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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Apr 1860, p. 4

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<FItons liaLondlon Prototype) Orasy out etiseits avre yetealay Bisetied by an annuelitent iadutrlomîly, circulats8 tisat Mr. W. HE. Glbert, the ce- jesible. ploprietor cf Cflid' boot und -r sbhoe esablishment, hasdopsred this if.e the gamor wm u aIy creditd, -frpuu the feol tialt the alore resiained clctsli, and a piece f crapo' danglel fi-c e b tsîdieocf the don. TJpo Iquiry, il 'sas cerlain-0 idtt M r X.OGibertb.d lut Loudonnshot S - -- - ~ amuait prelouîty for Lb. States, aitia toc avoaved 'intenition of purchaiag gncdi5 uavilthe Stre 801 ln charge cf bis elkt. 11P thlsitneS, overytiug te euanttxiun' wiL-tbla gentleman's business vase supposa. ta tubu telfrour tise ahovo ir- umistances, a feir of Ihe knoaiug cnes lho' gan to & amel a rgeitand as be departod t leaing imedry-debtauantettle, e c Css b o I rnlie is todeted feling esse- 'ubalt asutitiv, totkl it ýito bonhed te haeva a jeep tisrough theb.rear aiadow, ait tiser. te hebâirýr discovered [oct thte corpse cf lhe miag mas] but lie ators eoielely eropty aihlitint s vstige of b. tock vsbete b.usibitee. This or course surpriseilthLb. iquiîilive creditor, and be ai once set hb i tsle aorte te ficd- cut hy irbat specles cf art te geode lied se auddeniy vaninbedî înçr s ecceialiy as lb. qbop was open tbe prenneus day, and lie, stock complet..  tbéougb investi' gation brougbt tb, viole allait te ligt, aud ailler sanse uttle deiay, lb.evlan!.oeof the mat.rial vis discover-od at tbhe Grand Trunte dept1carefuliy pscted'in Ilieoc large S»g, imareed "Lealber," muet of avileit aers adoresed: lu parties ia Mo. IreaitThte decaption practiced'apeedily gel wafled abroati, aud be,, ighl up]' vrasv, t a doses of tboseo t is sain- der W 4a lten iu and doue tfoi' bu! ai- taceuTitey ncui aiin l te:banda cf lb. éeeriff'to airait legs) action. Il la sppcSed thai-th Ia.vle etble guets thus surrpetitiioesly sougbi to'e b.centa ail mr $ 5,000. Uri.Gilbetts ae -eliere, we couidered a fgat young man ; " be lhed 'lnsyle, sud cocidret hiself one --te ha4t toi. He bat -latoly.puicbaned t*Isçgoods la qutIlion fiesi M. Cits, se Io advertiset- but as tie latter gentleman 'umeeon in London onu Tuesday, il ia te hie isfetethtiaIsthave lban een la anme aay tixeit up aiti the removal. Wearai-o In rorisethaïstMr.Glbhet,jnteai of heing oirrepieoaibig is stock. is noir on bis '"'~-'v'---iay"fC8ti~'ra an sd firs tue t act, no deuil ireei ea'rmains in the miaula cf al isa b. avbolé ot the candaios affir iras pretueditated, moatter@ send thlegs. T111 WIIITBIY READINO 100>118 'ilu igte comtarlable aud marcs, anul li eil soctee t vlinewaeanisd il perlodicals of ail tints, 0 l'rm t04pr asu0.Seuel Bitualeti la bie second iaI over bise Llhienicle OMM e. nt-ahSuce Iougis tie StiohDery S tore. W. H. HIGGINS. -PRINTING.: i'II E NEATEST AN» BEST. PRINT- '-sng,plaia anti faacy, oteve y escrip. lion, i-au h idtichcup sud q%ýItser allihe Eihroaictc Office tisa any Oali esatâblit- mntn the utconaty. W. il IGGINS. .SHIEBhIFFt SALES. SheihIa le et Luotis. Coaitirutae! t Y alete f s l'ii 'awit-: % IRJ>Ficrie Farin iivuel out 0I lier Mutto& eCeatîro f Qatecei's ivai Toronto, aidtelouve iiraet e geunal hl uîdv andt tunemcuilc at CharlreW. Lcaal adG. T. Leut, deft-naet tha be satlsITitia ,F. Jamee, piuiiliif-1 bhurie hdaan ailkua ie ex- ecuîlcîa all the oalcor ilgelt fthue aii Chir- les %V, LounteacitG. T. Laiuiat. luLoI 'Nimii- Fourlueti ithle SceoulConrecicui. Ttii Fuat huitfo I UtNusier otelie inlte Fourti Canrecoleit-uni tIhe Es hI icl f Lct N umr Ta-oes iM eIiliTirioetiii tiiic 1isOilthe Tomeoip out- htce, in the CIciitt iOIa liai t Nt )mber Tiiirtysauetii lte Bron or sewnore, iun ;ny or the mioerfiment ne itmen*& =enun deirous Of secuing Patente for Landu, or havinÉ laisis of any othear kind aginst the Goverusient, or requiri. any information obtainable at the rownnd or other Publié' Offices, May haro ilicir bueiuaaadllligently iiteudod to by a Rosi dent Agent, vitiioni tue expeseoand in comneneuof a journey t10'Qobec Patenta of Invention taltei oui. AU 'prepaid communication, addressed Lu Box 88%, Poat Office, Quebe, wiil ro civeismediate.attention., H. J. GIBBS Quebec, Sept. 28, 1859. 17W1'Iy Townsbip of UzlridgO. N OTICE l11iobygivon, thâtiti b..ort of N Ievioinfooh Towvnsip t,.nIUxhidge ailil ldIhs Orat Sittincgun TUESDAY, 241h APRIL, 1800. AtMGl oer Godwood lu sal tTcw- ehlp, nt the qr lter ele h lu O ine fore- nosnandatal l peonseii bariagiinos nt thie mie ilgvr ltoael"vO't ae.vcriitgl1 IlUBE1ET Si'K*ns, 103 Townsahip Ce TO CONSIJMPTIVES NERVOUS SFEES TliE SUBSCRI13BII.for murerai ronsa re- JL idt tif Asia, disceored white there, a simple vegetble remedy-aso cureofr Cs- aetpciAdim., Bro,,chia t, ogdah, Wd. .aa Muat 'àDily. For the bencftitof Con- te ne ilea ud yravéwe Sferw, ho ta withag Tu'h titi hou dosire il a ili $end the l'e- seription, ailifut directiona s mf udag) isO .sspi cf te mdci ,'biiler ili ls ont in abinaaion of NaressAmttple hereu. TiSc seiriag liteRernedy cmasail i i4 returu Mil, by addreuong J. E. CUTlllitttlT Botauir Pirsirisas, 14No. 429 Breadway, Neorkr. DENTISTRYl DENISTRY! DIENTISTIRY. DR. C. C. JEROME, suogeon Dasl IX relsrnine lIhas thu aii namtress ftieWit a, ad tie ýnbIie greanlvfer olîir liî'ost'l zuarr srine, hbc onid prarllue in Shi% are int r FIE. an,, as ýfa Society ol - The li To'wnship TUI CAR MAI 0:> G Ontatrio S, No. ' jîîst Ltdics an( FrontCcostan ortheujTI% liill01 uisam u h oumuavle are I aie vu eaaîo Te t tii Frmte LonionFepr -us) 1110uCoulivî rotOitu.rlie-Il av*wiaililanb de, utliesx'iDors berqiarMa ciefor itiothir J Âcograipaonrt uttic Dufries Refor- Itcetti thereun, er lae raid itcfaaitiit.- e4asac'u ubsed au"iarie ercortil ilîer utev' maya t- - , uc~eltati ore itlreat Iluccaii. i ciervefuor ldtlOdesirupa'beihovumu *W Bye 4al ntPublic Aîtiîil n, t etaOffie,, lu tr al kiado anditylsuiteeToh. gleèa»-r tta "IL s salet10 se o get stsoityCouretloute,int lIt Tueof %aVitb, o aitts-oastre rs ie ukfiv m ihis O euca ItelaI s cu avai belon aIgon t' aiday liThr i acatud.i1 ët 16V yA. P. lieaDr. C. C. Js~EMit) dlg=ursotive 10fi le , -alolue itaar a'ls cie-aS teldiat k. mest dtraaull rse miiihoegrreai preisaicu Beit Macdostd's roum,"lest SatctayofaI eLSO*Ac in VODS ~ Isul acs, parties can lave BlatuliTeenu fied Medoalds mnis lu Saurdy, ZF-'iOLIS. it.Selia Gaias,lavilo in la ry rosiers. -vibcit liee paties linfareraile ho Fotey, o'ielflC. 3 far opeioue 10sur otet blat cf mark lkuowmu Chtristie, Coucc-,Watker, Powel, Wal- shiulit' fflur a Per C'osc, lan %. ThIis avrk L- iigbly ap rucf hbs braidge' Bell, Matîlce, tD. A. Maconalti, W hlbY, Fuli. h3. tta. f lie lsallt Dealictta n \-vwlr. a i ti- - it-sclei îrusghou therUnit e eau sut Palrite, sthcttet.ît e ttultoa euh ligiter sad cfaà nacs basi- v We beg tu attaIMesrs' Biggsr <and s ire lait, &fieroàa e-et if tirer t03me- IE Wrght vers aiaso present, malring tiroire or t ei te mil mre e-ititl hngi iail, anti compsn tughie Tory toeagîs Vaur cuber u tL plte "e1wafi i, anilwro ,h iin." -t'elia.lJas ataolit mugeil e l Ie laiSu l mt ani lare u u Op atcs" - SUERIFFIS SALE 0F 1.ANDS. hrelufura mrt iIs tandard. lne a-aid Ica - ~~~~~fat5hrr elate tih u as bt-c va lsiv Tic resait etflite lecliuu for Norwich oOtr t ueuî, NSalai-dy, tie tic culve r iacaied x ocial e fceral bas createt asurprise. Te Imu Liierai -TOIiWtt Secondtitiofs ci dr of =Mu- an e in 'I l t h£ pos Baddtoo-Sr William lRtusellanti Mri. Jane, 4. D. tio, at ay aussion cf eahmsaitn b. aetuom thes-i -, Wstrrbar been retum-eti by a large ma noon'a, mu lic- soIt iy Publie Auction, ahtet y jurity. -My Ofie in tie Couet tlouqse, l icnouthe 5oiTown tvm6 a utiziatlaIe e"I Hisoiuei te-upeba 1,O0,00-f a lý"ib, lie rigit. itie. aut intimai t U tl he Laiosl Styies, 1n 9M tenid, heliapons offlisg cf god Caîbalcas, er.1iiy posses lunbbceundremeaioned tands Cmipe'r Ao iva tul, a ieasefrt avAileituthk-aadoriiatnhiunoofdote atantaGnov- pacteet la boXes le thae Vatican; se liat iu andtetnement teorecu. seize-t iy me un-: I iiigias-eau uIt aeeGm. 1 came e o d cousitici- sotior Jlrgira nder, and by irtueocf icitala Wrts oh Flou utuilfal jrlk-'cund- &99Teeît a iracouv aeoesacy-t Lb.money for bis traveling cx- Facls o lume tii-octet, il:- iti'at1 ein arhiWrucaàf le t eitl. l'avili peneslsaaadaatly pruviteti. Junthe CourtI cf Qucc'a Beach. lien'.s fe ae s 0lb mgl:ouc.CiiD R Y Tise ceam ut£1,00bas slreaty licou ise City BankPlaintitf s. John Bick la (i aim otFi-c. AUl titik Warrcslees saseceiletate tuenta faut fer Lb. relief of atdJames Gioti, Defeatns- P c. Lat and eamineto %3m»fta2s:work 4CEil.' -QJ lise relaives ot pasaegers b,, th.esaugara- -- etr gotlieagyenau bru ý "Wee. r. i an.. Mesus. Allan Broters à; Co. icatrit tu the Court ut Queen's Beach. iniiiaCaàamt'e fRincae, ai, Lame<à Paaudtg lian. Blteer&aa. fisttàzil1t the list mdli a donation uf £100. Thse City lRank, Plintifis a-.on ie iha lott. 1ta1. Ios -a'uW AnoherfrghtülLot Nu. . ,nluthe 4th concession et the DENM STR .- To m. wmic attends lcaing a fatialy cf childreu Township cf Reseis, conaiing iy atimea- Parties rei aI home by bieiaies white thiol parantsaas'emont 200 acres. igo.aircatilbaoccuicet lu a illige aear - d m Mgreat i Chitcago. A man sud i ite ent cul Ia the court of Commun Picas. iste>spudtise veiugtt iit a fnlati. Du- Fsua Watson, piitilf taIL Wiliaiu Shaw ReIDval of Dr. 3- S. JoLU. rng thaïi abeence, bic houmelote fir, tefoadane. fous orn cuseunîuo1,and sioctisg Ail sud ingular, thon certain parcels or "DL JONES' Dentisy Ecosa tare huae n]n j Io relate, asrchildren periaitot, etbor hy tracts tf landad promises il se Iig "reoe I h iaesmorse, Nsrh dosent s auffitcatiou o ftsdme, hefore.assistance t en nyc utro urn oto rFas.ilioa a*(eslid dai tleeit'redduesces. coult ieb reeqereti. tfiat part ut Lot numhirtweaty-six., in tise Wlihy, Marri) , Ihu.WhtyF second concession ofthetic ui Township of!htbF Roiioray'aPNll&.-Dyspepsia irici ia Wiittay, kuoma atidscrihot on a Plan TmHE HANILTON-TIESB, consiteretibypiysicians oeaouttic most ticreof, mate by John $Suer, Provmnitoal AN JEVENI IGJOUBX.i4' ti«fit of eildesasus ludeal mi, ina- Lnt Survcyor, as Vilsg iots attachera glatle succomba lt tis saprome regulalue fine, six anti ferty-oue, RauI uf Brook Streetl iaoddtiflSktrieast 95 8 .. adr u ehs.o of lie Internai urganit. The offecl o!fte un sait plan. Aiae, ail rigit, titi, ant inl- Pila tipon tihe membranea iilc linos tic tercoth le sait Willism. Shaw, in andt LuTHigE MEKLYIME, uimenlary canal, appeara toe honcd erftl-Lots nonmbera lwenty-eiae anti - tilrty, (29 $150ayia sudcat&o ly sooliing. anti hesing. avilea ltse sainte and 30) le lie second ier lu tise 115h tou- tiac - li e t gently stîmuiste lie stemacihie range cf village Lota West ut Brook muE BxTIuM avoroosDisohlutinet- lie andth ie lise. 'fisa avesuppose le ho lieset-cet, hiug part of LuI nombert ienty- L Unio, pore asti imple-s Writen Cea- moeticopracndi in cases o! dyspepia anti coven, la tise trt Concesonof te Town-slttios*-aiteisExchusir of te e uiete diarriosai but, miatever tepi-oceca, t abîshp otWiitb at'oneahi. the.Adineitration orithe sa unieocm i conaleauo deuilas lu the rapititîr, mai-- eIISON . REYNOLDS clo.N ectIu Politiom; The'fi. Kseipua ahitity, andiomnpteess of the cure. 'fie SieriffI 0. 0., tin ostti reolm PaMYy trouas thi-e tiatetotn Pilla have been admiisteret luntIs uigi- ,Shci-iff'e Office, 14, feralaus; fo BelliAra lctst xemtun -- borboot injaecaes uf tiulaer comptainl andi Whithy, Foi. 25,860lttmaiApaseelLm; Iarjleo i gauerai weaknenan sd debility, irihte ltîte rct a nrsptry jBi -thue et- happiest recult. Tisy are a pei'tcctly amieotiotOa miDotCurssu i spi aoeiciue fot'chllt'efi. catouothiaitte thecolamebe w-ce ag àaiý&out te ta. 'flnuesOtites, A Wkaltag VTeint al auhlaeu sevra lheuito, Marcha 184 Bomotcaa Ayrîlh13. lTe onalen- astiavn otie crew et the EES sberlS'aSaieofetLamis. vwBstiug becque Roacu, ver. troavuetioff- Caw ova orsthle boat hiuig amasietCoueay ef Outario ITVIlcirfaWeilt et Britifh A eultural BSeds Th ible fe Canneaof tlb, test are- Te Wsa: 1>B eitriF=, Imaet a-r byawl14o 1Mer M elt0cutc ert e Qîes'a Ben"h, t flapI. W. H. Alto7, bis soun<e. H. nt TMirie, aidtohme dtuieetoacioettlteimaud Ali. ag Blu, Heueq BSanquuet, muid learmeels murs carstoof Crs"iralF are- ri E Subiler i. prpredle ani lui agveomt iliteosacdet ilah taimeeoflis identhinhe lie a p ]Mwa â aMA4Jas. Cagtie, Wtrrau tuailsof mIca Farevel, sadmiuitrstrix 1, L Mefrico t thOec lbaiugpubliaevili ail tie T wn and i Nasue(Porluguesse.> Tisdfnan te su ituofetArthur O7,ryattntinncealuscqalle a Noscje aai,. lu em Btitut yery. iibcil he % cel andtaloen ianeecitien uey le raqatoire rinxtean a nd ttfeai. aI Rommmrin inNew edfod Yte ta . pill. miret hitheli at Ce. navfml~- thir ions ailusot. - avll3de-esu, lu buifItai,,asu i th îe ltne hSkroeg'r pompIle top Imeesi. ai3 e. -Mavast. Opaod l twauele f lhic dutitiilandin lat cetaia aa helLi o g-et-u40fi 7~u gIuAWKW, pri ofetlasnd, hing Ibicequtarierereiat h he 97 40 co*g%ÀPlI snte more or loss, laîeg c e llf at fdo 373 lis soatsePswlBltaegatit tsSilt nember hlloea tunthlicseonudConression . of ncriia30i.gîa.la eortaisg ftouas t'. lo11,1r1lateu-:,..beistih, Townshuip of, krlfesasmrFosutaiubnra eicv 4 Ils Iri tase lirouh vs 1r99s. l'unelle a ot bt as m a t tàdistance ef CAIlOOT. th iuee hmhteSriS. '. cate hrysvti n flitks sn a Lomg 'whie 50 eeits. Peenaudtirough3Il)miles o utez ile se nst seumutaav dçsotfaethe LargeiOgimu 50 ceuae. ShOSItillaSisOirit bolonIle Wsct y.ageflt I 101 ude o al erlaV- Lueg rat Altrtegbam 60 Couts. ___ 4M*We ib u ite ifely.et orees", jmttmcehasineveublkit, ape se conte. SINGE] E&UallwayAotdentTmveMo. u uho. asut lydre" umtoiva eit tepo1b TihirtGL *doftepbiZT'aicxorhverl e llo lbai ,40 mnta. Ccit o, Aptiti 13. m0"cengota- 4mcetee ing thee uila ite ofuhe saW pulieronmat lvu a inog iirteddiec. 40a ciiahoe. AIR T* Express lealu fron, t B. Lous ftorc-anemdt enelinks. 'l'hasm suti, six-mmot wthlelet ting, frthe mtt riti eta-WAIA (Ibcao taIsidt roj trVIi en"iogeot, tires eiMdla WsiI ouls a. O h pat1ctuu i ubt ent toillr CWC890 lt e1dge, le mts natist rug-lnk ,ta, 1.ta he l~ae*nniür. itI tenoe. riailluse,.abis stocek Oechinest rbe <>~~,stel quality. Every clus er *9w- bidelltee ités l'north a vi 'uer. solteit sceti et Orluw Of fga e e of the ttvu sMd t sers ta- 'fie leesil la 0 tu bagsge 'fs 'lI~- e atlsoflies -'8'a=lts.Ontes iposietaly ut-Thon machi, Solda -ilyklia tomn u iu, f ad Te is V M F q-1atitl sI~er at Lhsasetavere ho784it.ailanlm olceai ofianuai s lot. NLE.Jr ridinig in frtoiisaiuOittiflu theI C.1 -No.'p .~seIeeaa e heMaae~a ~uilenlee fotofteee0a tfty lia a ce.t _________No.____1___M Mdm ti ie b muiaiAct. by tfoeue tatalin s et& ciseO T z' o ~Ceaty outusia lusitir ravitheuen saeedq islu -Meser ticIc. F R S vennlofIdltec a itleeci oureT E it> A OR ATO LA , -*i' I &nd h. a' P.%Ibe- sua t .. f .r sealPbhot akas,Thiam ataeila.Biaet llosii havetai pi golist Il oticw ata nu -flc ro tg amit ie avrea ft er~W5t 5~ s, PrOivtatttaY lia&bec on liksIMmce Outl sveîý 1naa FOR S L or et leruai n, pjâ»è ffglacomit e t ajta attstelbul,sudtoinemes ti a as 117 A tAti'ut sOFLA 41. ,1vOtubtd inBtheonTown ofpu*sbeusap* O a W*htrs avli -e r A .lae," 9- ,l tlFai uaozO are . w.ltn ostO-14 m if opevr do%êj >ta tgeiàfu te lebo o t,, qunofm i'î om4 edé SM cea, adbyMr Z U IJLTIJRÂL -SEEFSO Eherifl'u Sale of Landls ofIn WotIB Vrte cf ie reeeipt, per'NovA SCOTIANi of their annual supply of vît. ?~i ~ Veteof Ftato Facisa, îosued clc irMtol'a Court 'ii> & G AIRD )E N IEE D S- directoil ogninat ftic lanidsad--tenemenL9 cf Janicallndgsn andJames R ~Ar1 îrmrl, fon th SedStores of the Royal .Agrieulturfii atruug, dufeudnnlu tstithsuit cf t e ankt f ' - ot Toronto, pIainiý a v tae seisk fced )fScotland. ltc aknIoe ctieotaillieesasîcu jnIer' Ls 2uid, and 3rd premiUlfl Turnips last yrear, in this est!olte said Jamcs Hatigaun andi as P, were grown frorn Seed ol thetr Importat~ion. P . Armstrong, laà' lis uadeémentloCi - landesnafulloave*: -- LNIPS.-~Skerviiuîg's plorpie top Swede. Tea actres of lant being compsd'of theC Lan'si-oe South West aihrnor of Lot No. 24, lantte Larngesiteh lobe Se, ad Con. of tise Township ofetby, de-. Lare witeGloe, îrihcd an tulloave: TuaI le lu, ay -cm Larýe yllo Glbe.meaciitg at s po3l pleantovilaI thé Sout Lag elo lbe. West corner oet ailott, tlîeaceo rth acv- RLROTS.-Whiteoc'lgat. nty four dcg'es, Eataix ciaino and aix- Yellow do ty eix linkusud tavo third links, Ibence Long Orange.-'Norti sixteea-dcgree, Wetfitoea cîsica, RdAtigaà tienco South soealny fouir degreu, West Red Atîiîghalf. - six choies sad sixly six and--lava tii- .NGOLD WVURTZEL,-Lofg lRed. .links lualite aide lino etcluc lots tavcnts -Yellow Globe. tour ard it arnty fiee, lionc o uths ixteuti - degreca alsu lthe aide linc tifteca chaîna W'hite Clod'er, Tares, &C., &c. tailue lace cf begîan;ag. ','»ENSEES, IA GE SSOTX M -0 AIug-Commaencing-on tite North aida 1AEDENSEEDS  L QE ASSBTMNof'* ar oiy Street nt s disttac f fiee chis îeed Storen a ceai-ccSuthit74 0West frontthinl- Se Streturarctin wviith Mary Strcet nlit ltefine 21 ills loc, hity.10 betaurru the -Eoul andt Wesl t aloru of miii 2, ills loc. Wiiby.___________-lot No.,25, tutu Northa 160. Woat 30 ________________________________________chuas 82 iîuuu aore utorclens I he Northu ---i u'cuifthf ou atth hiif of said uut No. 25 S Tien SOUtit 740, Wesal og lthe Northu- IN Y F SS flî No.25,.2 chains more airle6s la apost ut lthe ditatance of 3 imis frointhe luino b- lees the coiti lut 25 anadtlot Nu. 26. atui 21ý on the Foot sidecf cuit line, IunSauth 16O=>,E:out39 ciainr,32 tinksoesîirless lu 1) w ï fll cheaorîth aide cf XMary St. atareiuid (liciag 11A E A T EIRNE ST ND10 cluaiîs and iks tat-m tuç ]fi-ua l e flAVE AT THEI NEW STANDtle sectostnd ie iu Nourth74 0, TIMOTjqrEau-I aloeg lthe Northu ride cf %Moey Stree 0 r R a d - chitîs more cr eIrsslu hc place of bac- Together with a general essortatent of lessrglt. rc~lclteoletioec A-, Ola-Ati and it iguarlthaI certain par. rf=ý IDE el or tract oc! 1ard sîi inieaeiog ~d~/ ~ ' ~ part of Lot 25 in ticue2ait Con. ofthe towrav- - :0 : - - etip cf Wluitiy, coaimnaiu unolte finc tictiaceti the EastlanditIWieslt aiesofutsait received f'orni te American Market, a quatîtity of loi 25 on îtvv Northi-aide cf Mary Strcet sand aIthe itantceoalIf) i-haine 68Slinks g roin ey~~ ~ie 'loallicru imit of nuit lot 25, Iheu êbt% Nurtt i60, W~est S9 cluaina, 32 hlnsta wa thu North tentcf lthe Sothl haif cf sait lot 0j lb ru Southît74=>, WesvrAI fiaine, -Clotts, Casitacres, Tweeds, Satinetts, Jeanes, &c. Ilioen ii-euîî16e0, East ta Mary St., tuc North -.eEusal oîg Itue North aide of Mary tevimet u airua ta ttae'place cf ho GoîCens Ilats of the httest styles. Boots atnd 'Shoes utig. IuNc.4,0,tst in gî'etît vaîiety. llu FLict of iIicck Street, in tic Towna of --:0:- Whiliva ccurding to Periy's lanrltaot Nc. *2,oi,- athe 2 auCo. of the Township --W-I-> a 3 I I a 1 kAtea-Satuti East qîuarter cf lthe Southu ense s-tock of Teas, Tobaccos, and general (Iroceries. lit of l 25, in the 2pii Con. of the Tuown. hiofWluîtby, 25 acesu more ut- tous- LOWTES & POWELL. ~AvU ichlt indsand letuemenLth îernuîn, or Bt-ackteSreet Whithy. tie unit itefenuitloestale ce intotavel hurcio, i abolui ofir fai sale nt Publlic Aac- - - ________ - tion, at my office, inithe Cautit-tloaue, ie ticeicava cf %Wtuîbhy, in lte Ccaaly cf gEI~ K Ç f~ Ontarioou Salai-day the Taveuly tîuirit NELSON(G. IREYNOiLDS, Suer lI (lOir Stirit',. I.0. toO- m-,laa £ Oaý',% 5iv e P ' r n vla. to inforîîî his customers and the pub- lic. that hc- haz- ,jico cmmenoed to sell off at HIS EXTENSIVE STOCK 0F -.GOODS-, L-ADIES' FURS, BU FFA LO ROBES, ANDI) GROCERI*ESO- ake î'oom for his Spi'ing Purchases. eqîîiting sîtch, lîad better cail before pureluing elsewherc inducements will be giveot for cash. B- Cas/t Paid for Wte ai, Peas, and Poînk. W' PERIbRS BRICK BUILDINGS. ~ Ã" z E'S CELEBLIATED SEWING MACHINES "Tnluluti ae ic ever epo-sti o it .i . 11. n ir n C. uthue - ut$10. t1 e uhtea mrrmotu îge' g lamuehine, hilc mIr au vthtlclmtoîal toeur itt lv-ted vacie t e tngilce ma- IACILINE $75. No. 2 MACHUINE $85.« 3 114CIIINE, LARGE ANDI IMPROVED, $C5. te. liraidthlcfiltomies, eectificatem, urittesiy the tarelageamd mat utooaure, oe Mu aitivrere luinucls. Pulmtrel, Dc. 909 - MotratDes. i18». lu J P s ginoe ttiS e m itugt isintoxrltieIto e ass.aing " ez, -a e salait lu e iusg lliu Me tue meive. E J. NAGLE , tetuafviixSwwtXMtams frlm&mnt, tab, liace tro'-Msua, ZE.PbUanrev arotts>Aéllbrle aial Bosi, EILIv45' SQUARE TIMBEI. TI1 iieirtcii 1, i hv iru-quît'tr v1ii l .'il al oh i i b i) le te hIuteI palit la t cide Ou JAMES B.C.)PEL 80-4in Aeiliurti 1J. 0., C. Iff. Quebea GoVernîmont Agency. iseiinecu ccuuueelguxlihe Iu eut vîluer PUBLIC IJEPARTMIENTS tutiiiuiccho. Alco Oeriroi b) thue sttiletian Ailaeece lrepih. Land vid eutti-eruul Igrut, No. 2t-, Annie teru, que 4c ler llsrSet,180. t CIHEAP COAL 011,S! 81 25 ets. per Gallon. BEST COAL OILI 1 2,5 cts. peF Gallon at Geo. Yuleîs Telegraph Store. A, NEW STOCK OP Juatrceiteal, aI Primesfroc, 75 e15. lu $8 r&VIID àOrTa(rBt mAure Alureittalu hum COBsi 01. 92 GEORGE YULE- Rides! Hides! Hides! T i'fIuntersiguet miii psy the llgheosî pt-inl Cash for any quauity ni gant IIEEF llul)f'S deliiereul at his 'fsarinl GrenWo& Ail kiata cf la, E A T Il E IR lirpl coantay on hat fui-sasie, cery bm for Cash. Ct-cen-ccd, Nov. 14, 1851P. 67 Billsb -Amerîtoau Cireular Dllnry & Casnerait Ativrtslsig Age»ey, =l St. Francole Xavicr- Stret, lleutrai, Canada Eact. OdrAmPiiigAddnceslnk aund luit, hit, Circula;; &C., sicoi'mîtg i'lacardt% ueud recreisg Aivtvctiuruttratuq fer Insertion lu Ilu, aioioocCit enast Provincial Jiun-u. Ilicmi llieaiae bc prcparoi t.iurerive, snd tic aiciimeoht WFsimeuaaAgoia, arrange tor iticertio, AitrertiosavratA intlitoraeele'pera ilrcuogcat Chiper suit Loer Cscstia, the 1Lom- l' roaiuoe, ance tlîi litoulStiagduo I.fo Oie diviiccr-fetCielre lainQielme iiltt, Turuitur, Iloaitone i., thic aiin-nglutue lîvoto aad ahi partiesilîig la. gc euenal suit viY ,iemstie tittiiehvy toir Obrir -sotuece mont,ý, oacrtiamuespeoule tue-as octiigm8, aI a mt R caia lice suýd epn hi lî-rraemeuucabig now eau xptd o largst o l sielîfrom Ellavaqmjb i ccu, aviota toirMrtt 151 trielly atrtrietelu ilb .aiualily chaid e- Patcendcui lattera Iuiteit>" bi& o oaperte0 n ,EcglasituIto lineof<,t uslon ce 'u t .c ic e cca j ttl i e nd o ulu .! MIllMTuoou, 10 srtastssl, PoMtC- as IOta nUN i u ul ac r ntdliaI 0 o re teua . W «4oi .~ i n ee af L s d t e j'bumo er li e4; ou Sly etiOdur, Lete lit la casad Weli daa aune c ?.h mlth ireeonuab. dt ioe t e 1p ie souubi e.lnt altdeO y tlé or 1 at la e.hâ uem sd, b orWhu UME.la a Fsrth ut auvrthecar or ÉPO is~4~'ua~uPetwsr4. À vi i Il Pi- ýUDICAL 110USE >,i K-uc. S-umTrWn, Toito>ors, C. W.4 IWBTAiDLtmu5KD 5 G~ OODING, (formrly of EDgland.) N<FW SPEEDY, AND IIOUT 8UCCF.SS lLi-eau cfft. odting atd Jdaddier, Rheutations, tSa'u/S, SaU 1RAiu, Meursrfl GIsoaià Oisaplaine, *.,to, e, gW"No eliargu foi' Âdrlro. pGOODINO la. now congpdlta teic 'h'tini aladies avilîthceui onnttouL'aslig ,gTie trsatlalta'ol'teabyitta ine !a! ied opena aueatiflo priciptea 'with ilcir latlremoclies, avitîtatt minoraIsa or pot. i ficiolitice 0f cure arsasuoi. luit Pa. mil tae elîrevi ut tîtoir aa n ton vie4ttt lei loy part out! c-eCountry, "im an te ~odetcrption of tIlicase 1er letler, aud Ile ic îdirAnttoini lu theut by tuait or ex- FRVOUS IYET13ILITY). ais oei-tb o a aiiîb:t ln ycuiî, lt Wit afstc r dioclre, 0st, turgottl. lîîriicorcit lat icM o ar%, eak IL cut t e o iUd aa'er exouit ",e.if I* lau (I o, loua ofirmarv, witli iie ly ay*bu ured hy the New lail :pci-iae elîlifull llrrrtioîngvPetttouny part 0flrited-Slusoo.qv' Iclpatintsrommivaiaitg Dit.' GIOING, No. 6f inîg StreetliWocl. Torcot, C. Wi., Tir111.1 Fell, O, iSCO. 4% WlIirldervîraed loe i e limin-vle o la it jret. utdePullie pgc-aillv. tualho -' ici1 a fic 0eforlthe ('tLLECION t0F llPaidaller hbusiness. cîitritFttig fii avilthCoiîi-slimis 1,,oi ( - u 'vttColîcetiolua puerieuIiarh ce- quVýI. JARTIIUR IiAWES. prs Ileferenrrs biîîîly îa.rîitilced lu 0ev-cge t-l. fliaThouns cnià, T. C. IPatrick, al i eîîivo, EKuirra. I i v, 'v uîhr lotit. 1659. 48-3rs «julsr r,.OPENj CINTON rr COMPÂNY'S toî -ire, 151, ie'vl., K i eur the St Luavret.ce liait. Torontou. r qv, 'oune, t hrnied lfor thi iaprtu of F -are ti iiu leni d Trou, tîrrel frona oifc. l groutti, îîow offer ta tlhe 1îîtlaie -IllIc logt Splîildiîi Crap ufTe..urver couîidu; ant ai prietgu r Ultîitly,tlit -a cue mre ltotuie a ory ugaitt uu haliet te.l ,tritieu, vito ha ioavslliitg fat- yeara Si-- colC IeîtTelelitlievyprofita. 'friitta1011, -- -ri profîil a qoik r ras.îî av ili ta' aIr -y aIt ierai t lu ly tla (.'atîtttiy. Trou avili ,eiaiie at Wliule lcPt-teesithgetittoaiia iaIl tec l IuYî TFICA(,IIANýf NEW'TIEAS, uti' aLivaucl l'au.dble Figure. 'i v Utî.puityhavoeit rn arefil in l ct,-I til'Iii lieir Ageîlilolit chita,mollteto fitha'u IldiiTa-souvtly senltlurite.th oitandBi lii.vIttirktlu, o huit eonuanit, 'utire- t -vrlia delielceir litor of Teis Polit ti'rt, v alie Fotîjipie it il lthaite uterug .îî ýrli1u 'rlî rlicer' ýWCr làite o rui tril ols Tite fcIît.T iete all ;Veak for Ihetin va'.. Jî,ititir ,r Npw on Sale, 'Five Iludred <hsts!1 liTs' a Il. mes. I (irveaper Ibl.. 510-t q;.>! ...::4trte. tititil tCIlt.. 40k-lu 'ut ...... ct. I t id it eru.... 'tie i '-1i1t-ii1îr, Selinol l'rolirierlvrul'<ttttrv i iiliiirvlig 1 ltoseI<(eiero, îOW MViY! Forty pnnutd pacekages, audsait.p -É'TE1,,cset ecarriatre frue, lu auer pari t'liai l, ait rereiplt tut1OASlIITiote avîte dI 'i iîy go to.e a Ilctillil3', wii.t!iduoavrll t- i. oltlier w ilî t llîirfreotits. "Salie- ,ecleiar tIcele odnltrsî ate ita oit a ' :iîlu taluati, tulal ile are cllig alam-- 1i lie Ctiitty, -]£@front% of OlTuriuli purs ai .1:tduitrateil articles r -teut a trial elttlete -Il msvi TUIIKEY VOFFEE, nti BIe. allt :4- rIlvcibc herIic t uter, 151 JLleg-St. 'teufrott Mark-beluaîre,,attit ileaîîe Cati il , "illiiu tise laynîr Meiot. ai 22,i iit.Ai , oa. -Y M.R FREI). DELLENDAUGII, OF BUFFALO, If. V.9 fr.ý cle îi raeotire aitlthe reqiteut afiuvttienîitv îiu -i. Iiti arit bo eaoutry, fiansctn- viiii bu ta-s râtlltliuilreiieratictit, .tpt-ti 'hi ilie tiuc lirultiied lthe gare alli ta olvge - Iliiig elriencr, acaim ia ieft theiettitti 11,-ett livrutî lggiala 1cor $ai.'.Tl' hliceo a,-'îîîîtatit eiit lta ie otor nttaiugtecnd 'c-- l alers, ie ibut ttei'resaey lu c". Il-. bus for ve-tsura rucriltux otfr fi-oic 4,fiO plernUpuictd awI ,x t ahgrouirat -.,'eren tîottliai-e 1iatme aller ciraticti fati li-I' lItedeadlly ta lits lreiain,crlacnd lue --ole ic liltilrom liitttcreiitof.nilr o lu-t - htiMis wrlsvvr, bac iaI ittbeabîr lik-i liCitalu usevar) tttiug sotit auperpir- tu@ uttu ot ap & il ttclhe iitaa ttlicu ali re .utituboit'i alla . T0le0cotibr 1lase BLOOI) PUIRIFIEJIt. tei. thelu iepureet bextt fSarittaoailis, oiir îltely et racla antd herba cf titisandt -1 vi tptricL, tuheet praperici. of wmuet, liiivricdb a L etira itwem tîicel pet r' l i t arger dosec su n nlr.epîtyetu, lir rli u nesas aan aetsilve avorittie aiireclly Lieue andii Kdneva, eselittgiîeutraît, Iiiill mtauler, tîeusbringitit i itluarliatt ait île u iciîtttlîttItîy tiave Iteutrite tî lile, 1 licburelirai cou10tu re Lieue Otte/iîaU -c - iipliia "f A . d Isu. t tust Cee C- %bruary, 1860. a 1 Holloway'sOiài~ CONSOLATION ;F-it TIIE. r, ~EARI.Y flftvrce-soituiii patorliîl 9114lar Ileau 7%rt4g0 cnd Ile ivii- liueal Ilr, 1Ira eitaîtot-tuucoc eueu lea tc Rnîaglit ttuhe ceîr.ealq ic.er tcaunently itral, vetlustî adager, hiit - atid ultug auna dit-aiitgthlisiectII8 Seufiia, Ery*lpet, aduntSait No reiktr a g ueeridae iuaa ert-a fdlcs'uaac utlihe Siuteliniavvi tat' atotu, su Iu l ltielitt I suit i Seutuire-a, "SOre leuilstcv Et-aeim uaicui i ail d iit'iiiî nad I ogsic Oit Sot-c%, nad ril caces of tuauuy yaec oitgiiig loit liuauOgiuvyrefuicuet hoIll, ol. tioao)viOthe on treuhînnal, hure iiuiitiyilaII foam tiplratilets ofi'1titire lcil aar Erupîluen ushie Stja, Ariclin,ugfeouu àliadtsivtu aiIiof ulinstute irsitigcl, re .eiiet-,oi îruuareu urfae , eeudliiy tic lte M"Oaties atuî tllîelilvtnyà.'14e puawer la iicelrumaesa ttlîîi. et thic fae. Pilei saatela. Evernfr ti rtand feaiirecflia us ctthliu'itt .i-rlr in einalir.iIa-,eeI a! tireIN v tg-Iur uaclstlîiei- ,tti.uit -- tatiiii.ta lu lîttpreevad- lis aOtiitiiî-î. i- t quauitiius 5 iiiebufuttil t, lx-iv tu Boa , tr Oasleieual'! J'iîls sotccj 4 toi .Iiohn i 11triig. 1614a Fieelai (otue. Ittuh, ercliviil-- L'aIralttiuutiiulirui, Iihlgî i. i-ai Scelialftti tlvisvaS ae tiri Iilul i.ega, Sa ra ta, Sure itela u, 7m Sures ut tll kitu,, 51ins, tilf 1uiiii,&N L'itua, 'Vtri t lsonca, wOiiîat lli tCU1Ni-Nanao gi3ia lite avaevtu"lAu'i nt. V"virIua tigers e toiura-n.iitlc su llaellaIel- uic-c te aiaelltereeîisii it anitii vl lie IoaIcletuute l' tl'uit l a muiiiliiOr eotinteiii ticrt siul- rviii siat lowi lrhna.lii t uli'ld a islaniditlIlle N?.itaItivî i- tiutrvt.ar, M501 iglii lec.a Nat-k 1111 resiclde mcii iocv.uvIIOivi cord siii, iioittigeeitlaait.aia gluuvere IuRcnidcuutlc vavitlg ie tue tiinttotu-n c. in eerydieesleer tf11111.1 tuctueibr PURIFY TIR E 1111-0)) not,ufït'aLire pIoiad Piarskia Fi-ce (rosuail ilcsaiPeioa r rluts oJEsA'altOi-UlýAIlTV arlîKit LI' MaeLfe t'iIlc t ud 11i'î-ia iiitliiu htiievi ieatieleîltireeflcsiali Oit-acteil hy hIicr tuuucreasteteil D11 theuîrînotrlutrtsi rilr iîulc e artiuiilivi3 of tbircnýici..uul virtleu r i-peuIulrit icg hn oatiara liai, lavetit,) riuurfouii lic, atnd iaveigithe tito-luuieii liatditres tiliiontcof 1ecii tcl roltîcreel lia the el.îjuua.uurtOaf 1uWee tlîoiuitllitaý ieltt Ir e rutaitib hauet rgrs% l t waleiai cu loiro tb acloultabtuaiicll IV tutia e vilitge it lta UitiiîeitStaîîec, he Ie'sat arend I'oaat uit- lvthuir cltem=Yv in iie& au tt giviuug l ta vîu hle g>"i1C5 elgurr aiduit tacti. tua oaseatif scrofise, Ciersvu, Scr liens orfthetRicin, huage.juerliît il, 12'l dicmsleittuly ettiiîi cflea reicuuu nom das, .eeery aetige Oft lh'ee"41tat Icuev h r tî~iîiil iug vfivata cillieOi cutivle o perlles. NO lel cciah outl îtu,sha Ibair îtiiely O;ü ciaich aa lItut IcOiaey hbecitv . bort ututue aI haG. A. aiuuuit 1IUFFALO MXEIICAJa IDISi'Es FSTABLeîsiOt>FOR TIci-se LlucptrntaeriuIi cftU, Ject iod ObU lei, Irser, FirWi, Fi5ti L AOafiltiJstsiinmcjih adhïttti aff'so nitosc,i usr iaO, DIR. AmIos & SON. ZasiaO AIX ACO st-Ai- «&a, ai-5'a'i A E'IlE ONLY PHtYSOtqANS Il ASTATE mua aretuluor et d i q Ulegfl ratuios Loadon, soy trom 8bo'ok inhtIe man1tig sîtilufat in every at.gcanu, l yapluaoÏDk.&-s The tremeael te, y-dopigtal, taesa oudgo 1ýus' extensiveemil oue0 iut n.Theia sliu rlet D)iese i ctrtet lu 8 t$rStos, Ot aalgit caleain ilai-S3 dYi tl poes. The unt efeuet d ttuatiaa ni- bintuasesfl-cm huuse' reONG 55 Tiagu PAtR"Cili.l Tisera iss us Ti arbilt osseltiineu ,att ay Boyc, I luetoitad, uftea gum19 hemuuttcui t e aId 'usii.l lu dii ietntuy ecou ri"~ 5 eroUoh«eiflatyd tIsanO. V.. of Iicce'-u im - e il&~ ,,irarl.00 Mas'.amra ufthlIe coila! they tait tua eruse csyu>-cltia . A 505? uhIitTTww Anaiuslrumaot fbtecregu -'r Nectucoal Fia 05 uue asnguai al eeteac, cuit esrad I ela 15 d itayi4 Io 2cis5I' of thic iustrsmtl, irbWo t~a 55W BElSîIiA" fait'ct IlasItiel' bai-etInoueFa Esit lmlai srueîaii-ara efthne awnsd bus berna shieat uatai loeetSsitflW I5 Y Caitlegaa condbti »am AT TIUP BROCK STUTl)g FRÂCTICAIL EERIl0 1

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