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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1860, p. 3

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ô~dt f Loid Hastings ii1à& ros tirty 'miles, b.tweén Land's iu4 d a&theSieily IslaD, whc'« on thon be s aport of,.it for sliipsa arving at 'te4h. iUIfor ordera. Th» Paolpublis he ti. 01cial corras- pondance in the. case cf tii.erçw Of tue FretRogal. Ti -AduiiraltY severely ~ ~~uadCpt.I3ilipe, adittributes W us, coumt the. mutinons * s:OIUc onboafdtheii The T "Tmea correspondent coniplains of the conduot, of the MU8-S uthOritICd Qu thse Iuland of ËSan Juan, both civil zýd military. 'IThey have been guilty ofmâne t ..act; caloeuaed te annoy tise Britiýh anthorities aus4 uubjects; for inetance somue ..mericans, UrPing tii. autliioity of Collector oe Cus. ims j onq eized the' ba s~ f 3Ma.or de Courcey, the 1Êngisii stipeûdiary magis. trate reuident, on tii. Iulanud, on the occa-' &Ion 'of huse returu fromtsa trip on 'officiai, business, and the. baggage was oly restort'd at,,the inistance of Captain Prevost, in com- umasnd of l. 3M.48. Satellite. Thid outrage was perpetratod under colon of thse exclu- 'iive soyerc.ig-nty assumed on tho firat land- ing8 of tii. American forces. Other instan* ces are ncptioncd. The American officers earried out nluctautly, and with great amenity, the orders of Ilaruey. Generai Scott arrived early in Novemben. He firat proposed a joint mlitav-y occupation, but thus vas declined- by tise British Govern. meut, wlio suggestod tà joint civil occupa- do.* This Gotienal Scott. rejeced. Good "qPg vas dispiayed on both sides. Gen. Oçott finaity rem ovod frein the islasîd ail the ùmPsp, exçept Captaiuî Picket's company Of fifty Meon, wliich vus tho 'firut that liind' ed. The. llritish Governor was without in. iructlons frein home on 1Otis Novesuber. ne exreossd a iiepe that, as we lad neyes linded a Man, the Ameican evacuation would'b.e complote but (Jeu. Scott would flot accede te this. Tise Queen of Spain had beon safeiy de. Wjà ', j slsd. 1, A ttur, .wlll be d1red ýWEDNESDAY, JAN. ý18, 1860; 3Y. AO-<Jslawu, ils thse catholiliecu $bçk "TuIE-FOUJR }ýEIV0LUTIO-NS.»p I~'Dor~ ifl e <'eu7t 9.1s.Lecture to Comenssîce ut 8 ocuc.TICS F> ', bU cenvW coman; ïfàl l bldatt>Compnïp" Weduesdàl , th 9> thinu*yY, 1860, at- 12 1o'ç 1 c on , f~the purpose Of lctingtDire<ctors, for the. thonett>r¶ent yea, and that the votes shnllVb takon by JOIlF WATiSONi *IOEL BIQELOW~ reeeI,îredýý 1direct frâmtn 0ANI, IIU1W'CL GEO.V1% , J.; st illb hared t t matê~ôi POSTPO YIEN TIM . e ve arge ur wiîî agreat varicty of., Whitby, January 13, 1860'.'{ '5w 'ilE PLANS IND SI>ECIFICATIONS for-ç L O 1. LiUo ernr ersî's re:sidoiice at Otta 0 0-, 0 1 L- P * wa,'will not lie reasdy l'or itimpeetiuîs ustil W 1i ses&sbyi the 8th Februusry nlext. ±tssd tsssderg ~î with 1atest. improved burnere, for -sale vcry I4 I dê * ~ i < Zo received ustil WVudittsdly, tise 2ith ot'tit, cbeap'for caslt. -'- Cealtil lamps ali cou.m EI III U 'E saine1 mouh, t non pleie and rcady ta light'nt 75 cents encis. -1 I ,m' <UJIN BSE, 'dE. VULE JR. lE ssb<.crbebg respeetfnliy te, snform tlesr fAne aýid eustoiners gsesîitisst they PuBLic WOi<s har Bo,.ed ta ' siduc& New*]Brick liok, BrU.k Street, wherty.ý l-> nr Dpeed iii 10th Jatiussry, ISISO. - 8 addit on ta tlicîr 'the Animasl Report of the Bottrd of forl. SCIO1IEDPC. A LARGE AN4]'YWEJL SELEOTEPD STOCK M' - for18~. IMPORTEtS 0Fp Il E Hoard hogs Ibave tu report tl Iihe nprnher,,oC £, *iidetattessdbig the soversi Scisoolà dutisg i. ieadFlY DyGod At the Ienrý,.os. Scboi. average nusûber on Roll, GENÉRAL '1TOCOP 0FSI O 2vrg duyuslssC suie nEI ~ ~ . chiRaEarthen T CONSSTINU 0 t the Atderean-alt. Sel. avursîe uniber otnRoSi, 50. âverp a1dsîtaiessdsulisce 38. TàWsl ssiiser on Blaeck sid Green uof tim Chiaict 4lwan. Chewissg.sud Ssnoking. nui 34. 'usai averasges dssiy usicludassCc 25M. A D G A S A Tisai thesfinasîclal trasssacicîai is te EBoard, aurisg Curnser af Brock nid Coburno Streeti, Wlitl'. GO FF E E 8, .0 - the year Iuue, haves boie as fuiuwd: :-Roai aid Jiavta u Le Dunsisgo. Liuger asnd Valcncia lsiis Figm and Clrrants, RECEPTS -f I ub@teriberîs are in, recellit of Frcsis an- CandiLd Citron, Uiaîon atd (Jnssgo 1Pel Lgsiative Schîol OGrasnt for 18M9......... . 'ei 0 e rivitIs of the ausov'c(cxsdm direct Insu tise Asac.îieni(for 8chooi purposea............2600 U Mausîsisit ories and asniv odits l ow tui ssus Mlisscovado, YeiSow, Refiisd îîîd Cruislied. $piges licklcs Siîticeis, Syrups. RtATrE BILLS COLLEC'rED. huei ietaeWîta otei.And every duîi-iptiolit fsissily (Grec riem, 1slch tliey are dctcrnîissed to sel at tise lowest* 'reRçier f Ietyu.She. .. $-4OU 'pricets for csumh or Csîsstry Pr-,dse. 66 6iFuhiir-t. aIsl 103 00co0 N S A L E-9 N. 1.-W asted a let ofgoçod Butter ssnd Clscese UWenosi-st.o, Sef ry oo kitJ. S. DONALDSON,- Co. J.~~~~~~~-S ... Gnsgr3ioi8or- Wlib,25sur 2 S A 1ruenudvaiei Stck f ry ood eti livered of a Princeu. .laisss iirss'r ............... . a &7 25 ou ha Orner osete ......195 srsd.Jaury , 80 Thse Pope. refuses toise represented in tise P- M. Clark......... Î........ 5 4«I.7 00IL &C. ______- PrsCongress, unicus thse runorcd - - - FESHFRUT ND EW RRVA000 ParisE 2aithorT UR EO. 0 N SALEFEI RI N E R IASO siiip cf tise pamphlet eltidced Le Pape et EX'NitLl.cmsst iskoaiijio'rcneaa - - Le Cumgrea be denicd by Nupleon. mleeSio faiL uds.i'f Chceric b asiî iiu LliM tt~W YbLStS Fur Hciry.s-~'io ....sS~si 'al stockofLiirCiiebadVii HR STMA'11ANBEA S CUN .For Johni-ei. &i.oal . ....... . 01 50 sga S1851, For Asîder*oss..sît. School....... 250 O . t00IO'EL c Advices fsrem Clhina state thut tise Gaoy-~57 ~____ f crnmtent of tisat Emirse Irad applical for S rc y................... 21 '95 AÀmçican mcdiation ta isvit tise threateiu.- 2330are.fOl RtfidWussyroi cd isostilities with Engiand and Franuce. Osti, i'y iS14.................. 13 1 i 111. SCIIIOFJELD & Co. au Bs holesale,& . tail *LîvrteceL, Dec. 28, (IEve.) - ThetS 47s& îyrscr6035 breadatuffs nmarket is quiet but steady, at ..........rs..........................100 ON "S A L'E rats. V'h'.t las it uiviticsig ~ îî ~A <sioce ai i iisOitl9it of(Crec.kry, CGIina, J-k, ., Fiday's r W et.is ai dalessîsdl ......... 0 0fll..î isiths polgr FurJoiss-. $iiosl ........'.....3 5 - ..nee. lep~asinmnuL Uii.-~ .~L. If ,SCIOFELD s& Co. Sugar fin, and 6d hilier. vLs'.&AW5NC; AND i"J5'< Arrivai of the 1Enropa. sîs'rus-5 isci.............i 60 1 , Tish ae ieme Er tiiScktie N.,'o ota........ .....0. 1 J EdSTo Rs Êd.E-1 b.'sB pea Cngrtsacnitasye dobtul' h Tia us'rdfi.thr cg.orpor. isi ii o 64e-27Boes Tobs ehacco fromi2. t peauuciConsirises dheenis as îiîuaM kuli lis'l lb.;' - ' dise 11mcasi sd Toffis 'preasui5r. a )oint nriiice or aud Naàples' wili not tend 1pienipotessiti5le08theisBoard imid Titwus £Cosscil m-ais quiyiid doriutg the 4 Bales American Grc-y Cotton luiîieu sthse pope la 'ejjresesslted, rejuu'ding 'Iusgtyear. îa-Iiwegsieîtisa ujisier, ,sd reiprs ttitrccis 40 Bo esk.p f vsiis doubts have boot taitcd- rid Ti t e Vçsiurot bhs4 dstrisssq tisa >esýts' -d Rtu.piîqr eets tho programmie uvctd1855.18wo 1857, 18M sd15'idd"ros~ss~ s 0Bx a ntieFecis lin0isc th <ie Pope acisonîi o? SchoaJs'.and char guille ; anls t~he 36 Caska of Liquor. orderg buul cen gitveis by tue -3(; Il () i]i.Il -ua and tiseCongres à. iosrisnotiituBoi aiar¶5755 d he20Barrelsof'at gasxsofewerrssrâ whsi'h tîlu is liovered iustistheolis. o at It wus rnmored that tlueie wero serions thsle ssiisdifferisnce Ie5wien the, us.s'vnis BROCK STI10REET, WTIILTBY.ng diffieuties untisa Pend cabnet. . isalsset ai$491 15 is(svor cf ihe 1oard ois he .11 areso Hrig dificltis n heVenh abiet Decassber issuT.n'l'hi he-MaldReport ha» 'been adorspi Tii. rnmored throutened wtlidrawal of ed ley bath, o.(rutiu~53iien t isiiss-' e- L. Il. SCIilIilLD & Co.- . -- S thie Pop's Nuncia is olicially asnounced. eisl4coi aceouni of tehfflttMe#ss. le sUss(sJi' $61 r7; Lord Macaulay <ied iin London i -eau i tse auss bspeli rSe. flu ford56tsaiis<sssi rscSthseilcîsSsi4 2taf disease of thse iîcart uften a fort- o'is the nt j aaysussa the16 22*lis860, r oi sard s'svd<i5tuii5 theMEsusrbrha ecvdadi o' i al ~eep f 28hu .ilD<w>chis iup sl ubsuhiesi. ts ju 80 asdes rs riaso IOCER1ES of every 'kind, includiug: ,igist8 ilnets s dpe y teBord oi tubi'1thdyo Ju A: van boatt md capsized in the Mensey, 180..A1-f'lfISt3Cialcentsii pa st Liverpool a4d 22 lires lost. i Vu' luisi ennisiisticn to e ituuels liscaper, s.r' * Motison clopemont usin hgislifé haiili. F tATI'M IIQIRS A L E, and gise gesielil satusf.sctsiu. HTTfnTTLI'Q TJ 0 T cnrned. Tise vifs ofai r. Smiths Bunisusman. L 1.SCIIOÏlElI) & Ca. Hsn L'U.J~ s' ~~.' residing near Maidstone, rau Of vti tse O SALE the Nusish iif sf Lot Na. 7, liuuYtgHsn otSer,- Bey. A. W. Gi-en, c urate off tise Parisis ri thes 12tl Cssuceîsîsitn of 1<î'ehs, abolist 80 N<ra whene tise parties resided. T ho lady isaus iire-g clenreui. *'jTise fuii i wei waîued by a T 0 L E T. Hyson 5kim, M dr ~<5çfl~5 usstîîs eto nver fali-ig ép rintg. Thsere lm.Iis s ooe oi propery, va irht inouriitiff o tlips'eiiisân. Tis e listitiS te <'fexcellent quailitv Lyo T.ky Si£100P000. Tetiiiiburr ocusljit§niscugou.s edîsr sand uIa- W coirtl wllgIou isnth Fui Tenuxus, &o. Aprslu' J ite rpit. 5tuet1 Ajl À. Mau us financial diffieulties lias isesu n.M.L'u1LlSO ue 'rjslc<>. ucmortoe ostrich insu vt weatiser Gee<askij , .11 CIOIEU . ls'ioiJauurylîis 160 5W . e*Soch.g ha cau7t'fiiti t1*.4utSA toyer bis8 bl. -eu - na) lt,16 2 WRico, 1 A Exceluior Ifluminatinig <> 3 " E J . CogudtinS r--La Oube d r ~ ~ .IB Ci MsoA RXI .SKE IO NE OI .. - At 15 per cent r011 Nn n uscoyado. Cuno flBr ls, r. Liftsoise tiis4 arcs isîsebfed tsi tise tbseri- Prices heretoforce aged. Tobacco, for Smokigan Poe i 88 A Lbers ciser hy' N"te4 <'i01- B isaste ult, will - .O ýéod'andi earreted f6r tise Clirsisiie Isby TIt1S 1S THE eoshS lifter tis, Firal day ut Justuary, 1860,s B. E. Forryu Esq.) * sussi puy tîseir re;sciteuits. O 'wing. Whet~.l l1.@$.6 PUREST COAL O1L, L.H. 8hofleld &Co. S YRUIPI>S. ik siuaiev to VES A W'iitby. Jalisuary ', 1ffU. 8Sî-îy Gle acelhr8riSa> spi c 50e~ DRLIZNT L And very arie in the. (irooery Lbi... Eiitirely free fron t neili, and fi§ osiper tii a 0.aisy utlisr ligut' glviisg isstiai. 2 GIVE IT A TRIAL Crw LandBuepartment." -' .AN; IMMENSE STOCK 0F CROC ERY. lionsotbr to get it fromntishe Agesnt for W htiy. - ~~ ~~1- - ~~Quebec, 16thsîDecember, 1859. CAI < ND E ANE '~' - '" »~WiO.'.5dI.~' pir. - islrbyJaus. 2, 188. . , treet. ' a ,lansdinlutlue T<wnmliips of Ayiisiii ail& IOS t cMLÀN %9 #1s doz. W b,«a.i, 80 2t Lilinckt4, outnty cf <ttilwaitviii bc apen for Y ï 8C.-______pair.___________sale for actuai ettluest, on anmd aller tise itispW-y Block, l3rock Street, 0oesq250 @85e.0Jî. ixýt. ù Essuiroeb l*woéc8 0 i O0 %9busiioL py ta Roisert 'sry ie tre, C0u ss UHAnnuat Meetin of tisestockholdersAgent, te Wakefield, in ssaisfCoilty. rUINI* OIE Sai $ 25~ anrlof tise Windor foad Company, will AlïDREW RU'SSELL, GATOÂYNTC. ~j4VAL. - 43oÊd Wood, $2 00'0 @42 25 ipcord. tako place at Sciptlreis iotel on l enday 8"n'Bt v . ;usistS i 1XlttIe. î ' ls the - UBLIC N'oticoier1o -Y giren tisat al p uluà oiet 5ois rem io ta isnay- ADVERTBEMEN Sixth gday of lYobruary nezt,, - Agrice trlNtie ua-eu p~rtkuaa * ~~~~~iEW ~~~~~for the electing Direotors and ofcrs 'id; ~~Â ~'N' i ~ta ' tise ensuing jan)f&nont7isOntnlou vIW s-iQut d" btà ha scrnýien éml * Old Newep~~apers for Sale1- By order cf tii.Pr'sident b eaDvnu' teWitj u*4mIoiilbptt5O *ilg1a. ~z âi 5 A . t t s e i i w ~ p s - u r u n p l e d J O H N W A T S O N t h eC O J I 1C o f e t' e e r o % i & oe&ô . 1 1, 11 te-t i- 1 1 7 -,m e c Pust joar, for sais o eap. ~5Whitb.y, JO.XI. 5l, 188<. 52 W hit5by, Jan 4b16~ 84nr hty os ,W-'-- 't fJte 'da~.7 r # . 'p e é> y J le. I r . rp ýe e~i u i c -S tr e e t, outi;aýst of tÉ e ank -- y opposite the Manrket building vhere they -ire prep ~ni witiia1 cail, with every article in'their iineo f busines,-, The eybseriberg arc kvaçtiçýsJ and compiptent evoi ~~a ~~i nd agt twv -the éùO jItire f fhW îr n Ï+or to tdir i iý aàji~f 4i~sobte r mnship, of geater-durabilit ', and more elegantly.finshed, and han thoseé -hobaive7to Lire, the lbro tes AlU-aritÏlisold àt the -Iowiest'iWig pricca fqr Cash, or en -appro.vcd crcclit. Pleasu nd.fêtei andd .xauin 4W x DONOVAN, WLE & Co., B Stg ILnîsounce tohua nurneA1is fries3d, and ' ciùl$tSrs that lieA's miv 5*~ on bis kxtcnqi4e hssne4~a - * ~IN ALLIIS RNIE, - On ite rernises heretofore .occupied by Mr. N. R1., 'n Mary .Sirî'et, ttc' ~ alnd.Brook Streets, visero le is jsrepared, ns liietoforei toe xcce;.Il t's'ckrs isriuÙ4-" tg hls care. ~Manufdturedand Sold lat.t!îeLueîtcuse'i~-fl'. ALL .WORK I 'îl~j~~ L UAiDLR7a id PRODUCE TKX L X t'IIt !' ti 1117 I.h:» DA FORD'S lon.ffcrpcrience of tlii-st% veass, ili tlscr- ~spal :rio:s c it~ Shites and Canada lias givets tInt e5es il)i . i vs'*V- si s h 1 ) ei c.- «.i~ few have beeis-abie to arrive at, assdlutoi beauf v Cof 1 1k*'ssc . ii and soliîdiy af wonIkiransliip, lus work caitaAbisees Wisitby, A'sýrtîsst 16, 18,59. cspei'< ONL.Y $700"F0 i - o z g .~ e -.~ R (>NE 0V #'tAîît1LA.NTDte I li tiai sicle in vry ro-p.et c.'as 1inges-id 5 I1. k- iis!.'iI' Co,5" î!w States., fer *110. 1 Isive usiide un sispr).îvca-tt. us .leis't' osite,.t' siCNi', isîS- itont bealIer.can oti utteii .i isut o.V ~uiL esld0."-5 s.1 11ti;si-<Iîie'tic-c Ii,'- 11e .~ls'~ alî<t 's s w'ttii i n-u'gkiiîg oit,'s(mtise <-1" . i 1i.1stisss s s-Si- gs s- i. nocosity -cf apphiiig cil tss lstent. icssllierlis., ic:~al.i.r~ - ti, uiW lîfiV51s-t lse iuiintes arc mikh-1utst exceîe'Ie busitsssd yse<suteistsseýd l'or es)Iili ".n'd.. o. 1 MACHIINE $75. - N- 2. 2MA,'CI-INE-$85. -No'. 3 MACRINE, LARGE .AND iMiplOVED, l'5. 1 have noceivoal nouoirotus ;testitnoli'.isinsu IIlu3ot Uts ue Muiliesls. Ta.ilm I~ )reîsi~i-: ai rivauu FassiiLu'î, aîîid otiiers, svlio sire s m's~rny Mshi'Žs<'i sur i ":;iî iii'gth-o r enseraiu s A e. Rouai le fsi o.sit us rssnific'.îtcs, s'rittesilsby the tw'o'.*U si gts.'t '. .iýIIioe t ts u e'ad anShueMauuti's'luCuda Mauiti-esil, De. 1859! dttel De 82 We' take pictisuro iii 1besstis.g vtusiincusyta tise ' w, hlun-ve ssed sL-ei i 'E. J 4s5",Sew.ii'.r su.piete vorkiugo't e,'4iIlisiises sjtsfrir- M sesi o ' a'i-t.'s'e ftsrîhsss epa. .%zis- t i isstli:;, Ib y Mn. E. J. Nu *,ia is ui ii.. i e5 -uistIuC 50he'ris tiss55 i > ii ;J .i t h ths arc s ires Orntbe isausix tiitlrs. Ti;t" si rec. f lss. "ivr c îequallossl lasssesssîdAisr sitteris, aad equal ta '.sùy of 6ssr sscqusist-ssssi. ssi '.s.s!po i'.h '. - ~'vrs pftse kisl îst. -Bll:OWN & CJIILDS. CIil 111Sl, làt. & MiLES Ail comm,ûflicaticflg relative ta Sewing 1circetc.,,tîsust bu îîrsîuil, ssuiusue tîsiens wiiI be received. E. J. -NA GLE, CsÂîsSWSoiLciS s'nSISE 265 Notre Daine Street, Iloutresîi, C. e. Jractoi'yarer ]Iaz-ticy &Gis'i'tC-.nîlBtsss, ào tr egl1 C . E . s5 w 4 J N 0 T 1 C E. . - erry, Meery Ohrisn=as 1 4LL prsnshtviig daims agaungt us1 vîill pre,%ent tiseir IttSouflts for pasy- ap nstngus ictssgt iGu - L. iM?.SCIIOFIEýLD'&-Go. tsigsifo sSleîsis -July ist, 1858. -28tf Tas, àuggrs, 'oflee, Ccocci sudi, ýC1i' cong Powtvder, b'uncke and Sutanýs RaisIins (urrenta, -.Citronsî arnZ4emon 'FURTIIER ARRIVALS o0F î Peal,' F/aroring- E27t ru ts,Wixag - Muot4rdToaèacoo, tý.., 4.c. Jeatrecivod li th Uudrsiner , FQÇ ATTLE, Whitlby, %or 28rd, l859t- s7 ~t itî . s G od A11pjy lut tise cbn u- 1 ~ 1 I TIO1 Dr f.. sd on 'to' lesed or tii. wT -/ been bd to r, by ex- wge copy* it. to' Y«u

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