Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Mar 1860, p. 1

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SDAY &THURSDAY, ta mAtII vier, ae lit t bite Fnintisg EsanltayeÜîu, 001i:o Street1 W1itby. at Donc te tino Rngistry Ointe. - TERMS OP tiUBSCRIPT1ON ARE $2 la ntviltc, anti $3 50 nvtun Payatble - tait luneiit... ...........$0015 ln Uan es, Irait insertuin (peu- ino) 00 Ce etuieqsOnt iniertiatu ..... t 00oo inrauuult alloieed Ca Morebsenm atut onu-iin iy te vesr. tare pnpeistaeaerutstiur ln idietby visesiuce tta WEEKLY JHRONICLE 'aie. ee un Chu meeninge cf SITUR.DAY ini eneli evenh, ai- DOLLAR FIER ANNKM,- saCcl> le utetvettee. ttîihy Clînotuteto tuai Chietargnot ciroutuu- mn> ather cuutry' utupeu- juebiiaet ini cles .......... .... ..a ....ae taOnet- eue ]tinca tirt iliýceeiin, (plieu it). 0 10 t ît itaa t inurtiaiu ..... .... a 04 pa ccitt lie di. cîîttuîuîd tututi alIt urnauur- of itua Paililiec celio-tu uturene CC Oi:~~~ W. il. IClNt i-tit iýe ini CV itli>î, C. '% ua éiiizr- - - :~v BOOK AND JOB ltCt, TING ESTABLISHMlIENT. 1,1 sit ~ w OPRIETOIZ nÃŽF TE 'IIITI file L c weial re.iti-lntuaior il 'eOctdut a fat tua linla proelunei citu 'of lte tu10.aI 1, 4 i-a>- siylea tifType lttan Neaw York tutu. htth- iactfitcbt ountiaultuttim bu iieiured ta ecett Salt ANU JOB PRINTING seIliilt de-uciptiau i e cluparian stylo ani u%' atol ut ate Iocaol rouniuuuueraîig cu-i-- lutir ssca tnit iing Mnettittery, .iiIors il,îîant siuuîiitur deaeniji- ut UI Prehtîlitig fturuubctîed icituit ait lueur af i-uyat î rdure -Wt. il tttttCiNS aîia'iiiilk, f7'/i ie tu-f' (ltr, W ititliv, C. V,. if l U - fill I1tn if tu 'l'di-- 0111N HALL TIIIOItPSON, BiDcgî» IîEN OiF'7iI tU 'iC9'OT ti )1tN- ci iat Z 1c1EC5 BUItN IADI, 'Eîîcî .1 tF Tii E t'itNTt' ut UItlutCtTE ui1ti-i t- tii-t- i-lt fl(' Vlilni 1tîîu i-c tii-i-tt, ILO .RYO. i-li-cei ii. .1yOFFIC2E AT VItE COiURT il le OFF~ el-iICE OiN BICR ST., ta, >il t 1i- I ,1 ' - - I. J. MtACDONILL. tZ Otuii t F 'ItE t'E.'uE. 01- FI-U-AV t mîd h JOHN V. iHAMlt, Kitî4 O tF Tli le tIiUNTV COtURT, A-Nt) tri-f liii- Birnic ii itn. >ta Cer. ee cîl -R Otl FFICE AT TIIiE CttUIT' uni- sJ. .lel(-t)ONLtIe, &I ()F .i:t ii- 'Ail- i Ouit N'T'l i utiui tueiii t litti Ii C u t Il tii- 1 JOIEN ItîCL'it, etiili-u' tý Leceun JOlIN AOltI>ON, 1 Pal tli:oiwt-î-t'- t>Ei-t tîli îîiî tif io eWhi- 1. iH. TiCEtAYNE, 1i;la.ii-r EtSTVER AND tiiINTY tEtIWN imitai ofle-lui Aeiitulh'n Neee Brick 3EItON du IIACDONEI.L, ne ;e iltt pITER;, &t .1-fn îttNl1CS AVi LA%', 1ii- -utra lto lite Clit vi lîcititil Ohititte.- es t lthe tiiiuei t1 a-'eui Winig. nt ORGCE H. DAICTNELL, eua lofia4w &. I Ilire aven eS DoLlscidait i-t Ilte IlSuîîr --in ite t Sreet %Vlitliii oiu% 11 J. V. HtAM , CCVii. V. i 'tt P. S. I. FAIRCBANK(S, l'IOU, 4NOTt-rty P1UBLIC, &tc. &e. iliEN îi, t'. W.- Wear foi ISTîti AINP A 12CItNEVi-AT-11AW. tt/,cNt/< e->tpitt filue'tt-gimCny office, rc t, PIhit,1 alictPdt IPEPUEN SIEARtLE, l.t AND IlAlII- INti-Utlti-CNtl- ON, ICIiciiia lrtttire Clrt 07t arm 'Ta of Ct- SCO'T'TP IIOTEL, Eeth~ AMOS W. CRON, Nuis te ' IrTiECT, CIVIL ENGINEEII. AND tr te tlc Agelt W hit-t I oepi DP tCISýTT ANI> 1IUPERIOR a.hi urt, au Maseueger to tbeCutoilion- i tti' RODERT Jeu WILSON. - IISTEC & ATrORNET AV LAW, u rw- IOirnChaene" is Wiily Q1-W. t EX.ZE'mtim CRAELmf PÂTEZ,ý L' 0CluT I as m-eoe Uty DRSi wViCh calm Frontcd Word$, great thonghta aLilmatioliug inIury, We aivocate Pence, ProgmoeaKnowiýedge; flrotherhood. VOL. 40 GEORGE lBRAwlONt. 'IONVEYANCER. COMhtC -' ,FO ~tk,Brook, . W. - - ROnT. CHE CRLETCIL.I UI!GEON Acc0UICIC<1;&. Cî0b s fnr Viea coiiîtiy o ari oi. VuGzNT itle CÃ"t7IT£ IAOL .5 S JNEll *'CII gOCAL DENTrIS.-ttpt0t(E 1 U"ex 1- .uieiler .1.. lta'o Stowrei iio,'t se Lii iegele l)tte. Ai îiîuiiitoti Il-rtIttet; E iroteea ifair trial. G». A. CARgsON, M. p &e. C lîtei td reiieIt-sen-.ýCeiil Iloîti N 'liiily. Iitrilttr ittaitiiiigven teotie EAST WINDSOR ][]OUSE, IVIITllYt wut. anUin, ýtiiariittti 5I'tt UIîîO UItotet bi8.ittiitcil Inn 1.ietnit I Cileul l-dC a lie Vtaion titf e t roîtît (tiiil itkiaiiiîitit etntive os(tond JUS1 RECEITED, 100 5lo uhetiTaunicrtàS.», ieutiloe laie. H11GB FELITZ9 jECIIE IN ltti7mlIVItE strinig latrumtsis Il'î.treî tul or is rtaiîleie. 4r J. C. XBANCOCIR, r.W-PullOT ANI51115O5AIit CVhilîy. %Wi aiet..iiiiier i-d ua.uîîfliî.îîl îîîîîilîî -rn1eiatintwýr- tut.ulcijii Iuitutiui cuiit ii i ti A5EOCiCAN sIo'PEI, p urt-er if Vitttiailîd IeutStreet.- 0AKIIîOOD IOOTEL, O ARItilii W BNtOI îîteii i, 88t 1eURON d1101J.S16, ' 'tIlT ' Wtt I 1.5l', liC'- TO . P. mI. CLAItE, u..ti c 1-i utut Go.-c, . H.RIi'tiAN'l'V.IItAi1, Ne. 74, t, NG ST 1l . 1 Ntmt 818i. 1 y îîîueIîiliuîîMe. titike, is ei--a ito f- ci Northuimerluandir d.uillonir i'aa tIi-îî CNTRO IOTLt L %iûil, t lee- mue C'OIANTON M.CAtS D UItI îN TCIE, tICtUNilXILr ý 'îtî, y' uiIllie VTawn of CIitiite.1 J. W. CORSON, M. 1). 131 lv lt i ;ii lt l ,it- iiiil t ,t-' e we tît ! ctiuttitrtFloiiiiiicN, Yiuaicuit> ot Mtit u ic .ettttt d i pi 1pr ('iti, d . Iiu'tîiciiîi ->ttrh iiteblhigr, culem u c trtht BIOUQUIET S CLOONY, 1i"CvkEiN IElE Vhttl'-, t~ANI :SiN B)I lime itiaEg StregttCet, '1'uriguî(atillt tiiupCo iimîcis, < -ui-. t. Ail tl rît 30 J. Il. FAîIlIAtiItI t IIEIIRY IJANNAII, I > tAIN AINISCUNi>t 1OiJ tNTEIt, I;iii'l P uier Iicti-gir, îl., it lu> 2u W. IL IIILLING. ,ItltteSTEtt & A'r'titliNP.t A L.A'C, PEItU SAI.OONV. F bxîAtt1t, O2'E(F TVITE YOCUNG ' tuîîî i ellir ucuîc tue liît l 4"- m, ing 1 Sreat, Wce, Tornutto. Cltiui' tii- ant1 lti-ounit aii ilt heurt. - 301O1N IETCALF, C tEv f'll li FIg te-rtuiui'tShuî\ 'ET 'Ire", t CIubilitilt. 14 FII-ANJ(LIN 11OU18E. LINDSAe.Y, C. cW. r . JEWCETT, 'OIZ)IIEVrOR. -i tOR- B1. tut eîtiiucttetfuu- Tuttilera. CI Ititlî, Jaitu21, îO857- 1 A. K. RICE, 1tNtl uI;UttreUttiie,ttit'ITl' o titutie, tutirapnitiei feutlruuituitre ai idid tu.t l,'rii itiecrat-til> reiotev . RAIL ROAD IIOTEI I iItIlIPOIETOB. "Vl ' (-;itir - -dtOiIStîilitig 1tî14t! n ivtiti le A. PICINGLE, 1ERCILINVT MLOII, llChiIC TREET, THIOMAS DEVEREIt., BUIIDEIO, due.d&., GRE STREET BWiIitCly,c. W. ROESONV's hIT..4 auI-lBuit, giCCMOiceceteiu, evrar ON VIIlELEADINIO STAGE ItýA» IAALP 0 W# y letuee %Vhiby akbeIc.ljidre mu, Hotet Inun teen reftte anti fernici-ù; mas os- mnît style for Ciarcemneqdunîi-î af traccO- 1 et. Evel>- ttentionupai to te caiciandeu CViches 'dctduduulsuattiuu ovete,-îM nndu houie. ýA teati>' lCer àil s ainatend NATIONAL IOTII, PORT vinAvE. l TIetilerstd iitC inturutbi fdrs uc Cli chia OCtl, i-aa behAmw Pession~ us u0, rnE sas evaN me ýWIITBY, -Ca W., ýSATURD!Yi, MARCH-3,18L0 RAILROAD IROTEL, -' B >EAVERTON. GOOD ACCOMMODATION gond tslliig, andi camef aIDttere twis lu ittendnîie. làa C. J. M. FRASERO, Fnaprictnr. - AXES! AXES!! L p ERSONSî in it fantetngond axe, cin have ite sanmle lnu appt> ng taeIle nndercigliedu Ili'o Wlîîtby Faondry. Axe repairel on'tlie l tust natire. t.Crited C'nst Slt-t. 12-lin - Axe-îîîniicr, WMItîî. A SITUAt'IQN WVANTED flY a young man 22 yvareof:îe, ha clin liv rite ao goai! hond, annd in willing Ioa moke hiseif aseftil in -iny capacity. 72 Addrri.iC. 1D., Whlîiy I>iit Office T IlIE Sinheriher la prcpured ta do dit kilnda or Waol-Cn'Irdiiig, Ce ilroiî,&. this oid Menîiaiteit ikeri. Wool Crdiji.ut 2 h.,e Wtîlliy, Mo> ii4th, IlESt. MALT VINEGAR. MALT VINEGAR en nvtiae iliadl i lrge 1-r1.tilitill qîlontitîeae, lit h. NV,,itby ]3re-%crlV. VINEGAR I VINE(AIC 1 I nnderîgîid tnuea I onetaiforn the i'îlibitnute ifWlîiCnv, n i t ibtie, thut lia lta nat tlw ifleo i iCegîîr (It na .er Illilrnovlijelî l i, iretrd t 11t.0 M lîie- Oulu Irenîtnta;lier, 'it greîtiv rednteed prirees. 'l'l'ii rîîda lit ar-Iv deilt eh.A' orîlere hy limtîtiet îîeianteiteîîded te. Acdriea, NATHJAN MILLEtI, DAILY STAGE. lPZO.IMOtlUIIII.XtCTiiO tNl> N Liciitîii te tieuiiîtTriik liîiroiii, eatiriiiitti the J-.0 211orniîtg atladtEveung Travins. _,2 N liveniber 3et, 1 ï57. 45: LIMIE FORitSALI. ()iNTAT. N ItîNtI tiFLINCi TUF U ie aittiuiltîîand Smiitîatîl>%uîtuit pet ti lierr C o I WHISKEY. eS vd a iisli' Ile leit ia lîakf J bet lirailiile 10e ýiii te Ira in îîîkigter-)f fhaut 5C1'. t *Kiki 1. 4 ,iel a lthe lulie Ciaiiaveti.o figu for TIHOMAS M(îODY, Cîeî eiîîAu.eet. WESTERIN 1OUSE, DN DAMie STREET, WISIIY le IIcAltîv*I, 'ttthtlISti.iItAVEItt il atto.iît tîîîiaithe uîîieîîi-àtIioî e Tl'e laîie ielt iiriiialieîî, ciiit tet , nîtîl the aiîîî.îîie ej.Tieiiitti gii.naîîîi tîîittua utlttilitiatiii.tteiî-ltIl ti.i ii.,pid toiiiiiitund lai-e. li it 1litige ît i iitim t, tiri un .iîîtizr l éii ut te iliai-i liteagitt liA ill tora rvtepr t?s.;i ii QCINN'S IOrEL, LO W 1.U TO NV Nq U E B EU. the icIriIt t îîre .;rian fijliac.j AJEXlIItiNI) VîITalOlI tutathe Ait eelit <lie cf l litl'v ira ait ttlIlperio raie cotiel dît duiM.rriie tlareg utinîteiîa,îc liotel. TeItiel lever a.iîeîiît>atiiti -lacertte tiîiataiiit aîtotitrçA, âtutidp aipid it es.icea of'iIlee t' it li. rIeltîe tu t land tr îlee iîjîicth evcrv Ukirttlte eutttî tl i eikitta. Viaýittak It laîd e cren niteittitait pttiîîtu tteir eeiiIîrt land eoîeteirtt very iititiitttiîîiiiil ddireetiîîn ii tuthte eirrauIiidiig laaniitiee1 pincial lu îaeeb JOIIANNA .%QUINN. 'nriettlrar. GLOBE ICOTEL, IIROOKLIX. Il t E tttller.igitî Iitingti ukei jcoeee- T u ailte tillau 'Cl*l kntit litet, îî m al r l liecettîdlitelesicferîteeIv itlî lite eicet pro lrieta nuitregatrdtfor tue t oitiurt iit]onoaîeîi ellceeoftie pu tllie. Te roîtrieîer atîcoarco liii:stie -frientîA lîgtt eveenttiîiitîleîamde rettîte i ki-tiriierie ta ciler- tait. tltiit ttthe Gtlbe Ilîtet, nîtl tiût line il bc e irau. Ily jreeit Ce git e titelît ettein a - rie Ilîi îac icîtltaraîi-giitv Ulerall puntrd natatl reioteîd, anditlticd up atieer ru.etet !ii nocîa ntittîter utîn t iitee entiolite- tut.Tht oir tntiItilte latî.îîtc, a laritteiv 5ilt. ___-C. 1 )W EProprietor. THE TERtIAJYIN. fI ItE PROI'RI-Tl>i O F TIIIC VELL i kîiewîîSuit. 'n, tre veiîii aoî'ncîiîîîîît' it idC1 ST. NICIt itLA n t 1ire, rîrîîîîî o fanîîer NOV tiîilo ltv. 1 teI1tet2 e tîîîeliceeîîatv rtîavtteult nurlig Rai îd ftled ei llilee t t. Ee> arti te dlitnr - ncI lt.AcigaîradilaItitilîtitîîî c runenileî tttI etilîlion 1 à 1 d n uiuie are pierittu enater, 28l CARISLE & ieCONKEY. RAZLROAD 51011E, C CiENER OFIIINIOCKANOI iJNtAS SI., %Jîflitbni, ( Int în leueelnat.) TVaSait) arilier bego ICk il itlli tutiCote inhaiînîtnuelea 'AIii.y, tnd thie tenveltitia ettîetltitity., liatlte Iten tnlkeit letillai-e ifilt iie ,4ialise,1 wtiieîliîe ]tîn t iteiloppliti a ttie ndît enveienttganner. neen, Lanelteaini &c., einc auieahoa nI îtiînriie notice. AlL 'îî IelcI0îthie trltooare warnuite te e princi«é;er eîrhul. Cît'iîletre THIOMAS IDOWNING. Iliilbly, Mireti lith lO57. 8 CENTRE MOTEL, BYRONie TsIetT wRIITBY, J ESSE NAN SYI.KE, l'Ettt'IETîtIl. Ttie eitlci.rilcenlait reaiied ite paeameeili t Ciielioeei elkiîeit ilIt, netîtluicn le '0 t'a iiorin tain Iletratnaît t îlîe.tliît atti~nn beete eth tietdne in rtilttiniîgthe lioe toe ellneze i - AUCTIOItO DUSINESS ATTENOED Co tus osant b lv .i.C0tteling. iid oiegidtile c etntittîluÏ nIt are ditI> uutitrixed te napoainutav dac'aofso. e;t-tte tcuts, d&e., aeutoCa liter buta tîi etituer itrraieueute ntn ltiag ta une' uutiint biunesin an tîeY nneveotuuidem iuroeor sitan nesIry. 1 el1t111 hc auiluand te rail RU tat graeneet te eut> tnhke otai t ialptf Seasttested ul iatil pnrts of lthe Clutilrv. J. C. STERENO. Wheat and Wool. a.- T'E tdmýI'gncd bas jutt crived er- ~ders Ce purchae e teret incbussut Inteiels of ol net Sprng WiIEAT, aise, nu»' qtuntity of %V001, tafo hliclithe Iielit mimht pcice wiIIibc poit. Casin THIOMAS IIIOODY, - C'eutuiimuia,, Agent. NOW 18 TUsE TIRE. GEV YOUClIiI.IKENESS AT J. A. Cttak'e lot Prlze Pirttee Gallery F'Vi re n Cerreet andl lira-lita Aitihm typ- IutttCt. ntC o.iiu r Lenular ifliticlr n tle l-c-uttia Loket, Bttre ru liiîîg, tir ..A. t'. i-attu t io t ic u raet stle, tutui-u i z t hortaie Wl LEINS(IN't LCK(t< Ils Jit',nk Ç1Siredw'tiiC0 il.1V. WOOD)W.ARD, c OMMISSION MEI.NISRtC antdlt7eeitl A-eRtt. 4<t.Itlelyvmae- pied by Jîtîtuca Iiedgaati, tîtiltie, . %I.' chu-ut Putl tf True, TeirtalW.(i uioc- -il], Bankitigritî Il. N. Autueia, Tarîîteu; W. W. huitinii> Ea., iieti-tr ec ot TtrmIitutt W.'. (ititililaLi«',ý ii tl utMill.-,Ti- ratite-: 1lIai. lP. lntPî, tn-idit iaii uu rfMoue- tett Mutrul tecc.helitl, Tjti'a & & Ca., !ilit-t tIi--ce. IM.Peice &Sauiî- tielMesrs.Ilt.J. Niît&Co. 52 IV GEiIOA,%N l5OtSE, u-agTSv natnETREvavNO. r 'ie 'ee it/ir j -rI-cu tii itl ei ltît îct ti lle - lî'e i't.t i . i i iiieluiuitt te Iiitc lhove IetuiC J itýlup Gta îetiièl clnv rit marinfer. Arecu. Cu, lttg t, ts srdltt h x lll-til I.i Ft.ront S-teeon Tot o. .ll-te C HARLES VALEE& Co., ;I r n Fontdtetrngm to.s ork F tSt'eu etcf iin euu -îuiîî r u Fi-t Ilti-e itu ilînuia lire%eit%, uil.e IwtlItent. tti-.Ittiityilui>rcIteiit iliJ -,là Jlle lfjiziiieOJ ff infa.1 t.-bra nches--ti.i;Cttiu, îr.ratllo TIsyieiti- i-cura. tari >til.ir PlttidI,,tiî u o turiaitl trfiitettitreii Vie 'tuiciurlPi prti riel tal Whoati laly, Peap>, Oatl.&nnd Sto%-ý Pa.- Cvl.Moltsa.'u .-I SATFi anCll ill o Wiuitt, Oept2, 1857.-tI i T.MHOASDEND Conv-cyanccr, Commisi;àion in Q.B. & B.C. UtiUt16Os ICtIIACiL tJttLCOFle, AUOTIONEEÉ,LA4D AGENT, DIVISION5 COURT AGENT, &n. Wi1htue itthi-rloatatend uti ,tutean,] ene-- jjjtie i ,)tui> C.i b ittt i , allit hic lite> ha Reiultrtc-Vreematomt. lreet, Ceitit>' ai DOntario. li i NOTICE. II17&,;E ANILOuT to Int anithe T-cnofe CCiiitue, lci'eaecioneii i il luîuîdilîte>, 5Oeîi-t ~ P 1taie îîît. Cîit-FR, Februe Citti - New Tailoring Estatblishmenoft! SIMPSO.N ;& PERGUSO-N. RESPFRCTFUIT nununre taualun in- hlibtsuis of C'hilClaantiueiading outitrp, hat CIe>' have opencti c Tailore Sop On Dert Sîcetett oppec-t'Oitetlear-ion htiei," ulere iM] ordres tetitrtitedttei iliecdoue gitin neetnei-sanmd dr.ýaolci w'iitby, Ot. 2itlt. 1839. ti. qttebc A emeyfr the Vra-aetmtaeOu Il-ueie cîit tke oeraete Deportmeflts. H.J. GIBBS H AS OPEt) ANOFFICE 1iN QUE- licefotoebmTransactionftget Cusi- ni-an cfparCiieucsiding lu Upper (oaa or elsewvinro, ieiti ny> of theUaoetintcnt Tepoetuentil. Peracs ealisirtus oftsecruing Patentsafr Lande, eor vniugChaitnsaofan>' etiser lime! #aenst tîo Geve-mnto,or riuiln anMY information ebteinahie at thee (rouD anLst or oteer Pubich Offices, mn>'haeo mici businelstitlîigeett.>'attneti Ca osri- dent Agent, tulChzut tee «epuoandtiol- convealeece et a joarey>'te Quele. patente et Invention ttein OUi. AIt preapai commsunications*t atdresseti te Box 8336, pu# OffIceQnehec, vilte ceua nined&t atuetot.IL J. GIBBS Qaubat, Sept. 28, 185d., sgTv.lhy Pianos, Kelodoon' &c oonRAINR. ret~u Jtarai-et Pl'neuae leeieune, immt yka for NOe.7 eJIJT OPEN .u CANTONT. COMPÂNY'S iRew Stre18, ing-rt., EeeC, nearChue St. !TlCe nunaîuda-Cte thpubie sotd tiiCanada, atuà et prire Iau laoI',Ct oll lecu"re a t i-ce a e>'tgitutnet> ttre t. ýcare tinet a1 lquiek nettimni-," -II hoc dt tvnutncite la tli lt;etlc:ttey. Ven in'nll tic retutitet iet Ct'iteoale Princet, Clullt aenttliig aIl Bntet UT POOAcRAtNT FEW TEAS, tttlocatPuleihte Figure. Thetomtpany ]lavolicen certifiai ta maeect, thrulnghtheur Agettlut Chien1 asueeoetheit ppItttuidt Tees, euty sat tetChue London anti Deulinue artetet, ou tluaC rseneure, uWsa r- iutcutil-er tue delicemîu hiver af Tes celtthera ui -ne otbuanplpiat ith Chose cieernig aîti Itgaratiuuw attiarem. We Itteite n trial Co Cent; nuit iaciit.Vie prteia iiit penie fer Cinm-, saee--. Lotokaat tltcn* Now on Sale, Five Hiuidrd .Chests1 Glý ent eeli.t-...t5ies. Cheidper li.. 35 $Illeîidid lier lt. ..-na-te. I0 petuittdpa b... . tbuapenlie -cu lb..". ai. I Etrai lei. pcn lit... 'lte.t- iratel Eaeîpee, Setueei ltroprictant Ceett>- Store,niid tl(lidtg leuse tieuere, OWAERVEt. Fo Yrmy jeouucti packages, aaýd ap- ouunt, îtf TE..%sntt iel-irftie, fa tuilYaPpîtîr ut Cýauutl, oat rrcpiftte'iCSI.Vhee ctt tuo itmboy a In tasquatityeald (t0c wotl f.litt 'ttriuuni r4'Coie, la rticlea îlttnte t tae],i nl leuglitl e rOatit, tltî.i îeilia tre gettiltg talee cd. Tuet Companîîîy, iieiiraue cf elen ure e&tliaidt trti ar ttirIta r-queit atetuil eftliCr delii.'ai TUIOKET AeI*Fk.kE, at 258cm. aad Lt Guincuci, 2Ot. to iaie er th ue itetiL-ei', 151et itieo t- liaîit a litetiz; uecce ta uite ur ictein. - Vericite, Sep1t. 29I, îo:co, 16-1-> DR FRED. DELLEsBAUGI>1 0IF IIauFFAILO,rN. 'Y., A1-FTElt an utupnei.ttt. ttreupractîre ok f anrr tturt>' vennla-tmtug nlauit retirutut l-uintive pietia iii tua reqîlet tefiliuiit clirtuisiii att pal-ta ai lthe natlutry, lutaitont- 'd te itaenhttaoeitiedici i rrPniatiea, ipliu ta1 hl it bu tta tir ttiillIte.taire wAi i l t t .1 tic iîuuug erau-r ie, itut tI hualent tieti aitît a titlreiit it riwtril tr eî'r. 'rutuna cwt mi- îîiutt i li CtIe ocu- aailiiiinuintlý i i li t iiî i- blahut iueecesny Civilu ae .,,it lIclta feureaet-ti-a reerihetafor tl-ciis4,(1 to 5,0, 0 ar~ti.-utl ulivC e eittlI ta grcetesl au-r-e. stiattt ueIti0Lliet otlter eteleIl tin , yittine t r-till, to a tlr'tttiteiit1t ut pr foite cale l 1 Iil tuîî.reta af uihe iitua b euîred. VTeo Dactor, io laien itis uit ientable, ltno trela eeer% t>tiiiîg w itticee tPr. Coitt l Polt upnitiiue liei t itice aittîtit wiactieuutitte uutl2. T'l italbuner 1leii BLOOD PURIFIER. Stîpeelr laeCite pîtreait ectrac iet utI- nreiltln uttu entirel), ai reais anal liite ft etîelieu te'rc-ilutiu teie, tlhe laet uruîpurliceeft celc lie ît:ciý )leit eluire tuewc iauini rc ireca. Il riite*.,lihra h oetutu11itlitlit te pkutir ilert --ili i th ivrnettul iimi-y a, eajutlliiltitueeruîî e'i im-îrlid îl ter, tieatt-urii:intla ortiît it i iiiî-i i m hue tutti- lutin-c îet»cii itc ii ti ie abdii1weliei tu c uaitre Aun be lcuuiioie¶ taie, nNii 1 t 1Cii .nui lrtt.u, *MW,.Sct-, !l'eu î' fl IN.ifîu .'cpLý euiîIuu/itcfauifii-smiii - i iiitiîeoue tiré acitutorliii.,hoa Ilit Liitiiilinaturee FEVErt MEDICINE. Andttîît iic ir liclttai t lte cetnrectien mteiiia, feAiiu j ife/ii"iciNd Apacc ftheiri- q/t-ct' Ce/i/a, aîia/c uiii, tntufdcCàrestid ti-.tatt-h ei- ictiiiec nul l imrtCÃœIZES ntua reuiivlîttrali ite lurt ut tee dy Catit -c-irleirntîeerlii li-reN*lttconfiaete, Cii-eu ftutei Lci TIaAVOH.ri-cre litsILu lt Paetu hu neer 127'ac nuie. 'n it rtuî, a i-tint-cCliktaeentoftuit Dee-tortai lteeenîiuu.ntr cul tat-l littIe, at -Dlr. Fred. hIrclletthttii & tCa.,otlaie N. V,' Ctiotvi it linh îne. Iini-etlit tctiîau-u ruielu Cmte. Na. 1lii atld for el per th No. 2 tir 7-iceru ia h'lltucliimeiittîio tiet titi-a ie ti-ie t tatue àtit ille, rcl>bîîg on tit eutiiriilit urtcuituetultigtlu' Foitea. e aile li> JAS. il . ERiII Suie.Agenet Wlitliy. lC'titli, Sel-t. 14,'185. W n& e 'Y CORD WOOD WA.NTED AV GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. TrU CIE NISIJOSIGNED ceilI receiel eiolesnte- lititi hreatt-(uitJane. tuent, for the dcii- Cri, taCr h- thel frioteiuI a uISi Cent0e talltrd Wooac.nite (iniuud Truukiitt-y ilttactie,abtljet tathe it xe itusla - liiottitwuutaiaîîreueîl. Wodleau c ai.., tCret- nede atttiflei long. t.u tu tdieretthue tliehirte. Pt.n Wlijh THIOMAS lUltOl>. CHÉAP COAL OILS! 81i 25 ots. per Gallon. BIEST COAL OIL! $1 ÃŽ5 cts. per Gallon at Geo. Yule's Telegraph Store, A NEIV STOCK 0F Junt retivetilit peiccafuntu 75 tir, .te fil Fv l & O9 %MKIR lKA Mm RI DZ'WVWI OPYPARTTAX]1 l'86 Dapnty Grand Secrttrîi- Win. Smith, Eeq., Grand Tyler,- - GOERNÃ"R'8 SPEECH. Impaedbnttly al1er tae elecion. fnt1lW - e~tallati6n Of the (Grand Offiers, it.mcola. The VBaye we woran crineoline. QurnEo, î8th Ftb. 1860. tiene as panied, direceting Chut cackllntü, AuIR421lednyn thet lc.a toe yt Cning.'8 Titsday at 8 e'clock P, IM, Ru sE1e- andi Dietrict HEust ein aoulai. mmndiate1Y lencytli Gova-rnor (Jcnnral proeeded inl bring belteatiiri resective Lisdgee ttne OInt te de>-.seceote n rnln, eCaCt tnteChoier of. tino Leglelatlvo new Cons4titution cf theo Order1. beeinjgeup- A lons itte ege î Cottacule in'tie Parliament bîlîdinge. Theo on lte erp.ction of local Grand -Ledges i Whenece n ite sefee enld w" mencrsOfnithe Logisîativà Conrecil ason- na-ctiLotige toe xprcesils opinion upon the Ine lînegentit ectat eulcn i e b led. 'Bis .Eîcellcnc e esplennetitq coin- sae anid forward it to theirCoustjiie4- _ > Oùladîe-. niv mna ondth tenattendante Of then Legisîtiio ne- ter-wltitindrewafertha an ablo tend lenlo lire faîtt rerâ t atul dhunte ttced aenobly, tend txutHOme beiog prmen4 11Hie tuttidebate,J -a ,y!ich Bros1T. H. Bocku- AlIKUit the eiuatlii. Excellency was pîoased 1 ta Cinlie rd Ioy, Wsn. DeCnw, É X' $illivatnT'6icy En culceus areanrelî , itt session cf the ixtin Parliamient of thePro- BOa1ton) I. P. Clotent uad odnars tookc li the tlnyn nie woetno cieTiȔte vince of Canada, neiClîtheno feloning apeechinpart. A long %utîe ego. trom tee Tinrono tîi-Hnoralile gentleman . It wseseolved'titluthe,, nex-Ainunal Curhratl.cre inne t, tell nri ete of tine Lezilaive Cenneil Gentlemen cf.1se mion1 ot Chia Provincial -Grand Lodge Tîteinet eo-d, taneene Cî IVYtmitt tinte Lgielativ o aamlily, I bave mach nhotin a b0'held in -theTw,9 m e BUtteniil elerjnean td litocemao pleasaion eanntuncing te you.that oC ur Cnt f ESincoon tti 'Tnta - A ttVitnaleo.eetnîue te ,revjoint addrens otat seion, inviting' te Febriiey, l . 1iilfrie" nuetentd aitIl a lieI Quene n - it Canada, inad been laid tt lit l Commttea e raft By-La sfor th But xnwouretatea aush arefoot otftteTirone, tend thet IHer Majeaty'e loral govorn noofdtino Division wu"d ut- Tuent le nt rentueqtee. mnt glaiouir eswer, -wilI ftrttwiti innPpointed, as fllosa :--HIon. J. H Canot.- Anîd thettu ear he tc ait a', placed.inlieyonr bonds. «Tna wilBece nitlî non, 0. R. Gocean, lai.P.-,P. G. 1 ldWai il -eu aloiu -t.>. teueatisfuction tnnt utMay ope for ltha houer T. H.. Burkîeyp F. H. Medeaif, H. Goua, lithlIe dc>-. %oie ena e rnoltale, cf receivisg Ria Royal Hliglinassthie D'Arcy Boaltan, A. Fleming, Jolnie Crr, A ltî lie eutuuPrincetofetales, in anom a mooner as etil N. C. Gowoan, A. Jacqea, .Esquiresx andi IVle onutyllatie erl onr m"ath erY lYl.YO i ok Rv. B. LetL. L. -D. We then <enta geu aetecatytn I?5 tn at aat> talmlnR luii ica t' inllioneelre tneeeil amongeit ne. -Tht Statemeut mode in soa o f the Theete lai.id hSooar Negcciations bnave beu clrried on b>' Provincial pape relative te Mr. MCGen'$ Theit bnen coate siuàütienne rttheo Post Master General, for po-tug thta omit toa]Bradford an a recet occaui In,, vas caitlersIi o bac;nttaninion tinroogin Canods, of a large contidcred. After ,ieovirig a tullanti Te tend us aitandd o u e Insee, portion oet'tiencorreepond;ee hteeu Eu. lcngthenod elaleamant of th inttrt nett. Thc ttings natalisighistulote. ropé andAmerlra. Tnt rcsult of titenotedCinreitin, .aresolutioevwaa onaoisoualy Bnltela tngli ncuirt aeneyl ntgociatiees ba sben einas taehoil at ai , xur tinteBretinrenof Sito. Ili tedata Cee M o e h"eunlte, tnthe deonutages etftint route by tht St. c roic n a ttampÉt ta prevett liberty et A long aimeat. LUwrenco art fulyapprecited. At the speechn. Ierre ecaen c ientoud ruit unie timo, rareeinas lace takan te repro. Tht epouanitY' Of T. IL facle>', Pa<. O'rr fahtiott'e eltanitn eneî, sent proporly t10 Hec Mjoty'n GnvcrmantUI-tnudMaàteric oa-sacin as te cai foaçi %ré,tttenul amyderan a.esa ce e dg ,tinoposition anti daimts of Canade, viCie ne- fraquttnt applanset feno tinsrepreeutativle Jtîtd lnnea irt.féenct te tino Postanl- ubidira grantat ta of taeOndar ilu Grand Log. e forblel ITeheu, ua.I. ihe> onaln di1t Octane steamers. VThe romntiîlionars tep- and a. resolution wvas unsoiminnel> pasend IfotnI lit t en h i pointtd -te report on ta:" bonndary oidtenoe otiflln1 rliiiln Fanacerîl t Io ciîtitîr. lino bectwcnn Upper anti Lower-Canada, follîoîing la a cep>'_ Thun iioe ititent nîndt %%-cp deeuan>' have completedti hir labour en asttta en- luTinat thteinta tinankt-fti lUiht - Il mW u i a ti-tel, 1 '--able yota ta tome tea a semttltftitis Woîishiptul Grand Lotige are jûàstly dupe and lite dl&eoe ae nineî, long pouding question. Tht G overnent araeinreby tertinredta1 Bra. T, - H. Bsqk- A tîînglune nt..haet etceti a.grtions tramn mati>' ey, E2nqi, ou- ésteaed R. W. Grand nou-cas, vite neferruca Co tine mens;ura it- ter, fou- ithe vcryaie anti tigaifioti maimor Theo IlIlcitet fMale lipetis. troducdcteslat Isesion for tlgtroneideration'in ceiicin ho ibas preaitit t a a iio Kél ld - of Ctht Mueitcipal laie of LoVer Cauada,andud t ail timea peufrmel hbie dot> as ansOr ' iFittiild saline tateehief itil o bill'n-Wit oinlitteti te yo, viininMa> angemiat" c Fer tdte banidsIted.ttlenabeît e.0 e tffct titis important abject. Tino GraudXastèr rose, tend un .lau e- It is perfetti>' aslnniuiing thein'tmun'(to 1 tougnatolate pou on the issut of thte quet anti appnonioaeapeecie tinankenl the aoe a York Yoniism) whirin o moin.piiset Consolidateti Statues of Cannaa, anti oft broChets feu- theo ioneor, gsuaring tinm.: tat handisclin moita in penn rool tinoheshort Upptr Canada. I trust,3sonon taete te haoatulbalt ,l in tftuet, as iho alvayi spaceoetflop minutes. Yeu baeluat eve- nasse werlc compîtteti fur Lowear Canada, hati lent, readp anti wlling te prome thein c' ting luntinat diuty oceler, whinin yen anti when titis is doue, we ma>' hope thet bct terese &>r onorýetdr. acouiti net focrite ut etf ou accoenplih t yul ho followev ti he ntassimilationt Of RnaustcoluvoyIng tino thaneks of then on>' corli. Tincro b not a patirlu of dent itine lW n foletao, lu hotin settiona o e in retitren cenro alto'pamne tatMost IWor4>p- on Itnythin,in aiglult, or out oftilt- Province. -'aXGadMatu- o. H. . Câmnie~n, whlicin test is qeite as bmportantt. .41l youn 1 derie ta rail pouc.attentien ta îhe ex- fon lis kiîîdnus in being paetot t+oéit littIe pet hinge are in the igint location ;pndloucy of ronider ing lina laie et deittor iente organinetion uft4te Provincial aund pictures plombi on tinat]I, neork biox anti anti tredilor la commeurcial mattenu, an it Lodgc-to te Hev. Me. leiesiu, fQ îJbo iktaout tidy anti eitinhuai. Mn. Smith exista bath ie Upper anti Loceer Candaeith excellent discourt;( dtlivted te tht brq*en cornes in. lHt vouls a init of string.'-'aîturlhnr legislatiou n otCiti ifilnt aobjet in St. Ceor -0'eChurchin o itdl of Mr. Smithn is aas n utiug a bit et string* anti1I tinuk Cat hot tintpreacet nyteteof tine aruia-to i Cth hucin axtieu ofSt. Mr. Smeithn anys kindi7 (gond felloce) utte't curetncp jýadianL-ing, dcanrves pane ernI> George'a Citartint' for tint gratIsites use. et gem up dear, l'Il fid t." Thale jtst vient antiserions consideotion. . tine Chancie, &a., for lte enüdantig of theo ryou are airait of, but it caon't do te a>' sc A measînre witi hi laid hotore pou for puble religeene servire nces naottieh vitit Bo pou it sili anti po-pire, whnitn Mr. tino purposo ut façilitating line admilntra- tCis tqsnltu of tino Grande4g--pq4 ta Smithlo oaks for is lit of etzieF. Fiant, buetioa toe ioCroira tandit. -lIith.&. Ctnena neuvn'the lI mi. tinroces open tine door cf tien wreug cinent, Gentlemen of te Log-islativu Amiembi>', rmle arrangementsey>'mati for tihe. anti knucet ton ail pour ilk dreoses, .-.-I mayn6ut cougratulnto yoe on having eosnmodation oethu Grand Lodgq andtisii. wcnhio catce sop vithin rreverat b aste, completel>' ae3eaountted oetc InanautedifS. titug bretinron. - anti bangs le a heap -ce ttinolirip.Tieun calIIeàa I il" you vili i id thot tino brome 'Tintproreadings et ofthe Loig. 'na-a hot says (innocenty) I>') ua...Ie ent ta anti topetidilare toi thupast pear havec ondîrleti witie tino tmeht depue oif seual, tine wcnng clnaet, adln't IV' Tinehuoieen atut a rute po fear for the fait- Iretherl>' love andti nsn intellsigee; puocectis tenterigint lcst ant i lids t'the amre popoesuwlîl ho laid hefoe yon having and- befoet cloeg., tinree huart>' Orange bit et string.ttlult tnhing it dowe ho reîerencon to tin o tnsolidation ofthlie publie clcenre taae giron fer the Queen, -three catcezc it on thtecccliof a piai. Don etnod tbnnsuctentui exeitiot e aob>' antioetcinter morefota Mn, fectie>, Pan. it cmres ,mneh-witi tinocontenteseut thetheinaMutise cf Financa deniig lte recne, vincial Grand Muer, aise terealforIlse floue. 5Mr. Smuitin.eBaya ttt..ttrtttion 1", ojiha viewtnoaI ecunag tlia important oh-.itretinren ot S.t. Cattierines. The Grand ine cenie resarknh pu fait> tnride. Tinen jett., You vilii att Chat tte dopreenalotun- Lotge 'naii-tinen dm1>' uoad. W. aýein-le Me. Smithn auto a lenir of atissareto eultdeervinichive have lalsoret hasntaidimin' tétiendtea aSt. Catinerinistoetoasspec his 4unit cf string sano ie goe ta >'onr isheti aur credti, but it bas torcibi>' impeas- for thu eaoe uarativt of Chu, bdelnou of wockîh-ixt viicin he tîpacîs, emattnring nteti u n myself sud adeisers, th in crruttity of tint ae.ssioa. - -Free Pa. die, liltlly ucm "nixesandmetnvenp,tt att a strict ianalrigit nroncmy. avec theefloor, oixet vith ininhus, apeols, It jeu citin ltaeconviction Catteak >yo Ve>' ittsluanie I ie.l tape, andt trmeat oul>' hmnwsvinat. He ogaita teonauider Che prepriutp of mailing ei, at nanosIIfhe n patiner tinaiup at one fel ecoep, andi ha- tn(hno eteuoino ertn.Qeus t-anytîntg, wintutnogncsscn challtnges Morea ailes hem baci ju te ntiox, in a tnauuer ice. Thne accotants for the several tepnrt. custrte bnCa tmn nvie peruliari>' anti emincati>'tmaculine;i anti montta iaIt hoplacet ia pour hina iwth as , perietainleon Il PAnti pet an i '1i nns if-the-iiuue-f-lie-lit--ot- little dela>' as possiible. nitaiitLouiianalons puLtioneti, the - tht-hox-as-n'onn-ot' or if Hll. Gentlemen, anti Gentlemotj,-IC iluie taihnogSe te r n--alîilnsal uib s. /an 'did it. Ais if hu reuscal tidti ttpletentiAltngltty GCod ino Isot antuma Ai>'n ta haug feor-bin ctn t u e Put et courset pen CeCI Che olt i Setint it ad IesaenarcAntît us the apcutnthe-o-etFeu-r>'. Tit>' asic Ce bu on-~t ve4 lî» mati ieatulooe tfor sotietise, andt h t it hesi-onnefa reuianeotintmpre.i esetiul wsne mhneer ofconsequeuce; ail tien I netti pra>' that Ibrie mark-'$ et re- attarinedt itý,tt0 oseai- tumdicMiore witeldevcutly hiopiug teaCt tis nroiglit bho ning pu-spaity me>' contintue ta uttreene, Ionorable, Tin oUo$wisgla the billlyna thetehst minu-iauce. Nat a bit afi.l 'HIe anid tinat our people may have abndatnt icthUpaue e hinins he vii .Iltaeua littie brandy te slet re Ca ho tinatlifai foc the wnlîre O onr ,iii >9Igitlaecanz hlm rigintîîBoalhe ontarienthn lottie on tht country, asti theino miîteuesce ef laie antiBrwlnn,-eet oiin o atc ,'aé1111 npothess wiitetoCiet.coaer of pour bureau, aider. Pc je et pour bandls, hat tint>. '& Brovu,-d aontteheCam ofer, a*whie spille tine brandy ail ever it, pocrdtuu sine pert nuriae namentn, anti changes nasmc>'a 4le t nn tote Ciçte a e e prt~esun, rit sugar en ho nover oetc uit ibooki, asdtl io ramtisse ta tissbe edt5but I rajire rdatn lottaM t-C.pre bui tie atici>' zpceu on a tire lace coiler hat to tii n t feu uijurta et a ireetiandnti d terefoxi,- han junt hotu "doue up.tt Tinahe an- isspert Ltrararter, yul rennais tenho teitl aetlib>tieSaqasi o coche polie cohogne-'iefetto t anoiet bis vite by iùndiatu egi oln f Eepresentatitirs et LouWsaca, in ganeral snack>' vwiikaers, andti ett taiestino hoCle, I nov huaea poiatitetiacstieat J>our aseembl>' eonvenet3 Vinai front adaflar the Ieaving tins coneont. Thee le taentaap Inglalttira tiens ~passage oetChisacat, tho Dame f f redestek pour be/ariet anti tries h eonhis-urlet, - - ý sutligate IBrown, a resititet of New Or- Me Ifbi t i l ft.,, The ut/t eed 1.'y, iNotngofte Poeuotl OffiuaGrand lbans, anti thet nassesof bis mincire.e4dsan, je."aiie the bracelet-tno tasteiitg eof I.odge n1 W-aCte uCoantada. Eli zaeE bieh, Ha*rciet, Emmna, Edaat, wchieho raka. Thon ho titrovsap the ndtiOctavia JBroulhe, and th.esanne'are, vintiw, Lta a vina tor etc<b>' h ;t Thla hrpa edcatinluantiai hoîýr met, ai horehy rinangetý ta the Damecl Fedr5ehe, ainiw dy ts c e btst feteu, Injla;" i'Catherlaes ou Tut,Ia> Uat. Thout CAlice, Elizabeth, lHaellEuntaEduceti- Lavebeeo m tgca-ai ~ *~te ~ tenancce oftieleguteenos net eolargo aas ad Octavia $otb±gate, ubiela lastjseton- vere.mistresa oll t ibpla>' tinspertec tien teci4lptCie . 1r.,Xsam dC. Gevia tiliv- uaiami nae e trhiamanilr.d te~ cf arn ilonoa. . bisat oei ailong lecture On "tThe prinipal» anti atop s e e resperllve appetliationu, iA4 ant esae, itoaümsraieneli$t avas $%u .blter>'ofetChe Onde.",-*At Il otclorck theeose for teir respective signature$#aht au .-à -y;I stttbipn aiaoter __(ircet Loi- ovasnopue- t b>.th. Ha- J.Cime a .i j.aI p0cea 1 - 'b. j,ýýu8 Il

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