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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Mar 1860, p. 2

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" ,,ý"- ý ý - - 'l 1 - 1 - _--_,'-ý , -'l- , ý . ý,, , ý ýý- _- -ý1 - 1 : ; - 1 ! ý - Il - 1 1 - ý ý ý - . 1 1 1 ,,ý ,.,- ,-.,. - ý ý - 1 ,ýý . . . .1 . _ __ 1 , 1 . ý . 1 1,11; - , ýý -- - '- -ý,ý:7-_ , -- - ý .. - ý-= ' ý 1 - - . 1 1. , 1 . ý - . lk7 - - ' ýý . ý ý ý ý ., ---m . +ýh___ý1_ Il _ ,ý ,l ý l, 1 1 ý - 1 . . . ý 1: ,î ý ' 1 1 1 - ý - - ,ý ý- ý . 1 . 1 - ý ý ý 1 - 1 . . , ý 1 ý ý 1 1 rý , ý - ý . 1 1- ý . . 1 1 ý . , . - ', ý 1 1 ý 1 , 1 ý _i - _. 1 ý . . - . . . ý - . ý 1 1 f- - - ý ý ' ý , ý , 1 . 14 ý ý .ý__ -----ý. . - :1 1 . ý _ __ - - ___ __ MýgR 12 ý 1 ý . ý 1- - 1 1 . . ý . ý - --- -- ___ _ _ - 1,ý la ry ortespoi 1 ý - 1 ý4_ . - __ ---- - ------ , ý . ,- - " i _:_ , _-, - . 1. - - ý ____ - __ ý ILU- . Town illittiers- -È ý A ý 1 ----- ý Toivn Colincil- . i natedý aud liant lie wc nid iiierense ilion ý - . ý Qtttbee, 1 1 ý_ý ftec te him, nt the ý-PubIic test, as thý M. A newvrinkle 1, Our municipal Élec- . 1 . . ý hier or Cùlil%,(ýîllora ,te il. . Whefe the, tovvlà- Se fur, vie have ICI!s01, tu Ile well J'It'as- . ý . 1,ýev AdlertiseniinLs Ibis Dity. P. P., -viho recicives and mails Ili% huindreds . .ivhitby, -\'Ionday Eteuilig, Feb. 27-- 1 ship %,ras entitled to elect a Deputy neuve, ýýlV p,, Sir,- Ili cd with the conduct of the businÇS9 Of . If Ili$ is about Ille 1 1 - Comaloi, faunestl villa ii- ý lýi-,z 01-1 aodýâixI, where all.eevél.okklv ivou lie elèc- y lie . You te 1 cil. ý"ý Althotigh there ma. réssinà ,fS,,tl,,,d,-Jntlics Orant dur'ng t'le session- u The Couneil 'net ut half Past . ý . . Town Cul *ni . ý ý ,ý .ý,,b'en ia Rad 1: s . equat justice, clearly deiuýýintt3 %bat ail shall TIitý poaitiou of Ille Mu iciPRIitY Or t'le ci - 1 - - ý , . > 1 the sui,110 Lire Ae'oéiaý01I cil ý ock. ai ý that 1 bilve te e Crows, Lauda Dopt.-,Indrow Rits - %na Rama ka, nt ý,Tr. Pcrry spoke in 111"or ofthe Change, persolial difrékneege Ire tblilk, 11, 1 ý . .1 - bu placea, OU' the »JS foot:lag. United toivilships of ,ultra HISIN orship the Mayor.in the chair.' nud ir al 1 oing-3o mnutailleýd th 1 nt the varions . . ýIt disposition white 1 lens, for . to-illorru . - ' Yule. - as a body, lias cvc J ( ýIIuI!1 f niatter, Explanatioli-Georgt 1 _ ý1p l- - the limitent MOMellt un ÛDOmatOus one, "na Ail the inembez-4'ibre.ietit. 1 'Courieile ý. il Illatefl nabil in DentjsIry__-ýDr. J. S. Jones. . 1 ý 1 cliang ý ,pown. Thé furillictil i Town FinUOCes,- ý ,es, in olur, whole, inlunicipal : SYStella ý I; 0 bc Il ' ili iv'li bi.si ý , , ý . serve$ ta show illial, hnWever well considereil . pui-rto\. . - te advance the interesIsý of nemoval-Dr, J. S. Jones. - ý . ý ý - ý - _ --- ,.,.,---- -- -werc stops in advince.. Thut tilne %va't, ý . _ selit Mayor ýit iVill 0 dotalit ,IL . Cpt, Andrew Rumell. - TITT3 Audit ý ý ý ý 1 . ý 1 ý i rit,.lll(,iiit 1 iirraiig aile', . ts Crewn Landes 1) - l erg ef theýTùwà have madie 'legislative enaetmentsmâybe, case will ý The Mayor pý uIed the Petition of Wth. Coutaty C ' cili coulamot elect Illeir '%Vltr.- côiidütt or t le busines lby the parcs . ýe . ý ý 1;,tlier-sanýùel Merrick theirýikiinual , financial. - arise for %Yhichýno lointain foreàiarlat is lade IWàIký'r and airibers, ýOMPlij"19 Ora Il't derts, alid,,IheGovernori* Coùiicil ýap- isadiiiimb!e. 17 *- . ý . laiatement, ending l - ' L'tQýîli, Cil office villi sa, di tible, 0 . ý ' ý . ý ý . l 1 . ý . 1 - ý,_- < ý 1 ý ý0 . ý in 1 il P plit ili the Cru 11011ciwinfi pills. - ý 1, - . re Il âtilied a .Mavor of Whit. 'te ý -1 lit, kept, lait ulibler thet I 1 alst Deéômber hast, witiefi.,,iýýill be-fouýid"*ii t toýmakesufficieIitpovision. ýOnthe openedonCeutre Si eoppositoBeall's, ý 1011., il il l' . l qua e r ý . ý ý poilited Illem fiefirbtübtetpaetoitihlee;ir and tic avais pôpular nii4 distinD for q.. Ili e(loccý',01'R firc %LI Bornotes cocoAiLIrý ' ýý 1 ý . ý a, 1 county ,Trou by as Jeux Il-'Nt PE, -, -- ---- 1 __ - - - ý . - 1 cillor for and Pritq ing , the immiediate. action of the ,lot quite certa 1 zazy, 1 "' ý . C "The statemeul . ý ý>1 . ý eq'ililes te pulirr 1 ý'Oxyjeýatea BittewJ - . . ý CýUucîl therm al, f snrera'ýwero aise ap inted, in il' - , _toIl1ivillý' 11111) orp ont, Issue of the 28th .ni death of Mr. ,O'DonnLII, late court ý 0 8 Il'ifthe lyllilont Ilispec n6yai insagarance Cqj,-John Aguu- 1 la, clea 1 flùIl and yet concise, showing nt a ma -and naît 1 a nèw electiou 'wàs 1101 1 1 1 PU -ami, and Ille tusiz of sucýeAiiaà et Ç' 1,1ý's ftltllecýkhibitï no ra 1 eu ý a% ý manne -W.-à- tact, 50 su-. de- . 1 - FIRF .INI) WATER. . cil but gardais ho ' tien is lie ûasy 0'le., yet, $0 0 tw(l. . PArm to'Let-It- E- P'errY- . . glanne the fiscal operations of the pabast yenire te elect a lnember in the place of the 1 ý tedbythe. lie Satisfac cas Ilion il ý Dr. Golan brouglit up the re , _ « the Thut thon, Mayors ëould aloi licelec ý ý ý - reniera fur er'iliting-ThOs-'HustOu-, The rceeipts fur 1859 %vote ti 1,525, includ- - a. TWO Candidates came ,,,forwnr.d, 1 '1161lows ý .., 1 . - ý ,%cil bý1s succeeded. Theie COII(Itlý:it, cil te the E ý . Ute Assoelàtiýâ'ot Seûtland---Jas. Orant. . ý1ce in the Treau .. rues hands, lst 1 >. . committei, as - publie, but were aise appointed for theui. flry Mr. Macdo as, rit 1,1 OpOllad t . Èarm, for eMeý4Y' ý That the committee have bad under col, 1 1 . - ý1 nie le ... 1 1 MoDerinid. - Il iugthe balai ý ý ý ý à Éitelley, and i the - ý votes - 'Now the changes which were front tinte tare a fetv inatter . 'ý5!) of $1,434. The yèdes polled for cach viverc foutId toi lie equail il, - ous matters connect, to'time EoUgght te bc Malle? were exery ( ay Irréàurer' J.ý,..r, 1 cd , ' désire te direct il, rit Ila . . 1 ý bringingour man (Il lie diiiiiii ure aînouIatin- in $10,121,'Ieaviný Mitaient of a' lire and water icipal system down to Ille - is 1 Ili-wil, su .-r ' ý ' - Týwn s< accounis-ýT 'Huston. , 1 a'- -,-- « < 1 e «" tentiun (if lit,, c('11111. 1 t ', ullof-if -iliere 1 les-P. Il. Illaviv CI - 1 le in "IL ý a which their ti'iiicly attention , 1 ý 1 ý a. Searle. ' - ý - .. ý . ý . Trensury , $1,403. The, abonni of ý lxxes ficers appointed to liold the poil thrOu."il 1 ?rgani Ra., and wOrIld recontaiend as un ý ail that is necessary il, oider ta produce il luis el , . '"seta il,« ùtgbillt* ý ý . CI oUý 1 , in nutnl)er,'e de. Thore were five IteturnilIý Of 1 Illýî,tý,7i'tiý'. litab, ratopayers tbenisp.1ves, to those Nýllu liait cl * alibi t - .;e't't i;(.11(.ral Sualth serais aýýIp.ý.t:ttio 0 accoluplishinent their handà in their tels, and paid the 1 vrosi-tý l' etting OIF with lit ,ý , . ý collected up te lst Jauuary 1864,10vieil in the townships; and the question no- .. P towardi th Peel' , SHBIUFFig SALES. - piper. IL would ,give greater di.ý,aitV lé. -il good result. iý' i tainIv bc a fcatl 1. . 1 ý Ï 1 1859 were $6,008'. '- The antourif levied for, t ? ut' abat object, Ille erection of a building, . ý ut Town Fairs. alla il 1 - . ý1 ý ý , icits et, ai-sale Julie 2aid. . . who je étititied ta ýivo the castin- vo e the office, and the mait, elected I)v Ille voice Ist. 'l'lie succ-ess of 0 if evei ý0 ,,,,,,,i.4telet a. growlei 1 O' 4y. Bank va. Il ý 1859'. $7: 5. Since the la of'. Jaù.tiary . . suitable fur the safu-letpillý-1 of a f- elIý-iàe, f the who-tu-peoi)le, woùld bc loolied ni, ,lle utxt 1ýý ý?, . ý Saute va. Bague- do. . 1 . Whieh of the five Rettarnitig Officers-? Or .and other iiecessalry lire apparatus ; and aise 0 .Tir tukes plac, ou Ille, finst 1 chier !,ouý(I bc notable te fil Watson va. Shaw- do lust thore has becul colicetéd, $1,212, leiav- ýJ . ith more respeet and confidence thuil ý1 , . ail et a1ý do. ý ý' -à- Me poliver toi record the casting v'ote for the purpýse of a Fireinati a Hall, eaid il lie man clecteil by thrce %Vtýtliit-.,ilily in Mur, niole ilow bV.,'Aaýil,1 i failli I!iý procédure. Pomeroy va. Te ý hi - out of the rive iug tancollecteil for 1859, $ffl . Front this t )-é ereceteýl uppil la piece of land t ' q "Il uneia nien ý AU ÉO, j C. soin muet ba- deducte' vested in the clerk 7 if not, which of the building 0 1 éd ior Snell purpose, 118 Was nt lim ent the c.isý. The filet (if so tiffle bY thé fire-lock-, al if usili', the proller ' Tilt ta orthe 1 >1 ý 1 c .4 SALES d $50 reinitted by or- candidates Ils entitted fé the vacant sent, and te be lensed or purehzlý ý . iio reiiiure in 1 . il. the itil ,111111 convention illay 1 . liavo 1 ý- 11 ii,ýuli this cerilillui %tâte of W.' 4radIàyý Match 2nd, . tnueli trickery, and lie miglit say: briberv, exertiuit the Fuir will lie 1 ý Sterling, Auctioneer. der of the Couneil i lossi on dügsp inconnu, how is his ri-lit, thereté to lie m3certalitied ? "'a situated soniewliece belvices, Dunlop n'id . ý - . . in electing the heads of Corporations wis . . 1 - - Mary Streets Vit tyrou Strect litre. for 1 1 ,o yet to leuril thai IL -Tho" as, March 9LIR, do and Pull toi, Icavin- thé actillial amotint How are the rcinnining four membe' orious. Ile need aloi t ý -4 ý . ý ý - 1 r cent- Yotir coin millet., meonfinend abat as sema "et Allai. Taite, , 17th. against Laud gancollected, $365, out of p0silllý the coulicil to t ? Ijave i -'toi. A Po'ire uffi-ce ii litces-Su'Y In IYfý Iacheý 111, 8liglitest illillo!tllll' ý . ac theY the as such building shall bc colupleted a rire - their owit -Couiity (Ontario), for installées estatilililit a. Wv have livi, tofore 410%vit thill 1 t nally lias nui even phied t 1 $7,766, levied on the caillectors roll. IVe wer te order a new election ? And if en.-ine bu proeured frutti soluL niýt'-et of ý te shew the manner in whiela the liends of, i ý . . . Po - . itv and the belletieul rüs-ults v'lli(Il l ,if a 1, .,,,,, review, iior yct Iaeknowledged celchrity. and ait ellicient 1 Municipellities were elected. If they.W h-et] . ', question if ony Municipality in Canada they have the power te order a new eloctione itbg i . L (If et ý beirg Iliculed. ,New a liei: . 1 M' Q -.ýrn * tit _ ho org-anized ; .and that such ý tu the ovvashipis of Iteacti and '%Vllitl)v- woultl liroceld froin Ille t-still.1 isli Ille Ili i 1 j2 W 1 , , * West clant show as clear a balance, sheut as bore a fresh diffleulty arises, Proviens te fire compauy - 1. ýt 1, I'retty col1teinpýiblè %1 ý puny bc pré.sented 1 there a fonce round the Towit hall, or teý ý oe"V,ý' cevssarv Ille efore = - ý ---ý1- this in the collection of taxel The expen- meiiib'ei-a of'said cent ý 1 Police office. il is moi . 1 lé il Itv, %% ý le t1ley are thrust ni 1 . the lest election the united towash'Ps Were with a coatý but and belt tu bc used wlien i cause a caudidite happened tu bc suretv tiý ]','Ilt.:..t Iliein. 'l'lit law requiles Ille (S- ' ý,ý,« II , are lass(d oer in ý ý . ; se . lybitby, satur4gy, _Njarch 3, 1860. ditures for 1859, ilieluded , aeveral itenisi divi'ded iiito ,wards. Shortly befurý flic on duty. -for Ma utlleer of the cotiiie'l,,or because of 1 ju,,jiýIý1oeuý or a police effice, and the ('ýiiii- : sl.ul, il 1 .evu the.* fate of Il 1 _1_____ý_ ý ý_ Ili , , -e immediate local Muller whicli ruay vvell bc termed extraordinary election aby-l«.Iv wai passed doin away Your coan ittee aie of 0pilliun that be- soute uther tout i - . - el t il I,-wsillý aIh1ýi1 ý . expendit4res, and which will net ocer . % l fore any atty appropriation is Made froui of trivial importante te Ille COulaty? gov- ý Cil ll:te 110 LI, ";"Il ili the illititel 1 but :,iiii 1, ýs 1 , ý . 1 . I . 09LY ONE ]DOLLAR ABYAR ,vrilla the, waïds, and Roder i t the severa ý 1 1 , 1,1,-.l , Illu 1 tfie, uotiý-e u ir _ _ _ _ _ ý a- In for -Isevealial ytars. For instance: col, . e fonds of the Corporation for the pur- ergied the election of the coutieillel-:ý'niLd the 1 Illy tu obev Ille lu%£. ' il, ' *ý ý 'ý -- -;I.,. FýUnkin9 1 11V 1--go- ,aï neillors were clected by a promiscuous il) livad of the muuicipalities. A brotýII et) . - . natter . 1% Ilicli ýhoîIId ; Ille fie, *Il*, iiiIeZed cxliibi Lyndà's Creck Bridge oust $1,003. 1 clause ofa. lire ettýgàie, glose partiee, wliù are tilt, 'l'lie thi:d i L'ý,ýýIlli-Y situated in the maire densely populated parts 1 tý policy lie% toit. 1 1, is t l'e Iller. ý-t peille lit$-- alir But vote of the ratepayers. It Tras white cr entered into the fluest . , 'Ille; Ifeyer this state of thin.ma obtained that of the Toivit, and who are consequently to 1 Éitle bin,ýtions were cutered fi,-t) o. I ruill"! ý niolle 1 ,,, iii iiie IIul1izeIllà -thora 'wai a nuisance conin..Q,çted fur thiâ expenditure we have a pernianout . ý , I the ntientioil of the Toàik cotinci - * 111- ' nt it is.thet 4lFrankinl, en," . - . - of Ik&oJýs Cý'r .I,ýl%%o ,1111)rovc candidates ý * %allize il ý ..ý..- -work. The dulit oit the Grantanar Schoul the Kelly and Ritchey a grenier extent ititeresteil il% the il in, or te l'cet) th, cellier allait outitim, te $604. The were bath y tire, contriblite - ý .'.It ., at inck'ts. :(Ittllor il il') IiisilLI'tý>t to il ,with bar Goiernme t o "IL",,. IP tant luna Ili th;s %vu ilicitide Ille pulcb"so, (If a Fire ' oliiviI euld il, il ,met- It now tunIs out tien of accidents b elv te ,,ratify Soule petty Spleeil, 1 ý . Privile-e.11 A man by the chapter of ac- WuS plaid off, uni 0 returned. , . TI . , le - c:es Lit'! illeli's IztIIý tiré, goý)(l file eu-ziiie, ai-d ilie i u'Y 'il - 0 k4OO* il! subscription, nt lertst one third of ex ý and vrithout ally lýtft-iýulit tu the lit 1 ý ý .- Relaierais writes ,M. la., P. ai the end of bis debt due the Roud Company of some 1, that the by-lavi, is iiiformRI3 liant it will bu VI' c - -1 . ' ' « ý*wIfq1I 01ilm relit ' Penses of saitl lire eitginc ; as your commit hostiles law expeuses is, iiow aise paid. . thc candidate. Titis was th-ý greut letisoit c .'i 11, ! Forth bis 'whole correspond. ý i 1 tý,illil IW lit or il tilt' 'el: iý.r;ld0. lis %% 1 1 il , ). iiiii 1 - 1'l"I'.0, , y llzd S'.1illl abatte. ce thitit, it would ba tinfair te cuit upon -11Y greliter cliergy alibi ubility uns . . 1 with quaslied, and tbat the Jownships terrain ai. t ilut Tlicse three ýitems of $2,000 were over vided iiito wards Rs they origitially stood. the. fartnel S il% the outski, là of the ( . . Illix, Ili! 1 Elock ,Ir, ci ili et 1'. 1 inalluikt ýIat.ý ý ;1,111ci ý el d;ý_%1st lo'. rolil . Il . 1 of le,,-iir .Alid we ,,hould ýl!sl) iii,'I.,,., l'.- t % 1 , fu r ) L il ilitiit 1, encé lai frec tel him, and charged 16 the elle 'orpora- 1 diipi.tyed &ai otir coutity coutieils. Mr. Per- 1 ý i 1 . - . fourth of the whole Toivii Taxes levied rred (O ii.-a a notable lact, ow In l 1, * 1 ;'. - 'Publie chest.. For whicla wardt ilion, can a nev election tien te contribute their full quota of taxý ý ry 1-el'e ill'v, tu - . vral .. ,!,,iiiuli Ili -,Iilv (.,tf!týti ', Tho-priviIege is tua-le avail- 1 bi, . corporations of Oshawa atid W 1 , 1 ý ý - . 0 for all purposes. -dered? There ia no provision in nui .t u soliiii exttllit, 1 Ili(, IR iteüeý arv zt7d t,ý Ille (,.)Illlt. ,ý.ad L'ý;vls. able toi lis utmost lignit. Durin- the Sýs- bc et the wheu thev cotdil ý .. The statenieritof Assois and Labilities Participa" go nofarther, the preFent m.sttýtii Nvoi ktL ! 1),ieiiitii-lýs ýIàou'd I,ý. iý.31TvI Ivr tliis I.tý.- lie, alli . 'ali Ili im,'à by Iurý . . .. ajout of Parliament every conecivable thing ýN1tallûipaI act te ,ucet the caseý and the te in Ille bencilis of il lire ett'Ille. ' lý,iT-, ý;1 MIS %'vie cxl (Xil - lie. After providine for - 'l'lie coinmittee further recoaloiend thai - - - Ilawa- ia ,ý«ýs %'Ileil il totil; ý .-ýv. týXtc1ýdi:lj oý et a Ili l-il-d ý-I I,%..ijll 'Il' .- panes through th post asfree 11131 - Municipality of Mara and Rama is e% lire et their Iteeve ; 1 t', '. 1 ile il ýe il Mai - -ident- everyýhoIder lie required tu prueure nuit 1 ý,c FeIýîý3-ý_rto t ,,,,>zi Il . , , , 1 ýil1ty that ha1.,ý ail the Mark-et debt of $4,000, and Sehool wh ýe vi k l'!" I.i%,t,* ý,ýtI!s. A S m ', . l' __ - __ ý , - __ter____ono DIP-Mber has a pot buncombe ý , ly in a dilemme. This is a eue """ e iceli reildy for use, la Iaddei of suflicient 'the heàs of the corporation _)f . ,.!(),ýiziii, bt of $2,00q, aecess tu the thu las1si-x y ara, audit, ouly two ý %, ,:,."iI,ý , ý;ý, ,ý1,u ";" o-re z them aPPears $16e"8 te Rhould desire te have the bellefit I.Fl the length te admil. of üztýY ý e __ ot'%,Vlli(iý , >"tlNVII ill lie, se co!wu1:ý, it Il, . t ,ý ý :', ý ,1 d__ speech te send to bis constituentsi away the credit of the Town. This statement o ý f 'l'lie adoption ofthe report was al. il cuuld bc sikid ilibit the persons sel.t Io II.,ý ý u-.'1;ý1 V, 1 111,4ote Ille ral'.i1-Iý-rýs ,il' the 1-1,- ; %%*,rct ý - , v ýl ', A ý Il - uii ! ît goea vrith t4efj-ttnk, and chargea. te the pinion of our esteenied cotemporary, the , rue ineludes the School property ai $I0ý.500 couraty Countil were Ilm. (.11";,-e ,-C II-ý ý Il' Il 1 . - 1-1.t lI,ý .,lit,. 1,1 ý , lowed tu lay over uutil ;jex-. meeting. publie. Anothor lias % cou of cysters for a Laie Jouriud. ý lit (Iiiv milli il,, 'l'I't. 1, ý ýt TàWN PROI't. . _ i ýtJ.;I o: î'ý ,,% 1 t bol, ii':i(ilýiq'. ý. e , and the Mark-et property ai $10,000. 1 * *ITTY. râtepaverts. After fuither blenotiiiciii, lit,- ; .1 I,ý' -, 1 . - iý ,ltl,- i il, (li't i , li e! Ille (II,ý- - I.;, ý friend ut home. The usuel frank does the In the meantiine vire %vould suggest tu our 1 ý I 1, . i ,-.1 1,-1 IloI i!ý r tI1ýk ý The Financial affairs of the Town for the ' INIr. Draper broliglit Ut) Ille report orthis liractices titiller ti:c pres,-lit s%-ýstiii, NI r. ! of 1.1;m, ill'i.,.I-IZLý;c,ý t I 111, t'r'o. &li 1 ', teotlbl.,esotne 1, -V conelttded bv exIrvý>1:1ý l'ý"Illýseit 1 . "i' ýý /1 work. Another a lej of vîeniaon for bis frieuds fur north, as the leiisi' cri. . pe. ý _I (ý,ýtr tilt Ille il, iý /, - . yezars 1858 and 1859 have certainIv been Coliiiiiitice, %ilitéli mas udopted in t.,,ajiniit. il *1 ili favor of a chat1ý,,. tri.-i I,).,,-(* iii- :tàl),-,, , i die C,,Ltt,, Il, .-iý vi ýý ý ;11l)1.11 - ll,,%,ý c"Illo ;Il ll wifels Sunday dinner., The electraeal- ini- . and, most inexpeuâive solution of the dilli- tee el tilt- NN huit %vitholit aliielidtii(,n't; ýàttdl - 1'1ýf o>* 1 Týi uli, t1:,-IlWaýVIll-t i:1 lie, il- !,,,,,l-,', Il, ' lli)1'(' ,ýl - 'iA iit 11À, 1:1, matiaý,ed with much üMlity, The Coli9cil alluw thitl,-.4 ta romain just tý.î tlivy ' ýè,iiiiAt'll;1l"i;:18 dieu ajev'l to. ý-- tich are placed on one corner of the wmp. 1 culty te résolutions pev-sed l'or paynient of varions l .ý 'l lie for Ivre, veam deserve grent liraise for tac 1 are, Aithough il laits beeti said glial, 1-in Il Fmall Stones ainotinting, in Ille whole tu N.« 1 PIZ()IllulToltv 1 1tý't oil-1 AIN . 1 0o, l'Il, :il l:_,ý\,Ill,.ilt .ý-A l'.1 fýýt il, >I Uil- , l'il ý 1;'Y 1; - (. per, and down it Cm in the mail ba.-P - In i , ; ý lvai, %, Jýý 1'l. du.. to ilil.1 i economy, jndgrnent, and prudence exercis- . ý ý illik1ollýli1ur,, týI Il., 1 %% Il. ý ý . close prexrinity avtth the Governor speech, c multitude of ýouncilIors there is ývisdoiii,'ý i6cls- Mr. Di-alier nioveýf .-a siiiiiieur tv tulnial 1 il l'ý.% il 1i11Niý 1,; il) èe, tl 1 i - 1 ; cd by thent in'the aiaauagenieikt of c tir Toivt ý . . ()NIIIU\Ikl.%Tl(IN'S. . ý,,i,,Iitttire prayiug for -il ý 'I'lJý -O eue el rý w Ili ilio >uIý.i,çIi %'Ililil 1 Huit ;. . ill . s 1 il . .,(;Iý". ; . S, N Brown'a motion on 'esoinejoine authority," l they will find thatwith fourmembersilie prés- MAYOR 8 C te the Lu - Pl>-1111. fonds. 1 )', ' 'ý >1 .- ei!lý,il 1 I-cu l l"il, ý lýL1t. l'i Cleur In the veut 18577 thc aulount ta I Il bc e.lually well, The '.%I.tvor itifotint-ri the Cuuneil thut of a prohibiwry liquor lý.L%,. :.,tlk NIr. -, ki'd V, '1.1 010 c;11ý%7 aild ( _: :t,,ýt - . ý ý 91corruPtioit in high plam ý" and ho collected on'the assessartent roll arvalzia, d ent vear, their busines ' à wi i writ bail . been seaved tii,,ýti'lýitil nt the Druler and I) . . Gullil malle verv lair 1, Ili- ý Li u ut . 1110,(,tal;,*.!. . ,1:!.ý. el.e I.:.LCtaIý ý i-i it !.- ,ý - , AA i:i d v . . l > ,11., Grit Central Reform addresses, without and perhaps more econdniticaliv conducted I a . - ili,-l il i1ý;1v lit- ilial - ., l stait of W. H. Ilig'-Iiki-.i rs the corporation peraitec speeches. NIr. 11rai, r li..%%,-%ýýi-. ý and ýi_,Ii :tý %vuik'd l.,--ý o Ili lilv blti.ý!1î,iui ' Till 1; ýý . - number. And atiother bas bis -eekly ý te 1 ecover $500, beiuý-_r ainuinit of judginent arýrtainer, in error, fluit bis tlic leoIv le-, 1 . l.ýl ;, ,ý1I1 to ,;ýqèl,- ,.I illils ý ery rieur $13,000. For l4e-ý9 but "il" thaik if they boa fixe or even six menibets , _ , . 1 abovu "air t'lut an")urt wa-s nilaced on th' te do ii op. It is evideiit that Roy . 1 s Il 1 , ! in thý-!1 ýll-':-eililll;S, AMI il'ý i:.ý'I' 4LI of L C- 1 'l 1, e "t"l's i recovered by bina ipLinst the Diivçtoi-.i of : ý tend aie liquor ivas .il!,.%,e(l t , I ,1ýI,,, ilivin t-ý,1,%i,-iiiii i washing, 1 'one cotton shirt, two do, collars, roll; midallour di:btâpuiler neil May talze il) 1 the Port Wliiil)v and 1,lake Iliii-oik 1?--iiiway within darce allies oi, Tilly 1, . -t1:Iý il) ', 1:nle. Nilli Ille I.ki:_'-ý1 ,,, iiiell il, . i Ili"(! ý vr ill i-il %t--ýý,-Is i idtd fur the saine. The Taxeà for 1860 ! cotni'aliv, and :11 %Vllieh cululiativ the de- Whercas theluIv is, tiiýit iio li,-%I IzXN(,Iý 1 Ilviý,ý,iiv,,,I' pýl,!. ý"I I V "; : - il la -1i;t'ýl. I ý li;ttl 1 1,;.., i ý 1 ý, ý il t o 1, , ý one do, bandkerchier' to sendelo the ratepayers or the Cou - 1 1 will, or ou,,:,bt ta bl- still Iýýwx-r. The pro- i tai 1 t't»aiýi.;Illl.;zti-e ,ýt,.(.L-li,,Id,ý!.S. shali be É-iectrd miiii:, Ih-ý ,%uiI.ý -aie ilà [ 1.1, ill"".S.,f il" C 'IZII,.i; .,:,."., ilýl-i; I :,- .ýi- ý 1101V .-fi \Il put tbrough a course of sprouts, l"À. B., y alter the presetit et dur of thiiiý;q w-ill be cer- 1 I . . . ý . . b. 1 ý as talistrablanie n ta involve the township in expelleie; ; . . Il ;!, 1 .u't ,lit b": M. P. p.,el or some equally Iso lhat Orc girl oidered tu bc ,.,:Ill,)vçd lto,,rc els. ! b- I!ýý-.u i.li:.ý.týL1.1 11,A111-1 illý-v ýIii1 t.Iý." 1 !;Is l ý . . . . LICENSÉ: DY-1 %W. ý isoille reed ,ý I .A. letAm, are serawled on one. cornera igith * t and after ineurtin., a fev liusidred dollais ; froin the linuse (Ir ý%I.ý. Buttrv, bail been 1 , (ieil:ý a l'il. %il. ý1i1v Il[, 1 ý 6%b6 aide op with tare," ,,Io bc kept dry" laced. The SA>ý', t.Lx wZi, wi- e'cr"-'t, 1 it would lie doutalfut perhalis alter al' i placied in the cit.-ii-,t- or IlIrs. Wûbher, and 1 - 1 t, uY ' % _- Il, 1 u , ' -, .i 1 I% Iwik 1 als'3 lie les-.,-ned.awl w2 truait thU every effort ! captain 1towe ulteiiiit(I llý,ie il i;jirýý. 1 __ ... - __ ý - . c', written in a large pWn bold band by. soute il 1 whfther the expenditure vins a fil or aillai lier accutitit t'or tto weeks botud, &-c., N ', ry l ý 'IA0. 0 C t-11; S er3 viere 1 bat - « 1 ttit-%;ýtii & ltit!clill'., -1 > 1 , ilis. 1 jutig ý, il,, ,e iiiatl, i s iold clerk of the Houe, pressed into the service will bc rend, tu îru-tî er enztail "tir exPeu"ý ' un eil tu the township. Ir ,,'ait - I notinting to *,;, was ileeeiý,ztty 10 be or- allée a lv-law te auiuud b% Iaw G2. l"'W 1 .Iàid totviirdý Ille 1,.--I;tiiitl:t;:, of .11at. 1 - , % in glatis de.rýmtui.ýnt of tho T",ivii finna- 1 doied tu, bc raid 1-Y rüsý)IutioIà of' the Cotin. ý bill wein th!I)ti--h ('-,tiiiiiiiiI zll,,l 1 ,,>,,I. I __ 1 1 1't - ,d!) ZLIl-">i' 1,141vi for the tilIk b:lrjg., fair course of ligne the c'a allowed te remain as they are, and me cer- ý (:il. ,rbat ,lie Chier Constable had inclu- Il l'ýI.VaI.i tlie 4 th and 12111 1,ub, ',,,(.t t,,I-ý ,,t« 1 ýý('-lI:11_1 10 Iliû\ il " ar1aogý ]il( 1.1, et . :,-$S i:1. ull'e \ury illild ce-- li ý , il, as the sa'*est course --tra tirae and dishtins(d sonke nomey tll,!,tlitl I)y I;iw, liý to 1Ilýý cI-ý!l , lit 1 1 l" , I.,ýl, For 1; 'A 1.4d exteane'illa .ýýx11-ms 1 , , pabrSl is rettartied thmugha the bagne chan- . , taanly wGuld advist. dud c., . - pul"ic 1111, :il. ý %-ýa, I., ',l iii C,ý!kiniIu.,z -T 1 1l,)%ý ,-1 nil Ile fouli(l il) ý 1. j iiiider &Il the t;rettnmtancý( ila the kliatter, luA üusied Ille ('loin Il clock rit iiilit, (Ir S(.11:11-, Il Itè,.iý to 1,,-;,,, , . ý ,il iv;i , ' . , 1 bc r'rouiff'. ý12 tX1wzuýIH l1w lir-law= , la ', < 1 tel the illustrions Treparm ut ý , , ý ' l'hursllav. IGili ii.,t., lit Il ,!,-t- II, talle inu. : tiliti .1 - il,.; I iL!tI r. Il iý 1 1 twa fif J. Firit L'chnitu; ,,vt Iui1ýy alun ,ý il.toxizýtd or walcr age-the (-,,ii;t,;,.ý. WUSIUD.- custa 1 tlit»n recommend the Present menibers or 1 vrould talie Ille ýzaiIie into c(insidr.iti,ýil aud 1 as il , ý, (lýiii-,t-l-tti.4 prit-li the ýÏbRr May be, 1 lèiw alleady 1,10vidilig rir btluil C;tý(i, , v011>îd,.I;ýIà'[l Ille (:Ili;ilt;lv lut. IV 1,(.I,.tll,.!I 4ý » . . - . SL' 1 -,,MatLr codu nothing ppc't t-> ieu a lar;M suivi ýiemnI1t(viI flic sis. rýJJc C,),Incil te melk-è lie change in Ille ap- 1 allow Iiiiii %%but they dvenicd iensilnable. ý j . . ýýllý - .1 . t-% tll.-, :11,ill "I a - Ï, - uour-.,U@u i ÀA-14 ýzl"o-oT,,!IUvn1s,ý hilt. ,villa 1 Also Iliat le lind ii-t, i% eau eiiiiiiýzitýi(-ýti i(,,, 1 ( al'o vlnewb clanse N.). 1 0 lev iiýaI. 1 a . ',!.ýl . ý . __ 1 'ý t, y, P. Plai., timefore výhy ont use Ihý . 1).1th thilse p.ilitillý,n* uli' thoir fbresent cilicer - - il .U,,,ý%%",.Il, 1',;llIill' I'ý C -, nain, 1 £ - itu. .I lit, ýIl a11l,ý1ý; liii , 1 . "e hcLieýe are ail above reproacli in their ' _- ilitli the ;r 1%uý 11, il f'.'I(ýlýll ' ]IN of ý\ a ,,,.,Tti-.t uio vlose, ý1-ýlý i ' . lâcla ttoineï wýý rriiat Di îen et t'ariliur inifutititin hi ý s-who' 1 frt, Ru the Toronto lo-si-ital, 8tatiti, Ilir itiil,,ut:t tu Ille : iii-1 for lit., li-, ..S , I,ý, lit, d-t1la Lion ut' tilt î N ' ., ; ý . ý .-7.ý ze- . It is oBly the dear public W lý .girl coula lie icceivcd itito thitt iumiltition ý ,,,%"S ; lit tilt, Noilh Wald, N-1111 tli, ý,- 1*1,,, alA laI:ioý ,,lýc!1 ý,tqý vis 1lti,ýIl- h' I'm i A lit.ll V-101., titi , 4 1 ievcral capacitics-so as te Cive no cause usi. - C414. de! ý I 1l1ýi 1 ) :1.:-Iily 11;e I ý - .el our Týi,% a t-mmi- 1 t'ical ta"r of litit i i . 1 ry ,ýt %%-tý,t or N,ý11t Si. :11A E '. t e ý ;ý par thiet piper- Xa wender there is an- 1 ut &a ch;wý,,e of lis M Iler day, tititil 8 liée ý ' ' .. .1 t r amaï a deficiency in car Postý Office De- Cera Ota, tlit-- doLisax ïo. aZZ parpories, uýAý- 1 ofcumplaint. In this way the busine-ss of 1 lie vaeancy w6uM ocetir, provid'd (lie coui et trec lie veulel, V,*;lý,I, W, >t ,Il ,1,-ýýiii.zl 1,(e,"iliy 1'l'a th'-il. et libd. . . ý ý nu, and ex",>Idinary in -4oinethinq fur a -sll,ýiisil)!e for the ,Liii(ltit.-,. :11>1i "f ý,iýl(llil:, "I Ile iii, I tin-r l'il% il. . . cun ý.ý ,I it!ii1.ý il!t(i ille 1 ý ý suffer, nor could t T- 1 ý,( l.R:ý-, ,iý,ý.:,,Ili, , ý .-, bI (il lit;! v ,,i-,,-.itliz(,l peartigient. We-ask in allýseriouaneu wbat . Township connût lie i cil beennie eq . . 1,(t%." il l"I' . 1 ý 19:1 - ,,, ýury [leu( Il,-],,% Town tu butait of; audlin Ibis reàIwýet Whit- t ý Also E-1iltiRl-! ilitit lie liad aloi 2.'),'.,ý,titli of Folit Si;,, t : 1,1 il, , Cahill (*Luýýi Inil, 1.,."I.. ILI lifè,ý:ts (1);kil mati. :A ; 1, meililllr a goud rýght bu George Brown-"Tbe non," te Couricil ho charged with nêtin.- front ul er- direcicd the 21 . %%'!Llll Il 1 1 . bv, wu laclieve, cardes ïTillie palan froin CI.ief Constable to notiry parti" te ictauve ý -,-ý-1th V,'.Il(l, t1w 1% 1-le o!, 11w .. 10 1 ,lie f,,11,,%,il,^ ICSý,l1.Iiý),1 NIIS Ilo)%(d Il, IýVLjý ý ! ý 1 1 suite *a publie - cl ior motives, or, in order tu, attain particu- al sikow opl;oïite their. *rt.bidt-lices, and that iucIAýll,, tilt, Illý;,eiial liait[ I'roiii,-ý.iI ,fi;- ' . . 1 L. et 1lVl1ý.ýUtly il 1 every .1ýillis I)Iýd(:n, zc I'v-1-elt 01 . Pýy for-the'thou"nds or Town in Western or ovea United tir objects tôserve their own purposes. le ! eune1üd I)V -u1iý, , out ,:",ý-.iý1,1, Ille.t. Ille Il-, ,P dans on behalf et the t'Olobe," he annuel the M er was generally complieil iviti h ties and ail other li',us, ,: "ý. (). ý . . llll, !JiMi li'av liave lit. , __ the ratcpayers ; but hu waý, sarry tri . - ý 1 ly mail# ai the sagit of Governinent Il Cir- - .*-- 81 - . . 11ls(,_'rý d 1.ýl,-*I'I-.;it tli:.ýi 11;(.4 1 lit , lu:11 Canada. ' -.0. ý 1 1.dy 1 The lby-litw aIso pnhiNts il,.. ïzkie or Il ' te"* Ili, , iii't laté ýi!e bulits e 1 .1 - Our New roàtal Arrangements. troc in nid of the fonds of the Pres (111 Li sortie of thu Conucillors did nul respoud i quors off the pittaises li,.ý11,ý(,ýi - ; _- .ý1 ý culars Non. 1 2 sud 3, have boula. sent (if . byterian Churell ut milita. ' M Il ti'.ut , witli 'II l-1, !t.;Iýý t (If Ille ý,'IV:It 1 ýýS >11staiý,, li Po; 1 ý ýn Ille .Lktlk,)].ity of ý ý P ý ........ ...e., , ý - ý Io the cuit of the coquivil. , 1 """ - * - i pes niisÀon of Ille C-ouio-il, the lutter beiu,, ý l', N . , el.>. ý . A04411, to hale 1 ý wu Wistake not)Witli hisfrank ai évery sin. Mr. %stma.qter Gencral Smith, lins bcn ,1 Ilis Wolshil) a!ýo dirceted Ille litteli- titi ;tltiýýiidtile!lt of lie, Gullil. . ý .I;Itlý,%,stlti. lI.;tc:itr,ý ( o., Il tliu I'.l.ýI il 1 , On Wednesday, the Sait huit., a Ten ý -1-1111clion of ilif-il. NI't.ýl:li Tb l'actorv b% 1 lit ill'-y 111:1V liow Ili. ýý ., .1 ý - IZIV li.iT. 11%. i,%,,ý i týi,, (lit the itioit.iii.r Ti 11, ý gle &" Olt of Par" en hîs nolli tint] of the Coluivil t') the necvssily ut i I . 1 . party asseinbled ut the Prebbyteriall CIT Lirch 1 f '-.ilui(Lkv, (tu 1 1 1111( !, Ili' - il ' -kily l-ýsàels *1 1 1 feted, and dititiered, nud toasted, and prais- am aumerout . establi.hin, a police (Ali - . illai aùb" Ibersý end i . ice tender the 19 - in the Township of Mara, in nid of the 1 ,ta' . - . ('00 1 ý la\, 'W, - , ' .. elud ,ý1;ziltîv l'ý.1t.,, or iý, 'à, . me-1 rd, in cvry irnaýinabIe manner, fort"' ý . ., 't., 111%(,Iitl,! :1 l"S', of Fýa%1e '20 ut- -, -.-,. kaelbaài 1 Did - tute. 1 ', 1 :11 r., 1_-iiý 01 X ý. ', ý - .. enons , orçoto ,Ier, &,ucmtbful teEu!t cf bis mission te lý,,ole- 1 . . ; 000. il ,ýr;%ç.ii-I Ili tl.e filet 111;Ët :h, .- titi , %vil V Iýlt. il! il Ille fliciAl fonds for the'ereetion and coitaibletinn of ý ý %,;l., !ý , ý ,% ý;l ll. . - Il, Dý tom sesald tau Ams -1-- I'R 1 NT 1 N G. 1 wric Leil lait IV got ili full iýI ,;i.1iýýtil illll, (ait - .., il, illic. ý màoe thm M" **àr ,IScptnii« e "Lbe ý Mr. I.vaide leýi)ii-,]ýt ut, Ille rgýl,,)lt ,if illis ý 1 1, __ Il i Ilt df,-.,-rlc,.Ît. Wtý-kly mzàilâ frutti the W the building. 'J'lie bo(,..v of the rhurch wae, ý i le: -I . 1 -ý 1 ,\ . 1 eoi.sé(lu, icly i)1ý't liffle Il loin ,o11:ý et\ 1. 1 1 l, 1 i, e 3 ,,u souri IR ý . 1, ý ,& ill nuw bc dispatched and car- completcly filied. The Reeve ofthe Tuwn- 1 culainaittée, whà-Il %%lis aduptt il ili CI.millit- t ();1 ---n armmaisq- ' i turu S1attýb 1 . ý i;,--li il TJ' ('il- la;ti R ,,,-ý t'.,ý Cllik ý 1,,ý-il iti-olo :11 ili- ,av ( f pruCt. 1 _, . e&4'ÇU 'dÎ'Mela-eC>' ý%iI e : ritA ilire' Vutwda, to Greut Iýritain and the , . - ?r 1- 1 1 .ý Ma tthý («ùý ý Ilm il .tw4ed i -C.ý,, . 1 hipt D. G. llewett, Es.j., was called te th(, i tee of Ille %tll,)I'V, le(ýonýtuý-11(litkI, that 'l'eli- %%:ký !,eet; l'il Il I.. ,ýiA;lif1 .- iý l"'; i, ý of 22 1 '2ncl.-'1'11.lt Ille cirký1nýtz11i(Lz; (,f Ili, ýý 1 - ý ! niurut of Euru.v-c, Lýd W-a rersa, frutti chair. The Iky. Mr. 31cl*avizibi of Bea- (fers lie .tdertisA Çor, and re(liitýzsliti-, oU 1 N"èý-. Cl.i.. ... alai ill..t il ,-..:,% I,ý ýJ,.vll tu Ç;U1, aie !ýticI1 -lis Io (Il ilialid ,,i;l. 1%.11:111, ý t - --**.,- - lias Cm &Uuumülmum*iuitqolrfbwjmtdkalgii 1 -Lurrupt, îo IIK- Wusiý Yt:ýtts of Ameriebi. The i . . 1 ' - __ à *ëè, ý . verlon, û!)eued the meetilig %villa prayer. structiuns front the ýCüun£iI oit the muino- C11,11 1 ý ; ý' Li olt;L;nî.!,_ý a li, ,,.ý-,. ý syiiil,;itlýv, elýfi colisitit iiii, dl"! ülý,.1 q Jýu 1 11) 1 1 N; 1 ý1 L 1»A il , ,ý holy ballante dimala UId;ý iimputtutmt,, VI ilýlb trj,2ktgta)ýeu . rial of Thonias Wallace. ()Il 1.1,.I:,!., (,.,'Il,-. I:L;Zltl, ;I 1, - i.11ll ý literp! iýii1, cli;à; v il r (lf il.'. 1. 1 1 ý ; .'ýfltr tee and toffeu and the accomi)anyttig i ýà;tIVn III . lilliV ha" wicsi &Umïétu )Ntý, lidurigt, ?Qudll ý i ' 8TATEMENT OF TOWN 1*1zL.tstrl:lt. t.)]"Ill.ll il,ý.-ý-,[-t-;it;ll.(Iiilý.ýliili;,ble Nztltl(.ýl1*1 II(U SE 0F Ass .k , Idittiizl iëý11oL t-beainiply eMrfý th'11-ýh ; %ýiaudsh.4,d beelà dinposed ofattdiýes.ïes: i'.ýyit' for 1'lzi Il ur Ille >:,.,ý ý-èl;;L!l 11MOI. ------" - _- 1 . . t - 1 -- - --A 1 , 'ocIl uli CU,',I;.,Illllt lit Ili ('l'crIv eolAmu il, ving . . ý - - _- ___ ...-.ý- A- l'lie Town Tiewurer sulnuitt(d a state- 1 ('il tl,.Iii I:tlliý., S. . . . ý . .ý - 1 . 1T. to lit., stil-iouiàýliii, 'I'(-F.ý - - - 1 ' .1 . - ,, t'Il loililloi IY, ili tllu ol'ill. y with fear from fice with any of the lie "Wlmwý -ýçre femiio& dam fjý1 T, la 'WFNIN.; ý11 :IN, Me j l ' il an mut 6*woetae-W &atn,;,N à fint CLM âreat futiff.- teirer3 of Europe or Ame rien. On W qýùil ý,:* Mý. 1'. rrv The followin.- 'lm-zsaze Llî beell rectil Il ('Il',, 'l 'ich hale il;Ilu, kr, ad lie Fom the saute cause, businAss in onr Pr,)- The several township nulicipa1h;(ýS de- - éeýc-ýl]led lo- ut ét.e JIU. ilaitall. r.hàT,ý P-.4 Il)v 31r. Allau frùl.,i collarnanded to j na, iiistrucl-,i to have B" III& te «ýjwgp«I>4 à* pal tbe ". vince vill rect-ilv-e a new impule, and emi- te in the bcnelýu of 31r. Arri% ctl ut 9 -01le buat, v 1Y fli iwi- p-Ir voue hov 1 siring to partteilla Týj-ý !;ýt (ef taxe:§ nw dkow A«*Wr9p«81ý dwsjý Cano of grgats of means and influeuue bave great£r Heit-ett*is resolution, iptroducedat Ii. il, I n ith cars lastâcel tu tlitt aris, fovid 1).,% 1, -ut 11 'e 1 1 l'y Ille Quec eeeprle, elld 1t*MSIlýwj«4 eaminf " te te remore tu a e0untry OAril mfttioýg Ofthe Countr cfiuntil. fer aid;r.g the ý,i i-l. the >leu) .4 up ut Port Latour. Su% tral piel-,â of býu, j'r, tle of Canada ; à \Ir. uAl loi. cunu d,ýîrmtI týj ]lave were lýîch-ud up off Colle 'A -W, icnt Of ber stjbjei the =,t*r w,> Av. Sau pâliai lr*lqàble indummpots tu a j-crinaneut set, in road ir-j,,rovenit-nts, should ncIý w-ail ýalý and v trewed alon- the beach frteta -i 1_ iaec of lier Et tel r3ý but ('tud the Te- _t j,-yq7pâU %lay te n- tr«m,,gL Canada ils yeung in yen thernsel ves of the opportunity te rivLe the i, -'t rý leu t lu* pnte" OW in thow greut eleuwatu that make a na- land round Celle Suble as fur ca:n its L' il of the giguilti, go as tu bc rend; ut tht Jurw eý,zs- Zcd Islands. 1 the ' NýI-- L (IF i le I succL--ýàf *j1ý" it at t,>- ti,,u po%,erfut and weaithy. Our future 13 ion. There is no duubt but that the Gunty «_ o, more bûdîes yet round. Wîll pro 1 Il l', ilir, tliýi it Lg tberef,)re Nfr. Perry zave h(ý.àýe t1ý"t 112 WCUA nt f ýI.!; i 1-! l'a; -"et III lier Zla,;esly ili, wýh x tiI,- v,?#.,d lînên, bi*,I,.. b"ond meleaaum. ThanUk to the Ceuncil will give dollar C)r dollar of the. the «ý t: celed tu the wreck this a. in. Obýmà"be le" boule to ý. .ý,....d m tU =,jy ad per»verân« of ow Post Masttr A. CRAWFOIID. Li L1A"ý ltc"Il ýA; chat , !q,ýiauee with tbi ainouat to bé mised ley each toirrÀ3l&ip tu i lï-ave a by-law tu alliend lIv-lav xc, 1 iltt'Cil Iý,-t llu ',évsty feels that p-wk eà t--!,Lzulillz b:dowalls Atriv.Ll or the Jure. -71 :.:u Iiing ý%îtIl Il 1 - -f« tW. Provinec bu a cbwý (jý0erj4 the M-rmge«mts made by ituprovè ils mai2 mails. %Vc de3ire tu îm- ý - 1 et). 11,2 Empire woulc bc*" go »04a in the d,,ýSut anw-aro= of wM bart, and semiomte Our movemeittà ul p jï", 1 ut llý en f,,tztili. FF,,U, Ill Ic, and ut so go ressi lapon them the necmitf of not wâýt- -tl, W.& iliat golà to Pau IbA!ir bj- ELZCÎ ION OF ZELVIIS Dy A VICECT VOTE. LSçoul., Fçb. 1 Lii- Nuiri M Lit 1 c,,Iý lî, ;;I v- 1 ý1 lisit ý, Caaada wouli hm mpmomtei(visl. It is a L,,torioua fi, joý ardently desired by îg uaùl the lut moment *w at tibe mu dç Goyenutent, fmaka am every une CaAadlàà%ý Pritice AlcxýI-#;dr Van îs ý;J LI',' C3,Lvald, about Purt iiiiiirLb-4tA. howe, Mr. Draper moved t1lat the M*jr o r tu _SL 1*,tersbur.- eu a &zî tc-stify te th, MU ]Kllke ouroitt$t x«Iture. I, lotmorial the LqLla-ture so to amend the tim Exurerur Alexander. he rire rig"e. 1 >ý"-1 rIr tlitýre Illis mernin lcý«p tray to pleav-- a municipal law, thât the Reeves and Deputy The 'lliennacori-cellondent of the 11e-ý h-Itil all 1 ". ' Ig nrid power 'ýr warm appreci 'lu cý the gonds tiouate Aîhu Bu, P-ceves Enay W elected III a direct vote of rIl and law au cbeap ibia.-s- a liffle The Ilecture deLivered by Mr. F D, Galantes report Îs a gSd one, for the ports illat Austria ýiS about tu tu.1-r takch olà Shure whole. the Que 'valtv of ber C ü» besL We hold that the r:jt, at the Mechanics, Halle en Saultdav ou of a Fire Bri pade in " ruitepayers, th-- same as Mayoïsof towins and auuther *tttxnpt te bring u6uut a S4lïýiui- îjîlcýitgùl linve bruken up àrid h( ti eû«Damands me organiautî _Ku týlý,ejï illîf, uý_f in p;rcc,ý, and elle Il t when the tinte cilws. The murer dettailed the aeS--,iity bttween Itu-,sia, and Vien be doing a good mriice WB&, W" are happy tue sayl 'Lý TownelI if we can où?y succeed in raisin., the at ()rdttrti were :sent frum l'aii. fi, - v itic- t,)-tltcir Il 111 1 t-itv,: or the'! jj e ià fixed, it lériz-th, aille ýn& Itcts will in Dot setn nearty r-ili,ýlt t'i,ý 1,1.oid of -41 Hi.-hncýi SoWly *kýofishi g tbe laqell -ttnded. The ILLII was one third of the cost of the flre engifte 1- j the f. r the CiLliniâty Couatýti hulliag 'enià tc 1l'e 1 :1,. à ý_: SUP1111 Islýf-letIl.- und the etmn 1,-e 1,rttrs t Ille li, fîiéý _'", 1 --!ard tu 1 local ial- li,,tiM Of tbe jS_.ýt jetter ù, 71»S je bat one just taL The lecture itelf tras all tha could Reud the report in -he pro a po.lýcç w 1 mbue ýu te lit Li lil 1, 'n'l 112,11) ('ýA1uLIed ý_nI IV's nal. "d te, Wit,,U lm ce-ediaZs of the Town Council. provewuilu àcý, OrIC&Lxr-. as on tilc p;àbjý- ---à6àL&k etë»Un W" tbe quffl ho limred and gare. complete vrry biàd Iueýcýs 1 1 (: Ù*tkimg pri- M OU prmuL At the conclusion John Calitzin Uwe had no Farticuiar Objection rài»4 were müd pated. ur ilItcen Lags i Il e Queei a Mandal case- The tu the =,otiva il, j!w Laoller UO The paris of the z Il li:ive issu'cd ta partiý 'ate. The QiN am pu nid point JP-q, Fq, -.Jed by I)rý Th., Pttabarg --J0ýâ Says timl orttes W= glien 0,1 z"l I'aNilý7ý to-bring thqu thig r,. r interfere wità 1 wire of I)r- Hali makes féruW chargeï of ont hoif lus àmiudmenu vkoold work, par ý Iurc, put (,,l ý0rc afid liave theni Muge bm4 Uffleils vote of thmki te the lecbLmrl bekayior tow" ber by tke, B". ticul»Ay in di% idA iuto w-rds 0 Majeefs i aIny more to the annexation ci ýS;ýVGY III i ueoliiii, blit ile La, Dot bc, the *d, 0,*ka MU fieu.- bw*- W" wu w*rmly respouded tu in J. IL amàh of the Pirý t CAmrch. 'Mr lh-aper miiied tbat he itould bave a IPTZUCIt. lent in theý afternom ct>uzýkZt en able to do Any- ,Prince ou wlic Il - have ïLLn nu passeugees m*»« ky the audienc & tilis 1ý-ire Win devo:*j let« VI" bait > ton, j~ r= The eloW, d- the àlargé, »Il the nogiulatiua day, 'on which the neveui eau- am __ gjýrM loid the papers instrucLel tu i.jéritifT. atse th" far à net er- ezaïast kim. didates fur the wvulel bc aunsi- te wrift lit up as beWeý of -.iiâwg god a d4tt go ham it àM* tg tWw féeL CE dutz;

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