Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Apr 1860, p. 4

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O? TE 'CRROMoE t! pI Aa "uol asi ýaoalu AbramR Logan, 13110K STIET, WMKTBY,, BLOVE NDIN ~ ~ONtCEi Mtet Otrt- i~.*CIRCULATION of the O~I O1Z CmtoT HE 18 6 ubsI rorquests public atten rnStoves. Tht>'luInda the followirng naw patterns : TU1E JUNG 0F 87!> VES, THE PRINCE 'ALBERT, rirný that of itny otier 1èa DAVY CROUlE T, PROT.ECTIONIST, Paper ini the Province, aud GRAND "99 MRON D 511E, FAR EXCEIEDS The circulati9ri of ail the other pttpe.ra imithe County of, Ontario united. WVEEKLY CIIRONICLE ONLY SEMI-WEEKL-Y $'2.50 PER iINNUM. the. chroiie in the Paper to 62Brock Street, Whitby. Âdvertise iin. u1 I~C~,OO ~ZII0 . l.CIIOFIELD) & Coi AS»DiIPOItTERS 01? B ITISH IEVILWS0,Staple and Fanoy Dry Goode Ll:O à10 SCOTT 0<).. ENERAL STOCK OP BO6Rcontinue t uili the ffiiaw. ngleadng Brltish penioeicls, vi:- G;roSfrk% CrockerY,, ChinEathee ) CeretfBrook sud <bubrni Sitrta. WThitit> vas aasvru s itravîuw (FrM Chureli.) r hemiSuaoabre int ureosipttoffFrenh ir 4. nisisftitabuve (buts, direct froti the1 r ua asssva auvaw (Liberal) Mauiittnsadî<uIasnrasn> 5.houa nln.Iut est off Kotres. BLAOKWO0' O iO lOriu SACAUlNa (Tory.) O N S A L E Tises paoidlabl h> represtut tht A lamea .ud vanleti Stock offDry Gond kepn firme.gmt oaIlitîci partitaof Great Bri. uosuatni> on haud. îto-Whi& Tory,, and Radica-but poli. . 1H. SCBOFIELD du CO. ticn fontuoml>'ont fea"roftteirclsansct. or. hA<)nuaà-off the Mot pnatbuud irie n oei Litoraturo, Moralit>', O N SA LE, and Rmi 1onthe uatnd. as tht>' lvtt A tupiets Stck off al it ttdooffGroserts@4andut la e utod unlvlie d uhwantd off lt. a8icioct^ekoff Luquortu (tres t rajuda Vin- tan%, beuo os1uttietdndspensable tats lge 15, the dw4$adtheiipromltui a s, vhlle-UI i. SlblOFhItLD a CO. tae .ltDl0tudrof ove ianthe' - funilah mon. corrct Mm astlatavy, t- 30 Durrela off Old Reetbid IW%6ks> tromn -ed off theçcernet literatoreo of tht day, çhippe'va. thratust the world titan mco epoWabllyl. St.8(lOl'1ELD utCIO. obtalood I(rouyi >tLtr store. EAlUYcOPES.ON SALE, Thaereoeipt off »AitSCsus?'fr030tiie A sheoioutl lthmsortme.tsfCronkery, Citos, Brltlshpublisheru gveu addti" nlvane te Glass liiîil Zartitu. tbi Reprnts, insunucb *as te annow i.. I.SCiOFIELD u& Ct. le plaeedtuitth ands off aubecri eabout su sot« sthe Original editim&s Fa a>'an of ERUt Per sn . fl' RE 7 E ]o yonoftht four Revievu .. $8 00 For aoy tvoff tihe four Roviova.O.. ô 00ireh ea from 2. FrorsoM>'flirte off tetouxriteviev . .. 70 4' hssÈrs O For ai four eattRevefrut. ..... OU800 3d. to3s. 9dLper lb. FanrolaskwooeF magazine .......U30 27 ]Boxes Tobam h fom lI& to For Bakvo»d sud Que Btsvie. .. .5 0 FosWlacvmo ansd troBReviewv... 7 10 28U 6d. per Mb Vfoiihekvaod und titere Bvsv... .9 OU i Bales Ameios GroY Cotton Fo lac#lwoodand theofour Beview,&.1O U4 0e on ul s e .10 BOX" aâe .0 LUai p nG 36 Cank.s of Liquor. ÀAdiacoünt off t!venty-ve voper cent, tram 200 Baris of Sait. t.eabe ri ncen ri lieollovet te ciuns 10 Barrois of!HoTrnngs odeIm ti our or mm u onit of à 1 »>'.one or 1- l. suHoFIELD a CO. iuox tof'the sitr vorfis. 1InusFpolur __ copies of lackwoaui, or at on e Jeviesr, wil The Suhoovtra.en is e eolvtd on ooting te Le mite one t ddnoaa for $9; four lmsstits rear 1800,te adieto ts of1-th. leur Revieovansd Blcw=dfor $30; anuSeo. - CASH SYSTEM,ý -> POSTAGEF. Whleh viiienable theni te sIl'machueitieapun. &GwtidlusMail suitecrihora viE ho up- sud grs gîner aiaction-u Dedlm..of 1'V. alage. . Il. S1OIDACo. aluadM wja b. addrUaed pÃ"et psýd, to * tbU$ebihruh -LEON-ýARD SCOTT & 00. No.e. oid atimet, Ne* York DING BOOM 18 - ';anti arni TO LET. T ue mefLtoTown, to meu Inu. AppI>' tu the ioopietor. o.tat ra nodebted lulio the s,- -ihrb>' Note,, r BOOl i t, yl .oall fer tu t l dY 01 Jmui, 1500, L NeL -oens& C. ts ptiO eiiB ti~tuaiu u t nos i ferng sonni preuium for originalliteraq produeominul prose and vexas. neht disri bution of premlumi 'oUI =a plc o Tu tht first daY of Mal, n ie in lbc swa&«ed sfolowu:, $2O For thtelieutoriginal Bas>on 20"htl Couat> off Ontario, tbt advan- tagoof ita goograpical position, its astIlenýent, progress, tnd Mxeeoei ] O For thtenes*t originel Ensa> on Fer*o s atdporial EsacalOn tB $5 ]For th eut original Este>'On Nown. wavuns M'tuF rine. A cop> off t ht Semi-Weely Chronlele, for ont year <Postage frse, for tht bout original Anthesa on BmutING A cap> off tht Weekly Chronicle for ont year, (postage fret,) for tht second lient orignal Anthetu on SnnIKO. II. J. Meodoutil, Eaq., Mayor off Whitby5 John Shier, Eaq., P.-LU S. &o. &. J4 Wilson, Euq., Barrintor. R. j. Gnon, Enq., M. D. B. Chekley, Eaq., M. D- Compotitors mont seiluntheir pradue. toos uder seal ta thtndereignsd, ou or belte the luth de>'off April oexl. Bacli la annd Anthem ta bear a motta, and ohctu b opid by the numo sund ad- drean off tht writer, wiL lits motta on tht unvelape encloeing tes am. The sevenul EssyaAnd Anthena ta Le- toms the propont>' offthe pttbliuhor. Caooiaafrtht second sud third, rue t. lit onfLed ta penuonu residing in ne Cant>'ofOtra Tht fouetit, fifth and suiS. prises, ta e exclusioti>' canfined ta the Tenchers sudt oupilu vithin the Count>'. . W. H. HIIGGINS5 Chronicît Office.} Whutby, Jans. 19, 1860. leitisi Amettcea circulas l)ellverv & Oeemui vorlluttng Ageucy, 22 St. ]Praucoise Xvier Street, Montreuil,f Cakasta, ]>et. V UE isuhoonthr reapectifnllynotilles le the JLpuiciC bt hIs%105w prepsetit.enoseive >edes for lriuting, Addncsuluir sud Diotrihit- dix BisaOtreitlars, A&o., aies Pstitîg tlacards endreeeiviog Adverlisemeita for ln»nenii the varions (lily sud trovineiuti Jottunls. ilo.wilIl bkoiseo ho prepîrod to recelve, undi o>' meustaof ho uînscoos Agents, araingefor nsertion,. Advsrtisenîtntt ini the voyions a npeno Arsugitotit Uppor snd Lover Canada, tite Loy- te l'rollines, sud tit Utnited Stâtes, aise for the dellnsry off <iroîtlans in qtlehc, Kitîgetuti, Tornto, iliniltuon, &c.. , n offoritg teaude tL"uo, sud ail pnrtioue% itiig toesetîrs regulot mnd a>'tiatie puLtýltrty fobeicr n,àostto- mentv, a ocrtain and opett i>'cenue off duiîtg s, at a "et uaving off time, troubhlesti suepes. 1Le Arm~enta beiug uu owt2inetsd lis hegpoeuifolinltnlRiiwuy Comtparues, hier- chants, Mtanufacsturera, Tnttdc*enu, Ilotai Kesp- en sud otittrathe trnsoactiott of su ,îttelu hont- îtsosi, wel ho itu Sone suotre tte. wiil h.e ttrXl ttoLd e ith îultait - an ieI ~pecn0oaIn Eielstd, lu Il;I. lino off lisn as vell a iu sonnontion with tht Montres] Proes, h its vii ho nsbled to guru entirs satin- ROBERIT bOOBE. J. 0i.Dintrî, Eq, iensrten>'offlte Board off Trade, anid en etatt'eniîu il . tiltou, Emq., Ctultonts attd Fuevard- ler Agent t tesheritd Trtttk BAlas>' Cotît. F. W httttiltaw Faq., llircbnnt, JsîîtesDuugal iýs..itlnhant. B. Ul. lhrttong, W., kditor aud Pm prittor ot Commnercial Advetser. Crown LaEIds-Dopmtment, Qusuc, 17th Eeb. 1860. TOTICE lwhr4tby lVtttthe Iots la the INtownsipof B1usd sud Maie, (on lte riv.er tlttawo, west of the town»lîtp or Bulph,) ini the tetnpiaiy jtdttiiI dhrict of Nitioornig, U. C. w,!! bc opon for sals on and aller the Siat Of nent Moetb. For lista oet iuthase -conditionis of saie, appiy te ames P. linifat. Esq., Cro-1n Laudi Agent, At pmbroe, u th "0"tÏ,f Rii-ew. atD Wonrk, ' RUSSELL, 98 Assistent CoInnuiioer. THOM.AS XYER8, LICENSED,AUCTî0rE JFOR TIIE COUNTY 0F O0'7ARIO. bAJLMER'S SALt the Cootttry wtt! ns- XEcalve prompft atteution, on ruasoonsls :oma-lkswiitt, Ooods cou.§igoud ou co- nituAttu te the Anctitti Itooteiliwillho disposed or 10 the bsst sdsutagt. tinOs st lts AuctýiOu ltoomns every BSUÂlr.a Dassase Of' llorseat, Itingbons and Opsvtps, ams trealedwith perfect uceSt. Adirets, w u b b'Fot: THIOMAS iiIE', lAttetivin Roulas, Wiiitby, Fabrear>' tîth, 1859. Qelats A-ou.?J'or the Tnaasaçtàoa of Dusiataa witk te.Goverumeat Depar5tmsats. H.J. GIBBS HAS OPENED AN OFFICE IN QUE.- bec for the Transaction off the Busi- ess of Parties rsiding in Upper Canada or elsoîbofo, With any Off the Goverament Dcpartments. Persona dosiroos of secuning Patents for Lands,,or baving Claitns og an>' other kind apinst the (loverument, or requiring auj informaation obtaînable at ths Crown Lands or other Public Office%, ma> bave thonr buseiness diligenti>' atteodod te by a Rosi dont Agent, without tht expensbo and Jet coovoniencs off a jouros>' to Québec. patents off Invenion talion out. ,Ai prep id communicationts, addresued wo Box 386,Post Ofice, Queber, Winl re ceiv. imitnedsnteatterutlon il. J. GIBBS Quebeét, sept. 28, 1859. 87w-1-ly CIIEAP COAL OILS e15 t& .po« GaIlO BEST COÀL OIL! 4125 ots&petff(lon at GM~YuIe's TeI.graph Stqm j«eaer v.d*tjé%*km 1, es.to18 ,ERE YF CARRLIAGE BJLES AN &iS M &UTU 1S OP thtpreise fo ~ -i ~,riped tyiidrle Il Oupetter ntatd iBrock Street South Lut off the Batk,â an *, y-ppsite thoe Marktt building.,'ohere the 'are pra rtd to asuppi>' al wbo favort tnith ecael, rith0r>atilb'tirinofbuie. Ths subscribers ore practical nnd xusnpetent "o mno ln xeince. and as they devote tht entir- offtitir owu labor to thitr busnnzt, tht>a' e produce articles ofbetter w-rkhmanship, off grenter dbi tsdmr lgnl iihd n IWAIFIrOIRD TO SELL TIIEM CHEIAPER,- Than those who have to hire the labor o1 otiietu. AUl articles sold at tht lovent iviîtg prices for Culi, or on approvcd credit. Ploano cal! and examine. ý Ail kindà off lutuber sudfa4rsî poduco, talion in oscialige. AUl work warante&. D)ONOVAB, WALKEY &Co B iis tua sîîutu obislninîur,e,tn lrtends and customers that lh o a artying on is extensive businesss ut EiARR1IAGE MAK1NG, IN AIL ITS BItANCHiES, On tht promises ierelofforlt ocettpied b>' Mn.N. Env on Mary Strsot, Letween Byront and Brocli Streels, uiînre bie ts preî nred, s hretoffort, te oxecute al ardena intruaet tu bis cnrs. CARRIÂGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGilS, CUTTERS, &C., W~Mtînufaceturedtînd Sulti et thte Loives et mesnerating Prices. ALL WI)RK WARRANTED LUIBIS.R nîtil IîRODUCLE EV E2< XCHA4NG, aI .IURKET FRICFES D. FOIYDS long experieore off hurt>' years in tîts principal Muneflictanien offtise Stntes and Calnsiaalts given thtut experienco in ever>' branch off the busincess îticit fsv have becutnabtS arsrive at. attd for beauty off design, olegainct of finuit. durabilit>', sud solidty-of svorkntonsluip, his woricennat ho excelleti. ~ilfd-Catllandi ton Specimieus. BY-LAW NO. Kr JUST OPEN £9 1%-- IE - 4m CANTON Tu COM1PAN Y'S New BoSt i <ore 51 g-u., lur thetAsS Lsreitse all, Torouto. rrl [ lsipu, .otncutifer t'ehonierltl:= o f bu l erros iota Neo. 3 andîl4, ilithfe nsnout littshe'îît tih'tid mio vi 1C..en ,d aie.oitnlote Ne. Ilantdl12, coud iictin(&d rsd its rie fu'rCah ntivd, tiat in fthe 61A ('oun. #sftlui Totensip ef 17x- milit4esue tieaisa ury ogaii.nLt lieb> itere.- brige -tloatsies, who uaes bocti olig fr )enso Se- 1 1111E tîorptîrtion off lite Toitiiàin ci C-t- Site ofits suîllquiet- rturue," vil' i iiigDwýbLo ti. loit . tol t. 3adrite otnilvit ,loni rctti9 ~îed Ce lnone Tstli i% th t oiicntiogl brîiidi ' w'ciii altrertivstîîBUY FiIAGiIANT NEW TEAS, asur>'th te tyJo itiptI, Eoq..L ' I rte oOWOit havaoebitin Fiar. 0 taiseect, su tit apJulie 1, 5 te hei.t lvii udib1te lige lir :'genta lit chiimt, uoin ofltho.o and tflicen t e iit>' eîoilinled a- ii uic >n rpo.lel'fso tient 10 the -S.etidsut sud Rouîd or ilgiitee, viz. ('niitieiie un ou t lttbtarhett, sen iitîtconotuinee, vtoa ns- iNo. 31 t ut uibicisititht ewesterntt tisuftftic embnter tlu dslieitcts tsvî tifTeus, olil thtre rond, by lieaiti o.itt uir, LiJ lîus naiti tnu tut utpjlied vii t t- e heoeiuîg and 18 io, nr(]ti-uinglioee . 0ii %V, 12 nhis ig tefr.itiuic arties. Ws inits a trial toitest thittiN. 91 6ý I, 3 niuits 44 liitu iliotce >' ou siteeotione. Tho prusem iiî -peak for titen 690 %V, 5 rlîuiîn7 lunksuithentN. &2o %v, selves,. Look ut theu chalnso18 litîho tothtet&orinel>' loit ifte htî,'w 1'Iw 0o1Fa1e, Five HeadrdellCesst ance loe roti, bhteei tht Oitditid IeCu cou- simili. The snul proltoiirndti, totu e4)i liet OhmSlier ut...3 ir. lt ie lit. met wdadteaitoviîdeerihot Iiiitu10 o di, t entt per liut.. t ft ieoulpenlit. ettc ositi veuîrlyLipeeenvilitb.... meis.neu osi. li et ub...lfà Aid tc il fi'ute encte,.tiat thtentoai tue- ilote] Ke=,per o. l oiPropretelus Cettrv %ve i-h, ad utîlrioriitd, in il uerep'ort ot fite Store,altotlutiq titttottîisKepet,tiSElItVÉ! eîlJofiui Sur tie tritiir date ienë. q, 1559, gff Fonty poumai packages, and tapa htetîto ttachcl-, nit tleîte .ueieolie,by vstahIiolrdh îfoao 1eîiiiriligbw:n>', vit. Ciuit' sards, of TEA, sentt eseriesfme, ta0auny paet slttIi.Ig uait tut 01t hited vueîneo'etlitnuti Ctiee uTeep o u A h 'itcho out Ni.t l. ,inith.ito Coii iîtveioii, ît tu s- udot titttbu)- oure a qtttiitty, seuttldo seehi tenuet off 3 chis- siund M56iiil'ou iret n-n N.tt lit t h r cithi thuir freoots. gW ti,- 32v t5 W, frontî th' ,nnt vent tîtîcle ( lîot N.: fâlttit VWîirruutted. Il, -. n aueni dnit, îi r1iiiiii1tmhettnn g"Cunoc, i an articleodltrul 0lunch N. 6i 1 w, i be liit it 1,1 '0St aýL,t itiko îem.- N. 26 alt-gtfül steltt, tit.pueoletmargeltiuig ehtru.- tVt Snttîiiînatîd t> iil.o tîtetîruN. 37 n";MW, l. 'Tue Coipaut>, tîroiroîto cf oferitnur pare '1chla~iteite t . 54 E, lu chaîine and Viandltuiadtltr.ited article& ruat a triaîl f their itiketu ia 'pt lttitud ou thteotorti liuuit of deIjitinx TUECKEY CIDFFEE, ai 2Scls. stîd lt Nu12 utheotit ii tteesi. 'fflîvsi.Iroai syu onuto -oiodotttj>i.Fie l. o cdie elain ciitosendttheut-ovu deocrik" soîyuî 0ca littu (wviiolti ii.ii ed t>' petnjloiteîl ut 1lit.. bernnhr u nnto, 151 RIng-St. eeemnlges thereef, a,î,ltheo itie ilazed i îwll% ofon tare.qursu- ita o tht asotalmutinter) teuhbc theetrtolitait titîre- ,solittet hi neo$to yuu frleuds. or. Toeronto, Sept.*22, l85it. sol-t'y IMER DR. FRED. DELLENDAUMI1, TethlCierli. 0F BUFIALO, N. y., FTEIl an ttupresu.'dsiled anceuful prctie NKOTICE. o erhry em o gaoteitn frotfi riv eotiet thetîo oquest ufu,îîîîeroîîo te',te tutketauniii lpreuiacaliotto, fief-t ¶IEabove s a truc copy off e proptised ti vhilhou lisesbenitoeei te cuend asti oedge B>, ai itTHvaEesin nneltnto'flîis lonîg ex beieltee, uud lian lîo tirntetitît . Bylawwhih wa red asecod tmetlic difftmeit àu isafor sae. To thuise vite thus day, sud wiciîtn-ii te joneeed attiteare ai-t utetd iitt tIie Doctor motitl mm nI meeting tif tite Couneil, aller public. l it-otte, it i. but necetsny 10 usy, lonofthbe snid By4l.n for ane itonlt in tuttI laclbas for ysns pesosibsu efon i-t 4.000 1the Whitby Chronicle nevOrolie. t15,00 1îeý-"On, andùlvas otit te rouneit ROBEirT SPERs, iteti, %ietdcd retueil>' tat bu trealtient1 sud pu-r Tornti.dip cerL' nos .îît iliefrsun iututnstiaoff nle. tolit Uzbridge, Fun. 14, 1860. teo, '%'biut or, hoess,buflositosn able. lite 0thero, lescureeoverytlîtàiuvth OainEpt. - - ion,b ittlmtet tnpblatosdomiaiitvo tilin. viittians tttiot dudP-dThtumborhonlna 11L00D PURII. Supenior t te ponsat utreset of Serspanfi <e uoils entrel ut froontsanti herbes offltsou for Igo eoîmtrie, tht bést propeurtise off viuei arc uaîranted oy e.ent',ne Doi htuinudproev. It sotla u Iaersdoucesas luitfactive physie, bu tetlieîr otnuas su alieatise ortiug directl>' nu theU Lver sud Kid»a2>'souhisg thsrtronti aUi urbid iatsr, thus iriugiug intea ai.ionuual te orgues tâay >'have hesorna e Ue sud nia> bc reliid un te cure Lise -Citejîtil, asti oaite uof. isiaeu is.tapieai <C's nrluS m q1 u ter .isnswhist hrvItem onu g u lui a dtmnrerd or impurs aitatoffbluo. nt'iiofaaoteelent attaure, sutd iii inover réualu or poYm st body> Tho nunihr 2lsa FEVEIR MEDICINE. Asdti t*t acter beitnteee .iu esouseio w ito N o. i. t w ili th on Ca m l u I n R e or .tinel.-Tbme o utei ;"eIvli soui e L CR L'et esutovala ioat uteisetof te bodta1tii r - tir Reýmeutorto provient eonnfigan, thfIl ________________________Milt- en teprepsool b ' ti» Iioros F.n Ssana tDutt.aaeu, ut li psetsslutaIis , & W.M. McBRIlE urituraurwf-ts- latin s ou proveni tue, a Correct liteosu off tit YADtW' sud Geuutieieena' toiialle Baintittov ura itne gloe.l>i,.oiouu aceenponit L sud Siiot MoIer. leseit betise. Ne. 1ln »Mitelfr Sipur hostie No. 2%forT75 Oits. wiuk ttish»upwê noi, ! BROOKLIN, C. UY.AW.i e h lc,11-ngi l A nav lsteet of 14ther and Loeliitg.AU l u eb>' t f a.Yr d b u r a m ,ti tu tintcul Ji l & .IL .G E E I , I 1 'aasestsedued=w Ut iryse .lT tihe se iu" WI W5LLU.MMEi'N viiids."sma4çOiSWal1tutitab pansuta v- EDW 3DSk OIE. quithe bL e kr Stre't, gi->.JA5i i ne ig -ou are iniireceipt> Per Noý ITt,,f thirraixnUal supplY Of iUINSED tOf tire Ryl rclua DRY GOODS, LAIIES' FURS, BUFFALO B' iltS, ANID GROCERIIES, To make room for lus, Sping Purchases. Pasrties requiing sncb, lîad botter e-il leforo purehasing elaewhere as great inducemelîts wiII bc gi't'ci <rl cash. .Y. B CJash Paid for>1 Wheat, Peas, Oats, and Pork. M- PERMI'S BRICK lUILDINGS. .& W 'litby, Febru ry, to. a qui- * se ' .ki t> i nger1. Il. s>. istliaý 1L ; 4ig e -sr r ie ' aut- i i e b >'vy i q-ttt d e a o. tIeofiie iit -in ed i.. i a uit ttttft e e itcr - u t bc a r ufad a. ett . 2 MACBarty NC"$ogie AT AT TilliERS YAI~~E NTIO BROOK STRF'> ]?RLING, BUT Taux, Suvvèr ~et"nh. Ir a-d, aà tormerly, fronit the S ed Stt ' Society of Scotland. lenps 1 st year, ini this The 'lsst 2nd, and 3rd p e lu I mport tion. To nship, uere groin fro S ed 01t îr m TURNIPS....,SkeriprYPU>PCledeo Lan' mproN*cd~e Large whte Globè' Large yellow G1lle. CARROTS.-Whlte Bèlgial. Yellow do Long Orange. Red Altringhlîlid BANGOLD) WURTZEL O~~Globe. Wlbýite CIoyer, Tr.&e' &C t> GA»DEN SEEDS, A L.ABGE, ASSORTEENT. .t.;O Ontaro Seed Store, 1 No. 2, Till's Ilok Wlutby.1 HAVE AT TUEIR E% STAND (CLO0J'ER and iI.1PIOl'Ir, Together ivith a geileril assortment of - 0.- ZW-2ÊD Just rceived froius tliç Americai Miuketi a quantity of Yii:-Cloths, Cassitneres, Tiveeds, Satinetts, Jeanes, &c. Ladies and Gents Ilats of the late': styles. - 11 t4-î.m S ýhes ini great vu tY- An immense stock of Teas, Tobzac', anud general CGroceries. LOWES & POWELL. Brock Streot Whltby. SEêLLINO ff f SL*I'Of Begs to inforn i s custoumers'and the pub- lie, thitt he bas just contwed to soit off at 7 ]ROLLOWkY'T P TIIE hintt'ry ff ii g trntd rete b~otiu or eve ei td piistton off teîlutouliâls irce "to i eonutrv--e recurti,utiilise offwhit l been tiddneed lustavtir ofau'dse, venutit since tiste a.tegan. îIiîîotu Dinhrs, lu whlateveff fontit itstomat, tI bs repsllod asud etentinsted is> h paiulttss sd ireel tible cnete Lt e l ek, w ittslta -lOtîh, entiitau g en t, asul a rtnoni"i activit> wtll bu te ulxvuriîtg'init Ths groastsourge outtis eontw, tieltao eoft bm lsetis11 tnt digestivs organ.s re mosdtoth tists s>'lteul Gonerui flebilitg sud Weeh From whitever caisue, luvuesu oftt- , ail oter eigtis of saelemsed laver, maj di,.rnniktlitif theo setnt, esuhu sr.udtitiîtg infittenec of titis alilpoveN septic sud dstergoîtt tostd>' Sickly Fesualen Slinotld lbose istinu i rigah regtltiligsttd renovatitt9 reutedy; inybc tht-irceoispiitt, it cutistah tmfety itt ail prodicai attd oliten d tiotts i efet bahoffbut tuirnenlont ,rsddfv Pila É.l1&a isgdiy aat ihnn*'mpsitt. eCths, teoýt Dinssseu, Cootientes, yp.s itoe,Dropay, Doiilile, berattd Ag, Cou iait leilestitditrmetiet,l tftuttotluvard t teaknw, tie plantsl, Luvîentoff S1irta, lies, Steu Grnvet, Sereudary Syîtiî'ottiotulm tienst Worm, Offll kinds. tgrCAVTION t-No,,. ans gensuit, thte tordâ lllsrs,&sFe a am dtnteeribleaa slsas es ines tie btok ofdirectiussetdî shtt titegulttsatv hoplubi> os e,.b.di sgtà scolthe ight. A itattdsuimsrewarti ail te lu sa>'uity leretttlîing mstit iuonuttlni a Icnd tttedotîriion off ti ati>yli ws eotnterfeitiitg tserdisiten e r sainse, lînuvittgtiîeitu b. apurions. **Sotd t ilts maîtsis-tue of iteLLow.%v, nu tiit 1L c e iw St, i rnoporloitle itrtgginte *at 1Dcr in iz.d worid, ittn xs- 5ceu.563tttal -,rhere in sntîidsritlre aviiq h tetrzer ritor N. îî.-Uirtiuitiforthogiinetd inouer>'dourdernarcaffixr'l tioiitst PURIFn TUE BLOOD).. alouliat'ls Life Pilla and Phoeni Fres firosuail minerai Psissm, rigIIEit'OPL'LARITY Nriii I. utsLift., 'llasustd I'itonus IBiln wiued lai cossecquene offtiteetedisi> clfted b> titein us, rettiens il s tit, proprlcutr ttenter lotosa partieîlt of their nietlleittaivirtiteitOr PrOpts. iltte b ionotsllr twtitiy veuittetih li. ttd itaviug ilu lttilttioii tton titrosomillionts off perstonvit.hot neatomrtd to titi ttoyttitnt off pertiet ito, il ie beiieved tiist tittir reptiita hoast vegetabis modicisnu îuv efuaieii ssi)titnofnu dispute b ltni tsct>' village in Lite UntetdStates, tens e rc ans nssdy to tstiffy t. their ses>' i diseutse, sud givinu allite whies>itstf vigour sud iteulii. litscies off erofida, Vises, teure> s tistautoftse kitt, titi.optoratuti off. li dicinto ba txnty atoutithilitg, oten ttf rets, dhys, esnsrY eotig of thuaîuAothal teusen, iy tîteir puri'iiig sfédet otIte siuves- antdAgus Dittppsmis, lrepte itt short, situât sit aetase,tsens')ds, curative pruperlitot. uittittah ut lteont,aus b>' tîir tti>'us notitc sud expunts ay ine b svsd. Y.r, atid &orSale b>'(;.A.-lti'H DUFFiAILO Miii)CAL DIIIit aiTABLISRn O RalntcCensor g..pqsa (uri DehulU>', F-arsti s,.efitie, lm ('ive, OreSintsindtll< DIR. AMOS & SON, (Wuesu or Mas. qA" » sh314.ais..uri ARE TVIE ONLY riJYSIcLéES il l ASTATE vito arse mnfts- t i Cudlloff tiitrg LonLtîdon, sma>Ise l'noo 8u'lOO a the isorniug atot91, Ttre .natu htul tiuss pe nsecêau5 lavtb ornsld8 orfontbuin sisys b Oilin,1O"atior aTC'l prastiet extaaure ofU2 P Ut> U tïits ervon msyitti . t hutsrn ait ort. usaîm w Thoax lsau eV! %dp4 ttnya, la rolit ue oui.mIg* t , i duteUn a ebtot astellSer>'in proLim a- à th o îey ues the tuuiumIW 5akIamI5aa> * gauptandrus eao > l.ato tht4meSt tmffllc avunt mr t in m 5dayo, e 2M 1

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