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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1860, p. 2

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()IbjWs4 tmo minutes cmteï ibmý ?OO I7>E UWsa Is aos. U et perOraud Trunk,......... 700,ý .. . Blât do...... ... ....ô 00, P. M. Wet' de. Ide. ......... 6301 s.m. W.ïst do. do.......,. G O09'p.mSe. 13rookllu Princo 4Mb9rt, J??l Pc- 07rnuio, Esom~i, u;::::l : ana 8S àauvs 'U~et lier Grand Tr akg... .. 980, à.tu Irait io. ............ . 9 00, pi. Voit -tia. ~7 30, . West do. 0.....930, *.m. Orpoklin Prince Aiert, Purt pd- sud Beau i E 6~M, Uxbrlclgo andS -tt.1 00, P.m. - Qrenwood ........------2 Il ,noon. At tbeTown ! Mlavryudaày cirùilg, Ai s0to&eau", p , lt téTwnl EvrM.udhy .vica~a eTv a! pre. Mosas Hmll Vctortia ilding,Brook * h-eot, neec§t lrtTnýsWny butr. fullluon lnc sy mocah.ý Orange Lod eNor. 1 0neoond ýneIi4sy lu eve clé qieuih daldvâl11u look, Brook 0treet, od 0' 80fsecond Frld In aoi-ory- - nU~ithut Srowhe s hôétel, Port lbvh T L0O. L. NoI. 17, meet lu the Orange Rail, Gieeuw6od.on the latlrlday lnij O~mônth. L. O. L.1Vo. 79, ancet at theGlobe Ilotel, B»,. oh'oauporanoe,W4Iitby Livyiion, Noà3l Ion ed u,. Woenoiayovacca Whity hihartonieSoclety, ai Son!» hall, Mod e venluge. (*oodTempiars, Bons IIalh,Tuesdày#ýhsalpg Ep" lchurefr-St. John's, jitsàt Il claeok, a. am., o'3éciock, p. in. (Alter- eseBnndays).. XXy. J. PENTLAIM. Proi eoteh Chnreia, Meehane* nc' tttet, 1eunul of B rou sud Mary Strocts,. il o'oiek, an sd 8 oelrok, p. ut. * . BEY-. T. LOWRY, ObulrMutloual Vliureli, corner of Byron sud M êy trets, ILaolock, a. in., sud 6 p,. üf. 11EV. J. T. BYRNB. Wcsleyau Mthodist Cltarcb, corner of Centre sud Mare Stroctoi, 10 30 o'clock, a. m., ad O a'eiekP. ni. - 11EV. J.IIUNT. cTunIW odPresbytorian Cliurolh, Moobauioe'In- stiue, 2 a30, a dock, p. in. 11EV. RI. IL THORUNTON. rà it în lrcla, 3 o'clock p. m., cvrcy Sun- Auction Bales.. t JItr. Sterrngrg. Bo, of e!Sae kept itere «s ceuaL. Day8 appointed, aid ârm madé at -t/he offce o/t/de Immer ..'tton ordere receiveci,ad errcrngement8 aclé er ot/ser Cminiy luctionee.' Sales. g~Anllou-M-ntie.psluted lac the hast uijle et f-ari-or red.ced prcei. i:Poarties procuring t/ceir- bille et M7ie office cr111 have their Sale noted unuer- C/ce pc-per /ead, fr-ee of charge in all t» se ec of t/te Wekly and -&Smi- Wee/dy Chronicle.- No dvertlsements tijis bay. .4tÏnportations for 1860-I L. H. Schofle'ld. A)/Iry Goodesud Groceries. Do e/ý"Houoe to Lot, Do -"'Notioe, Do ,-/"Rardwre-J. S. Donaldson Co., ./7reêbi Groceries sud Fruit-J. .8. Donald- son & Co. t/'tolen or 8utayed-W. 'ITbew. With calta prnted words, grest thoust tuî intlulnjg ln, ",,I u dyoscto Puce, Frogrna l4owI.dpo. lroth, Whltby, Tuesday, Januiary 39,186,0. NOTICE. Parties lndebtod to this Office for jJob Work and Àdvertising, are requested t 1 make an imînediate settlement of thoir res- pective accounta, and theroby save thim- selves fartbor trouble and expense. The namies o! ail subseribors in ar- isar on the glot cf Docember next, will lie struck off our listo, sud their secounta lunded over for collection. (Connenoing with the lot of January 1860, no paper will be forwarded froib is office unleis the subscription be paid ini acivance. W. 6ind it neeeossry to sdopt *e Caush System, snd iun n case shall it be déviàî4ed from hereafter. 1n fîýtnrë cash miuet bc paid for ail Job Work sandtransient, Advcrtisemente at the tne cof ordéring the saine,- unless in cases *,whe re th& parties- hai'e current accounte or eontracts with tihe-offi;e. A.complianco vit!> these ternu vil! enabýe us taimecuteaaI!ocdrs for printiacg sud ya-hag, at ose-bal! hie rates. heirelfore ebargeci. -Ai lviîo dcieraiheir prinliug doue lu the ceepeet sud beut mnauer, vil! call ai L us o1rOIIioZOffice sud exanine. ana- ilt of prices. W. H. HIGGINS. Jfayoralty of Toronto, gra. Adamn Wilsen as a a maljocity cf 269 0% thle icst day, ai-er ius opposentMc-. Qiamrorb. Thue former, ve believe, liasý beun eleoteil. The. elractiien vasmade a -political contesi, Mns!the Leader raythat al1tieug lu'a'ceesing lu eieclingthie Mayor, te. clear grits vere beateu lu sU tihe Wards, k elecuhagle Aldermen as!d Con.noillors. fine. ia. sicv. vasu put in -typey, vo Icaju tIsat aith. lope o! 10 ppol1 Wisous - ncjorty w55 169. liVerd Wi 1- -4 saiurday morningi as tisi, and vii ýýb. »led on *d!4yP!ijlitslogsribers ai a Aistance. T)>. Prhitng Office, after ibis weelrili b. emaecita hugroundlroftebid ing inwvie'h it fa niovsituated-enraÙde hbrough the Ssiioun store, Oreip f4S, pnnting-suand rertîslng wil bce recofred ai the Stationery'store, vbqre t'b.obook are keptsdvcrealpre iliiebted ta the, CIronideoficeêé, ar te quosteci to ccal! ud'settle ibeir accounts. In bo¶beceof-r. iggnsMr. Mi. Millan vil triasct À4.buuiness counee. ted ili tbe ClIsrn<ce Puliing office sud Stttiouysoe Ou-friSfend ud asiros ili-plessei- meiubeïr ta bave beir bsnessettiedi ai ibhe Stationr1, tar. in future and avoid- the trouble of valkiug upP Btinr. b. piaced in'tb.eisecoud story of the buil4 "But. Eaitruetbtýugb thesitiory: tares  -Retroopeet. M&ii rentiy -wis, ta talk vlth onr puthouroç, aud ashint 'wlaat amcprt tbohy bore to 'lion- von. Anothermile-stane bas been passeci on tbejouûeyoflife I >faymoadiand overy one of us, mm i he last corner, safely 1 In fi>. Meanivhuloiîl'scause for honesi thank. flles. ýthat a bounteous harves4 i, ii its ever attendant- banc-maiden, rervived com-. merce., ud improveci reverme, eheer u» iu the spproscbing vista., Nor is. il lesm a source cf gratulatio that the- politicai moIns bas nearlyblowrinc lînof out, sud that the con- vention bnbble h basBrt. Concocted by fractions mal-contents, promoted by the mcit pitiful and disingonuous means, it vas (tako it el!lunal,) a melancholy exhibition, sud enly endurable on the score of the mirth vhicb it afforded. Our deaperate condition, aud nur horri- ble inclobteduess, vere the great koynotes; sud flat and dissonant ibey fell upon the ear. We bave devoted a epare moment hn roviviug aur histories! recollections; sud vo fand soîne curions facts ponnecaed vith the growtla of the mosi largely iadebted, but not certainhy the leset prosperous na- tien, in. tho'world. We point of course to Thora vere nover wanting, it vonld sem, Prophets of evil, thoen or noce. We pray aur readers special' attentioti te the~ details vo are about tu piace befure thom, wlick clearhy ostablish ithe faci ibai the l"exag. geration" cf hostile pollues!l parties is no gi-est novcity in the, politicalarena. Hume tolls us that the out-cry of tbe patriotg 1 af 1640 was, "sa million a year wil! boggar US." In 1660, the welkin rang with "itwo millions a yesr, vil! grinci the eounutry ta povder."1 Swift, lu.tho reigu of Anne, ex- claimed "4six millions a year, sud a debi of customs lu the reigu of Charles the 2nd ; mou sailishoug vithout vind, sud ride vith- oui herses; Dublin la reacbed lu ceveu houri from London, sud Montres!lu as'inany cisys from Liverpool 1 Let us thon pluck up heari of grace, vhen peeping at aur l1111e national "c ub,!' sud hope tbsu the "*pup" vil! grov mb s agoodly "bruin," provideci cnhy, thai vo use the samne axer- lions as the parent did bofore us, vho with one saddle pack vol! anfeci with "6console, long annuities,' &o., conterbalanced î'oth- or, viîh a 4"9eornzudcpia"1 otrerl oving with abundanco, on vhich ivas inscribed 44"good faill," sud, no 4"repudiation !1" May va have, say vo, sufficien t oredit to b. able ta borrow, equal resoîniion ta diseharge aur engagements, sud similar rosuits, ta prove boy sesoloe are the gravIs of the ciseau- teuteci spirite vbich the past sud presout 50 sbundanily furish We ail knov thai progressive improvoment bas beeci yearlyi taking place amonget ns. W. -have nual' ye1 scen our beut days. We bai-o noblei Railvays, opiend&d canais,, fine publie bu ild- ings, vhether cottages of bospitahs, or peu. Itentiariosi aud as libers! s system cf na lions! eduestion as auy cntry'eau ozbibii. We rePeattherefore, tbaivwe cannai £bave aur cake, sud est it ttac;;ta and 'as te Bnp- -posing ithâtcroakiug vil!, cure osiamittes, or prove propheile, ve beg ta refer la wba bhs been previously stateci. Il must b. ta the prudence aud euorgy cf' the ,eople vei mnust look, viii conifori sud Si â& hop As taeOut intcrnod4iinî& 1ii groaning, or lurteocurse, coaamodies their fair piceJ n ane645 411 r-cataWu revard-' Idienees-and- folly theit nalaral pul bui4,>y nataiûigkoýrditdf d ing civilmid rellgiôs riÈhts, dimiuis1lin$ nn;iessryburtbli»u, sud, rbserviunea'Ç eeonomy l i-sa-ey: depasnimntcft Sté LeO Go iernsment de-,Ibhioithe people vil! euréey do teresi. Thébofalo ving ar e lieoetdCu- oih!Ors'farliTvaof WbUtby thàe en- suing yesrc Dr., GuinuWm. La 'ing, N.. W. Brawn. In this Ward there vas no con- test, lb. abocre iianed gentle men being elocteci by acclamation. J. Hl. erry, CanIeton Lynde, C. -Draper. Mr, Huttan Star vas aise a Candidate- for the- Nati Ward, but ce- tireci afier the firsi day'se palfing. - OUTZ YARD. James Bove, Jamnes Camnpbell, James 'Cameaou. Fise Candidates veunt 10 lie poli. Mesos Geo. Hall sud Ira. Vail, vitb lice elecedc Candidates. Mr. Hall only vftidrev tie second day, sud Mr-. Val! pelIeci 19 voies only. William Smith, Esq., Mr-. William Rau- dall, Mr. ira Cispinan, Mr. John A. Sangeter, Mc-. Andrew Sherrard; Tic Electian vas finishoc inl one day, as lie Council vas olecteci by a shav cf bands. No'poil being demauded,îie viole business vas over befaro 2 o'clock on Monday. Mr. Samuel Widdifieid retireci before eaming ta a vote. Ho hbas -been lu the Counnil fer ton years, sud.bas given very gencral satisfaction. A vote cf Lianke vas gi-en hum. TOWNSHIP 5OF vcTIBY. Mesrs. Campbell, Ilatcliffe, White, NichaIs sud Almonci bai-e been electeci. Coroner'. Inquest. An Inquest vas helci on Weduesday, the' 28ub ult., before Coroner Nation, on the body of s Mns. Smith, vife cf Thomas Smiîh, cof Scott, via came ta ber deati by au ci-or dose of Laudanuan-. Il appears froin the avidence tical the deceased hasi been lu tbe habit Of taking laudanum for pain lu the stomacla, but unfoitunstehy for ber, sie took 100 mucla ou ibis occasioný, sud it termiaiated ber eartbly career raiber suddeu ly. She dies! on Mondsy eveuiug, the 26ti uit., but il vas not until ncarly midday on Tnesdsy, tial it became kuâovu tZ> any o! the noiglabors. As socs as Dr. Nation iceard cf it he snmmoued s jury, sud helci an inquest, vbichlaciciteci the. abova facto. Nomination Mteeting-North . Ward Tho foloving gentlemen vere nami- nated Candidates for litce North Word ahs been calleci upon toa scdrese the meeting., Captain Rowe stateci that for bis avu pat, ho Icsd uotbiug more ta say lu c-latiesnla lMis asesin the Coaucil,, than ubey aic-cady kuew by -the publie pc-lut. He di the best he couid, sud ahuhouigi nov ho permitteci bis naine 10 ho brougla fac-yard, couIc-ary te bis owu inclination sud desire, -hie vish being ho b. ahiovei horetire from Council maIens, he voulci, if electeci, do tho boit ho coulci for lie iiiteres o f lie Ward, sud o! tie Tovn goneralhy. Mc-. Watsa vas i-ocy villing ta Coule foc-yard loa acdrese the meeting, but ho dici nol knov tint h acianylbiug to ay >'inipar- ticular, as lb. ratepayers bas! a!! ie syluga sud doinge of thie Coniiel! befare them, lun the'public print. * Ho caulci ouly r'c'oin-' mnenci thie tepayers te make s goos! se- Ietion oft ibeir repreffentativo-, sd, t'à:e- gardes! imeclf, 'lie requées!thom n uc ta niake a elcka, stbey dici lut yeas-, for ho shaulci positiiiely decline ta CaineW fdr- yard. Mr., RaIll vas qually brio! vitb tb. form- er speakers lunbis remarks. Ho dici ual ekacwexactly viai hoe culs! say, -b.ovas .auiy lunb. euneil g-fdr ,ue ,year n!i in clin a tio n a s - t ad o th b o b e sia c o u l s!. e vas ready ho de: the saine à gait if lece sud expreùéd4 bicnee3 teady tea seer any Mr. V'Wet-X1;r. Caine, éronalliau Mr. CampIieg aei W1 ddrëss4& the -/ 'gr P 9, etLgthé ?1a 's4l 'oTow stock. On nùotEonlMr. Val. e l. 4e;cakcý and Ma~Specebavngbqecaie roto, a1 -vote cf ibanki vqs passed to ithé f rmeri oh~ana, aterwbhieb thie mting sepri-i We obaere frein ""theî Quobec papote liit en old friand cf oute, 9;ýPL esuea-'ï 1 - pderindst téuifhêMNbe,rderubc the P. O. Dep., -lbu, been gijng tv Tectrares in chat fine odicity, on ihe-Sub- Bine ~ ~ ~ ~ t mdBatfh u btey wrer. e ,ceived vith extrsordinsary favour. Indeedc.i the journaha characterize ,tborn as .0,trem ,e- 17l chaste, eegant and eiérasperCer.-, auces. Wo cano t butiogratulate tho lea- tirer. ou his grwoisucese.Who kicowebut somne day vo May bc tavanrocýi villeàfr- locg lies.e discourses luWn, by ' MESSRS L. 1IL ScBanzui AND C'o.-have, a long adi-ertisemeut in Ibis woek's issue,1 ta vhich vo request general sud particuhar attention. -Thcey'have ou handi anoxéceedingiy largo stock cf goods, wlaich they offea- ou acivantageous'tenus taenstomers. There are other announeeonts in Mes,îr,. Sebo- fielde batch which, persans iu vaut cf tho articles enunceraleci may1 pea-use vith, ad- vantage. NEW ArN FREiz GGCccaîIEs.-The ae. teution cf our rendors is calhed ta Ihe'mi- vertisemont of Meusrs J. S.Dousldsou &Cay vho bave nov in, addition 10 lice Hardware business opened. s grocery store. ýThe goode are nov sund fresb, sud cf lice bett quaiity. QRAND MUSICAL. ENTERTAnIIIrx.-Thc Pilharmonie Society annonce au culer- tortaiumeut, taL-be givon ai the Mechanies' Hall ou Tiursday eveuiucg, for the benefi of tbe Baptisi Churcli. The ontec-iain- monts of ibis excellent Society, are very attractive troats, sud sabci meet viti s largor mensure of encouragement from aur citizens. COON'S CORRES1'ONDENCE. QUasso, 31.1 tDec., 1859. Dzâz SIR, l Before 1869 terminates aud the irra- vocable baud of timo seaus up for eiernjity, its miscellaneons budget of joys sud soc- rovs, of kindi7 a4ts sud inhuinan cruelties, cf greai reoaIes sund stnail performances, of biriha juta Ibis vorid sud bic-tics ite nont, cf sucesîful effort sud disbearteuing failuro, of privat. malice sud public scaun- drolisi, cf vars sud rumors cf vaz, cf dearli sud plety-in a yard of gooci sud 11-I muet yoi giie it a mnissive ta carry la, the C7ac-nicle, but mayicsp il vil! bai- o t bc bauded te, another year before it ruaches your sanctum, juet as s dyiug mas dovolves bis loci cf cares upon bis eider son, Who, poor feilov thinhie hinseîf cici wiîh au inhoritance cf bonds sud mortgagos, cf traits ici otier mon may admire sud imitate$ sud fev are so gooci (are there auy?7) vie do nuc ivieaoccasion ta friends 10 rgret iheir aberrations sud obliquities, heuce there la mucb reasan la exorcise mu- tuat forbearauce. But the approacli cf a nov ors in aur liles shouhd inspire us wiib nov zes! ta i-o voîl, sud as noue are no hopelessîy besotteci as ual tPa b hla a oe vioc-cm thcy have erreci sud viorein tbey may ameuci their practlce, lot ns al500 vwhat special imprai'emeni vo miky be able to, iniroduce villa lie Nov Year. Canada bas abundacai cause of gratitudefcr tiraugi some tribulation aur peope- bai-opaesed yiîicoQmpoaMvely litho rea! suffering or ,Permanent ijury; indeed -I amn very mccl dioposeci ta îhia»k 151it vas iigb lime vo sbouhd b. admcuiÎbed cf' Our natioÜnal vics vies Prov-idenceêseni the veevil, lb. feul,5 sud othér destroyin'g-, au els ta -curb cuir> gréwiag !priefally, extravagance sudý vKorldmna's, aud the leesoaca taugit viilnc>t I trust Ib. m oc', forgcoPà 1-Hothai cukt)>baste to be ou'lcb shah a i .mu- ntil l. siit-of zeckieusmeelatowvh seemedîQ inta;ic*ie een eutOurs=0sober mes sot "Mu, biben innocent of intention- û;'ýuallei for ests, o urrich M"-'~ ~and Ou bau Mq wa~ ivl! -Yielà nus a t, at4enl in excessa of<,vat cwe u.od fes' c o, home uses,,or fosexcehï r e wealhby'ina very fewyears,I a mgniicet émitaodi-»be for bthewnaing ,iillio in thie 014 c eun-ea, vhqse-1abourbarely sa,ïtefor- pricurlng th. m'éresi aýceearios. - 'Witb capital vhah enterpnises tmight va soi go into, vhat. ,Internai impa-ovemonts might vo 'notcàr vont pnu . -3ut lta enaonre'a1s lÏros r perity ve mut ci b:indlustriotissef-, reliant sud frugal, iwezn ulivI.ga, will anci goa t piwhi'p: ça ger for social elevallouiibaveuuhappily béài sn loveci ta dtu btliegeuil4 ~enltiço id 1f. te tao gteàtan exiepl, sud undIrIb guise cf zeai for the7zpeaple baveý introdue. ed subjectâ o!' discô1rdj Suspicionanis- mosity,vhichb hae utile existonceinthe factc of aur pas1 historyorpc-sent condition.- Tic religion c hi1wý&io; teachos mer cy sud, farbearance, fi invplrmei 10sanction the vorst caotions cf the deceilful heants aud a doflaul -attitude is assumeci by ,es tavards clan vhici ne occurrence bas eveï- suthoa:ized, sud vhich, if at-once abaudoaibd by- ail parties, woulci ensuro kindly affection, endi neighbouriy offices bighhy cauducive 1 thie generalwveal. But ataue to ail this mocaiziug. Tuis louter vil! came lu good lime ta convey my compliments, sud my boit wvisbi. os ta ycnc- numerous patrons, sud cf course ta yourseif, thal the festivities of thce ses- s on msy be enjoyed i vii innocent jest snd thal the viole yeac- may ho ta, thein a penioci of unallayeci happiness, peace sud prospor- iîy-sl cf wvilc are prýtty ranch iu our, pover if voe are true ta, durselves, sudcaur cindy. Fôr tie farinera I vish goodc raps, sud s gooci conscience, ta their. wic'ou gooci ciceses sud goaci tempers, to their sons gond constitutions, a gooci educatien, " anci gacci principles, sud ta their daugîcters goaci iausewifec-y, -good looks, kinci dispositions sud faitiful lovera. To ail in lie hast sense of lie vord, I isH A -vERY HAPPY NEw YEAR. Youc- avu faitiful COON. Arrivi of ihe "»NORTH BRITON."9 PoutTLAirD, Dec. 30. Tho Northê Briton arc-ied hec-e aitva;r s. mn. Sie passes! lie Bokernian on Tluirs- day aI six p. mu. Sho hcings 87 passen- gers. Sie expea-ceuceci boni-y eather du. ring lie voyage. The groat ship company made a boan cf £40,000 at 7&per cent. Acivices fraîn HongIKong by theoavec- land minsuof the 29th. 'Tea unchanged.Jat Faoo Ciao; lcoet kinde cf Congousoino- what cheaper ; at Shanghcai green sud black tas somewiat lover. Calcutta dates ara ta Nov. 10.ý Sic- IL.Granat baciacceptedc ccmmaaid cf the China oxpedition. A stroug farce cf Sikhs vill bo sont. The var in not papu- Ian ýwith Indian OfficiaIs. Pa&au, Tau»Asir-Princo e tifc .vitb the - Belgian, Prussisu sund Austisua aud Bai-arias Govermienta, for lice Irans. "ission cf tise mails ta lb. Uniteci-States by thie Canadian hune cf, Steamiers, sund Qiceenstavu, ini the saine manor adaptedý by lie Frencb Govemumeut. . Muagary ,journâl bha4 c-cei-ed! vaaning, for violenît articles againit lho Gaiermeut of Alàtri.w> Tie6 fifthCOp-'renwl ti,! orcicreci la Rungary, t1cai lacdispsa cf lbe Arebduke Albert. A bciy van lias een -ý olaitedI in Mc- ta lb.hes-îport,.lovas ta defedlbheir cous- try,Ï Tho marrige eof(larib aidi vasu,4ùthofsi- tatic'oly .ontradicied. LETTER PROM THE MEXICAK F1ONf 4boies ng IhM c -, Frankin- oint Bank, Burliàegtf, VTomant JkTuiou Bapk8vatei K~1i,~enè!t;asd weq indl U<necdearyibtcuiouas "" ail nIs1' mone y,_eIcept tii .e thésd b Tac; Dec. 30.-bot-on e-h fti I'i ,ý, -.,i1tb lbi cf liÀ st its nôntheru ýend'- fol!' -û'three ocloo l tw7 ia _çbJrý'Pg hk qgoces cf liceý Central sud Saratâgà R-l-ansi. 'Thisde pot:le lie largesti ààhl - cauntr-y. The.i cause cf the'- ac&ieut vwils tb. contraction of at;àrch fcbe IJc.nt - tesi côli& v estîé her vlclcmade th.eýsutý w al! gi-a vsy. The vatebinen vas-ilieté -ý allierons! o! tf % i ding; su"nohody ;as ilui:4; Tio-thidd ! of.ui digvilsun-ý injurcd,'- sud, traiùne ruiýaytads ls usjl.- The long vil amrount ta abïxiV$18,-000. JI- Uuîca&, Dec. 30.-Senalor Sevard pess eci t1lrougihtbii city sin don fts.d &ï'ils vay ta -Auburn. Au luaménse c-owd. of peopi et Ima ie oa.Bellwvre. i-ung, sud ,a salute o! -'100guns vas fired by tie Utica citizen corps. Tiere vas greai enthusias in'uthccrourci Me4iuuchoiy Accident. Yestec-day afieruou,. hile Mc-. Bright,, buebea-, rcsdiscg on Queen Sic-oct, sean Bathurst Street, vas going np-stairs, lu -'is ovu bouse, viii a loadeci gun in i s baud, tic haigger came lu contact viti a portion o! bis clotbiug. The ganucdcniy vent off, sudfie vicola cf ité contents entec-od baby bis lefI alaculder, infiicting aveye c-loue vcund. A large portion of lie flesi, vas campletaiy blavu out i foin belo6'v tic heft arn, asud scierai taitories severeci. A meuiber of theo family vas instanly des-: patebed for medical 'assistance, anci Dra. Waighl sud Calter weile lu atteudauco s very short turne sftec-the accidentandîc dreseci the vonc. No attempt vas-made ta extract any of tic isîxol, as lice patientý vas i-oc-y weak Cc-cm bei cf bloaci. Dr. Haddec-, thse negular medical attendant cf the family, isncv in charge of tie patient iýud aiticangi-lice woundcisle cosideied s voc-y daugercus one, hepes are entertalueci liaI Mr. l3ight wi!l recoyer.-.GIobe. Horrible 3iurdea-. rrroin the 1Ebori Obse-vl-.] The neighbrioodof Foc-g ansdEMoaa vere irovu mb s a stata cf exditemeut ,Pu Weduesday . m9graisut, by tic. repart uhat a mua-dec- id beon, caminitteci about four miles froin Fergus, in tIhe Tovnsi p of Gamfrx'a.-Itappesare tbst a coloraci aa» naines! Benjamin White (formerly a hair dresser and tai-ocn keeper lu Ouepi,)ws hualed imb etea-uity by asminunamciEciF- yard Wicklovç, a tsvonn: kooper. Tho at'fdenescc ,decd it ahlie Coa-oune iÙe~èst veulte osicv Ibat a dog ovueci by ii dc- ecaseci-v.at in possuion of Wicklova ; tint on Tuesday evoaing, deeeasçd de'maciýdc saici dI:g, wbýici Wickiave - refnsed ha give ccp, ~ ~ ~ ý cotedigtit i 'i~tàed ta re4' muÏeraiioù, for lie lime bcho ailkept lit b!ov, Wbiwinictauîly dled,' Thie mott coin- petont wiluees oxaminecivsPeeBi,- iah sav the hlov sîrne uc afiervardsý assistec i aklg, initho, .bps. - ie evi- deuce was as follove: Hla4a sl ighil aa4ý u ut ibdcai os! fo-wgorlihree years. Sav de.ceasei ou Thi da * lgt et Wickove'ftaverua- 44x'etenh!n pWicif- loueabout ,Iuit. Whie vent, - lit. ill kiteben, gai sais! uni ans! passes! tia-cgi lie bar-s-tiens to tlie, Stter, sbolding lber uAfIMA z P kU9 9L-. LLoUUU a found in, bis possessionI, -.sd taken , l1arge cf hy the family fIe vont ont on Wed- uesjlýa aareturned i lio cvening. '. -R complaineci cf beint, siek andi went ta hýd early.r. Duriingthoe whole ot TImiýday le as confined ta b1;4 andi appearoci very drow R Hodi d not astate ibai ho ru.- suffering fron pain. His wifqest-up, witb hnm he holâ inik sad i the morning, as' ceceasoci appeàroci ta becorne une-on- scpu heepathc e son for Dr. 'ouam- 'Jhat gentleman arrived abdi baf. P ist îk Ilineoek, aud- s"at thie ipquest, tha.lc 2fouci ecase ltborng nuder symptoxns resembling, very elosely those arisirgrnarcoicpIsn R~fe felt certain'fom.appearanco of deceoec, that hli hadbeen.aIdbuli arender n assistance. He directe d co nnier irrt~ ta be resorteci ta as beinrg m ogt 41ikyt arouse the patient- from lthe torpor lu which he theaý lay. Ho alec ordered mus. tard plasteria be IlappVýed, to the legs and arme cf the patient, and stimulantg t6, b. given bim. H. R then left andi returueê about tveê o 'lclacccmpaaied byI*s. Lizars andi Wright. As tho e patient wâa sinkiug rapidly, îbey conjoiuily orderoci a purgative in the shpeof tionandTI Cl- ive Oul. The patien.twhen first seen by Dr. Rossy, vas breatbiùng heavily, and the fheily informnedihim that',he bad béee drowsy al the day previous. As Dr. Boss did not detect hny sinel of laudanuni or other narcotie ýpoison, ho' va unable'ta say distinctiy, what vas the proximato caume of death. Ho said i i might hw~e aison from, a dose of narcotie poison, sncb as laudanum or opim.The inquest vas adjourneci tii! ibis mdrng for the purpose of hearing the testimony of tho other medi. cal gentlemen who were pDesouî bhefore de. 'WIIITBY JI1UlKETSLi« OnorosOntim, 2nd, 1860. (Eovisedsud oorrectcd for tue Clirt-iiele by R. E. Purry, Edq.) There -is no change on faqI wboat ,téotoe, -Tedelivorines arequite UsIlarge as expeci- cdjat ibis seasan *There is,àalsigbî adi-sucenoticeablé i spring , ne ia ,t. Pork . s0' eglecteci, buyors havings large isuplyon handci ai frmer igli prices. .At thé same time -good-- hcay bog ali1 place ia omrquotationo. D»itto%'--Spa-ing, 95o. ta$1 Flotir $53J @ $6. Peaiz, l55e. aff53e. IIay $14@$é8 Vin. Pork,$4 tq- O% Poiatoe,2s ë 8e -Butter 10,~ 20e. FQWlS 25e. 0e par 'Turkeyn SOc. @Q15c. eéach.* (4eese 2ëe @85c. Apples 50C $ 0 Obshl Cord Wod 0' $t 225 c ord. LI Staple' corner cf B ,rival» cu Mantiet C. bouse antlcu Alarge sand a falI 3tock 30- fa-cel 0Chippcwal. 64 Ohie 3à. 27 Boxg 4Bales 40 Box 10 Bor' 36 Casi 200 Ba 10 Bai Thte th-i thec icur is'. CAS sud givL- gel AMLLthas, bec-s uic muclpay thleil 'Whltiy. ,Tan ST' ývLot N( feovanxths The owne aoet ud The à of Wililb. lue FR IDA Y aT RE Subi i-Lave mv -Brae Streci idition ta t STOG] vicola Iey o de %ompeti Wlaltby, Dos TMS iipe li fraud, became gamblorSm a s i 50 ta ai vi.dI,àteé 1 i;ý

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