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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1859, p. 2

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- Orynýblooos are loveiy, And SuWm fi wevwgun. But tLb. chili vindi Iwitîherj1 But the V mode bisaýts etAutumq;i And Wbter may rave- Tb& Dl ly soirnvet1 Tbeugb ouI Eihai u*m 1 W n fougqr are seeu, 4 nd bave poagsaway .dai b.' eerhaci ne-- 1:bodgh ne more the wa4lail fFron thé Thnes Correspondlaut]J LQVONov. 30. ]k Sme deavers ho nme le»ss",me ffoe nation,! wla' lastva enemici tOcotn.. tai fb-utreand thé Pope.' The isiheàsf aicojitest betweî'taly sud fiPope woUld nMielbe- fer . es itnst #onbttui, if the two autago"iMtscoÃ"ul&stand &cta ii fse1with ne allies on eluber aide. Ubfetci*Iythe.Pope bs âpersouage. fiU une sboui8 ld sys hbcaddrcssed as *if he t4 I. 00,000.c4nbtants bu is suite ;~andi ]'1eu M. biffself roekons on Ivo -millions 4î bis devotdbelibvers, and on Àrchbish- op. Cbben*tW boot.'t The question in, then, iox»v.fare p tltain lu br traggle aspinaL the ESpaOy0, ji pite ofýto eutean eth lttas fiÏdilIn aFramicoe Austnia, Spain, Na. es)ud Iréiaud. In atbhil fplaceiý f no, otiher tOsiun au be sbc~d ir aduteaannexàtion gôitîg ou between these Central Italian provinceis sud Piedmont for ail that'cou- tç rnse ecteslas4caafirsa.r'siai exteuda lte uDdcbîeà4 ant e -very. bollewe&. * greunci ef the Pontifical Logatîong, home * jblmous Siccardi and Llttazzi lave vbicb st oPiedmonteso Parliameut andi Cabi- »et andi the Court et.BRnme by lbe cars, ssu4 îîi..êIt e? v.bj* wzvaste. buvel dkuwn the pict te tthe couditiowi e a man, b>' db4n away vith ecelesiastical courts, righta oir ayluai, immuitiee, "o.Priesti>' abuses ini Piedmont bd& oni>' been. omS tadàfeuty etred ; but Rtouie chose Ici malte unienox-mous fusa aboutit, thuspreciiuiig * br defeal te bave been. immense as. veil as taseparable.. Wèeli sd-goodiSuehretora et W i'beent carrie1i luPiedmnt ave been âppliçd te )[aria, -MXodemîa, sud Bomagua. Çl religious. duablitica- bave been viru ai>,if not, jubte lcgaiiy, rènueveti; fee- dm;not'cenjcience aud& worshlp ho&. beer pvactically.if net aliogether tbeorctically, eitablitihedi. armni bulo formsliy pro- -aouiwed a deree oetsuppression etftth. or- de, u'thta e uila an4 etfLtheSisters et the Sacrei: IHeart, abiierrea in laily>- as Iliesubts * ii. peiceaa,"bore also brnugingr Piedmon. tau km atue- bear on oouutries nom(.neiiy,a: kýaat conuecteci witb, Piedmont, sud only iutreduced inbuthose enactai 1nt~ some vise selimiumsUggested by locual exigen- Se do- eweli. Tii. latred ettbe Ita. hUm, fir tbé Jesuits sud their kinkred is- terbocdi&ale set veuderful, aiest pleasing "m , w.bleaome phenornenen- For bun- tlredb et years thom eois abrethnrcuhave baci tho Italilanyouthi iu their bandsa1-to uwjuld. and, fashion atter their owa vicws, #»J their yoke vas made light andi easy, thoir discipline lpuient snd indulgent ; yet Qn tihe vent aierrow et ever>' Italian move- ienl bi& ait uin'ýn or N>ples, at l'armag Bologna, or Rorné itseif, the first or>',. i> xaiablyraiseci by the ver pupils still un. clien the tuition et the patelin tathers, ie <'pewn. with the Jesuits 1"' andI dowu li imeduièll, iucxiably, heaci over heoie, tLb Jesuitsanimut go. ha t itaiss teedthat the moral faint anud corruiption, whiob. have gonje e aeep into thoir ver>' vitais ure the m- ltosnit tJesuiticut teacbiaig; tise>' oatbe tlse Jesuits as a plague-strieken uretch loathes the viuus that inflictà bis bloci lise>' beglu- their verk et regecnerutiun b>' riddiuk theaiselves oft4s pollutiug eleaicat visiçis b 84 l nq5iousi>' gliceicaljue.tise syq- âémsb1y, tbero la notNarg like undlmcnpi. ibatIs- fittical violence bu Lis Italîan al- Mspitx Augbst Jesuitisma. A JeanuiL, iL * wîIlb.' fotone! is uni>' a beau ideal of tise priemi,- if the jWltslai are ever allewed te, lbok bte tise causeofet tleir tIomonaizatioas ýhe>' viii fiuud.,tisat, if 'the Loyolan bretheva haire ùndernaindeai the sterling tisunnater et lie uppen sud micdbeé classes, otisor dera, thie Frauciacana, Carunelitaîs, Captichinui, sud-ail tishstuall lu-y, f et ndicant nuonks, bowe- haci thse offeete o cf aiigihlns antI vabi-raio>, sud. efsowiig grosa igno- rance ndi gnoveliig superstition amnug tise - - lover ôrdei. Piedmiattselt faieci in its - Leipt geL id oet tioewled rabiile the evil Itu ssi-met deep- root, its- cure wil recVirô imanud jatiosce ; hit certaiunly * tise Itaibsaiiti l neyer be a freo uman L tise j ast of tisc moni la unfroeked. u In teLerationas, iu Tuqpnîin asPied]- i - ~ jot ii4,lf, tise ut-ests dtill presemt a forma- 41bea as>, usI o k like ugi>'aund dan- . grojas advcrbanioies nugis. Stili, tise Go- venilusettl-.is ovcr>'wbre, u ime 4ceneuuy's campf, itu ownabettors.aud partisans; sud thse van iit_ Rouie une!tise Romans vouid have boon, snd wouil nea ho, carnicci ou *itis full succeu, batis in tise Surdinia'us Fhtlcasut],iun iuiseCentral Italian pro- vinices, *oreià nettonurthse strong oppomi- tienaver>' dociolve nmeasuro bas iavanbably met for.lsho Igt ton, >'oars, ani.is ver>' like- Wyst so We6aÀouisttr, nliste parte? fFrance, Tise batt1ao, iever, la net inurel>'be.. tassa Reimue anti Tarin, betuwogai $Iaq'-State aud tise Ciurcis; tison laiss a lwbtween gr4sat ud Mai antI that bau gofig u un- çeaasl>'tu lii>, vëa dariniqthosu an>' centurie& in suisppes and Prim wcs er, grfea, ie uuâ; butl itu lu pw, »i,>le rage j?riance at Ie"s are Ull ptId gaIa4t ecb . iePolitesl Iniovemaut fvexS reiien = ére5 ivil liberty' cIs fortli tedde 0 IsIuv.The. Pope msai ait on FreftI ltulyei7nilff- for & langer iooeUty *jflay number, .1 amn told, ut lesse 300 commun,- cantîland though éll those 1who rowd te, dh bom etf a ittis congregatioa n M*cer-- "uaY Dt net eavrt'(for no, -iss. tusa30 prîita la tb'eirotue vere sea' n thelb people ta sncb & PITi.,of this.fa. tee dit* baoi ofe Bibles an& religions tractsmngý persons.e, f auýi ches. NYor la tbe more- meut by auy means imiteci to tiis capital.. Eiverywhm stbrougbout Tuscany, sud stili moesila tii.Romagasa, the- boirs spread fiua p04~1t* ÀIf R5ta, loin, la the pemi Tbese'aew- cenagaloùs bavýe as yet nu, définite symbelo, n'eestàbiished cderg,,-no aPPeuutedteacheru;tiey prote.te graaàd- their taith oethie 'Gespei >uad on f4eedeî et iuqiry, They bave -as yet.no men. et tasceudent ability, àeftrtnbkng, loquencee Thermoet giteckpresoher i usavells1 aNeapolitan, nce 1o eteà 'WUth"Ib Waldeases oet Piedmen4theu a, seceler trea tbem, asud, the teander oet auo"ppPosi- tion sect, yciet Evaugelical Sooetye, u Tut- rin, sud Genes. The. man of the higte0tý rank ii. Ijîs- hock is, Count PiEtro Guiccise- dinii or Florencel. theo sa= eWbe yeau ugo0 saffred impisonmeu* a' M.ba nh naaea gailty et the crime efrwang, iii.;Bible. pivately witb. two or ibres risa<hla is. own bouse. Soea M Id& cosîgregatiou tbink the Count ratbar, lukewarm anit tiuuic mn the cause; Lb.y complailu that bis faitb dosnet snuffciontly shine tbrengh bisý works. Altogether, bithento the nov sect- Iosk the Iead of a real ehiet ; itLIacks a heaci, a besrt, aad a tenue. IL Booms aise tg live mereiy on stifferance, rather igaored snud winkedat tbau rea.lysaactîeneti b>' aw- ;er opénly acknowieed lb> the Gover- ment. 0f laIe, neverthelcss, ithe 1k about ht bas been Iead sud. incessat. eople evi- dexntly begin te feelp if not iateréstedi et iliasî curieus about iL. Besides the regular religieus services ou Sanda>' eveninga thons are meetings ln the oveuings ot Lh. week dâ'ys fer the purpose ef instructiun te mnd. vidalsti itq. ur4>anhion. te 1* ,ImISLTb» greub DoMbw a ë, 4 a t uL.uue etof e spath>', oethie e W,ius doaîhà buwhich moit ltaliatis, wbetbcr prof'esed believeru, or arrant uficare.-econtent te ilve.. BR ligiotls1 as. 1k Ilde occ«sion to su>' beforebas tee. lo11- bec-ri the Priestâ' birsiness inIi lai>' »One. pris3st,1Iamntoicdý saineaciy forsakea -the estabii.lvd chw»eh1i-ý joineci'tbe in, novator&.iii 1'loreic. T1he sucesa ot the reforinatory moen'greatl y d,!Ioetds on the chances oft. is e:aanuple bvii.,folIowed *Persoits wIiu'î ived ini Florenîce 12 years agco remeniber how. in 1>'47, tere caine te ethis t iwn a ii"chr amned Anahleoxri, a native uor Mouzii , nioiuuk utf 1,1w oerdor.,-Y.iose eloqîaence. t'urnplettly tunned Sthe hendâ oftbte multisude.. Hia pi-eachîiu1 wus nothing but pure &;uund moral instnue- tien. Beiug invitéd te recite the- catomau'y panegyries ou the Virgun, or the. Saints, e: ,te- crxthe usuel flamin- pictares et lie1l and PIrgatory, be veryý adiiy observet 5that 6"ho vas ne poo."' Non a word evei 9 toIt troin bis lips that could proe hin 1eithcr Romait or Prote-stau4 yeLtiihe veîj le Duomo couici hardiy comtain bis audience, 0 anci bie.admirera coulci with ýdifficulty e tlrain applucing.. Priietsuataud menka, au( t he ver>' Nuncie trom,. Bom, teormçdau( et plotted agait ix; but th. Grand tioke -te bis praise be it said tdeok hiai under hi, '~patronage, and, lic vent ou with bis werl io't the endi et the Lent seasoa. It laJUS sucb a man. ti9eEyang-elicais are bu, need o at tbe preseut day. t A Freunch Jack Shepherd. -An extruordinar>' escapefo tre hue prison et Orlewnsi Prunce,tolt place reccutiy. A mans, namnet Corbierewans a fea veka baclt coudomneci b>'the Ciaunit fAooizes ef tIse cii-y te fort>' >'ars' bard bubon - for numerous burgriaries aud for bigauy n>;ud us lac hac heen repeatecil>'coudemneci be- fore, sud haci made net tewer. than Lbree oeapes troas prison, ho wvas hodith ie condeusmsed. cell, tieseatreugeat lu tise juil. But vison the turnkeyis macle tieir rounds ou Tisciada> moming at five o'clock, tise>' found ho baud disppwee. 'He baud, it-aup- peauroci, ucceedet] in cutting eut a squs.re et tise alten veod worlt aclujin uecitise cl, then he baci eut s hole tiavouglu tise walt sud b.d pasecib>' iL bt-. tenee-oe- r>'. 13>' aeans et a table ho bat] neachéit a wiut]ow et that apartmnt, sud desceuded bte Lise court-yard. Haviug thoen need et a cent ho elibmbeci b>'tise spouting te thi iaundry andI poSuessed hinsseif ot a elotheai tine. He thon gel Le tise roof of that builtI, inag sud thon b>'tise aid et bis cordj,: thougis ut great risk, leL bimaelf dean iute. atiether court-yard. Next, ho broke openi Lie panel cf ae door leadiaag, into tise Court ot Assizos, aud- entercdtise court. Hie thon lifted trem its iinges a dckcor opening inte tise Salle dem Past I'erdws, but us Lis door vas tastenfecion tIse otison aide b>'un irou bar, aud ass a poon vas kloft -ucar i4 la up- posed tliat lie used tisat article as au in- strument. Thon euteng tise Salle ho ljt- te4 ta-oas ts Iiages tise enter door, sud tone! iiself on tiese tepsaoethe peî'istile, andI mati>' bis limbeci ever tise nai4ng sund was froe. Tise local jounuals visicis givo tise details state iL asust have talten tise mnan moere, tisa a menthi t eut tha-ougl tise Watt et b.i çeelh, sncb tisai lesueceedod lu s0 dispoaung ufthtie atone sud pasiter eut as>' that tise>' espmoepenceived; but be-w hl e cupliusced tisoeperatiens Lis.> de net expiais-z 4s tueae lie ie..b eut froas Lielwoo4.verlç sud viscisho m moved b>' honing isolaâ ishitis t yfnhae iluîmOut sud thon 0saviwmg baeos themnitbe journal status-liat ho rpiaçeci iLt the ime et daily visiWta e-t ultkeya. Tisy.- additubaI ai' ge àtises' tiseesc srimsimagina- - -io." et Lb e itigiteat cIeo te bemans :Wegt (te. <10......7 430 p..m. Wt diX. -do......... .»ý-n IInoTlîn r;ïeeMbent".?oyt Fr- undSeot,....... ~ 00, pu. -A iTwniii, e vevy U.ieJy menutugut *3.odyevenlng, ettt lb. Tffmvu , @Meir" mu runa. Frat i, owmns11,11l. Victorin «sidIiî IMi»ek Struot, es n~!usa1~w.êfimol OnuînGeLotM5a , "130 0,e'Coud tmuedaty tu evevy nwnth, <'-îldu'il'a fJek, Droek Street. 4odie N. S60I couîl Vr!I#iln lievery- ,noittlt; ntSprewle s llok,IortWbitbv. T. L.. O0. Ne. 167,n4Ien th e Orange a, Gkreanweod on the hat'FrIlâlyiii ever3 month. L. o. 040,o 789, Out unt the Globe linltel, $uas <Tmpeanebibx ivsinN.31 wMitby~blanuc plrog'ilTeo i Se'al 1 l oeluec, a. iii., und.- 3 u'oieek, p. sis. (Alter- ual. Sucidye). Dtnr.<i Fre.k1cotohCharch,.Meelinka" liititt, oornsol àByron, and; Mav SUeetd, IL Uloluok, I - IRV. T. 1,007RY, Congogtienaît (Chnrlt, corer of lyroil sud% biary" eetaéoe, Ilo'clock, a. in., u 6 P. BEy. J. T. BYRNE. %tàbl'oygit Metiiodist (CIureh, orner of 0-entre an4 Mairy Street%, 10 30 e'cIoe{a, a. m,aend Wi or&-oek,,.p..nm. RCEV. IL. IL TIIOUNTON. * I5ptlat Chur-cl, 3 ock p. m, evtry Sun- dey.BEY. il. LLOYD. Auction Sales. IW'.&r. Sterling'. JBook of Sales lepi he.liu uai -Dags appointed, and N~erm »"c.let Ath e, fir f tig paper. itcion os*ss roeee, ad arronge»ents smade for other Comu>ty Aucticnme'Sls gr Amtie Rit leprinted, inthe boat stylep nt fu4rhe: reduced prfSe.. Cc>rPcrties procuring their bille at t"i ("' ffic l ave thir Sals noted unde M proj>er /cead, f'ree ot charge in ail the issue of tue W&Mky ant senti. Wveely Chronzele. Wi cn>prInMW î>x tOiISe antt untlrtng t Frpinoww 4. Jio W ---b, IÃŽrda December 30, 1859. Partiea intlabecd to. this Odilce fer Job Work and Advertising, are requested te malte an immediate settlement of their res- pective secounts, and thereby save them- selves furtbcr troulble andi ezpenfe~ el The naines aetal subocribers m ar- rear on -the aist of December nexi wl tb. struck off our lisa, andi their 'accounta f banded over'for collection.4 Commencing with the lot of Janisary 1860, no paper will lie forwarded from tii office unless the saîbseiption be puici in acivnce. We find IL necessan>' te adopt lise Casl . Systenî and bun, ne case shall iL lie dcviaied trea ihercatter. 1nk fuwe uecah ment ho paid for ail Job Work wil traasiecit Adkvertidernentsut tise ime et eu-dnug tje saw,, nuesas iemes, vhere Lie parties '.have currnu accouait or contracte vitis thse'office. A ceauplunce viLtîsehse honinis vii enable us t e oute ai orders fon printing sund gdverti.sing, ut one-isaîf the rates here-tofore chargeci. Ali wiio dosine iheir prniting done la the ehespestan ad heat uanner, asi cuàllat tise Cltronie- Office and examine env bust W.H. IIGGINS.- Centre Wardc Meeting. A inct io,a uthte Raitepayevs efthtie Cou- tue %Vard was ceuvenet], puvinutte to - ice, atu ilueTown Hall on Wetinesduy even- iug, tonrLthe punuiose oaf nomiuating fit and] propeu' persouiua ta rQpreseut Lue IVant lu tise Tfova Council tis eroeuing yeav. Normuan (T. Ilsamu. Eaa., llsrrister, vus electedt] t tulmchair,ant] R. fi. Lader,_ Esq., appointeul Seovotar>',_ Tise cluairmans lavinir stastoc tise ebjeet of thise etiasg, ande reqaiestecbtLie rate-pa>'- ors proect te uQiin-ate thiru cagit]iate,. tIhe tellowiug candidates voe. thon nommi- usîcci. R. J. Quinn, Esq., M, D., uniate lb>' JeimaBeigongis, snd socuncied b>'INY. Il. Dool. Mr. Niobolas Brown, nomnuted, b>' T. Devenul, asti aaeuuised- b>' - Oliîtopluer Doueran. Mv. Cisarles Rbenta, nmiunatecl b>'John Aguew, andc seconciel b>' Wuus.-8çe$ut Mr. W.%W. Caldwvell, ouubnastd b>' George Juaco, aidseacomidet b>'John Agnew. -- Ilra John Bongxougb, nemiaated4 b>'W iu vhicb bo. n& himsWlCOMe iuv- n&,tobear on bis shpsidem u1on ýit the ;'is.îoImission n sd commissOn 4fth#, Mfayor eleet,, it lwwsve lu a poet6d 80,"Cý coild gie botter .exPlan tioQnL1i i t[Lb. Doctor] cuici htB_ V'PbO regavclbn'mu 1îécI , ilfititi*%e, w1 btat .they- were esuAiishecd te do the 5i'.t"~t ameunt of public good ut tb. amuî ct., l 1ie stioied the dijflleuty l in«pecS4 fiheî, wong or Lb. soaeaaiwent act,. and ïbaracterlzewd the &et as beling, frmed l sui .~~i.*tbt edinrypeuple ol 1not uncicnitunciiW. Re found fanitwith Sthe mode of*esen~aflypriu Ianiy asI to- vacant lands#a, und reforreci te b Iis 0", dents la doing away witb ths là- jilstice'oi sesn acais bs a c®rne <d set exceed oes undreci pounda per annurn.-The- DocteS oeciudod by stating that lib ewn wimb was alwayste de riglit, s&Mthut if. hc lad cnved, iL wsa tlnreugh. wmuntcd judgment, andt orm an'lncinaton ito e owrong. Mr. Wil ly Robinson eatecbised tbe Doc. ton at somo lengtb. Mr. Robinson wauîted the Doctor te in(erm Ihlm wbat rcal bone. fit acci ucc te the town of Whitby freai bhaving a Corporation at aIl, andc speke about "-an bren crewn, ",d a loaden scep.- tre, andi a Neapolitan throne, &c." aâs b.-; ing a very impoçtatit pa t oïth ue ud- ing. e? the meeting, Mr: Robisn nspkefnwsî kirgb. et'timer- flng faub tth, evarything ; with the Lock-up, the disrcspect shewn te mechan- ics' and laborers. "Plealanthvufy," "Iiues ef demarcationi," and, ini fact, said grreat things for bis eown amusemnent, Mr'. Maccioneil (thbo Mayr r elec e,)~plied >dignantiy denying that anytbin- wvu cither saici or doise to give offence te nie- chanic', anud assuring the meeting, that in bis catagity as Mayor, the Centre Ward ratepayers, would flnd him always acting with their repvesentatives for the benefit ofthe Centre WYavd. Dr. Gunn aise repiied briefly to, se ebsesvustions -madie b3t Mr. Rebinssu,,in refereOco ite new brdge acî-ss Ly nde's creek, the Lock-up, Downings drain &r. and eulogied the Town for tbe peace aud 1good order that prevaiiecin it. Mr. Brown arese te îreturn thanks te 1bis nominater sud seconder, and stated, that tb. bonor was unexpecteci on bis !part, but that new, if the ratepayers tbeugbt fit te elect bait, he piaced bianseil at thein disposai, andI that bis iim wouie bo to di.schavge the dutiés to the best a 1bis ability. SNeither Mr. Cal.dwell, nov Mnr. Roberti were preseuut. Mv. Benîgough. Mi'..Laik'g, XMn. Devenul Mn.lIam and Mr. Cron declined the nomiua tien,. ?4P. John Shnw nm»&laàa etvappre bpriate xcwuvks and dteelat*ed againgt thi >the toue as,êumed by Mly. Rloiuser> an( Mn. Bengougb. . A show of bands bavin- been demandeg .the chairman declavéd the resffit as fi lows-.-Dr. <iunn 28, N. W. Brown 10 Charles Roeberts 20, %Y.%Y. ('itlîfreil 18 N.G.- hum 19, W. Laing 19, Thiomas De Iveni lit1 A. W. Cren 7, John Bengougi Ou motion et Mv. Scott, seconced l>' Dr. Guinn, Lime cbaaiaka ieft the chair, andI Mr. Yarnolçl having been caiheci there- to, a vote oft îlaaals vas puissomi L the fer- mer chairman, wbhhfr. 1-am acknnea- ledgced ini aiuitabie terzu. The meeti ng then separatoci. Thleatened Invasion. Governon Wise'et Virgiasia, the execu- tiouer et olci John Brown, bu mceutîy been making a preut teol et bimnseltaX On the 9,lst mast., on lIse occasion eft theZ~r- val et a.-nunaber of Southern Medceu Stu- dents at Riolsasonci, vho bad secedod fnom. tbe Pbiiudcia Cellege he delivereci imsslofeta Most fier>' andI tooligi Speech, during visicis h. netouI>' tireateneçt venge- ance apon bie Nov England brethoru, but s etuali>' intimateci bis ardent desire te hbaye " brusis iti OltI Englanci, andtI tecamr-y tic "lirrepreassble cofliit," bute our eau beloveci Canada.- afigist tise batie upen grounc sentis et "Mason sud Dixon't; lino ; non sisîl t bo Ltceufine t tegreaud usontisofettaUlne '4aitin-lise Union- Il shgil ho cannieci "'mnt Canada. (Tremuendous appisuase, 91vhieh. imsted several minutes.) It shal "4net oui>' involve tise Northeî'u States but "EngflancL" TbeY alluait Goversor continues bu tube toleving higbtalutims arain . "1It veulci be viLs auucing leant, iL Il ould b ho , s vld foyer pumion, Ihat "I coulci ho toreed ihosîilte againatthie ho. 0soasofetyas>' au eunîrynof New Eu- ~gland, Nowv'Yorin;Peunsylvania er Ohie, 61bat if I cenld oui>' be moievet] otreslat fi strugglo, I veuid glai>' taine thse alterna- "live et s varvitii Eu gland. (Applause.-] -If >1>' ieart wojld leapte s.bst alternative 'f lilteahmiulsgrorn te-lchashor."[,&I>- f' 1plause.1 We prosms.tise Mavnga et Govemner Wbao, vien tii.>'resel Oie!Englauci, vil be. rceiveai vitis hecosung qsiatyno wiý1 LIe>' erbo usl>'affect tii. piceetf.stoc ka; pull as' for opowe çio aadaa aboule! Ji. oudeacene! te psyUa ~ lat ls. om i la -ou. end e lLs. mig e ovd eu Filod çatuers villa plenty, sud 'oer hertli-1 - toneýs aei lscn.. Of enight. Ahappyunemvyear te old, sud Le Young" Andmawy retnuai t the suns o eadi, Wbo la i'rvves'kieneut, sud frein igbt nover faiter, - Witu mn cor ,tonded te eanitai cull.- Ail bail te i'as new 'year, vouh.d thuit al lsat Fi éeau stanllt p-.ulse'. te lowîbest et, Bai aîeît ili aillennilh days giorienx aicav, Wilh liais boon b.ceesfdtenautai lot. - MINNIE MAY. Beh.Towa*l1p Couuvt- -' The. Cinunil met aIt Qe- Towvn Hall, ma- chauLer, on Wec¶ues&y, Dec.' 21, 1859 ; -tbe Bccvc iu Lb. chair. Membera al pre- ent. Directiag the PBeeve te settI. vliil r. J. Wilson, Esq., Barnister, ftes tbf 1M Of e $200. Te pay caofhe b.Ceunoillors' $40, for services. To, p..>' JoauaWright $0,eexpeuses- et eoutesting suhin iirefermne. te elecetion, ef J. Morris. yeuubnk Àl svpeuby of nu*ià ijour Valu- able jodutlina -hii wil'l invite'discumt ien ou a subjet t fgecater importue! than bas been beforo the publieter isomei ime, and rMy enliat the. ce-eperation' of men, et cnterprise-and çcapital in-undertalc- legsl wbi01h, I1.01 confidentý,vould be pro- fitable 10 tbem snd avoutageous .Jo the - Yonrs respecttuli>', * AN OBSEIiVER. oehool BxàMinatioii. -Te th e litor or the Wliitby Chrouicie. -An examinutien oethle Unitedi Gramni 'and Ceaommn chool vas blidin Iis place ;ona Tharada>'. thec 22nde iust The exami-, nation entinucai th.eie l>' &sud vas bigil>' atistacton>', refiectl;îg macb, credit betb on the touchera and; pupila. Mr. Lyuich,. bos.hr oet.L.Gýrammr Scbeol dopartmont, is I belbeve, a tbonougli acholar,,sud. nan efficient teucher. But I -teel that I cannet speaic tee bbghly-'et Mr. -Jolly, teseber ef the Common Sebeed- Ipartaicat, ho la a yeuag mamona o rdin- us>' talent. HEis mode ofttecung (whieh Ps entinel>' bis eau) eau- be exceilei by dnue fluai1 ba.ve ever beheic. The. eieuhing as- occupieci by rectatieus 'b'tha e i.lars,. sud- closeci vitli a ver>' A esolto $14» heLce each..- Jpoi. adsotades r A. reolution ordering payaient of the aecouut of Meurs. Holdea & Oliver, for printing, after a reduction of 15 per cent. A resolution to advenuie a certain mort- gagce for sale. held hy the Corporation on lands in Beach. A resolution releasing Robert Ward as Auditor ef the Townahip. DWi-LAWS. Appointing Mr. John Christie, Cicrk, in the place of Mr. J4. B. Campb.lL, resigu. cd. Repealing a former by-law, directing thc ciection te b. heid at the Township Hall. Mv. MMicbael appeareci before the Council soliciting a reduction in bis license s Tavera Keeper. The Council refuseci te entertain the application, on tbe ground 'that 1helaw lcfttheu>ue ltirnative, The Council l.he. adourned. until Satun. day, the Ith of h'nuary, UG8O.. Yb the Edlloi, of the Whitby Clwonice. DuisAR 811Z-I bav6 egosin ulaie issues ofet thViroukkd, sevormil articles treohimg on ourumunicipal electiona. Wile I aux. rend>' toadmit ithe trutflntuiueofetyonn stutementismre respecýs, 1, ut the »Sae t ime, entea-lain tbec opinion tiut Ibere are other coauideratioas,. thanr theme yeu reter te vhilunluwei4rh. ftrmisore vitli the ratera>'- ers et Lb. proment niowen1, andiserve te-, ugmos publie attention,. cu sslg Ibat in,- differnce te municipal maLtera et vbieh yen compiain. No doubt municipal honora fonaicni> possemmeci seme 'attracitions for our eltizens, but tisose henore proveci te b. et epiemenal existence, andtinbumeat ln- atrancea ast unceaifontabl>' ou tic shonidera eft ahose thul bore thons. Iu point et tact, Sir, it tiarueciouit liaI tb. pleasune et being a Towui-Conoilloir vwsnol at al bâwh.isL -cracked up te be. But I ussghl aslt, Sir, iow bas Ibis state et thinga v* xi ? The own euoetWhitby bas lemI noue oe t is nany gttractiona, IL la Lb. capital et eue et-the foxemoisî Countica bu thc Province. It ile surmoundec b>' s thonsauci udrautages visicliother localities doueot posaess. Tale tc acenmodieus barbon, the fine situation of tihe Toi, itq beant>', tise enterprise iutcliigoucul sud liber-' ality ot ts citizens ; sud yet, vhy arc ve 'se tam bebinci the timea ? There muet be mianianagememat someahome. lu entIer te treat thse lxnusysteai auccSwfull', 1ph>'- siciaus su>', bettare- a pplybug the rens edy>, lise canset 4.ise MS psfinl b. ascertain- ed ; se before applyiug prenueci>'for claI- ing cruls, iL veulai b. v# oi t aine a glance at eue paut lister>', bu erder to, 4voi4 the muames imb wliicb- we have taileni vo nia> find 4m ric ou cr to .ily'iluth. commuons 4 survend u, lie 'maious pricea paici for 1Town Lo#1, tise v- us agitations, sad par- t>' sirbt onafriiqs4s maLtera. Intacta-W 1aninea ou every lheune calculaheci te pro-, 1 mot. tise best i*rest of tise Tevu. Tuig. . laadamia aide oet h. pietars, yet'#- ila noune j ieelctenetproper po ouhq ie To*ui Coblis an i iportant s;atter, n #4eule! reçoive- eurecarnest ail*aulbea, But thée gregt tesi à tonesce~bl va -o#er -the.,cisadvanalges unider vhieb vo are 14borng, that se muaterlall>' chek lhe pro- p s eft he Tovf 7- Tnrse, hi es-beau' aiSir-,, "&A FLRIND TO EDUCATIOM.!T UxbridgeDec. 24, 185Ù1. Arrivai of the Arago. The StoainsluiP Aratge nrrivod this evema- ing freai Havre and Southiisatoti, oan tise l5tub. Hon. W_ IL. Seivnrm wasa pas-sera- ge,- sud vras Verceived vitit irilig oet'cama- non by au ijmmnuse assemblédgc svimd abtl uîutcb entbusias1Iî. Theb Canada snu'ivcc out on ftic Stb inalt. sud thecSSaxenia ou the LitIaista., Tue Shilat Eagleo fnaîva Sellia, antd Yarmaouthi fa-ti Fleetw~ood, for Svannahi, bnci licou wreckcd...Crews savecl. Lord Wodiaboà.se ibau te thLe Seront] Bnitia.b l-lcnipotentiary le the PesateCol#- greits. Evevy Powver liadc senît lu iLs ad- tiesion'tLe Lue Congresut. MaîrsaliRaatii, the FrenichlI liniister $of Va'.i il rl e-sigaaSd. - e T110 Menais h..l tw b.ecattachme theSpuun- isb redasubts, and ace re apulsed. Tiane liundred Monms acre kjlled. anud oee Lau- aanci voumded. -Seventy Spar.iariffsacre killeci, sud two liuadrelnnd eiglîty a'euad- ('Consols vene quoteci ut On a fl ite maeting ofthte stocktiolkacrs in the Great FEstern as pestpamed te the 1l tii ef January, Ladly Franklin is geiug-Lo Parisanad wiii bc vecciveil by the scientifice sections off- the Academic, wiuli thc honemo usuali> be- stowed 0o1 royalty. 'Xhirt>' Arrnstîongegaunat vere vend>' for chi na, ail of wich huv.e -bjeîn rigidi>' test-ý cd wUlth perf.ect succezs. The, Frentch Couaîcil of SItte ig prepaviuig -- a project of iaw fgr, nedmaçis)ti Le çiisfoiu5 dutiet, muore especiî.-l>' 01t articles oh pi imie uccessît>'. A third Spanislu corps d'avance bnci- left fer Monocce, suppoeed le asist lu tlae- storuuing ef Tetuan, - -- -Citoleru bac b1roken eut in tie .Span- liih srmy, sud it is said tu a nu>-Sp an- lards vene unuable te talc. an ofleusaive po- sition. The>' VOhO contiuiiially. ,attsket by the Mo~ Trade lu Paria vas nuore active ; pecu- Inters begin te have more confidlence li the tricndiy, reations axitng betveen Franco aud Englaîad. -1 The Tuseap Goveraumout,.lay esllwiug a discount, bas collectec itw lantd ti.~ o 1860, amîîourning to six or seven million -francs. The payaient tL e imade i»., silvor on coupons.- The Aui§train N'ationaul Lean le to e e e-- sumeci on the littJantiin>'. -Teneritte advices, ct i e. lot, mention- LIe untcin e aFr-enchu vessei-comanni cd b>' Capt. George Walker, antheL Aiiericasu schooner William., - The> land- cd near Teneriffe. The laijune oethtie Franco-Beige sug.ir refineny it d&rseillet3 causet] great trouble ard di.acpr4 tluole. 1reder1kIlk'1h11 of St. Pete rsbung. tailec bis liabilties being £40,000 sterlin'g. QuotàLions et Consola ladyaCa> et s Later 3Maclid advices s>' that the Cho- leva lu deuiisbingîinthe Spanisîi campî. -Dr. Mmethunst. [Front Ltte EBuopean Times, Dec. 8.1 -Sunctiarat,- viiose trial- on thse- charge ef poiieniu MisBasns, some iuontbs.gor w as foiiow'id vwith machinterest by thbe',pub. lliec, ap4i vho receied lie royal pardon on itb 'i greuad th#aýIhji. qw4kal- evidencedi ict 4rmnaà tIe verdct of,-tise jury, buas been tee for big&P-aun'. u ueetencedl te a 1 yprs ipprisomenet vith li;rd ltuiaq. With Ijaspprdop aU inteat in thbe ua ppssed t vsy. The mi'ner cituge excsteti liwte on radli, woulti bave- been 1sdzidaind d p. plauded.ûs a sound cceatitutional speech. The -libçral. attack vbich he.zn ola thei begiuaing oft hueyear upen, >fn.flrigb, and iiose- abo are calledl- "thii. Oîe - S, vancei -Uefermens," v ýiii probahi>' accoutbt for the'litho desine be bas te assist in lb. moveunnt. tO ecurea euy 'effcin - kbm. EBiL.- Pierposat Dyer, an eldahi ntiestecanatai citizen e bs lc,.vsnurdereci hast nigbt.lubis oe v gr.ery, onl lac veut dock. The stoee as ii bis owu block, antI le beisag a buaihelür lcigec in ulis. [Stoî& Eaaly tliis uoriiugsonue person P9ismthe store, îieied. the Ice>'upon Liei~tai4esudbiauef yiug ou the-floor 'ut the mr ead.ucaL t1se store;- The mmmder m iuât hu4 b b i eewih an-axe or sée tisconîpictely kniotked ýn."Wbes baud, lue holtscudic lulis bud. Mn. l Dye -was a mnuof wealtb, but kep-t little loe na aieîy l lisî e st.oi. Cerner McKen ne is flew suauiasiug a jury, su*d* auin- quest ai bi h lW , -a hIol LÃŽ'rs'.-Istik CWs. 4bas bn e rested au sujstieiotsetbçiti& ibQ rnvett ef Mv. . Uycr... fia slented umooap. fhl aud- soins dicu)Jy e.Nijtaci b4.twçeu,tjtp. Calliga» bu sleçuon lmrd. te LbratiýnWs. 'Dy ev. a BosTron, Dec, M4. The yuat Wandever, of Svannaik Cstpt. Wc-rens froin Flores, hm aanived, . ber..- CQmPi. %Wetl sreport,, ibat she îailed fiomi Sîvuinaîli lauinctlu c-brge oet CapL.. Mattim fer tlb. oust et Afnica. ltir a cargo ef'iiives,.ar.d haut sh. touclueci att Flores, atI t hat ah. <otk ou b'ar&d Ivo- Pormuguese wemirc. tuapt Jliartill, subi- .equeai'iy itent at-bore ton soe.pjrcivisf- i.,takitig witli bâai the cliromometevatidl- coîurt Iilbis sasenice Welten, the mate gait under veigli auciuttereci ton the con.'t of Africa. Ile nmade Fire 1.sîtunc first andje1ut iiû Traasgia).rtataon Cuve for a piloit. là,.eltiiat Ltastuant b. vas carrieci oI vitilout lais a-aiu , naci lnta lis roi ouanie is Liîsc<iln P., Paiticn of Bath, Me. I -i achit ij4il)-change ofthe Ulted PalcSpe'ch oi.thePrefect .1 the.' jSeine. ou de Hausaiand, Prefeet oe te Seine, top the members 0etfthé eMunicipal Conucil ali paris, the bot thus vurail>'asserteci thê, dheuien efte Emperor ti e pesce proý- 'ýGE%TLE3XEN --- bave tic hoer e o-'f posig uc he beh etofLb.eEtuperon, tbo Ens, prss, aud the Prince lImpenial. - &enle- mon, 'lrEmpire, c'est 1ca paix 5' Tbàt memonubie declaation, made bytieE-- peiem at theteraiiation ot a trinasphant: joanne>, durniug vWi h Uce nthumiatie p- puistion ot tiche suýh ofetFrance, vitiiont waiig for - tbr -nationaâl, vote, prclaimedi befonebanci tbc-re-establiabanent, eftie .Emu- pire-thal promise tice maintaiýec, i%' spite of the seduetiona et thse victIe>' humal just receiveci a fresbund -solemn' mtifies-. in.. oFr Lbhe hin eýtbisgleriona nuise et Napoleon, peace, gentlemen, is tic nanlî andI influence ofFnuncç, mecognised-ancl se- ceSptec i ijtbe councils of Europe ;. h laà11h Cause of Sustice suad cbvlizatîou, preiteèted' b> bis generoas e'. oeri patronage- bu a venod, it ig bisbomn ïýîitact .On- uclj conditipius,Franoe la content, sud Lb.eau-m perer ba ssaici, 'iwcu Vreuce le sa'ibecled tswoltiatrnquil.' -nTe wva n l hLb Clrmeaanýlui>' bvepeov'eci btb tie supeniority of eur arma suad te disitermt- ecipess et eue pelle>', sd henceforth nç oQIJ5 eau, ho uiistakn on thdse pointu& The e-~ pose oft France l iM lraioa la n etiegt; beér respctfer eceileZe sîgs iiL as veil as: wisdopg; sud Lie coquesa" hie pernsonshave saapected haretf.ç&i- tting- ii la ut Iboas e viahes t.o male LIon. Wibpoe, gentlemen,-th*segroai ad sivatagcous, vudetakiags oet vblc tho Emperer itnsée& ountlie proamme aI Bordeaux,.sud. vilih1ave slready>'chanieh ,the face et the.contry,;sd ieiee> day aiedify tbc appearaue eoft his àneent ciL>,, h.uee j4ti rýceivd a tresh impuls. - We, tic devoteci soldiers et that great anti civil arsa>'te vbich the Emperer thon ap- pealeI,. sud et which bis Majeaty, atern- 'tuniag, bis.awvord into Lbe seabiad , a ugaiu coaic fo take Lb. comimandi, are moud>' te combat andi cnquer ln bis suite, anIthus show te thse vorci Ibut iCFrance is atili the final: et varlike -nations, ah e . s net absadomec thse glery o-e marcingu,;' tic Iseacie -ivilizeti enea. - entemeI,î te lthe empeor 1 te Napoledn 1he victor4- -ou an tu he pacifie 1ITo the Eipreosa,-Il august sud verti>' cempanion, wvbeM- te trilm f lthe, 4gençi bave exallted , in Ou r e s p e c t , s ua d i lt , j r I o e . :, n e , .P r i n c e , lmpeialwbo vihllluma nb>' patenral~smýple. - sLll moestlsan b>' lessons ot histor>', tuat tif la our -coîuiry dviiÀtéu are tduded'Vlby - Povk$14to * Beef $3 .75 q Sheep $3 Q 1'etitoes, 25e Butte-15. Q Fowla 25c. fQ Tunkeys 50e Geese25e @~ Appies .50e4 Ilides $54. 1al t tl25' 1, Cord Wood Tort,. There vas a kett",dY., FaiiV Wbeal avenage beiug, Sprnng Wbe perbui Baley-no Dreused Ho te $6 per 1001 * ver>' cioice lic minai; stier supoerfueNo $4 80 te $4 double extrem -$52 o -..451fer e"tr %azperfine - We goff ntom * to $5 »Isfoi * * rancs apg4 'Caaadiazî 1 t ye FlUr- Bye hM Coa-qai, Western andi Pork-tna Bcef-nc lard-~l * Butter- n Ohio aud 15< Meuey-a 'aud 7 to, 8 o1 Sterling E ed. Panamla 1>8 Pacifie: Mail tral boaudà 8É 94;, Erie ,bc Fleur- vi tanl trunsati Aues-s Caul e The ndi -Survor, oi newcive spp be, mande on pr-operty of. tenisimnposa providu ing Meeting ef Compuany e be&w. Compay, . b>' the, l puma a Antuiiàl M montis aftes ber. oý 1thc suit] al Meeting 0lâce, Poil c Mb . go.Bt sojn irel edan- 1 1 of prices.

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