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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1860, p. 3

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poNOVàs-f-t Whltby, ontheisit lât., th wif ofo<Mr~ . . .Douovsn, Car $mg9 Painter of s Son. y5~Tl~~ÂPkkehIgon libnst.,4Lý tIM wife of T. P. White, o. -eueof Pcelg a dimugb»r. i0SS-~MUT&BD-Ât b. esimcei efthe br1deý,s <atert ce the llut nstby 'tis Bo". j; ckou9o, ..M.,Mr nry imokardRBouu ,Yâ quuslngjto Jane, only dauglter of Peter IMntàrd, srlkhaui N0Le»-Bu='Ox. By the Eev. U.1 Orvs stie residece of Mr. A.. tilciols,' Cn the lut list., 1Mr. 3.1.0 Noble, of Pick- "er gte mi"sSuanautton, cf Msrk- A1JCTION SALE Roui Etate, oit AccouirNTOF TUE Tr an d Loan Oompany' OF UPIPER C,&N,4DÂ. WILL BE SOLD 'BY ýPUBLIC AU CTION,5 AT TUE SORTIE[AMEbICA I HOTEL IN THE '1rOWN 0OF PORT HOPE, -On Wdueday, Febrnary 22, 1860, AT NOON, Very Valuable Froperties., r NERPOWR P SLIN lW show Iroom OYer the Sbop, sud à or s goba 8 pra < n la tii bu id i jng s b ollot w th the, Th .how- front late Most Icuonossd' 1 r q l , n t sT ow n . ons s sion Il i m at- JOHN AUNALJ *1-4m. ~ .Dundmus ate, Wst LLTIERARY PRIZES. ' s ligbt sknowpegen t fthe i111m, al support ezteuded te bis efforts, as wu *il 01 from *adule te encourage-la hem- OVE? a llmiltedsdegree-s teste for litera., ture amongt the readers of the CIroideg tii. pubisber ladi.ntes bis intention or oe fering anuna ipremiums for orignlsllterary prd ionluprosensd verse. The firt distribution of premiumi mil tûeO place On Tnesdy, th i t day of May aext, and vmi, b. swarded.. msfollows: 20iocCount>' of Ontario, tiie advan- tégos of its geo-mphicai position, i4lseuotlemnnt progres, apd roaourees. Fi* ffb. beit original Esua>' on <aton ndplysçaleducation. - TIRD P8tIZE. $à 5 For tie bout original Esaay on Nà:wu- FOULTH PRIZE. $ 5 For the bout origiaal Bsa> on Cous- WEbeg moat,,respeeti'ully to announce te ouir nUftlre~o us- TVtomeèM that lni consequence of thie geat elleft-esin, our trade,'<~e ave f undfecemsryto réMONte. te those exteinswve preies whiech have b«en expressly ertebyirWliw - Phers6n, for our, aeM Modàtionu: ~FFirst door souh of Mr1 iaing'9OId: Sttwda. . iOr customers wilfn l i ew Establishment au immense Stock, caref&i1y selected, an Sid 'cQMprsin g the most. lreckerEand vàrledassortmeuits'of plëe4dgoode 4" j GENEAIL GCEIS Great additions of new and tlîoicely as- sorted patterns have been, macle to our- heavy stock Of & HINAi G1 ASAND EAERNW'RE We atre in almost dally receipt-of frcsh Teas and Gropiùrieg L0WÉà & POWELL. fl ýtv*ck-Street Wiitby. Door South of Mr. Laing's Old Stand. --90) lxi6AetWAm Y 60 N poe toB ThI ,O icFe eu e' given tist titelidai n, the noi*hp ofgiwdi, la tise Cot:utpc erorougi U. v'.. millie t-pt-..'fru& , àftqr lt4EVINTIl of leexI uitîtit.- or-liteo! l uioa mt oidtoiu fsi ppîs cihiadllnghies,FÀqlre, C.uti In AMent., tuoygeoit, In itic townnippAit Verulaim. lu PumLumn TlCs àA inug WO »OILLARS PER ANNUIR IN * . 2dollars pcrniiugiecoloy pFr izh"iim n ul a*aic ONLY $7- FOR ONE 0F 61 lei'0~ ' ' IN E JS, CELE BIIA E1) SE YI NG )lÂCIIN ES 0 st jo r pieg tu one acitreeno. Wlren acu ii enfrutadditions May' hé madiet te I c'lD o ctt #.isee nV(rate.131 lge C. .h 'T, tarins or bath eitn Are ctrictlV Cil1 ARI, -W A - t ,ha it 5kiti O ("7rt. pt' il ic' slu lyP . W Sigc (o.l4lt th. Id.MrP Irfs hiei eîýeýwig tie tintinu:sl' .M-t lkii.g oafita.il t-e t 't u1'gc .--d.cles ;glber AitliettAr..ocr-rgn n. t.enitttt'.eet o t - The, îiecelssitv- o a ilIiv 11t t i i t i,tt leti! crie eltit !>' 1-s !îtt& 1b);:til îmo-,A'iii 1rosn.in. dti sel, pot-putiti. 1 T ss ohie à dtt-tl'cY I'jt l leic .'t 'ta i inutt. rîlA iîtrla (omla JOH-N, T iOTTP O .- Propnietor 'WMOîNtv iiieuie,11 Meuttretil. o. MACWNE $75. - Io .M tlIE$5 JOH Dc(~J..qNo. 3 MACHINE, LARGE, AND') lir-OYE $£16%. T TPî!NItT>A!J'P1N'FWB F)RCAAPA I lri'etldînee"tsut.itsfraini hoot sand $i.cc '<ltnill-luiteru', T.ii ' t-.n Ik- 14J Wont. allers hic servicen 'Ot hie iîiîshl- crn, Privitte Fsilutilil il, atti (011crs. wh.t 8'rue tu.it.glIt:' Mntc'li 1-a rti iti' (- I C'Iit i!t -.,tan inti..s.teaA T)riam 4Caintipp. t» at- for gellera!.tIsC. Iten.)Iltefolioon ig eti %YI MOI b Lt-s, (v:iL ty- lyLL ucL ]rt-Itl t(ibtti toUaIt'MrI,' F.. wègoh andwife, o t b ComnY,PatO .ten ilss the. ttnd %alto llt nyreelot F tte 'Towtîl ut oftPurt beiole. xgrhtertaidesiitedlitithe ACOy Of the Semi-Weeluly Chroteicle, .0l lrnaîa lgdt teOhofSienie,1M rcbn'iz ad oiter Oeffectu, te rA 1 on30ihi 9nreDe.1h .nd oifsg eain at te618o66tmnr, fo ontyer0110 gefree,) for the best o im6. lit gifs; &W a B ramte itore.hutiuc nuit a frailebuildin.g 0O gUa Antbe rie MÇOU'2P1I,. Onwa. Atgngt 18%ï9.Wetlspeuruhcri.t 'imiyohi W levîsd ostago tiittnl wfan afer - ýýlltQuebe, 20t1à Zanudr>, 1sB. otlakud 3OW III wie to the abn.Se Colguai,. beuiotg dutel,GisM ar, (posaefroc,) for the second bout IMparnt uk14 tuiti umreveis.,., ..... o. ur owatorignal Anthema onlBPîIIN. _ -hr¶ fe hit4lt nl.(1 id<Fofrit ope, costainittg eitçlit acres ou.)1til Oh.. Im rlets ne<rher desecribed onthe nortgag't, mC A towsRip fAinG E Hf th mIL Iaq mD exccptlttg oui of the altove demcraltetIliti the cg.C R R I G U L D E k9 t f Fronn~_TT'. V.. wii ha1-tn nfor tulp on th gohedemcrtbed pyul b.theporio ofgtad ardki nuibrseelylvCmrlrtil o tnn,~r tr-LZ l - a U81 ., maYor f Whîtbv. af~~wv~ Oand nuttrthe TWE!4TYTHIRD of NEXT ~ . ~ CNDA EI4 A h.t br e nl e riel thai otkt ui i Iir k t E .1 MadonellM0E4TI mm a plastote(tlabd lltttor gai lt (. 08 digtpro. John1 O ;rtylsalick dwolisog, ktw ta w tii,-lite rtbve J hn S er, Eq., P. L. 8. &CI of tMAh eO' )ItA alla on diin.f" e mpadwdiýacoy.0 o ltfulwokn rdr1 .J.WlsnAq. âriteapplv to Phenezer FerrY.Egq.. Crown'Tmand MnrsC ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tao, subslta l brick dw ellbig.ltOLtSC ow ye kla B R. J. Gunu, Esq., b. D. B O K S R E , W J . A et t Tanwoth. Inthe to wnshilp of Shef- - R. Checkley, Esq., M. D. BRC TET HT .felCut fAiian ilnder povmer ofSi isMrgge rota Peleg Wid COmpetitord must uend in their produc, -, w. ANDEWRURL . uand)wirelte ta Bb!ve Cotnpsay. the Nortieriy one thon. tionsu ndor seal 10 the nnderslgned, on ior T ESubsci iber - e louve tW inform the public that tbey have opened buitîneos in __________________ Ifred sd oneveros UdUic l5lh day ofiApri-Pl-it. à L the preni-sts< b'n rupicti by 1fr. Ira B. Carpentel', situsted ln Brook Street t OV L saortiy araog at ur twer. etlghl lag te l3foread uhmt ba oadSouth Eae't of the Batik, i y opposite the Market building, where they ore prepa 'b usl. tilT«front si uti sudtat.!oceti Iec ly io u- - ~ < ~red to supply il who favor t in witlî a cuit, witlî every article in their une of buminess. ne'I J. M.Irrintan. 1). B. Patteruott. Clttpel Ixel. to b. nccoaipanied by teDm n d The swbscrihers; are practiotil and corupetent workoeen of long experience, and as they co 4kol Homue Loi, àid . M Scfti. TitSti a Vtt'Y a- dress of thc witer, with the motto 0on the devote the entire of their own labor to their bustnegs, tbey caou produce artce fbte tale<aiwih on bi4itgeenvelope eclOSitig Uic mime. w rkmanobhlp, of grester dttrability, and more elegaîttly flnisbed, and Bas renoved hiis stoek of Drugo', Paints, &o. te under power or sale ini a Morttuge (ran Timoiliy The several Essaye and Antlioma t o b. ~A F R r E L TI M Cl~ PE ,~ o ,~m ecsDidf. lier.pI the B OVnt VIttu rt corne thc property ofithepublisher. 1Than have ho . Br.M o.kSre opoiet1 ewrc loi roitaliilgtswo usred arssiietrlii.Atec- C m iosfrte second and third, hnthoas who ha lo ire the labor ni othetz. r k te sop siehenwB ckB c' tarntrants islua good sinte or eultivati<tîî. 110 acreil ini-prizes W o cconfined to persona rsiding in Ail articles sold at telowest livinîg pricca for Cash, or on approved credit. -Pîcaue of James Wallace. 73 rmnsbnni. rau JwiutgUua~a the UcCounty of Ontario. .111 and examlitte.____________________ 5 ~Tho fourtb, fifth and sixth prizes, to bo Ail kini of luînber and farmeVsl pr<duce talcon in oxchange. Ail work war ratited. g~ y :EÂnNG O . Usdrpower of lSale lit a Mortgage froits Jphritif exclusively confined W tie Teachers anîd DN V N A Y C Pwsund DONOVAN, WALomanKteEY & B Co _t EAM4 OO Imm oé0< Lot nutaber tarent «SVeil lt h tc tiondItl COttCL'5theCouty.HE IIB ED( OM1 own i(ell muid w hi o î altifusl Co ti,theorNorhT___________________________________d______________ tclrati , toWitahig ufttntiîbtîi. muid Cotil> of Nr- W. il. IIIGGJ.NSI, TÎWei l lghted. cmotb~sdwtdBG né~ ~hi uorîsfine n utf mithin tic Coutle wety.s"'dmith nws esando i xeîlioIuîesO more orleu". Att ezeelleiitt <'larcil(anî (nomrttte Chroncle Ofice. ud lu tccke *J w e llil tg h o u l e , t a r C r m e a r n , c ttO ffie dc e.C Whitby, Jain: 19, 1860. Teririt Mv snuimtltdebts and () I .G I~ Under power of Sale litfi nMarigage frin Dromtflnti____________________ 0 . iFletcher an. W lle, ta the abdvbC npsty pari o odaf %heo ina t <.Lttuntbetr tlis h i... "o r -. SituateA in tii. second dot oveftii NLhIieBACHS oth (whpo Lt ten ice fUtcittisi ithe Hluii t, y URS DAY the MveuteenttlChronicie Offl. Entrantle thtoigh the O i rmsshrtfr cuîdb i Aa ;luîhAerly, crie-Dosaltuat o%uitconeio isse i N 0 t? ATi C19In Chabers 1 da ofJanuary ln te Stationery Store, ~~ lGlS m rc îetweehi ?prd sieeooe ,nlatrl ietot ltgu eorih e,csi ogle Lo PR SS V . me wotîty tiryear ofthiu caWre..11G14S itwenty chabots incite or leu . int tîtrui cau su01,e tf ,taro eoy os htte o le aaAv ne itra n ateya uti. liot. ithece isa lî.ttiltrly direction til isaine .tit u >Lmi, Shecy cii ia Lt cc7 aett.QtenVcoia n a u en ________________________ Ilite u t: ICtt ctraQu south e&igtie rf uali)lot of eighitteltt acres.hernce A DAILY .!OUKNAL, l'KiCE $6 A-YEAK. 'ter sltu ee anîCour uit! oteri, f e r Lord, 1861). fi a woeei>direriot par'.lleita cnarie li t Sslatte'ut th ne'rEtEsAND DIVISION COU-91I't, 5J.'I L~~I ual.)14mttwentyechaini satre orle". onthie Sotuth %Veut enr wl h iodn bfand for ise CotuitVof Ontario AWDRSTCIU' I'Tfl¶ F<1Ca irtT isol fmd ,to irttot ve;thctte is a North- >T H Et ~litie Court flouîse, lu ta Towii of Wihittby, oit John f4nVilon ulesz and Gordon gé 'e- Blanks cars b. mad Chesper tho ita A te ietio ilo h neo ieryorc. lse:tclluitfToronto, and wmliibe found ltô ho printe MnfCun u olia i oett fl eggtWl leANDinil on botter papor. Buy attie Cironicle L OK ARNE iL ¶il, 4dltNrsr adng m illi oi 2 o'ciock. tioon, of wh'clt al Coroners. Ju' Johtn G. Buweu, Edw.urd Bowcu, JamoeiiBoweuî Oflice TIBJ n RDIO 4'N "ECLN niamvili, u e'lagNrerys iltre.u. tll i a.tIIC 2AYEU ices of taeaccu. tond ('onsLabile, fond ail .t- David llowelq and Qaviti Polock, Dofendants.W.H q<elieti e uttuatelifue rttwtepi ida . l.HIGIS. D.FOD'$lng.pe)eic o tiry ea n hep 0cbmt aaof t esea&w11b0.rîefapliue to r* concernede aili tuite notice eand govcrîîUponth ie applictatioin of Le iseintiffs' and _____________________ pIc f aa ~' aictr. Mecuris ainatr t., tiomucîveu acord1 upay non lietrittg vead an afigdaitof Wiliam Hut oUler wer fRi l1îo4EU014 rn Cac t vrislgbld n frte etrGpr t. upïlrt , ~ry Treiâytc, and It aptint tthe ,.idfehaebnabotarieandorbay fdst, P a r . s ale ilL i at l i C .tltita be o(ro m ta b so r ed w i h an oa a d o lid ty o fedrku minforp ,tiseiWe stcrer n epertllet P o rte r a w i < ae , ta h e s b a t o C a i > . t h t 0 -al 1 p a a t ad e f n d a t , J o h n G . B oé w e u à à so a b c o d u içrfrlts oiucsiletauon sttoLite orat elPurie. lOUt Iou-tituîthbysnnb. bc fotn tualieanervee ith un flIeiIiG <cfIsit tiutnb ger ». e tititi sivtit Coe c5uiredofalie.Sttrîffu Officé, office copv et tite 1.Iaintitiu Bill in thT.. cause. Moedr l acrceFDb 16. 92 IL leuorderad that the ssid defendant John G. ttmmr tariNe, la the osifs coicessiott 0( Ile1 1.i- ht of any Daliy Jouriir.i pttbll.ilied West of Bowcs doa nswar or demuir ta tîhe 1.iintifts pg ETEST AND BEST PRINT- WibAie't615 cu îrf.wllkiita tlogle fr.,m Hllyuit with lglii Lotidun, Jan. 19, 186A. 99Bill it o hef1J thetwefy-elisu cay uoF e ' ingplain and fancy, or every descrip-fj IJ Yrnehrs.&.The gsecoitI ucîtirit>'lsals) ______g) ___ md 4 nxt sd t s waperdita o o tdilquicicer iLtii'h ' kMldgan l e. wtgrW1t lu ________ il- .1IOrl] 1tF D.Fordcr togetiier with te notice rqubé y the tion, eau bce Ichlanyohretbii '1.LTi a t{ t' lois*. fiewhatgrIrtei C and.E D t i ns 11MC COMiDiy. Gnriordersof tiluCourt 1n l'uebed tii the CrnceOfc ht n te sals of al ugry . e Al. 'chlîicie" nears p e cdin te Town ment lni thO 0ue Te nsi oitBaolesto Vey ¶'ind o aial059W trlnt, orWâhy ekfor te tourl. MOINS .erat7,tilt wlie rotît~l.be ai ME I AL IlO U E CIEB QFFJCE-I4verpool, Engla'nd. day otf February, andi afrhrodrdte ~ VWIatt Viger, miOFFoItCEapi'.M ONTREAL. te*a of isa tihe fri î iten an, o hn Gu. THOS. FATO 014 RAT CommUsioA.GRANT ÂCDONALD,1 iN g<,Slgned)otur A.CI .,teiitrtr. j *Int re ceved by ltheVU deruiD Od e i , t a i a j s o m n e No CCKD OSNtA LW E T, T so ro L C I A iM A N - W M . M O LSO N , F EQ . UTAnMlion. ~Johun Yotuttg,i Thomnm Xitay, Ysq.Ta Jolin G. Bowes, onc ut the aboya namsed W p DR. GNDING9 1formerly of Enland')"iyiows Take ,totiaeAtt if ynd OR SW WOODENRDetdinu ti,1heti iall rsuaflt tothe above order, Grand Trmnk RatlwsY RibId. FO AL .NEW PpEE1)Y, AN'D MOS0T SUCCMESil. W. WO()ît attt i.ther to Lakefftheay-a. a k"'its(orCtrItu Cak' tA A il;Od ftetlgWliitiîy, Jan. 21, 1860. -2. th e Pli as confem ' gilîlat yots anti the (.Sia'hl& iddeofRailwIlii Dqo, Port Wty).)- ~ ~ ~ ,.,~ . . '~ A DALMAIN SUPERFINE COT- A D kmpantIy.pepsïa %r4Dieit ____________ -Court fil îa irîthe< pladttilli..mch li ler as .3E.IUtDERSI(4NVDEGS TO INFOR oPiano-8 tpeCdauli' 4. For heAf'gale.( l tiiav naly a ittitlud tA, oits thvronsCi g Lho friendus and thm publie, thaI he in; tic UFA O 0 14, tltltt ofwich ho wili it future carry n on hîn &Mi- t a q i r t t e HîIL E O - I l 1 e a k es , L o m i o A tt & tii é a l t s c fy o n a îi f n t r p e iv e a n > ' f a rd i e r n o t i c e o f i a gioe n i ft h eti tic h o v e h o t l t t .h ienu ' for cash. E qi'oaahnCIO I LE0- d ldd4 , Bineut um, rAl,th tlooç is S3Cuein 4mry non i% i k fie, Wbthy. pedal. Fo sal choip Maasma(itt,<,~TE CELEBRIATED Sîctrf ieIl.Te cd î'd f laefflntGood Liqeoru, Wineu andiBrandi, CO-Nitby, ferPcb..G E R IA.N O I L ! wiitu, J ait. 23, 1860. 24W. Excelletl tabling-tii.Oeftîî attetîionlfor mta FatCln rni or Sl, ).GOODINO i; noar engagwetiin trestiiCand]otieos. .I D G C I A C R E S .claml ns diewitlîthe rý g atouiýitltilofTEfUR 0JOSEP HI RUEBOTTOM, 100 .tîcc~~~~~~sienu Lhe rea1îentaeotc lait. ithnew u pBraises sud ail kindu I MSCofRIN."aRaeCti-WhtyJn.1, 80 nd iLle nbitscd tipontcientifla pric' l o i- Wund inidet6t th Maan patiJatnor he9,,îe onLte WNot haf lot No. 20, discovcred rernedie%,thoittnt mtnle;,i rmln - Woude iPartiestereqheirng URuch, had better aeareUCbefo Tl' Wsth"ioii ty Tesysteuli. vey 1ion tist ha ild praeonetiewe IUAIN sgra nueenswlb gv fr en, of the Township of pliiby u 118u. The facilities cf pu re sre sncb. tht$tIta)o-.o-l rcr tiswel 'wbole cleared and under çultivation. Weil tiei'tie eau ha cur<td ut their own tiouà;eo withliît t5«>OsEc, EerSie,- Publication ot Vocal and 6TA IN eotue, lu atiy rprt o a ' count r eauanthaai)g sud 5uan s beantimi barn, sedt3, ot.ltex] îte decrptiof l oheir Cseb> lutter, and Il U egat2 t 5 Ct Ia hi E ,yT.Ce- Pan Fo eMn4cc%- building@, and root clar nemi>' erected. "a-u'tiemediitten 1to thani by macil or ex- Accardinte 4L szo, This Oil wilcure ail trceî î'ery Autur ning -ucr,d proauncedtue Sa io> unmnRqat F r t r s & c., p ly t w offl dm, and is n infa hib îti roin cé y f r the e- W n m e l e o c o n u. A s li b e p r o BUNHM, NR VO DEBILITY. lif aofl Li tire Preitu of Le Countryte Uo hoeo I %s nolaeofthe Priutng bi-B(a k 1> idfo Whîtby. U - &'THE BERT AND CKEAPEST 'WORIC 0F iessmll~ treatti with liheraliY.Oas a d P rk Yonniz m n who re trouhîcti witi weaknei, H O SE & C A T L ALIt..lgter ios-tai> Whitby, Fuub. 18, 1860. Icelieraiiy cenuset by a bad hIab t ln yatith, thLiii. NTH OL.1 gilWib affecta ut wsloh.n . .9 t, car, cLtUî tNflt Vls w tOX AND st>mTwelve ful'.aized 1Pages of Vocalanti Piano Forte ____________________ loyal OrangeAg$oci.in nesto, nometimes a suittin usw Mutie for 10 cents. eyec, wenkneofl the aund luwer extemni ttous, cutuOi ie osof menory, w ith E I G O r A L O W , Y rfy 5;l tyal,$.o Q atry 12. CA T O A L q T C - maelancboly, mauy be cureti by the New Botattie Intlictod on anlînain. I1? IL ha' been tîncul Subserib theur"ou? Mucbal Friandl," or order- Boueiee nccessfnily for the Lnt fevet i rn, 8a1(1 h' iL fron thie neareut Newodeaicr, andtI oni willr U BtlIC lqote"s herebv given that ail pr lC OUNdi T RYPTET9 oe b's-n kiswn tu <il.Madeoand l od by ltave Music ecugh frOrentire famîl) ail an P sons fatînti remOvine U r akine 8mw1ayay A. Xi0~WLES. inuigîtiLîmuit cos; anti oi wstnt Moîii for ntanti or mrve1 ftomn the Beach on.- the lande'o Medicines with fui! directions cent to an>' part Pcaîg.C .tigo Flube, Vioiin. Cortiet, 1'larlotiî, Accordion, it.. Wm. Melntonih, Lako Shore, Wlîltby, ii ofthe United Statep by patients eoituintingikeigWîiC.In 4,180.2-7 &,-., sunhueibe to Lie otttbrtbtalnitig permissioni fro thto ntir tit ir1 mp atiu b i lt, «Totn.e 24, 1860.__ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ _or*_ cieuce stnityoldete uiness£050 MIIODhlI signed ie p T B suuorber repecfnul teiafrm hei frnd Addrens4 Il' ta bonin lenviJACOB BRAIDEN, iv eoet mic' 4mBikBok ro v linIn)iFort Wilb.aiitu oLt l' - tultai wc l.i.t-e.ix u1#14110 LLs, SCIIO.ES & àÀ!.) S. muàt bO Prepaid, ns ~oî aty&Gil»iCat s auil Bacini nets Liat là la Je>t" rit AKJNG, ýl,,aVy Sti'cctbetwlmein BYxoî execute nil endors intrusted. S, CUETTFi'R S, 'C 'E, cet MALRKET -PRICES] rincipal Manufactories of tic. routeh of tha business which (Aaice o ff s.*uaIt rs and thé. puba to seou off at IES' FIJiS, ring ,Purchtsesé «e purchasing elsewhere Wkeat, Peas, andt maustomeru gepcrail>', that 1h.>' Strbtt whero :liey iatq opioud lu- 'I Icon- luN led- b>' 'engout wti . e1t -tro iX lu tic a. it a Go>- etons àkmale 0 by las sDonu 9 -unuity, riwiof )stale%' là.:uit 1 lo» Torolitot Feb. ît'lbtw- 1 1 1 1 Il leu!-

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