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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jun 1860, p. 2

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I M Tke eDislas ser-tioC It la ln vain hat hIr casesaare linnist teY ran k<N ven a eha"ge Oak i'Gâ t against barricades sitia aviici tin oinIsPlace. ý an'-part rjabaoUiDura? FAor LeaMO. tasen lu blocbeil ap, tbey ailI ses tise ay- My80. epte po -- -a y. But altisoügis tiey are tiss autel .Tis esan rons thse eaashsY saii1 '0 P <Âbruu<ot teuestin 1"us'acansuipa theoa Royal ~ troops, fese aem ta tiik btter. ' Eneyereathe peopk are-' mag oi CAbiase lfta tse 1Pot d ernîi- hatthiouginita odo pometiing for Ilium' eandtise ilcope aithdratirieg. Ã"( h eV en fatige clad tethePorai minitplace- slvea-amhlag preparetieus fan' hiéir ton- iagai he 2IS eilOseral Alfas di Acilatht, VemcaleFiera-tise dsesetplc s u d streeta, aud ielafiawalis reedy to.abeaudontil irgentl, ieaiug tisis cil a u- eaî This ases th ie int lewaier, Garihaldi mut an ttacis. - S crrecr t ic, hnishotsiasi eies sa1tna e aloptel. One Must kuase hissa icilians as It 111 te tihe Lombardu-Ist yee; tint it the troopa lonthéut population baO'sted duhefo a te bave an ides ai Ch. irenuy, mcceing,, k hor îsij ta hivitk day sud nigins. hase laItalien fhq. A cemmittes sens formd ofithoc aboliig e7igsu higtig;ai s alaleviste ties cfecings ofî hoset hîO lee and anatana na.. kMgs hi s annsd enotréts hieses.- ',inqt , 'casa is net fr iop vaet or 94,gu llTeies a, ns4 itian lvs mrenbu ewse seas.heisn aacting of iereysissea ei le,'ftlt.,a «kai mamentbreegist aili, btldefllcleury i ten er F ittWra Eea , " na e " d F0 i= r< e-Theo dehouceein too irocs one ai tise streste Chbal iy acier. Tte cuiy Cliug ehicin ttey iibaldi.1 Tisa Civil siuaities acre uj. 1062, "minus te have their sorss. As the Car. de spantsaneosly la te cry iEvvivs,îi sud specteil, sud altsosuglintise priaunaisi, 200. la theran seitri gi'adouoly tlëascetise lavern part aioraenucle ties trecis ec1ages for naes sud isisuetracehtoI adaet ec-i t tis baa, autet tt inatisu021ho 31p-~s cural. Thsevile province there, 0ns t cully, baeILakthaglva agrsetsg ta tfise Li- E'ecy ton' tinga nese proal f t is in lwhvierees, lialslasing tise txemple, raotirsl, beratan' ai Palsema ai.l Sicily. Tise an- ttc shape ai prianers and desercers from insetihutinz a nonsmitice, sold aruing itlrf. tissui trancea saeffotei about wissiet fi" a-tise Neapaitan farces. Wltin Cinse tleTh fie prOiare ai Ctania tas s , ejtthet ulb ms, ans un oan gmare tissu ane-iali'oiîhe bu tisé eepitals lisera suet tecsase Il,000- exceptionai tise teavu, seichtusstilt ishl i -l towu -ses èaber ai tise - p. But tave These las a cier (rorn ttc generel te traC it7 h ise niitary ns actît ns hah ai Trapani. beurs before hiasemausfrected thse ritadel ties ael, andt iereis !ne snixlsaiy pro.Andl ail tis eccurretilte tinetakinag aif bail apeeliti ire an tise tasnet iet vsiog agint ties,, tut se Mchre noPalerme, tis esao f seiichi avent tas set G E masrtay ugh-but aoauestetr ailis 1aigainsC due sbU-a-< apes, snd 'canèagwita ych iailtise.te praduce is ful etcct. If el grss vigatt; i, nsg large 13inch etelîs, eSarm4" a kisil oi local police, W avisae tine Nespeilans crer again get possessionp Fprer red'is a int, sud erery otiser projectle cal- casesitteai great irecrs. They are pick' of Sicîly, tise Sjiliass deserre Itac te 'utd btus eniateitta do tie greatettpaaS'Shbe damage- ad out eveeyaviere,aad hroogist Op lu gangs fer arcsrty King Bomcbino. 'Meuh!î Atout Dooauoano e ipsinip utise tartan' et' Bye andsi aW otiseconssittea renlinîg 9 à. Im. buiies Opaseil tei ire, scnd 'etavaru tise lava tey fentiscir litres -,but oieu o Ceste ns ag f rae a y one or thdnhbail ___ t tilumoment a fie liruc b sp*sM Snýo odeslroy agreatsi nsher oi haro kitîod-llinnt. iaing binestakeu in caus* in frontsthe Royal Plmse aitin tino uuitu rQ bgues1-tise laver part aifte tow5, kilt' tishe at'r linug ea hostinouea n te te aoa- .falcein is wcsioeuudsg a large sumbo-cf peoaa nt is -IctordinchciltaCanra (lo p pe ai ail ages asd beltinsexes. Tav of Tisa Ceaniog of tixe hombaseilent, c o 'inr Csea.s-ine a-deArsessu lss lte sheila avre sent righýint stht.t inspiha, raduar tIsa dimiuiabiag oaiti, tas insauuntt x,,1 .ttins - ii'heFrocc0r.wet sdepoe noeoi e wsud uslr-popleout taothe streA àai.Ma.May 30,186. Boe>, vinse eYOsnpercetîv' uinetd oa es aiMay 29. ci GeneralAs tise Britisis Admiri jet Aeh i sebons, uet tare periael amasgst hir Tise niglit pael qoity-ue-n et leaset Ise tuose thet ha aveuld receive sitis pIes. asd liasea. lit sens especialy thse part ai due as told, for I alspt sithout aakisg once. acrau baha i enllv fs e-Ge tasen Iseas.tise FIax iuolagul, gsudaame ai The aviole ai thne Neapolitan leet laIt dur'trIs te open a cquicrence aitin yen et' lire cadoiniag treets, sisicis sea 1-ite .icg tise night giag eut etraigin te cem'hil hoscilt tcmletnifyn a' if thse abject*of thc Neapolihasvsmate but lu tise marning the Curmaodore's vemselhaestontaputiunntclnIS'c inspire termer,tey certaiuly suceded.- vsnsoea te ttc tant, lu ttc direction of e yut lts koeavnten e sau Whasevec coul ikehaluesie ag jewte"rc teTeraisi due vsry pase aniera tino Nespo- andi if Se ha iudjea.e lo me tise hans et en thisugit tine Mst bnmiiprof place, aud litais troupe embenkeil in 1848. whsehntise armistice la ta heunn It aveuld l -"aii hoe u aisaconîl flot yotsanse cn'ing, pray- Ttc tastion ef MotaltiCytece hle tho esO ebsestuabcacc hiayniaaed rn G iîsg, sud avingisg tiseir iauls la tise treets Roy-a isaacebas bine aatei by C he tint agesPale ta te eScnsp weire es ik It w ave spitiubo ble itiideeil, sud 1h sddNespoltsuis, avinelofttein aalargae 5.ie oy Pl ac t is sute iearkttcy î't mare tarle ta inoferdive peoplc, than ta paunden gun. 'fie fonce wseshu crcnpmsd 4aveuting frmhaek. iSî1bav tth tee Inmgi'bave retaliateil. Bera the Finance ba sent an effirer as paarie iWtngoryrsaavrItreio openiug, lieu ireu binaCo-umodane cent sameleire te dOSfer ta retira. The condition baen' a ha poit. message 10 ail ttenen'af-avee seticis proO'red by Gariadiaas that Cb he o id iJNu. Ci avsers is e say te get ocnt of il, sud ail lay das einir sre. 'fiey refuse 50 du 49 To is aExsellency (leurraICuialdi." At Ch. avemssas viica avre mses linsid e tinhie, and tce SOpeander le heing prepcoetd Ta thme lctteo tcesusaver aas, ihet Cen. ta ' jKlo aie-te aaiit tCieis berths sud leeep op tu e educsunadersîua tin enrceesiuy et' oraltGaribaldi avanl have no cobjection te v pusitioua outsjdc. amsurna tep. The fort han, btesi 0e eet due hava generata au hôaseS ttcAdmi' tE Evesrsa.-'fhe iomhsdsent lan>stiil aaer ,And ils pronisie-s ot off, sn her is rals rascs; tisat 'ha sould senil rond cor- " hapi ap, sitin anly aisot inteevais, eupaciai- ne dooist tinat iL aili suen bu trougbt ta, devire taait tIse lino te Cerase iring ; tintFr ly fros tIesa(the, we te isc aie go ai ressort. tine armistice wuve 1> egin at f000, ansi Smbe King Bomba IL. reigas. Thora la neotieubt ' Whilc I snwaitis lie Ceucrel a latter. Ihat aI i p. n., thty snosl meet on 'board isoelli tinat Admirai Mendy saule stneng reprecen' rrived rm Conseone hy anirhh a snshiscAdmira'e ahip. Colonel 'foreitdic Iu- v,-o tetiaUS te eNeaplitan Cemmodore about iniarmed that ttc Neepolitas Clonel cn pceCnrhe'Cs oisfrescsr- n b . t tise iomardimnst, tut they have net beurn maudiug ttc coluinantcent there secs inccîja the letten et' Lanla o adhebeHihl ' listenel ta. Sens pea ai ftise taen aili thocerne aven mt' hierant vsns enficmed iny Mr. Witmot, tie selieu irtenant. o bave tate etirsly reisilt, tisa large aheIla ta hics. 'fle ansseer wsan, tco cursc, an 1230 P.i. isaving pasad igit tlroagh, irons Cap teaecceptaure ofcistrposicas, wsehncama in lasi efudt aetknj o' t hatComtealking those jît-isilt constructiosau indirect sesy. fusonabihs nciginior'n rcet kit esy pasfonr ie Bavera oaithe Chamaite haro came in for 'fie proposait doesnC msrprianse- a miake ; tut if tisat rame mariu ia muai] Duu tbels sare ; 7t ailtts useles bambarti- Ycsterdey seneral etficte rase in lu plain on tise veryn u cerantes in tise siose PO-. usaua ment tan net prercnted tise slliers frocis ceic ns ee1imuhe p sase itica it is ime te cry ci Stop thiet I' t das being by logrees disholOçe frtinai tincr about 60 nsr70 drasetere in oe place, avin coller thc individuel. pos Ie eli- positons in tisa bics, ailis lie exception ait wsettilthase anmsissd besame sot- tas aketi for an armistice, snd G(isuorel o<tlcepart thora tisa Royal Pale-acesd diere of he Iliilinjdetenleuse. Caribaldi sent srcaruliagly he erden e alil > thosir lineocf commusnicatiomn avtisttc Maie. Bat sejin ail this it iseultibcine dirable ttc hune tamesse flrng, tIsry Dot ouly onu- Ira tiselouer partafoisthe n lise1 pas3asahat thc Pausesmitaus did murean se stiuîued eulliuig, bttrtiesi teott a vastage guiy tise Cbtello Ancre andihu F inaux retrio. Te eert cruonly b et'Ofthe ceationjo thf tire ho gai ab il wVèh sathyalencires, cosi ChoOlatuenflite-trac posin. To.day,,tiey oct ocîy tuied, but1,i dico. Mnt f tc fraig sunjeie areBiuhi-Bareunks, antoin asing Ctheje usmuai- acîualY gaurd a coceiderahlc adeaniage taIten reitgun bc ioandthettcmen-of-sear, antinodrt es iin s oaadbgn F ail the Consuls, ailistise exceptionet' M. tien. the ordmistie, ri lig d et ua uo snc M1uu 1i f. pM. Ch niatcCniad sIhgu C co (loadue, ahe sticks Hire as Ce B ilcite a- raundl tejUneo aut asur b 4sfre. Juuao bis consolar itag. Acarding teattec e About 3 P. n. onae of thoîc partis sud- about the sauesituee s Ncapoîilaui mlurna i caunla thiere is no respanian ibctaveii the dcnly trokaeouh agelu anhicin ossur rrtcy eppeareil ou theseSoy saute rnad by sebicihu besisardmuont of11lu8solndshe preont ant. îmomient, aud sere mse titnansytluing te Garitaldi hal entered. 'IL ses provilcil Then Cisc Neaspolitana van atisfiedl aitt deesorlise the Caun anti tiesequdre.- aitinarillrny, ansi hegas te edvauce rm c ou incndiug anc or tha lisîh cry toli.tecr, Ttc alternera avineinbai gene off yvterdaty the Ponte drI]' AsiragliaCul, ehiece hey 6e0 avhiuene tey teke just tise enelgi e caîne teck, sand tisecumul a-sns hat hosy tel een steionril, ttswards thu Perle di V jet Ihicigogiansd mortare 0cal. anra dienbarkinq hier tnaepuubefaire tins 'ercuini. Iuninwsn te swhite fleg oe- i51 Thu usave le illusinatei, ad. prseata Pet dri fieceli.g: strnuin clnoting an armistice exhihileti, ccC eniy disi dni»u tue jterrala et ofnomaraient an m9vement, grant. cenfusion, ail enusil ty a he finng contjnue, bah the ritaultbegen uanichtel eppearane ,but etji tes hapo olumnnofidot on sinrond uunning duga ndn u hela inthdueedirection- sOu as. stilI Close1. Ttc illumination, aintinshese-attre. la thie aiternon tiseraaas Sevrlai fttc offibers sountel on tinstop tino antique eluspeef gises lampeaneupendeti lame travy ining, bath teuvardsatise Ptazza fethlebaricaesandelteied ho juforu tino Irons tise iaitores, ?reeentsae ry pratty tRae dt le tise l et' fit, ahere tIse Nec- Nespolilaus ai armistice. 'fheysesue ne- effecl, rather teightuncdythe abdoishufiy- polias haeoa bastiou n ihn unth ue ps-ceivel aith id ie smots, ati Colanel Cariai in$ tbrough ttec dean sky. lare asti j> iseli defenedti rans tino Castel-tucidea athers vsnsseundeil. 'fie Cari- Th - - May 28. h. AIU yetemday asiof o-day tise otject cen Iaîciacos titt atnek ta their iualrnctioeo ttat qide sens te gt poseeso of e chuateati sud net relues due ira. 1 ses just gtting up jne tsansrniag et' housesa, sens te iîîeoate hat bastion Message after message cae te Gartbal- Ex uhea t vsns ttrsacted ty ranaisg anddaboutsandi forceatieseut aithis ase fknirrons hat di tin e duesat ire oan aIse chaudos theic B1 In tte tre etes e . I laated out uanse or Sat' Agathe. Tisa bava is teec lsrge, posijion. Tise genorelsenws jut on tIse lava persoasronoing drougis Checsteet, and Garjtaltij', iiamsdtd't oloaver5 cre peint oi taling the naolntjaa that the an-M waving their iaulterbiefas seuting Coteu teebc intevryuterean cd Ceapre- nmstce sens issaken, seten Cae Neapelitan 5 ijtva lade liberta 1', I ceulti nat et firt riaus tei bc cxp<secl cxcept iin the greateut ohicers casa iansparicsaenin'rfs. They To unolestasti their tsnohy antuiaas,ist visesntacessity. Thus it is ttec qadiere avis fonm exrosci tisa &Ur as s misnndertsntitng, I vsantatI hat they aven use aiflise Po> tino mm in ment places. Wiie ammani- asdtht tecoraunsa hi net raceised thne liturasI prisQuir jest et terty, 1 caulîs tien lanteahil go& avrl; ibt nnforhuiittly crdors &beut due armstice. Ttey aere Gr udetsel hie unexpeofcd buveat ai eareni bleu avy as tbey do, e reuple of tendraI sent in franCta stop thse iesuiS arcet ttc wiiis I necil soS sali faunal ransecaisie mrtrilges wuud net te sutfiliant for onuesuirance. Curicasly eoncugis, durng aI Pl Clorn aitaIides. Savçciul undreds ao aiiof heties. trealiy thinis tinsare avrse thisdntisenoseling res duo iludel vent E., tisapeople waves niung atout tins traets ln this respcrt titanthe liseti-Beouk.- onaseansuaril tise citadet could nc a oul tLestinsany ta the Bouchon rcale. Tinhe lCh ssjte eaget ieia e suppascultte e idhusi aof thic an- 'troupe whist ted oscupieldue prison oF tinat pint just et tisme snit tthetteyafiate mistice i Just ah 12 ttc neus ceame that ' tisa Viccicte and tins terracta close isy tait matie asare la advancr,ane pacty ofIPi5'ctise rlumulofaihdueoncsy bail1unetrated esacuatei tue spot, sere embeeke in iotelîlfotinsuitmin one ue etracte, and into te tous. Garibaldit issediaecly, as boawescud taa ec Ooursta 4eChe astei.- thnug 4ailoesi tise IOlloas te ta het in & bchiesd yeslurday. colleccie bts resemnvea, 'fie communiatio eteet the troapa iu Street of tousseis i it uetnar paely et' anti marcheti au.lit sens quite trae, ausid tisa CannelloeudPiaza IReale uns thus eut hns wuse till holding omt..LeueemtWlcss,-R. N., avio bai corne GV aribaldijwuetah unmes avien tho sean on ahoetuCo ing ttc Adtiuira'a consent Cc - Tise next noesenus tttises.ttroeuPs wieuencrrai. Tieroe i buen seamany ruines tise conicrence anbtart, Iouud timacmt'inte bailinca potel ii Mnrele tS inee t' s atisuc of iseNeaplitas turia tis muet a tis acyasecg oriss et'Nma mon avisirisbas teenSsent inatiss.di- l Pite ai due urgent entreatiresais-hiCatc la ara la u in th ýansteiet uti buped te du"teyGaribali and his part-a e due open Street, seillost £SSitar, berces sesan t &M a ade- lueteail et musa, mq"tisa fate mthy prepreslfortem tereagugseldencoiaeagi1>g duhe 51mienitete issvg thessaciveajuta de ucmaia nse say *savat beussesa-eaetmy steing hie>jaiet«etras e.ta te Pointsar--pied kbyduse eues>', Iketwute tAn tise genevami mercis of houssa Md iroinstbeit - these ieSl." te>' ruaaiabOt teue gbt lecsr *»aut k ifeoiidly favrale 1-t sany the -Ose af tise Pkic watisma$'at tiootgithe 1 tie ibae.miusm aren asudy %p Ca due mark,.I isaljust hafoeaGacitehd, wainalutng 4~~M -Thovam altit tetentiausl, heC duey a »S faing, bal bise up fer y' a massent; &,«ag intoleetsaanwètt ht ane- malCoonelt Tai-r ,*a.lkalW% 90' r- 'fiasesfe ta thetave. ,%re1ia .tls, 15 MaSs. ea£l*lus jchat htalladisas.hi. le; laste tank t1t0M of unesqe sOUahore, sel segene &WT heia te mm eem. iare is neinitiative fth. Cesn aml ddrs«ged tisa by man sfurCo rt iao*Piss eea fs or* ei O. isoe part, Mad tiisosla> sadr chates. Bus. hue fct a1»3 olf recami ts, a se atal e th, , semsto e te sela# ctd,Que rsh osi ugin the .party ialoeketes. unt siimsee"leteagavjo th Nat a quarere tT auI ensgi t hwo tsene of OrsiaiablI, deluiul lrate unfises- Tb'feort te bçm MOM î*moom ielow o oteos uimis priatrateut eveiaor aiglt men. 'ihCW5V5'el"s1 ot it à U5ove in d Bil1 te iseujofbaler Whavis as eLsysai (labKSIuil'm Skio, tae fl0 t 1 00% suland 5 U bi -. 1smeeim is iage at ie~ a = 14us mi h te vae e aefertheisagreant liser es 'lc ura ot aos slace a umer o f wue" " theas ta MW L s I o rmidailon ee de ervese off due N spo-Mmhd fbt a a io- pdmsoo h 0 0aâh1t- msisepe ; tise>'hausse duehave telu m ts> ave 3 vl evil or te reg mmvtb Gua*aZdia "bem, andut ainCea Filsai a ort sUi ldeciaim >nS i il mat coureinlu edilyn. NeCin' cYatyscmpliled in édaëliaSieihy. Itou. Cty cen balli ant strIa longer. Ait nia tas htld.eogh of Auatriau ingraCl' (ees couli.bta sritten abut -athe tuille, (ns shte terns il,> snd in nualihkehy Ca 1IR aie s nul lI e - ng as did 5i. tuige agnin, o r el e t do se. Prussie. lu rdahrisg tbsse le t 20 isys i hase tey ouriy groseing -m ore 'literai, sud -ihi rl- t, bas e ny nareheil, Iose bbey base, ier If erery Sicilie wssrsadyludo tirnately ave anli nat, staud. ont ns the bousanili part ai sebat they djd there champio, sud repreeentetlve af liberty lu ah o amare flghting rireild. Ae Gerrneny. Tht CavaSjcjhjee, jus t literatedil y the very word is nlciosen; niot fromnt t e flon grip af tise adiaus race i [oe whiuocaeffehave-,eseas ftemrIbtnvrlan ntig orfrgtay ,sevar ask fot'anythiug exept almu' ta ee ertaytnnnn agtay ,)ia's an chat .they cen boy, and oecm Cthieg,' Muet art sstimulante toý enerou- et tehave fergottenwshet-sarp j.- age IRungýiry. Âd setet k biheNReeoa ouly drsosejs.ck le tbat tiey seere .snly Hupshun" eýnt, uhu is tsakjsg af apers in et landiug, sud Chat ttaose ainhoutn thinibl ry"Bcorhelmns Lslves grestin ttc Italian case tisougha.ttciviil am. Ecnafteelmete jir eluty this ime ta inspede Most cftc' ut'that lulacatio, Empire, tedleu i autrit y ail reinforcemeute. If ouenens jli.na' ite osen naturel causse, sehisin course it le eusone ight ûsînson uppose tisaI they acedresa ta Bey, is cxsctly cantrsry ta that liht ilsa gaod eppertunity te geitidoet pursued ty ttc Uspaburgs. The misereble euhld but biney seouli eud. CslsIu cuisf thene Fessijas anilLeopald, aeu . thes uiC o n orde t m c nh 'a s e s a be u t te ENERAL NOTICES- cells. Trinabeth, js their type.-Tyrate, cud dereivers , the'y have renstanthy weng' el&c ,IVNC K RLWÀYr, sWUiMOTSTATION.- 'els gaîig FutS, .. .......* 20, p. . u i, sud rebei the noble couutcy antjin id do. do ............ 112, p. 'n- alljedi isehfinutishe ur ai danger, yvitb tine de. du ............ a sin. roCuag West,............. 10 0-t, p. n. yoiang Quee'î, wseuevary exietencetsens ca do .............-... O30, - î ~sdau drila ceniury cge ty ?rcdv.crk ttc ee de .............9. : 9 501, a. in. egr Nltreai ttre, 22 minuel oierCtjoué Grcat. Res tieleceadante cf Chat hernaie loby liauit. ruaSeOFrICE, 310195LOBE. Marija Therena, possenseil oeearuphe et' per Grand Tsank, .......... 7 o0, a i.gratitude, tiey aveuld havoe henjise ns t . ds.......5 a hein sanrst tulsesrk, the ardent andi noble do.. .30 n.ui. st ie~ 'o...:: à 6 41 '. ii.peuple avio 'tinu toDd thom ns seglacil luad ....rs ..... 9 000,Ofs.un. etees. We carnet relrîn tfrnt pacung onre ujte!, Epouî liUbrilge tefoe r ureadessthe atircicg pirturaeof nol eui, . ... .... ... ... .. 00, a. 111. unceod, Breuiiiiu........... 9 00, a'.lu. Chat day, andlChie gluiîua figeura vhirh Unie cuARRIVE. loyal Hungary pensesssd-drawn by Chat tpe Gcad Triul,.......... 0- 30, a'.in. de. oi.. .......... 9t 00, p.iit. inaster.insnd, nuse chosil fusever. culi C doe. id............. 'i301 p-m th rsn ue o sri btpueit .t do. (Ios........... 930, a. i: hepsctnirsfAsrjutaasi, >ctiniî Pr;tîccAltho 'rit r- il rnght oct yetliete oc late ta repaie Ctîe titid Officea North,.......... 3 00, p. ni. ira, Utire, Epieni, Ussortole fuiseoruods andi then sronga Chat have ne îacd t, .Br.........e ... 1 t 00, e c huangeai the feeliags lbere depictel. i1Sean' DIVcISIeN ORTS. anritta Macauhy ? iiFrederick hinlsi uvaded wl,7 penetratedl inte Bavaria. Praogue ssta- .vetOU................ ea. Ttc checten cf Bin'aria aras raisrd bridge .............. .......... 3" by thue sfrge8t1bsrhha,,C h it the 'fusela 1-b, ssory Stuadsy ieutoug. ai u Inaperial Chroce. Yet senas tIs pirit oftheli auitu. an. sasgtty dauginter o et'tcCieiareubroken. îeiY Niluily ecsuotog, et tCls ýown isSte11,Sh rcsaolved in Chu criais C tentrut hcnseif 030. sas 5cia. -to the fidvhity cf the peopleet'f Iltngary, a Frco 'ittouc-At 'lute iisli,' o7ilsîosoo'i tîlsos, peopue rude inolei, turbîulent, ansi ta cia trect. ce iefirot t iouroluiin ui0 'cr5 tieut of eppressien, but trave, genecoius, enZiiet Ie X15e. ea e--roi 'fsu'isy ,iiiandi simple inearteil. laîc tuscfe LMuS.ceretur3. Assi scs lu.diàtrsirra nd pertins,absleluailgia'eitbirlu Ci Loilge Nii. 86i0t ceoisa Eu-tIio tin tri s asou, ofîccards the Ernîeor Josephn ohe ,oit,e lt ;prnv lcu oeluls, 1i'ioII',Itl,v. IR. c, .',eertziny. Seconsi. Srarceiy bail ascus nia fri e L. .L. SNc. 1lac iiet ; ith inireuoHasll, couucb avhne s astneh te Parcshucg,.- ei von t'5li-e ku-.imv i esos ossi. L< . L" 791 iomet oais he oi ol,'Tcere,iuthie sigint of an junurerabie niunti j.lo No . e ileuYoust in* .lDli5 el. Code Bloc ins eruanuril ith ther croan, andi liitii'e 'eek, o unitf l Ttiti-,uy ini î'iry robesi ailh tcheobe'ofSt. SCspheuu. No son f»rl.erlli,,i,ltYilioisoos. iNu. 31 seictaton coutld ref'rain bis teurs alusuthe tl. A. a). tnlT'fuuolhiorsut reý111, euialyugmother rodeattChie fasI- 15ion of lierusarit', lis>eilnactuoifui yoacag NVtsitl, i iltllornioeiac -t tiet tuoicidi,iuetbrfahepteMoittDtuoi sib ilsnn lots uaoheathtd tîe nt cieunt nanerd ofet'SaCr isSu 'fuiS -11-ul iol,'iielo icul' ahuot Cilteanards northIleaud scuotb; va, Eitesclolttvicl, t. JîsisKingltrîi, andsi tancd avitl a ghea n lierpaie face 'elýcjiels,,oujlui., èîdouuta'tcost, p. aot. (Alter chiahienges tins fouc cornerrs oft'htînt ve li il .) I VS . .. P F . LN'f S 1 . t e d is p~uot e lb e r sig b ls , acu osi c e e t' e r b oc i ot' nCoo si iurr lercs', Ct s. tch.Clasi tinoIeela uieruig, auhe irploed ii in.usand6 plt. t'. s. E .o îWY, dpathielie ansi diguitted aerus, Che supple ' ('tu-sutsi ou r ooet, e roisiu t îr,nomnd cf ticr1people. buagnates ansi depnCies ovry sil tl' ti,' il,so., sit a*O ]- o. pruug lap, ait' sires thicir sabres, suddanitt l111V. J, . t'iYINE. wesü%atiMeitois uliieli erternf(ntiýea'>er vsccs, voaied Ce stansity icr anti odi Nlsrn; ,-s-l, 1030 oc' i.. rondeu1 heir uîn'eu aussifortunes. 'filthen, bui ic0îsunt, P . n. EV. .IU'N-t'. firmnea hall îoerer once fossaken tee; hu Usote1iel l,,-strteanCluhu Seiise'li s et thouiuet une nantisosen airan bl LiES'. IL Il. Tii5ItCTON. lhrnrue aud issu t satuesi. Sîtill scre souci C'anteýt Clioîrcl, 3 e'cictip. us., esir3 us- igaseu ChIic t, bl avhîuefeîvdiays luoter lay Es". ut.L LOIst s heutîcarnle befcre tht estâtes ci huer ceali an cd hîîsi npa bet'ure ttem Chue inofanut Arch New Adv'&tisenîents 1111S Day. Dette. 'fhonuil sens, liant tîe nt utlairta - Hungary troke forîh injte that anar-cey tole protetienst Coukiug Stove for $28, selicinBaoece rcoussi thtroesthcst Europe -Jncoh-s u Jy -Co.Sifsii EuonsBgyas 4harems, t'-Gon Sahfle. [1018ern uuiouî LndgtaW.H frigale- priiXîe-.Westecsld. s' thInonhabitanls of York, Peel and On- taniç).-Aex. Ttompes. -rend Execsion- Robser t oclie. pernoanaî-Ca7oerua & btncduneih. Excursion te Niag-ara.-Cuisia &Square eotice of' MeeCing as. Scyean'sHoCel. WhItby. Stirday, June. 30, 1860t ONLY ()O -L A AYE AR Hlungaryl andsitipsuimrit. Eturope jî enidectlyiluthie mîdat oa serions cci>nia. Frcm ontesi endtthe ter, lieargasizahies sud ns-ergaoirnttea au-e pro- seeiîg simultannusîy. Ttc vile njîh aboul divine rigtgnof Kin.e is ging sesy te ttc satanai and imperisaluile signta et' natins. This ateug-glm e escae dy-nasie andl popiaseleisenti, tas been earnsuly ouil flecot> conieetel, atace tis e nucitien In France., nsou ecsnty pees ageo. - Han uasuse iCis ars, and Iusgiag for repese, Europe cuit carnis onthie etruggle, cor adi ste tinuan reot uolil sirior>' is sseel, anti thne cigte of natonovaer Chic acces iguty ot' aisi up ansi tfeutc nonarcne eneyseureactinsaledlgel.tIese the lae wac isnItaly, sudaly iuresetlly the arm- istie oft Villafranca. Hounce Useshraeerai. ly orthe Ptes' tin s830-cuhd oat b>' nomberi. ilcns gaia thie gaîment ss.rug- gie ot' llaegary in 48. Tho' oe-rtishmed gaula, casi the aile treson oft'hte Cese odiaus sud eteraaliy listoucrel Ceocgy, 1luugccy siserl> nisatecel hon oppnessoec-0 She huessiars shesen Chat brute ferre can- not suibdeimb er. She es-identl>' infult oi vita!it>', an] Europe us do tope at trust, avilI seC ce ?P oluasstrosg sund energetie nattesI, -tiir4aghitCe lire ; Iha pnivelegaeof tiberor& an atiliitin ; ft'bihast talter- naesmsttbc encouutered, ers thc es'on veall scms te due thiink-ipped, anl nos. leau irtheAcd cisiet ef Hapsasc.- Hungaiy for theHslngarlaas, isteurelyma 1 40-a scr7, as Itshj ien the Italia.- NeitwE ranse nosEnglasut 1Vi ista te preseul dus Resgeeias wSlg avitis duol ousa mens, seuthusImslit-savse accote- plistadàILthsme aid af Franco, sud tise glanis Garibaldi c itUtimfse minaaili Se 0painie glunicua butacauiîy. Suic t n Austrio tinun. Such anas Hsogs-rY. Uc0 tu the elue nues, soi avili it fore aviCi il: ettier ? Reforme sull sud fast -or Houjia iî fenever leat to S1apîqbneg J. lilas Pserro for ing's Division- Stiesetera ave reproluseaen entiche fmc the Leader, ou Il Kiogas Division ansi Plo uy, Coanventionu." We sgrsecavithti viusoet'thne seiten in ttc mais, andsin tai opsinioni expessed by esectempcrary,th bit. psrry iî Chie mas te lefeat Sicr. leeiu 'fie Leader is mnita-e in miatiîg h Un. Itccor ie streuf intabijs eavctoanslu Ot' ceuns e hoieskroer nbers thian in ai cf tins cuier townshclipso;but eoneiniit hianu, wanshue gond eaneitfor teîisriu tisai bute. P erur , citti ti s estisiuy ans aC - ssend nS avIo-attncghiy in thne field- ans il "getop tabis avonk," avuuld broC 1 iReeson. Sevenal usemsats cf atrcnsgtli tins vcte oathttcDivisiosnanculticentre in perryu avicnc cther cendisiate avosl - tais. just as we experid iThse 64 smct-En ,ce$ a t averti hi Just as 055 txpvctcd bbMessrs.iWaîll ansi Donnain aviuug gisen Mn. Davidlleu the nlloteier alslseo uchclcd a uncssatroiled, in aIl tIse dirly déltglt seorkiag s.leir "crnai.-macines" lMn. Bm ineelsi noconresaent ta, de Ur. WuIlac dirly averti,andsoi bta. Beach aeasent the rtght-ahiat, and bis nanimeithlcur fccumsthChialte! oftînt hrttliautclamse Pl lishesi by "the NWiil'y Printing Ci pasy. "Thomss all*ce, £su7îu Agýent." 'flt f tuaauchanuenas Jeu Wallace anti J. 0 Dornan -uesmccpalo andi nprincipheil te tIse tost dtgrev. regi mecs cf cl trout, dead ta 31t generoue meuh>' feeling, seul indifférenît te the bnidcld, iesse of Chair slanelers ta cansu'mqnmmeof wavini tieyamy, bavicg swing at a presandmiltype! Ofi m'urse a, gondl ansi respectable an's came te an foc Ciniir aumit>'. t iste enugh at man's nasme i i sanroilanti nespected te sC encoCthe tat'get ai Chair enviens inalevalent abate.Thsy issa. asheci eut tise nase ofI pninter, pubilinher, cdi or prapretor, Md is Chiasexy dusj STo cura intiislibeb-a ut.ftheide seach af lau. Let o ucase thon bu ana-pris5 aI greosa ai f 1tis e 51t055t8eldein Whitisy wsaisCuls.It te neims k»s.authce mn e rmuavsceinti- no> tsai Chtde araiftct hdet eai1 aotsstne. syth ubi c r e.tisa leut ns *senthe u mJainur wabae em- ala tDoruan U arivjngat5I the nasion 1 'a sacre Msatél apaos en aDr G< b e r . " T h a t " b i s s i l l y m1e00 v bit e t il a u l i x W l o . o F f i c us 5 0 o r R E E t 1 5 t r i i y l u g b a b l t aoI b s e r v, h gaussait: lkof the tasen.» sxand.1>0 0FF. A.UONE. soties ettempted toI hO Playrdh wald's wstcgu n o tiC cin -James Wallace'& print. *T'sat ehee ~vailltig,""silyvacty"~ arc the Ts ntallation 0f the Offieers of Mr a- n endeW~t.to-ipeakc'fôi;0 " It, tes mlydtowards-the ot' -Union LOdge, No. 0-50, -teok plae oon bard ta assume the chaac o;'nd1 wobve already tstated, 1tistloiy 0ne5sy Ponday lestl, et ts oge trot0i, MM iss auidre 55I it torgan,no& te nov t e s urc fiont1 I eh thycued il g ; s d St,. John, B*p ti: s a day s . n lu h asever siamaS ay- . But th t ia te have th piins oftlîe T tc'"ratdvla" n ehrnmrhn nt"ee uhý si h ar et~~ ~ thijutvau. Dr on, n rtdiyth ethrn nrcigint"1v sucison t l Cluthe Tow0 atijutate. Dr. ceGunireîtr isncregalis, sud by a MaîiÃ"nic ilin- Ltydantcro~ot quite certain, cen affond to di.e1-rt .. te. disinteeoted (?> services Oir, ae an dl the publicesilI doubly des ie aivs u r sllec or cf llo ring th aï; V ry ex celen sehen tlsey knose tle grotind of the atsck Quite e nuzober ai breellren fromn sisiter individuel loto their confidnc T ta~~~~~~ ~~~ bejhtDco Iu rshvitl oeas ettendeil, sud joined iu lhe celebre' kuow the failings of bis clieruoter and a0 and conscientiots; enougli toe Xpce-z';lion tien et Chu festil. Thea Rigint WorsbiP unfertunato propeusitieo is n ature t% self et thCo(b n eIl B ard o n th e j0rîtIDg ful Dep ti'Disttict Grand M aster Richard - reli for Ct . L A nsd lookiog bsclc te matter, thet bis mid bâi e bCu g e- sn afmaidbY Past Masters 'TAY sud artecedenla hey cennot 'se persuaed t. lieved hy he restit oet hie eqel!01et ie, teddnrnaTruo tal t1 inoregard e renegade tory like ies ause i t t e ; a n t h t l e I R S I l e y c ners . T h o oro n t ow r e t i o fi c c t h in g ' s t t e r h n a h e e , sb ile t Priuting Coinsitnisu litli sofcr.Tefloigwr h fiestet ser n ro of ihalr fret is coteaaptible short th y dinpht,> glad ta nay that hers tht nt) duî fortiho presclat e r -.u k r , eo i s, s d a s~ fer suy chargeet' (reand. Thiis %ithedl ntle I okoy elsoadag resue for thse cuvent etlsck ioî Dr. Il. R. (besson, W. M. Party exigeccies frequently courai. peq1q Gunns. lu th naine issue of' the l5e D. McMurchy, S- W» ta avait theessolves cf lit kinds orctisist "lstiut-maclîine, Il Mr. 'ilimasP 1XicnOrof i. Fierheller, J. W.an end, jiiet asdetectives andics I Port Perry, las sokeii cf iii te f0îhîîivil Re-d. Ueo. T. J. IL1, M. ., Chaptsa. medo use af in pocsoticg the isCensl- tcresS: "W hon Tom P xton Clre ydos i J P. W heeler, Tressurr. Civil (] mcrument. T I n e orne noo1c îu l bis lîood.siike et the til.block f lits si'C w . H. Higgins, Sccretary. light- liha' in n n surît eumi point i mtte ufo uesDiiii et edisd S.D.viesv, that theu Weîlace-nheeî lu Suff'uu miit re(r eun Deiision J te ohnertrdo, . D. sithin tho Grit ratsî. Spis, limps, jsud sgeu e nd.seiuenta Wndrif tiCe oet 'un . .detectives, ae, howeover, geueraliy ruunu. titl-lcock is cot quite as resPecishît as J. C. Dubain, D. ai C. rated l tr Cheir servile services, botl, i vralkiisg bqfoce a tiiker's udgel t iiiu1's T. P. White, J. G. aei.Wlotisatfe tdohet cerpetnesece Cieoul tet f i>îa>î John Bell, 'Tyler. seonk et hie hileaeepeu.ltosnti tien te e represoiitatice ? .Ater the cerrmany of installactian bcd lesese je tua Weill oted andl eppreciels Mr. Perry and Doclor 1laîîî rertire beeu gene througb, the bretinren forme in ~ta excite thoeCîiauglit-even eithhtli> tlîeir chaesof thns îirt frol e sili St possesiou, sud merched irons the lailge slo ei.a evngo eontiion iuecliiiie' es e zatier of coinse. Mr.roul ta thue Epi3coal Church wsheco the .In e ul sugute iv Per' oicjeaestoîîdiiihlnhîîc0 rthe expeuse af publishiiîg thînt nrry jist theevy of the wsrkers of tie "suint' AîîrroYsronae eebdh e sting productiait of Ilie, wbjrf hoieuW* machne. lutue resitlcase îicyoîîkebrother Dewear, Past Grand lCheplein. Thecnte neseeaen lsatreta t e siry atlcinpt nt ,uerciniitt overnex-, es- vreiid brotiier took hie text irons the GriC parly, ni Moi0101ieoueepeeee, of couisot epresosionis uade usp. o! hou' Mr. Pee.i ia 2th versO 'e UcEpitttOft'St. Judo. j ecltiseplace af theo frisodu of tChat jarty cspeech mcatin ly l iii. S litîthe, j "But ye heloveil, building up ynurelveeeta Sud fInuit sith hitu for delug su. Id TeîapecancccDeiuccsrat. 'lTicLe t out yaue uîst hcly fitt, praying in the taymyîîgae i ot-' v i sinue HIs Ieroigt 1l fet10Yly lisO" kuose thcy do. -They rousiderIlîinuîtai il I l t h a t a a .re a tcTi oora n e ,l ice d i s é u r s e s d e l i o ce r e d i n l u v r y e - b t a s n a i t r u d e r n i s u n g i l t h e n , A b ll I.eeerty tlîty ycirs ag--Mr. l1eln" ~qacat terrus. Aller the asemn, the brelh- uiastable, cud at tabe rusteil. lIte u Ohem a chitll-W.)-,; lifted ap ini tus f5lsrS' reli refüruird cd nîacched in posseasicu cocdîîct bat serves te i tegust Alilidus, V arnus in Orler te atise l lis ignoiitC)u ajlireugh tlîe village, hrcded 'sy Trndgeon'ý fhls charecter and aecteocus are aech hlul epelittol iuost ilitiineranee ; lo1 Cluit -cellentt heass band, selirin dieroursed g.0 tîîsteaid of ever inspiriug confidlence eairotîshat oay te lt(,,preselol. lieiipul'r- t hymutvsy ect usi,0i hest ofni nise tiîoughcut the dny. Shcroly P"ete utansy aiecsiis ry), lîad hecu e coistenit 'rut"o'oloerheOoOot. rtun distrust and conteuîpt. Buch te the poil. f na." Xciv uuy sirtîicis.îitll. >5, 5o0>ibefoor u 'lee rbretfoic ce onoed th le wsllirorgac seseagatthle. a zen vouîld eptorove cfr se getily in;,, '191diin-aneithe Wellingtoni hotel, loopt by bheir for selîcesil prÏtends ta speak. aerestiiog n tact; boi thCoe"ioi -ooi5ii» NV. Inglis', -beli an excellent diiîuer, gos. tîieaed npeîî lotii by .3lrssrs. Wols iî 1 etralie cdiiueshcnCiiba'Towta Couacîl. 4 > 1n nioi lsptyîoslt ivit tifool sensouu of the year affards, sens prcvid' tîcy tart cupablo sts brouglittu so ltr (0 isirlo I d. Dioiier discuiseil, tlîe îiesly iiîstalled Wc sere unable, theougli absence ftol loti ut nllteoie ii» lilor Iiro i: iNI& ýtsie, orsliipftl Breahen Corsnî, gave borne, t luo iias.teîîeîccent the prerauf "btIhs fatie lifactetu iijo"p,! are tem lier Mut Gracionse Mjecty theo Qîîcc,and tooge ut' the Council, on yesîerday eventî1. îe qotet e t he ec o f a! liioset e viry .si ei 'e i tîe usuel layaIl o ss , ehi a ers receivei T Ise o uiy in spetant thiug d une, es are ta - et auni-Ciesa col s niîunghuniccet'nmdses htappepcoen o1na i-lcîgtlî b Dots tlî:t dirL nty gî.rotefîil 1 ' o andoxsiespîoided Ce in rmnn upr omd a h prpain netl Il l)eriio, longet lis'liceiris 'lifiod îoîo wtioaldus lcyalty. ThlicGrand Looige of and impecvemcets hic-haere ns folle," '0 % ie ui ie c a o u t tu W it l y - s s o l o npl r l i0>0 C oa oa d a , th e fa te W o i nhip 'u l M a s te r a n d i - u n d es s ta ce t $ 2 5 , lr c k ir e t 1 l 6lIack cyr.aithotiea shirt lu lis bis t 551Or lieers of atie Markhin Union Loige.- Base hiue, $150. Nort Wacd $200, Centa, al i sh tu Chis f ul, andtI vl i Nir. l', r l'a1 i aster, W oraliipful'B rot ierC ainpl oll. W nd $200, Sou th W ed $100. T W e, caeiiusy andosclritatoi 'gavI5liiii>i>cin e u aciete, &c., vers given, ead respous- $1250. p ley u ln t, as id cl tetl s.ol a ndol fos i n00000, s" a il h at , ru ec t'inte rn a i fe lini g , 'sucto tsi the iugratiiotue i. tih1,ut IO uosneg- Sv.A,-nocAs Excunisîe.-As viii hi 51 ht eîîuiuîîçloiŽ" ti iliii s Isol hici, lîaîoîily, churceteres, ecuhyaitnîàuceseiti er iluot ce aveu acqouinted antIs locthlolo tt ou s 'I.heriikîga. Te the toast cf i"Our gaeses, ' . b a riucetn nou det Id cd oudtvidlials, asiise ci r-ct cri etonee t'oîlcavuîg v ,itteu reepcîiae cas ase u ecesCotuî ed. olul gise a pleasaîre excu rsion on board lit y.dejicleol e lvcomme00',iinsment ~~ Nrs lof.rhnilsunie teoii.hosC " Fise 'L," ÃŽlias in ticle,îohe lis lo ts iitotisitt l 4lstfthue hevîren of Campanile <Wliîhsy)ToutluWiysdhecleOhs Kr distuebeol by tlocin aaltosielI .>tla.l ooige, seie frcm lthe long- distance thîcy eslsiigliso t lici' itiiposteiio'to(it 1>1 I>siiî lîo ltIavel honte, serra ccmpelied leleeeve andi tack on tin 11h cf July. Ail ihi h as îtepublt iIi iogli 0vi thi ioiilt rarty ini lhe evrîicg. aorid, et'(Whiah anadCObhaae) aili baye thimotives aich actoite oose Ceeiosii] is5- "«'utkhin, Juoi s Os.1ee ail u p1rtuitofal eenojyiog îliemeire ll Cochers ii attackiuog thiehaclierr'of rs "T,. îlot %V' Ni. a dsligiiît'itp on line lobeen ou het y. St oalemn.WrAIno41luu -leroil of ~Tiiers aili bc tire Woeks andi a Baleinai II"itiLTitaNrs > esios feces on heoard dueing the eveeiog. er 'Vut tlin II h " iiiislosiuc sr lyhuOhu iiîiîouîi. t oler f'iirl, '<lorti, I'. N., .1 N1isuu a tio' cor C pOiia M eudie sel leave ohiuug sedos .r , îov (Il% elrî o'l the. iiedî noroucd foc the m uet compiete aecCrniodatien a r, We sere muclussrisisiî,osisl> iisoiîyNo. 8o, tox "rteutexcuesioutets. Tcfr us o lu- .'ots îloî 0~tC~tlso es u "fa onlethavdsfevin eofild eCattc iiy2 cît ut' sed duho'rnlit Illeiembaands ofiit.uir thtur.osote t frvuutiuueiiiu c lue hattoeush'waissl r eetbie itù ulon ti h.Ogv1iii so&Ii Ie u iue t emee tc, 1 t 'î5enf lmodur, inul Uncionsir etieu f h byarclcrn t ve1h i o sieuyStaito et'itcive hoil» r oui] an .rhktoIui Uoiu.î Ld rc, n iy asr tiest hoit 5cns gearchoed gruil ttuenchi10 lr Isîthe. >0 'it Ille machiet courseorce Wedseudsy,4 Thailohil sec-folînil Moi , in kv pcîUit tOcCh ieinsIr Nw rtRcs aY chcie fsentsteg and iiio],,.Aisoioo tic utiou e wlegitîuutilugecimt t o teorte-iîsdFidy t atsce.Ttatn ai ave lais uoa guci-oflot, coie ils rt(] "" ' tii.ii ouo.itote, le hiotibet'le ut'fMi- e a ulveraneser offe, ert n he Nb ns' Ce hie tpe boouosroi loya ou litrk,,i li&iL ti cUisbi(iu e,il ny uuvCrutituierd te.dy u utaa taeeeg.Tcs bes NtouIayou le eîiitîiiviaed o ,tahi Cuspree-(n ry feer, ai ejoing toi n uor srs îo iv tefhu egienitlugo t otuu uIe sud urohier 'nd c ns vedy fineasitIe ak heafes5 tain iuu th t ceo tre iv otn i p ais sss,î 1 fi. - It , 1 lcui t u t at ua svc 0 h net eO ioe t iuC no uM - T h e tu i r an cre A er m , e on o h ea ow el lad ow grsqplt, oo ad teoesi ot titote 6mi.Bieu iese.e'fic usiditiin cf aIran sssi-' basiu Mc Buyd ns anhadiafnyihsl iis ,îo 'ltýeii, ioa iiivi unae, 'fie fuet rre athetssd-he Pies tai i thuîenente, ichpsse t-iu.1s- tl'1 h uledi %%ovihvvI oriaioi'aia 5. IV"Th els p re Adran John . ve. Teaitnofa . w lo esýr cuuuusIleuyoian seni i .a cve."r.Bo tic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h 0e nseaaiauaah, l rayicibs ou S O "W i CAF. bs nvs itîcwhn ue sln ejuicd e e fss,>stherv <iilehisif cfttc nttlUltn et inoeftoijoii The frTraclb Petso of $2Princei 'art Ct a ansee s lat orwstoü ieti, saot The WOnl. rig inpt'lodas tesuWaley u-ns' $50 e of2 ovrinhes, ual1 tr. tfe sol,îyatu, iseuaid sjsre jolis>sslls talI rurtes, serWe nxcransi. Ied o y n ae ruoaDoi j1 - . . A Brother, Pat Grand Chaplain Deavan, ta dv's Xenneth. The rac sas very tl1«4 obt ab- usho %ch cets Lto ais. mi), erd- snl the art eny t te and ton, - tins duch mat sut- Chat siouor's nies nss c lot ascbd, suset do mntailu ilat tistre istbicris in occtiniril oig gond l ho ot':iol- bcit, ave do nat bîusi te fluss itt'-o> Nue arettheimrpoveisvslàaet our ololien y aey aeaua cuufluod 1tCui ci-he . Thei seiting rorn fou- Chuegurrsioilitc, tas tees n uusornely paîsercdin tiouk pasuri, wih i uîy bordcrng. the, 'u-nss î tn' igthaendpleassnsg 'luec onitoss-t rcl tes Lue; anmd théseening's hilenlty sousd op seitinthe oatt'ftise junior Wanilsu: Happy tc seet, soa-ry te part, happy te caret accin." Altog-ether tise Feetival ot' St. Jotis, st blanthomn this jean, sens ose of cîqujaite eijymst, sd aili nt aoon be orgtteO iny thus 'settres avio 1artiliptet e in q pro' ccsoliegn. Sa moto is.taceluys. suau, an cs, rey ms- odoiut's c Tins tollaaing DelegatesttheissConvcntion lareu, aodIoouo-oacy lnprut ril~te bcbell et Markisem, ou Setardsy, tise lareu-O anug o ihssesonetaîoit î .tii> ou- i1 a0th inst., Cou cnsminate a candidate intheis a ctinsefua isototsume aI iti lissai setiuu it e t'fttc Moderato Party, seeselertel mntn. oui yssttnday fan tIse Toua of Wiity- Thosu aviso banc sees the ggnu.i uuu Captain ites, R. H. Laudes, Ai. M:- ty nd ea nes , .-h eh m os li i,, j:h"Iu- Ph ier en, N icho ns row n, W in. Blair, an ti 17 asi eaturci itiin nuctouf i ,nssi 'fso Mocsiy. Reerve-CartitSLynde, 'Ilth ud cunrypreý(l', l11lhirJon mWats, H. Ropkins and Thomas ruses, pinta, ansi honvy onchinls, esj sppes - eeu ciats aussiapplaund îths emncîosOtf _______ sornethiug, atia ta gosd tact, ,w V ii. Ec.a b. e Lsass.-W o are ray glaS Chat loy Statiaua- If itiusnt a soarorlis a auSaagreesment tas teen crame to, en the great tueidmatam, a das an uui,s4 s'osons. part cf tise M e atse lof Chia Toav , h pie ta- thie restote feine, ils,-os hut eluse thia planes ai business e- iali-teat crelit t he a- atfiral rct'oruus-' al ir- i e'mbosh in due treni s , Irest Chie1 ime pres arae setitleil. W'hitîiy 5sOssu i nhs tt tise firat ai Ortote and sut Ir en ece led ee an in ebis ue a srti tol"l ohue s r utsl <te irs. oI A psil s , Y olaule, (Salais' on gbwoncasion ave are ta verG>ssbrîtta laya excepte1). Sncb e causse avii prose Krc. Shnnly, the highly pouo l.u isnac ftolec mljssdCeras t elin ie, or Ca 0outavort>' Sus ýI ge n, pîcycra s a visw e s a&l abo era due m asse sec are aliktha ssful inn Che rnIL We toues, ne ane cas ha v dsgeOvan'te dtet ka teltea-picce ik duc laiesOesst,avwe eduen. eau snggent, Ion the externatilta: sset ave ha ve iec iteil, an] tht 4sîmierate , Pi- sturasBxc &Us ,Ta vaN tacesA Fssc.t. toino rs iliaplayed, (enil C e p ntectel -M us hra ieistiesud Suaere , of Baseas i- bt bira ansi matiug) it eýe ih o a l -"ill anuc ace " ria- in eatan ho give a tien peovidel f uc ladies.. Wce sa fi i.e: g -M d lexcursion tao i gsrs Pa Oin lu edu d'is' 'H rcu for W isitiy-uinl c ess e a rse o a o ataigiss. on' »C6 Tbej bave Winitiy-Smaien. egagea tuhe nMiscine nae ataamo lt'alo. T he G u it C o» that u 4, , ji asw ' Ian'r tbeporp m e, b e lm i TtcGsa~Cexstht se trsseMe- spacie,sud vas>'exeelmlen a mOuîesd5 taitfo li e erRa je ox ars, ale $0 ppaum ee ien. Tarter priemiaftse to thse SKIaI jeateela>', <'Waed aj) avaskà, sbout le>-.iO in W» i. wll ï i theMe positians s e ,aou but ne ofe hie pM easiout- be sanoSu' Si s e j a vg . ILolaontfax. a. ht ,l u nsteh y - 'fie tjirilraceret'on tday, for a 0a1s nu. andl hip-elue gu-i-hIDot fil. Ttnc secndl daytce picipal rce0 t'on ttc Iuuteepce's pua-te et'$100, 100 statia ai $15, ana mile heate, 3 iun 5.- Bmm5i DiSku Mn. Loueli's Mocki sud Mr. Wcilanîa Clusiosu ve tuoh 1190 esters]. Dice toeti ttc race is tbo straigbt buocte. Tisacontesi vusa 5 cl In a trotting race, apen ta PM"er, 0' purge et' $50,a, nd splate avertis $60 MWdi hy the Stewardis, ujth an jneaitniui d $15 saris. Mrf. Muneue'e Frak fdiM Mr. Robinson%8 peuj, au] Mn. Cassas'!' g- pecerenterail. Tisagrty llo5 'rot ttc purgo e iduhelirat test, shatu] Ot bukis tise attar isea Afttr this rare a match ar $'0o bel5i0 Frantk, and tiscgrej peser cassec; ts 3 in6, -id no diatance.-'fia g« pacer touktChu tiree t asrght hà& 'srshisg baillj ahi ttc tisa.leii"0 test meaens 3 misutea.s etsl Ion Chie day iit il I. Ttc tisid a-tiil>tins ratas utjOisch e"cf secs due Province purse ai $1,oyho*"' seigis. Tinre terses entered. ikbW Luss, clarIo%4 sud Phi.- uei,ti Caedh. vorkslti'iL" s on straigistiseas. ,fr sto tlr 'fie lest racne smw frsu e letr,asd s ua e in $f0,tvth se ., ai$20 esc], open tuaSut Chat neyer aven a puesa ocer*à sacecs, -tiat novas av a'pnurSs maesnti. Te ,itWao . eteihiion, fmlbfrdisss foraU ma, lady 8Ste& j'Bayl% favaeTie n i o eulia ms5 tetting avIs. 'fi Chitu The mars csmeseta 5 5e t Th, ,O e aie 55' whiss iabud Cigra' A Rn4 Mr Vbile ttc 1t Mý ent eOnCae It on of Km. neil 1h0-1 t onui5l a tins publi cent of Ch ,csent ot'- ea tbe pIes jni setat bave ehe 3.Bell'i lots ferel 1 e uapprtn lts finit l Bu BE te ce Bell ... btc folles' tItuenr. htetur. Risecer. nIeeor. rc. Bell there iu mid tlaat C cses1iOv y four ne esly on, ef rxu tenîd te s tc mrilj aid lie ta msinent t ted a yo' je sot d hlenit ris ta sejestu iccion ttluen pillars. aton il pecioble t. Wlu- nec te a i us-o re diuug sesa 8; aind r vuute t'osea s- er, andl Y, if nt iCO tuble n die Wrhu n lie e aluo cd a do, nisisiuui n givn stte c f ctecue icoy, rsr. tcd tsy I tat I acieutit ittes ilo o eltiou lteuor csay i serifi( Mr,. Bol ely ni ea stîn licinh uind do li E c beieo corset Id tic i cesSe t cunvo Iinter( Ir. Hlte 'y Cc u. tn i man l tId ne oven 1 t

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