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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1860, p. 2

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Fat irmiiWd Tru ulk 7 nl , ., 1,41 c'. o.......O00, P. ru. wëtIV a-cl. O309 a.rn.t wetýýJQ. do- ..-.--O009 î.M. grooklia. Prince klbu'rt- Puit Pur- rgumi1 o ..........------900, a. lis. AehfsrruUt', l, soii, Uxbrldge. un fit .............. !- ,09i. 11. *rnw.4, dr homî..........0900, sp. le. Wet~ de. J.... 7 309 p. in. Wst.f. du. do-------... 9 309 ,alu'. Brooklits, Prince Ahcmrt, lPos-tPvr-- r . ap' l fee North, ....... .3 00 , pni. mud Scott,..........- OPP u At - tho Town Il#Il, every Ilosiday nîos-aiuîj ut. t' Esr ionaqDseing, a thie Towna hall, Free . . sens im 14,,Victoria ltmildlum-eBruook * - - ie-t, tue-t gi..t Tlîired'ay beture füll moen imm Or-m~s. Ltie', a.130 soecuwl'i too4(ay lni mv1erv IaelrQ'. Cmd'el' tcl, Brock Stret.- A. Eo4m'rY ,nar-, miSp l el, Frt ; Wbitbý.T. L.bo. L. ,. 1 OY, met'ln, t4 .Orange liait, ~J eîuvnl, nt e 1 &Mt F1ivlaevcre Mno4h. * * LtP. ii..7fi1 mmet lt ti. Goh 4lp, Irolm.t5efla.a't klr hv ai etrem* nînialli. Wx 'oms cV1m.uoerricehity ivisicix, Ne. 3i ~o's H1'. Wdnemeavemî'mns. - t A.il ootiToMiplarsi, ut Ucrsie'is Hll, W ~tby?!ml'lsî'ieuc Scicy, t ou'e hlall, la rmpmrs iýon* IlttUl, Tues day eveubîgs 1~plmcormalCburh, t. ~î1i'e, iugStrumt,. a1r-'cc . rn,, and. 33 'clockç, P.mn(Aer Prée '*-oteli Ciatireci, Plechîitiic' Instituts, -, cuelof tlrnmm inai Mary Strecies, 11 c'ciock, .11.,Mid f lickt. E V.T. LOWRY, '<'mmi'mgîficim <imirel, o f-ie- t 3yron anti * 1~ary tm'ta', itit u1'cluck, at. in., And (;<1p. mi. 11EV. J. T. BYRNE. bVeulcymit r'luist <Yimiir-el, corner cf Cirntre' 'icriai Miiy titrer-le, 10 30 o'clock, a. im., andi ka u'uck10, P. ni.* - 11EV. J. HIUNT. ' United Pretcrian (Jtlncl, Mehanice' lu- itItttcrt,930, ovo1 .ni. 11EV. 1.ILH. T1lOUNTON. k T~Apiit'ClurVl1, 3 o'clock p. mn., every Sun- ýd4y-. EV. 1I.LLOYD. Auàtion Sales. travagance un4reeded for' social eimjoy- mont.' Oas baif ef tire eobryo divines,' doctors anti lawyers, will nover esra the price of Ibeir diplowas ocr goýwsvnie. $ il! b. "ia lite Mofpompons bunger-à dreary existence of meagre barenese, a melancire- ly strnggle 10 be geateol. W. have, tiougirl il net aitogetlrer iujîi- dicious 10 maire-pointed ieretrence! tâ. Ibis malter, sceiug as ie do,'thre iro4otaspir- ants in tire professions -irhicir mc bave onu- merateti. Of course mirere wel-dcvolIop- ed talents give promise cf more than avor- age ability, it is not unnatural to surmise that parents may féeci ambitions for, the advareîeet of their ebiltiren. ýButJet secir b9 careful that pateruel, partiality dees, fýob suvoive santifuture dlsappoietinenî. M te tire legs1 bs-sncb, positivel>' me mustibe- bcW heMost litigieus people on tbe face thIe-cas-h, te provide griotIotecMili ~TWa tiresection la uefl-neccasary-me -admit. Tire>' aI as tire ehinenys cf aceci- t>, icir carry off lire sieke anti ieat tiraI moult othes-mise irceone upendus-aire, if oe. r>'individuai sireult bave teltaite np irisow ca cse. Ie cannet irciever, but rememirer irbal Peter ticeOs-est remas-Ieti, upen bis retara fs-cm a viilte Westmins- ter Hall. "ITics- as-c," saidthtie tounter ot tise* Rusian empire, " but tire lamyes lu ail my dominions, anti mien I rebura I smali bang euoe 1" Without lu an>' mise deairing 50 exîs-cme n menus-e lier:, cer- tain it lsatatlie as-oua cannet possibl>' hoii ail, mitb an>' comft- io as-e lus- ing te tiraI peculias- liaI :-unt il is mi sut forcboting -me moult snggcst t1 tire médical aspirants,'"tiratI t meuid pes-hapa iorefs bettes-, ho have learulte cure a cuir, than te bhave takens eut a dipiema. As te, tire young divines, let tirein tiinitoft "an- nual brins anti fifty poundsa arl-n pondes- mcllthero nsequcuces. Thre Factious Etection cf DepuIt Reeve 8ý".rXr. SkerlUng'8 -Bookt tof Saleg8 Wo have heen simuple cnouglh to ind.alge poor, the doctors have t0 do a great deal hcipt e,e et'u8UI1t.Dàys appointed, in the hope that local jealoîssies and per- more for the destitute sieki, than can justiy 2an ûrins made at t/le of'e Of tM48 sonal antipathies would ne iînger finti a be required of them,. If ire are to havef fap>er, Auetiow orders@ received, and place at the Bloard of the Town Cotnceil ofre anofprlftmngtusa '~'~len nt mde for ot/ter Cm>du yWhitby, te the detrimtent of the interestsreunofpr ftaog ssal Àutonee'Sle.of the Town. The harmonv,an oi have, let them be assisted by an cquabli 0 rAnetion -Bille printed la the best feelinig, -andi manly busirsess-tone, inanifes- contribution, according 10 tire meanus o Mayle at furîher reduceti prices. edat the latter meetings ef the Counicil the çontributors, andi let that contributiro O:PPartie8 iproeurinq their bis a t for,1859, gave prnimise of an event.so dc- be enforcei by lair. An officer ought als t/de, office twiil have t/teir &11C8 noted sirable. But alas for thc fallibility:et hu- be appointeti, te irboîn destitute personi under thte proper lieadl, /ree of chargé mn expectatiens I Ueasonin- ' m 1nwli coulti apply with the hope of relief, an( in all t/he issues 6f t/he lleeldly (ta always continue te be a puile', ang a con- who bcing a resident of thre neighborhooc k~emi lVeedy (/troncie.tradiction, even to lîinself - The new coi netgate the cases thoroughly.I NowÂderismetsths ay nembers of the Corporation cf Whitby isbete to submait to alight taxation, thai New Averdemeiis ý,this Day ere scarcely rcturned to their places be-0 foeth lddmo fcotnto bstreir the onus of charity on our neig, ýrt fore thordlodemonhof cntention ma Jeohn ot erd fSho.rses evoitec into new FOife. Memnbers ment bours, andi afier ail sece the ageti and ÃŽz /"Xceting of County Conul-H.. Mac-.round to tiieir cueagues with the open firm "1dyiug from destitution" lu our midi doal.andi avowed purpose of cither selling their00* donad. .,ý1 iret Meetaing of the neir Town j'ti)d Newspapers for Sale. own .votes, or purcharing the votes of Cnel */Lecture by T. D. M'Gee at Oshaiýs. those te.whi they madie the proposition. .-4'ostponement 'Publie Buildings ut Ottawra Caucus upon caucus. won held, day after John Rose. ~day, andi niglit aftcr night, with tuie objeet Wlxltby, Jan. 16, 1860. ~~~~~~ ~~~;of firmly bînding a dcmoralizing bargain Temmeso h o oni 'E~ ~jjj~ for the elctîon of Ileevcuand D)eputy Reeve. 1860, met at bhe Town Hall at 12 o'clec ro ______ Anti aIl for wiat purpose ? Not with the tbis day. H. J. Mactioneli, Esq., the ne kwn;ht csima-pritutwords, great tisoughle and untirin In iiivesv of electing mnen of worth, ability or Mayor, haviug been previously arraL &iA" -wy ocate Pemt, ProgfsBi, Knowie4get rotb- fitness; but with the sole1oýjct Of Oust- the àeveral xnerbere took the oath ofc rhod.ing, ut amy sacrifice, a gentleman of ad- fiee andi declarabion of qualification b -fa Wh.tby, Tuesday, January 17, 1860. mitt ots blt at ins ri eH s rip, anti their seats. _____________________ g leeteit te cCounby Councit. WlratThMao er pocdgt ] Obibook beforo you Leap 99" a shamnefful spectacle bo sec mn of educa- Th0ae eoe rceigb -tion andi intelligence-and those toc, Who election ef Reeve and Depnby Reeve,i Our attention bas been directei te the ta.k the loudest about public virtue -te ferredti 10tie course beretofore pursucd- felloiig subjece, by n persual of the form- sec thein, ire say, nursing pebîy quarrels, 'Putting an amendment to a nomination idscble lista of lawyces, doctorg, andi rever- and prcferring tlid indulgec fterentevt iatiset fvtn o h ends witlsirwbieli the palges cf our Canudian paltry spleen, to obeying bhc dictates of didates ln rotatiori,and desiredte 1 know f Direetcry are -crowdeid. Lot us plut the reason anîd duty ? fIowcon th-3y recon- wishes of the Coaneil on the subjeet. 1 quston tb ourselves-"iwhut ,can bech ctei esmdibcotthehe aeanxiety iras te act in accordance with ir fate cf the iunjority cf young aspirants, tknt d1hre atî iladimat-iishcs cf the Counicil. iclMbro 3,1ar y, .the lutie,î th ey bave undertaken 10 îvbo 'thiek as leaves in velmbeo, r fur sCînclos V ute Mr. Draper considered iIt the best ceti rushing forward te sireli the already encuin- ~<c eb ruît ihthert dispose of the ameadment before1 * bret rakaof irbat are terîned liberai reniorse cf conscience. original motion, andi desircd to atihere F rofesésions?7 A poorly paiti clergyman, As a privitte ctizen, me respect Mr. N. the olti practice. aý briefles- barrister, a hun.,ry doctor, u W,llrowii, bhc proteqe te tebbc faction ' The Mayor meulti use hie own ju- attorney without client», such, toc proba- and me ai- orIa fr-out desirouis ef îuaking in- ment unlesu lie had au expression of Oe bly, must be the fitte cf t.he mjôrity. idusonprin;bta aulcian ion frZ~ the Couricil on the subjeet. Weldnt heeindividuals, (tàking a né a Towi ; ounicillor, or a member cf tise Mr. Laing-The Mayor havin( g as lbn4-si;ltetiview atthe sources cf cartlly tXut ouc;-ratacntas ome for instructions, antioeeoer the Cour comort prbab bcfa hapie, lss n- iisci an Jon r tperrtio cftain-aving statcd bis opinion in favor of1 oofct~ji-caby h a iaper ea n iffé'evie iii the - hscttinofte n xibus, more cositented, if they mer-e te ad- cîligent 'l'mwn cf Wlsibby at thec tounty course formeriy pursüeti, lie (Mr. Lait -dr-ess thenîeires ut iret, and at once with- Coutîcil Boiard ? Soiue of the gentlemen thougrht that. sheulti be takea as au expi but fmuitls3 labor and weary tissappeimit- n-ho trsited ng;inst NIr. Pemry, wvcre those sion of opinion on the part of the Cour unta te bbcspade, souni carpent-y, whm' joined iratundeiig um ant unani- unless some member refusedti t acquie * wi~hng t ta.ad s~ar orte obl mes vote of tîsarks for bis greut efficien- in it. eîasnr? Ld.helterm0eepcileY ini pre.siding crer tbc deliberations cf cÂPTAIN BOirE ELEOTED RESE. lrememiber tbat Cincinnatus was a pleugli- the Corporation cf Whitby- They knew On motion of Mr. Draper, seced ins, ad Ctoa torogh arner isîlo eitLsîvhat industry anti abiity lie, bas Mr. Vale, Captais Boire was unsuimou the echo cf 'b - prepared reports andi staternents in thc in-elctiBve -teebofevery dspatch wih our cmi- teret ýf the Town, wiich iriet mith their eetdRee -grint aent5 furnisb this: "éSenti us neo ràaporm.Tîyae ciauec Mr. Draper luneminatiug Capt more gentlemen-a gâoi laborer or a skill- the valuable suggestions matie bv himuas Boire, expressei great piesure in bear fuijoneisfa mreneeti thauuil the lheutiof bhc Corporation-ýand wlicb origri- tcaimony 10 the cffieien y ef tire Capt * larneti professions;1 somethiug fit te wield nated sulcly' with Itimsulf-wfich ci e as a member of bhe corporation. He an axe, or holti the plough." To do, or cînhodieti into bbc Municipal bil, anti Draper) lie the honor. of a seat at te produce, ar-cthbbc only aceompiiehineutsa 're new bbc 1.1w cf bbc land. Abeve * County Councul tbc past year iib Capi ot the-,least use in a bilsh or ou the prairies., aIl, tiîoy know that if Mr. Jàhn Hum Boire, and hati s good opportunity of Il is someibat builiiating te refleet that 50 Perry'rs.elctiuri depende upen tse eboice cf serving, bis course in that body; liej mauy il have ne other tiepeutiance than the ratepayers, al bhe votes that bis oppo- came mbt contact ih hua on many O et ab, ani tatif sîlti p-nents couiti poil, put bogether, woulti not siens as chair-man cf the Commibbee inere 'gft uster une in tea of lus nuuîber. Tf ey ntepoduce anytbing uscful or reprodrii ant iu u Ua emulib h streeta anti improvements, anti must live, they mouiti prove cf aU minathe moat cîsoice cf the- ratepayers cf bbc Town.thtnmebrttatCuclgv heipesa. * - Anti thcy cannot deny but tirat ho bas' mucli cf bis lime ianlooking after tbe *'What la the use et ganriumbli ithe donc credit-anti houer te evcry position terestie cf tire Town, anti those cf tIhe Ci i' utare, when'oevcry bone, self-tieuyiug, iu- Le irbicir bis felloir citizens have -ty likeiie, as GaptainBoire. ne a( dusriesaa5,ma 1> crtan f amoier eevateti bim. Let thein examine as if he irer lookiag aftcr bis own anf ste riseif re b enl prticu in the bir protge -a8a public man cf course- sud thak, was just tbe spirit irbich ie * imteotirat the ccuubmreqiesY Why place bion in.any ef the positions occupieti Draper) wisbed to sec animsting aei uielihumas beinge isake aa cramble - b forer,-aebiuevac -ar As .respecÀ bimseif he wias 1luI yesr, .sitoue, rbre bc trnge taesailantrca comm;ýttee. anti compel hbut temalte, Anquosi iras ireltion -Sasrday eek ,sl flmffiu's (Ireeky, by-Dt. Tucker, -Couuty Deroveri-en tirebody -ot an e"iry tuant rassed William«aeu, iro -iras, toui d uihiss4uatyt îbakgrnilng'. Deceaseti wa&-a e erson et rather unate4yd,~r escen- trio habita, irosigtivLoeatin squalos- andt discontent, ratrs than ire un- des- an>' obligations, toemeýmbers ofiris-oir famiiy for support. Ne mas supporte&i psircipaily b>' stianges.~ The building in ýwlich h. residei m-as quite unfit for a ci-vi- lisei bing*0 ini,-<lring'a Caustian minIer; being composed mes-el>'ofel ae ,mIreont anu>' siungliag on -tirso.f.Iibat becai eriginal>' a cooper's mos-k-sirop., Tireetiinet appea- 10 b. auy bcdi in tire place, anti tire tm articles cf beti'ciothiug lie lad, mes-e quite insufficieut, 10 keep the poos- ce-etuee as-m. Hè l-bcd net been seen aimeincellie Tl4unstay isiglitprenions 'mnlen ire appea-eti <uite sebes-. Wben tount, iris face, -andutiIler parts q lis body mes-e shockiugly tiafigureti, by tire attacke of -stArving rata. Tire jury fountia, verdict tlist ire-bcd dieti from, destitution, but exenerateti bis sons, miro &re, in comfort ' abne cis-cumatances, 'frein an>' cuipabilit>' ln tire matIes-. Il appeara that amongst oui hrostaot provincial, anti municipal officors, tirse is net one irbese dinh>' i la, 1 sec tiraI a telli-r-eature dees îîct tie fs-ors stas-vatien' anti celt. Tire abeve verdict, tirougir probably a just oue, la a diagrace te eus- comusunit>'. Attention tolire bodi1y irs o f tire poor, fal ireavil>' nom upom ces-tain classes, anti upen benevolont, mdivý iduais. Hetel keepers, store teepees, allé s tom tas-mers, kuemu to e e haritabi' dispesition,in. antias-ounti emallvilîgaces lave niany bus-tens Ibromu upon thein, ais as tirse is no provisions matie in ta s-ric] country for the medical attentiance cf lb4 rae ime. pitch labo Malcolm Cames-on.tm Yosjetcs l Tire Mayor- again callet Ms-. Draper 10 took thbc mut andthie lies-oofuthîe Wabashli es-der, stating tint tbc motion before tire gel anether dose. 1 otionkuloir owtruc 7 1 b y clair mas for tire appoinîmeul et Mr. Lair. tire aIesy is,bub I hearti lb bld a short timesei usly der-, Andihor. aftes us a gucti jokie. Weli, truc o r net, 0 Captain Romc gave lb as lia opinion ict lb sîlde.2 )tain tbal Ms-. Drapes- iaslu orties-, anti tiratirhe We have bar-dly gel over tire ChrismnasD rigMayor bati ne rigirl te put hlm domu.a anti Newr Ycass'festivitie, anti jollifications,e )tain Ms-. Pcrry agrecti that tire motion before but I msnt say tirat go tai as M>' exper-lence (Mr-. tire chais- was,as Bis Wossip ia raerctly gees, visita anti visitalieris, for bbc former, the, stateti it, te appoint Ms-. Lairder Auditor, otten assume lte teaturds cf tire lattes- u tain anti ir (Ms-. Pers-y) presumet that fr-om bbe Now Year's day, meec cnducteti upen ver-y f ob- liue of argument commenceti by Mr.Draper sober principiesand ccnsc'qurrntly tirewias aIse, lie multi have gene bo showirtirut tire mc- ne visible indication of. elatetinesa lu the- reca tien nom betore tire chir- as out of es-des-, publie brais.' I tii net bsamp as sele do' on there being ais-cati> anoblies- motion betore irbo tini theuisselves ju'atified inl caliing Bay tire Council undispeset et. fHe (Ms-. Per- upon gycry body Vmiti mbem -tirey gos sytii net mant te, appeal agaluat lire de- have a aodtilug acquaimitance, but aI enly in.u cision ofthtie chais-, but toit that hoe must tire places eut cf a couple -of doszes iras I 'eus- dissent fs-cm tbc s-ding matie. On tire offée-e wine, yet a teiryears agotiefg etret grountis taten tes- givinrg Ibis ticcision tire urs- multi have been exactiy re'viseti.. is; ballotting saigirl ir put off until no erD- hat's an impronemeut ah any rate. Nom_ (Ms-. cmbes-. la bbc lime tus- pas-t> geing. I anm sure I do bers. Tire Mayor explairsedt t h ad lie me- not exaggcs-ate irben I a>' basd,-t'a niir sud tien ceabaincti the mert ii"noW1e"-asd 5o passes thattirere are net b-alf a score of se- c tire reading sops-oceed Io, ballot _for-le ciai gabirerluiga'among tirebeau wmonde turis- mouiti net have receiveti Dr. Guannsos-r alone. Intied the, Quebec uppes- Tendons eues-r an>' crs motion, but that ire believeti tirM eamll as tireQaebec Midltiedom seem to thern- decusion given to be quite correct, lu se- have little 'cIaeo t do for- tle. thrce hIa med nt ameninont that JohsnMaHm er4~ - 27 4W 74~, be-tire 1eputy Reoi"' 'Thse yes ansd nays ~ - eigdemandedIirrd re re' forîthe amend. Nae.-o*sfrnIr¶lvO , iis ment mesurs. »rape FLeire, tJtie-1and" I ngarfsl .'- - perry,-4. Against it: Meàs. Gmes-an, Meraau. ' bsl Brou 7,1, Lirr, ani D. Gun,-. 1r. 1ery-uandod.by 1Mr. Lyade mein ýd ê Brwý aleLina-d 1Dr be j50 adjourumeatet tire Coumcil. Ansetmat lst.Tire Mayôr deelas-edth ie question ont ot andt] Tir oigialmoionms ton ,u ~ ortier, lhsving .been aiready decided ;andtiht.ra carrie'd on tire sanie division. ia ititsmtioemton uI0tevn ~ M IE MÂit 5 FOLiOY. beforo it coultibe agais put 10 tire C0uný- oft Mr'. biactoneli on ascending thse Mayor's cil. -taI chair rettaruet haiks for-the bigir houer 1fr. Pers-y refesreci thie Mayorte th&e 18t W 0rat con?âfre4 ý upen- bim lu electing hlm Obiet i c ir 0ucf Msg~iatofus Tm. isgrtticde r fth o n c i ir declares thât a C ok - &MeýO U-on. M,ýétnd-motion fr aIjounment'la aiirayu l or- Indeî sire was te diacharge the tinties efthtie office des-. tende imp4rtiafly, ant i ie trusteti thal iu, ail mat- Aftas some further discussion. 1h. Couii- caps tes-s connecteltmith ii duly beivoniti have cil adjonruect until Salnrday. eveniag neit- Ciur thse cooperaticu cf thre Comnil. Ris Wor- ah t paatirlx o'clocký-Mr. lainig belngu-f slip calleti attention 10 tthe appoinîmentO ethtie only diasentient, -anti demauduigthse* draw Lthe Corporation officesa for 1860; that cf yeas anti ayo.-y Asessur ire referredte1 as beiag the mosl *io L important in thse gifî ut tire Council; l coisCOURE SONDENCE. ol rthe office cf Chief.-Constable lie regardetiQUBE,151h, Jais. 1860. ; -tes' sas s vos-y important appointament. His My- Dar SrIhave, shamnetully une 6f,'tl tWessip desiredti t impres upontire Coun- gîeetid yen for a week, but ytOu -mwlii -bave bavii tcil tire greal importance et tbc quarterlyte forgive me mien I assure yeu n lishecfist-atwas > -faire,ý andthbb necessiby fer estabiishing a »place tîat t ceuicinethieîp it; otler very beeù 1a publie market ttrbe held on eue day la presaing <luies liaving day atter, day re- , rtire wmeuk. He leneir cf otbing Ibat moulti mormscessly cIaimet msy lime unîili cditisei prove cf greater or more permanent bene. mail bcd left, anti iu tie second place that proi efit bu tire Town, and ti a heb saine ltime I arn as peniteut as any sinner eau be under. f ra. serve, anti be a convdffience 1tirte farming circumstauices cf sncb aggravateti gulît. lb mate community, tran tire throrong-r establisir- mlt be littie consolation tu yoi 10eie telti elci 0ment oet tiese fairs anti markets. As ftha ushynditi net bac mucls,âeice it peint cf ilu i y cd lay lu bis poirs-iremouiti always bc tact, tirer as notbimîg stirring tomake a à al n teunti rcaty te net on every occasion te deceul lettes-, but periraps yen miii Say ' i- promete lire intercala cof tire Tewn, anti ail "stba's ail vos-y' fine 'Mir. Ceon, but tbe Poil d _le tiesireti ias the cooperation ofthtie Couft- tietge won' t do, sud- if yen caîs' t ire pune- sape ýe cil to aid hlm la bis goti intentions, tua inl future we'îî give you your maîkiug Can 3p BALLOT FRA SELECT CeMMITTEZ Te À?- ticket bbat's ail." But tie't ire so mratiry, Tri il PeINT-TME STANDING COMM1ITTEES. uny ticar fciiem,fos- tire slane use la getting Ena, h Capt. Rostre,' secondeti by Ms-. Pers-y, luto a passion, aimd besides it wili spcil yens- udti ie moveti for tire appoiutaient of a select gooti looks ant i muybap give yen in digestion a- ùi commitbee by ballet te appoint tbc stand- au that you iront be able to do justice te p ri [y ing ceinuittees. Cars-led. tire tender goesc Ithal yens- dear gout mifete b a Atter tire motion iraving been tieciareti is psepasing se uitely for yenrs pecial de- es-t à cars-led -Dr. Gunu desireti te kuci if lb lectatianywhen yen gel bome 10o-day atter assa ml ee-cempeteul for hlm to move a me- tire corroding carËt of business have been met Df 'uon exoeised lice gistà for anoîlses day. Gooti, pur n -Tire Mayor repiiet inl the affirmative, yen suaile at my impudence andi, mc are uic, o Ms-. Pers-y argueti that tire appointient fiicuc, se I ii proceeti to invent eorn ech no of tire cemmitteoe beingf part anti pas-cul topie for au unetueus disceurse, fer oe t û id et tire motion, lb mas net competent for tacts, I tell yen lu tire most solemu andi uti Ad tire Conucil te entestain any cuber subjeot, pathetie strain, tire- ana alarmiug dearti pot It mntil the resolution beforo lire chir- as n thse met extraortiinary ci cemporsted GOc ku fis-t disposeti ut. conamuuity, anti1 sece tînt tise coirreapopti- -ea b- Cspb Rcwe agrecti in tire argument et Ms-. enta efthtie otirer mestern joufunais are var in Pers-y. Ho bcd been iu thé Conneil noir obligedt t import texte fs-cm Tus-cube for tir t. 7 >ears, ant i ie neyer- sa,what bcliemveti manipulation lu orties- toekccout theis- rig- pre te ire tire correct cour'se, tieviateti from- mas-oies. if 1 tlsougbt yo en eeil a iiirtir cf p-ecetiin te alle aI nce u tr ougbt political bemper jual nu'v I min-ibt cd - assing efthtie metion for tire pus-pose, manage te do like tire others sufd piteli a a8 mihnttkngu rî xtueusmles ufeirsirotsata George Bs-qmn amnt bis amiable wei for tire interimu. The object outhtie ballot Sireppard,bnt hem tire diekens arn I te kuei as- etk mas that cvery. man mîglit vote boneetly mirether you mould't tus-n up yens- intelli' orl mitheut quittiug tire table, anti se bce ps-getoeaniay uhm'ai enfudg ventet fs-cm enbering inte collusion for tire (George Brownu: baven't me ceugir cf hlm -le cf- appeinîment et eue anobirer. Tire ruiing beroabouts." Weli'tis i-ery sad,anti se lb a, tiL et Blis mors-sip moulti do aira>' itir tis te live in sncb a place as Quecc, itirout toi oesabtas-y check, andthie five gentlemen wvio any eue te, stis- up peopems bile anti give tis Lise bcd jusl clectedth ie Deput>' Beeve coulti,,subjeeta te cfionrishers on foolscap,who, 'tel r enter into cancus, anti placed whom they pees- innocents, must ive by demagogues. Bc picaseti on tire committees. I monde r ifoirmuchOcGorge Browi mouldtn Ms-. Draper.-Mr. Mayor I haveirai l tt transport iris establisirmaut, Sirop- th es- cenat, antit'-iretne'avncedla thi n 2as-ti, me ila eahetentaymie istl crasil e is d enon nt ys l e, ii In Ibsdmn>',pil lu etirI bcuarunlemi-ei la is aseways obligest te he noate teSf cials pare, antwastifet, tci salas-I mou lt ave, gone 25 petrscenttrirsalye wuo, tissvbb>' inei Pr. Btl u ticevilye gotiIfyeu pease lanow. -ut 0teirer fer ai ire ecaPlsusuae an ofec t t ani forse lthre-poouesbavere augiredand tiul-ate prBu I muae sthp, at a ai the-rsie. utImutn epefad 8-8u Reai y y -ithf bushels et. ceorn, 200 bmhieIý-o7p 60 toyirsf-ban, 2o-tons eo~r bags,asud about 200 cptya bas crigin ofthtie fis-e a attributedt t bcsting-eo' a portion efthie mý T-heteW e * -tèsms-ùes-fr $15,400 bnildiifg anutMac l#mtry sdfr~ onti.sokemctfer receivin,- tire-insurasce, it ias~ memrs. )fcKay -wii ire ticloses amont of $30,000."--. Dea th of lus. Hugh M mulutila n Dlur no»o li 1 Hur fingen 'Borne ay ý apemiderts, 1sud ithe, Aapti8ts4,and tihe a- : sauce las been se0 hsrge, tlat -thre is aceonsbuilding-tre spleuidMeroclist ircâi.,.pvaaquiefllêtia- Tisamoy'e niet 0tIaà no, à the r effmrct, - .citnn6t ýfailî to, r7liosec1hb. bonds- of unions iretwders each rotirer,ýl Y, on, paints 1etf octrine or dsiime a0o a gentleman, iro- la s à member theclinreiro e ani, jtold me that ýiug atteuded orre ut theue meetinas; a -hvd~ sle -Isati seitoin, if ëvres, >n b>' tiretrut1 oet tire Gospel. 1'fie-e crstainl',ý an ext-aortiuay teunen>'iin irIc, juat nuw, tomas-religieus-imû-- iveinent, andtihie troubles intire clinicl R~m>, rbilr eemtoJusti a aprexi- ,ta separatien cftire a pir-ital anti secular nentse -Wi l saît, -lbht i tbe Irepeti, g!ost berrefilt tire istetsotfutUniver' Yývq-will- have accu tint tire elôrts et ctrnaàter (ouerai Smitir,,te mate a very' crier pestai communication, via tire satian linue et steamers andtihie Grand utk, available te, otr countries besitie-ý ~igmnd andti bis Province, are meeting th lire iigicat approbation. It ila en.cour- aing ho fiad'that tirse are opposition Pa- rs,fs-ank anti ioneal eneugir once ilus mule admit tire meritorÃŽous ses-vices cf tire Gev- iment, anti tireMont re-ilHerald mru'sest us-et that its honorable acituomietge- untof tiremionsofethie pestai -pelle>' now trati, mill ge atas10redeem lb lu thse opi- on oftreasonabie mon,ts-om its unenviable us-acter a.s an unscrupuleus part>' lack. is almosî impossible toeoxagges-ato btie lvanîtagea irhicli miii flow tob us, froin tie icy lu question, anti if tire Postmnastesr ruerai is sîlcestful, as lire is ver>' gepti ,am o icivoiem i n , uinducing tire nirous coutineiitàl G overurnta, 10 give ie St. Larence steamers anti s-ete a -etereuce iretore long, thre traffie temwicir âe ,eor-respônticnee ca-s-ed mli ýhave refer-- d must take tiresane channel. AIs-cd>' sinal proportion efthtie travei frein-Àire et tu Earopc le coming oves- urnr-he,, nd tire great ativanlages th'referFs, neeti il>' ireundes-stootin lu es-tcs- eacu-c rues-ai. anti practical s-eeegmition. Thc cmw Yus-itrs kmîor Ibis full mdl, anti te bis tu edetiemay ire attributethîe cf- s-ta receutiy matie te injure us lu tire Bs-i eh metropolis, anthte other stupiti aI- mnpt to e esy ous- Occan Steain Bonis. 3ut lire>' ina>'zasmcii alintup, for traie, ravel anti cos-respoude nce miii aimnys finti Iec mesa tvantàgecus s-otes, anti as eu-i ias becs demounstrateto bie thse slortesttbe real pleasant andtihie cliespeit, tire quega Jon et usiug lb, eau cul>' ho oneofutlime, ut e -of il ime. - Tire Goeci-mont omployers - bave recent. [y catablisiretia'r-catiîgreem'antilibrary isociation, but tire slaalready >' ira- utire amp. Tire majoril>' insist on baving tire place open ou Summday, an dtihie ethers Say bhat n'O sncb tosi-n entos-etinlto the ori. mial ides. Tirey have als-eady irâd îm gr-and figlta, anti I undes-staudthtie nen-cen. tenta, arle aving tire cos'ces-n te tire fs-c and cas>' gentlemen, miro like te have m e- eh, lelile, ~esir 1" cI, lui'; r- iii.," 1- ~ - a- ~me 1 The tèlegralito-W yb sbrouh b Mad inîIeiigence of -iàée death of poorHjugb McBrien< The sad event took place st Waabngta 8ndax&b~~thint. Poor~gh! miywilý re wih Ia ' regrets aAs mlye Theboyi opîts -Wa to bis sorrowing wifeMsd fassi ly in Whitby, where it epeted to rre by to-morroir evenintr. 1The fineral wiI1 4*aîéepiaefrom hi late resideuce to St. Johns . Obureh, o Friday the 2Ã"th. iust.,- aI 2 o'lock p. lue Friendsansd acquaintances aie requested to attend irithont urtbevnotice, MEeuAIvs' 1NSTTVTEA .Lecture ~f be delivered before the mnembers and friends of ti.s -Instituite, neit Friday evea- ing, the 2Oth insDt, by Thomas Mloss, Eisq., M.A. Subijet-Il AlkÉhat glitters is not golti.1 >The Bàffianville 's Flour. Fifty-five brrels of four bave been pick-. ed up ýon tbe shore' of Newr York State, on Lake Ontario, said 10 be part of the cargo of the. Bowmanville, whieh 1irbicli iat thrown overboard. It - a a1so stated tbat the beach aloug the south shore is strewec! with it. umored fleigu atio n of Oapt. Rowe. We iunderstand that it is captain Rowe's itentiàn b resin tlrô Beevesliip. Lecture athJtchai snttute. On Friday evening1m],"tg eey. Dr. Shortt, of Port Hope delivered a lecture before the Meebasiiar Iutitute in tbis loirs. Subjeet of "Inseet Life." Tb4 attendance iras quite larg,an ad very repectable, andt the learned doctor'a m'asterly style, oftreat- in- the subjeet gave entire satisfaction to has hearers. We shonld have been plesed b syWore our readers a synopÉis of thes lecture, but as -iras -late iiea ire entered the rooîs> w e are unable t 'ô dio . r A DmiuvMn'i-a çD'kurriTr.-Flattery is the. milk of buman kindues turned i3o e butter. - rA gentleman irbo spoke of baving beea struck 1y ariady'a -beauty, was adviaed to kiss the rod.? A lectureraddressing a* Xebanics']lu-. astitute, ,coateodedý, with t irésomne proIixity dthat "Art cudiotiuryNaturel"' un. tii one of thea audience,, Iooslhg, ail patience, set the roôéin -laa roar ofisaugirter, by -ex- claimin, -fflow would you Ip)oir ithout your wig?"V' Se~oxjÂara'sPÀTESSÀA vws.r >r -The irorld,uny son, la but a large , 'copy. ,bo4,7iid I'nèsUtnot point out.to-»u with irbat very littho wisdon. # la ruied. LOVE, THUG14~TO. ~e The littie girl w~oId u 1 -BRITISH -tire conduet oethie 'U Island oft&n Juan, 1 ~ "' Than liave becir guili - -eÏlelrited te annoy - usaring tire subis-lt ' AtA. 0 . .eseized thse bu -Ci.~ ourcey, the- nls -- trate i'esitienî enbe & ica et bis rebura fs-c business, and thebr atibe instance et Cm was perpetratèti undi1 asie sovereigpt>' nat - iug oethtie Amuerican c«e- are meatienet. cas-rieti ont reluctar ameuit>', tie resdes-i &èotl asrived cari>' i psopoed a joint ix Ibis mas tecliired ment, who suggesbc ti Tis Uenera olinag was islaye sçoI±fisraily semeve tereps, excepl Capt et ifit>'men. mmcl et. Thre BsitisliG atructions fs-enlies- fIe expreset a le - aidet a man,îthi mouici ho complote tot accetie tor.this. Ire Queet f I lnes-et of a Prine -Tire Pope refus sblp cf tire pampl Le Cungres bcd Ativices frein es-ument out tI Ameican metil ed hostiilies itl breadtuffs mampt Fritiay's rates.ý tendency. Tihe -, Sugas- firin, anti Tie-Euroa B.i Jass. 16. peau Conrffss s mus vaguely rep an - sd Naples mill -UnIls tire Pope icir doubt.-ir. Russasréet -la tire Fr.ecci andtihie Côngs-e Il mas îs-dis a - Thse inmo-cc tr ope's uto Les-t Ma=u 28th ettiisemitê ssigfht's î neat wArmaslet 1 a Lverpeol .ai- Anotirer aci curredi. Tirermi O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "a 1 -- redigna 1

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