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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1860, p. 3

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leti Mr,1 tt i 1.1l ccco di-cg liy asiîî il fe~ Mr.1 le pe liy p tllup'l: clr si in hâ le Git 01(1 tht it htd à, mu poï )t hle, esb 01 j' 0.1eTt rthe ka .11c ijs b,ý thn c liedl ti hou0 ilt hi Nitt Ol go c' posre l ed fei ,Mtt or 0 id Mlol tccw TnlLieg esait cmrone coîieagdes le lb. Admn'cýioirtion ormced by yO en >" thoen yîearbhtore, ted as lice debatovasc ,e thn-ais yon alege my allusion vos le tlesaico nuttîcthlie otlpr ÃŽaay-irrele- t'anu,' tice e icee tSk, wvlo ibeir sae. moculs due notappeor te yen Iben coi- co ttange aaeclustteitr'as 10 compel yen «10 metlthoramwcul adirect contradiction'?- ,Vas i e cause aSi ycur loIe ceiltogues "cIcîthiae left thieucves mimd te con- tradict yon on theioopeh ld YOD delicd the etSîgations centaine&in laheooabove cx- îraes?-and di-i inet.the delcion-noqr, alotcorplte-cf aur Iower Canadiun tboccepeehse ve.'delivereult, and afler you ihallatlîelluhheti li yoar colegus-. deiaring tbsI dice payont ofthlIse tigicts 1-rs obbry of Upper Canad:e'? i1bat ltecu.etflsking sielter unifiete de- clarahiontotîlte indcmnity vas te love lieon piiout ef Lover <Canada funds, vicce everï spcciec of local fond ine hlat ueccion-ba heen ccl spitrh le 1854 tevartio tle appropriation othIe £150.000 adevnu-. el y île ColtihonGovereneit masn in- taluoet othîe indennity f Nor ec îlte prelixIthIal 1the Municipal Loin Fondl yoc te lie nord te extricate eilher yen or mcyscif fronct110e charge,liaI thie inidenoui' tyvwas te bc peidt ttof ise Jrociol fundo, enleso yen can procucre the lecimo- mocy of cyce onu et ont coleagtes,uneder lie ove hardi, shocing lt hicsth centlitairmt îlot il;lice iiilibitacts of tle aigcorics, ver. le bc mode te psy back, by a tax or othernise, tiueameount reqtired, in tle shape o Provincial Bonds, lu discarge the ccciansocf thc seigneurs. M. Derioe, ineflsiîs oil, qtoutid ini yofor second lutter, sayos:*-"Tite Unveruomenl should pecvide manone rglaI. definilo- iy, anel vlîloul inquiry as 10 lb. olicer setion e! tue countty, tiie question ol Su unorialii Igits, redecelinq /t/auptcnuiî efl0Si0t, e.oeatetfhe atiià'foi p/e tth, Pa netif of the inuisioîity glueIote c Seugjitiasfor Lod* et Ventes.a. id teuler cisulRights." The concurrent evienie of ail your olher coibeoguoes tronc Lover Canaedo dis tinctly procuili lat thIe inîoitants itercu- ted wers not te psy one cent, andl if your Uppeir Canada c9iletcgtri, Mesiecurs Mor- ris, Flry, R[ooc't, andul Coano, caniool contrcdiet, ilsîbey hive, lic. open declur.c- lion of Ni. Canion and hils friedo vIe joiced u, prty IeI tue oul-as lIce ceigne' .utstuil buteupitS by the Bonda&o tht provinice, rceceatilt cll fer a certainc nuetucter of Years vitl i lterest plyciclu Ialf-3'eariy, oul t lice piubiecucst lte agrteulefit leilig Iuticn te iih.ttnils cette ce ( olle1t> - icntithe bonds and icteteol weveo benliqidtted? ,ifsotite AN"bW'Eci7T TCAN uSAR ItTit TEST ut COSMON ShOot, OR O TictutIl, MLST e, rTHA TUE iouecc.Fu-.siST Iur aÂc' BEEN APLltli Tie steaiPAV'I"tti't5 cona you uythuait oue Loîce Ctndiii, reprcsýeutlcs'au)y peetieti outasSel-gIcjorv., caaid bavet ecninlud o r tcoaes lte> jolu nUl% i ela auItt liiorcid teill licol tue iuulibitts shclc mlle tce lapcy te Signoriol Buez, lc the OtmtOlie ue Muiiiciîel Louli Fon eincug 1iIip'oiriatcd te dcî igit elirose ? Thr eep t'o'u' jolfue' coi- fruuey, anud oc îîootc/ie' feuts, rîCtYou hu1re giffcîc'lici. Te ruiilorution cil'Mr. Beil. 'utitliu, oiller fifleitcM. P. .'sl, wiljiî i loýuld éicper yoîc gelfroue Ithate cl.iite drle edeicîte itc 1859, dtes tcot in auy bsylelpiyen. Itis a io py you ditl net eceie ,tIce noincs 09olyoue culeiguet ai lice sainelitce;peelcops youc iy ihave acloue tle,-if 'lot, 1h aplueýrcte 1miuneticnt c.c aîî'cy litte decued leslimuotoy unuicior tant tlrtiit'%dville iguiof thce ixeci g.ent î iiî-".i l oce tle, -i.lot, wc eli crt: [lt pretueici c'ien SMesiurs Drutuctuonel and Leuieuix egreceel joilc tis. i recoliii.ct but cie inccicg, and thiat of cirlipe Coiutediatucsupporttti t- ti> ln ciuîliuiig irliits Messiurs Derioto and Soucccuercjlî (but I aics uot cer'tao intl lhury ccrpitenQt.) hclu i sttenulcd doiug thie iilituregiiîc£c, co dtgit i cicuci Say wiitel cred i eai le u cven the cos- plecîcloninuudr, as tl jqsta ti fyour G(oy eruîceît, veto apu1ioed of. (elit ex'ittiiithe 1creportof my cspeechi in su extt f the jt Louulcue a PoIreae, 1 find lice folioig votilu trilutcd te l'le, and lihe coes'cpondenot ci the. Giiet f secuîs Ici laceethlmesane vends, tiocugit touetrepoarter', it. Edrrus, 010 une cutcli te saite expreosi ou îonthloccasion, tcs veebl cppcir frouae M'bat yen qiol taoc>l speeh roinc h8otes : Iloseeri, to corne io a poitt moreha telieiy cffechisug gentlemien Siting eon bils ove ddte of thefloeuse. A goeat dcci lied been caid aboutcithce censitaires Anid tei,tItS la ceccneclioc vitit tle Broewnu BrionU, ivernent. Ilicnov beggtd ti Say tici il vos them cacuil rigito dueL lIce îiiguiers whvhlsoul bc luids0 ly tIcs adtijtujtrtioc outIocitle public clust, sut It Ilute cenitilie's sîonciet le ccliii] open te re-incbure ilo amouel. (Ceafue joiîanîd elitems) Tes, il %vas bltet lico Huoti. Gjeleman cbould ucderetind tIi Inuttriuiy, since a riaI des il tif nre. pesenatioa vaic regard le tle tact ha'l heectomade ue of li ppet Canaeda iii cedertb utge a change je tliceconstitiono (Clecr.) 1 etiot ucieliy oay viocîler 1 nom I verdit- Pucbliecist" et - PeovnlcL% Fitid,t' mcnd île editor of lic. Gazat aiuhils itecof Iosuîng ediocl iler ofthiost esîireusionc te bote but i iooucy tigle, nov te ccy îlot vîcliher 1 ustielilc otordti or nt, 1i mueant le h. undeechood ai eoieitg talice Ilote tle assurance lhii îheleiRîOWN-)ORitOM ADMlI NSTR. Ml- lIn'AIIED Ti P>1V 1Iti ite periodeulcierefetting le thc seagnol icj i«,igt8,)yOu gave ctemnce ho your mad tltsuteyeur coiccituents iluths Royal ci thoice, ici tle lloviutg sortis:-"Se le te coy teankly liai.t 1veuld elb, O.e iiit;uioteucî thai tle litied mom alegeid t terequirso slociidattnd in the vmY Oeth'i fe in&, vaif se#jtu-d ,trîfb., vllc $e ntai,îieg on lth~e »ttry every ycsLr, i iCmtolo and extcU*ml- ic valiynaot * Ibm th.evbel---deus of th. eoiSnilt k-,'t lut dic Do i tht l e dgs Oue seles te eut coufilci alles fsLw e mz hm"dl 'nely 10 iar out eUt' promut ie 1 t V o u sà te tise 4S u 5si u ti0i08 i Su* torti on Oof ye tte11r as rfcts ci lay ovu consecoy isrelatitoto mn vetOescen mliumvgta ive 1854 oii4 il is perletiy trie. ihat ap te thic. ru 88118,oun4j5feree Ofpinion eisteS Our settiln cf lice eMpSdioflraiczDlM lb. imlier a, h' u -5OfM n gUpper Can as n heram t07iInfte sIegorù], b flo-A i lIÉfrhadIL morim $Illave.tmloin u OWGth - 1goteoccsy proecutini thc crnf et aaa uiq uniîy. le addition, the looeienal (loi c ~yeti se mordertd relustiens etfltc'te te MC, l mitar, mattml, csstaeg ot 2unOs le àndpkes for h. eeple sut Pairie, atm I are 'îeing upîbthemrie of thîe cit. in OUcaOe t he oappBirlCe ofthie N.cPolta re troopa Ticheu letis t es.uaucua il t' acon be ppcamo r Galigual cmsa c.à-11lsulet. 'telicleS froan Paierie m s tatlaththe Nea cite' 0y-5bave, ou tieey esacaîed ltse picaftietbache di Of rtc tse c ciaI, spi&etheIsgiuist Iii. m the aacueoia btiste ses, à"ido» s.a ày taudl i laijry m&S pocible tuevbtatevel' miovi , md usttheIuqc@W85 n"takp vil tIccu. OsepmSShm ct ais n e b loredmndent ote porta Dow se tb posBiof tallteicte9urIS%0loast i ivest go, eli oxpresseil le mylasI quota tien freina yeur ove alleela, vs inete i conl usion thaltlcses -rightisboolel teho scleul by u; but 1 mut admit. thal it vos a bolet stop 1talsle, mnd Ihat, conide- ring île feeing in Upper Canada, nolbinif but. tle ptocped t svlng ont toinmon couîntry frous lhe furlicer aa.diila lion tinder vhieh thibd enffereel for yees, cocldjustity Our alliance on sucli ttes. itlais tendte ho regrtei hibat lin c- fending yonnteit spaint charges;, not erge. naing vilb me, yen chenld bacs cocider- ct lu ncceeoiry tle stlc ot eiy vhat us nent true, vilI regard 1 tu votes, but what le 'sores, j lave ovetoked -for, 1 cilI net clotgn'yeu dii h ving suppreesel 1h --acluai vote vhaiicli1 i ellgse, vîlcît veulel lave given yetur clahinenta,-on lihe strsnglh of viiic tle Clear Gril pape hcave atacciede. a, diret and fiat contra- diction. - b ave tho greter rzason fer complais'. lng On dais e hetias 1i hxofetno mae le Canadas moe conversanlttian yoarcelt vitb 1the votes andl proceedunge ot the Ilouse as recorteincoeo jenr, ne one vIe possesseco cncthing iho tho samae ca- paciIy tfor frreting otthîe sberl-coeiings, of puaibie'inen, snd, theretore, 1h un that 1 ciharg 3yole, 1tu e telideslt te, vth having, as 1 lave already salu, everlookee the voteo viccb oulti provs my hlece aduorence te eut compact cillenti Lover Canedion allies in 1858. Towceds thloseuofo yotur lehîer you vrite a4 llows .--Il AntI finaly te ushow tloichyeu and 1 have neyer cluongeel ont opinions on Iis eujet sl u tneil test divisoen upon t, il is only necicuaty t tu- 1r ta lhc joilntu of thIe Assembly for tlce Session et 1850. cicen lIce blli as Icloro the Rlie grsnting i/ctcceetcthree andl fons millions et deollrs ot cdditieuable- uemnity, te Ituc ceiguors feoiu lie pulic cci, il cvao movedtit/cei chaerer sanc c' atnimalteuy fba teguired for t/ca etfletnutcf eua oyuec iifi f stiiul eiyaiuil ,esfi ped itc thy /e oiauu rc et uuàf iud. tce a ueor layccap fie îui- ued hé, Luuecr Ccaaua. For tiuah cuotion - you, iocat, Cennor, Fley and 1 c'ctetL'" 1 uov chalenge yoi te penve Ibel t set. eci for eny sucli moin-1 I icer dit-so pray espisin 1ev yoci cere iààacd t slow n p le tle readets efthîe 6'Gle, atot the countory, vilbecI a slidocr ot proof ort' nloity le suppot te cîcrg*ts If yon cillii t bv ut ifciouc'me te pope r469 f el tcjuurtils oft Ilat souie scuci i, iyou cill fuel a cmoion aaude, ttuasoseow ruo thec'21I1tcf April, 1859, tandtlot rcetot thuenexl juage and set huocs youcandmd id nuul vote togrîhur. 'AndO tie qiie,:t ion le- uî11 goiuo prcpo.oed, lictithlIe bil lucno- e Mt. Fergusoi aoccî, ilae indieel, e.' Sosnded ly Johntcs icieron, " Thout .11thue vendu allter i aow 1telice eaulo(thie quecls- thinibloef tt tnandhte cordcbo .ceu,ît- tell inoa eoiiittecof 11theuîoluo flotuse, fur fiouu t/e jityuuelift hi-t't uthf/e ed f f/ce 7t/c /îiuu ;aid jtuiîrtlnuc theiucvetilo . And iliel tle Seignouey or Seignot'icu, co tedecuioci fruuîo the cotititttd rets, the feu/a et euti, ao ter cecsi t iglito, toali le clargcd cviltula ai cuuil 10t p tatbue said Itlceer (deeil Ibe sointcfuteeshil- ing inî(lice pouicul penannîn, on lite leeses- sud valiteof db thie amsesole properiy wlhijethue suijd Seignory or Sciguories, ic the o ike nucie,suidu cliesbm incauc ltd- ditions usthue seveta u nSulpaltit-o, licI l'cse lorrecelfrnteu tc.Municipal Loue tFonud et Uput ('oCogdo, etc nec, or ai) ce lercaotter lotu îile charcgroile fr lthe liqui- daioun of thlcjr cucld eluî or lotac i steail ttiienci.' .AndtheijlietîiclI ilîclaion ltc. iotoiniu'tt.tht Iîclo u te idetd, anti lIce naisuuetiiîgcaibel tur, liey cere leSt' e dect." Yecti ci for tle nmotiotu cmakhee censjtitaispuy, eoicfu'uutol/e refrto iog tîîder tcje/c .1/curs. Durion, Liclerye. T/ti'iîecLenlijczucund Druniitieui tiecue iuceiluf f0 yicUs jus 1858, cc/cit J vtfeuf, iaf, i/cowetuug/cit idlfet, coei o a/cuit cf teeld Io ime, in tcf/ca lp.e q uiiop>oc tinicifppet (Jieeîufc, Iprefar. te tura itu tuthf/ca dulgalisu tchenuc wO iere atusIoiia teutcee t/conLoue. e Vlouuudituic btujoiec&petur Adifniistres- lin f ic.Bd you noticuthIe rote of uine bc- fors yeuu roIe your lester ? A word oet le-nsuore betaro 1 cloue tisc Iîleer, aiteatît, pelcîps, unp'ýirtionabiy leigltned. litis letrlucI I 1votel against the. Minliserial Bill et 1859 and for ttc. -folinwinn; resons-T'hah Bill inclndee te nidencplmen of Signeries, cnd PartescOi Seigneries, nover coucr.ompaîed ly tle Le. dgioslu'o of 1854, am oblohigationu d 1. ntIestendte 10 aaie nt cmofetcasesq, co thlacI te etect o e liegisiiion uf 1851 ce0 a iui 0inctease tle liitiy oe ,t lacPrevicice. Amolicroiuecien vas, ilsi d île mbe sfer lue Easteru Townships biftecy votilticnent1telice piuing ot et I.actiee, tcrctutl.. lutlo 'l-runen h (tua eautl e ios) te sp pt<uptiatui I Ileir leclilica £100000 outl of tle Muni- iscipal LoamaFond; and sagaien, anoller pot- ionci1thb ili mitfud lcao rteineil byli (loc'ruuin ucu c i mit oct-wliclo va otervotuis due-Io a fer rettsctery moum betuseluoce constituettts oer. net groctly le intrested ile leinai reluaPtion ettht r ighls. yen keos lIai ont lIese grecands i proettolagaiîlhe til! afai rsit t te aIt. iliaieloy cmy et conclusion, 10 ex. pWeo 'tyr ientlcolyots did not sandl op itu s y lae rle I,, floue, and comubat asuotheisuets en iis question, iotesti0c t rastftrring thenite lue collations oet li. Gcfloeuanmd Llcctpby giuina 10yeurclf à dccided advaclm. ci ic te cnieou.rsy ; but SPEOIAL NOTICES. A Card to thse Suffering. P il ER . IVt. COSC,ROVF., whle l or- TL in u m'csionare litî .îpiiu, meid of cl'iii pila,, wlîc,î ii cilie iic.iiliîod tuS- co, ly à reeiîic oltciced froui a c iuriud Plîcol cii rtcidiîig lit hic crt cîltty ut Juido. i'co reiutoh ocircd rmat ,ilicro ivMers ccl., lttriig IScCo,îu,,,cîtlotî, roticllitiq, Sont Trt,'iCoulle andî Ceds, îîîd thic ilciility asud ir"c.di'iremonllcaicci i lîces l4ocdroe. lcrîocfbi'ncctitinoot ru, 1 icii olitilie whîiooiieii 1 i hoe lroî,eit iîuiiic tyjîliL110, ho ail wFu ,îccd i, frcc of eiiiirZe. Addrs SUD . .COSIIIitoV, 4390PlwitiuAveice. 22-w lui Brooklyn, N. Y. Tac Powia 0F Mcuîcesoves Diocasml. -Wc kboy of no better.iiccolrecioe ofthio &orl Ilion the vouderful cffîcto of the Ox' ygeîaîed ittîes, ia eradicalitcg fenmteh itrecu ye. dyspepois cand ailfunelionai dioeoros of thoe loucl, and reclorieg in'- pettred ldigccion. Iî b ePo cew reioody. Ten years of trial hy th publlic lias estab- lihee it so a standard nodicie i an d no fa Rni[inhe cecountry sitould lie withotitase a ali' and stre rcmcdy vith loti sexto and ail a,". Inor large cilliesitl ias bien -ucli ued liy thc regular physiciaso, and la itctorsed hy 2onie, of the crogestcecrtificates fro-o ccliknown lcdividtuaa. For sale by ail te draggiet.- Week4 Nec'e.llel Wî cuat lestify frote experience that thec aboor medcjcu pocucses ail the merita elaitoed l'ur it iy 0cr friend of th Novel- lette. 22 Forîsui y Jamî,e Il. Gerrie Droptut, &r. 1,,otmvcî, snd lqyV. Il. DciliBrucki6t TIIE G REA T ENIOLISII REMEDT 318 JA39ES CLAKIe 5 cele-braV»d Fenuale PlpF, ilPclTîlýTE>LETTERS B1( IO.'L PATENT. a ~ drc Proce4im o f &Si r i L, .< lh., c'n iFetpew%%" teiMa quce. Thuiecauaeshi edieesle ufdieg ilte c ecre o,'îîtiicloitîlul asddanqlmus dieelee telvrae &lIol e lié and eu ehates a mli uil. t t'tiît tandca upedy cere. csybh- cplied ou- lt' Maie, 1 Ladjus Il la e ciicly cultuel. Il pericd iii e'lr Iâst hetie, pri em Dollar,esrmth ie (loy- Sle£hrfut, cilu a ,fNe0c neas ina.ul Âftseii escts1occc51181 f0c ce]. Mmci, Ryctottr, ceaci1llct' tht,. lFils vifl l ce aà os et c ail cIller mis,»ha, ie. , "'cI I Ultiusa F ail dAiitOi. eectitb lm yy.es; ou dcw date of Jun 14, writas as tc*goz official sources 1 cen novr inforno yon tht revolutionaTy tuvements beoko- outt MoliteIuiobieCaseza. andl Caanzaro lutî ,,weeék , onSaturdcey ariaSuuday t,001010 veosnt etImMessns te Pizzo te tbe nunoher of 1,000 mon, in tvo steamers. liot bave decierd, hocrever, lt l hey< vriii net fl5bt sny mne againgt Ibir lire. tIers. Sovorsi officers-toid me liat lIoy rergrdeci tiheKing a asit, sud lîsI th. sooner Ibis frtricidal var vas over lice letaer. An, Englisi,,-French, and Aoc.- trime steancer ver. at Meoini, viiere the exedus by ses aniS land ceetinuel. TIers vas rosi dangei of s homicrdmuetl, boy. ever, aGaribaldi bue oriSered the cqîccdri net te adv 'acéé on the City, il baa hIs in- tention te arch on Caabria, sud se top te N-Miies. Osttasbas bec avacusteel ty th*0 Royalists, ad 1the roops bave anlereel Ressnsain s misérable condition. The govrnmeet vas crri.d on le th. former cîhy centiie came of Victer EmmancieL", Hfoliowaylt Nll&W-It seeros. asif 1the picartscoeim vers te lhe narroveel dove hoe hvo specilies, Holloway's Ocîment We hae'.convci'sed vith individniss In lisshae vitfle te .effect eoltheoPis iicocus of cpiiepsèy, ordinar convulsions, spescis, ilious colr, palpitation of the. heael, eys- pepsia, etc, aadticcy Il tell thesane iîury of Iheir cficacy andl iufaliiiility. Bo, to, of 1h. Olient. uThe- generai opin- ion sces te lie that il covor faios in ucic. rou-s and erupive eues. ItL b an leclîspu. table faithaï,tioebit hdfhiî th il -the prepsestions hae' the mt oallilcit confidence ini theo. IIRTII. CHRISTIE-At Whiîby on the 4îlc lest, Mmro.1. J. Chritie, of a deupghler. LIKENS -AI the lIternatjuiolIoId, Toronto, on Ihe 4110 inst, the vife utflMr. John Tikiene. of s elcîîghter. DAVDSON.-In Moîtreai, on the 2ud ino., the vile of Mr. Isae B. Davidsotî, of a csin. WOOD.-Jc Guelph, on tie 1ISi lt, lte vite of r. John A. Wood, tuerclicot of c daustilter. O'NEILL-Attlie BritlishHôtel, Guelpho on thet Oîlii., the vile of Me. James O'Neill, of a con. MALIRIED. G.LENN.,-IIARRY.'-On the 4tli mo., b> the Rev. G. B. P. Viner, BA., Mrt. Robt. Giin'i, te Riss Mary Ann aBrry, oh of th1e Tovnoiîip of Mcelcîeec. SMITII-ROOTHAM- - Ou tht iii lit., ai the Eîcgliulî Cathedrul, Qaclet, by Ille 1ev. Geo. V. Houceina, Mr. Horace S. Steitb, P. S. A., te Miss Hager, cidesi dieghter of Mrt. Roothaic, of Cambridlge, Eîcgicid. DIED. COULTER-Il,iToronto, ono lthe4th lut, nt his recideninoc uDcîheso îtriet, M. int. Vculler. au uid reideul le the ttiCSABY-Ie Qoceec, on 1the 2d mt. Mrt. Hamilton Robert Rirkaly, ageel 33 ycaes, secondl ion of Mrt. Joie Riîkahy. Reportiel by IL. E. PEcci', Esq. Whet-Fail, $1830. © $1.35C. Ditto-Spring, $1 lIc@ 12C.i Floue $51 0 Pj$6. Pros, 15C. Barley 50c. @ 55C. 0lots 30e @33c. ilye 50c. 135liO. C lcy $10@$13 :@toiu * Beîf $4 @05$0. Shîrp $3 (0 $4 50. Potctot.u4, Zf. Buttetoc0. Ilieo$5à. - ï Cord Wood $2 00(B $-0 25 ' cord 1 Wooi 25c. 0 27c. 0 Oacctgo Plse 85e at vhart Ab . BY-LAW, 7bnieý a f San Vie sente of 75on- lie-Toicaad dtlarsandseSInteretpib- aIe,i ?leiiy yeara for thse Iunproec- fr'esc/ofbflasathroughoci-ta ,Couadji 1 ý NEW ADVERTISEMENT8. Fu a Ae.-.We anders taud that Mrt. Fories, Artlal, la nov about to lenve Whut. hy, aed thetefors vo vould l rio'cmed ltai thlleho hcant 10 avail îhtmoeifves of hic ab'liltico le potrait pielieg, lied htter apply ea4f. The varions portraitaslic bas done of severai ef car Cilizees lices peak for themocîlvea licter ihautc ytbbe Ire cttiaay. Canadim Steel ýPens. seller uid eyle vrilior. Tii. o am inaat ad*el C ýT ftor fa ite. olatIfo de by W. Hl. lt,C.iNJl£ccad oirs ùBrouî tc, and 0 tO. YU L 9 Tuige.ipb MoreWitty, andiii lock..e.ansd rSthios- TIIOS. MACLEAR, Teronto Sîreat 30 Torotoî.1 PLEASURE mtilhsforeu s cceit uNiugrgâec.ii, le WEDNESDA.Y, JuIy18180 Aud bacc us piuyeiS 11w oî l dl Upue Cabl th,-' Flio. Th itemmeuîer Moc' Fioccor cill ciii t Port NewccotIi cI 4 oecca. ai., iticce'Pot lise- %V hiiiiic cI itiifpat 4 o'cioek; lt'ee ireet tu Lw hi - làîtt vc, pîraiothe icN. Y. (& IL. IL. vi in ciii vdoug le oouvcy piisoliifceo to thec Fouih R,. tirecthe ile ocoviiiicîiciitle FaIto ent 7 iltitoif 10. 7 î'eiik, ieîiiig thou seoeoioniiots tA Ilighlaud pper cand a cii ccc t ttviolîcit, li'il t.0Ii lîiioie a'iiloui 'iaio lpoli Ce11îtie, Lodio igic Ticbet. 1,(t tâ(Ioio 'olieclai ut iioouî4iîuiiifrnh'eoii ti critl l'es'îtIthu i'ut Olife, and utlthecolorer oh' I. & il. il'11'iec. F W. M3.lArtlî'î,i 1%. tielitlry, Murdocht liue.. mud Mcl'ti ice &-île. At Nev- * istct trtiîii îeNiiogltoîi lIeu.,,Il. Fîîirbiie, ittît Wiiiit & iCo. At tOiîoli't imi Jouît Xltrn c V. '.Il. ii & C .o.. Gi. Iludîer, titie ccl te indI~ileit 'y.At WIVIitiîy leot ii bi> R ou, & Yoccîî-id, Itiboiîiut,& ib"ieet., J.0. S-il,, cîod I ut te r-iC1ilel et, AI Iattlloi feîoi il. I.li.îtti ond N. t. Fireitild. At Troir froin Jilih .iei. ,A.t Eitti len froit '. W. M1e- i.coîl. t'ibar]ocVI.toileroui -9. Treuici. At t'uitriiilfuii W hiiiiul.Atortonu frosi JucoMet.'luiu,galcdJ. L. Tuther. TIIE CELEBRLATEB ÂCiIIBAT MONS. BLONDIN mliiti tl u i, o î it fii, ttîrfontilii, Wall- derl'ti ik!i't îtcithie NiiioortItivietihlion c 'iluelt iii'e, go tha ithtcti.i til and tieîo ifhîto thee'i,îursioîi tuil lic oî ieitrt tvîîefotlo iucuu ,thieiiotiireii.Tliox- oereIIus cUl lc couîdiuctuîi on theo hie-Nie riull ipî'tcbutth.isieu wh lî,îelitc, e, t%i ch seue t thic Bout ut imod.erato 1'iec. CHiRISTIE & SQUAIR. I rd tuictc'le triJl>', ISi. 0 the Ceucnty et Ontario lave by resolciic ufthe Council tesclvedto espcnd on certain 'uaes ilhin ltse soie Ceuuty lies seinoe Tw'enty-thouoouîl doîlair., ail Ihat thls sele unie et Tventy-lloesod dollars bo raised by Bebentures et uaid Corporatien payacble n Ts'enty yeara, prosideS lIaI IlieMuni- :claiiieitvicere the tmcnsy bla0 lis tipended rmise hy lly-Iaw, or n5bervistan .j .qcisi aniolnt. Bels il .theretor. ensettel oy the Municipal Corporation et the Voua- ty of Ontario in Councl asseebled, mcd. il sa hereby'enocred ly the actthority et the F sine., îlot itlelîl avtuifor tle. 'su- den o et huCoutny teralse by vay oet bsn Iteml any pern or peeccus, hody, or boul- r .es Corporel. ce pelilie, vIe nia y bu vilS- ing1 a ncs he .since upen,110 e eulit t iis Cony, and oethe deh entureashors- in mentiened, lte su ofITa'enhy'lhousand dolars et loottul ueomcs cf Canada mcd le caue Itue camne le hpalO mbil. lheands of th. Te'easnen of t tis Couttny for îthe pilepoica henciu alatoul, ItTuitil sabolholavful for lice Wsrden cf tlis oueicy te direct any De- lentursetorBelicatmeszho tue nade ent for sud sues an sunis etfniney, coi lesstîan-Tvsely.tiepondu mach, and luet exc.odicg in th0e tcolc lhq autl of Tweniy"ý-uicciaîd dollars vih ijleret iueeni, se acy penten or penton.9, hbody ut Iodles, ceeporate or'poiiticmsy mgree te.. li-'or adeance upea such Dtbeit- turas: andl cutI sucid Bebenlies-ahcll le le suel forte as tls Wardme of tle Conly ct hîli deeni expeelient, andi ebuai b., c.in-tielsCorporâe lofhet Is oue- 1>', antid hlil buaigu su1 hy tie Warilen andi Treesurer thereof, acuthîe oaci. ithl bue tudle jàycle et cuclc lianes andl le scch curao c.csicull correspond vitl, cnd.-&%wii cetisfy andl dicîcge lthe raid lbsn wcu inlencait tIerces. Ird. Tînt lthe interet upan thc sîui eD- beuhures shcluil e payablse t tIe1$ank etf Meotreai, WluiLhy, ontthie fieuh dcy et Jeîîuorv le ecl cd very ysar turing the cuerency clofcsiel )Bbturtu. 411. ThaIîle respecte aceluai Spscial ratesije le liedib biurofter tmei.tisîed anîî foeacing part o! Ilis By'lac, scll be raiocti levicO aud ,toIeceted ever andl alove al othutr rates, for lie ye.îrs lutein mnu- tietiel, tapoci aIl raebotpecpert)yiin tle colO County o ci tario, for the pu'-poseu of- paeyiuig hIc, cid suiof Tetty-tuouoand dollars iandlItheteulaetliteten uii n feore- scjd, acdtheîlt jiocedtof cilcu s pecil tate kiau bu applicd soîcly lu tIe poyneeelacd catioséi(nof smeiu ebotuues,sud tht le. Icresl Iluereoi, utilthe viiole cf icuch Beloctueies, andtihie ituiteet lîccreesolî le puit inifull. Rufuieil 10in thelofregoicg. By-iav, and forcucng part lteteef - of a ueact iitbe Sii 186, .peoido fc sr ein6,2200c il a ees, O les, 2140 1863 ea, a 1ac4,oise Ã"11 1250 i- c 1861s, îaso - i 1tee, 1c66,îalm 5.1511 cu t860,08 1869 toui li 1070 1869a to, c tsa. 1=8 1870 18usl 1000 lm, Uas2,t'm - 0 I icc, . 1875s,142 00200 ïî4 , e21124 15 - 0 ~ 188, 181, lmt - d aftr he titeeosaio slbcuiti.co -ae tnpulsleaon oticutse gie a1 rin o h eraan ttuei 010csei0 e n brvdd LOWES & POWELL F YFsen tba lua GodaiKtetihe lovent cm.1re,(2lst c etl'ooi i e uo.yoc i sme rdsicialp e scrty ek, Xrh M FMu S TTHEdI N.O, madce ino tics alcove ,.elicseoeu u anbeulr- iilg date rrsjuc'c'ivoIth le ItllI erenbor, l,4 umuuî lte Ãœ17011 ctiae, 146, outilittu tte up îuubeliumuet Audeîe' Nurtuumî Enelt, Euqiuito. tei Master uf the caiel court, île filiuuurn rmai "alte,, ai»liscalel liv I0dliis ottitîn, ce Stutlythi 2lSt day -of July tocat, aet b hein'f u t "nh iou, ta oelot, bl Itetur. WAKEFIEL.D, CISATE à1 ('e., Aoe-teuucený tos ît AnettiouuRectus,1 in lih. City et Turouto. thhut -s torse: Tb#iNrthululitof Lot Ne. 13,' iu the.' ed Cooeou , ,TevculiiinPi ceing, la the tamt f ,inie trbeopt7 aa.etitrnts, Titsfart~ a 6withlàc W, a misibocf tîue VlIpel .t otnvo,and ud ay lx cuites feom the Dur- Se'a Ceselk Suai/cohe Gr and Trunît Ualt- bissl 40 sets. as. vWei clesrettoBd imeb.Lied pq ut gooil ci M ad vei aped lt eregsa- iuug . feiccoeýrotjlimtci atsiuuiruining lueeugic Tuis ptoretuoar 1, ut Ibm tirn otf *,le, te pay» ,ics e,, uieit ocf 10 en tout, wuufa ur eltucce mcotyeYho the venduor e1 ida«Ànt 'uniuti t22",1l .ly etfAsgs t, ste psy mo !.e.uteh mo, as hlhiumkeup Io £2,5(, aiea tics tmeNauS>ee o bleoueslc" ad ed I.i uc.e e.etued, lte pariha.or ghict<mIsDoelgoyte ,rseteiLulee. vltca iuesat, et tic"ssi e ocao ys&ýref-itheSia dfsels. ~OThepum'.etg o bav ie e.ssovyaa.oand mteuetle micm atatThea1oé" o48f tin f»@ mI ë acm h tmg lest Reehmè, a Spienudi« »eton CONGOUS, ORAN'GE PEKOES&o ASO, VERT CR0101 Fine Plvoure4 Young iyàon GaUNqPOWDE, I, &o.. -AT THEN STORES 0P FIE CANTON T COIP'Y., 151 Kig-St. Eut, Toe«to, Corner Richmond St, London. FittuiiicntcIa litae â bocîti CLUB TO.. GECIIIiR, audmedneletiielrode.. iti pji, our toit ivene tie cepak ont caerrlmge SPIcculkeep do"., cetoithatiadlag thecitceordnsry, sud die trouble, in ('IlIum RIcckTetdo u......... ... 1cd tVle-101aï ol................. Sed qrCluoieV lit......c..as Fiutl,muIpuncel Y i....... sa ad (ttee'etc~~,b.......... la *ci tIpedid do#lb ............. aitcrnd FmrogesuVlb ...... 1 1i-tct inipote*ib .......... Ou C TIIE FINEST DÉVIljPTON8 OF VGyjV el scys ocnlbad, fttréiredu, and gromeelsjuuy FinesI Java Vcoeé...............ladM F'esecl La Qm .......... ...... I o LW' Remeshsc tlIm te rla tysidotea freni SImehet Square. Toronto.M, l-Di0. 11 t-I ERAL WMIMi)lqANrID INSUS,- ttun gef id*Sm a ."Brok U Redeidne-1e. MuParoionese o. prlicut the lebitrrr REMOVAL. AMBROTYPE GALLERY. Surgeons, Dentiste, &c. LdbC'EYM US Ai(x).. 10 NA T AKE idoagnre lu ccqouilinRttO e abci - rioe $1 porUbx; sentl fric ly pool. T.noul of Whlii', and %ceiuity, thou hec Fl AL TAL RGGýT hatloe tilo ub oroonl, over te coro of CA f- TAL RGîlS I.ETCIN LYNDF., Es7Q., ou Decidas tret. iVhilliy, maxeI 14, 1864). eiient on. aud efter Jue te l0ti,, tirY oeil be reoocd pleporcîl 1teuiudestke ail iîpeclîocut l ccery troueli relating 1telite profeslooe zTeliil iled lu the cottperlicI nuier, sud= lnord.BL N Tiielout expewrIcncec f Dmo.Clieder & tANI) Cord amidîlinir thiitukiOm-edt "f the pece- grout t reet.. e to li lrived irote a cicr, fi PZ- ST A T OIN'E IR Y'! mgira.loto f tiioco cii-iicp)orltlt, MCItLeêutlilOF L INS orguu.s, thic tectil. L'pouiiele prerrcsîitî e0F AL DS gpeut iieai cf the lîcoIll, liopîtInec, cT1UI cotafori Fur Sae tth utf iaîind iidtepetie. Thi.ir QccrctiýIoci lu ti.i irace of te professIon coicol fail tIciveic tit CIIRONICLE OFFICE. culy v'oL 11cmen lut time, boeulles i.dlsci els tuOHANCERY SALE. ARTIFICI ALTRETII insurtcîiiî lid, 001- cer, l'lutliPlzt,,at, aslotpo th le oeeirtecl,id t ctIv recot,ulin id eui,,iied l'oe, illtle 9t-OicI coi ccol cepud metiîoitc copto.l 1-1 the 1rfc'ioî,. Tii, ueramt1io f Dro.t'aiiui,î der & (Cadr0ueo rttilli prrfui.d, alit ce îlprooc eur ecd.boît tiîbc & e d ecin- lot cftu verectlcîrtill.i'Jl cetliî.ia&prg toott. uthoc cccctilor. lu tic dîîricliitc t thie miîerial cud. Mcd teliîurnotiY lu tlii INCUAZÃŽCPoRY. binflofeoler,thue iecîîLâtâ&l ol.outo H1, EcloveociJuin IVilîiot, Pliiîff, l' rî,ecir athtetin givru te the. cre utd ielicici tb oveli, licuîy iowell, tolonAu ruetLiciuifehiroclei. 1'î.. lcll itew eTorcuice, W liilic Meic, îîîîc,,d luil> tis ur y M imptortanc uil d h - l.ir Jamces Mclu, Johno U. lcoùtl,John offipring. iai], Estkiril rcîucio W bitc ,etn- Ail oprmations vcrriited cciicsery. Tcrmr ry ItviiRoO14 a rt Il. Itrtt, tle Cocot- rcouuiaiu. Coîîcîîilccltccfice. 20 uî iiàe ilicikotldite Ilani.ciî ltrier, 1.iisciluwi,'cand 8ilceulBoswcorth, ____________________________ Defocduî. J OSEPII RAINER, tmanulac en tef Panos, ad eneri workmac fur thu eîsruofcii ki"ol of MuSl iimteruii,i o, 0w prepar o ure- oivec, and exteueuncil reero eolrecsl.le bite Ail work nttufcccored by hlm viilh. &mmci leet of cqcociworkciuiiil, teacy lu atiiêPe Iii'hcog ISro $150teS48W, eeordlicg te qtiali !y of icicrument. Plitx no.cd uther MStel cinstrumenttuuar' ocitred 10ecur. Ptpuert eckeimlun rode. Alesrs by tuait diroet* P. 0. Whitby, or lit nt hMa owcchou6, e, co f thie (irauic lehool vOil teebu il teicced o Cash for Wool Tenders for Lumnber. EN RXFRS cilli4tteetict tIliteofflicet hu ticî li uitilltt hel ,lt 4h Julat1 .1i60ut t12 'coek o. o tr 40t he60,000ti fouic u leu uuetttr.of - iiccl î'iound li 1 ud i iliuur 12 tfutl Io""ue,0lu l' Clem thoci8 or cucue tauîlà iule'.videl. tteiiitliiig 3 hi% 4, 10 bout 1i"g. 'fîuuiueci tu) 4, 12 cut long. AI]t i l aola moliouici qulily, euitîuhtc fer T 110S. HUSTON, Town et Wliîly, Townu Citth. July 5, 1860. 830 Gold Pend ci ost. L osTr, a (.llponctil cooutiîuiutypes-itelel J..i eilu, sîd pelci iticit calueoicli Tîte it Miloitt rcil 'lutemlliy roccedui, loy boaicuig ilstIlesC'à'ioi descè PEAOK'S RESTAURANT, Nu. , lIseio d Arnus, WiILLSIUPIuLY 8 RE.IKF.USiILNCUEUONS, BtNsNEiS, smppenu, uîîd .1cl Biicisof the "ono PIC.NICS,Jelly Creams. &âcll 0. PEACOCK. Transit Boulec by -dcy or weu. 50 NWTREATMENT! DVFFAI.0 MEISICAL DISPENSÂRY RS~~TuoISUtVoilouTciE crE or /iujeuulttiSDebili4, Feirancd fgus; .dids-,/eilpocn0 iesiSuio»,Clcej cf uiilâ ,uand ua#-, c. Dit. 1AMOS & SON, (coacsti09E Ssii cxcNDcccx clverAtO, O.-cy-) AREtTuE <I)NLY plYSICIAN.4 IN Tii>. A S..tirTfE wnu,,acsiuiueruuîofteRoyol Cii0iî,îof .Strgutu>e", .u'bett, nieccceeoiotiired frue g1clutelin the motciiuguiuttil Vest ucIgli ileve) ccet> e i uile cplu .ilocsoe. Tige treutclt thie) siit ithe utroouuil cf dp- wardo'sî'f30u >eut' ext-uOet îu ad outoruoàfWol nie' 'ilet in Etirope and Atiiericu. A, 39ST oCIEXTI'IC INVENTION- Au iuctruuuuuctlfer thuecre et reoital l)ehtlitY ceor- iiut tiijteintore 1teperiv hîotos att tituliicl O'oiuuto c ti cuc u jriocuitl> Meclih nuu i>e soIeoui ,elot ccc tif tihis iuetrmiOtCUt, ovils udntijit> teuicisico. i-oeCe MES TAKEEPAItTit7l' OTIdE. Bnr. Auicud & Son tachiliOOt O le ilîiiiu tint tlcey Ihâve iccet a ,uîoo t iportIent s ct.tuutititute ecure ttec/ c ieue.Il hbn les ,ietod tu &testhby dtc iogtcciueut y.%utiiiLondo -iipr,-Phiibuthlaisicund w Yok; i l'il, eendloeed thic cci> ,efsliuen.triticctt ecer inucuteld for list eue.of %nitu, %it'eit racty iseusre ofthe #cclimi orgce04Caeletby Selien t hbitei o Dr. Anei dc Soen tes rder te paiot)' the nia-t uheptraiato tle teoritit cf chu taIntruenet 1tug lie,'.1 m>'cr tt i -1Y it-MUlsoue here sl imuy proveococtaielel ate atittrZ lue nol' iii bu c -inutti Irestu'efg lc hln aîcemtinhogcorede. Poissnt vuuiig tee adots ssefetiier3tocteai S OuI ervTe t lothe . oc sit t legaeScpmiy = pdn, mleeeu-eeecYakdsd sent by e prse,%,laescn dollars A dOUtS WAA5Avi-' D3r Almsoe&S e mfur &longýos"et y«T lisovi sud M.l *,*. r- y

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