MO 41 èk Aya boa d4M $14 0 gs tn $4 té M, Ohup ' Do. potatm' obe. a so& Buttier 1& 0 20c. ESp Od 0 le f dos, FOWIS 25t. a kit 19 pair. Turkeys 00e a 75a. éi& Goeos 2ôs 0 40& Ar les à0c $1 00,* btubet H flée $0., - ý: ý 1 ;, EWt $105 f bernt Cord 'WOod 80 ý,00 Cý$Çý U VéorL FWEEKLY $2.50 T-he- Chronick j# the jpsp 'a"f loi ................ .. . ................... 0', de do.- 0140 Cie do do éertify tliatthe ý above is a true copy ct tbe Returns of Cô made 10 to, thé. court 0,' f 'G nerd or JS, go" no of the Peaci hcld in Docember, C flerik of Pe«C, C. 0., Ism WMtby »iewey,4

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