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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1860, p. 2

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- ' - s- .~ -- ------t M Rau liereol aa? Wlsat a Chag liaisiae C la'sm. Ite wvu ilufaver aifiselding &f atinlmfr e bsback as tsudÏea sta rtef t PenYs amcas. AUlM. Perr's fieai, Ti ~~me aec lia spîrt ai bs tiravo? te Parlamaatey etelloasn ose ay, Sttuas!feu n ienvithehlmaloug n tis Cansevalivs thent tise ederae BefauMaet vossegtia urt'i0 xpeeci iyM. Guaai-ofin tvaiya,as at preecut . LaI tise nuin. geousi. --e tsoaem, irasotis'vsa lie ai Mi ~rqv's ecnitceses? .Ast ier ef poIIing places ha -eticraanedm 'anti 'Afiihuta tielsausiaatiI wliat ace ethis es, e ate ' itiEausn? Liooftvoulet ha.guffieulfo scipras.s ri lmes Mes. DevaiMthevtsietfl aans i issees nivi us Tht astlug int-iul alirtt,"' i ei h is ai' ncsse lesaisi,tteanok hack ceuditiou ef bee husbans!m anti isitesesi ta netii ionnaseuuhl yaishas! 'conte!i ygentlemssan' lthlie aieitdg, Ilt te eelection fraat iei acshatbea en- - iilitrea, htthis auly figislcuetilite, ani- geme majerlty. avec lii CescOcGit CePPO- v.mi>tan Mr. Bravn, latiseli çeuiti esntiy coumitteti, sud' It aeald ,haiefeusut ussaltisa mare, asdt leniag le anether iirec- nent. Mr. Perytan.1)caItUr.Reéoueand 'vi do.l.ie ul on ai thea Provincea mus t b ha ti eavrI,0a isehe blery andl corruptions tien it jumpetia vec a vootipile, cosins astii aiatàhv rm a1,00 ha amsaived, inattier ioracoaIhite umakes rea u ek-piaca eut tise secondi day.Hlo vasin lu dad i latlon ef Mre.Deaisira sody, fli îsaiI atbrtt." "Jeitsuiatt fae iahaetter mode ai ettiing coolestati andt isn raoË fo r s distan ce ofîtau miles votes tasallrelis tise Division. y amoeiig'tM. Brava, vas te hava tisa electans, andti elaIIawiag a paraoa vis e hforea»ay a na coutiltioîp it. Tise appoe. contgo raiaitise Publie ndt, Pest Office.,bis!niarigisi ta a-seat lu tise Haoseu teait once ni-Mrc. Devali's persan vas hisard!in TIsa Giobeca opinion af Mr. err. pusble walssCusIemasiReoaeue,b'lancSand asti vala for lteee--fentisaof the Parliamegiv -thie azireme. ia tise ilit oai is buesa e Ts lbelisei i ai feti u ueethiag aise ai publuiempertancesasnd-isefneatise persan legaiÇy ctititi ta tise boa!bie'The Gobralvllalare le places. Hiein Il. e Wal legililaîn re js w iet'ats et oit ispcaàssbien.hlm. Ha van lafav. liens! vusaasangiati maus. kltn.g tise tlfseci oeytahiasttts sntis mattec, a iaint iseaiagede aCeusty eue ofasprebiblery Liïqeor LAam andivay hli as! ieeslagget, foi oanis isbas! nommnationaai Mr. John RHsamPerri foc lu Casussils. Anti iea sketi il ta ha ceasider, veuiti vote ficit aisea lt-cama up. Tise acre san. Whoeu taoonup Se vi tet KWag'a Divsaon. This morniug wva finsh a «d,-vwLetàuc if Laover Onaha as id amn- psymat of criminel viloassas, anti tisegetisar liietea opaa euu i iebes iet e Jonîy lubah ouesaiParti ament aboitien ef newspapar postage v-lcfis!pleefti hluxmn ftheora e e de- MeW, vauls! sel le ethaaqeaity pradouinant liesais, ta hm s'oceng ativocale -,sud lha G EN E R A L N 0 ' 10 E S puiaparr.ido hs h oâ autier tise l'joint atlority" pasacea 7 For veulaiselo go facrtise aboition ofithe feaik.___ ipitclpaict.Aie Isievrl hoi airememhared, saIs!'h, sate otti have iug pelviiege. Speakiug -of tise ltter, oo u h asiMeaul .N.vAx, va ay U tise Glaia onu say' is, isaI 1,bis (Mr. ui an iàqintnushar aofvpreseotatio'as vus coisiticd'ît, ieàais, usiair tisaI athie Pxpres agFs c ..... 41>1r 20* . .Peee'ye a isfores Sse tiocidedl>' grittlihsd Canda t leliatcc erlaerats dcsca~aisus! Mitis! de. tida...........i 12,p.. Upper Caaa elo fe e nee .pIntes! parliauatarcumnta a MaNIl do. do ............ 0~ a -s ieruhyaaimaatril htae If ati in -theunion,recpreeentatioa sentity pelâtfrac, as! argue act is if thyisa' !gong weot-,............il0 "* p- . s aceawudleoiyaohrpo hiauantssiuj . Miait de ....... ........ 1, p.a *. bIs spoesivutio ha nipe îyanisepe hy populationl, acre net sufficite lasare acre yorts receivinug, tIsyçe>' v or ýprass o ....... . .... 30e1a u ia poiinpicpe aecslt t- e Uppor Canada. ber fair vice la the Gev- payisg lise Postage aunisy tisaescipict.- sMatstraaî limte, 22 nik~uxitaS £5th=1515es uUprCaaa"Ts pouif eurmeni tisa teacautry, is la tisenainme Tisera vera totealm emhaersm caas, vise WIi5ltime. sa nU rCnd. h poiini ai comuson sease, coua!tisaI veice or la- dis! tle euse tisasadtireas prliaueatsarl PST lcCî5, xà - origan tempa lu ap1ravai open ocee pismil fleur e hascerrs! hy ljinlt aullsocit>' 1"douentus te liseir fîeaus ai tis expoase Eastpe? ratd u . S 00, a. %hanànaWbMc Tise tîisig vs praposteroas h And tiu-astu oite country,.Ha e uithase tiseustea -------------------36ya-u'Perl gace teerupbltin.gs) andas!iyS lal in is seutes, unles hi ad io.ereste ofhissdo saIt iseir avn ep sant o l vît (u>, îl.... 00b p.m. oaa ta serve, ans! someeîmgta ahtaimm tise ackveodsmau la pay for their mutai k isinceAlberPtPu-tisa u, a. as- r ofthu4as rieoai Sic.a ter freni Iol, cd, fer oeemomenst favor sacS cancenaieace- Tiesatolfnitise rauiing Ashbueis. Gîtes, EpesIu, UîstIebrue Opposition. The gracimofM- ei a atate ai liiugs. I heseanme vsy, if priviieae, ha sata, te amotant ta about (;aaiseult........... *............................................ 00 , t-i. ba tisiho ligee s e aievle lu Me. Broya i Uppec Canadia acre te lhe divitit o t tva$60,000 a pearti tisa Foot Office Depart- Mrevst51eAsILS 41Is . 9 00 h a. as ylnet _camnt tea sppgrt tisat peesiaies, lisera veald ha the sane objec- ment. M. Pcray, in conclusion, gais! usaI Flot Vpet Grand Truuais. 9 09, I-gentleman tkrough tisbaSandi Ilraugis tiia lion, te eastect isison ef tise Province alîhoagis somaeofthtie artices' of is pallîl- F-.-t de. dc... o, p.... vauls! ha as mach Leve-r Canada thon, as cal filli hmigitiehoasls! te ha matie op oai Waett do. do.. 17 3 Ã"" up. inla ai s sagaries. Wure JebHa uas er- Veelt ,d. (1 .......93 a. au.r>' readtios aSsoed ehmefau hum- Laver Canada proer ,lu 5ev ;anti' acre saiit iems,. tisey eram neveetisaieso, îoe Breokilar. ucse Albsert, Port l'en- Lever Canadatisdvded lI tva w provinces, visiciveres mare iimsdiatly fat by tise rf . Nlisl OWa ......e..sa3009 P. %as.lite fetiaver of Mr. George Brown -rend>' thiae voalsiha precisel> tiesainme raut. peopte. He isaisbortiy gese througis tie Pu- ssims! Bate,................ 00, Ps. i lutago vberevec lMr. Browun chose lu leaut, "4Jalt authistym veattilava the contraolicy visicis, iseproiesseti, ans! viésics iultiiseavelsultl.20,altos ieanst un tfinl'l iev>. e!flise generasipublic alli uls of lise contry, guidie hlmilatis course, liead isc ie- lhuOoC DuVmSI osasE. andi nethisg vanlit ha laitfoe tise provin- ta raccive tisa nominaion oi tIse Coneassîas ioiseriug .....................JamI 2. Me. Ferry wvasait tes bc foutu>' velenmed tise ith) ......................... s. 3ae Iaaneba2uyte rw nov getiloy s! ho anainl-aime>' etseveel, hy in th Aise laive Causait. Ha iopodt Bse........................tg. lîas. Me. Ferry iaeeer, cihoses ta acl estes! asa Ca .r......................... sel..for hlm-slfin lu mt te itu bis,,Oaa thiluk-ia-, mcr. PercY, pteadedt iat ijelnat iieiy" coteat tise Division secesafail>' .and trust- MsAs'W. caca:,anti geseeally te de abat appes lu bis vouludecresa taxatian ieortasses tise de- i-M!that lha visarighî lineliavin in h pruelaa i cofommerce ;liat, it aisconteuti- telegaics iem lise Western part ni tise Di- tgo u'ciss.'l, . u. est, tisaI obrugish ia o. Brown vaulit gel vision bas! coase tisera irasanti uspaleget! ceas o-cueL. Be viii oaty support Mr. Brusws, or aisu to eh tie has!cf' a Part>' ia Uppor Coans- te cote for tlis trongeat ma.isa, aI Oa" atirmoirii>. hee obeiee da atisecoa u ertie oeem amd fiais- tise delegales frous Soulis Ontari sdîavsmmsse.io o haus t0ho iglt-alivayo pu-fennias flia os. <Loss! aiseer.) bMr. Ferry ceatisueitcanme. Mr. Pery opoke for aboet three Frac Msens-Albeoir tiai, Wsiltses5 aiSk, g lefbi >cunr, te pnrty tiika ai le en>' that tisera acre ilhac ef oaaeor tva quartera ai as hear, and vas greateduit vias SitaisStreete. ante trost TSum14 a ê ta destinies oenoste Uppor Canada. Elîher ineticisears uaithsccuisiounif is addrs!ai, "Orans ge g. Ne. 130 .ieossttTtito-aî at aist Ileioco stiecs we advanceel te haonue grant Britias North asnlha vas repoatadi>' tbrogiotthlie dctive- avenS inessîfls. Cvleltta i'Loei, Bcteset. eitrac>' bats doue losi>'te Mr. lils-a, anti A. Nsmîo5 eer860secodI'.er cnwegs isl ed adwligt Amariean CeufiedtielI>u tise ilgitest dia- e>' ai bis reessebu. e IO tru ess t ar'akaligoiiieirsi'si!vligl sem lu tise Britis Crovu; cor Upper Cana- Coi.. Tuoaopsus nest came frvard, sos!d stsiiîS.gprowesauc .prtWib.R ohiieeybdig ndtu h lba da b>' dissoiviagaiti Laver Canadtiseesme bu a speehofsainomaIsiglis, deciaredt aat mSst inietraîaneo l- , prerasces. M. Parry eil knae tisaIlise a prte taeue varaciousaueighibeesa crass te ie beti, never ngiso<e iti sbis nfeta-s L ý,oa oniii? cl îl ls rdy-%esuses haitll ol aet noltrtehsiiyo h SUce. It wan thon batora us te praeare fer ment la BrsIn lstitutins, &.ho Ha de- L. 0. L.Ns. 799t tllut athe lt ioleSsfs i.. aL Ne. 957,Iusocai l tot', it"4IAîss. bnitdiag ap n greatntonsoC te ditide aund sangl >' lise Brova part>'aise are DaltseCioei, aistithe la-t TistmIsainltétâtr> isban, anti vo ea sosure Mr. George Braon Suni ofTteoipeaiuisV iitbs Di;iioui, Ns. 31 tisaIt leb el praparedtat do se. untoai quarrais aotd tillI ueap us et vari- suedities, ni ticlsesthat the lIma vaes a ouse if taVtteilusiwttis veaist. anas vitis aach tier-ar teanustished hans!onvisas tise priaciple ai rapraoentalissm I. A. Ã". tiuevtTltipas, aut 5nrrie5batili.fi SinaeScstt oU.BonWdas1. 0iocsuieitbyocetynaisutelt ,whibîb. - ! ir.Bav keepiag auie~eicS'pjsslvut a cncds! is liileussaStet' ISs' a altis a ittia gasernor, anti lit sotions." cuos- feetardli e gmis!,rend>' te nccept the hlodl oveils t, uoaqavtutg Tiatoe-mo!'labs(M.nseutsaI eeent5s! t uer ou the Gond Tanspiara, Sems as llTel vui guppsse). Tetu ee snbs(r nmnto fli o tadta1&I[Y&MEIosanltsI"0- er i)e Sicaams iniobiniag repcset- canvais, andt ho fat confident tisaI if the EjtiiocepalCisreis, 0. Jat.1s. Kiua Sree, lsere 155smch s tiasis injtiritlgoales tilea li>population. As sonon msthe ceuis convention cansidecas! hlm tis eisalmass, b 'elueis. s.tni., suti lssai, P. lt.u.%l3ai-e au casaiéeIl vec.eelnssts Vitl tru>us!ha taben lu 1861, tissa tisediffreace lb o ula easil>'tient Mr. Ricane. Co.nt.-oto SUns)aî. 1EV. .1. PENTI.AND. cergymen, mave purtiursliis is t ecy aut popualatiam ontt lichoascertaines! btaea Tisompooimatie anme allusion aaile baeyiMr. Uppor ani Lever Canada. Tua Lever Parr>'siees! hlm oultuben -.ise Col- *an tat Fre-esscchCluretis Nletasieo' t inieee.reissust>' tisacasa. Tis>'es crdr:sano Canadienscoula ne then reuse ta acnow- a cndsonnaind ia Mr.esssyassîtinMarbenSterseaor B rootand tys. 11ean-tis* >'amuety pisce p tace he av o particteu' Candias anii nt ise rfus leacuos'-n cadialamîi l M. Pcr"s sassgbea is., anti olekp.m EV. T. LOWRYT, tir seet aove, asti beface eserybtssy amn letige a pclncipie goajust, lie anuttian>' ai sns lime aifiis t eimasiueecathl! anex>a Miaiste>' refuse te gat se jant s dotuauti; tics idea, asti expresses! hie graiication Cnrlgionl Clnu rnetue ter 4Brts, isd everyliin- mse. Wisc tise ravereut irM. Mars Sscota, Il atciock, là. ni., lnds« iC . àanti that once obtaieet,thisewveatitoui tisat Mr. Fae>' iosai lce scea tiseerne of . fEV. J. T. (YRNFL OKeeffot rade bis appo3ancu haro vu hi-l noble Bi-tisis Consttutionverk banmouiona -iis sn. , '1WeleausMotisei.t Cisaricecrner o it3tiSitril ati> i, becasce ve isappeutai te knas b>, aithis es asrtiag teaIbhetck- of apitiIg bis. A. Biiss. visa vas ne-t calletisot a ie>' %ystreiti, 10 30 s'allait, a. m-, ast! lnmctitise Catisolics oetihis tssc îitv. tise province anta palisesila en te aserve nptsa, causa fuevard anti assancad fais ln- ~utelck, p. ui. MEV. J. IIUJIT. vio are aimant ta a msan Irisliusati.dairc.I lisp ambiton ai oaae sinividul. Tis eno- Ienioannel te hae a candidate, anus!adminais Ussitea ut! austeiaaCiturli, gMuiiiaaios Iu- ta have a PasIer of theme eau country. Wi aaiqrysgemt ofe.s,,u te thia ucoutry, mres! amost doseeveti rahake te Cal. slitote, 2 3a, a local, p. m. axpectottigresai ast!gool]ti simugoinii,. vas tise ext pelitvisicis M. Per>' oisThompan iî bbunnle!faeraa-ko1eV. i ol. ut. TtIoTte,5an.- sudmaltisthe ast asuongt tilent, tise grec- up. lie exposootl ismeli sîrasîgly tinse taradMr. Ferry. He advisad th iselas Upist Crt,3aolok nae> u of givlay evor>' assistance anti encourage- ai tisa Conveoteîlbc1helsetrougeattic'.- REV. l.LOY. tiruof Ciaih atheslee Tavu. e' Ment te tisa propr clans of omigesis. Ha mau. " -Kaafa5oslcty ou thiîlt missinstise uuov vasa for etalishing ageats un the otti court. M. Fer>' repuies! ho Col. Tisempaon, ewAaetslesth D . mutfrtsiotlogtiaeîmisn iry,ass tisrougb ontisheioe oftheî sippiag asti saidt tisIha gave lisasain ae liitli- fl AVriee hsDY e orlebidn ftecaua a ponta, asti b>' atopiug asjudicis s ystem, redit facrseeating tise gentleman ai the reacoco it uS ur;y, aud isîsa>' liseral lie helievee tisai tise esnlgratiea veulbc dha ntimentalosai, but tisaI vas past. But Tbe Pretectienist Ccokiog Stase ion $28, Pentestar te acre laducet! ta subsacrie, is macefu ioIvelie, et fiteen ibosa iseniedlti mcc npiaticahu>' evr itning -.John Bejta. ersai!>. Instead., iseet.aetpuisiug this teaxythosauti, seut pera m. Hae isesu la foyer aiannexatuonat teUnitedieaure Excursion %o Niagaraul& amc. feftrueibi at tetonup isn vmi as laIssofaigiviag ira grate ai landis aStates, ad sltedt taio5 man55risathitsg M.OKel un bsatnint h mativiere v. as! mls ai acres iyiag ee beant imlmastter oua tylishie, IbatiBufifalo Medicai Dispensae>. gottisg np ofiabRousas CathilaSeissai- vaste astd unpros!uctivaeeey acte bnngitcoulat ho coutrue o t tisImesanig neta Nev Treamct-Dr. Ames & Son. ta lascIf a ac>' atalse tiin---secoil ilea cutivatian aildes! le tise veslth, ans! asythisg cisa diloyal. tyaiwe hr nehr bc, revenue ai tb. counIr>'. Haevasais!go lise Cl. Tismpuonuexpiained tha isa ee ni>'Camd-. P eatcck.acisSe-5i!crtsras>lstatjc boet aitsI vec>'omig"rcit, saboula!bave meni toase, iatlise rengratatated M5r. Card-WilitmKauffisn. gser îsimauiitie care aigat placet labs .bandea alands ecipoa i fit>'Pete> os baing patted Company vitis those Tnsgreram usem. sa5snlei aon the evn aceomple aresostise condition Liaieh stties! an, wvisa v isa ofan nexatuan. ts asnts aect euius s ma t ipravet a crtain portion alîbin a Thse candidtss thon raîlecti, anti tisaLst-A Gels! Penciu. teshotervrn ete-nn apetifiotime asdt bau ncampuying vitis Convention uatjournuet!fer fitoan minutes. SPCciai Noie-Mr. Forisi 'celas ta have it ustshuis-heats sep-tcal -bat cosnditioa, ha' ais grsntct ion reda. At iaif-pant fotur octocis, tise realvas sebani. We ragr reat ty lise course t1 Hie reforma te the goed eiihts uhicis the clles! acer, Il tise ticegaten (stitis tie se- Haiteays Olulment #andi Pilla. Mr. (YKeefia, in tis respect-Tisa Toasi adoption ofausas ystem-.altisoath au a cepîlea attise tan irom ta îicok-e) muoe- Shirhts Landifer Taxes. atftVhilis l iasdy oel- prusitieti nitl limites! sale, bhaiopen tise settiomeat o n g, snd tihe atieIng for canndidates can- Sheriff'm Sale ai Graceries, Tees, &0. sud pays niant libormly for tho support'e Hasting asnd Asdingiss rands, visera vitis' menasat. A tvaetiird sots van agreati upoa tiras comt R ehous, suni anc grasust Il'atua er tthea yeaes, ftosacihig susIle- a cesn'h aiaee.D> osssdGecre-Lao£Pv cela tisaheTewn,visera e ete astage usants biat preag up. Mrc. Ferry ttad Tisa folovbsg is tise rass itis te sever . oIt na gondi slaldet!atina are aitiiîthe iltli5e oas is faotaif a jasicieas Home- al ballots- Great Cearing Sle-Loves k, Powell. reafaisaiai. Cathalire. up te tise advens stand ltas,waiiciswhite le gave e is aur- preu. (Ouisls.o. CLTîsotaiseonitise raverand %Ic.tiblceffe, lisive attasusls auas aisaisomustesai ta tise dehior, alita-t- Ist ballot, 31 28 1 Frasis Groceies-Thos. H. MeMiiiss. tiaeebis npctknftscrssî us! sit preper prtecton ta the. crasitar. 2ati19 35 25 Ohs colladpruino hi ivi lie nat sais! tiaItie van opposas! te tise n ta 35 24 anc absent. Wiues asti Lquote--Thas. H. MaMilias. toges, alîhaut let, hindi-suai, cr sasiut expeaditura ni tise publie mcuey alîboat 4th i 39 20 o Canaditen Steel Pans-Tis. Macismi. tien. Man>' ni lie chisidraa vissia p-aisit the consnota fniPaliameul. except in ex- Os m5tian b, bic. NorreeoaiScrisa- weare in ascii> circumsaances bacs bout 6-a1--na>'--vtans! tisouoni>' to a lisat-t' uis h oscaudoti b>'Mr. Mars5 of Mark- <<- v'n~ <, t admitteti frac. Tiserealue nver lisaisonq eddu t.Ls.. ihlm*ftl te.,ovenofdifdulcul>' Cc îiifference ah Li lv>, aides! b>' than vu.rbaussasti acoune li.p alcpsmt thtehbut& of tishesamPel ia sina olet tnhToronto.Ave--n I oulgcums- ' -sabihmn t urue eigo raIs, wvse ath stma v oit a hotalion ha. mry. QurZ>EC CAM.eitlee'l.cn' i tl aat.Acmlîccu-st~usiattlsiuelt utr aiu foiea m>'ribnauil, inomo basis, teaprivitege -----*t pascal aftise chairrsi th ie duiegales item preepat!ies, atrede, and isisension& .1 of lallaig thlieir apila b>'puting siseir As aWIral Uet A naadraagcd we e" tawsabhip, vait en Mr. Pae>' as mati>' vohase sa ieoi iLaln seigisor ta troube andi expcnse i in dfacilra m- nomg RtS.a__ 5 theictieSn auS 5e055e4 ,asti tiserevaronti geutiemaa -han gene.M iag biari.-ta itlte to bs prepeel'.- -mdekon e Mm th"tbcve tehe ice h.ein thstrets, the isltraa ofthie d Re vas f utise in faot ai tise oxtension fK aN T, Journal.- ne nohttvi fetishe ilieuatpal lav ý the eleeta i jrs b igl,. ieCnctO..syate-anto>' oPrtes tntiug ac aneise jboere ad Deput>' Re-es b>'lie Mni!- W., Deva, afaemec hvis Useet ioitoratun Isat«kslmT5stgmets, viW lie'>c~aîcitr,-yn p ma55U0;Cnd lisheomdua0.uiles tmemiesfrntentreat inthtt- f li fr herorertemoeensi Mhee.erndMr m m as the Fayoteti ordse.,u vis on Th >' y buta,'Ansaltm e lc e'd"'tci.daai l hethert; mm l Ci-uama Teeau Tis e itrer articles n antheLiamassai putifi ir aauaateaisoneb5. Ha; ndt ~ *1, Mc Par>' uesorihesta ast bac paungces u atuef He b- tIftise Cmiaum for theb iar cou- dueun aetu ten cate ount mtvlGt be * U«b]md» ofthelawsof ppe'ns seof is i svulisng, inta ýý ferreel on fiz, tfl mtise.& - l5ro ' 'pubiici>' is1es., w ebave lrtsatlv m» otmaa se<amigiZm-eoftiai ils>' atdvheu aclie! ta aier b>' te pcret, vlid m ot c forwtatisi£ seliaa tut the ~.Ca-tu S8eýýb @ibei vfrrof et bameat ibs wvue basabitahe s ho la-efarim ise - aealhtMm la 1ucJiaeltbfhasuetEin theiaTown of Wib>'. «oudý L iAccod. piss, nlr lb. trac"a ace ie batS as!d.n c< .es.i mme te i« ùm .. lm%_mi mjort. maustet ut a ulte tt ose-tia om . As lie , an - gae ma &"-bWtepepertwv patmng a brouS tisai mu e sassthse elp biila nthsae sobutTcanreqfetiotIa! iiafimate tisai U»tot4 n 'ffbi eeMeMit. vs>'0Due of i-he tmet; aippeol tov, thse m,. G,,bm M - a va r@@eùSeand ftl-rk"i>'Crisickt , I4etiea thseMi g prprt c ïmen f ih aoiwm i elItre> iumiti hà w, - n, frâ bM ca ea gnasupe-i Q Riscs aio1af ~Uumtbm.C.. adtise YomgOcut in a lona>' ---- tIsa- ." li C»t rho IudýQpeudeot Csudidatos' Town Commelîli- Platfarm. -- MaoçT v5g Jul>' 9usd, t0 Tise illawtig tis OHNTise Ceut-li ma5b the p. Pesenst :- The olloïngis te Poital ,istî itie atter cigh 1iot i. M.5Mr Lyntia, orm ubmttlil b JOM fl ipttala Hooe, Mr.'ale, 'EE3Y. usee Caialte-ýfar itiaga Di. Mr. Laisig,' Mr. BreOis, Dr. Xbsci Mr. stan,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 'n Mrit.eeci atseCeymtoi Daer .- vil ka py w 'IL] di it 't' J'NI M 01 ýv il th, el ;es th tti i b ý'_. 1 019 .ht ýnt a t iti tlt i n p r th hi DU th th 1 n ýcI b bat i a tu re mý Ici La 41 Ni d; if th y tati , msonetiad reform a: T)s d> rri c insiCationraont Tise U nion of tise Provi "sisi s. Adsai t , W au iso , s>'. , ,ailte Reprceaitation ly PopulsiLa . ssloto oaa -e s i a ppc t oni vas b a iss e a i re f g e , t h o m .it is N n- E na e at rff l l t o a m ig r a f i n . um a t!e fo r t e ili is oi l O ft s u is s i prié, àrMu o0f Laisi te Emigraiitas adi imirming the Marisyne wasut. aed ieaesa actuai settja. posisileot eprotidoe aa 0aomaa A Hafmesîta Law.rind Ne XpsltittlO f pilu .05* Mri. Brono brsugbst ep tisa report O h- rallienLt tise cSsait 0f artiaMeSZ. - Coîusosilte aiici racoontied paulnr Prvnca ý«8on'yty t tkn o urtvcto. Report aduPtld ip iy t isa over naent -, an i neexpé'n IÃŽTREM v lt»Ofie01pallI any te le Mate OU -M. Laing isougit up theseortPofItis rarksaofia lo e isrnete!. cemîîlttc eatici s a sud vines uPit tee, r0scomntisOding tise - is aI tXpni Retreslabmcltin ls very iepitrtiellt turcs dul tisathe atrstisais uia %i )i tise pallie erpsadituroý-rut atteuii ntedffrn N n, Ltise prutn o set tise tep."ets--uasi Beiuoie a tle naax diule-hO On tisa orderoattise day is f( a ii tirieri oftmmItioS talbe pîsaei on tishe -itlea cn nîtDCtoî xrs ed hs redillss t -0 11,ut 55 thsasug* etauarstiiuias e o%5ve as tierav taxuries of tise rus, soie!notasn tisa us-gtina .f Cspiai H essartas af tise people. sota&fluri cnil psultsilil vas ailowed AJudeli uos Bankrnpt Law. la>' o5C. 1 dotlMn Retinottsi 0f La Couts.TheotCouncil cujourea!sl1n ua Redutio oflawCosýLaveiting lise 1insmt Simpliicities aiflise praoetiap afet After- tis a ntjssvramn oftci ha nmil tie >,avor catiiesltise BOassI utfIscaltîs t' Couru oai Law. getîser 7o1 uilis hDe. Giunsass leces Bevisien ef tiseCourt oai Clisue. Ctiairssau,nsutene uiisasi -sss Extention et tisemunicipal Lau. Eimction oi Eeevoss>5'l Deputies, and Ceaa5a CorrespaCutloi'!e Wartiass ai Couailes ly tise peopla, Qrccicc, Juli 3, 1860. tis ýme3a s Nayars af Cilles ani Si>'Dean. Si,- Ton&Tu keep us>han n, eestune tis &A si ilation et t ie law B Ofi UPPer peu. îough i a riti>'a preconceivei aite Louer Canatia. islen as vs waI 1 ma>'succerd in peltisi T ie res ri ting of tie rights af M ort- ing , fo c s y u are ai vare. uh a ediit g a ge s t a th es o p a rty h la i nas m o r t- i7 ne pist lar >' pa su ora ii a I re e Ol e x gage-withofit ll0wingtin tise right cacatisîgl>'scrcae. tQ & ei n i tp n t is u o t ie r p r ap e r t >, r o sai 1 su p po se i l a n t se d e a eîb o f t p ies o r p e r a O fl a it ie m r tz g g r . alîi s stg g s e ti te a G ri s e d i lise so m e in t Holding aU Parliameltary VEebsns go, tse ides: of iautbstiin, abot dsstisr an ane tiiy. siens in tise Cabintl, suit!oficousse vises A btter mate ai jttling cntotei riten poasit s iaei tu reaSnthotrir Eleations. giemnoof imagisnaties, ise bao a scis A Probibitary Liquor Law. in ctas. He asti nasae theiu by aisetisas P a y a s n t f C ri inia l w i n ase s. o e g eoss , a d t ie >' il b j st a s e siy lk A b liion o i N ew pap r Postage. one cape as a sclie . Som eh eteo an eis Abolition ai uhe Frnking .privilag. le îisg dit!nuit ake ec>'Wel, asdti I -0-eisethorfit il, for ha iti ot pectqýete vu- PrisaeEmnisys. long.-Su fsar as my tmowlceti4st-,oei;hi t1'othave nI yel nisiainadth Ie deelion muiiste>' are ns ey n daf ifra of tse Jtigs ai tis eosayo Tis es ar ong themalvea, ai ilseir best fient ofveuiei du-Sanonatsetisa ns>' tv-or i iss as raceeti ve eraisaudet! oser ta tiseMayor,- nisul t-isaun ithie cdotil osai bt, anti va ni> aait îe dseisonibisa or abutsg emeaiissg cuisse, vî-fsri i a siip amis!tlîe aîhue jîds t a aiard tishe in votecii amt!aient. ilsey ai pias. Tiese iîtisîgs ot tise Cîsaît>Cou- lae ehespo aa eüasy. Tiem visiey mi cl amis!tise Courts, %c litre ai] vas-a eusgugeet, eatins GneesCTtsneosl ach p r se e t i t se a Ii e a t t e n t i o n c if it e J i n e y t he i ce t a n w t . t a i i h -, nthspencefi nd City, sceais tc vu asl ta tia nuaîer isa succtiesalao Wsssitîs ail tise susetnteso sut! regtilriiy oc viii ic atonuci-tila goat ame. ell fîttes! augimsc ustnden got)dai sus E x c lu sIO N - cB A R aiT H Ecît i F sa F iv " - te m n , an u t!1 Ik uo iv o f n eca se ast ail lit flute xcur-oemonan hart! Captisuso hlsies 1>' t0 nar le preeilitsi os-er. rtmasut" uFi-e Fi>',0 onu Wodnevdsayast, A reporel vas beard sabhlie asti, i Iva usagru-obe asitu. Thea t-aer Its Eaeltt.sry iîtth e ýririteeue b o v e v r p s - s e d u i p r s p i t i as , a n d s i p u t vo l ti i t ii - s w f r o n h i is o s s is s o a n s 1 uia ta i isohe ps iecsue astod oit ahome la: Compsansy vtthtie Prit ni Nt'slu-; vfsaa ha nea suaisthe dl Si, li . inta of alrse oimsboard. Thso Csspaimso aes hnbcrtiust el i l n's unabla on put tie boat in to hii'a lOtesosto utîsr ad isse alh u uil caskint e thes uifassralea uesrant anI hsard, but I au vitseare tt ist . ws ole toputmile Fencmans a n ws an>' fundtiotn fure r uaose. t siu4 hlgt aptonfFeriosi ii' tisa Aidas de Camp;t t sEteîbeui ftsr tisaiglut, an ftleretursu trip. Tielias recsstiy soit! ouitli e t-alsliusemil, 1 0 s ia wa h i- a s s ba n de l s i s e n u is a ltti s o n s e x e l i- i u a > i e li a i bi s i n t e n tsio n o f si-iti li.- 'ci tsic a bord, anusaidet! goot dciii nid dntl.y,%li-led tota ibaasasentIl le tis esys tenjo>'uiutt. ibis vias pnoparsaîry ta tise roussval forîi ri - - nveenor Ceocrai 1tensa aoh iseld Tise recatmtlisg ofthe stock- isd IL OvNGOs-TicARIOC. . nf tlIe Batik- cf Uppen Cusols. hbalo l AI tisa Qisrîerrir!Meting niflise abovy lyiîsnstniatthlie sosoîdise-- of aise in IL etsu,liaeloiot Keucs tUoteu.lte fuloiboig usg n n eovdsm nie tdi s- acastinneti b>'the asalu-volesi flous dl ..aeutinn %era cleeteti officebeaases firean u ssaithoîlsi ersasut,viits iaud-su Wtha eaauiisg teru. neam8 la bai-e deoerd uAstdn pusi c Caen. Csttstment. Bot 1 ds ont refit s" sîis rus Ir W . H .I iiggin ,- lat V ice du an mcount of te am ple viîdica i n of i l C . M . K l e r , - i u i l V i e o R a s s s e g e n t c o n d i t i o n . nr e x i u r e o f 1 à J. V. Hon~5'ttiP1bpkins't aetcheti condul, oastfor tse1 wý % . % V i s o n ,- T e tt sn r e r p s eo f ea k i s g s re m rk , i el av s th is 1r OX 11T E F M NA AME T sofisten isefore matie, su-emu ia sava bi W J . Srnott, C. NI. Kelle, J. V. iaus, Je. appenr b>' tise expbossatieo ait.i-l at 0. Wiso n muid W . H . D su das. nmeei g, tisaI tise Ia nksi b oi s Sol c t -.---aa.------- nseacibia somets iA- or tao A PORTnRAIT PAINTINGn-Wc ihave bees ils lange esotomars, snd ltilt odup s-nv ® e t v i b s u i n s p e c t i o n n i t i e p o r t r a i t s s i t i u i e s um s e i a e a ' d o s. l-ai M . F n b e s s t u d i o l u t h s i : h a v , u d c an - ft î , a n e r r ain o i s a a i l B u LI; ful, teasaîst jgrealprelenet is ossses Il sder uselves veli raabd litm tIse isit.- an osîiuit ataont af mois-v s hlit eTie violtr ili ecgieti seraliex.a1-tisa e>' tle le>'are deyiv- .saslaitl i leocateli poitrailsoni adi knoan elisens,to partics visa nier es-cellsa"tictan>' ,d aongt th may exellnt pi aisowos Isalnaus l sis erslly nauis bs smnegst 5e as>'exceien paitin oenoductati thon theisenuna s a t- visicis gesc tise artist'amoent.. ara. aiisdpet, o hil go! -dirs 1à commenaiait abaeseire thobthia n gnrobunier ni hires i eurla o, visori c ait pCiatislJ ai tbemsivesste viîil 5fr. Foi-Ses, onet fel muahi iteneel in thba 'osreeit, 't wlîhoat dela>'. thain u-mpoyer. Ssatli bosittessoc ............. iseosxahing sutes af Irons tiotas èi e -hidi>' Te s counet. diféent iatividsale , i - e-oe1r ftfl<r1Y fl~ the fact that the have te oiisa~ mOpspacb~, je the DivisIon. ut)tes O to e aicomuateu ntove silasea im a ndihthight..tvisi10 y-utisu h e large geace. .Y IJÀéppr aldbedta iPP'- Tise hast preef ef tise abseceof jew >LLa hae a t ofet r n teuny halages tise tva scions aifLie Mo-tisaI tise esual c lta, ànm or sieetes, ieaKing ibtvssles, tîhaI theY paitisbofaiTRElP ~t snt ielgals t _aoaumcenvetion; tish ts csatas hu ckiiig ihal eaeh bd as tosdidate, sadviscna ase- tisameay. teetosa as as!e a asiveel te mata "SL. Tisibademb i as!tisaio la tise it uuw,»oOmae 'nae praceelnss th ie been periectiy cenT ics Liat 0 e silCeaGrits wuicara«-ei 1dtIseacre teihav ecs lieethe Bov,,« 1mev anUilu gosifait. Bthmctieus vet ntc.ted thed 1 Od m ipa- tise Cecivettioa îihsth isa fil ds!etrW'an itss osetltlaeots thupais. 1 ne te5 *u et as e aaited parly. Wbicb lever Of w..e ta ha e Au ad A b tisa gentlemata viseinâ umea vaetbafare th the .esjsitaiatsnmauld ýh '- Convention liail lees aieetedfie vouitiôWu eahave eceed e i tsaaees mupt of th$ .Mr. DeunaiWitl" r_ ti Mdermte _arty. if Mr. Gamelle fu a etsemuIsn5st « ffl IC liep&Wafl ___ tw to ty :11 0- he ,ed Ic. aP M. CI nX eu a 1 re gel IL-q lie th, eiý ly of com« 09 un the RTQU«d of the fSim, hh ha fi-ast orfL t 1 t hêf OUmeme tta0 Tarapke as> ofet iss e fiaivith ro -soe îstans he ~mach Irîhbatioa migit m et bl M ,o Wite.-- 4seea b> I-'q'h lu' t a 1" a"v? it > u ais1s4ltisithe easti dCierk bua a tmeit' for voi ofiumcb h tise mee ta k" IVaUUeaeut, ctiPd clr^kanti Biffs, base em ,ÃŽ, M, Abusma w U , aeoetit s> Me. veal. villa thousuds & û m Wihe1 tat thse flue«ntd ti M. heloavlie gente ise _E. : ile w,. W4* md em u -à srqicm f. ,net ai « ad -et wb. »oe va siavbe iea taufliwh . 0,, gymi'la tbe "MuS>' eâtblÉclste tliaq mbl ,>, t> -in tbuYcva t a ts ai O' la. MTo y ,,3 '00< Otear 6ritsinisthiat;the a.-~ te hliexeiein.giy volt pieaseti lb thse Edito 0 e litelJbitby Cirnisile. Porry, as a candidate î naet ig - cipateuaneasy 'estOl er Craim. Pickering, June 30y 1860. rali prerence they litteay fur Calte gin, o pponen 9 shows tise h An examination Oi the C"iremon fahul, t, reteace.futse Cear Ctin 9th cencession Pickerinsg,. îook place ontfttebim o b astl Satsr<iaJanie 3tith. Aiso lui coulsection Sion, on ameount of theio itle witis tise xaminationt vus a very sice tea litrra cniat.as psrtyý ,, iiteilh vent off cary enoothly tetupîs to coneesi tiair aliarsntsan an. p e s .ty under th abl e a utale m ent tadicrou .- L eO dcr. of Mr. Alex. Boaten, teachebr. Tise ucer- oits cmmae in tise ,orning at tise Hig ly IHiprtùtCo usnouhu, by eeading, inu uhicis great pro. dance.. ficienç, u$y vas aifesteti by many of tise pu- pilis. Tise naturat piiloaophy clsesvns a- TUE BROWNDRo se ver7 interestiitg, and the eagerness ahici ADsH SI;N0 I)Upùjý& every ose in the class showed. te have Ltse DAltjal.,V LESR FRt03,v honler ofa sweinll the questiona, by holti. DO.XALD., ing up their hands, the little eues reacising The Causualt itsta te h ave b"e op as-high as they resld ton, in order te out of tise puiceFieadi atîrsat the attention oi the teachor, showed iswpret àteynUUdeeatOOd vhit they moN. J. S. li.CDOieÀLD ri e- 1 wcre doiug Afiter soea other «orreille.sCeava-ÂLL,21t June, ipq as houts intermhission vas gises. Exami- DRAn Sin, -Miy tient impulse en nation recesunseaced t oI ne o'clock. The tihe Glob.e oftise 2nd in.stssîýth0Qà hanse croaded wsith the parents and friends consosior the publiceation or tise cr, of tise children, visicis is a treng prooi of decc net thOn 9emPleted as solfai di tunltereat vhich they féal le the casse ai te makl* a prompt ruply te Jour inera cdsctioa as eul s tair ppreiatfls i te31 st Mey, which eppeaeui ci ~ * lu ai n s w l s th i p r caitt i te loie* ai tise 18th of th. ainue s Mfr. Ileate'saisbilities as a sahool teacher. buton refiectâio. 1 holight it 0* Th irstir arithmnetic clas as toouh ' îstasn isl te Permit soutie lise ti Y xamndind thte diffrent rotes'tram prc5t la order te stiord tise press ahOP tics te cuhe o rtt; ag> a large clou ln ge- ni sustaiing or ceitdeiosiug tise j serai goography, visich was very isstrac- tien oyu have thought peeper ta ah, ,c tlise, as 'weli as iiteresting alidstaatisfsacl.o- yersefinrltint ts ur y 1.ry. The'gramesar clas as tises exsamin- cte "IJievi-Dorion idun-tai, et! siar hics am hor bu . poset! te seulis thse c=Ssa isni edaftr wiehsom shrt utappsrnpriatc acigwiiors, atthoisgh 51 the mcatii oddresens ta tise parente and! children vere migiot becendeto! ine edila isi gis-au by Mr. MeN'ais, Mr. Waa. Bemiset, bean by tisa Mantreal Rsrsth ie ta Trasteet and. SMc. Porter. Tht axercisea of Chrousic!e, and cantsc Jours-i5 ai litse day %veto agrceaahy diversiiied vus eqtamp. in coneqmscnce or my aisui e aig laihy ie childeleu. Tise condchit my Place in tise. buse teutaat sisje l ofalebhlidren alaistawosthy ni notice.- 110%vear icyen may havai' toccecia dA tisgstoaasoenhudaiotes defoinglightot n tisat. by yoij ossy isi lto utth r w so e ucd e toa d . e ,yet te trioa mails verycia si - neariy M ortemsait, tisair bbaissrclcltssapsmtsîlcarcdb e-. vas ascii as te show tise gontd gOvf'rissIC5st as stîroutied in dstmk )sysery, ulit wldch Me. Beatois exorcises§ oser bis Scheeli. mn bcalccialcd by ptiiliic i. h -At fonr o'clock ties choel sons disiisesh asil hase givels iLs verdict. susd vsumai avjournedt te tise grevoa djola' Tlsrt you ara astisiedtièols as s, ing tise scisoolhousc, visere tise tables weseecxiiianatiossn isite si;tniftv.i as tcc se sicey oran! vS scS tsiigu s sle aliyisuyletter yot, s.sy. "we ialecy Me. ~.elcuatld te piuse the palotLe, asWeil iais s ivesi ais ettectuat sitistus 10Io' a as tise cye, andtheis tasty manner ln wlie 'ciiillau iin osîich iletoNiisieîaeriss re oery îlîing vas areaigat!d, rafiectedth ie been sn largely ittsIugitg." ht ilgistacreelil spen tise ladie-a, vhs, i ha- Nolaoitltstaniti uitsy desire, ilaosl,, ai liesa %re noyer isaciavard in a gond cause, Soaetise colusstis ni tise 0 il,3 w * ,en as - isey toola a Vary active pitein the en-s Iris.-;t -it îpl Icar. te tisakhe bis sa ke ler-Iinetl, asIdti thtmanuer un vîsici tise laerItndisecasrseie . ode »ia)ffrdislîc'ci lnosael tiseir o r igtise piniloat lisse isolon te a rimîgini' tise publie, te itiserit (r tslisas'y abilijlea vere appreciated iy tisa isîtitis eaxirardinary lutter toiicis )jo 'li friands. O1s tise soisoi soc ail passati a va- tiressedt e me: rY ry pieisasot day tehielis iii long lhereniera- MR BROWN TO Mit& ADN le haret! ly tisaciildicîs amndithoeaprasiet. pNO. L tae Yooral, &c., QUsasC, NMy 15, îSiR isA VISITOR. Mys' l Si sa-l Sallttsis montet do ~ily attaenîtons els te au aeticle in ve sMr rs.lomtreal Usalzstte oi th isi ecsIm lis-Prs. i ronge sa cissrseler tîat iasco1 vs - d TFWIO WSE-qA. Isrisug'i itiesdr suer notice. Tis io 'a 7hbtthe Editor ofte- ib hoici "e Shorily sitar tise ariss cf se oftàeIsty hes f NMe. Broarits-piper test aveek. erntei - letwis Mr. J. S.Msrcnssl, alto bof est Sssl, îp tisaoott*acii<iici resil. Tua 17.el ®k i benin tlobacaristuciy saraseti for tise fisaisaisI it lis te revis-siof niss111tifil if a iýtisof tise Whitisy No-nopis aitiese uis. în ,ay -oin thee vîrengofs cli vsvt fa i It rue 1itave heard toi -.cvcry mso bc- Sr. S sudfetti ate sscilesal's spetcis." of itsg Its isoon wslc-nsntbut il is re- lte trown-i>oriau Gtteermsncsn aol ai ie' Illy ian har t tii o ut e ealeiti ýlt rts Y chatsi cl ta p sy tise S cignerial dise-s irots Pas'; isovc te ondrtaie ae tucphig. os areli l0is itnsi..Mr. Sanilleit! Maciossid msaie bat pre-eminennce in tise forimer dapstrtpnt. 1 sn, for il atouiti lisse hem osîse.t.. r i b e r e t ianh a iC i;iiil;tt t ia . r e u - n t c c o irr e s p e s u ie t t Q îse l e b e l ltthiiig hbut Perrt and msrder; nnd ail tttstiy alîti pssitiveiy sîsatati lbit Il nc, ta actri4 ta me as hest odapteti for ttis n.st dikt stka scis aisesuîîcait. Pc urmprinri of tise very ccriitts synitP h t sAit il riglt, italts sess iu 1 " lin exIbitd, eem telie,à coseof ,s % 11fortiose akeoni uecoues OPO ierry's recty relief pille, ti"sa eleîlry cf- as fuir Sic. Macdionaldt! e moshe essqtsi' le ferla nifvisiris. sasdisplsyved nt tisa rirent tise laist nasuat! gventlaIsuclingtI Uite Convenstionm hadt a Mohsum, canol fitu aiîlilitsc or nitis repsrt, wtls te e cy, ltIrnveeflltiCnis. Tisetaie cfà 1tsNby it leis incorrect te correct it, serest tht sud Sswift, le notlîivsg te tise weehtiy va:hofsi tyamosre iiaiy te esttibliatise fuSt lihrc tisota hogis in tisa Wlstby titi. This. lesset. 1 reom. ut sentrim tadtatheis ttti "r. Macdonaldsys distinctli ani e ý1 qîaity ofiye(le) employadu Tisedresmo csitivaty, and vu have tlacis tori tie ft oui coemporary Scoe te have beauni f asmake tisis sanesacameat, tisaI ise dg i of Uast lui xeaianti montrerus chAractar. Vi- oubstssu'uiaiiy tise languaea orbîcis siamîs ni Pcrry piayisg ssrisles-cisemical Sutedto tlaies ; hat ha dhiey liai tar aprmi th ie shape et hytîrauseru agreemenct teappsy thse Sîgorii ,ppj. as besalvaaontr wortisy pestîsaiister, suid rigis t siey ilvtiasustttr tsti- ,ouc marry self,. oca tahave p-Saed llsquarter Millins ofaiDolias0a tbarapiat otîcessiols eisrougis tise w:sanaeriflg mney ni CCsnada) aras at tisehuis ise l-is af i e u or niti Mis. Gilmii. Al'om uipacat ietteacu Messes. Brao 1ýrtitat eld laîdy excliiisieti:---Ahi1 Sir,. nsDrion ; tisat ussranver tise agreemsent cisc ll cao telliasle wisat a tub is." Evea Pi-r- in vîiiisg ;sad tisat hot (tir. ait- rys isarmîcosot!ndsaimos hieharces. Mictienait) on nal-i ig tissassetai iter eon't accape, butt ust couler in for ta neighil, laictsalaeinPiritamnt eltilael l icse <sy.) 1Iali'sat ianeY tise " CPtilsg,55 ls-avictitnsss ittimîg cdawnsfora a-sa Me. !ika Vilton's vision ot dealis. an tise pîie -give .no% bssay an epportlîity iitty puborne. misaI have iscen takissg s anctssi'aO any ttsing te s.ny, te cay iL. Bat ha ~iiexcusioin on tlis, owo accessont, witla Cor- in vain lur contraodiction. Neiht )ug parai Bornainon lus eitoriatl Rossintante. Braon ertay nitheis tarred 001 àtle as a tlttingsg qtiire. titîn et 1858 vesuureti te eeiy. il It la conclucio, hIc. Editor, if tisa aletitt vsce of palliation astîlsug ine a tis a sosiin, anud va cliinarilaî ails-cas iofMr. cisalloget!, aittîugis tlisecpsu iume Perry. alreatîy îsroaices suais faaafssl a','mil- pracîsa and dausagssg.» So atnts o e n stal dernmsgemitelt. il is very cvi- lien Sour llainoscauste ho eused il ,isce demnt thissniior about Saptembor saxt, es- ection vitis staleusenti e s enlimOsi qo a edal cells muet bc jrovieinlutise boa- nI oa to csiprelisonl-bit 1 laa ustic Asylous tee ont- hitby %Waliîcr-wo- oi sentuiome cch aitexpissuatici i - iIsL<S mias."dofa is msro Friday. As to tisa tub enctie-st eonccticnce as viii cilattia i nish lsif, proiîsbly by tisaItite it wil uctliremamcat tisa aliegaîlis ofet tia Gsoui e nt epair-for tis te Iruat Esastermi, ils directconatradiction. sais: WtoSceaia te bc vcry foui indacil. 1 am, i as frtVBQ antiYaun &c, GOIGÈ I W usa ber con, tel, Ckt Ie tre aate. ianit mua ta 'Wse il vetulat tradiat tise &Il' tracts? aluiosi allies, thanes yau hi detlari Va. 's lte i cînestis becu f aises 9 section et b>' I sisînse pretax vas te îyvwas Sis oc thal it - acr t thereI M. 1 1>', su ceclui te pl Seigiii cassai Tise other *tinttetî ted «o' Uppos ris, i contra, tien I the V agi-Cri usaIta ve% Cas repr - tisa S ta tht tf sii in an mel rs aet t5b peese Lesas 1 r Oue t tisa>' durit, inai muid tise s voal Ilit mueili his a seigu Boni' thss tiii sper Htesi isees orde (Chie 1 l eap tise tId

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