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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Mar 1860, p. 1

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1o PIOLIO8E» ON II3 itumuna OP JESDAY &THURSDAY, i-4 I1000 WIE, 37 .».~ IIGINS, AtiI'% Pioting EPatabllhxnnty Neit 'Door. t» the RegIstryý Office. «E TERMi 0F SUBSCRB<TiON ARE $2 soi0 n adovnco, and 83 40, Whou payàbl ItAT OP or .»tniTISINo or ton lines....n ........$0 to 7 oven ten linon, f1O Inetion iller lino) 00 8 su nbeque<nt Insertion, .... 002 Ubrail isctount nllowed to Merclauta nsud mr advertining hy thîn ynar, >in Whltby anid vitinity. RE, WEEKLY CHRONICLE 8 ulilshenti an Othe monongn of SATURDAY ln caIsh waek, ait DOLRPER A.NNUN, e ooly Clîronielo han theoîtorgeset cicla- ntn otlior country pier publimlaod lu der ton linos.................... $1 0 -;o tofinon Dirait itiontion, (par line). 0 10 t- eîbeqneit folae Lin ... ....O0 04 ol palier pril bo dietotitinuici unti ail arrear a are patd uil. liera anolooilngeuhb, If rogisernd, <viii bc aï il rink of' tiie Publioiluor wlîou addrnmned lixoW. H. fiItlfINS, Wb<tby, C. W BOOK AND JOB INTING ESTABISHIMENT. lIE PROPItIETOR 0F THE WHITBY ii«0<ye"wo<old roecetfliy% infomno the lc tiiot lie lino procured saine of the mont critotyles of Tpo ftnai New Yeorb and oth- l '7qundii«id lapropncnd toececîtte OK AIND JOB PRINTING loi evet-y descriptinon, In a supcrior style andl hdobpgoel, nt the Inwest re<utnrntbug Irot-eloon Preence inl Itrinting ftneliitîery, 12, tin Bille.. lorso Bille, and aimilor deerip- 4lv a nof Pritintg f<îruinbcd <ithin an flîeur of 00v g ordornd. W. IL. IiIOIGINS, Cteonicle Office, Wltîtby, C.W. JOHIN »LOLL ,TIOMPSON, ARDEN 0F TII. COUNTY OF ON- taieo. Rusidonc-CQiitiiiigton. Broek. ZACHEUS DURNHADX, DUE 0F TuIE Ci iUNTY & SUIOiOGATE eoui tifie lt tlle' 'ounlIrt, Hom. i NLSGN G. REYNOLDS, ERIFF. W- OFFICE AT TUIE COURT 10i JOHN HAN FERRY, ou GISTRASt. OFFICE ON BU10CR ST., Wlîîlby.1 H.J. JZACDOISLt. 0R F THUE ItEACE. OFFICE-AT theo Courvt flnouse.i JOHÎN V. HAM, H R OU F TUE COUNTY COURT, AND iti ~ l'Iorir of <ho Surrogoate Court. Offiee nt c00 uiotey Office, Brook Streeit. W. PAXTON, Jr., EASU1tER. OFFICE AT TUIE COURT Bone«. H. J. MIACDONELL, LICITOR duCLERK 0F TIIE COUNTY ontîcîi. ôlleo at tlIcCouivt iIsi<o. 1 JOHN SIIIEIt. UIsTY ENOINEEO. OFFICE AT TIIE ho oiîtlioono.I EllE I iSTDIVISION COUROT. OFFICE t the Court Iiotige.1 eit lion JOHN GORDON, SPlECTORI oif OVEIOIITS & BIEASJIOlLSg Ivll ior <lin Coily nof Ountario. 0W. H. TREMAYNV., 0h0 RISTER AND COUNTY CROtWN t tovey~. Offiou-it Arnadi'a Nnw Brick i - eod Finor. 10 .00 AM9ERON & MACBONELL, BRISTEOS &u ATTORNEYS AT LAW, olilioro te the Corlity Couneil Otatrio.- 111,o~ lBest thse Court Ilioen-Soatil Witrg. 00 GEORGE Hl. DARTNELL, OH BRINTEII, ATITOINET, CONVEYAN flo cor foc , &oe. office ovor J. S. Dotiaidan 's. lluurdwto Store, Boek Street WVlitby J. V. IIAM,1 i00000 ICIISTER-AT-LAW. OFFICE-BROCE Stroot, Whitby, C. Wi. 1 sF ICITOB3 NOTAEY PUBLIC, duc. &ec. <ert N. GI. HAN, ilu> RIISTER AN» ATTORNEY-AT-LA'W. p4 lce-appnaite the. Rogiuttry office, Brook mifi t, Whitby. I_ E.. STEPHEN SEARLE, 03, E, I.IFE AND MAIiNE INÇSURANCE o gnt tir Vio Conty ot Ontario. «ffmo- otuuldsan' Hîardware Store, Brook Street SCOTTPS XIOTEL n DAS8TREET'i VOITBY,FIRST DOOIR liant.qAn le1 W IR 0F CIIUNTY AND <IUPEEIOE ,piorto mrato t e iConnti Coun' ECRItEOT CIVL EEGUlqrl AN8D f RODENT 1. WILSON!. bl ARIM ATPORIMEY, AT LAW, Solloitor aCha eirh. Wlaklo' C. W. th a UCT IOE TeBSCOOPgF UMONE48 With. calsu Printedi words, greaàt thouglats anti untlring Industry, we ativocato Peace,1 oeaKnaowletlge, lïothOt-hoodi VOL. 4. WIITBY, C',W., SATURDAY9 MARCR 31ý 1860.0O.i toNkittprAlffdaviteilu théenoIilaA. leit, BÎnnb, . W. sURGEONACCOIICREU& ,.CROE ~ RENTO TîlE' UN1Y GAOL. kJ Byronu Strcet, IViitby4 OCAL DENTIST. OF CE lE BROOK SJ trict, overJ. Bigolow'8 re'n0 op'0t G. A. .........o.D 13HYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACt'OU,HERt -P &.Ofc n rmduîijtÎ>-Cetrn Rotel, Wiitby. Pnticninr nteltioagiveoto Clronie N. B.-A.do'eceto linpoorepry lIiuay, gr- EAST 'WINDSOR BOUSE, IIIIITIIY, T UE abnve uloi in itnatetihn lnuunt«td JLretîrei part of then Town, on th, front r'od. Go1 ommiesnodation for traccîrlr. Goond Stabliog tnd aotontiveo otlece. ,, 2 11UGH FELITZ, EACIIER Ili 1 ,4WS[, TUE T Organ Pinonu1For, Ilarminiy Ilronglu Iraand A k .i intin et Strinîg Ititrinmcntn i reporoi te e recoive af a iWMoiIOM ,IInt tîtel or iui, renidenîe. 4r J. C. MANCOÇE, WBOOT AN» SItUE MAK£R,..M C0Ç OIMERcIAL BnildIng', Brock-et. îr ily. n Worb immdec o'> nricr of #odfntmrui id ttbc cluculworlo mcn. Aoreiring dotn t îtiintm dcnpnbelt.8 AMIIIEICAN 1MOTEL W TALKER & PATTRSON 'ROPRIE- TVtore, cornr of YorungîîdPridmt Streto. Toroîtto, C. W. 15 OAKIVOOD 1MOTEL, t OAICIVOOD, W. BANI1S, PfiooRIETOR. . 0 Oood acoioniodoîlon for trasoOero. 3If F. el. CLARKJ, t LAT£ 0o1naU&kno.,t 1ECIi1ANT TAILOIO, Nu.74, fING ST8 Mt. Wc.t. Toronto. 10' 3hRI~(nnWish'o> IIOTEL. 1 HISBCRBR1AVINOTAKENTIIE Jose. liINOURSE, 9 CLEUR TWELIOTII DIVIrSlIN rURT OF C Northumtrtberlanud got utlrhiam nu,«eirouee burir, Curtoriglit. ONTARIO IZOTEL, i BRYAN Jr, l<ROPOIETOII, 1111CK 0 .Street, Wiitby. God ltabllng and atten- tise Ostlero.1 CANTON IJOTEL, DLUFINS CIEEK< PICKERING. GO00' 41 ovcc <iiiodutiooll or 'frièveoîmt W. CUTIIIIFRT. PIIILAND]ER M. ~CLARK, 1110O11 CONSTABLE, COUNTYOîîTAR10<) y nih <lnTowîî of Wllijhv. FORIERlLYPH<IYSCIAN TO Toii IOK- <vit }l ospital -mb ePhysiieîn «<ie Note 1 orh Diopottnory ; kollow 0< lin N. .Indeniy l Miedlit<e; Liconititte ofViepr Cida, fc. leovidejiece:-bMrkhitn<villaige, uneo il0 north nf ie hoonoooi8toffleýe. BOUQUET S&LOONCe I3ETW ErNTuE TIIEATItE ANDIIOSSIN lloooc<lioig Street Vent, Toroi. Gante Stilipern, Dinoens, <yteen f&c. Ail inda ni Quinnc in Soison. A eciieÎ e ololi 0utfinle WVin8«id Segoro. 50 J. IL. FARRIAIi Agent. HENRY JIANNADN, pLAIN AND ONAMENT4L l'.INTER, P lloizier, Poper Ilager, &-c., IVbîby O21 WV.H. BILLING8. BAItIISTEIO & ATTOINEY AT LAW. B Soliettoco lu Cltoncery, Iît>cW.- Oibeo-Wollac' jBiildiiig,3, Brook-.t Wlitby M919SALOON. Ir FARRIAiI, LATE OF TRE -YoUNG; ej e Catmnia," <IOOT flin Royal Lytio.î<î, Rig Street, WVet, Tomtel. Clooten SiiPnn tnd Rofregnitneoti 0,0 al lioniro. 16. JOHIN NETCALIF, CiLEROF THIEFIFTII DiVISIm COURT c. topliî h. Towitnliip.Bet,. Adl dregon Canunioligtoln. 14 FRANKILIN flOUSE. LIoNSAY, tL<;. F>1,JEWETT, 'RPIîoInTIErOlt I[FOR. Bl. table iacomnmodation for Troîîllertq. Whithy, Joli. 21, 1857.1 A. K. RICE, CABINET MAKESI, UPIII.TELP, &c., 6Gorrino finil, BJron Street M'l y 1a. Eiig ui eurigof Fnriture air tdedte.t Fturuiture urefnlly rornovoti. RAIL EOAD JHOTEL, t'onnr gaoY.1 RFAIOMEl, PIIOPRIETO3. 14- TIIS R.aU4 }l<oposâesfca O<UComn~ iP<Obtiton fer Travellr.U4oOd Stabll<gandi atlotive Ols. lera.8 A. PRINGLE, 1ERCIIA7T TAILOR, BROCE STICEET, TIIOXAS DEVER<EL., UILDER,&an. A. OREIî STEtEET, ROBERT SPEAeIS. CLEII<-AND TREASURE14<OF TIIE C Township of Uxbridgc. A d, Uxtitigû. LIME FOR SALE. ONSTANTLY 014,11AN»D 17ING TUE MATH£~CiL 7 110-t Witby nooui t.ooi<cztanw, iwv<. N jTIHE LEAING STAGERoID IEALY -JW&Y tbeen 1Wltb noixbr*Td Motel beboi ra n eilad mm u- cillent style for tho acomno o ra v< Inem. Evéri atteon n ne ro.~. th bentaeonidaln r rn at lae. e teadi à e sWa> a ane.. 48----- ci1 the atve aron, on hme cn<v 4bl Goodliquoeot, Wlnuand t xD Whbty.y 8Y tla, 1887. ý TUBE RMM u-E - r[ IE PIOOPIIEOIIS 0F TItIS WELL knnwn Balcon iarenow n l u nrntio t i tolîn00 SiT. NICIIOLAS. King trect, roroto lfrnly kept hy Mr.IIHarlay. Theoromises lînvoý.Mbenttnwl-y reovotedIotroghio, oand Stld)nd '1;thn linat style. Every îiroo<rabln dnlieay n e u on. A igor divan it lted op ne- parately loto <hioli uonie lutOthe ottbrando arc pernittnd tu enîter 281 CAIIiSLE & MeCONREY. Grand Trunla ItnilwnyhIotel. (Soutà ide n/Railooo-!P Dnpol, orWîidf0i.> T 2IUNDEPSICONFD BEOSTO INFORM -hl'iâ ienda aindth le puîblie, <but lin la iow lu =nnea*o nfile tbov1 )il, then tisiticoo of bu ll, i covt'y .oàon hielo owt ecnhit. Good Liquorn, WlIece and Branies, Exolletabi ing-cnreful ttentign lfor man asud borne. JOSEPII I<UEBOTTOM, %WhiOby, Jan. 19, 1800. Prpitr84 a. DARNETT. M ANUFACTURIER AND DEALEP.S IN Cigare, and Lêtaf Tnbaeeon; tolonWhIîpe Lanhai, An. A 101 Waltnn Street, Port Hope. Port IHopetocha 501, 1880. %V-n% w ly Whitby Brewery. 05A5 & àWODWARD. T lIE Snhcrllnee ara now prepnred to fur- Tninla the patrons nf titi Wl.tby Brewcry uloa am excellent tartiele i n nit qoantitîne tu may bu reqnî.ed, tnd où terint te suit pnr Bottinl a&le qni the«<nim.portnd article. CLARK &A WOODWARD. Whntby, Nov. 1001<, 188. 6SS-44w. CENTRtE MOTEL, JESSE VAS BETI<;RE<FOOI'IET<)R. The ninl»berbrS1< ehe O.poaeceion nit the aboe oswli lanonen hutel< and taken baive te Inentm hie patrons tnd putblie.Ott nothlag lit bauo loftn.ndone Lu rnfittlng the lbouse <teolîtoon ther mtlnfmnton andi nonfort. Be «trsla t hie previons chantenr héfore thie publico ne note Eneper nos, h. tnmonte estent a Froet- mondutnto punblie favor. Every attenition Idthe enifort of traveiiere. tloct Ste JMSE VANS LYRE. DILY STGE BzTwEEN. WIITBY AND LINDSAY AND WRITBY APD BEAVEETON. D»ASENQEES eu u tra) lthmuoglafroui .L etaur plm theOanme day. Thé,eStegesfrt;ndaay andi esaveton ar- rive l tin tiÉe j:.thm, Snain gmue.and weet. N. RAY Str agolownuoy, dune 80,1888. fi AvIm u roal.a eed <a itr, .0.oià fIL Diallu CeO,. ill aaddaitiloni of IW A New St*ok, -M.~ we %nt auwvti8e ma gi r ntr d48 ecam te.anu Who My lal'er sa *lhfea.. louPE NucENs à Ce, Ir,N.àn, aboetI. 13R. 4 1 RAILROAD MOTEL', tl E1AVEOTONq.1300» ACCOhMIDATIOX la gond Sallinpr, ai oeilOttn wy 150. J. M. FR48ER, Propriotor. AXES!IAXES!Il ~ElSNS in wanofutagnnd axef clnnbhv« tLbonînotice. %Warraaled Clit Steel. CLARK 110 fCOtiN8 72-411, Axc-nolar,,\VIlitby. WOO.L OARDING. fTO-Ëe,elr iur l n <d t o al olloldsonf .1 WonI.CàrringGlotl»entg dt,« i nId Eetnbiinhtnentliccqrbpg,.. Wou), lirttlgmîOt nd. poer 1hf. LEVI E. PIRE Whithy, Mray 24ti<, 1019. MALT VINEGAR-:. M [ALT VINEGAR clinnu*tlie baiunl in largm lUom anualIquanities, at <lin Whitbv B]rewerv. VINERGAR t VINEGAR I1 r-rIî oundennîgneil Oabe cn etu <oInfbthe 1 X iiabitumts of It'l'by, a«d Oheptulie, tluat lie la<o nîuanuîiactoriîîg Vituegar on a sucior qodnliîy whilieinaproparcil te ooppiy IWholoo- uaetc o iorchants oil ntioe<iugrealyroduSoi pricce. Tiue.Trade Iibenlly lsait oitî. AI' ordure by mail ponetnaly attcudeil te. Atidres- Ang,,at I3088.1 DAILY STAGE. -VROM BRO8UGHAM TO FItENCIIMAN'S X Bax Station, ou thn Grand Truiub Itilroail, oontuccî,apr with the W-' Sorning anti Esenfnpr Trains. ..fl 1 JAMES IIUBlBARD. 7'tovninber Ini, 1857. 42 WESTERN 1BOUSE, 01Nnuos nnaEnT, Fn Tm t. r1rIlE ABOVE PRZEMISES HIAVE BEEN .Lj*îlnt ipeied ib tti nderaigned <viera trav elcerr non nuiw Inil good nconnorlotiot.- Thte Honnpn in <elil'ourtuioliici, eil kcpt, nnd thec SIioeiig apnrlmnoen ronmy cnd airy. Tlîern la gond ottulortnlila StabIiag, anud tfuili entt4Cn. <ti in pal l te ari anod horse. The but--room lorgo tond cotivctuictn <d mou oauppîicd wîih tlin Iront Iincn, Lîquore andl Ciguce. Iland- conoiy llttoil opaSittinug rmonsfor privalo par- MICIIAEL IICOAULRV, Il 10u.ropri loi. QIJINN"S MOTEL, NU. 8, SeUeTt-Ae-MTELOT STEETo, LOWER TtWN QUEBEC. JWC as to tm Sieamanl 1nd dag andi npponiln td n lidi< AnMnerm A2rCÇ8 OjlCe_Ë! IRAVELLElIS AN» VISIfOICS 10 «uncAAn- vient City oi'Qncboe %<nul Sud orperiior rue- cetamoiltiot t a<Mndcritînelhargesrnt«thOle bove hotel. Theo holollai8vcry cnntoîicnely oltateul -nearîthoelioubo,StnitubottFlarsearand pt-lu- ci]q I busiînepamei'tIre CIOy. etle iaud bar <ireniip ied Mtits evcry E~ t-ncurablnentable .n.d ori« luaÏie. Vinitorn vil I nd on-y, attentinupîlidte <ireir conuiot aud cnnvenionceaud evory informationmîand directin mi to h rîsrrotnding incalitica, prinipal plaices Ofroorj ienry '.JOHANNA QUINN. là Prtopritur. GLOBE ZIOTEL, BROOKLIN. hoe enoduclool ansiorrui ilOite iaOrlo<tbpro pt-bey andl regard flor tho coinfort anîd coocei cncn of <ho pmbile. taln Olînn at the Globefl<ote, and tt lî i ii ho poranlly it-eset tte prive tiiet uoaci rto- Timeiomooe lhan bceutiuoroogltly popoceil, palted aud reiiovateil, and lan Sleil up !l nvory rtOapoot lin enuha a noasten <oiînre stinflue' alît The bar andutalube nujuplied',an fot-ttscrly ulth the bost natablesand drîuîkablcn. CîdI anil 6-17. C. DAWES, Proprintnr. TUîE TERRAPIN. eml5EuTORS. CIIAIiMAN-M'M. MOLSON, FSQ. lion. John Youtuf, iThiomas Rny, Esq. Ileuury Tiiormîe, Eirq. 1 DavunlTrt-uice, Eoq. Agoat for W'Iiiby and umlrrtsndiig lDistrict. Il. W. WVOODWARD. WitbOyr lat. 21, 18e0. 87-2om. New Tailoring Establishmhlt! SIMPSON d& FERGUSON. R RSPECTFULLY ânnounre <tIste in- habitents of W'hitliy andl narroudiug oantm-y, thtlithcy baeairencul a Tailom<.slahop o, Bmeck Street, opposite tIse -Ontairio Ho<cl,"' <vIere nl orderst. cOm-vfd te bOom <vi lie donc titI neuincs anal ilcpalel. Whitby< Oct. 201h, 1819. 60. o:3-JUSIF OPEN eD1 CANTON T. COMvPÂANY'S Ne Store 151, Eir<c1- o., os, ear tIse St. Lluice liall, Tvousto. Tîl E Crum oi, Ionnil for tIre impotatiOon of T prroe U ,tmnditntedl'casn, direct Iront .nu01te,,s peddCo o e.the of growtnil minnuir tP mIre Pnblic nou( '0 L<tanla ««i upricen for iîmnb on«iybat viii h une mtnto e ioe ale c aaierot oby itreo- ted pintien, eho bata heûn 8seiiog for peara Se- mdCtTe., o-tuîcecyRoo. Tuc noto, shurtroficets' ail qO<u<krolorne," <il ho trictly a 1o 0 he y <ha coripnny. T-on <il <o ratoiieti nt WltolegaIn Ptices,,tIru, cnnh<brg &il partf on hoBUY FRAtOIANT NEW TEAS, tO <lue LoneegtPoonib fFigaro TIre tet.p«sY hvaaon. ea eniul teuslet' thruffa teirAgj tgý11Chiamnoofolunno thmnt<il Ts o ;settetileoonanti tin a rkcts, oo «at cominrnonho to- ,anamlier theo ticlumn «cur of Tos old theroi nos yit no o a .nl lIr«e horlinl uar itcgnwb utiltnrmccc aV lW neatrial te test aur Z-11iso Theo pumea iii epeak for t hent- seIves. Look et tliioa' Now on çale, Five Hudiird Chsts!1 Immk arLb....:. w e oti popetlh ....55cm, ile 11)<. ... del 8.<,erle iren h. < làe pet h. ,jutil Repn-c, ehoni Proprlntemaosut Store,anoi Boun-llg Bousnenieprn, OI(E) E W3 Forty pemati pac"pauti ,aPa wrtof TEA, amt car9a 1*1meteant liant of Canad4 l., on ro-f thte CASHl Thaseah tsobeioa.<la qummtity, <onId do <,I teclub tcgethertih<oetina ~SIa jaconowaranted- IN'eeiOo*'a u article adualbtraeil -ehn afiltble=t,"SlaaJpeam gattitu lr- a e Cbnepafly, dn aCflt-iisati daiBolosé TUREET CoFFf' et amtst. anud L afu5r th beer, 151 KIMg.t ta. deeu hm Maket square, an ISt us 50aoma- mulketthia no-à teal tmeéds- flUARE TUNEL In the hor ofheenet sm ln the hour 01rna mn Te otrhe end gnerown o To<hedmdar rief;g Freelypo <hrnae Go mol a*ela the orpitan ihi- Scola the iw<clow<n ber tears, And n erey'a piiiionà flying, Gin diapel ,licir daekcai lh8cL Meek the a1rüngor mad tout weaey, Pain net on theotnher aide.' Thnune tho lkehoud sant dmry, lleelag not the acont ntprilc. aom siîh bannent u mo.dg, lit a meol anmoiquet way- O'er tho Father nnr lonmî, Thongh ho beotier milly r.my. <Tis Mia rihenumcnelone, Ail nioneriloil mlvailo, Tioli avoqnd t hy ltah outin. Whiei thy heurt 8la wamly flowhtg Wlit ha aeréiq love 0 onyert Noiywr okinof tiocaSmina, iolm.n a minrs care. Alwnya towandthlIe fallaiti clile syaipathy am llove ahîcen. Imaportant Roand meeting. AIJCTION BSNS A TTENDED te mibiimil)by j. C.Sterling. AUl ordora réIi<Oig tor, Auuvlon onlen by the undecegncd, nhorid <olcftuittOnClronicle 0f. lien, îlitb-. fMessrs. Iligritun du Ituyotlunffnr arc dîîiy Otilniotd oappoint no dayso<f naIn, sottie tortn, &c., oul nd buter ilýo tio uli other arrangements rclatlug Otn ry «<mtiobrialioceur santlîoy mîyca,îoidem propor aunil mieconary. 71 ehuol bc ohtatta toip>. auu greemenut tiny g~,otuejil ail portît nf tut CoiiuoOl7. J. C. STERLING. L NOW 18 TUSE TIME. GET Y'4UR LIRE7OE1S AT cl.A. itko. lot <'rIme Platane GallelI IF >t os cire orectoanîd ifo-libo Alnbrn ILtypen, Cnticobvpe, IýettergrapIi. nr f.cntier Teisiofor, ni o Libentos ln a Lnole, Balitor n Ring, for Ju A. C. cui do it la the W<mont «Olo, «<id ut ehort notice. 4 WILEINSONS uLtOCX I38 1 Bmenk Çireei W>zify. H. IW. WOODWARD, CN OMISSION MERCUANT, INSIJUANCE condil ccal Agent. Offce--LtI>- celi- pied by JamescnHnlgounb WIiibiy, . W. RP.renx,,en-TlionrrmoCliniienot RqPic idcîut Bond of Trodn, Tomnteol W. G. ý1cnnao, eîl, linnger, BtB. N. Anerietu, Toronto; W. W. Roon, Esq., Manager Qoebeo Banbk, ,Toronto'* W. Ombloe Enq. MiltonMililils To- rente; lo ot.«P. McGili, PreouldelttIlnk of Mlon- ecemu, htntroai fMessrs. MuitlandTyleco& Iioteblîtom, 'fot-onto; Mlesnrs. Audornon1, Evans & Co., Montrent; Mienro. W. Pt-ie. u& Son,Qîîo- bec; fIcooro. Il. J. Nomldu& Co. 51-Iy GEEMKAN MOUSE, rooriT taTRtO?<TROETON. T IESnbscriber bog ego 0ounnen <natue in- lubimutcfTroîentonind<ho TrivoUog cumrun<Oiy Olat theo mbovo Si-eiiuasliuseonhas been fitîcol «p inua tu<s'and eonvenleutme rnae. A Firot l-Coas.7able £n orted <f ltlis Hotel. ro-nbtpt on <ho prerninen tirn of te- beatl,9 qtiiyelocCrrui.Aise, n Livery stabhle ln eonitoeino thei blunueopromisues. CHtARGESl lODEnATE. J. S. GERMAN, Proprielora Trentlon, Aîig. 8,185. 80-6111W ATLAS IBON WORKS, tâ Front SîLet, Totonto. jU CHARLES VALE & Co., BEG O teiforce the purble tiat <hey hravn ro eosiitrrîctod Ooe etensmive irreituinenon Front Street, 1i'oritre.iy eiipied on thre Ontario Brnwnmy, in-ctu o momtploeto pefnr curry- itg ont lhoiîîoooe of Iron Founding& Smth's work lu il itoht-anches. 'Pie*y invuite insupetion of their nnocroun PaO- tertixofni OrnaiiutuiIron Feonces, Baloicin VcriiiiuliubVuitilt Do-ýrn, PIianil Ornomeutl Cîs ro rCtzoliiiiitmo, WiniIow Caips, Silie ndu Ai? CHITE CTURAL WOJK, An importatit meeting van helti nt Mauck'e Matai, ilpnmon Frilny last, cfura te purpant af labiig 1<0001tousîderution the bcât Monsoft oletrfsctiihg nt miacadlnam. iscd rond front Brooklin ta Bradk, <the prou. cnt Brook moud <te bflicemain lin. &tet macuadamisn the rond fron t hpeoa<o t liri&c u< mt lensf, oi n dan ecirculer of ia'iplion. Amongot oliosn prooeno front Ohe loaliOyot<te Brook coud tara Mesnra Timotliy Mon-o, Jnntes B. CampbehlBD. S. Wny, A. SprIig, T. Gantene D.McKmcie, Ferguson, Wnrd, &c., dec.,;anti front the Town of Whi<liy t<li e om e apo. Rowe, John MuantPcrry, Dr. (Ihun, Clas. Ro. hcr<s,1 anti W. M. Miggine of thc Cbmit The meeting organized by calîing Tint' nthy Moore, Eaq., <o the chair, anti appoint, in.- Mrr. Miggins ecm-cary. The dlinirmian explaineth ie olijcct ci the theetiîmg, in a few tory appropriate ail noilable rcmamka, lu vhich lin duelo on the grent intportnnci of the pt-oopoeti mati, andl <ho necentity for ita ceaisiruotion Mm. Permy htoving heencWied uon tuand- tires> te e ting,tiid no lirielypcoiutiog ont <lin lino of roîtti thicli auglit ta lueopein andl imprnved, a the Bt-ookrond Brooblin to Epsomn,«nil franu Epsor - Uxbridge anti onta Scott, andti ua i ta rEpnomi, fravnt Olence nlong into Brock. The grono quxeation, observed Mr. Perry, wua ansO tiste providing cf thse fonds; aond an On w<ebler ihny ahaniti ho got wIsolIy by Munticipasi tock, or part Manicipnl etock «nul pot privnoe stockb; Obus if <van for thue retidiog la tho Nom-th, andmûremarsn- larly lnt-c«tcd li hUne af i nad teadterOn. mine. CalcalaIisg <lie lentîgh of oh.eline enutioncd Isy bita(Mfr. Pcrry) et B.ntilca, nul Oooing the cent et £400 a mile, tlic ntiouet rcquircd <voulti l i l un noiim. bctnrLse£1,00. Sow mmcliof <hi. coahld ho gat iit Rouchi? Mow machi ly pmivaOe subacription; or coalil the Manicipulitian lie gût tta Omtnocka? law mach roalt h. gno franUnirilge? WhnO 'uoulti Scott give ? Thea. miro tho enqaimies wlaich <bhey shoulil le pt-cpared toa nwcr. 'Ihere ,cas, lin anuredtheUicmeeting, evcry williog. «es n lie part of Iho peapleoaf the Tawn of 'ffhioby <o assiot in thle makisg cf inn. praveti randis <lrougli ohé Caanty; anti the Towon could abcrlibe Iiberally in any nelieme for <lie purpose. Sa alao lic fuht convincot <lithoh.Townshiîp of Whitby woonlil abscribo Iilmcrally. I..eOthe people et Ronchi burt ont henuselves la work amd show <lino tlcy <ocre prepare t o do, and <bey miglit mcly an receiting gcoerous aid front the front. Captaimi Rowe Itaving beeai enle]apan Rave tIse meetng bis ciews. A nmno f £10,000 wo<aid, aceardîng ta lis calcula- tion, maire a gond ronmatiDoIn Broolelin tu Uxb-idge. 0f Ohism anol lid no doubt, thc Town of Whitby woahd anliscribe £B,- 000 ;Ohm Township af Whitay tigIt lie got o give £2,000O anti Rontul anti Ux' bridge angbO Oo ho able te provith<le oda- or £5,000. To conniruct <lie ro M inai hie mnanner by the Manicipalitices btereato'], 'aould lic a mach more econonticsl plan thon jaiaiog lu a grand Conty achcmee ont of <chicli hols. intceateti in ohe Brook roati waulti anly receive &hant a 3rd<vheras their propartian of »le <axes <muid asmolat <o faily amoo1lsf <lie <hale amont raiseti. Mn woalti bave a <cI) pat on ohe rond vitli throegates t keep tise rond in -»pair. But Ino lcter Plan <nalti <o for <lie tean. îhbip of Beacha ta âct anitedîy in the mat, fcr. Let <lie Buat nitejoin <itA <lae<Weat aidé of oh. Townshiip, and pana a hy.Iav *akisg stock lénltme Contre rond mn <eh) ote in the Brook rma'. Booli tnt. eqnally ntitieti ta anaistason. It w»aaMiencs, Le muid, te tall eahaou maleing rondo viola pri. vate stocke, 10 eonhd only be don. succes- fally by ohe Municipalitica, intere.tad <aking stock, ant inuortier tei ladmce Municipal anbscriptin s mcl Unes aliaultiho selectid an <voaldtiaioent a majombty of <han raoepay- ers. Dr. utnit liaing heen calleti "on hy the chairman to admre.. the meeting, aIa npôhke miellyi âating' "tmai hi éf ante h.gentlemen <lialied osmpaaicd lit front Wlitby, cama ont t<a Epiom, mono for the pttrpceof otideeuandîng oh. feeling of tlWr frientia NotOl on th. subject, anti hear <bat they <ni. prepareti tuedo; <laai tao oEer uaitplan of lmeir OWn. He pointe'] ont tlng urgeOmecuty 'for matbig goond roadae<arougla tho Coaty i atateth tiaOil>Town of WthuUiy an pro. parotitu sat lblaaiybut <ba t <bo de sbreti" ibt h.motemeat éhoubt alonshap" anti locus na t heNorth. BEexpremd bui cortilalconcurreae iu the. tuaof the previous akersim ginlng 10 uablais i e tâit, <ho Brook rondwvate.nebin le labe the Town of Wli<11', an volst heoe pre.> anti thatin " "reamnlg out of thelise aolaa Ibo& ottteGeorgl.m, vv a b4u o« hava tbat -onsipueking admisson lut. h Nva fa t "M- mofd the siM"él of sac> ofthe la W seakerhés. le tif >y t. le le Arraital 0f <laeCanmdai The é 3aI Mailigalalp Canadau, front cd] Liverpool ou SmtPt>. Othe 10W,ý via meîr <Queotisto<vn on tho lth, han' iflict frot There wofn 4Segtai ~ tli 1 IalillOla nomi Litaerpool , O 1 . h.. Brcadntuirsoete vcry dunil. allas Provision. Fei tiladY. (111< Conali cloneS bu Othe lotI at 04W65ss oui fo)rrmoney, and 409411bm-attint. o FrTEnonan ay Idu tieÀAo. il~ pfilou týh lllbfQni 6ý loirk. - Anctri TIs tnamnltip BohetidnreadhediLiter. 'dis - L pou etO9 A.xon lb.-1tb, andi the ]Kangaý. do. tacli toaoan on t tlxSIsfors NeWs importanti prol TIse question of unnetittion ot matoy ta lOupi France *68 tbf jsýittillcît <opifi. Surdin SiC] hllt carteentedtetathé inhabîtants of Savoy 0( ti, vating en <hoe lject. '- 51.<,0e Lord John Ruselal lotatet in tIs eigh Mousoet ofmmrloneth't Auntria anti Prue- And sia cancurret inl the viewî of HpgIitil. l l Mussao bd net yereplied, for, TIý< fuiCt et* ig Vhat are thejd (Frnutho N. y The word Jfara e6 adistr'ict doc a toOird<itè tonp, wblhib er AMpmonaimlj tnctiol merly plice k8 et Mr. D.S . Wm1', Slma ogon r. )fexrëhe" unotiieïe expreesed0 thliti 8elveo infat'or of the0 Brook rond oàmlove uny oOle'7line,' but flintt<he>' bati ho disincitia. on <o n.ite ith afile EnnOi laide of the townhip lp paasimug a By'lmfiwappraprititinj an eqaol aimunt te <hat Obo>u ticimeti foi flac Brook mati, tathte rond An tiahit O he tiajgrity Pt ohe, rutapayere a atle Matesi aide of the townaip Fero infre. &d Mr. J. B.C ampbeli aoke at 'chie IttigiL lie cotocurre t ta agrcateoxtenO in <the me mat-kc of Mners Pnrry tond Rave ; ni Ente credit te <ho people nI the t1own c WhiOby for thli hîhrlItyl withi<lieu. <iej alwayt cande farvard tah ear their nbare anti more tIsait their fair éboie tavrd9 de' v'doping <ho reotirces of flan ConaiOy. Il <vas afraid <bat frontithie confliicing *intat esta of thme treo hues. of., rondtilrougl Reach,-olio Brock,- Iid <ho. Contre- roads and Simne Strece_% hat b <oirquin a ipos aible ta get thae Mùnicipt1ity <to <airastecki andt hat the bcnt course. <onitilhé for tla friends of thse Brook rond North ta obtaoir nabscripOionoaf privnln ntoclk; lie tf el n isnied thutr nany indicidala teelti anuàcrili libemally, anti exptcoood bis roadneaon te <loimn lahineaiea mite. The folîawnig reoaîtions <ore Olic u.n ed uaanimuuny, altcr alie h.aIe éting alijonraict. . " That thse improi'nmcnt and gmel. ing of the Brook roîti botwoon\ Broolelin antid th. townahip of Brook, with a brani front Epsoon ta Uxhridgn andi Spatt, is project of great importance te th- countul nt large." 7 IL " T¶hat fr e" uFpurpooe of protiditif thse wasnanti mcono Ote colnpliah the fol'egoing dcsiiobie prject, anti anch otheb feusible project e mny hculciroti for thet i potl; .t < he ronde et thé coonty, <h elWlhg COffimiOlce lin appointcd.< C4 mcuc-.Illert Spring. Thomas Clati- ton, Jas. B. Campbell, ktr. McGgegor, Dcputy Rec<'e, Danlel & Way, William Wird, Timotthy Mentoe, Roberît Irvino, D. bMcIerchelt, Thomas Pakton, Josepha Bige& low, Ahuer IlIrd. andi T. C Farcuamn" "Uste-.T. ilîttOon, Mt. Whee1et, Wmai Smith, Thoasn Bointer, anti A. IV Prin e1e.< & o -mJames CalloIway, ltortii Plirt Reeve, JameVernon, (George Lenniti Bitooa-13c'Orge Brabseon, John fuIt4 Malcolm Gillospie, Richard lIre<Ior-St, John" " Towxsnmr or îVsrnr-R. Campbll, William White, 1IL T. Hauinion, John Gom-don, Drm. Foote, IL 81. ButîcI', T. J. Hon tcJoin- ovretir. 'Gun Coluiioiîf "r - c lif. i P.,o (toi, Uxý b.tidbo b ilage, on ulo '3 i 4th day of April nudt, et uonco1o'eock, p. M. pancOnally. IV. 4r That th6 Sem-c<ory notity hy ic. culiar cach membIer or the Cammitte, eo the fegobng meeting,-, P A IL 1 A ME NT A R Y. Monday, MisreIt, 29, The Monno met at I o'elotit. In reply to thlieUns. Mr. fleBlnqsiemej thue Non. Mr. VannougIËnet &nidt hie Oooi crmeict <ere actbvciy cngngcd in maloin, arrangements for tIse fitting recepOmon of Bis Royal Miglnaucantho Prince of Wales. Tho arrangemnts mnra e0 prert inoan imsmature a<ate ibat a aoan as Obcy vora comploteti, ho ivouiti mube <hem known te tIse Hanse. TIse bill to prne ile for Obie eleceion af thn epeaker of h.lua Honowuntrend ata hlm-a tinte anti passudoilo ein0 Scost amendeil ac n ta pros-ide for <the firet elcioo aking place on tlie reiremenO of <Ire Spcaker, in- stndioftitfei. snessios of ohe mien Parliiaicot. Monday, LMar% 26. Thie tieaté ou Mr. Foley's motian ai confidonce tas rasseil anil accapiedth le entire evcning'a sessiona, thon t an'] the soteral amnendntat Iere<o vome flnally diapoacil of, the vole hing 68 te 44 anti 70 tu 44 in favor ofthtle iinistm7. Theo folloinig src the yeuandilnaya. On 'Mr. Laherge's n net Yv.ai-Moam Aibins, Bell, lhigr., Boarsas, Brown, Buareau, Buraoc, M. Catiero, Clark, Coamor, Cook, Doriom, Dorlunti, Finlajsoa. Foiey, (bal, Ilbm' ourtl Hoalan d, obîn, Labcrge, Labelle, Leicx B A otdlnsld, J. S. MeDonaid, MhaglMeGec, MCRcillq-, Munroe, No'tmaPpena, Patrick, Piche,. Walo-' z, PovrllD.n Rosa, Jantes Boss, Myînal, Win, Scot4l Short, Stirtua, Thiliaudea, Walbrldge, White, Wison, Wright.-4i N.ara-UMcst Abbot<, Aileyi Arcliato- bault, Baby, Bcaubmcn, Bk nianmn, Burton, Johin Camnromn, Carling,tCaron, Cy*>o At'ty-Gçmera Cartier, Cauchon, Clpm, Climon. CoudIe, Daoant, Dawsonm. Dosaci- niera, Dionne. Duhord, Dufreonr, Dankia, Fergiuson, ferres, Foroler, foSter, Paur-, 'hier, 11<1, Cewa, BaMtod, Beatna Uoh ort Mnes, Laeosta, Lan n,La-- orieboultiliener, r, Loax, Me - Bathl, AUy-Gen. McDooaitt McLéod, A& P. M&4cdos.aldn MXcIicktn0 Meégber, Solieztor Genercl Morin, Mauriaon, Oulne4 Pamet, Plcyfalt, Pouls,1q. F. Po*eB, -Pracel, Eaissosobi , I L-h.W. ScotO, 8h.- wood, Sinar'], Simpson, Siacenne,NSidaiey Smithl, SonmvmUe, Tasae,'TeOT urcqt4 Webb ce. on Mm. Onitue<s suentteot. Yea....emn. Alihott Allnyn, Arcao-' haél<, Baby. Boaubînenjmn, Burton, J. Ca'""si CarlinS. Canou Cayley, Att. Gen. cartier. Cauco, Chopais, Gimooi, Coutles, Daley Duoisst, Dawsoen, Desaul- taier., Digaino, iiubor, Duftwe1Duils Ferguan, Ferre., Fertier, IFoatar, Peur- mieun 01 .I GaulesGl9,Go.ir IiaaMoti Rfet, -Hebert, Hommes, Labelle, Lacnuos, Lanse4in aporte, Lonuras Lotmý i, - b«ela Att. Goto.Mac']ofi aalua eod, MXe Canni, A&P.,leýDORauitl<MaMikema, ?Usa- Nm o»a,.Uàrr"soa, Oaint.t e'àt ýi= , ýPr4 W. FP. PowegL. S.mlth, Tas, IMet, Tumootté, madiW Ne.Msim AllelausBell, Biggar,1 Bourassoa, B ueaue, urveM Cha-ensClark, Conno, Cook1 uen nfen-ery leecrli1uen; Cobig, Prroranud fox Stuee; OArimes,, tret Mrruubn, Cuidrcîns, Sagar Zetîco, P'lainîCastinîgs «nil Foginte, ail of <oui htlmy oller ber bhe Trimie andud tloec on ail- vinab<geou<o ernn. W ~Country oculora pan OiffiIuutu-ide o0. Torontbo, Otobnr 20, 1857. 48-t CASH FOR PRODUCE. The Utuderoigneil is prcp'amd oilO PAY (JASII F01 amy qsanti<y of Whoat, Darloy, Peas, Oats, &c. THIOMAS MOuDY, Cnominini Ag SALT FOR SALE, CIIEAP. Wliitîry, Sept. 28, 1859 66 QUE EN e Firo and Lifo lîsurance Company. Capial * 950,000 Sterling. CtIJo PE OFFICE-Li-urpool, Emglanid. OFFICE IN MONTREAL. 1 TI,-W ý r TltMOI > 01 .acta.,.tndf<.anti ttouan <.r avis «iviltô'14aoee,hlg8 moana*Il batn ailtroas, t to-,('rowyn .pproing onth.e1'Otuanaa 'lieho asne an < t Yorad"t Frenchs Treaty. TeaénmX<aatrcl< eh loO ?.a Ào lmptl i>'l clie tlercta iy tIse Oppoitionohatimng Iseen re. times; if. h.bsagane te Nhnpes or (ta g jecteti by a largo majorit . neighurliod,, <bey <ill ay hohssgond it van reportatl that Ba»' Sardanla rit. inte Lam1uc']oe; if tea Imipe, lIselan 1-jecteti Napolenni's ptoglfatelne fIbr Italy, oe W0 lqtrdy, &tLSttiltlyr ssteingý Ihe French troopa bite rectîeil dorertteta <n O e 5 gdatfimlbiintfy ha t t éiMarchies b h be, ready te mareh at firsO notice, abti that Àncona, f h Oaday@,bnt heti liséti o bot n the evacumtion ai Lombardy andt tIs tuth -The <colgi ter4 in'Éngllsb, ant i orAl a fth tlaomy te France ara tlrcatened< - In Gertian, vae o ôihèi'ly uadn the .md TIse 3anik of Franco lad ggnitd4* __ 8is ("inLa ~tin, ansi rederive& 9<millions af npecio durtitnetsamontli. t.I IL - Tine b éété êM I c e-a 'Tise Paria Boarse wtsud Ie rentas WI e unoh. filés u tôt'n'fdt é losentat e t I b\ mitaI>! Oi,citil i o t <vIo was appmmntei a thle galvItiait afsaeh frotier ditrifc~iè t The-<'Si-Y Lati(58 by Telegmapa 0t'escafiinJm-ca0f me 4rd -Queentaown. atilb<ila Iotwdn& iasthe LîvanRoot.Sunday, P.gm. oCIgiofthoae vol-ti, ivIicl no't àI but Mtronilniofl's quiet; provisions do. titlcs, 91 hoioer -in Englamdii-avineong Conaeols ebooccl to-day 94-k tae 95j for ceeaed1tcon~voi<lie- ide,%of icrriterlis i.moae6y;- 9e 94 o r accoait. oseson nGem-maay teword Mark couialent I nrlsh Mrqui, 0f it In teOh hiofli ardenthen dca laid at aantry j I o me cases ét tout, aiMali,- Dakeof ~ttcstln patoses gratila ope reho sf111 boida territorl lpoi- Isetomë,enPriament telatl~ota Svot c -sam. l coetnmtid dotails Of eInf'ytlulng that bisetOuit rI w~m ill do "eI idatto h'SliSt t <aCcu place., - le admittedishot er Ip taltth jMatches <fA totu, sIgnif>e ceirtainprlvete lettota-frein Lord'Cawley, aml i ~têse~ > lé1.c ! tconanitmgnogthilg ot molment. hlidnot tans-àApéI pet- p if uthe. 54Oe8 f th been 'iaubhaeil IU&s, t tiui~4iomprises t<l Sec'tiniPeefi tlcprcnted Othc practir Ohe nrheê.'a4.,' - - 0 ,tIse dipilomatie coarmepentience being car- lu the f h4 Ud John A. btoal#mas YBItI>IcO.-Â few &d.>'i a I Cr.-enenli1Rffl nu pSk fItltopmr fi4 e4 Sdnl . vA.#cors tit i rbni<n p 1Y tI - h cf Sîj tù o i Pi no inttOt be of- rt prji o lvIlipublic lienmicoý. r,-lvi leoLu tt1M, corntied libut<ootdInti gdoce laa oi-f im iooiOporinil. Thiesustiieo utf llsong < 1<d L1 tu n"h Face <o ,ry ont tàyggiitm evaiîgratior toCd~.oi4fr<adtri "o '- fotIndiatealier Colonies lIas bmoglit lenow Lo nover ouedtia soI ber h1, , -e ap anti dcnoanccd by Mm. <Jsne< Oliat, tine. Te nay Ot <bolà, iii Lord John Rull motierata'] lis ptevî. aie <11h "vter an tihe ira i iie foasl explanatnthlat tIse arrangemntut vaS oifOsbOtit. It taI tOie tdoneag. iéido with a viow of tvanging- tho. ltee ein?-le if ot tookamyu las Étmigramtion SystaniiofetFmsueu hich lIac. the trtie verdiot, lOr. s,à t icaly rnivil agil Obe eflGaof. tIse Nnve Cr Tmntic, nnti atada' tlise ctrcastaeea tgiiman, rta, or brandy on tlki xi à le <longhlt thet noir atrangmtlnnperfbc 1 y eI&!, t eçt 8h &-*en I 1c, 7 jusifiable, 1eplit<ho , dl1seoeSCID itI. llytin mi.an addrons Lu thé tflffg lIn averdict Us tItUba- J.:' t Aci. Crawl appravinget the nea Cammercral thé 'efbf cf 6 frasmdt anti water on tho 0 TremO itta rI and promlaipng tba brIs'" Tie. temdic<, eventeAliy, vunsoif Parliamntmt <l) alte <ais nceacaty itape retouruenI te «asrIOltntaePlaecl g , Xi<Lindsay moireo ti groaement pray. -"' tf hmg at oHem- Itabny titiadopt omessren JimNtyers, <the relebruta'] aqestIaiî, 1. f sapplemn , tarealmny or otberwls. a Oudticirons.-man, Issila SettesnginsjfoIIIg ncarry irto effet h. abolition otaldiffem-?n tratelliag «pou eommun, matis,:Sond4efoi, atial dlins of vesesoftwOa cull<rieçJLinau>' 1fr. Bray, of tIuon,, andf te déS trad]ing betweentheir tarions pr<s andi i oreiecotreiWypltn colonies. Mr. Tcdaay, ponoeut thse dem tatatv ovrtdj*yIAnig disatitantages usder which the hf-ttiah anti au ontaille otvering loto 11à, lery green 1 absipptmg laboI 1 -en'] coctltlnd tIat an timagon," ýBit <hon got 14fi, 0 gét lit.! - a lteration cf the French natigation lavis inot illesstroubles Finit Le'ran îof& - D van absoutely neosary. 1- a honle anti apao. At Teobrige Wolf*, e Lord A. Van Teompont moto'] a iurihcr ,ià ,ipetihJe patentent oCIhn aieeql ,amemilmeot dcclariàg tIsat Parliantent de- 'rap 'kup. tctie On exercss any opinion an h. OeaOy lm omagh a brick wail,,Isoke thrcqle teTiY unti suci tinta a. the final.epinion of Ciao Doter <t-sapile gaie, and 10npiela*1136t9&W Empareror0ftIre Fronch vit h respect o<teer TIses fi. voInt tlroIga £ wlmdpti Savoy are madte kuovu. lato a goeiaa<a ']raaing-rooth at Nette, A genro debate teck place on tIsa hury. Aller ihat iO <rieti ta janp a bleg4 mente ts ftIse reaty, aftcr <hicl Lord l'ami andlpi<cbe Ji . intoaen cale rseFja Tenapoat vithitbisàlalaetiîdntnt< ad a sally m goui mt tata ou Qe eneb ffamhor tiebato n'as atijourmic til n ext wire Le lued' Mm. Bray f6r £8, 000daI e eair H, Cairas, a lcallng Contcm-vaOlve,maentlnoiai. su'lac a ouli nsupport tIe treaOy. - -*' ~ ~ o The dehate n'wIlrasunte afqllowing T 8i-< wa t,asLmauti.--&oà a 4r, Mr. Hurninm noved finit 0the article in h.coa que <a, 9oe<vpuqea tIse treomiy relative ta ensila be omitte'], bat nome caged bim-ti'for sae iola%.tméeto8w, bia msotion tau rejecti by 21hO ajority. <chou naiBor came . ad'baqulm thea.prlce Thea Ictate invole th Oe Savoy quostion Oti<hulOl. ' tpence a piants' repfl.t he and the groom-a! relations of Engluni<ita boy. 4 1 <0 tut àa lie*' munaha 4110., France. TIse idresvas 11aI17 iAgreed but miu4 <bfor ae lot ? The boy# go withoalt an itenimeOI, and i tboia trt icimosenttion, ansioet, six SI division. - lipng *I d euce. The alor Ibtolt Mr. Blibsten préscinteti a petition ftounn t ie4lah 'ttheméyantiopeuieg <"m British America xgaInst an ûImito ofcg orpemteth bidtesae tinthor date. 5 m, OmI.]o.hrut aa Tbc demoomatraion lI Londion ino bonor The boy, lat antoalment, eid ont- of h. affileraof the volmmtee corpa mséei nWhatamaeyoudoiueg? YTan <« ae YOm of witligreatncloat. About 2,MO offceara birtié,' 'Vary watt, 'repli.! Jack, 11 bave attando'] the tenueandi were plreçoatent teauoon luit #P hre yesra 4540 k fisoueoU f tho Qacen. Thie lmnpuIt, pé'eded over tam mlana résacîeinoverbte 9AIr Oh. Dukaof Cana vwanatteieti by '-mati hy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t çor~at ~agnbli onfined in prison <hseauOa~h Neworal Àrcade anud Cotent Gardon iu Thieatre about (1,006 pemanarempMeet. GOei laism<ritten on teOi-*#' esthai Si t oloot Ila Hill1a conoilluam ti aSweeten tan alr-on <la.brens. ihat oe WVaterlo and'ti h. Psinsula tomlesthe.tuoiser peu Oh. tens-upou Ibo 5%n - tioa&i drapa <hstt efmeshtheha peing mou <t tes - * ' -ili& baoilea<h.etesrt-upon is deep Chêa- Tretable Witte aia 1DmWt5cbhos -pon eter>! ponu. lamhet.Ma - Ian Tolex, marda 2L toi ,-ànthe caverne of the deep, no'à A. det.eltméahof somau 880 . 8. tropa < han Open thesnah4 sué l"mt wtournis leit tbIs 5port ysetday fer Ttianola, clmomillioéscferesture1%1 11 tu l Texas nena<<h u namiofptan1 îleat-.-apca ahI lila orih e u wxote7 Jamte14. PaBrlu. 1of thse cwaIry.mé NQ elireth domr »hbn$l. Thoe Unitar Stes stere-IhpsSappy_ _____ iaImoetli, %II iii 1 nl a foir daysviOl mtore fe a qusîdtna. Euannsw taW. o -Aapocial Wahlngtom despafcha states ftww frmm ,greI LIat8î?nle tehle calle'] en fer an explai*AOoplisfse emon.e uint. o ^tewmhreao <o fi itiaig outaet <Me port et Havaaeo he tIiaamnfes r.oily of -tn ottm s,* captuaiet ly th. golf aqondron, an&dif.tho anti<»*o c% nexplanaiionn are' mat aatimfctery he uf BdrslWljo1 eý7 miutralitly IawN ,ao foan Saugat-de a ; 7M les~~o aill asiamredhly l. e Qqwd-l L7". The St. Danois o<il<"O Broadway e < -" - bd ýiý tooa tire lut' nigit Ir*auanutpYa11t, ; cralggn t ernatm ha, - 1 - kWj_ -t NEW - MLm ac - 1

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