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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1860, p. 1

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RE ZÈMOPSUfflCRIMTON A7~ liÂTES PI DYL8TISnÇG: O7 : u Oder te iiué...... .... lbv ton lUnes, tret inserton <par Une) 000 8 Veysgbsequeat maertlio.....Oc c A ii'14laçounasIowed to Morchats -sed ote d etii1<by the yeui. Thspwer lîupt arge élrcùlntio z the Con»- ty of OnW~ro, anis reà4 b y.ver puineun#ts in 'Whitby an7 ti TRE WEEMYT WR4<IGLE la publls'ad en h-rordIrf SATURDAY OMM DOLiLAR PER AIIUX, s ekyChronlele-ha.. thoiamgAnt cr of sapy othi'erouutry papor publlinhed ln, Uuder ton linon ..................... $1 00> 'Above ton linon firnt lisertIon, (par lino). O 10 £Vary subsequeut Insertion ...........O004 No piper will bc deontinned lhlti Saarear- igen arepald-ûp Lettesocosn h, ifioitored, will boiat te n !taPbiherIflea dese W. I. KIGGINS, Whftby, C.W BOOK AND JOB- IIIlE PÉOPRtETROP CFVTE WIITBY J ftQgg .eaw" wouh1renpectfully Infortnithe. pubio tilt ho bafb proc oedsonif thi imont mnodern ostylen cf Type , ou ew York and oth- or Fdbnndriea suîd ii proppred toe etet »0011 AHI) !JÃ"B PRINTING o1 *v.17 desjcriptioni ut superlor style and wpthieslpatcht at the . lowost roiîuuerating rirst-olssn prennes anti Printing Macliner, AuctiDnaBis, Borne Bille, uand similar descrip- tiens or printiug furish4led within an hsour of being ordorod. Cieronic2e Offece, Wldltby, C.W. r JOHFN hALL THOMPION, lIT ADEN OF TIE COUNTY OF ON- Ytario. RsdneCuigaBrook. -ZACHEVJI BUUNIIAM, TUDGE 0F TIlEFC<)UNT£ &SURROGATE qi Courts. Office ut the court lionne. 1 'NELSON G. REYNOLDS, IIERIFF. gW OFFICE AT TIIE COURtT *JOHN IJAN FERRY, REGISTRAIt. OFFICE ON BItOCK ST.,- W hitby. LERI< F TIE PEACE. OFICE-AT the Court 110o114. JOhIN V. HAM, C ilE1geK 0F TIIE COLINTY COURZT, AND) Vjliiitrnr of th'Su rragate Court. Office at ho Registry Ofice, lirook Stroot. 1 W. FAXTON, Jr., ItEASURER. OFFICE AT TuIE COUUT Il.J. fIACDONELL, cOICTOR & CflER.IK 0F TuIE ÇCUNTY 'sCdUneil. ôft1ce t thio Court linn. 1 * JOhIN SHIER, NOUX'TY ENOINEER.. OFFICE AT TIIE (Court 1lIouigm , L. FAIRBANKS, tLEUXFIRST 1)1VISION <COURT. -OFFICE sat the Court Ilotuse. * JOHIN GORDON, for the Ct)tttly of Ontario. W. a. mOGlKNig, RODEI&RT J. mWILSON. ARIO lÀ 'f6UEYAT LAW golcborm$ mo. & 1h yCwW! A]LEX. THOMPSON, AUCTIONEER, i, OBQ(1*!& CA ESPAYNÇE. LEVI FAI]RIÂNKUÃ" .r. B AIIF FÇOTDIVISION COURT. Ad GEORGE BRÂB.&ZONp QÇ W CUNVY I~.COMISIOMZ ~O tskngAmd1avits Inthe queesa Beach, c ek, Brook, C. W., - ILOBT. OHECULEyM.D. S UEGEON, ACCOUCHEURî &a. CORONER ~URGEON TO THE COUNTY GÂOL, lByron Street, Wliltbyb 4 IOCAII DENTIST.-OFFICE IN BROCK .4Street, over J. Blgelow's Store, and opposite bile Uegls;try Officée. AiU operatioas warranted. Riferbince, a fuir trial. - 1 EAST WINDSOR ROUIE, WJIITBY, 11-FE above Ilotel h; sltuated ln a pleasant and retired part of the Town, on the front roaci. Good accommodaiton for traveliers. Good Stabling and attentive ostiers. 22 --HÛGH reIZ rrACIIER, IN MUSIC, TIE LOran Piano Forte llarxnony tg rami; sud alilkiudg of Strn ntuenînje sprepared ta é1ci v9. s tf 6w moreTa'I>uplasat ti11e 1 or lus residonco. -4r J. C. HANCOCK, gWBOOT AND S110E MAKER.ffl .yERCIAL Buildings, Brook-s;t. IL oWIhitby. Work inaeo order of » oulaterial, sud by exoincod worlc- mon. Aliso rcpairing doue witli neatnue and desplitehl. 8 ANERICAN IIOTEL. W ALKER & PATTERSON PROPRIE- tors, corner of You ng and khouiStreots. Toronto, C. W. 1 OÂKWOOD HOTEL, AKWOOP, W. BANKS, PROPRIETOR. O Good accomnmodation for travoliers. 38 P. Md. CLARK, ILATE 01511 & CO., XIERCILANT TAILOR, No. 74, RING STJ WVest. Toronto. 1 MART IN9S (Late Wîliî'nl) ROTEL. T ERE SUBSCRiBEU J!1AVING TAKEN 111IE abavo IMotel frin Mr. ooke, i.. able te cf- fardtliote oI ccommodatiou tothue puntlie. 44 JOSEPH NOURSE, C LERK TW ELFTII DIVISION COURT 0F Northîumnberland anîd »urlum, Insnrmncc - .lgeî-t, Caiîveyuîtneer, &C. Aers-I1Ii. biirghi, Cîrtwiglit. ONTARItO norEL, r IRYAN Jr, 1lOl'RITCTOlt, BROCI< f i **Street, WIliiiy. Gn'otIStabliugtand tten- ti. Omstlcms. CANTON IIOTEL, D UFFINS itRIP ICKERING. (0001) DiecLuni1iolatiai l'r Truvellers. W. CUTIIB.E1IT 4m 8111 I'ropirietor. PIIILAND)ER M. CLARK, f-11 ci iii t 11.Y.-(!iIT't'V i ONTARIO. iCoe lem. thors hoe "I bei o. i. j ~A s¶adF Oatler~lways J» i p3 ERSONS 'uin t cf a good axe, osnitvém the 11esanie 0 splyiugtoe i. demsgned t :'n Wluiiby FuYdry. ,Axe reparod on tbe tri. st notice. Wrr-auiod fIAst teel; 1'2-41n Âxe.maker, 'Whithy. W004, ACARDING. T ESubsoibris pre d tedo all kindn of Wool-Corcdiipg tlot11-Dressingt &c.1 ut bis old Entabhsahmotiokrn: Noo Cawdi«T 2. erEi E.PK WbihyMa> ~4trPlu9 12 and Mier Mon 10 prieg orde A, TI Mai (Goc teni inu T lq Lue the fitti par arc 0 1En Inslictor of~ Licenses ln the Municipl- p nsln y*otlieTown ai Whithv. ____J. W. CORSON, M. J). eo Il I. TEMANE, F LY1 PIIYSICIAN TO TII E BROO(K. hi AI 1R AI> <>UTY FR(> Iviîrk liospital loe ht1lymician I h e 1D utîts'r ilî'i A all'e Neîv rick ni Dispcii1ary; llow of tho N. Y. Acadeiy eli AU Att0rîu'ý. leI ritl' o rei(fMîdicilo ; biccitatcotaiUpper Canada, é&c. lilock-îgïrscd lutlFor. 10 Rcidelc cc -Mnrkhatm village, unecmilil orth J of t liec onolm-ia1ofilce. CAMERON & MACDONEI,]L, DARISTEIIS & ATTORINEYS AT LAW, IENRY HANNAM, fis 5JSalicitars ta the Cauiîty aceil Ontaro.- LAIN AND 9RNAMENTAL PAINTER, Oi 14-offico at the Couirt 11lous-$uI(tli Willg. LGhzerp>ao Iuger, &c., Whitby 21 ' GEORGE 1-. DARTNELL, W. H1. BILLINGS. D ARRISTEIR, ATTORtNEY, CONVEYAN B ARRISTER & ATTORNEY AT LAW, J>- cor, &o., &o. office ave'r IJ. Dotialdnaii B Solicitars in Cltecery, Whithy, C. W.-r & C'm. 111lardwitrc Store, Brock Street W hitby Office-Waliace's Buildings, Brock-st, Whitby- J. V. IIAiM, JpNiGIL <SttERWhAthLAcW. IFIC-R~1 CENSED A UCTIO N EECR FOR CANADA B V tLWcst, allers hia services ta tlàe inhahi co tuits af Ontaria ivid Diurlaitn Couinties, toaut- tt S. B3. FAIRBANKS, tend Sales by Aiction Hanisehaold Fumnitume, hý SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &C. &o. Mrchandize sud: atiior ffets, ut a oasouahle c( S3 Onhîewa, C. W. 2 Commission. *10 ____________ _________ Oslawa, Augnut 1850. rý N. G. ZIAMJON9ETALr( DnARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CLEK F UN ETID IlO CU T .L.Olicc.-OPOCtO he ltcisry Il-co,1rC eamprising tha Towniship Brook. Ad- si Street, Whîtby. dres: Canniugtoii. , 14 STEPHEN SEARLE'4, FRANKLIN HOUlE. IR E, I4FE AND MARINE INSURANCE LINCDSAY, C. W. fr tho Cld o uutyHardwre tr. Bro o - et F. JEWETT, PROPRIETOR. COMFOR- oveD'nt1da'nhrdae tre r 7kSto Be table accommodation fur Travoloers. r Whiby.WhitbY, Jau. 21, 1857. 1 SCOTT'SHOrELA. K. RICE, NDASTREE. Wi tre.FISDOOR nABINET MAICt, UPilOISTERER, &c.,i cf W.Laug'e Stre. C Grrios 1bIlyron Street, Whitby. lPe- lien ng neuti>' doue, and âllcîndn;af job- J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, E1,lng, an morpiring of Furittre atteuded te. ,t1QVeYANCER, COMMISSIONER FOR Furniuro oarefuliy rmovd.. - sigAffidavits, Accountaut, Land, Dlvi ALODHT 9 Co~r Notavy Publie aud Genoral Agent, RA RAD OEL d~We. OuIce-King Street, uoamiy opposite PORIT PiERRY. tlu thedisIal.FARIIER, PIIOPRIUITOB. ~THIS ;N. B À411 business entruted te Ilus ou 0will Re* ionso poqsoss 4good aeoommuodatiofl for 1b rourtlv attedd ta. 82 iavl or. aod Staluing sund attentive Ont- WCIIANCERY & OVYACN A. PRINGLE, etAW ffec Prince Abert. COVENIO RuCHANT TAILOR, BROOK STREET, ~ MI W hitby.i A TTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN THOMAS DEVERELL, Jha.coîucry, Canveyiîucor, &., M3lain Street BU I LD E R, &c. &c., GREEN STREET, morkliatu. -- - .- Wlitby, C. W. G. H. DARTNELL, LIME FOR MALE. TEPUTÃŽ REGISTRAR, MASTER EXTRA- < NTNL NIADDEN u j ominsv, îud xamnerlii luaico~y o , euIli %g pring and -SamiTmer Frosh Bumut kho County of Ontarioa, Broek-gt., WitY*.47 Lime whieh will ho sold for Cash auly, at 2e 6d JOHN MeNAIJ, POrTjgrre. MATIIEW CARL, A)RRISTERJ ATTORINEY, &c. Office- piFr 7ib 13, Cerner of (Chitoch and Court.treets, (oppo Pr /zli site the. Cab stand,) Toronto. 8OETSPAS COLVILL & H1AMILTONI, (iLERIZ AND TREASURER 0F T11E TT ORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW ' Townhip Of Uxhridge. Address, Uxhridge. A.. Rd Wing, Minnenata. 8 - THE ROSIJ1N ROUlE. WILLIAM TEMlPESI, M. D. CORSEZR 0F TORE AND) RING eERETSM TORONTO. IN G S TEE T, OSHIAWA, CANADAA C. JOSLIN, PROPRIETOR; THIS KWent. 17 ohot Rtjelgg in the Province, sud HENBIY HANNAM, nodation ta th. travelling. public, equal te tue IRIER OF COUNTY AND SUPERIOR bont EnrTOpean hotels, Or te any otheroestablishl C UOourts, sud Mensonuer te tihe Couuty Caun- mientI o te Amorican Continent. 2 -...21 RAILROAD HOTEL, - AMOS W CON,) '0EAVERTOIî. GOOD ACCOMIMODATION AMOS W CRONU.Dgod Stahlilig, sud caefui Osîlors slwayn &RCITECT, CIVIL ENGINBER AND lu tténdance. ti.EstatO Afient Whitl, i 15 C. J. M. F-RASER, Proprietor. RING 8 rRERT EAST, T WODOOU VEust fti ahâal I,.,tCanada bt. AprW Âuetionedr, ÂrbitratorHloune 1LaniJ>A en , and Gener-il (jdmmuh.sion 'chant. m'agit t any anioant adviinetd 0on 'ehatidise, F.urniture, and otber propertj iigued for sale. VINBG*R 1 VINEGAR 1 %HE underulgxed takes leave to infortu the ,inhabltanti o' Whitby, end the publie, that sn now nanufýturitig Vînegar r a suporior a %0 erchant* fand otersat grea1y redlced- ces. The Trâde liberaliy deait with. AI' lreby mail <notiially attended to. Âd ATIIA!q MILLER{, Wltitbyi. Inguet 1,1~.8 PORT Wanr"B. '%E undffligpcd han taken the above Hlotel, .whioh 1bc I8, newiy lltted up iu tle bel;t mer for the aommodation of' the publi.- .d stabling, fine roouxy sheds, and every at- tien pa<d to nman aud horse. ge»The best nse. liq nom and cigare ut the bar. WILLIAM TIIEW JBRITISE AXIERICAN HOTEL, -s im o o Es T R5 E E T , O 5IiAW k . 1HOMAS DOWN'ING,'(late Rairond ilotol . Vhithy,) iPropriotor. font ines ui nors. Suporir accotmodation f-r travolem. ;d Stabling, end attentive <Jtleriz. 7 ,,EDWARDS & HODDER. "AILX'S DRAPERS, & OUTFTTERS, King Sreet, Oi;hawn. Gentlemen..' gar- ;nt.; ma nud eut in the mest fnhiona- style. 108-13' 0. DARNETT. ArANUFACTURER AND DEALERS IN L Cilzars, and Leuf Tobsecos ; asmo Wlîips, 1014 C.& o Walton Street, Port Hope. Port Hope, Mardi Sth, 1860. w-i w l -TIRE TERRÂPIN. .!IRfRITO£~02907 IUSWEL] known Seban are 110w ini occupation v c old &r. N1IèliOLAS. King street, roronto rmerly képt by Mr. Hurley The promisel ive been ncwly renovated itrongliont, an ted un in the flrst stylo. Evory procurubi icacy nu season. A cigar divan iltted up se rlintfl whiel none'but the best bntwdi .pemntted to enter, !8CARLIiSLE & McCONKEY. QUINN'S HOTECL, LOWElI TOWN QUEBEC. 0»am It te Çteambmtoat nding and oppoit t/u Britist ,Arnwrican licprmsOflce.f RAVELLERS AND VISITORS ta thîe Ar doent City of Quobec will fInd suipeniar ai îtnxîodatiau et Madorate charges aI the abový utol. Trhe hoal is very convertiontiy situate( *nurtituo 3;tuks,Stcaînboat wlîurvos, anîd prit i it busines plates aftlîe City. rhe table and bar lire mupîliod with. lever, racinibl ouebe ati rikabo.Visitons wil id ovel>' attention pid ta tîteir cortufurt am univcnieuccaud oev iitonnution njdirecti'i >uta thuesurrouuniding bocalities, principal place )fresort, mccuiery, &c. nIAWTA-nIW 8 Proprieto Il F, Eundmsigned lhavirig tukeft posse Lf ethe above well known hotel, wvhich wi e- canlucteul as ibriiicrly withu Ithe stridtent prc riety iand regartorbmthîe coiîfort anîd coiivci nfet oitlio pu1blie. Thue proprieton uusuuncn bis muuy friande Ilut Bverything is tmnde raady as formerl> ha cuti tit ih tlcî t thie Globe IlbId, sudthuaï, lie wi bue peonumnly present ta give titanu ich a t( e dotiatus wîun bis ivont. TIho hanse han, beon thorougîîly paipere( painîted and rcnavaled, and is fittod tp ini over especi lu tiil a maituer uas ta mesure salinlio ien. The bar antd tabhle supplicul, as formeri witb lthen esttables and drnnkables. Calla 900. -1 Y. C. DAW'E, Praprieo Grand Trnnk Railway Ilotel. (Southr aide Of Rail2caY DtýOi', Port TJ'7titbll T:iE UNDERSIGNFD BEGS TO IN-SFOR' T is fmi ends and the public, tlho bc1sl, iii passes4sion f te bo liatel,th imn of whielî lie will iii future carry an ou liim oa iccoulit. C4oad Liqtuars, Wiuee aîîd Brandie Clgare &o.: Excellent stabîiug--carefui attention for i mnd hurme. JOSEPIII RUEBOTTOM, Whitb. Jn 19,860. Proprietor. AUCTION BUSINESS A TTENDtCi D taasn ual, by J. C. Stomlil AIl ordums rolatiîîg tu Auction suies b>'t uîtdersguurd, shaîtld ho loft at theoChronicle( fc, Wh9itbyi Messrs. Iiiggins & Mayerhoua are duily rutiborized touappoint nu>'days ofafn ettlo terme, &o., and lu enter imb suc li amrangementu mlatiug ta my netion basin.i as îluey4nia>' canuidor proper sud ueccsîry. slial, h u nd ta natif>' an>'gemett nia muke on niy behaît. agemetI Sales utteudod ilu ah parts of the Countryv J. C. STERLII;G NOW Il TUE TIME. GET YOUR LIKENESS AT J. A. Cla*'lu lt Prize Picture Galil TF you denimre a correct and life-like Ai jtyl meCaolype, Lettenaph, or Lent Trsuu.f or, or a LIkéeos in a et, Broae Rting, fan J. A.4. fe audo il la tho en estt sud utihorti notice. WILI<INSON'S BLOCK s8 Jyrock Streai wk H. W. WOOD)WARbtI COMMISSION MERCHANT, INSURAN su ad Geperal Agent. Ollce-LatelYoc pied byJaIIes Hodgsoli, Whitby, C. W. REF IENdE.-TChOmai4Clarkeon,En. sideut Bosd' of Trado Tomnte; W.* G. Cua EsqeMa#agr, Bankc B. N. Amoricb, Torou W.WRansotu, Esq., Manager Quebeo Ba Torontoe-W. Gamblo Emq., Milton Mills routa ,lioný P MeGili, Prosident Banik cfI treaMal~rai;Messrs. Maitlsnd,*Tylee matl Mon ,Toronto; Meussm. Andemson, Eç & Ca., I&ontreal; M3anre. W. Fric. Son,Q bec; M48esré. H. J1. Noad & C'O. 6. ale, lier ,eri' bro- her i or byle, NCE cou- Pre- suk, ,To- Hon Que- ;2.ly ALT VINZGAR e an no w be( W_ in. crxlqanttieB, thel W hâitby ]3rewerV. MWEEËN 'WHIT BY AK1 D .LINDSAY ~D W ITB A>DBEVERTON.. , âssENGýERS o au travel through from aither place the isamedoy., 'e Stuges fromyÏLindsay and Beàvertea ar- in, titue frc- the cars Coing oult fl Avet, 11o11ce,_ w nwzoy, nueoè 80,-1-858., 7 rAvING purchamed the ctiro i%" ~ f~ LDanilis Co., with an addition oif fatter nulrselven that we eau-give entire ý,ti1 eon to ail who mnay tavor n% with aaL jOSEPW.HUCKINS &to Irookiu, November lOth, 1857. GERNÂN HUE FRONT STRlEET, TRtENTON.,, BHE Subgcriber begs te annouice to t1x 1la. habitants of Trenton and the Traeiiind muunity that the above first-clasn lIonne haii e fitted np iiu a new aud eoavenient mainer. Fizit. Clam Zall e , erved atthidoi.te 111 Liq nom» kept on the promises arc ot the quaiyc celaars.Almo, a Liverj île in connection with h bv rxie CHIARGES MODERATE. .S. GERMAN, Proptietè, BEI Pl Th rive H beci A boni Trei -C B Frol ing 'T -tern Casi $tei Kol wîîl -tuai 1 s t- C- ,e Fi ,d r. lat AUNMER'S SALES l in teCountry' wil jr JEcgve.pronipt îattention,on rasonable ruisiot tatluo Actioîi Room. will ho d>poncd ot th1e bonti udvutlge. Salas ai tbe ÀMotion Roonis evor> SxnI'UuoAr. Diseasuî ai Ilomnos, Ringbonos sud- Spavlnt;, ire troîîted with peni--et suicesA. Addmesn, whemî by Pont : THiOMAS MYE1VI Auiction BRotu,, Whitby, Fobmr>' 25111,.1859. ]Pianos, Melodeons, &c. JOSEPIH RAINER âinuuise luron cf Pianos, iu{elodonts *&o., anti goueral womkman foi th1e nepair of ail kînde cf Musical Instruments, is uow pmepamed. ta receive sudexeente allor- domentrunted ta hlm. Allwork manufactmed b y hlm, wili 11e gnaraîîteed of eal workmsu ship te an>' lu the Province., Pianos frotu 8150 te $800, aieording te quai t>' f instrument--. ianos, Meloadeone, sud other Musicalinstru- monts nîanafatared te erder. Part mAti tokstiuntrade. Ail ère sb> mail i reted P. O. Whithy,'of left at bls wc* uz6, - rear of lte, iranîma seheel, willi re l i i,ýUQlV attonded o.- 2 IIVi, -ii y, iii.i.Y, sAC bofore concbudang cex b>', Noial1, 185ý.. annîve- pareîmaseiu 68s-w-44w ù>1Y7' the Afficted@-ÇO TUE CELEBRATED ERMAN OIL!I 105 TUU CURE 0F nu Bruines and alinde of Fies1' ounds incident Itp the Human Boutles at 25 to Sote Each, A rding te size, This 01u wili cure ail frosi wo do, aud is an infiflibl reînedy for the re- lief of O]RSES & CATTLE tuFPme yO nox M&UNIAND ME LNe d r,LL wouNDs, lI ted oý animale. W Il. bu% been used s sfui for the Last Seven Ycars, ani ha.. ne r boeen lnowu te fail. Made aud soid hi' A. KNOWLES,3 Pickering, (C. W. fitby, Jan. 24, 1860. 2-iy EF IÇ0T E >tRE AID.' * UROPEAN MEDICAL HOJS-E AND No. 61 RING STREEzT Wr, TonoreT, C. W., DÉ*. GOODING, (formerly 9f England.) tgf'2io chsr-g9 fcr Advice. DR. GOODING lai now eugaged lu trestig tiîis clamé of îusladiqe with 1the most irtonisliî:ig mucesm The ra.nttee1td1 iiis new it i.. ban4cd upon-isitifle prsncniplég with iu eW discovcrcd remoedies, witiiont minorais or liai. a. ns. Tic facilities ofsuire are sucli, titt î' ticolts cati ho cnrad et thîcir own hlioe withliît expeinc, ini uny.Jitrt of to counitry', front îui) acclmate description 'af tîtoir cane hi' botter, gnd have the niedicine seut te Ilui mb>' mail or ex- prolqn3 NERVOUS DE BILITY. 'Yauitg men wio are tronhled with weakness, genomaliy cuused by a bsd habit i n youtî, thie clficets o;f whiclu so dinn .inems, pain, targetinl- ies, oinetimen a inigine iintme ours, woîik o'ye,,f wcilunens ini thehback îund lower exte mi tic, confusion of ideas, Iogs of iucînamy, 'uitu mcîtinlioly, nuit' bcecurcd hy the New Botaii Rcuedics. COUNTRY PATIENTS. ofthie United States, by patients coniuîuuniciting their symp,-,tanîs by lettor. Business crrespail- douce slitly caîîfidential. Ad>'Dit.G OODI NG, Na. «51 King Street Went, Toronto, C. W.. Toronto, F-ch. S, 1860. 4w %ar JU>>jT OPEN ~ CANTON T. COMPANY'S New Store 1519 Ring-st., Fasi, tiear the St. iîvwrcuce Hll, 'roronto. T l1E Compuny, fand for the iipanltiaua, f I.pin uinît iiiuduuiiltritcdlToits, directtrain thue lîlue of grawrtlu, now tffer la itue ptublie sanuileaItunicanit Splenidid (Jmop af Tous vrivi solti !ii Caîudîu ; and utîlaupnicos for Cashli aly, tluat will ho Omne tano ias acry ouiginst iuus by iittres- ted parties, who haîve bicou solliîug for ycîurs Se- cotud Llasn 'VToit, ai.lueiuvy profils. Tiie îuuotto, IShort profits sud qikel retirus;," wîiIi hc ntrictly adluerod tao by thi; Compiuny. Tees will bo rotuile(t ut Wluoalei Prîces, this eeibling il utrties tu>fUX' FIIA<4RAN'r NIW TEAS, nttiue Lawost Possible Figure. Thue Cou.panty have bieon cireftil to select, throngh thoir Agents iii China, noîîuo of tbo e ,Ploýk .1iesl 1 ýnçnt ta the Landau à 4 -,ons iuii eewha mo- incmi7er t1po dellionaîs flîuvar afl i. . iffd thoe May nou' ho stiplied îith thae clcering ail1 iuvigoratinic articles. Vo invite aitrtiilta test aur usstietîs. he Pilces wilt ..peaik for tîteni selves. Look ut tiern- NQO V 1,lA--y-iveIludred Chests!1 liilof i-' 5ô reen Per Ilb.3.. Mts (3idid er lb . 0c eni ,..esIEmies lmu. lier lb... :- ilot il Nipo0, chool Proprictom Countr é JW Forty pound packages, and np. - ,ands, cf TEA, sont carrluugc froce, tai env pari i ot Canada, on receipîef'tho CASH Tliose wic ado zuoét btîy no la-ge a quantit>', would ui0 wel] ta club tagethor with 111dm frieude. tjiSatis- ïfaction Wunranhed. SgîCoffeeÇ le anautiicle adultratod te sudh a(rightful extont, thit people aire gottilog iaam- eé. The (Jompan>', desirous cf efferi ug pure allé usaduîtmstlodarticles riqnest s trial of 111dm delieoaun TURKEY COFFEE, nt l5ts. eut we wili guarautee atreal seldon etjoyeti- Fine L uyi,2Octs. JO Be 111e te numbor, l151 King..St. Iwe- dooms fronu Market square, sud pIonne court municale Ibis news'te yaur frieuds. Teroto,.Sépt. 22, 1859. 86-1-y CIRCULAR- 'f r 2 RE Und eod bege. te lutimiuto tu bis4 T Friide u'nul Iho Ptihiie&enmlaIy 1~t hoi hian optiied aunOffice fer theii e ýIN OF DEBTS. sud other buniuoist. Parties cnlmatiug hbu with Commnissions wiIl Sund 111dm intâeos epunotuali>' atteudrud t0- Division C 'urt Ccbleti6ns particalb re- quented.ARTRIUR. HAWES. P.S. Reforeuces kindly'pennitted ta George Komp Thomas Keenan, T. C. Patrlok, sud G. B. Lencu, ti4quires. ILindsay, November 101h, 1859. i434m on, he Liver and Kidueyai, ekpclinug, tIre#monIi aUl porbid malter, ltaus brn1 r etoapte» nal the orgaîîs that nay>' Jhave hconbe fitiItive, audtuay b. ,reliid oit ti ure ifoe,'CblIn*? »umption, J)jisppsa, On;erel »D"UtIjO orh.l.tlAid Aveand aaltiter dImseseswhiclh ImAVe thelr arogin in a, disordered 'or, impuireý state ef biod& i fs'tagtcignature, and, will nover, weaken or jrpnîmrate ,lite body The namýbor 2 ié a FEVER MEDICINE. Ain Nmus twili ver 1 cre f" n I zmntion /L mia N.I a illdiof cu'ré <nid Igue. h wr qfrtv of a kofda, irai Pens, Aotete C/rne eWof ctn-Thiese nidauicienIqili ffeetCUrESc nerAtmeiastrmedcno rwotio bcd>' 10 tUeM not li. l rmon àfte oyt h etheReni ibe1tePUvntecfdi, t's M'"diciu aeprpe b>'ofusonroîr FRE Eloýdie DEes e pADr w o li praticd uFii fuIei ovor 27 yeah$. Ji pacicd n nf Tad pve 7yn iaa, scretlknn f1 Dotar inutue rapîî à orrect ec bote u .Dr. red. D telpeubsu of &ca, ]3nffil, N ,' .&owDr.t 1edDegnblas.ii' Co.,BualoupNyX,% escbn h itei No. . irisealt or $1 er ottbe;1 No.h 2 fotr eNt. 1iIhi imýo 1pe otie; tNo. 2m ffe5cdet.opuic, elyî impgeotie vîmes ariofrecaît tien dngbliemelves.o For saleue bn>' JAS. eü Il. GiEEiE. F- saleby ASoL e RAotIitby.- Whitby, Scpt. 14,(18,51.. w & s; 1-Y POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT -Qilbee, lotli Mtarch, 1860. No. -49. 1 TO POSTMIASTERS IN C. W. I-R1ýFERRING TO ARTICLE t) 0F TE nIe R&llon of thin I>cpartmient, Post Mas-. torsç iii CanadaWot are informed that they are reliov-ki from the obligations te open titeir Ot- -liecs for the dlivery of lettors &o., ou Suundaye. 2.-The Letter Iloi for the postung of bttera Publie nt ail timr. 5 snd', fas direetqd by tho lie- gululktots,'hoült~lave su opouiiingin tus rond pas»ted during thie ught, or whon tho Offce 18 :4111t. a -Wlienu nder the ntîîm)ity of tlfin Order, fin (ilico lu Canada Wcst is cbosod ta tho P4ui) lic on Smiday, it mînst ho cla.'ed tii al persons alikoe, andn o xcaptiorual or partial <tlehvery to particular individuals eau ho sa,îctioned. SI)N EY $MI TII. I>utîuastcr Geucrai. N. B.-In accardauce whiîthe above inistruc- tions, the iPost (Oibec lintisTown Miileg ta 1)0 open flor the doivery of Lettere &c., un Sundys.A. MCPILERSO)N, I'ostinaster. Post Office, lVlitby, 13 Mardli 10, 1860. 108 sherift's Satle of Lands. Coani>' af Ontamio I Y vintue of a Writ cf To Wrr:f J.> Fieni Fuels, insued onut f1clr Mlesty's Court ai Qlueen's Bondi, ut Toronto, sud to me dir ctod lagant the lîands aund teientts wluiciu wereofu Cornwaull Fane- Wili decuîscd, ît 11lie ii fis.eath iluthue huiaofElloît Farewvell, auliiiistratrix, &c., de-fendîtit, lit thec sutit af Arthur O'Letiry, lhtiititî. I1luave seized uî nul tkeit !li xceuttion ail tho iiterî-st wbicituie siid CSniwall Ftro- Wveil, dcciuned, ini bis Iille ime, nîîunt aielit nie ai hils deîtiu lunul lu ttît c:iiu ace on tract ai laund, heiiig thîrce quaurtors o i ii acre bre 1the same itiare or Ios, îeung cornpîîed af part of lot nuuînher fteon in flie second Concession af tlîe Townîship aofl)ickéringff-couinicnilugj .where a liant bhan bcî uited tt a distanve af two elhiis tlîrty soeti ani i thîuf linîksn oua course i iortlu seveuts two degnees ast train tîte nanîli West angle ailnîuid lote 'Iueu"coiortflno- ent>'fouarrdlgrecs, Ruint twva laiiis neveu iînkk;, TI eiucc uomtii ixtecu degrreos, wostthreo chîaiîîn atuîl tweiiiy tivo links, ire or Iostothe nanîlu, nideofaIthe puublie routu, Tueuiee nortit westeriy îîluîîg flic umtlihsie oaI lte said public road two et-aiis and neoveui links. Tiience south, six- teoul uiogreos ejtît, Iîrc o uaind ftl ilt> îiî links marei or Ions ta thet plaieiof 1 egitîiniiig. Also ail thîîît certiuin parcel ar triiet of lantdîl it- uatcd, 1yitiizuand uciiig in tlîo Village af Onlîs- wa, ILîI lbeî.ýecouipi'sod of ut part or lot No. ten in lte 2nuI Coni. ithe T'ow-itsîip af Ra istWlut- b>', andtuebtted un( bounuled an foliows : coin- îuîenciug lu fratothte sîîid Concession et flie tisimunco aIoiochaili t 1>' iîks oni a cuuurme nou thu, itvett>four degreoscast tram ulle anîli wcst uuugleofa uimd lot, tlietco îîartiunovent>' tour ulcgrees, eruaI anc-cliain tift>' liniks, Tfiiice noîtht sixteotit degroos, wcnh anc chirn.eveutty one liîîk., Thence sotîth :cv outy fton degrees, Wvest une clîi it l'iiknTheuce nouilusixtuleti degree-i etst aie le min sevouity ane litnks. AIl wlîtcîu lands,îand îoeuîîouts Ihuroronor thie said dcteudant1s ostato or inierestthxorein, shiah illefr fuillesîbntaPubliceAMiction as tollows, viz :-Thuc first dei.crilîcd irco quanterisofail ae. an the promises aht DutIhn'a Creok ou tMona, th~Ile Tweniy thîird dît> of April, X. 1). i 1.860, lit the hiaur ot Ton c%lock a. ru. And lte i lest deserihod an tîhe promnises aI Oshawa cia - M oiday thc Twenty ihîirtldii>' of Apnil, A. D. 1860, lit tlîe houm auf Two aock, .Ti NELSON G. REYNÏ'LDS, Siierif. C. O. Feor C. Noumse. r Sheniffs Office, S&W-Id. i Whitby, Juin. 21, '60. Township of Ubridge. TOTICE is borèby gin, bat lb.euCourt ai NL Rovision for 11'Townhipý ot Uxb' idge wîll .haid its ati sitting on TUESDAY, 24th APRILq,1860.ý At MoGill's Tavemu Gacdwood finsaid Town- ship, aetlui. hour ai eieven o'elook in 1thefate- acon, atnd aIl pcrnîons hàaviug business at tbe same, wiigovern tiietusolve&S nrdingi>'. 108 Towcsabip ClevI il 5 N 1w York., gherifI's Sale of Lanlsa. o0nt f Ontariol y T irtue cf a Writ:' 0f TeW i.i'DFicrici Fachuslnsuiwied out hem Mjety'%. (Jean of Queean Inech ktt T'orouto,,sud ta rme directed agaiust te aeliilg andtenmetuto:ChaceW.Ltunt aud i.. T. IÂoUnt, deto-lauts, athe nuit ai Thq.ce5 F. James, plaitif-i have seized sud tuiken lu e x- ecudeon ail tho enttato or juteresont e't% aid Ciiir- les W. Loultuntd G. T Loant, ià Lot Nuntber . Fourteiulu tho Sevetith ocucenstion - Tite ' East hait of ]Lot Number Oîe lu the ,Faurtit Caneessqiic-aud lthe ,east liait eLot II1utiiibï,r Twelieoin, the Thimteontb Ce;ncessieni ail 0tf u Township of Beeii lth1e Canoty' oÏtUtami- Algo Lot Numbier Tlirty;-seen'Jîuh13 rétken Front Concess*iou etf the Townabipcf Ram iii thlîot Jui'of' Ontiirio ; ail w1îioémlands., antd tetiemfents thîcreon, cmrItie aid dûfenîtautsi ostate or interemt tlîemeiu. 1iL41a01ofrirc- 'fur sale at Public Auclionq, at. .mnyOffee, inhic' Conî- Hbause, irn the Town of -Whitby, ou Sat- urday ilir T-veuty-sixth. -tdg of Ma>' A. D. 1960 - -lei hour of Tw'oive OCeei. < NELSOiiG. REYNOLDS. shormC. O. sierifse' Ofice t Pot C; Nou rse, Whitby, Feb. 15. 1860.' T HEudmiged han a lrge quantSt of ail T inds of Square Timber on baud, wioh li. will dispose of on ibemul ternis te parties me- qu!imiugthe sane.,i Application, if by'letter, ý(post paid) te1bc tuadotoJAMES B. CAMPBELL, 80 4Wn Aelnti-P. 0., 07. W. Quebec Government Àgeiicy. Buginffl -iineeted -wth the and other attonded to. Algo t Sectirod by tut be rh. Addrcns prepaid. E. J. CIiESLEY, Land and Gouieral Agent,- No. 2.-, Aune Street, Que becc, Mavrei 3rd, 3S40. 9 -ýDHEAP COAL- OJLS-! 1 $1 25 cts. pér Gallon. BEST CÃ"AL 011L! Geo, YuIçQs Telegraph Store, A NEWK 41F Just rcceived, uat pricesfrom 75 ets. ta $8 Altcred to hum Coal O011 92 GEORGE YULE. Hides! Hides-! Hides!1 rlundersigned will psy the highe-.t T* 'price iu Cash for auy qtnnntity ofi gond BEEF HIlpFS dclivcrcd ut his Tanuery iu Greenw'ood. AIl kinids of kept constatiy on band for sale, very Io*- for Cash. D. IMoMUROIIY. Grecnwood, Nov. 14, 185t1..~ O British Ainerican- Cirofllar Delivery& General Advertisîng Agency, 22 st. Francois Xavier Street, Moantreal, Canada East. k publlic, Iluat lie ix 110W prepareil ta nececivo <Irdems for I'niîutiutgz, AdélresminaLanti Dintribti- titi g 4ii, Circuiers, &c., also"Puuning Placarde uuuî rccivin Advrtinmons for lisertion ini hue varions il' înd Provinicial ,louînunln. le 'uill likuwise bc preîuîrcd ta reccive, snd b>' ueans ai lis iiinrnmis Agett, aminie for inîsertion, Advcrtixomcnts lu ýthe varions Papensà iimaighoit tJpper sud Lawer Canada, the LawN-i or Provinîces, and ticf -United States, umso for- the delivemv of (,lCireuamlu inQuiehce, Kingston, 'Toronto, -Jlanlilto(n, &e., tliui4 cffeiug th adver isos, sd ah Parties wishiig ta ecure eigudîu a11(d systemnatFe puhiicity for their iiýlonnice inentm, a cediain sud-speody ineunis f-daing so, ut a grettiaiilg of Uniie. trouble and oxporne. lUs Arrangements beiîîg now coutplcted. ho bogs te solicit frituiRuil*aui'Ceninies%, Mer- ehtnte Maiiiiiiictuiers, Tradetsineu, lotol Keep- org u ailioters the transaction ef ail each busi- iens, whichlha hegs ta amssure thetn wil 11e stricîl>' etteudced ta witlb uuchuiahity eand de*-. Patch, and tiatteme Itinoîr thul froîm luislong expercuce u Eîîin ltis liniofaI'Business ang wdl uas !n centioction with 111e Ifntr..dJ -Press, lie will be euabled te kive entire satis-j J..Dhtuiug, Esq., Socrotan> cf ftue Board cf Tràdo, sud Merebsuts' Exchangje. R H.Huîimiltn, .Faq., Castame and ForwauýiI ing Airent toihe'Grandi Traule RaIway Cern. F. W-. meus1huw, Esq., Memebuiül. James Doungili,Mesq.; Merchaut. E. H. Fumionsq,. Esq., Editer sud Pmcpnietor et Coîîinemcial Advertisem. - j' - e ~1'~,- Ad lands- mue un- of Ficeii John Hicks ;î'oln Ilico aionofL iin paréels tir ;herifi', . 0., rRE VIEW N -F f 'islier, willj )VmITE, 1 lumiules TLAS IRON WORKWt I~Front Street, Toronto. ~ 'HARLES VALE & Co.,'ý E G to inforni the publie that they have ré constructed thoso extensive promises où unt Street, (formerly jecupicd as the Ontarlo owcry, ini the uost complote style for carey- on the buirons of -n Founding& Smith's work. MI1 i tâ branches. rhey invite inspection of tieir uumerous Fat- ms of (Jrnainoextal Iron Fonces, Biconicis xaudahs, Valût IDoilr», Plain aud Oruamleuta st Iron C'olunsir, indow Caps, 8111e and IlCIIITECTUJML WO1?ge overy desceripton; Cookiug, Parlor and Bo- vos; Chuttes, Cveu Mouths, Cauidrens, 87opt* tbcsm, Plainu Castings and Forirings, aIl 04 icl tlioy aller to tho Trade and others on ad- ntuigeous ternits. le Country orders éiwc- illy attended to. Toronto, <)tber 20, 157 . 40tt OABH FOR 1- ODM The Unckrsigued is preparcd to 'AY CASHI FOIR any quantity ot i'heat, Barley, Peas, Oats, &c. THIOMAS MOODY, Càmrnissbon-A4g SALT FOR SALE, CIIEAP. h'litbly, Sept. 28, 18511 'QIEEN" Ire and Life Insurance Company. Capital £500,000 Sterling. v ai r oi r n G t4 OFFICE IN MONTREAL. DIRECTOItS. CIIAIIRMAN-WM. MOLSON, ESQ. on. Tohin Younz, Tiionias Kay, Enq. cenry Thiomas, Esq. David Torrauce, Es4q. Agent for Wh'Iitby and snrrotndiun,,Dittriet. IL W. WOODWARD. Wliitby, Jian. 21, 1960. 87-2in. Iew Tailoring Establishment! SIMPSON & FERGUSOIX. ESPECTFULLY nnnaunce ta the in- L'habitants of Whitby sud surraunding ountry, that they have opened a Tailor9s Shop on Brookc Street, ppo..ito the "Ontario 1Ilote]," where al )rders cntrusted to them wiii hc donc with estuoes sud deuipatch. Whitby. Oct. 20th, 1850. 60. Whitby Brewery. T lhlE ubsribers are uw repred to fur- nlîthe p 1traus of tlic %lit w witlî Lncdl lent article in sul qndMttte4io nay ho moqui-ed, and ou terins tasint puir- Battled aie oquai ta the iînpanrted Airticle. CLARK & NVOUD WARD. Whuthy, Nov. 1-501, 1859. "68r-44w. THOMASMY LICENSED AUCTIONEER17 COUNTY 0F ON.:, 1 enton, Aug. 8,18.59. 8mn la Yy llit'U.Y, utb.b 4., --

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