Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1860, p. 3

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çA< FEEMW. es àtpo.4 s dg s d g m'dg d g t~d'ed tla.Yâair.-........ Il 890 W1111'384108p971 PUNiIUilB MUS 194.B8 S 1 DUC&I>te ....... 4018Io88i11il7 it il 720,1.41116416iio Pemeut of oui>? ýa-belthe P!Qaaafo heIaSlkïrïwïwtt.etoats DEIGS ALTBMOWREB7 ALCH4ETRsd C APlMNT f4, LIpE ASItOAlCE tu the o TCQ sosato eabled c Iéof fr isemi la Cîsad. Aa, vhleîhss0o1%sg tcies superlo .e bsted t'oor brllhi s.&rt ,th#. Auomiaou»b net of reesul origlu, or etllmlted bosiuâ neid1omï«uuts.ila ese iemSt extauslve andaueemul amougt ntlaasnasoOfee.tisa ?,ly-' iddrlatise BImtIihAmedesu rovnh bu%@tise buasit et Use ieannusibusiness trhsuaetd u'uuBlIa i nIreland, and thé ample sud oeuutaatiy aeeusnulstg fosad, ~7J~~ng n ioomeet pvscds-of 4160,000 per 'anusa. 4*A N DOFFIEsa IN BRITISHI NGR2I AMJZRIOA no orASC AI u(f*Nw BRUNS0J71 st. ,T<sis.. 7 TEIE 18 A SPECYIAL AD VAN1'4GO. 1 1 aAuaming b&fore tile approe4cling Close Of tAýBooks for tihe - 21t t ANUAIJ BALANCE t)ne Vear4 earlier Participatio n nPro* fitl iithm sbe secasred. APPLICATIONS -WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 5tIh APRIL. f3ECRETAB.Y-JÂMES GRANT. h .AGENTS: *w ntov-t. *II&sPER izjY. Bownussw#lie-R. RUSSELL LOSCOMBE, Berrister. Nevceatiji-AMLTEL WILMOT. Port Ilope-W. Y. HARPER, Cosmmerciasl Bank. Oshawa-SAMUEL COCHîRANE, Jr., Barristor. 95 PIRE -AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 0ForENGLA». Royi lnaurance Buildings ,Liverool .LND NYo. 29, Lombard &treet, London. CAPITAL TWO UILLI0143 STERLING, PIRE DEPARTMENT, Tht. Conspaný rilit r..Building% andial otiser descripîioiof lao tvrslstLuor .Dunsqa tr Fse, on tise sustz2bersTr- Â1' utleec poptlyaetadvthn e- ducuticjo edlaseutuîtdl, ithl tierefetreune to Tiae large Capital eaidjudicilsa anagemuent eftliisCoinpsuy inumreil thse Sat perioeâet.y. LIFE DEPARTMENT, Ldargcate paitclpation Of profits conoqlstent vilsnidn h sinerrty ad evesy-benctit eus- braec is tise scicuce e0 LiteAssassiace sfforded by tise Royal. Bisceiptas for New 1Folioles alone ii six menthe ef tise lmsaIyear. £200900STELN lucouse front mli source». lns1858 2u95889. Ezhhbilug au luoresse lu oee yS sien.et Tise figsudu in iàasd exceed £700P0009 Exisibitiisg u îsemeuse lu oeeyessr asie.lut £80.1000)! Almaaca, Ceunting iolase Calendasrs, villa ample dMalluetfthe Conspeny's eperubieussa nd every neueesry lufermion tumnaiud uaIthie cIlie ef JOHN AGNEW, Whîy c.Agenit for Town oftWitby. Wbty e.25, 1880. ceunîT t7o Ontamso, y$8 liemeby given, thaItihe Ioe Wt: A Court ofAssize asnd NiaI 1i'nus, oyer sud Teruiner, assd Genismel Quel Doiivemy, yull b.cIsoldeuIsli ansd for tise Ceunt> ef Ont.srlo, et tiseCourt Iliou n,utise Tovn ef Wbitby, ous Thursday, thse 151h day of Marcb, 180 et tIse heur of 12 o1cloek, neon, of vislch al Coroners., Justices oftIshee, mad Censtablis eaid nil others concerned, willi tae notice andl goyeru tisesasselvea. eccordingly. NELSON 0. REYNOLDS, eie'e, . O. l'or C. t<aunex. Slseriff'Io Office, Wlsitby, Fois. 6, 1860. 92 Tenders for Printing. s EALED Tenders viii bai receive a t tise 0f- lice efthtie Tovwn Clcrk, mmliil Fridey, tise OIs day et Mercis, nt 12 o'chack, iounu, fer doiug tise l'rauîing, Bissdissg ansd Advertsatss requin, a for tise Corpoatsioni oftise Towvuoet lhty, tW tise ]lit Marcha, 1860. --- Forma et tender, s ansi tpefper, dec. cou b. liednt tIseabove office from 10a. m. to p. sa., daily. THOMAS HUSTON; Iowa CZrk. Town CI.rk'u OEfce, Wlsitby, 28th Feb., 1M6. 97 EAUL13ET1PUBLIC ÂUOTION. T eslby publie iueiou by lb. undor- nited, puasast lu a power et sale cen talned lu s certain mortgege, usade by Phill Whitney aud vift bme, b.arluig daté tise 1 day otJ nue, A. D., 1859elise following landussd premula .e sTise nertis15 acrea ut tise sentIs 2acres, oftthe Westi41 orthtie vest lbail et lot No. 4, lu tihe 8h Cou, othe tovuslsp cflBeah, lu tis o suly oftOntarie, ou Tuesday lSth of Xsroh, -860, lu th. villege ef Epsom,stt UssÀour of le 'clok lu tise furesao<in. *Terisa sde kisovu ontuie day ofsme. *DONALD MoDERMID, Beach, 22ad leb. 1880. 99--31à &- IBWIN-Ia BDankirkp N. Y., on the. 122ud mt., the. vif. cf Dr. C. K. Irvin, formeriy of Oshava, of a daugiiter. DIED. DÂVY-At Belleville, on the. thi mt., ,Benjamin F. Davy, Eaq., of appepiexy. WICKS-ÂAt bis residencein Pickering, on the 29tii Fobruary, Mr. Benjamin Wiclks, aged 54 yezre. BURNS-On the. 2th uit., st her rosi- dence, t Ii conceulon of Whut.by Mr$.. Isabelia Born, in tii. iTtii year of ber age. kiee wu5 a pative of lmnarksiiire, DILACiL'a MIOTEL. (LAM novuasoe, EAILEAD OTZL,) Qeawq Brcek ad OlunduasraM, WAUbp. T 7HE AEOVE WELL KNOWN, ANDi CEN- Ltlly sltnated hoel bu*. been newl>ý fitted Ip, sud revotitedli a inost comforteble anan- ner bythe prent occupant. No :xpouso has The beut rands of Wlaea, Liquorsansd Ci- * . Roomy svlconvresuent asheds, good etaibl'ng andl attentive outierg. This hotecillu sltuated lu thse voty licart ofthtie Townof tWhltby,ud viilb. found to e he u meut eouvenlent stopplug place fer (armersanesd travelierg.. JAMES BLACK. Se DARNETT. IuNUFACtrURER AND DEALERS [N e1 licaras, and Lest To beoco ; aime Whlj,s, es., &a.du 101 Waltou Street, Port Hope. PortIHope, Merclis8h, 186. v-15 v ly k lv; mbee .Goyernmont '&pnioy. and oter PUBLIC BEPARTMENTS attaisded te. Alto Soeured by lthe subecriber. Adameo.. prepald. - R.J. CHEBLEY, UnauddGeucral Agent, No. 29, Anise ret Eu TmEPR KEROSENE OIL, AT JAS- .LGERME'S ýif9 Sb l»TORE.£ CL RYElavyers, Mercisants Ladies., ciand al vho vrite, raend d ork by it, pronocne. t &o betise leut nd caesapeiît Barr- ing (AI lnunue. Il ulves the. brigîstoatlilgist, hasDo njoueiand requires ne trimiung. sbld at $125 ]PER GALLON, AND AJL LIJITOMERS 9SERVE» ALLKE, * tise person vfrsOnde 1h. cap ft aso vel adver- * tises su "EXMPLÂNATION' viii pies.. remena- ber tisaI Ibi beet proof of niy Kersolue 01U be- * N. e suosbas ever sutarmol amy ofet, but on the otnar, ailviha ve uàed It give st the highst Prmls Wlilnby, Ja. lt 1860. 6t m e s h i a 'U v n B H ll o u M o d a y , t ie 1 2 1 hi iua. t 10acs. m., for lise purpme o e .e e esivbsglhie saine, on paymsens t tues.ù ItAMUEL MERRICK Iuiapect WLiceasac, Tovnuoft witd Wltby, M*srh,10 o. id bu ir. ho. vier d ian- érally posess.ln the. undermmInesd Inde- arnd' teneantu hereon, soilzesd by renu der, and by virtu. ef certain Wrtsf1le4 IF&" ste me dfreetedl, vis:. 1 In the, Court et Quéen'a Beach. TbsýOlty BankPIaintilsvs.& John Sidau lu the Court et Quem's Beucii. 'Ut No. 9, n l. thcocession oeti ,Tovnshiip of Beach, outaialng by admnet- surement 200 acres. In tii. Court of Commen Pieus. defendant.i SAUR sud singular, tiiose certain parcels or tracts of land aud promises situate, Iylug aud belng nu the, Tovnsiiip of Wiiitby, ln tto Coiny of Ontario, belug composed et -hast partof Lot nunaber tventy.s4ixll te second conceusion of thé &&id Tovnship of. Whitby, knovn sud descrlbed on à plan tiieroof,ý madeby John SMer, Provincial Land -Surveyor, as village lots numbers 5ive, six sud forty-oue, Eaît cf Broék sîreet On said Plan. Alioe, aIl rigbt, titie sud in- tereel et lhe said William Shav, lu and te Lots n umbçrs twenty-nine and thirîy, (29 sud 80) in the second lier lunlthefifth dou- ble range' of village Lots West et Brook âtreet, b.iug part cf Lot number tventy. seven, luthe f5maI concession cf thie Tovn- shiip of Wbieby aforesaid. In the Counuty court. *Josiah Pomoroy, Plaintiff, vo, William Tedd sud Thomas Todd, defeudauts. Lot No. 17, lnuthe Brc concession oà Ux- bridge. NELSON G. RE-YNOLDS, SherifOffice Sheriff, C. O., Whitby, relob 5, 16 FOR SALE D'ALMAIN SUPERFINE COT- toge Piano- 8 pedals. For gale ciieap forecii. Enquireut the CHRONJOLE Of- fice, Whitby. Wbitby, Feb. 18, 1860. 5-lu. Crown, Land- Department, Quebcc, 3rd February, 1860. N OTICE liq aeeby given tisat tise lo. in th. 0tuwnslilp of Snsowdon, lu tse Couuty f Peterboroughs U C vilii b. ifor sale~n sua ufter tise AEEN'Tîîofnex iouts. ForIliseof iotsaned coniionse of sasle, epply te Richard llghen,Es#qulre,Crowiî ],and Agein, at, lobcsygeoti, In thse t.ownship et Verulei. ÂNDBEW RUSSELL, 91Amulstast Cenmussluer. Bave Conte. A LL persons iiadebted te tise sâbscrlbera are req'îesited to cali and uttie tiiesurne lin. suedetel I s l 'cunitsu uueta'led on thse lut Merrl b, oedvithout further notimo. * J. 8. DONALD5>N deCe. Whltby, F.b. 21, 1860. 95 B]ritiolh Agicultural Seeda Warranted. 1JIIE Subecriher la prepareai ta aupply1lais T. frieudsaend the. fsruing publie vill aïal tise ussdermenttoue6t eedu lu suds qîantities as may b. requireil varraîtcd pure and fresh. at the prices annexed. Skuroisg'as purPlo top Swecde SIX conts. do greeni teopSvde 7 Laing' s d;> fdo 405 - Es»tLohiain do 87X- Pl'eranlsn vIsite glone 30 Fost4,rton hybrld yellow 40 " CARROT. Long vhite 50 contas. Large Belgien ho cents. Long red Altringlsam Oit Cents. Bepc 2Q colite. MANGEL. Yiiov Globe, 40 cents. Long red, 40 cents. Ilaving insported direct frein s Britlis Seedà- mai. et tise highcast àstànding, Lihe suacriber cisl with conatndcce, rceouîmnjbisi stock et Seccis to b.et the vcry irot quuuity. Evcry encourssgouient given te Societsea unsd otîseru te- kluq large quanrtities. Orducra î.uunctually et- codd tu., WM. MILLER, Jr. Broughamu, Pickering C. W. * 9 N TC a eeioby g W bist n t iaeÀx VilldgeutGu oo n Tunday, the 24th day et Aprsu next, e By-lev vilI be pusasd for thse purpoase of clos.- Ing up a certain Wsad Allowsssice ona thse isnes be- tweesa lots al aand 82 scromsatise etstaIhaif of the tisird conceassionî, 1iiltise Townashiip of Uxbridge, sud coiuinly kîîown asetise Old Wbiiclrurch rond. RIOBERT SPEAB$, Towship Cierk. Whitby, Feb. 28,1860. P- u Fa=m to Lot. 50 Âcres cleared Land, being part No. ""27, lu 2nd concession of Whitby. Âpply personally te 97 R. E. PERRY, WVhitby. DENTISTRY,' Removal of Dr. J, Jokàes, "B. JNES'Dantlut7 Booms have S *.&.P rmovd totheapmus:roonas, fOral o Nort of ryti% Iote] Brok Sreet. £c:rFamiie. attensddathe"r reaidnce. Witby, Mrebi, 1860. 9 qWMIL M cB Ri ÉN.PItj -o-: LDEWan Glen;eâ fehbionable foot A]BROd"'OKLIN, C. W. Anov stock eofLaitier sud dffnge. , AIn-a vaut of a really ocboot or aeSee mnend ldeu at1 MoBRIEN .9 BROOKLIN. nie inatdaJ alw&ye of tteibest qualily, sud U0e verlhim 4>l neurpaed.reledts rapz.i thi mierionty Aicultural d Tinil *5 - Wbitby. BY-LAW NO.» A By-la. toatabliais e Of Roua#i oi Foti 7th Cmn.and aise on-Z in tise 87CmCon f tgo Iu te1hConcesion, be(ug ieo,.s Wh s survey mado by John M ait; EsqiP. L8 aus dohh appear. li rdroteru se, Wiitby Je. 18 , svut ts sud tisassue la bereby establled as ap;bio Rond or Higbwvsy .Cýdmumedng on L 1ot N.,etau ani ngl uthe.vestern limfit eoftIse rnsurvey by uald John Siscir, làs Junes M4, ad runingtience N. 660 W, 12 ohassnsa 690 W, 5 cuisina ý links tîseuce N. 820 W. 8 ohis 18 linksu luthe eaètely liui tftIse ilov auce ton road, b.tweeu tIse th sud Ith Coiiees- &Ious. Tisesaiproposed mond te bc 40 teet vide, and thse above describeil fine, ta b.clthe senatît vesterly Ihait tisereof. And b. ilt urthem eneoted, tisaIflisc rond sur- ve<cd byand described, lu the report etftus. M Jon Seirbearing date Dcc. 9* 1859*, isereisto attalised bc enâ he saise la hemeby establlelied sas a pulble Hlgiswsy, vi7. Coin- mncclg et a 1 -est pîanted ou tIse ensieu liait et lot N3~. il, lu tihe tls Coicelosa, nt tise dis. tae afu 8 elian sd 56 links on a courue N. 82 15 W, frein tise souri wesanagîeot lot No. 1,iri tise 11h Coneetsalon,*sud russung zthisee N610 W 1 Chsain aud 50 linka tisene. N. 280 W, 5 cisainu aieA 22 linksa liee1l4. SI7030 W, 18 elisina theuce N. 240 E, 10 chaîneanssd 75 tb ci scain vide sud tihe abave deasmritsd liuo (viichis lemsnked by posta piissted Iti lats several uangles tiiereof, and tise Ruse biizeal lis tise noaiinsinuer) lus. b eeteras linsit tise- Bond s second lime 1h. 141h day ef Feb. 1860. 1IBIhT SPEAIL$ 16 T"oniip <erk. (Man o..in.è Ykr11 il d2, NOTICE PVH abve atrue opy of aproposad this day, sud vbkih ylb. pasaed at the next meeting of the Council, after publica. tien ofthle sald By.lav for on. -mouLu in the. Wbitby Chronicle nevapaper. ROBERT SPEARS, Uxbridge, Fab. 14,T186.ipCek Cômont1'OarIo, 1 I8 herehygiven, tîset the ~ LCourt o General Qîsar- ter Sessionu of the Peso.and Coutsty Court, viii b. holden ln and for lie County of Ontario at the. Court House, l he i.Towu of W'hitby, on Tmesday, 1th. 131h day of Narck, 180 et 12 o'clock, noon, of whieh aIl Coroners, J un- tices of tihe Peece, and Cousables, unsd ail otb- crs concerneal, viiltae notice ssud goveras thenasoives accordingzly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Per C. gocul:.. Sherlff'la Office, Whitby, F.b. 8, 1860. 92 LITEIRARY IP RIZES. AS8 a aligit acknoviedgment of the liber. ai support extcuded Wo hie efforts, as veli as from a demire Wo encourage-in hoy- ever a limited a degree-a teste for litera. ture amongst the readers of tho Clwoenice, the. publisiier intimates bis intention of of. fering aunuai premiums for original iiterary productions, in prose and verse. The. finIt distribution of premiums viii take place on Tuesday, the. fret dey of May neom, and wiii b. avarded as foilova: IeuTPRaIZE. $ O For the best original Eaiay ou 20tiie County of Ontario, the. adran- tages, of its geegraphicai position, its seuliement, progress, and resources. 09COND IRIZEC. ~ h For the beet original Essay on $Io EnUC,&To-.embracingirelf-edu. TRIIlD PRIZE. $à 5 For the best original Essay on Nzvs. FOUJITI PRIZE. 6Q 5 For thc best origiaal Esuay on Covua- TEST. rIPTE PaîzE. A copy of tiic Semi-'Weeliy Chronicie, for eue year (postage free,) for the. bout original Autiiem on SPraiN 8IXT= PEIZE. A copy of the Weekly Ciirouicle for oe year, (postage free,) for the second best orignal .&utiem on franco. JUDPO.- H. J. Macdonell, Euq., Mayor of Whitby. John Shier, Euq., P. L. S. &c. É. J. Wilson, Esq., Barrister. B. J. Guna, Eeq., M. D. IL Checkley, Esq., M. D. Competitors must send ini their produc. tions under geal tte .ndersigned, on or before thé i6t day cf April neit. Eaci E.say and .4.them te bear a motte, sud 40obe accompauiedby tiie me and ad. .dress of the- vrit.r, with the. motte ou the. envelop eneclosing the sam. The severalEssys and *Anthem ste be. cerne 'tlu.poperty of tiie publisiier. Cosupe itrs for the. second and tiiird, pisesto bo.knied to perunsresiding in tii County ef Ontario. ý,ýTba. 4urti4, fifth and sirtii prises, teb. ixciusively cofled tote iTeaciions -and pupila vithin the. County. W. H. HIGGINS, Obronsile Office.} wbitby, Jan. 19, 1860. cÂARR 98 Igu bMPQ..keL1Ltô nomte ule.tbt hyIm pnd bi's THE ' c c'piiave ed Infor r the pomseblicl tat et> er, opn e4 usn cStes 1 Booth EZut of'the Bank, i-S!.1îly. 0ppouite the. arhet building, where they are Preps red t. auply &Hil who faior t ( mvwtl ia, wit)i every ariticle'in tjaefr line of, buueua' The a srlbers are practical end competent ;Worlnen of long eperienceand a*tb.h devote the entfre Of'their cvii labor te thelr business, they eau prodace aticeles o<bet47p vrknisip, of greater durablllty, and more elogaatiy finlshed, aod IWAFFORD TO 81ELL TÉEM CHEAERIItMi Thon thos. vii. bave to hfre the, labor of ethers. SAil a"tCles soldast the' leet living pricSe for Cash, or on approredl crodit. pIesel oil sa examine. l: Ail kinds of lumber and farinera produce talcen ln"execbange. Ail wgrk warranted. DONOVAN, 'WALEEY &Co' z * ~ e ~ * - 1) ONLY $75 FOR ONE 0F" SINGER'S CELEBRATED SEWINGT MACllINEâ IIÂBNTED te b. the sanme lu evemy res.pect me thiosoesld by 1. 1M. Siugcm & Ce. lu thse W Statas, for $110. 1 bave usede'aisisrvnes on Singer'a large sinue cine, by wlsicl patent icather carn b. stibched vithosît ol. Slsoemsskered ngrobijectiona te niigthese mae4 chines betore, oviig ta tii.ail continsaaliv vo.klig off ou tliseclaInd liastingosÀ e aiei The saceaslîy et ppiying ail ta paýtent leather lm easirely oi'vieted by lis ewoisnpree.nt. Theo smachlines arcv Itisent exception tise biset en4 l ceapeet cvem offered fer sae lu Canada. - ]PRICES No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE AND 1MPROVED, Es. -â 1 losve recelvecl suîsîeroîsa testînanieli.t resa fot ead Shoe Manufiacturera, Taller,, Dres Mak- cru, Priviste Fwnsilis, asai otîscrà4, visa arc sssisg îny Munchiuiace.-ssll siite lu econssncsdissg tiser for gesîcrel use. Eead tihe tolosisg ecertî tes, vriîteu sy tise tva lerge;t assai noe xtensivel Moutreal, Dec. 181;9. W. tae.pieanrein b.ang t4.sbiaasasiyta tise complote vorklssg attise Machines.meanf;sctasr- 1 cd b y]Mr. E. J. Nagle, isnving basa three iin usev forth. lasat six mantha. Tisey are et Sissgerls Paîttern, sud equaul tl nsy ut aur acqussutsance i BROWN & CIIILDS. IClIILDS, SCJIOLES d& ÂMES. Ail communications relative te Scwiug Machines, etc., muâI bç prepaid;su noup others viii b. received. E. J. NAGLE, CANADIAN SEWINO MACHINE E5TABLISBXENT, 265 Notre Damne Street, Moistreal, C. E. }7actory over Bartiey & Gilberte Canal Basin, Moutresi, C. E. b9aw-4#0w We have iscai s.even et E J. Naigle'. Sevtng Mueis in li ur fatry for tIse pee six nserils,- andi have Don eiatiosa lu anylng hat tlacyare in cvem-y respect ûq vsai to tise mion uspproved Anses- icara* Muciisas,-of vilah vo have severel iu BEGS îe announce to bis nurnerums friendi and customers thal bc se v.»P cavrysug ,on his extensive business ut CARR1AGE MAK1NG, IN ÂLL ITS BRANCHES, On tic promiseg hereorome occupleai by Mr. N. RAT, on Mary Street, betveen Byron sud Brock Srcts, vîsere ho la prepareai, as licretofore, te eute mli orders intrustea te laie came. CMIRIAGES, BIJGGWES, iBIS, 1CIJITERS, &C., WMufactured and Sold ut tise Lewest rem nrating Pricea. ALL WORK WA1tRAN'rED LU.MBPR and PIZODUCE TL1KEN IN .EXCHANGE, art MARKJET FEUlES D. FORD'Slong experienceoef thirty ycnrs lu tise principal Manulactories of the States sud Canada liait givors tiat experiemace in every brench of tise business vhich tev have been able We*rrive et, maid for beauty etfddesign, elegunce eofisis,. durahility, sud soliiy of workmansisip, hie work canelt be cxceiied. Whitby, Arwuast 6. 1859. r4rCall and see Specinsens. IlE t4ubseniberu beg reapectfuslly eirforin tîeir friendasaidcustoîner, goeerlly tisai bhoy ThIave leioved ta Vv lluce'a YNCov Brick Ilock, Brook Stret, vIer. tbay Ia-Mf oeped sn A LARGE ANDI> ELL SELECTED STOCK OF -CONSISTING 0F Biaok and Green ofet b.Cisoeal Busude. OOFFEE8, asl old Jsaaie' La Doalasge. And' everv description of Famnlly Groe ries., vhielshiiey are determluned to'eUo151tIshe -loi prices for (Iufi or Country Prodasce. e.B-Wutcd a loI otgoed Pntterand Ciseese. J. S. DONALDSON& Co. Whitby, January 2t 1860. TOBACCOOO Cheving sud Smoking. Luger sud valeula Baisir.0, i'l a d uute, Cadied Citron, Léemea and orsnko Peel, WIameo p. Mc#at. Fhq., <ou.i4À A et PIerntroke, ln thee oânty of Rusfmw.- dXTAR1O BANL DIVMIEND NO. 5.' NJOIElaI ereby given tbt a diviend Pt. .Lfourer ent. upon thé-Pola up capitat Stock'of tlois iititution Wo tii. carrent hit yebri (belag ut the rate of eight Per cent. e agnuis,) bosa thUs cly been deolard, sud tl, theuain wil) bopsuyable et thé flank sand lit branobes, on sud after' Thursday, the-firat day à -eTranster, Booka, viii b. closed froi tihe Jti W the 2lVth of ïobruary, both dos ilinu- dive. ~By order of the Bard onitarlo l3ankr, Ceaier. «O*Mnu:vllè, 21.1 Jau., 1860. -89 Bsas reioe bs to(k of Druga,Palnîs,. &0. tu Brock Stree, opposite tbe newflrick IBlok Of James 'Wailace. 6QIJEEN" lire and Lite lnra e Compn.' Capital 8500000 teliiug. CRI.kE O IC -kqe4R$i OFFCEDImorNRAL CIIAIMAN-wM. MOISON, PQ 11OÙl.JohanYoue, ~TiiomamKRay, Eq lienr Thomý§,râq. David Torrie, yE&q._ Agent for iVbitbY and surreuindinig' District. B . W. WOODWARD.. Wiaitby, Ja. 21, 160. 87-2n.ý LeAYES AD DIISONCOURT Bians cn b ha Cbperthan -ut Tcronto, sud viiitb.feund to b. printed- on btte paper. Bey ai.the Chronicle Office. W. H. HIGODS.- THE NEÀTEST AND I3EST PRIT. lgpla' n an ecy, of qvery descrp. tien, coan b. bad cheaper -and quicker at the CMonce Office than any other establisib. m=î'n the countyi. W. B. BIOGINS. 011N MOONEY froin Pre.ot offers for eT sale, aIl kinds ofEFartlsaere mainfaeutur- ed et lite pottery in Prcsacott, et excelingly 1ev TIJOMAS MOODY Agen'. WLitbï. N. B. Merehbantâ sud Dealers viWfiud s't to tlaelradvantogu, to înapect Mr. Mo0oncy's stockeî thelagent lu Wluîtby, and examine lais liaI et piebeforo couclud sasg expenasive puirchesea ebroad Whitby, Nov. 17, 1850. 685-w44w NWhit. y Brewery. TH'Suba.crlbern are nov lirepuared tW fur- TIninh tih. patr pnu ocrthe Whatby Brewery vitli an excellent article la sncb quantities as Umy be rcqui'cd, "aud on tormi te -suit pur- bhaser»i.. lfuitluil aie eqnel tW the insportcd article. CLARK dâ WOODWARCD. Wbîîby, Nov. 151h, 1859. 6a4v Oh re givet tlt apecati ne a So ioOth forO n Mit W armete ftanw.p Sm. Mi" cb'w- . , 14- 0.1--. 9_- 1 rr#È aubacriber reatfasfy noetls tetse TL > u h l c gù i i t lio la o w p r e p alx t h &es li e Orders fan rMuAddrm.isl sud DIstribua- t n B ille , C iî c u i r s e ca i s e e t i g P î e r a e the receivmn Âdvertiseinente for inaerioas ta tieVarions Citysud ProvîneaslJoumuala. lo ie ii likevise be prepared to nureeermandl by sîsesa etoflue numerone Agenti,, sarannefer tusnarici, Advertimmsenta in tise varice.. Papera îisrouglsorsîUpper sud Lever Cuea,tgI;rlo- er Province, sud tise UielSne;as-for thea delivery et CirceriansuQasebec, Miagssl., Tarosato,' lHamiilon, &c, tisug offenlug lu s> dver.' bisergana al artic. a shung toïceure regulasi and ai csîstse pu'lielty for tiseir annoesa- meute, a ecrtalss msuapWoy mens cfdoing au~, et a %rees saviune tnstrouble and expne liitArrngoîmento lheiugnow cempiteid h. beg lu seijit froin a ilvy CosUpsa,ler eh raa1 uuMaricturerâ, Trodesmen, Hotel Keo- eorsau asc tier. tlie tranuieon et aile" se is nees, whsch -lie bopgate sauir. !Ismm,*0 1»b aitrieby ttisedtv it uueWtuy and des.. putois5ysud faterha t sifroua lis long expersene. lu Eng'aiantatIhaincfle ofBaslnéms ss vel as lu connection vlIii.theMontreai Pros, ho yul b.o.nabble&te give entiro eaux-. -- IROBERT MOOE. -J. G. DV q, erea e Us Reard of Trumle, sdmreiantas Exehasuge. -B iamnston Esq..1 Cuelome sud Forvard- lug Ageit lo tis. brd TrnnkBullUway Vea. yW. Messelav, PLq., Merahaass. '"Jam.i Bengali Esq IMenchass. X. 11. Puruoaq,M94dtor ud Praprietor et Whitby BibleDepolsitory. 151 Whutby, / s * c--- p ia if Ystes, «5 siae& atrwtea le day îmseodi. OUI vus m if hor gemeul. ssvale& --s J. UI tely - ea - 4 vi et I z -J.-, h )' - - 1 ýNo- 1 MACHINE $75. Whitby, Arginst 6. 1859. No. 2 MACHINE .$85.1

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