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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Apr 1860, p. 4

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JILt qDbrêo10s, and aiise spply clicer ccnntrio% , .s.--j1 ! o of cf Pi u tf~tlsg autte fsoisiosaandisiua î' 1loî CI M'ts oCainrth *!thlarg quatites Oilroi 1 1vuacIs, issue ouof lier 5je08 Cutte l.sahm nt videncts.efthe prosprausi ton- af Qaçan's Bencît, nt Taronto, andsita n0 Ti idition af.Agiclutrs. amngu s,5a" th".' iirect dtdagainstt he ansn d aitanensonts Ih 1>gb Étte towhich theii.see ey SIilart ç( ain~s alîotgsan and i J ames R. Arnso' bave be caritd by 0out formats ? Teo rang, defenduunla, et thecsr it d,thoBank ln thon> 1)15 ttIswer, this 8mlýect ilsof vast aof Toronto, pintifla.- I l'avis seizeil snd Importance ta oaý,r -1selbesauc e ô taken itaoxécîutio>n Il tie sa tate ai Inter- ihidi f 00 ~95~Oi~ .re nggtdlocaLcftIha siiJames lladgaon su4dJames t( i d e f t - ýi l pt p a re e e n ae c l tn , a c e i' t n i b e u g cel~qd c h 'y, and Slîsougiso ai.ws engage tha ut-. SouthsWest carner af, Lot Nac24, il-tiie moàt atention. ÂAnotheraretomme hy tiis 2nd Can. af the Township Of Wbitby, do- ahouisi excitea Ibm ln moye.0tlusau ardi- ocibesi as faucos:Tht lis, toa y. cer- la y ranue t ilp>Senti, is tht efaitt mnecing at, ï Pet planteid at the South i inosof te oldert ccllo'aed ditictilihe ltt crnr i bais loti (hes N orth sov-, (y six IlukThssd (ou tluird licite, athenc tllIi5ity Pls hn caao alte> ti ILNcths ixteen degu-es, Westfifteau chains, accta frth anle aciity ainon- aur pan. tisenca South soent.ySour degrées, West pista oreîieva avie w ihbave beu in- six chaini sud sixty six aid two third Ilcîrd pasrihe toil iy farmer ucoina aid -links ta tlue ide lino hettween lats toenty uascieuniii farsng. Theto are a nay ei.f[ur and twenty &ie, thence South ixteois altrtacts aof countr'y ohera ohet won iegrots aiohig the aide lins lEftton chaîna once tl5tivted wonu grtat soccsn ansita the place cfrlsgian'.ng.. proiloloteîîô ne naftia ow gown uan vlncng u (ho 'Northsida Prt whe anaact fi snwgowiefn a arSetntis distance , a i Smobin and e i th .. fruts,éla, o a curs Soth14 0 Veat frainithc in- antis an*the potuuh and plo.i whicis a10 toisction on ith Unîi'y t'ot oith the lice lie* alont Ota eenkn sdoan 'iih.between thoeat asil es t halossaof raid tboy once launriîhedu IL ha§ blan epitovei lut. Nao25, tisansNortis 16=, West 39 tisatinluproportion te the xtestit of ail cui hains à2 l'iksmûror aeIcs ta tise North tivated i huhan beau a decaldeate f' theendi cf tienoSauhhafoaisaisi lai No. 25 Agololtotal pied tts of aur counry, ansi Thon South 74c>, West alang (ho Noth- ibi bs 1c~u cssd ay toropr ultva cuhanndaryaf tise South i'afosaisi lt thionbasti orlcuistîno imptiser ultiva.No. 25, 2 chaîone mate ar lean ts a Ipst aif *- tlue ditance cf 3 chaina franrijtie lice he- faîtoa*-at fninnly ol, nppetstttd tntn tise saisi lut 25 ansi lai Na. 26, andi (issi, tin graisi, fruits, hbay, butter, boefnisd on (ho Etast aide of iaid lice, theu Sauth petit raisosi su fàÏns as aidsi dta qonan- i6c ,Eaut 119 chains,32 links s fnarstet mer, roptasocti au miursoai'heha fertile (ho Nantis aide af Allary St. aforosi, (holng soi itsef, ansiflisnt aes-y lusel of onisat 10 clains ansi 18 lieks frau tho front ail oi Otieor. cta aieafram i taroquirasI ta ba tisa second conroanbaon,).tise Nanlis74 0, Iretarlitotigaish te it - n saine forma nsco- Easotslang tisa Narihsida aof Mary Street stioels1oxdetlie ealty a'fuue .2 chainn Anre cfran sstu tiiplace cflbe- stteasa. Ibi the lï naw cite ar - gunningu andlclantaining byadmetiàn10O tceim6d, nasitilfermtsctt fioandation ton&. atoneai' agritalturai scieuca.- Oli flrais, Alqus-AiI and singulef thnt certain par- lilader prapor cuiiratinn, csti hasoade t e t or (foaot of lanîd anul 1roilisscbing lieisi arget ctops- (han cWhfst'n iaia'1/12 i is niCn1 ai ti Toor- the etisanthad aof anabling thoata le s, slip (if Wîitby',cr uIiiIii nt e n 0 botte!tisc lîttandi West linloon of aisi ctn onty ho scquirod by expérience. The lt2on the.North aideo lt f eetan whôe siene ad rt f a-,Iitutue Imai anttue distntce cif1) ciains 68 links item W autumesmop le a fow onarsnlit consistesthue Sauherntirait of nid tt 25, tison lu us ,practice cf (ha Moat nucceanfal fan. Norths iGl iWest 39 chisa, 32 ika ta mor ,hs; it lihoant> acre guida farctis. theso Nrtis end Oai'the o utîh hictiof îaid are ta fsleow. 'Mnfny pesonas oros ta~ lot M, thona South 74v, 'M'est 5 chains, couside r"agu-tiaa cot" ulalgt(hen Soutis 160, East ta lry Sit, thon t .ýeului-al sNencs"in theEngautàalorug duo Nortis aide ai' of w btaniu;shiis cau Le eely lIrns. Mary Ststet, ô clim.iin tatise pInce af le -edlu colleges. -But ona assnr WethSialtnig 10 l surtllsgexcediglypratical i 10 Atea-Viltaga I.ots 'Non. 49, 50, 91, ansi m oe pnhing-mata (han fnriig cotint. 100 East oai Broci Steet, in thet Town cf adin ithe otiandsita nystaoile-nain- Wlitby, occrding ta l>ry's plan aof lot son. No. 2W, in (lue 2nul Con. ai tie Township Atth(bi seas c oftue yeer1 go stsl tic Of WhislbY. Atteionsof ou ffarinera ta tiirse, tse ted. Alsa-Sntith Ëast tijisoter ofth Soutis liallt f 1t 25, in thur md Con. cf theoTown- !di, Ideas ohic h anîsi gavoru ln agrieclsip ofi Whsitîmy. 25ores moneoranlésa- tard. In the 1sotchasical depantimet ai'Ail whièhl andoand Iccemeeta tittron, et fàtsnuumg, it la a gtatif>misg fàct tisat- ot tbo saisi debndrots' eca-tata ar intatost tilury ÏýIs onrivallési ithaulus ta aur -in. (Iloein,J1uhal citr fr tsalaiut Public Anc. Vetransi the encauragemsent gfven ta tluîî, t ny ofcer, in tisa Coturt ltouoe, in te t héis prtection -cf patents. Ne thse 1'awi of WVlsitsty, in (lia County ai th.aw eaun onîhy -ho ascccsfsm nea oOntarioon Surdy thntTwenty tiird tirpiya is InOtlabr-savs~loileuens suyaiNEI.S0ON G. IREYNOILDS, asnd machinesaansi ta.-aes w la a caret- Sheriff, 0. t) tain aigu cfsoncêsta sn rs l it l'Cjîifid a ia r C(. orîMa. -litstue ataçrity of oastrmésinadopi. îia iael20 86 0-tî. icg the mot retonily pateetesi 1sud im-____ liravesi aciîior. Âng tise Most Val. tale paitit ulslsed'àarc thone far agricul. (oral implementa; the> aMot with ready -1 .-Masisansi aïejsitiy a'emuaeiative. ,Evety fit Ol'1st i asmence tisé aaasan'a op. eratiansoltla the >bst isopemeuta hie cau û4tisa ; s sii7td sfse tsusa SIIERI1FF'5 8SALEt 0F LANDUS. for heir cot lbefore the yean lsattisani. - -#*- COVNTs'OF O1Tà%uqO, taO N Saturdaytheu Ps8'IM$tBT tY ISRUBÂLE.-Dnon't you 7'uu Wit. § Secondl day ai htkcw tbat multitutdes paraistently loak eway June ' A. D. 18601, st Twelm'e 'ctaclt, frthe Daerosnarsa pleasant tiings tisey noan, oI L e saisi by Public Anetion, aI migi-Ootauntat, snb Iuit lxety asi ny filce,ith tise Court llcnin buho Town lilnai oiatatl B pieflAauulsoierh-aiwlitby, tisa ighutti.as mito ahngt onsanty a panful ad mlseab.whirh tht ucdormcitioncddcfondantasetv *la thiigs? Yoai it iont, nMY friand, in rsity punaisa in tise nusermentioarsi landsî pa linuosug lurn, Lbasisie the onening lire. ansi tcuionnts ilîrnoan, neizesi by met un- Tise bîst oithaut lis hardhy hoardi through der., suad by vitie of cartea-in IViita of Pieri tieroite pnrtaina' Yor orfeà t(ora, Facies ta me dl-rteil, viZI i ad .yulir 4w guow-up daugistars. Yen lu tisa Court of Quuen'a Besch. - féeltbacitusl (bat, afier tisa hastla of tise Tisa City Bsnl,Plaintiffun' a. John Itickt jlay, y ou haî'a t"i quiet rteat obere youe nsi James G-joos, Driîndtants. ins ýst, nuit refit yearself fer anather day WitiA s4t ol' But isa oanversationc gea In the Court of Qutîen's Benis. ein. Nutsn 5tbo lWeul i'but te.fsilings Tise City Bana', l'slaifla vsJohn Hiciti of tise servsuati and tise idie sîma iiampe and Jams G~ oud, Dftfndsnts. doue aiyuS boi ;'ulea ldees, it bha lie Lot NO,.9,ilnluthe 4tls concession of ai' î înu"ioûnsbow ittiAwhlch I(ra;.eoaîsTow nsip cf IBeach, cantaiulng hy atteds thtitsftrnoaa pasael yoer i, ansi tis aüsrtetnt 200 actas. faci (bat (lus pîtisant direr part> at vili I h or fsm 'oe pan sassistadit he eneng befoue at Mr l iaCutc aml es hsotisslias htimn scrtiaineul teabhavebeau Essec Wataoc, plsllsiiffvs. William Sham fini a saeandcisep ciaroitar, bis Moredefendaunt Ail andsi gngilat-t Obs. cai't1nspaftoals e honoai! lgodtsshavis11 dices ce tise previ- tracîsisc lan'ans peiaissaalOits, 1>5e ssday. ltootp petty dsiarreeable ilu yaa ansi Seing iii tisa Ttruhilp ai Whiltby, If iu, is boâisI cut, inruei igeniaaaly in the Ceuni> ei'Ontaios belng otmposedà oeay, ooa.ilo lglt, andi aggravated ansi tbut part cf Lot nubur twentc-ax, i lt e.xaigoatrî bu th isahest dogmea. Tieseonad concesion oai'(ho m»ld oOOihiP bt iatuul a scnocesanoy suta lolloit. An Wbitb ',kcawn amnd ec'lil ee Plan bou utle ofths dscilie bins ai1 pa-et i ds by, John $blet§ Provinlsl heurairIonof bis iscplie bins LasndiSirveor, as village lats iiWsbere tins ta a sulky and fnappiai fonîne nf i' ud. . ,sud foty-one, Pest fBoksfe Andi, i ofas a'the cisarfat ansi tianul u aiipln lso, ail igbi, titsis su l. mot siinis yen vers dispaiesi te Lid ter-ct oe usaisi williaes siti s seUli wliçss u dat daon, yau si tiat your ots..nhaoumolrs twety-ninîiandsudiitî, (2u wiais'moral sature la jarredansd out cf ansi 30) in (ha second tier nhésefiftis dou. gent. Ansi yur vife, -pour singitrana blhe range ai' village Lotsuettofi'Brook jourielf-passa inta moc uilal silence stneeot, bing part of Lt nusuber tovnty- - savon, inth istn cosncesion ef (haTown oser >pur isocha-books onilaisyoti are nt aspet Withyafotonaisi. liksIy for Iis evrening ta ýmach appitaciata NELSOINC. REYNOLDS, or ehujy< line, 1 pt it te evet-y sensible Shériff, . .. 0" rus e s t asp&irns F't Feu O R t SALTe E . tW lbn g« b ore f e eea isesoe îalagbas lssel Nl04sJ5 fo apo md-Pr- a ÀLv geed" RE S u/a air aD ste ie loa th ons ofsesa; hs tyesil> if te un Als h. mt na vtar.Tins.aunassn ten .scsivThedabe pInkt UIarp Lodu a bsas brai sunL, Cý Fi utëparticahau, appt> (Ji by ltter 14éI.Sate Ite C Kf it n le if andt systemnatj e pusltlity, Ino tîtin iil1a0111lice nentï, a eutain sud spondy Ineuin oi'lnlie,0 nt a aroat uîaoing, ofUie, trouble sîlîsi osipiliso. I11s Artuoents biig slow duotetie ie6aS taeltliai froun IlsWI 1 .10olisIU*is, Mer- hbanta Manufneatuqre destîtoll, I l , 0 a- ers aiullathuetns temu aont l ucIlnab ha-, neos, oblulslieibuga tea ostîn thîrnu owilI ho tietly isitenditu te îh tiotqi lity galad(As- saei niflatr ilno thuuîtfoun is lon og iptiO5h nlii teuisid is ia inoflinos t5w oei lu tas cssui 111ettton onitu toafMmoeul Pres, se onmRiti3a llnohtd 10 l wt temo ntîn- acotion. - EtROBERT MOORIE. 3.- G. Disnsuimîeu Enq., 8,-rmtcioyý of thn fouuti ai' Tinde. onulINterchiotmEuohunugo. Ri Illluumniloin Eoq r (Jto!nioanîd Fotoard- icgr A1zeit tthnc ùnud TotutîhoRuilîvttîyCoin. P. W. Monurtiio, Ent., MIuitu. JamîîîoD.oiugil, Esq.Mtumiuauub. E.,11. I'nnolbns, Mo, 6iter sud Proptieiol, at Canuilonoinî ilAîbortiat. Quebeo Govcrnmnent &gency. Bunira cuîrimsl i th ie P11BLIC XflPMUUMIENTS mtonobasitmu Aine Seirroiby (be hmtoOnuibp'n. Addlrno propal. B. J. CIIESLEY, Land alil dnrîl Agoit, N.1-, Auo Stoeet, Qoalro, sieriu oI;1800 tîubo. DEI4TSTRY IlDE NTISTktY! DEiNTISTRY. DR. C. C. JEROME, Surgeoni Ocal&soi .1 nitopilics o o..1bisfor liI r i"nli tfwwiidleallkeooisor o-tuto ta 0oil ths ioanrqirîno ArtifiriliTeoîl., flint lie lins 10W obiiinoda Mîîl.iioftor worbîini flic vilcosiiil rublior,illio n vlîlrh lie nul l igr titl kiîoisandi olyltri imiTeth, ýirCheaPi -t/ida Aa ear e indome befor I îitiî tub prionms. Dr. C, (j. JxRuo. onu gunrolilen l fit tha tost îlltlbiilt catiniith tgreîîil prociobosi in ailllH conta, pal-tics dm n av inek Tertli ail cfrlid Guilim, nli ii i noeyrset fat istîi)or n îy otlior hlid Oftr li k onon ini lgt. Thlia ooruric i lily pprovro l I inl Gf thelî3ivitig Liinitiin Iw lOrl, ud prili- cipîdllesir tlrosglîont theo Uniiod Sto owîivilg tae liaiolîigtniclliglîtor ano ca in onrorivo naturi, îîsod it is, anltroil tor.t (f ilîrr e )îro, dresioL- lîgherend mollre 1îroforoble tiîîîiîgolsi oran Cher o ll itlir plaîtr. Dit. .1làiiiii îîiitsil,i1it 10 bc boni i111minAl tllit liei liasin iitiv reliciltht îprto'cgwhieh lirrotnfore w0c tlî..t'I nîîîrd. 1le % ruilAFr1so farther ott tnl110îI la'lîî iooiîcoihlnîîim sing tle nlîovc uîilîed nîîîioristl ft o or.dîl isoit pnoýjt,bdiiriiig hiolafilnisclias Putui îa grnt Ilni el.rrof conro, anij iol l i l ttnce ftic hart of sadsfaiOtloflblé boruin înoifartiid loY tlh î atioîln. (dold, Silvar sud Platina Plates nut up iu tise Latest StYles, Oft.aojîr taluos îstlz, aniîr Jittrisîteit. Ail Sqirgienl oporniiolil of ficîrTrtlî or Çiaîîi slnillfîîlly porforlird. gtfToollitonîrrird hohuip l n molus I5of sitrtrtiitý. liiltiil jar attenon Oiglvnllt trgilî.ilo ofUtilil lroo.'ti oth- n'nisîîitowiî Fe. AU twork lWnnsrsîiten P.S. C-1tI1nnd aîotolnapoliuals of thl.. onl riofore go.Iliug3"1yo cil olî Iionrkidoiilnr leiCI il& VALIISKLL'5I Morii, oflrr Limeon«f PnnWa jtrIroc3a.trent, ll'14.. Sent. b1 859. - ly- ww DE NTISTRY. Remo#al of Dr. 3. Jokàes, D ,JIYES' flsiiIsî6 trtiP40111% î,iioen afBryasleistai, BrookStrect. z>paiia ieded ai 1i/orredefa FO AEOR TO ME. 3 IIOYED'FARIIS, lat.-l0O acres santbh al' tof Tnt Ne.1 19, IrA rccessiiai'f Viîtby, itonuas0 part o e Is ARNIST1UDNtGEST&TEI 0alY tOit milen front tha Ton oai'tlby. 2nd.-50 acres SouthIY'Wot quarter ai' Lot Na. 28, fti concrsonofa Datîiegian,* about iglt miles freo 1ionmanville. Btd.-hO acres South Eat quarter o Lot -Ne. 18, 11ith ceonsion i aMriposa, about o milra fraotLindsy, The abuternientbor.ed Lotsoare filnut-clsss Panne, lustua inîgi state of cuttinatsan, goasi Buildinogsansi seattiportant Tons. Willl hasalaI raaoiabtt, iand an fatona- be terre, Apply ta .I PRY Ags-nt for th'e C)asn. Whitby0 Oct. 6, 3859.6 -Valuabl,-Fa>m for Sale. ,&baot 2ç àures alionesi Th ciseuiSaFrin.ius Wtmted lu tlie auuutcset an exteJteus t haotînOaa leiaitsul witAuis sout six amu.s ettiselasopsnttToulaiut WTerisiotrh e 1'myublt pilk.Iý1, r t TOMAoS HUSJTON, Aqnit>yfged *&1ý¶F' OCiest a lm 41 w * d are in receipt, per NOVj SCOTIAN, Of their annuni supply Of FIELD& GARDE N SEEýFDS< itnd, as fortnetrIy, from the -Seod Stores Of the- Royal, grctlturitl Society Of Scothand. The lst1 2nd, and 3rcI prerilm Turnips last. year1 In.this Towmnship, Ivere gorown'froc' Sted of theit 1Importation. TU,ýPS- Serigspurpie top SwvedU ' Laing s iînproved Swede. - Large white Globe, Large -yellow Globe, CAIZROTS.-Wlîite Belgia4n.- Yellow do Long Orangea Red Altringbafllî -MANG0LI) WURTZEL,-Lohg kec. -Yellow Globe. White ýClover, Tares, &C., &C. OntarjoSeed Store, 1 No. 2, Tilils Block, Whitby. -1 'HAVE AT THÉI11R NEW STAND uCL O rER and -TUb TUIr, Together with a genevd l ssorilnent Of :0:- ~Iitreveived fi'orn theAmericau Market, a qu'utty of vîz .-Cloths, Cassiîîîeres, Tweeds, Satinetts, Jeanes, &c. Ladies and Gents Ilats of the latest styles. Boots and Shocs in grettt variety. Icw --: 0:- l a- At imesestckofTesToact)LOWd e & P GOWeLLe. Brocit Street WhitLy. Begs to inform hici custoiners amni the pub- hC0, that he bis lui t comuîenced to sel1 off ît luIS EXTENSIVE STOCK 0F DIZY GOODS, LADIES') FJRS, BUFFALO ROBES, AINI)GROCERIES, To niake rooîn for bis Spîring Pur-chases. Parties ueqtiring such, had better catll before purchuNitig elsewhere as great inducemehts will be given for cash. X. B- Casti Paid foi- Whteat, Peas, Oats, and Poiak. LV PERMYIS1BRICK BUILDINGS.& Whithy, Feisi-ary, 180. sté -- ~81>oer s- 72 ONLY $75'FOR ONFÈ 0F SINGÉEWS CELEBIIATE» SEWIXG MACilINES DT I A I'E m n ho1, cuc it oo > -pot. 5(u r o uL . llS sg r u a i TVý .tsifi lln Ihm nido utol» munutol ige' area t nossb ih iaaiIrAtho auh îls leîtcu il.01,1 r maon bis mut11ieictsist17WIn ehT uetoougmîstrntcinaligfs thae tttt a No. 1 MACIJINIE $75. No. 2 MACHINE $85.1 No. 3 MACHINE, -LARGE ÀNDI) mPROVED, $£6. I bale e tmmeinlntin teritnaldsfralu Bnntmad Sneaslh¶/i5sTwonl bftm on I- s0s, PrlVabo Foutiie"-, m t henlir, Iso are uIil sy tâisiie-lI e nr e rsanmesding thiou tigîss 000t. EnnîitI.no ietig ôsiIeiatni, tuueu loY tisa tva klvt sd toast oxisntus loatrel, Det. 1"5SMet 1869.es t Wr iake puOcrtnlut nttg tootiiosiriyl on5 a bae itsd eveaiorEz j. NexoIe'a Sule eanpieis corii tonutie lloono lîoatnt als rO wheusrp llrda patol iu t, oui VI.Ii 1 J. Noft-bo. bng hsuI dureinusiea I nsihave ian isjhiilUo asulu ig chat bthe"aMint lartie t min nonlhc SYz "o othmTotec uugfoIOtti stuu:e ppoed Aasst- Pate, and rqtenitaeahicf t ac ueno IIrn Mle.sae,- h5i4 simtrin .i'th iJA& ciulds m use. HLM OUseM wl elt ecciedsi -1FL..J. lNAc0LECni»x srtqoavn llàus c is1iU 25 ut ei,,Iluin .isMm0"!4± Fati - vr tli*& ihlt'ss UMs ls, Motairsl5 '.EC, O15v-L 1 111112swae sLfsd «iAssUîîuss ur *t.nlrass oi DE GOn1NG, (rormrIry of Èng1andi) ont Ã"' îlot Mnjrrti s% l2slt n îoagol0 OIW , te NDu0T UC oTorslo, snd tel nie0 ilgût îi 5i5I~ '1i D r5sKLb )t rwus Unîd tunnitLqwbjhh ,oeof- Corr 501,1 b,,s mnlsS wel dersd 11 d ii oOspîsS eli niîtlf Ilitenliquii ohi l ailiîi -tillee,s L oora*a, w Ol l l droot#$h il isr si1a Ioii ot2hndnu, hnbg ilinc îtoD 'ro tllîî aa ho Ian poinniOS l1ohav îîg ronfiiOl OOk l in pot il.oiî Ai întlis olo lti heiiiit n.tIifitr t hé l $noid C*lio FA0iiîOdi i1 T în t#....O..s Je si-unîii ivls dToaàs.ii lilitos liaonidat e, 11]lt te tÃŽn01" t10* FN oden, îtlforlt îîilrol o lI orhi t ait 'il thouî CIona l~ îefclie f aansri it,0 rosreîîrtlî t'iiF clu trc0on csoî fr "le1 Il ou ()D NG1' ha* e 1 11 1 "11 ou1 ooonle" ilsiîdîtici,,h"î of m a nis tit i A s t Iirto -ýin: lor i rili go rf , en lt è eondiaiO a'l . îrr T h lotr t t hsob at oo. a(,ide aio pîîrt h ueil plnt ' uîrll w l , em diil .OtO'X TitTburl$ o lj &'o îkn l it an on and Il lia of Ili i'tiif oi helO 1 i liieg osre Iss nitplll, lrtln Aoli" Ilîot tidl(rrloriute taî ni cwci ered'asu te ic m i i bî ot coiila saintr, iltis angle1ofciuig lt Tflîn uT llog s,olO 11i 00l po 0 1 0 flia, tont ir nfroniail ti l%%tii t ic ibid C inkmalreomollsi f itnt ii oigt rdiC . >ý .1 itnsid Ade 1 t frpulicl o tlrll Cheýý oii05te I IVO S D ia lI iloo sti f'î lîîlDlie 11v liitil011 0100 l Tend lîsfîl d'cinoseî\lvîîû et.0 lu'io ...- y uim niisabvliIe t. lie Vtln arooi troe dgrei cst e citi0 i nel ndi l i llulîko Tio îîralyctsdb alulhh3in)Otlte lne oo ln o r lstromoîthe:t itunof oooîîîlug ii o"ts 4 iN3i.1 r isiinesi il. ogetl orsitlomt oleslyliiel n ri n.i t lSi tortnt Alo almiduitot ue olîin aceCor traco i m s i- aTa ts.lt, Ç*w ., ,I lll i in l ; îîîd lfi îoîîîVilr lag e po of lita. eCt . 5, ISit) vi :TîolIo dociiof' uýrtI l[ iilteýt teIAsoto offl (dertJitS lOI.>r iJne ' <y, ij M-11,. It n -lia co" iiiioot13i si 1)iîllttèei'cythIroolv , t1n0 Mondutii titho 'rn d bItrîI let i io o 'i t O util - iiedE - inint îlit frontroftheo-idoto i îîio nt ee Ç NT [r À ' IM S lanîlsoriiÙuevilaointhofioii)oa- i Iinkýý o a 1 CANT N CiP Yr iloi dith, e ty To utir î(le d Ai if 'i 01 A 180 t ' u ail 'îîan fomylins, TieuKiîjouteot.. Eaol, uienrthoSt th Slîorttelleffioo, S s li lE Cîîîiy fruts y li i liibO une ii., Tdoi s Miit eulty, 100.te A èr. tu d rîf to Içîo W Obi a - tItis p I Vi m-, eamos ielleséatudeîlcnsllA nailes.lnnkra IlýITo lns idof (Jxi dgý teço o i i 'ui.i inia pit i a) îlt shah oofajli.rrilrclollit OuollYe ziimiiii.tillisYfolomoo actej.l0iotheosiul tOi ioN liii Cnîîîp.îî.î. lonoonîiil ModnteTei- 30'lseli dn PoftrA.ftit A, IL ilîiîîi t1r61 IL.lln1ltilianeUbrionlte a.fIli. Alla1the Itanttit8e jo t Dtlîle.y gbromsntt iqosio rcl iirA rllii liiirîîmith 4. lIoi îi m fis' 5 ijlriirdltonI oilo C O.TIil T . C îiy O MtOIiA ln Y 8mian 18 t îll i u l i vo o locpl ti ii iiiii s ti,rho.iiichOt O il.r t e, st shrtUEs I)A , 1s1h &APIIL,180 . ,IîIiiimît îliiilolitiol orthe f Tiso nîî lîlro Ahthy ail ii 2To1, Iloo ti r. uut lmos- ii im 2î1, ilol ontr.tilTl.coo iret rntol. li Iroeo rll5* irîsi 1on. ' O lr tti hel iîibrloi olii, iltic iso IIIoirril ît. h o iiifm etîr thliiio. T oe îto.n ostil oî171%i B fo rltî 10.3 bc-octeic notijnaji a Jvioe-eý ltctrite l ie . ,ae iheut ldlling o5i11 . 3 s -1 QuciscitA omscyfat tIshTry ila E Colunr hv. Tohil] flcprs ss14o. l in t NEr op.OlioI l ri$ rios cmo, u- kr'-en t aitih( The C. tilt uS mu]lse o ,itiy, e mialto sîle ecdl 500 fI'.srtm. b el dil 1 n t o t of ia . ti. hiîir ýlt $ tît hinoj a,'jisnte o . ioto- anL1 olrnv"oîctili ète utfjdios icnotIu stesittoitinti Vs cro'siuicut. DcpniîîSîlo. 1 ýtIâ,160 i s r 'telicinasîinlao of Tit.rio"ld tinet. Perotîn lrnicîu cf cistlitb t' altiîî fr bcghi uit lst, i h cîmo 1lltian i t1l. lldo ii- At itý4iýlro Il , "..i ltit lO0lOl . m .bo n lîo a ri lot ' dlr L.un, t on ýb.Iino ig etIu;- il 111 n t, lu t1S fort - iimiiiinlsr ltiîrqint miiIfIb r ugustlt ( i"llirlI iTh~it igai tîon Ile pEl Et llîlî eî li for1dm uit sorte ntln il ln I Voilteo , -lv luca uetIy îlo i.2 Cs Qui.olnr ni lll fur IlleîT . e i oR: iii.rtî.i B'.' turbot iqil Ille 11vr1 1nt but Agoil.e tliî:llicospmioii~î'10 Oiii.iliint Bo t 0i . nolieuse fitoîiito. ZVE IononASioOP îFNF O FI CEî-i y 1\ Quch. ml-1i"tT , sentt. Ou, nlot po-it bnelo fur i ltiT uiî îul oîî f ilîîîî 1' oiret.t f heL'Sl w ne IlofPatpies igi n îîîîîîîîtîIîîî C.amnot. ul (?Iivm i C.e u Lan R,%o ld uW l to~la toox 3 lierIwmo IlIlitimnfQiiondo, LnîlI se - coptnenisiid t. iîmijo.1tr(,OleedOoilitrî bti jiliii att.i) i.. sc liigtei ifE iiioOilIîtlihi ii'it~ -T itn, iltjo m rii "i il .t.llIl praI Qunso r iv l lro.t al 28 131. ter k i Iiuooîî', hr apfnstfli Go eriiitnt ti rcitiiiig at lin ~. tlniEbjiiu.'tiî ilt lgi ai d inf®rmationtiAittaitiliIlerlitlthelîii-uutiiitirnikilmîtt. o tr CONStH\0lice>'1i hv teri l la.%uojî2eteuttîlmîon înimOit '.«- ittre)ibe t teiiiJmb r à i sig-F.S businrèt qtillig vitl.-atetjmluu.u l'- aibtlub o9 -met- I oto u, TIo im T01. 1C. /-ris II, ul\m-mdodtaliiPal,). FRED. DELLENBAUGII, suutiî/.mulaiotuiIAtiul/i, oml/aO >I BUFFALO, N. Y., l mIn I lue tuisa ihtineau iiilee oýelnc" u ent Tcîlhu, Itiin.imitlb0ý btle cl'I u-veruOoilty %..aiing o itmut rtutm! orttiu, iii fullhrîiîuofsc./-nia Iinu i&at theuqe uut n sumoc îilet. i uîî .ýoîoî lm î tu. m î u rte0I5ofheî cuiny, hptuin ,o-.ît- end : t l rl etthe ""i - i )imtuo 1ao l nt p pivutiboitoî mpul jui . Ii l -etiitttillim.tiuitiiooultsti . b"Iýti.iooudlnsute l airobitimii h itbonh 'tiîro tctiugma lmusi, tyu lejuui>lonbîg mîtotid, diiiiuiai lIr thi-Ii i itt t i orruuuu t. i Ti imiii iltiodite 1r îrggi.tn fi'osis'e. 'fo tîmseoomli J. E. m IiT lItP ; 'i'itlî t h ea IlOL o ,l o l i i eii oi Ilmîîuumto Ibit ix hitt tî,n NI!4! r1,w N e t1 a tt mr r rî tt fie'fnoiim 4,9ît l i. toded i -stilytonltrnuitit1snd lier ou aille, fiioly fto iiimreun i itillesun 10 ro loIaaohaomer, hluilt hooultîoe. Sheritltc Sale cf Landes ie thierg,, lutts enooeytluiug oi hOI cîn ri - ru. [luit hua I %,Up llis uiloeilîn li Sm o tilloa, Y * ne a bWirIsk1nh Du au.,beüdo1 ialud 2 T1oinuiber 1lisai .. I N' t f luinlo 1!e Fimi eis mfuî WttiE on i oir NtLjtNu a FCor a fuQiem Bounteo.h litIJOII noit, Imb i ftajoIm au ictr4i ift the boci uhies' elrt h ,N tatofui Srsna rilîllul uad tcuits.1 hrltoîi W. LLitit iait G. iA Ouitaiy c i 0 rotaallai isn af this anci T. Lonut. îotu' nthe itt i nao vF. r ii coolsnuir tie besd ptsluotieu. i' or si Juïnast, Plitubitf-l lia i tmzoliiaîîAtale i tmx- e- ra umuos i i .tenot o lushuical proloons cîîtnnmil tht osîatu o r llteitrnt of thma id Chr-ucunlitilager ao sniaitstîtie psiubilu les . Luntnd . T LonitlitLot îî.ralier oass ami aleituiOa okiig ihihti hot W.ct Luit îuo SevO T lsmm, i .i n tti Liner and ,t luno, axpalliîug therero fnitub'mi Ii tt ucicuth ilOromouo ajui1b sotbinatter, lntahningiiigitc tuattinai uit F a sot I h ab , if i.L u t u iN t i r o S ) , l a t h e îi uo ru li o it g n o a li a n tt is as a b e uo o l se tu tu l t n b e Coîo o îuem î hei, I ini .mlet Lot lqnsh.o i-l nsî i e o reiitd n tou co .isr<h id a T u t eit n j t i e T b tu u îl a i o m t i i a i l o r t h er j 1 n , iu r i i ! i t g f M 4 R t n s q , I u e i i b o u s d C I ,)u fo m i m litp oi l l i c l i i bmt h eC e i i n ty ef tn t a d te- I ej j L> s t u t u . G a i ! L b d î l ! Abîo at NlîlulinoTbiiby-ctoîuiii iuo nroio e. yosaG-Rret Da;Acît, ,ObiS'tt, A hie Com,. ty f OIlit io ; il ohm s là tud o, " I l e1So tho s a i 1 su1 asu i il otîit .iinsna un ollle t iou i n tiim i hs i î u r ii . o r t h e auitiu u i t l i bt 5 i . îý t u , i, r c r g u în l a - o r d é r- s i r t iu u 1n in r r atilo o r iit e r-oci h eior iiu 1b ob ilI o ffo t fo r X i elc fin îiquolsr oloea itilulo AInitmi , i iy (Iff"inobute t lit I t a fa §r. tl ii5h'llai ire, I'oîuru 30'IiIihy, SuaS t v i ntlher elinu i h îts o' na n lec Vrrcaun ai protrata tAhoîoy irs ltT -itînh dîîv oi'ay ÀADe186(1bi - --ailie houruof 1 wulvO'cuoni F16VJIRMÇDICINPB. N E L SI O N lu . E Y's N O L Db S . o- I u u u let i o n - a r b u ta i t n xet l n e ncc t 0 i fi î n SL ; i t t . . u N . .1 l u t w i h o îo c a t a se n n u o l F r Sh in ffe cho relt P rt C ' N til e, i t , aId isd u 'f 1 kw m . 4- net h ia Wiuh. oieï ruiu.tf860,,ad eidPiamsa, ;à a a - îmua-t'uao ,ieliiîes lî efttCURS, --~ -. rE i[ffEIR. t ri oanlne Iron t ne o tils bdyta ti - :~~~~~~.r tirsiiuet erte livt cOtiintse rlIE mi ltr-iIi, hzl- i:1lu 000 quuî.uu ,i'sîîor aitocare propsrad hy Irtu Daos S'it T u 'i.iili. mis làubnd wlbrli l a io,1 Whtuo i Ia praotaâeîtlus Iluil "'hîhrubtil imm.îh loternis t 5irte ,re ý!.vern1, tra, s carreetlitenene f tIi Akpp itieuîîuîiltliy ltt, (linS pildi Stub i-cl oh the, *raels fni od~m Mad aAo 'rouire. Dellenb9&ruetCs, BuiS1 y iJAMES B. CAMPBELL, 11cIl lx iskgsai 1saectiouul i ,Caunponpua 50 4n onkbnni > < < l'b lu-tqlut Ns. n là solîl fosr $1 petrlottle 80 4n Ahbua Jý01 Ir for 45 Scent@. Witiit tiss imple notil, a irtmouli'red ta th ise ille, rolyiisg Mrasïs ,CHEAL> COAIL OILS ireireoane"ogdu*.. s55 $1 25 ct. per Gallon. BEST COAL OIE!' 8125ctsper Gallont i Geo. Yuie's Telegmaph Store.' - A NEW STOCK 0F J ut reneoi1cd0 St pr i't ui 75M uts. ta $ Altesou t(ohur u CsI iti 92 CEÈORGE VULE. Hideis! Hides1 »Ides! T uniotoîgned Wi psy tisa isghmst arc nC&4ifray quaudity of goqi BEEF iIniOS delisvel dat isaTanuery in - /reengosis.-Ali knda oft L l, A T H F, R isept consentir cu'asuul ffie vu-J1le 1e« Cash.~ JAîi,51t~u.'S. . G v R& a hT o pFit ,» DEPA RTM N ' 'Qober, lOts Masris, 1660. No. 49 TO P(>STNÂsTEB IN C. Ws tt.FIcOG I'fCLE 9 OFt TU Oui mî tin(hq oislg5aiilfito enpti tir t) -Tslia is tiste postisg Oaiette iootiet uli ma, me steutt"doill tae(t t bbunn, sînsulsi haveasu t4elnsi lu mri» iîiîitrm p tbiisl ,s5 e , EOth sIti5 « t em6n ssii &-iuCth ner dlia snort.l'stpie~o ne o il lsCrila li te uthbe)ritO8lha PinOr ,t, ..lo , Caosuis es vusti-ete hein' 1. the Pt? (iclsa ttales Tos Whl sell A. )fith.de[rq f 1-US 4- r BROCE STREET STARTING DTTiI Survivme or PerAiah, Te" matsi.Idfil ntda s soonhd hv-a soo. 5îrnor tOii Iltitqi siice hoilemsiuo rouuIle n bi Ir elr-rendîlt allfauîrî hoofs, aditi ibnle ii i L et l the s ite hI l , lio tnî . OOO iy id rsu r nitlttoin tu netntsii hlaon agrtent,îlutoiaitnretratli t.tIl~ sruioity %Vln u l ttic una)iuig tenait, Dyapeptia. Tino griot souorgeofou thincninesnt 1%1.idiLgetiva Orgnîil sosirenleorsil 1tûtn foltmiml;no iiilit lblsnl.tI Iltdonostlai su uncrnîî sinoily slonrs u int tit itn sctouii. gdetitsl Deblity tisé LmR11,~ Frnmunluitofovr cotise, Irîofsp ii* ahi stiior sgil o ito onoosd i hbr aI odiniutihltit ion of h utin aIl sl nolîlie andi dtus-ulit iliiriy - -ýý-Sicinly Foe>ties sitltI bossa lic num i rNiugslisae reguubatuucuuolumouîiîîand îreidi- ummîuo lia'OtlthiîiiIhbit nn&'tas 8!nfl>ils nil prtdlou ica iît it t,V ,taiolit làtaIllit îîîbmnîilom. Clîmot Di-tusoa, mijiuc.taoim bîli. Dtounyi l)eltbt, I onornuil .OAgil,m vfiu Fio a Iînli, nitsoiutIboo lulIuiiu tnu, Iimd Ititulbas, lot, ioucu oriioofusl luit( a. Z47-CAIfiiN t-Nuie arr pontonî ,-eer, iube IL.a ll*i i'itiuiI bulitery lbu bock nf.Ilotetioaouu util mu tr l file oîu sut in- lîbc m1iiub cmu ilt. b bsgà lbe tA.. leijt. 'A bitilsI.oiît re i o i lal ýIürningiie'uolu jilocuto # t dib i t h e l ui t î î tiio i n i l y tit i o r tilkîtbttIbim e ld.dsu mir r iL0 oîuîmuo, iuiInOig lli Iil.lo t'r iti s. e utA ld il t mth e ,t tm n o l Imtisu..ov,8à luid n! ~I lsa,- oli te i rwightrtut tblio Uuîbr toto nsilitap n cm 1 l idin bubnsuui 113 O25ublstuilCet eitiitrzbl t.iv lit m'tny dbi., er rouitîm uie]- PUJ5IFYTUTIE ILOOt). Ml-aitq Luis Pillesn ul lid 5'rce fi-cuisaIilMineri Poissa Lî tohbnlcni U.4ITe5uo ibier il o ut rnoiîm ruun eiiimooini lbi" lîoot-r1 u ntrilto .u 1anuiiutor mît t t 'l r n cionb îalvittuînnortlpril b t . l i l I iiim m t b aIl l o i t vn u t ' o r u u l . b o i lbisou lmaîtiuui ho unji îf iiuoid ilînu tu ,nblio of poromilos wit tlais rooesiol dIIIileîouîyiuiit of 1,ioriic tltt,i bis lafooiit t îluir rotiiei e0.01 nogmtnil.o euuioiiiiisîw bafuadi aillijîn ni' n oltopuite.Il, iidui,tttmoio i lluspo- imu t h I ,ltiu ui 1/l t o , thor a reuot l lire sroniylto tO,1ifytoeiot fiiouoy bu isenusne, undoit ngia tuIloyteuhit olIXhIrsud l LItls. ICtus mseIiftnnofitbus, u:rm bbcorios a ni tIlîtnt, IImitioi ofibehi ItieiIo ri a0 utololusltag une"ouu 00 C0 ti ootiulîll nuitgo nf Ihis tu % bosiest, yilitrtfing efemb t' %1u gio 1),i oicpnun., tînol*sOr nit >Itort, ilolivIli iut îOadu villil o DIk1O L EDICA I. BISP EN8U noroctloSIute FOR TiaEtto Or o ptuOiG'eouiml il Phbibt.p Fe,",c«»d, 'atof/' O! Tcro, Gcmtu irIpif< St AIj#nthtiI»imple» a, Alnli, 1it-11 la LObiAIljt niueituaa f#«as ndAîAd5P Iil pýxO EltCUnY inrro..o 1 l Dit.Amlos & SON. - R- b o a c a Frs O F MsIN s NDn u c r M, O rr n 1 7- A R tE T UiE sNLY PîîYSîCIt S13 . _ - 1 T A T E roh a rste in o nih a e Of t t18 ultege e'oiSalgtu)l0t 1.nd,îili, t es>hs0 Il f Y n a I o 'm o n c k it a i leS u r ii i g , nuttî lh be nin o ey Ot g ea n d a y sî p to u s o f ioo u 'f Tteuttnsuit thi aopt Inla the te Yonarda ni' 50>-rt' xtenslve ansi atOW tien, in i,onI tOu5rls raieiim-ohemiIïto I >iu.oansonssitulin su8or 9Isys, sud'1 a olight usinta e ls 9 or 3 days et a i'Oe pio Thea our-s eîleiuýtd nitisns 5b ar Sissilanro Ooiiibioisu. rat esuitet Is 'ItTiCrLA5SubOI Bî Tîsero isun cou habit .0-01,1003 lida iý ny ubSys, lis solitude, Un mi lgIl tbein tn u uisho od t sa w ltîoh. if on itu5 oindn ne lt Le Out$riOnstni » imatrimionial hinpJbhuase botle*tri lit f mmtfiburaOiuIm açvihl't bc prt ac oe aaer ' b0 eiu0011 îs ndtluy Ii thteunef mOs u aiasfnilm II = e an d ih a mil. tb Dg flic t miciStil eiui. r Aîs isèntIisîoîs ftîa0rniO1 utr or NiütttIfIgiEsIbmegoiibbSpst o îA [- ia 1/siusWrikuile-, &i raieP cIIreýl iibtici nt13 uly, taeS atathut ý.or tIli t otifilî *haneu si ea515 Dn. Anis utSoll'takire "cta'Diat thon (bey bava lInv-ait&sl a 05 strulaultferor ibsîacortissb'W bas bocal ubjecitod l 1ao Ir» pl Iit*n0I1; W-_1 -P use fta uitrarai enetl0 Ir 1 cure fSaZ, lWke u,arys eaialagis, e Splase de uiisa r-1- o in s t hts a m e t $t a f t k -M et tl Umm MW, e- l! 1-, - 1)« igemüncm y. -il Ci "Ilwoud, NOT, 18V. el 1 1, -

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