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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1860, p. 3

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'ai , e t~ lis of arse pofu ofthe mbn f4 kv'1, ta1 nhOfct. p in u i "n" Ta '. -t rcl alta n , thsiesCi vue, the e wtnls uet et tIno- ', Oeeie wus adopui reg'as tht loptd. vig tee, ue puinuin. neeti,'~ e ae the ttable, mu nig it in tle jounutuent rard, mise a speoii I. 0n% the Ili I aunestul s.s tint, tbqu ta tine 18à, adnee. rc, Msy R aa et Pulls n mis h is Plins, n bet, itirnag iup . bu is lmU proenisuni sud, jodtel plce asul i'08l saabk sd cuiyia t e-s bsn- y theje lii, 33s1ig .p mes Irrhi cjngl, Sidl y ateuicsi ejr masey. gin yca- sA bin55 hen I ielI sur insduedh 1 saune fiuetsi Sait nimhb 'adIe uuci sdigei Q5 mu fceS# aides lith l ie bave sas, rhs e gel paid el i speodaf& cry prodiliu lieeibhtm mc [cmu t.'veili lonii, thte e do-0 te' e ciurho uni, dme &*0 sofor tômow i iije m an 1 sg ou-l- 4 ea th" tw earUO ax kei fisc ta, lu .b«.& twM" 40 aucl I Faii,ssdF , ityod ows.~ sloi by nla# 0 of slh, of nIaI se is, -c cepobessi' , dativeUa Canopbil, He-enlaUif Smlitli, bt, T. P. sud Wright1 Tiolol, petitions wveojusnotei. of "UNeMot* 0uisnlo T-elior-uAmsoc- elle., pnyiag thlina sasi'5gcon ceMMim ustig te is aÉia innrg-r of George 8mtind tauealinsP-"iu fer-su te*"itsemm5itU<a S ol. «a scea s£vamlp ain e 1 .nmmit< oh Beek-Mr. hRobinson. os syisu of Mr.-t'4t,14l "tii- ofo twi-.o . OT. A., vu rnerered tote 1em- vin"s"1asdeéaiies or moa WU~~n- e hve adtir; er ysovreolires Iuto- IVu Wrusn $100 Caoty Propérty $100 une i Jhn trt, avnd>.anotiner t the Legai oxpenssoa $150. Tsrance, $173.30. je anu s aut maiver! soi-nyta e-Y.that ina. Inqocsts $200, Indigent Crove Wj1taeaues, cdi tb Ile Of aa vor> large amoont atf$50, VouaI> Attornsey$300,- Wood ion Pce 1etl, soameisO.injuriéssvore sus- Vanut> Buidings, $160, Scngaghi-ug, mini ,gi b'seven i rins, suad qitea a sn>- t$100. Tahot autNa-rnaBrdgo$204,ii ai peuar ftailies noilleture out antfaiStstiancuy ae coaitmineeies $750. 'Ta- ~,l~a aale af uttuti destitutiois. tel $15,517.60. Thisîi exlusjke otfinter- oui, Icais qutoe-fan-re in aie Eastern et onidoel uresxandcutprovisionfor gerae.-us shiibju6 abat cperiornus, anti ot mr ocholà. G bout fflson,toi- innerai have beea apen-, î-- "e or. ut-jh nprotaise lau>iehiiretures aI1y7b fi uncplCusi fie Çou Mr.n mcc profitabe, tiantino riclesi gaud filidi a.foulrit y etbroàht ta lijgbt. SIeper unhata f Oanr uiim- caotarpot eun 70knout, bas ineamang the tor- Yurudtsbc-Iaeorpr. taaemplisycn, an is Dam vounibig a Pliai hey bave examiuied jour Treac- ce niils j reprencnt.ed as rahalle ai airer'u Cash Buole and Vouceres, fn>lW psing laisour 1000 per cen. lto ad whi h tiney have preped, injedapiiae. a bas retauei $100.ù000cash auàt $i0GO( li t,58.Absiracîs ai the receipts nand cx- ten tjn>etac i ahre, bichjs bt aue endituui-05 uithtiecorpoation of the Vaenty iiefo en is retAin h iobattrac, ci Otaio, tan the 70cr enljng Itat Dec. na us ' cica nt iebas mae a ebcideil it the9 a n in ce ge ontareConait ug 0 - 2,0. Detaled mtaternent, doedodot. C he augetoutOreQ(Jtaiing30per 3rd. Abstract ai Assois andUl Liiis ol of ai cpper jenuliaijieut qaasdtiea. ced o 3thec.189 lVery tle lalior. Senonaalnor pu-con ltD 159 ys. ci have ieea taound, and tino ex- Ailof ai nji are renpecttinihy subn>jtted w eat s 1shgnaaegiecunpi-nfoc jorcoasjderatioe. -il tedt consi-> o ie unaa-ng ti nso laed, That jour Audiaoradscevered anut rec- n> t, t is alunat impossiblo io neoaiate tjfied a ton cirora injo mur Treasnren'os a- P îinern, fti-rUe perriasa ai tIse taiiing caunt, ah o01i-hirh svauad pnnbabîy bavc P1 inls Asa acîtr aijot, ae a e eaavoideut hy îIun, i bjsCash Saab hal W tg.us lkina id iarof oilr onf of0,001 e b ionlpt regularly auci rreciiy bahsnced, thl i-l fesiua l aitantb$i0hoiun oretelandulhhe hasices breuglat cdown fri ouamnthth pp0eii$2 loaitndotathi hn eu lic taouth, ar atteei if nrvnay, uo that SIX tinuel i"5 o'0l00 o h1 orljil vin " eau sexact amenânt ofCsh onbnud coululbhoeru itinui mey caets. Losl aiiles, iheascertijunculet e glance m in the opininuoi cu rie s, nce ontsea l v es, aise jour Audiiorsu the adoptioun et sncb a sys- P" ridu aihaan n oue odniha ter le ei>s in 0007 rey nay irable, niiercans tIh uandee a isndouit in tIse i. aresun ueoi nt appean hat such- balaoces ers t- ijninic I ali e st s h e S r am - t u stru ck fro n> laI Jia . 1859, np te 31a1 D ec. na iy short bteu, ire bai-e Buglinin cnpit.%. talleutitog. out her, eraciiuug nneîîîag turnaen That in the mentina ai Septenba ndi-selPO canyne tn tn -athe repjer akingOctahe., jour Treasure-h'd tres ills til ness je the ai-bl. diseuneu, irbicinlte aihegos cere reqnjrad O Oui- tjsshei martliuuiie bueyaet,aed te mccl tho reetjngeecinsnlccri- agajeot te irareut thora ull hrIlybc ho,uh uote rorporatiotn ; jaur auditons fuîd t ..ae- ply the 400 abibus justbe barber. Ouitino cessai-y tea cuet iii ibis, inasmnueh as they 01 ole, tiaiuis Iloo prety briglat, ad a fied.' by retereace te bjs cusht boot, ibai sehl t rae arin tnuiunss egnisifluo fairan> mbs proeedara heing-uecessary, te terateurtb usnesil eX - a Ptthora ougtt te have ben iniiysur Tresser- Co on dub. Yours, &è-' crs hsnt ei hse vriy timo, ai amouitti C N. of mancy aigely in xces etfahi the im- uedjate onree proximailosauts Jupone i ilie corporation. Sncbl a Virunsanuce hl COIJNTY OOU'.Mua. clearIy cstchliis the 1rpniet nd oes luneScaion >eo. it7 et tre1uent aîud correct balaces heiung " Juue sssion,1860. tseck in bis ain boot.,t FIRST DAY Thusi jour Anditans"bacre oissrned ibat b - -ouiItiali March lat, tte sonesfet$169 iras n Toise-no. Jct SnuuTi. pouc te PrIer Taylar, for cndring laler il balnmlist tmir e oock tue aaly aira isulnaedlfur îthe ose oi he corparatietu,e rof une Concih preeeit ere,%Ms-n. îtu the aaiut ai $1 6,900, tte compeunsa-w rimId, raous. I7cunc,. Pin, Riioj ionîju allai-rd hi> beng oee par ceunitsafr e me; tikenu anbjr notbt mig ug iliit tu ibis poynnt jour Trenîsurer predureul no Oua ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ unauno siiubarncnldsuihlint aethuniiiy. but explainenltha. j NSî r Si-i-f, Mr. Ilie-eoti liesvuf1 Mais mas maule-iuu accerusne iulaune agreennt il itatinus took uth mrlei's chair. mamie hyliuu ithn Peier Tayloan ud toi-r Cptain hiove' ecauitlei b v Mr.c lirhl, mmnju-bagrnoiavnt lte bcd tieanonciiofa ord tint-adjnlenittoni lia- t'mmusil unm- the Cnniuy Couicil. Yeun Audjuans ftu-eh t-niorraw i- uormîuuîg ai 10 o*mhItuk.-Cnir- iti jcun>het onethe-e te repornti bitjem, amijoareerh. ecause tht-y fln,n eus rne te tho mua- Unei ji nia.uts aithe laiJun SessionsoatIe Cauna-e SECONsD 1)1V. ty Cunrelh, that the malien iras repiarurd - nueoii by the Stiediiuîg Cemmuine os Fi.n Il'dedaîy Jolie f. 1860. nanue aud A1shmescut ouitue I11th Joue, The Wai-ulu-ctoalthtIe Chairnuta suartcer lueteffrcttat seconiorrnog vj thue t tram 'cioob. Trersua-en, ibey fauci Itîe amount oi papar t Pinsent Mosrs. Bsi-mett, Bnaowe, Camp- eidorsed ta ho $1-1,900, eaul declino,' ta h, Guneu, Ilisuojnp, lIant, hiN-i cý reensmiencd the Payaient of thae one pora ,on, Pit, -, It aiebiffle, Roitîunson, cent. Ymsui audiiurs observe ilat the pay.e 1i1h Sali.gt l, i'liiie T. 1'. Whie, l. maiut nmade lis ame per cent oui $16,900,b rigtt, Wixsoe.%kainîg a differnre in enount et enderua- Aflentheminuten bavniug hoin readnd nulius $2000, and uluy thiet ilustren'ge thît mfiriumen, tIelîrdaseus iuaorund ibisCoin- c Comminituce ou a iince und A&r-rsmont oi bis ateucntioni to ihen s-eh ntuttrs elle-n coiierriig siîh he Ti-surer, shnaud tb whuchn hi- as chargedut athle edjournn ai- y thmt Mr. Taylor nraIte.lsa aommsn- nt mut the Juiuaiy ssonss. Tlinat .inoatueii-eat Iani ac ibu mate oi the Sherilfrscliai-ges far ibren pamnltunbin ai îbraonito bofora nabe, ad ii, aduresaneula luntertoutho That youn Auditars disoerîd tiîntenoier- dje ot ttc CoîuiCty Court nees:in, In y 'br4o. 67,yeun Treasser ai ns atrunieul cantithe attention aifitue2Magslestcsb j dxestai > y ouyoncorporation, rer sessiouns ta the subjeet, ccid ibalt me7 sith tih atiki etMomareal la, Whiiuly; me tet-en action inn ihe mahier se far.Tuai viet iiS Iyuiyu-auio' usr, SEaenal meunorasha ta lus R xceiîoncy ulhe tg)irepert as touiniatior tIse tonds moi-s ne renier Geeera, sud te butinhi-nceas depoisit roamtiee 10 ime,niny aine nishee tise Isgisîtura against the "enissl- to incluat ta the Counemil,ann l lio e uthe pub- t aiealRegistny ffies in North Olints,.ic in their abstract of Recciptsansd Expert in fanoro a protibitory liqur an, uiures, as ta tlue disositin of the lange -baul heue daly foareds. Ttliho halancesini tIse tainis aifoui- Tarasueri-tt eoaimuicaiod mii tIse Wardec aiet c eclose et the jean, and tan tne purpanmi et mud Peel iià reereece us tIse Blakthtej requnote,' your Treainer to puedure er hidre, ami ibat tIse lattcr teteo taehala hauha bookts, whiclu reqmasti le ratnsed tIai there appoarod ta hie soeiniap- ta complny niib, an te turcil iahsmy cirpîsa truijn as ta the preciso localiiy oi the tien as ta honte mout-y as dispood of, *il e, sud augtd a beTmsiibis note herewitb ecncul lshaow is Georgie, as heiîn.-uast jiteresind resas t or rtuisai .Y iii-Aditera araeji- aidjuiieuih tte Coeity un canrnticg eiirued ta examine ami report oison ahi ae- new bridge. That lehoall, in ecaine- ceetes flctjeg tthecrorparat ionu, anuelola esce, coaiauniratd uIs nth e-e aio respecfunlly subuit tiat ils batit accaunt in ,- rina, nino informeli]bisa (the Wardcn 01u0 ohirb dises s-ciy maienichuy affciet ny Ontaroio) thit Geonginâ ai no na le- corporation. a eftaIkieg the mater upen n reeii, tai Ail ai bîjb jrenpactiuihy îhmited. btouiel hi e eUnitedt canciies na do sa. IOBT. il L'AWDEIt 1Auditors. ai tie hadl egain irrîten ta tinsW lauJOSEPLU DICKET> ibelloiteul i.ouuties oftYork anad Pc, butWbtyJue116. net jet receis-ci any ansuter. That AntEIeserU Debemtures No. 12 amui 21 Wardem ai thne Unitedl Ceanimes Blin due 7th SeIp. 1839, i-ese net piomuntil poeni hat Onario aha..ld huili thc Deceanhen, athogb teîadb on baund par -go oiiuelt sud îLen piaeeed tean as--euoihbook. W ruItac 8 uation, but ibat hoe(lino Wardon et Otin-uslt a-hSO a) couId coi ascetaje,. an cocsnltitg Gîas natt, hem nucin n jroccednig cold Yen asnb nere I ketu-p ey mnee, in effetive. Hee alaie irmtaco tiouno- aesvcr, I hcg te soy 1 canaîsi cunceive that Muf. Staithn brougînit op the sjsocial report ofth brStandiag Commiteoan Primtin, and ou motion ttc Cciuncil ment juta Cinm inittsc niob. ie hle tineseon. Mn. Camapbell in thercineir. The report sated minaitthe CommitirE baul eubn>jted tile Printiag accul> tnný h1859, togetien *iîb ttne contict, ta lin ieremec of tbe job depei-taioui Oi tue Gbàni aund ofthte C"liast Priunîing esaihimeants thiat tera ouieul dta hoan ocraiiay, e te the decriptionetaitype uscol is prÃŽnîtiua, the minutcs and injîsins, but ninel Che coi- trectar i-as enttlei t laruse tar bnurgeoim and ihusi tin o reesau ofte Caloai8i, clhh b e ai firet thaught the type ta o ba ng pri cier subacqunthy agrecul nitlsMr- Bassetl the fereman je the Glosbe office, and gos- bu, certificats as me Une correctnes ofMu Ilowehl'à measareneet. -Thec liffermîr fondai stveen Mi-. Higgiisserenelu, sun ibat eceondicg to the eseasureanent ai th' Toreonto primetra, Ciao Côttie fonul be 83.43j. The expeeaes oft tute eembera efthi Ceminiîee un tine prcecedng oas ataied t hoe $t4.50.* On matien tan adoption ai ttc repenl Mn. Whitc morcul in amcunent, S-condu hj Mr. Smith, thue aiditin ofthUe f towoiu clause,. vhicn vas aioa edo lalinsrepor' tine ony dinseltient hin.-ngMn. Gambie c Scugaog. inYaun Commitie eanai cIae Cinein report, vithout eorne2n- igji ti siaont tenasm ciheri- sprohain oui COcuth ie priatoe, wvina aitheo b -S5ione ai tin Couni, in a peoilion akin toa apecial Vommtittes ta examsine thse a- conuofi bie VouniY pimIenchangeul hii vit hein&g grill>-ofaibn>joasand syajtemal- - ii-edn" in reetnis accounis, nhic charge >-aur ComtuetChink b netb Sueticed, Une slighi ijilirceincbtutocn tl taOaaoreinent isf Une CVatY Pemten, ai Une Toranto prîntens, megmit bas-c oaill C ciieul ithoui s ru edaietnt ntee>ts.' 0e Onatiaon oait. Wimxoe ecouicit Mr. Bramwn re@olufious puac ai-denit pam eaent f425 ta Mr-. SaulU,-ad$6': te) Mi-. Wbuis for Cheir expe- nse sproui Laig the icseu othe printing. Thne C0ul nsu aijoarusi L-ormvnta, J-se ,StL-A '"à b' brie! --ea4 ect aomhOsfaw d twlm rais ibis t~e.oc dsom -damsage bc -un uin libama bosseio! the [ali! imega tcs-cnap& of f vlan&Pd 1101e4s-o in« fbuets, swou sud Marre by te tlid; ebite UapdiOsas, I think, edcv- aueoë»* a a il tsoe. W býi*î u 'g imoli-ea)l menitiofenayoii c asla ata Wc lt" piessuia n ocsuonaia theo ai>., on usuo~~ereeoand aiIssc Fr1d b ase.I hone O. TTOENEt-&T-làWu 8l.?(_ylC Fpglud fr rm" indlaappOisit. tuDan-da tuee, ad 3? W. mI Deelý î' cu" M a.ew-i In onebouc and fifYinutes_ terils - m I w aianacc e d allits I ns euS A. mu s;et1 e k bais, = _ý c'i s.o ,usta uts la tiig "'h frW et ar tbau t m ss-di m , o mB me1 eo'e o M tm su owd r m w M1-0 auW"eaueaU keh iàs vUm on15 t o he v lU w-eobrre m o ub see.-Mb tî y.Io ka.anun%7 r le.W Mr. Uleeo3i..ave naietiret i a oahiu mine arternoan, mono -the Cauuejl jeta masmitteeofaithe nbtso, in aider ta .lise ,re 'a nitinaggetaenu taciconter nitnfi s Inspecter ai Pi-rtan nthe Itastç oai c Mrii. Blaliff gave sotie mai hoKmaa h - mmarofr, tanne tor louvee*ta linitduo S by.aw provudîg a-iopaaeia ,Mnain en Petit Jurons.C on motioe nifMi-. Whiie, acrondcd hy I. eenlüisoiu, tino Wardnloft tise chaji- ltil 2 a'clÃ"c4cîp. ai.- AF;TERNOO',qSESSION. - Mr-. Whnite, (T. P.) occonded by Mr.-, njghlu masci ihat ai the prescrit Sessioni Crhe Cauneaci0 mItIsé business usahy r:. <i-eut ta, thénosandieg tSittue on Fi. lance and Assomessntaie o -erred ta tlae nemia ratmutteca tusirIa> as neteni-cn ho Audjtai-'5 reper ntds that the Finsacet sesuimîgte bc excuseul tr acting durieg- e proseet Session.' 'xlaain Mi-. Campisell arase for an epcsin ishant mijeho bu lnd net support the1 Mn. T. P. White, je repi> sani,, the ex- aaatjoe vas casmhy gin-on. That iisra as s rasoiulioe an the boots diractig faSt ail musitar ai reicrence siieci, go ta ase comittee teaunhieîn t ieloeg-ed cinhoni Spéiamti on;but ilact iun lue prasent ce a spécial cummnitles ball heen uappoiunt- li a do puait af ttc busjeeas mich pro- nnily belUîngocd tus the Fjnasnce Comoajîtetc, snit cennequnenuly ilureivoud ho hitehy La reporte on ttecsane ulainug and lho bcd e doulut thone tlire riti meouh clash.- Trtuait iias uoluacessi-Y te have tire re- aite ndiat ho pi-ctaracd hoavneg al Ca tie.od apcial en>inind sulnet dividin- tine unsponibility. Ifthe icelnnijon hall bren ta add tIste Fjnace Coijttee, il meunhd ae ie easobjectioanhehbutin tbjajintance one men>ber eft he caeîunittec (Mr. Rinlop) nad been pucedu pen itue Special Camînji- teo, and iiIe mauuld netposiiy set sun bath conîittcs, in maso bath sneath Ie soute inoe. - Mi-. Smith appased tlue rasoine, seul i-gned te aluirw that ira ciashiuî e eould tata- place. HIe roienraul te a similar renelniioa asse,'itsin1858, as c praceheilan tte case, ad ta Sheir ttat Chieras uno troubhle boen, aoba a s ah-miiamaitie isait ueun uppanied teai-hem i-as rater-cul the anditamu report. heed il iras usnel to n1n1i)it a spécijal cesmuttin i., iar cases He dischcied that suny distresperu vhiseven mas iîtendcd teuvurda ire uRhtevr ut Pît-oiig, ai- the Cotatitie an Finsace, and hoie isuaculthiai the Reeve ai Piceruing rani,' mithuirci bis enotion, aund net cance tho Conteitta retracolIse stops lmey hall Mn. foi-cnt, as tiruemoirer of the resîsîs- tion, expi-leulliinsctestren>ehy narny fer anyihingiite shape ofai sci-ensmotmiojn, saaiL tthi&asner ejct uas taanisitltue vaauuiin ee «Finuance, w ch i ai, agreat dinan ta do, and te siunhniity thne matirby reainig tire ulenails. Hhlad îuo etter oljeet je vicr, andhlhe coinsidered ireo coretatre b> hiesti-fre troin all objec- tieuns. Thue yoand uad lys cere densanivuloua thn n>otiona, shirlairas lont, tise moer-and ne- enndeoi-eny vi-nin îthe affirusative. Oit msotjon et Cajutain hIoe, seonedd by Mi-. white (ni.P) the Caunnil suhjounna- cd. TIRDISDAY. Thae Cysuncii met et tan ..a-n -I urinsahn-preueet. rFMtIISO1TeToCOt5CILLOui5. n r.Smith, accondeal hy Mn.Icircît. abtainard leave ta iuîradacc s by-hcm tea -- nannraCoe mbters af the Coety Cuuncil. Thae nuhe mas oaspeoded auîd tise by-ia% 1masned ihroug-h al jls stages. Ttc hy-las allace $1.511 per day toammbaera and uen centsope r mime tan miheago. PAYMENT au' sreauts Mn. ltatcljffc aocoudoii hy Mn. Battlett nbtiaiea ove ta jniioduce a hy-lair a peln>tetai graund and petit Jurons. The by-laso ias reaut e third tima au>,'pascul, ttc ruhe havjog heen dispeneu nilu ion tibat înurpoae aibalosiag grand sud petin Jnnrnrs $1 pen dey ecci, caîd 10 moins pen ile tor i-leagge. - ScoM re ters. H.U.L'SIMt CA C.IALIE Fcow.- TIEEC tEAT ENGLISII RENMY le ,i fieaetwcnly printers egagea Wbîîoattendit] the meetiný held at Marln UCAiU :>niy lok at thon>! lit ao i ag rront tirent7. ta thn ey ranogpe-bline Villa"Saturdaylas; a ut. inè- orf oelebr8ted emale PUISp.iuU ~1t ca1uteli bn, trom the ordlaary souteig(ianover thses presenit look occasion tua ayit PRO1TEREÉIM LETTERS neir a4fat pintoj ttsinme tbat. Mjgt ta Mr. C. F . flaWcl' eiateil Carsage BT r.UTÂLPTE. NEW MDI> EXTEN8IVE STf] jomens hji us l Cîrej . anote.sFactary. The poritrpalitelly wdprqw redifrn.a preerripin 0 tUa*.i~pU~qTO -L N SR ave crathecvl thors h aogreesed- exte.sivep Dctcrdahewcd . Ϋ as Braowa or rosy ns yonr Geor<in crackcertevstr haiaistnseDpot- JPAfliI iciur e>2Qci.- or Pennslrat.ia pubiiean. rq and worisbop, on exuminatjan of *wMch TIlJu v@anheaabi ine in ule ina thue Crown Lands Dapartment, Saine hearded le o prdothers anîaatb appitiired ta ronvey grmat pleanumMre. o l i enae.mïcct. îtitBtRING & 8u.su. I asthe G r oeck-slave. O ne hssnravelled ail Rall's D cposit ry eau pe tbap s vie w5vr i odiiSUt esaO xc si ui > nv s l o aa , Müi a y 28an, 1860.câ i over the iNorth Aurjrain Contjnent, hast- ibe fanamsen eany city je the Province, Toa6r1d !ï~il la peciiilaly suite,.il u * Viînieii ie.caneioeata thenieaps,ýnkesa>ortiejl bre as t teissizean d contents, and quality and 1ii ...sidwliinrtedOog0% oue b-aia-f outb America ;anather 1tyle Tino slnaw Nuisis n lirle caroioielye1dit e 141h Juioe, bas bie eut ai, the bno dacs, asc e of vehicles a aeuatuared. TeÏhw là totpin usDolar, bearnilth ev- saaà .-I, a PPileinn 10Cmniio jie etoe uh il ioîer adeî, nae,,ýhid nby1~ameoui nt t î tGrant Bitn, ta pnoecnt of Croire Lsodçaucîpeoeoforlhiridelityi 'e erult iiip o -ïùb&* thneilreluli* nsder MOST 0F TUEK roan an and etuîîtrtch. nireeiir I, e1tto he.Land West Pejit-serveid ie the aar ;aneather feet je len.th by îtw..nfy-sixje in b pan ilenodervI uiiii Fîa teeju situepîets1 Mte i accoipaiedCl. onipan n :knoýoniaThestoc ofcarrage OfenaiiflpitatiOii tthîo liare, Ilyutoli, laîcre; .îravlul lie sanie hc takàen iZ=t i P R E I I sconnie oLL)npla j ee~saiaTe me i aniueove y ind ijsof QPuuiiu l ioBonail oin1nili esig. t lsiiT i~tOatnSO tiei-îLPar.4;. ]IE 'r l apiînae I ko îxc-hn aid lîhiten., thièsel'ills %il lct a oure obelthe i hO Lue-uv If tIhet caiek hereail rNe noÛ'th met saperior finish. fletwera terty aI1 Other ameshâve ftile, ,andal atkol*ak' Annid DLU ?Scipl 0 or ila utiif Whas eparrabo oo inu te Anoîjaoentwuùl relonir, do nt c-imaiin oieoqlo iil te puiiuelaii.liesd rior teiiic linFOM'II andsIlfIy eajlavsrir, gthon jnihe atoauctiititneiosa-ny hing hunttiil te tise cesatito- ait W,1 iancueinLàpoudcor tIir-oc trvlind'al aven the Unjited States seïerul rente aîvaitn ~t he terwamuled -eIII-eta61 a- eo. cii î parss 835, fl.nu rilutbredrente sdr " luà m'- an rlnôtn eafontsrrlpai fFodieos eullpox onh anki crpeu!nrilaia .jnecid u oti tlmeas, brenwieil off, ndboe-fe.dr ta iea aI tthe cas .soie fAgent fosr thlle1jateii.stteseuand Canmada. l 1sheài .n lii uto tunctjýanuatyî 188 a. ..uebae oreeetu sng-aBetivee thirty and tanty tace are iepi ]ioiiiwin & 01.) Cstniini0niOu *0itep a , iely dtnalitethae pl tt prfesin nitrsar esonadilîcetee; tasanly easpiayed, and alo (Laie ereRhlien N. Y. 21 VANOUGiIfT. ed iaot live -t toy hc . to for about cie eliait ofthetiornia ethe O i NOrtrap& 3eIl owi'lce'N Wyl _______________________ Ainejnni hand ar pnotea 0~ ie there noihiiig Cine tus iake Man-lhai Yili- sole Actai tc bnsa WesiItl qdldb believe has preached Serinonsi athnr as ago boom nabraad its upleedil i, e . i-.Oadi l poeOe e abo sldosci tB0A1fi à te 1'in h y eclîlnis osoa. .For nae .u Il syVAN(JAMP MORGAN nenvedl je exico itmh Goirai Seott a Tasî PosneAa&n-e GESCJiL t roe W.lsIl. 1WDots rte njxîi lins bron a stoînp aiter, iniser of 1 s~iiiih n.A inuiiei ST? A TI ON ER tl vsjhvjl otd ets-at the Legisisînre- 'out West, and foughi a -thone u'bo attended hnr Majesty's Siate :15*OF _LL KlNDS, inta duel i- bnievo Thon ave rariro Bsli on Tliursday, àfay the Ituh, ire flnd ~ lIE iIKIS o cee b duedli, kop iera, ci ave droi e oestise ante af the FHon. Sydiney Smith, Past- FrSl tte calteu nd mii oe~s. Tino have helid muni- mater General of Canada.ReardhyR Puns,-C1OltiOFCE pal officos. Four or five liai-c hene o iera ' Cao era o -i o rM cK Av*s n _ F i2iua osetc (5rIine ý8 vi m.iLoy al O rn A ssociation. R A X T lA Ee L * 1 on pri-mins in varions alilit-y rYompanien. Thec pisanen MrKay,. iho a v-ntetncod Wea- oaa 8, b.Eb 1.4 . s. ýi 9(). One senved wiiîh Gnienal Sami onston jen tho bc xcuicd ton shoaiing Dyers, and on Wat-Fall, $ I 70- i $1.42. - IBATS, the Texansrevahutioiauioane je uhe Cananda inhinse ehf pntitiann vere sent frota Ea- Flutpring1$0 tc @$ 1 nohciiou. -Sjx on eight have editdsed dFlouindr tlii, ia adhi sntncipa%60.$06. pulsediiwaes ihie LUnited States. nidadSalu,,iahdbsnoeic Pnn6c.@2e pubhibed tesvspnpera~ ~. c ieioinnuted te iunpisniaat jne sePenieni- Bnnley c.<6e.-tc Iiij Xiçehe Une lias brou ait affieofalnitonhia or s G eu ain ssc tb35e. 'ragitiig annil.' One wias ironded-leg- -- - Rye 50c. <Qh60e SE DS,&0. ff-at the baille ef Monieney. Anethen îîolloicay's Oinfinent andu Piu.e&-Piior llay $10.0~ $181f tae. bas eirkn a uicMississil pi steamer, aad tu tt he introducion et llallow&y'a Ojnt- park, s$ta,7.. -rif Mlt udlw i h iras blontandup o!siiitily weunded. Soute rni cancers i-inn sajuposed te ho jecra- Beef $4 t0 $6. * tnnicavi ofsudaiC -ira or bav-e be marid, notaine erad dîcalsie oexcopt by thno scalpel, ýbut Ibthis- Shrep $3 <0 14 6O.- ibara. Ail have nove emere on iess oft ine is noir explnded. The inost drploac- Potatoesn. 20e.- m tel S elo t i lita~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~l ne t hnril rnu hyaahcann-cases tuai caiud nat ho reached Buter 12. @ 15c' .sotetSpeirt lire ailusu! rneai p-intles, apeyae. y the kain or bv csnsic--have recentiy Eggus cis. 'f dos:.i c m vains0n beaeeainanirpp n recurqd by tVais woeîderfui djnjnfictani, Fil 6.O 0.' ar varonslaguaes an foeta nwaape viuih arts as ae irrenistiblO counter-basat Tuibtys 50c. 015c. eacb. The Grand iLodp: of British)t 9éfrisbeCI terce bard te sorpsss ai oqua.- Cinainnoa- te lihe virs of itedisease, arrests itsepro- Appîcas 50eO0$1 00)'fhushol. NOBTH AMMEL j. -Tise> venu C hrnirlipp e lb , us fi utinis. Igras-, and relieves the empisoned fleshnof Bides 45à.- te occajre MLacut BImohiluce ladiog néi o. e it isterbe ofnive-. en Sr W-Cod ,>d $ 01 9256l od ste eehive .god aer t pam it longsues, tumîeuurs, carbinecles, glandular TTiinatliy SoreocI ê ojalo . t ey .venldethialjet= a sireliina, soea g, etc. arreais longer the ve r dis $600 ejîl isba place ai Tise 23vu1 i-s the grai London foie lisuglsorstluey acre in orrtoi-Cres. The Woal 23c. @ 25e. knai-n as tbe Derby Day, i-mou the nover- 0it.oe aie nn t sti by tht Puls, Osivogo Planton 85e ai a-har. OO 21' £o Thefr, NeW Stock f Ir, utprizes centendîed fan et thoe Eion rares inoitably curners n.,O am araavardod. For the Derbny Csp ibis - - ue MW ADVEUTISEXMS- TU ESDÂY, 1Mthoflun1 1860- nAUs JVET ARUYE5 1P= 5?1AX yern the leadui tavoroniion ir r. R. ArrivaI oftihe Prince Alber.nts 1lcoowlhaiGRNOF- Toen Braeck'à Amnena herse UuuPire -0I M A N'S )! RND lanso hoh ail G andF and, M i.. iol's JJizurd hI-nsu mn- Newt York, Jnee th, 1860. COUNTY MASTER, 1-111 tas] o 1tice, si lN ITEV 111 U reti h odupapers tuai Lard Pal- Tte ilenmahip Prince Abert arriî-ed ai J.lr 11Iven hcaLLYoeARioD 4mi> knJL*J Ao'4Ja meotebainl rentured uomoiutho Amoicate Day at Brima, nai 5 o'clock an tino £011lorVI r s N. C. nGisAN, Granîd Manier. hoso iîule on the iaruiuug oetihe racereuaiing of the 5Sliiuntant. £Gru&e orciar. The fiahip thlasBu 001 fo tise betitig too 4 a-s-atniusi hI7zard, Siue hiingi Galwvay dates oat 2mb May, ]OIE 4 te 1 annusi Uaircuend 5 ns 1 againsi snd Lverpool dates lu> teîograph af 26th TE -N IO ~ Tloruuslsn f'xr an jnco,,My WONDEIFI. JIIVENîLE COMEl)l.ANS unlito ry.izn at ri-nseondlb, TMSay. n neit n cnlcig viltii-inOsî onninuxîu ~ OTICE la lnreby i-lIeS diit et idie nexi wll or (we y Cajut Christie,) in iiinncmisaccnlc.T wtitiermn ,cmpiigte X iuleilir diî tlbCoucoul, taehoc eulu nths ti ; i-bile Unipirc wu the eltciliaa01,IGaribaldi hail, eetened Puiercna, and si e- OLMAN OPERA. TROUPE TinHuii, laainll bcn T o tes5tî i h y qroslnn e ry bueat teuti.l thue lis. i nnd dcaiorship. ici 1~~~thMinoud n îianfr-na, lroktin, pasutBeceul's tn ybtiua A corresponudenut at tho Sw oir id ler- Siiian offiçjal deapatches daim>a victa- Mb, i inyu- Cs.oftn 1 ,5ii ! hi aMI gives s graphie aicrouin aOfib p rovred- ry aven Garibaldi. - successfi IEngagement in Toronito, mhl . tBY Orâeor othe-oCotneilWAGGN AND BUGGY AM Dnuisy Dnv. Afer descrniling The proceediag ie the Hanse of Vet- lipear nttheJEEwnHAld(oi-k. tIne sinpoaisuuvofaithe iimmEnce csisninrso1mess iuicateta tiGarerement oulI ho un.tloilty2,86.BXS PNQ ef tni-tors, (2; OOjh îrco able is carry a Retorm hilt ilraniunis IIC IS I 1L Bckiu s 5 io 8BXS P~G. "But scp aluni-o is ac bsy n-dcîlmoe-- scason, sud mhat they wilvieituaily doter- C>a 1q iSpokes and I1ubl mnvut-tiorsuai-s ddling. Ttc-s cie mine te abandon it. Friday* & Saturday EvIgs. te1ideru, beariuug th indsiuucive celons of t Iwu-asraeaerediioat ihe Etaparor aif - JugeIs s&d t6th, tîo her uan.era Thora is Wells, nae ofteo hinsia ceniempintes viiiig Paris.lu4hw M 8. ist njîhtus in Eagiand ;la otannssLatil i ias siso repontoid that the Maliitfeur iniui nnia ii,10. ge8se, aàSie lily, boloiagiuug tlir SmJoseph iras about ta pubUiaospeechn by Frenoch NeW and Novel EàntortaiUMeDnt - n. i- ,edA mhsitidor teah St fTu rkey, oeaan W ODSiAI") --V:- u'!o rox 'h o - tua teiura it , -Grand rDIuat-r< llf l U .su, iaog e mut, rih Ce Q ese 'Dsnh ay 1880.rDENTIST Y t)v li'ld Dvy- coLtielguec ,, il)îunt Cl.lioetkerfoit - n -Ni E15-1- -- 14uuinsit tiheProvjice, haVe by is neak jaciOin i-bite boit, Theo Governunome n ipOceont i -,Y . YEeii-ý -- aun bnincta sa'iruwite vain, Suai bre couns documients couîtcuung jnliruus fi au ~ î~.i,aniai uiInaînse n band, uuisn orîi a ot iallY oe uly, buuy adsd troireton f -in the Satesso theanoatadi wluh fine ac im, nshuders, auad bis ranias Cilahria, &c. I wL to. . i L ai st1. lui is n , 1, - t1fJ - 1uli5ied 1n3s sut; lt s ridein lny tnrdium, The PrnuceAlîbert hus vec 800 passion- MuBsiaNlelango i oe>ài 0nel n nt Si,'o nnan:l Sri tit ils okyinEngad; that boy bas gera, she nos delaiuaui2 dayi an Ciao visibssn-,ui.e..l-. T&KE îl.cupsi'»"týi Ciaor fluiosi jockeor Waklyunun vnuiaiu)n irace; lbc is nterird inn orange nge b7 uais iijui-y tulier taacbinory. SoA oCoxn , MU IL ,-- - -- iitfll or h vriie vsutk, ciîh n bluct bol îanud orane caioul rdtill ai-e ibis portI. nM. AND ijiL ion er i Crama TOR- in.unto o! sIl i 1n4h, ù î. a cap. TuI-se are tin, coinurs oure to ieot, Tlieno ext steamer irant Gainay wii o NS ULbUcLOîEA, T RB T lû-j pr7wC. vet. tel nuan thehose e hri-mesis tTut iu, eoiihe Golden Floece, as the newoneaisne t naontitînd h.lul p, epa'es i ugtot 4s 1%ZCd i-houa the Amrirnn bout nuIsan auh eb T<etla Ihlout lanlina osent tu auusiety. ~~~~The sliip lulonr iront Boaia r Newox ou a tebu ata pevda n uNoir for TlinriuuenbY, siain,' y MnTai r-t, taiadered at necaon tIse 2IBmApril, Th- long a Dr. eià-~ 'r bin-lui e is us iveiy on a denr. Coin ci-env asveid.th ueUTop wuCigoonteNwMrtCu8êOnluofDtstYna dtso&P st m iesIun ild i-ars yelhoionn andTETa CT'-.VS.. C etet'e y te JvenulTnlpo. IVU enno ffon he ev iailut Cure, O îls tDcînitrysesap ncajridesh:Aun itire ohanoge 0 erfraneon BtrqWed"y<gv.Jm,2 u 1,&,286, , -- - a t ncift ho ento ri 1bisonap tt iborofaiMn. iirry heLoNDo, 25ths co. Oin>2,~2>1~torvu4etise alt upauit ai ,r a Hleare nioes h er faor te, as prcity a hi s reported, a d o re sat oi i es as- T IC K ET S 13 eto,, S ,eersnh Fi-cut ioaio 37 X4 F a- a i pn r i uu a s co h s d i a c s l ou s oti lao l .dépe n T h 1 nu., 'A'nei bfe us, is bithinis nuserit cor-reculy ihai Garibaldi bai onter-od eas. Chladreun ,îndc i, haut peine. Duiore WILLIAM LYGNS, oinninlduediOi Perim Wnl.90 lafnt> ndSq r oraies .1 liait pail ooven, perfonriance t lu -rt r iea Cie rinmle ann 01. sris ishsfrelsrns alruwih90InatYan qur a- asininai&O8eWloc.ruo, May Seereolty isiaciio eil in affii oi viti shuiS liht Ie otks ike aDerbny ai-y ad that N*eepohmîans mre Isying doonin -Tritois>18 1-d cuhy ri atttoîlu ia ieiro uiner, nuouaghho bc otks hrdhy troAuras .n3.Isas ase atsted hai Garibaldi jfFQATEIfw l t ue ntt r ifui bih oftheuuîc blsd anc . nti-n.ng proclamation eaiing C, 6m2hl,. 'teo-ht aslulnoou t h uilo int cinmntadvuSImdhâs-à >sCU- ia1 neli Of thenolt hauniho auisned provisionlly dietatuasip ao Cash f1 or W ooi te. iisim. heC à asir yls u-"iad" ir- eec -dsSieiiy. Heiras receiejvd weh theo greai- dr& %darc e ÃŽi1ý fiU P"nued loiss oeiein dresseFe,'i lncridesnîtuennheiasta et Pelermo. Nons lacki-re - THOIZS MOODY. Ptiket iiîieîuovoilsnsieteiy -laine ceflminon saon> oaregarded ilusrelotl ravuJtCa* o hes andsineblcap. Tîanhruar v~~ai-.s lfot i h itaewerfüm tialstl "Il, rle Er eb' oor r prrmatre - oiciai Neapolitan deapstebiea CronTns e tment. AW IL O ALE. rneiedlit halaMMt e l héda ir uos cter iDerby lor ofraet22nd aiad 23nd oft nneni tinat Inaur- Lauddté kDopa hhr, i he s. Liard Pohnrston'a ete c,Mrt veatua -FO -thl green ît oracle capiisiaon Rotsninbsn', gasnrgnonnun- iIN..1Ea,ei ki oaes or l Ima , moan tenghiiW u 1 Derby eu-lesnand pnrsuind, an -JaI cas.off thiioli- oSsino lýne te ndnkhirca' yniiw rap. Led Dnynlebadera Rosseleas ien bille,'. Quebg<r, Jase 181, 1860. on bae, niuouo îauîLuon r5,. i mat.diiacuolo la tni-od C..e Fll/auc<i, Lerd Palierston MIhea as a get pnt tNsc fzfotton et attend aistio !nh]w usit amol tuiisisltere.ai idaArtiffniiPomani .-l o ilaad bd àces frosil, Yaurei--______tua protfle tinolimeetioaid-,in thai Part oai iIdà) te thce piopitor. b*sý -n.colam' rend- the vmicrv,,t Laine itiunlîichita.«g s ÃŽlidu s ,. I AYWAB, ________________ cecn instuu 5enion ttt BIinnboundnen u aa-u u,' atteLenoin_______________ s coqer t-focs i-aindes by ti î I ralnin o h i iî.i.lloiiîi reesat 55-l l us, 1 lin .O -1.' *tie-l . bert n n JlnIira assl -nClrT-lthe i ihîlIoEoer Cuns ppr îraee.0O M R It MO u aina cciii abavn iaoceaiuh n e.bWadan iJanquni> ai ta h. *12,84,34 ; has n ipta ram 8th"periesl $%W.038. Tino juoents sce tinesr"l or Jsmusry e ! doum te ai l728 loina eboi- et i thb Treacue hm& bads$Ui11,90î; tik itinheraa ftins is-auorsi Vit- yare suddBat, theo Teemie -Ma Il ealte tia. Csuet leMn u i6i -t dennes ula 9m ost smmOaL Tino teilavig ils tbmma& sl e e otu icte tcan B d f de Fat $6yusa abo-z-fur w. rsm Tomvi rEL, ,Sot- Lny i util

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